Pnrr, Giorgetti: "Ora no proroga, ne riparliamo tra un anno"

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "So perfettamente che non esiste disponibilità, oggi, a considerare" una proroga della scadenza della Recovery and Resilience Facility, lo strumento che finanzia il Pnrr. "Ne riparliamo tra un anno. Come in altre situazioni, le posizioni italiane purtroppo all'inizio sembrano isolate o fuori luogo, ma alla fine sono più realistiche di altre". Lo ribadisce il ministro dell'Economia Giancarlo Giorgetti, a Lussemburgo a margine dell'Ecofin.


00:00The bureaucratic mountain and the administrative costs that it has generated and generates have been
00:05reported to virtually all countries, even in the conclusions of the Council.
00:10We, as I know, I personally have reiterated that perhaps evaluating without changing,
00:18obviously, the amount of resources available and so on, a possible extension could be useful.
00:26I see that the Poles have made the same observation.
00:30We know perfectly, I know perfectly that there is no availability today to consider this aspect.
00:37We will talk again in a year, as in other situations, let's say, the Italian positions
00:41unfortunately at the beginning seem isolated or out of place, but in the end they are much
00:48more realistic than other approaches.
