• l’année dernière


00:00 [Narrateur] ... and there is. Everyone who lives here is very, very small.
00:06 [Elf] I'm Ben Elf! [Croquement de oie]
00:09 [Princesse Holly] And I'm Princess Holly! [Croquement de oie]
00:12 [Princesse Holly] Come on, let's play! [Elf] Wait for us!
00:16 [Rires]
00:20 [Narrateur] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom.
00:26 Today's adventure starts in outer space!
00:31 Picnic on the moon!
00:36 [Croquement de oie]
00:40 [Narrateur] Elf rocket to mission control! In a few minutes, we will land on the moon!
00:46 Very good, Mr. Elf. You are on target to land in the Sea of Tranquility.
00:53 Lovely! Once we're at the seaside, we can eat our picnic!
00:57 Oh, nanny plum! For the last time, we are not going for a picnic!
01:02 Why not?
01:03 Because this is a serious elf mission to the moon!
01:08 We can still have a picnic!
01:10 [Rires]
01:14 Ready, everyone?
01:16 We are about to go where no elf has gone before!
01:20 Oh, fairy!
01:21 Oh, yes, sorry, Holly. We are going where no elf or fairy has gone before!
01:27 [Rires]
01:31 Wahoo!
01:32 Wahey!
01:33 Look how high I can jump!
01:35 This is brilliant!
01:37 [Rires]
01:39 Alright, that's enough funny business. Here's my timetable for the mission.
01:44 One, land on moon. Done that.
01:47 Two, plant the flag.
01:49 I am now king of the moon!
01:52 [Music]
01:57 Plant the flag. Done.
01:59 Three, go back home.
02:01 But what about the picnic?
02:02 And you missed out the seaside.
02:05 Yes. Where's the Sea of Tranquility? I fancy a paddle.
02:09 The Sea of Tranquility doesn't have water in it. It's full of sand.
02:14 But where do the aliens go when they want to swim?
02:17 Aliens?
02:18 Nanny Plum said there might be aliens on the moon.
02:21 Ha ha! Well, that's just a fairy story.
02:24 [Laughs]
02:25 Ah! An alien!
02:27 Uh, hello?
02:28 Aliens! Amazing!
02:31 [Makes a sound]
02:32 Oh, that's nice. He's saying hello.
02:35 Can you speak alien, Nanny?
02:37 No.
02:38 This is Mission Control. What's going on up there?
02:43 We just met an alien!
02:45 Amazing! This is an historic, momentous occasion.
02:49 This is the biggest thing to happen ever!
02:52 Do you think he'd like a cheese sandwich?
02:54 Nanny Plum, we do not celebrate historic meetings with a cheese sandwich.
03:00 Maybe the aliens can show us where the seaside is.
03:03 There is no sea on the moon, only sand.
03:06 We can still build sandcastles.
03:09 Yes.
03:10 [Laughs]
03:11 Bingo!
03:12 No! Don't start digging up the moon! You'll upset the aliens!
03:16 [Makes a sound]
03:18 Look! The aliens love building sandcastles.
03:21 [Makes a sound]
03:23 Bingo!
03:24 [Makes a sound]
03:26 I'm a bit hungry.
03:28 Me too.
03:29 Time for the picnic!
03:31 No!
03:32 Magic basket, please.
03:34 Magic! Nanny Plum, are you waving your magic wand around?
03:39 I haven't got my wand, remember? It wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission.
03:44 Ah, yes.
03:45 Anyway, the magic picnic basket doesn't need a wand to work.
03:49 You just ask it for what you want.
03:52 Magic basket, please. Make us sandwiches with ham and cheese.
03:58 Hooray!
04:00 And now for pudding! Magic jelly!
04:04 Magic jelly!
04:06 Ah, Nanny Plum, we don't want another jelly flood.
04:10 Oh, it'll be fine.
04:12 Nanny Plum, I want you to think very carefully about what you are doing.
04:18 Whatever. Magic basket, please. Jelly, jelly!
04:23 What's it doing?
04:27 Oh, no! I forgot to say, not a lot.
04:30 Ah! Jelly flood!
04:33 Nanny, that's too much jelly!
04:36 Oh, dear.
04:38 Whoa! Jelly flood!
04:41 What's happening?
04:43 Nanny Plum has flooded the Sea of Tranquility with jelly.
04:47 Nanny Plum! All the maps of the moon will have to be changed.
04:55 The Sea of Tranquility is now the Sea of Jelly.
05:00 Sorry.
05:01 Sorry? The aliens will be very upset.
05:05 But the aliens like the jelly. They're eating it all up.
05:11 They love it. I'd better make some more. Magic basket...
05:16 No! Nanny Plum, I forbid you to make any more jelly on this mission.
05:22 But look at the aliens' sad little faces. They're still hungry.
05:26 No more magic jelly.
05:29 OK. I was looking forward to having a bit of jelly myself.
05:34 Oh!
05:35 Nanny, we can't eat the picnic anyway. Our space helmets are in the way.
05:41 That's the last straw. No water in the sea and we can't eat food.
05:46 What kind of picnic is this?
05:48 It's not a picnic!
05:50 OK. Let's go home.
05:52 Nanny Plum's right. It's time to go.
05:55 Well, that's what I've been saying.
05:59 Bye-bye, aliens!
06:01 Bye!
06:02 Bye-bye!
06:03 I like aliens!
06:06 Yes, they're lovely!
06:09 Everybody get ready for take-off. I will set the controls for...
06:14 Oh!
06:15 What is it?
06:16 Fuel tank is empty.
06:18 Ah! We seem to be out of fuel.
06:21 What does that mean?
06:22 We are stuck on the moon forever!
06:27 Oh, no!
06:28 What? What's wrong?
06:30 I put enough fuel in the rocket to get to the moon, but I forgot about getting back.
06:36 Oh, dear! That was a bit silly.
06:38 Yes, yes, it was very silly.
06:41 It's all because of your little elf rules.
06:43 If you'd let us bring our fairy wands, we could have used magic to get us back.
06:47 There's been quite enough magic for one day with that picnic basket of yours.
06:52 I didn't mean to make so much magic jelly!
06:55 Of course!
06:57 Nanny Plum, listen carefully.
07:00 I want you to put the magic basket into the fuel tank.
07:04 Why?
07:05 There's no time for questions. Just do it.
07:09 Here's the fuel tank, Nanny Plum.
07:13 Now, ask the magic basket for jelly.
07:17 What? But you said no more magic jelly. Remember?
07:21 I know I did, but this is an emergency.
07:24 Okay. How much jelly do you want?
07:27 A lot.
07:28 Right-o!
07:29 What? How will that help?
07:31 The jelly comes out of the magic basket at amazing speed.
07:35 We can use the power of jelly to make the rocket fly back home.
07:41 If I'd said that, you'd say I was being silly.
07:44 But it's not you saying it. It's me.
07:47 And the wise old elf is very wise, Nanny Plum.
07:51 I suppose he is a bit clever.
07:53 Okay, let's give it a go.
07:55 Magic basket, please.
07:57 Jelly, jelly! Lots, lots, lots!
08:00 Oh, hang on, everyone!
08:05 It worked! Hurray!
08:18 Hurray!
08:19 Elf rocket to control!
08:26 We are heading back to the little kingdom.
08:29 Using jelly power.
08:31 Hurray!
08:32 They're on their way home.
08:35 Mr. Elf, please land the elf rocket in the frog pond.
08:42 Right-o!
08:47 Where are they?
08:49 There they are!
08:50 Stand back, everyone!
08:54 Launch the dinghy!
09:05 We're home!
09:07 Welcome back, Ben and Holly!
09:09 We flew to the moon and back.
09:13 The mission was a complete success.
09:16 Thanks to the wonders of elf cleverness.
09:19 Thanks to my magic jelly, you mean.
09:21 What?
09:22 Without my magic jelly, we'd still be on the moon.
09:25 Now, now, Nanny. Let's not argue over the little details.
09:29 Let's just say elf skill got us to the moon and fairy magic got us home.
09:35 Hurray!
09:37 Subtitling by ZPZS
09:41 Thanks to my Tipeurs...
09:45 Thanks to my Tipeurs...
09:51 *Musique*
