• 6 months ago
Former Riruta MCA Samuel Njoroge has been sentenced to 30 years in Jail for the murder of his wife. https://rb.gy/uuvt0o
00:00 [no audio]
00:24 She must have been terrified. She must have been terrified in the 15 or so minutes she was driven to Magmwene of Kiamburo Yorgot in her husband's vehicle.
00:38 She had left her four-year-old son in the apartment with a nanny.
00:42 At Magmwene, she was verbally assaulted and sexually assaulted by one of the assailants before she was physically assaulted with sulphuric acid.
00:53 She was then left for the dead. She died a day later in hospital.
01:00 In a judgment dated 5th of April 2024, I found Njoo Samundongo Njoroge, Joyce Djambi Mungai, and Wilson Mwangi Mwunga, who I will call the three of these persons,
01:16 guilty of the murder of the deceased on the 24th of January 2018.
01:23 The judgment contains the graphic details of the murder, which are incorporated hereby by reference.
01:29 I'm now required to determine the appropriate sentence to impose on each of you, the three of these persons.
01:37 In order to determine the appropriate sentence, I must remember that the only purposes for which sentences may be legitimately imposed include
01:47 to punish the offender to an extent and in a manner which is just in all of the circumstances,
01:54 to deter the offender or other persons from committing offences of the same or a similar character,
02:00 to establish conditions which may facilitate the rehabilitation of the offender,
02:06 to manifest the denunciation by the court of the conduct in question, and lastly, to protect the community.
02:14 The family members who are present confirm that their views were accurately captured in the pre-sentence report on record,
02:23 and that they did not wish to address the court.
02:27 The face of the family are captured in each of the pre-sentence reports.
02:31 The grandmother of the deceased, Margaret Gashambi, who raised the deceased,
02:35 decried the inhumane manner in which her granddaughter was killed.
02:39 In views reiterated by all the other family members interviewed, including aunts and uncles,
02:46 Shoshua Gashambi stated that the family has never healed from the ordeal and have never forgiven the offenders.
02:54 They simply do not understand how anyone could choose to harm the deceased,
03:00 who they all describe as a peaceful and loving person.
03:04 They hope that, I quote here, "justice will prevail for effective closure and close court."
03:12 [In Swahili]
03:28 [In Swahili]
03:54 [In Swahili]
