The Beary Family 26 - A Fish Story

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00Le Berry Family, stars Charlie Berry, Bessie Berry and Junior.
00:30Le Bessie Berry et le Bessie Berry
01:00Here, Charlie, have a nice cup of tea. It'll calm you down. Oh, you're as nervous as a bird dog.
01:07I am not nervous and I do not want a cup of tea.
01:11Take the tea, Charlie.
01:15Not nervous, you say. I think you better see a doctor.
01:19I'm not nervous and I'm not gonna see a doctor.
01:23Oh, yes, you are.
01:25Oh, no, I'm not. I am not going to see a doctor.
01:41What's the verdict, Doc?
01:43You are a very nervous man, Mr. Beardy.
01:46You have to relax. Do you have any hobbies?
01:49Well, I watch TV.
01:52But that is not enough. Come, let me show you something.
01:57Here's a little hobby of mine, raising tropical fish.
02:01Very good therapy, just watching them swim around.
02:04Hey, that's a good idea, Doc. I'm going right out and buy a fish tank.
02:42You silly! Those are man-eating piranhas.
02:46Oh, I better see something else.
02:51Hi, Meathead.
02:53Ah, yes.
02:55How about a catfish?
02:57Ah, he's kind of cute. What does he eat?
03:00What else? Mice fish.
03:03Yuck! I'll take the tank outside.
03:06You just pick out about a dozen fish for me.
03:10I'll just put it on top.
03:15This is our finny friend's special assortment.
03:18That'll be $52.
03:34Dog's dead glum rabid levic.
03:40Now I need some water.
03:46Air hose.
04:03Assaulting an officer and damaging city property.
04:06Sign here.
04:11Hey, Mom, Papa's home.
04:18Uh, Junior, bring a bucket of water.
04:22Uh, help me pick up these fish.
04:30Now I'll have to get another tank.
04:34Charlie, what the heck are you doing?
04:37Oh, uh, I bought these tropical fish and, uh,
04:40the doctor said I should have a hobby.
04:42And he said I should watch them swim.
04:50You know I don't like fish.
04:52Now pick them up and take them right back to the store.
04:57Oh, no!
05:10Oh, good day, Mr. Beardy.
05:12My, but you look nervous today.
05:15Did you buy the fish?
05:17No, I didn't.
05:19Oh, you didn't?
05:21Well, I'm sure you did.
05:23But you look nervous today.
05:25Did you buy some fish?
05:27Yeah, here they are.