Michael Orrett attended his son's violin recital not knowing what to expect. The experience helped teach him a very important lesson
00:00Music legend Bob Marley said one good thing about music is that when it hits
00:07you feel no pain. But if Bob Marley heard my son play the violin, he'd have a
00:17totally different opinion. About two months ago my son's music class had
00:22their violin recital and I was invited. I didn't know what to expect so I went.
00:29And the first thing I noticed when I got there was most of the seats were empty.
00:36Most of the parents didn't show up because they knew the horror that
00:45awaited them. I went in and I took a seat then all of a sudden the music teacher
00:53rose his hands ready to conduct. Us parents rose our cell phones and iPads
00:59ready to capture the precious moment. The janitor shook his head and slowly
01:05excused himself.
01:10And then it happened.
01:23An army of elementary school students tortured us with their violins. How could
01:33such pain come from such innocence?
01:38These kids were killing us. But us parents we just sat there. Pretended it
01:44didn't bother us. But deep down I wanted to boo them.
01:50Only our love for the children could help us endure the pain. The concert
01:58continued and us parents found joy in the midst of the suffering. Those
02:04children massacred Mozart. They butchered Beethoven. At that point the music
02:11teacher had enough. And he stopped the music and he went to
02:18each child and adjusted their position and their form. And by making those minor
02:26adjustments those kids still sounded horrible. But they played much better. My
02:38son's violin recital taught me that life is an instrument we're all learning to
02:43play. And some of us have more experience with it than others. And for
02:48those of you who have more experience with this instrument of life, those of
02:53you who've mastered its strokes, please show some empathy to those of us who
02:59don't play so well. After all you used to be here. My son and his classmates they
03:07didn't play so well. But they were learning to play together. We need to
03:14surround ourselves with the right teachers who can properly show us how to
03:18guide the bow across the narrow string. So yes you will hit notes that hurt,
03:25annoy, and offend people. But keep playing and eventually we will all learn to play
03:33in harmony.