88 year abseils down a cliff. Margaret '' there was a moment at the top and i did wonder if i was going to be able to do it;;.

  • 5 months ago
Watch as Margaret aged 88 from Dawley ticks of a box and does her first abseil down an enormous Nescliffe cliff near Shrewsbury. Her legs were slipping on the descent but she did it to the relief of family and friends at the bottom.
00:00 So Margaret, 88 years young, not 88 years old, 88 years young and you're just about to do an abseil down this monstrous cliff.
00:09 What are you played at? What's it all about Margaret?
00:13 I've wanted to do an abseil for quite a time and at Christmas Andrew, my grandson, said you do it Margaret, I'll come with you and we'll do it together.
00:24 So we thought, well, okay, why not do it for a worthy cause, so I decided to do it for the Middle of the Air Ambulance in Cosford.
00:33 Yeah, yeah. And have you ever done anything quite like this before?
00:37 No.
00:38 No? So how are you feeling? I mean, you know, now the day's here, you've seen the hill, the rock. Go on.
00:46 A little bit nervous, yes. Excited.
00:51 Yeah, so you're confident you'll do it? Oh yes. Yeah? Yes. Cool.
00:56 He lied to us, he said it was going to be more gradual this way didn't he?
01:13 It's probably a gradual to be honest.
01:16 You're a bit slippy there.
01:18 How you doing Margaret? It's a bit of a battle to get up here isn't it? Aye?
01:34 We'll get you there. Yeah.
01:37 You're going to have to give me a pull up here. Yeah I will.
01:40 Okay. Cool.
01:44 And we'll get some proper ones.
01:46 It counts as much as my piece of mind doesn't it? Believe it or not.
01:50 Yeah, that's right. Yeah, so maybe shuffle a bit Matt. Remember I've got you on the rope.
01:58 And we're going to get that width now into your legs.
02:03 Now we've got to commit to it.
02:09 (wind)
02:11 That's it, that's it. That's it. Just watch your knees. Try and walk.
02:36 Keep coming Margaret. Try and pull her over this way Karl.
02:40 Yeah. Keep coming. No you need to let go of it Karl for her to pull it through.
02:44 She's going to hit her head. That's it, slowly, slowly.
02:48 Whey!
02:57 You genius.
03:02 Well done Margaret. Well done.
03:05 Now he did say your legs would be like jelly at the end so just be prepared for that.
03:09 Let's just get you on the flat here. Matt we're just walking away.
03:13 I've got more vertigo. You know what you should have chiselled your name half way down on the rock.
03:25 That's what you should have done. It's not too late to go back. Do it again.
03:29 Did Sam use the drone? Yeah, the whole time.
03:33 Did Sam use the drone?
03:35 So how does that feel Margaret? You've got your feet on terra roma.
03:39 Yes. It was the hardest part. Walking up there.
03:44 Yeah, keeping your legs kind of in that position.
03:48 And what about going over the edge, how was that bit?
03:51 That wasn't so bad.
03:53 So Margaret how are you feeling now then? Did you dare look to the side? Are your legs like jelly?
03:58 My legs are like jelly yes.
04:00 What do you think of her Maria? Fantastic. One brave lady.
04:05 She's such an inspiration.
04:07 You've been to the air ambulance base to have a look around haven't you?
04:10 We had a talk with Maria and then we went out to the helicopter and met the crew.
04:16 So now you've done that, you've ticked that off your list haven't you?
04:20 Yes.
04:21 Is it kind of, I loved it, I'll never ever want to do that again in my life or would you be up for another one?
04:26 Not at my age.
04:28 You've ticked that box.
04:31 Yeah, just amazing.
04:34 Cool.
04:35 I didn't tell you what my adrenaline was going, watching you.
04:38 I'm not doing everything.
04:41 Grandma, you go.
04:44 You're going to do it when you're a big girl?
04:47 Yeah.
04:48 What do you think of what your grandma's just done?
04:51 Happy.
04:53 We're going to let the secrets of the trade now, they're going to confide in me.
04:58 You did get up to the top you were just saying and you did think, you know what, I'm not too sure.
05:03 Yeah, I looked down and I thought, oh, am I going to do it?
05:07 But just your whole story, doing this, so inspirational and I guess you pushed through and you must be so glad you did.
05:14 Once I got the position on the top and came back, then it was okay.
05:22 So that's a lesson to people, isn't it?
05:25 You know, we get faced with things sometimes that are scary, but let's all be a bit more Margaret.
