• last year
Matt G Morris Coaching went to the darkest place to find his brightest light


00:00 Have you ever made a decision that changed your life forever?
00:04 After a ski trip in Taos, New Mexico, we boarded the plane to fly back home to Tulsa, Oklahoma.
00:11 It was raining and snowing.
00:14 My mom wasn't sure we should fly because of the weather conditions.
00:18 And my dad responded, "The kids have school tomorrow and we've got work."
00:22 And the pilot assured us that everything would be okay.
00:27 The plane took off and everything seemed fine until we got up to about 7,000 feet.
00:32 And then, everything went black.
00:39 The next time I saw light was a month later.
00:45 I found myself in a hospital bed after waking from a coma.
00:50 I couldn't talk, could hardly move, and had tubes all over my body.
00:56 I saw my dad and my sister with crutches.
01:00 I was afraid to ask why my mom wasn't there.
01:04 When I could finally speak a few words, I asked what happened.
01:08 And I was told that we were in a plane crash and that my mom didn't make it.
01:15 It's totally normal to feel sad after these things happen.
01:21 And my mind would sway into the past and then out to the present and back to the past.
01:26 I was stuck.
01:28 When I was a teenager, I had major acne and walked with a limp because I had back problems from the plane crash.
01:35 Consequently, I got bullied.
01:39 Now, I don't know about you, but as a teen, my negative thoughts would beat me up inside.
01:44 "You're not good enough." "No one loves you." "There's no point in living."
01:50 The best way I can describe what it feels like is to imagine a dark cloud hovering over your head that you just can't get away from.
01:58 Imagine feeling trapped, like you aren't motivated to do anything.
02:04 I was afraid to be vulnerable and ask for help.
02:09 One day, my grandma put a book on my desk and said, "I think you might like this book."
02:14 I picked it up and read the cover.
02:18 "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens" by Sean Covey.
02:21 "Thanks, Grandma!" I thought to myself, "Great. My grandma thinks I'm not highly effective."
02:28 I opened the book and started reading.
02:35 There was a lot of good information, but one thing really stood out.
02:39 And it's that your life doesn't just happen.
02:44 Your choices are yours. You choose happiness. You choose sadness. You choose courage. You choose fear.
02:52 Out of perspective shift.
02:56 What if I chose to be proactive and stopped letting my circumstances control me?
03:03 What does a guy who doesn't want to be depressed do?
03:08 He learns how to meet women with his dad.
03:12 And began to start conversations with people in coffee shops, in bars, on the streets, in the mall, riding the bus, everywhere.
03:22 I realized that getting out and talking to people helped me to feel happy.
03:27 This was one of the best memories I had with my dad.
03:30 We had a ton of laughs, awkward moments, and met some incredible people by facing our fears of rejection.
03:37 Through this, I learned that the purpose of life is to connect with others.
03:42 Even just saying, "Hi, how's it going?" opens the door to a life-changing conversation.
03:48 Shortly after this, my dad passed away.
03:54 My dad's death was hard on me.
03:59 But I remember one thing that he told me.
04:04 He said, "What you focus on grows.
04:08 So every day, look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself, 'I am already enough. My life matters.'"
04:18 Say this so much that you believe it and that it becomes part of your internal dialogue.
04:23 Many studies have shown that expressing gratitude helps to alleviate depression.
04:29 I am grateful to be alive.
04:34 I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my dad.
04:38 I am grateful.
04:42 I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my dad.
04:45 I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my dad.
04:49 I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my dad.
04:53 I am grateful for the time I got to spend with my dad.
