Presse monde - 17/04/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 17/04/2024


00:00Hello, let's start our international press interview with a traffic jam in San Francisco.
00:10The famous Golden Gate Bridge was blocked by pro-Palestinian demonstrators on Monday.
00:15A15Action is a movement that seeks to block key infrastructures around the world in solidarity
00:21with Palestine, reports Le Monde.
00:23The demonstrators who blocked entrances or exits on this side of the Californian city
00:28marked a banner saying,
00:29Stop the World for Gaza.
00:32Other demonstrations took place around the port of Athens in Greece,
00:36around Barcelona in Spain
00:38and in front of the office of the Australian Foreign Minister in Adelaide.
00:44Iran-Israel, an escalation in the form of poker liar.
00:47The article of Orient 21 confirms that the Iranian attack is not without advantages for Israel,
00:52which is taking advantage of the situation to divert the attention of its war,
00:55genocide in Gaza and its crimes in West Jordan.
00:59Israel also hopes to mobilize a new Western support,
01:03which it has recently lost a part or at least the unanimity.
01:07However, Biden's announcements to Netanyahu show that Washington
01:11does not want to participate in future Israeli operations.
01:14Washington is pressuring to contain the war and limit the damage in the region,
01:19but not in the Gaza Strip.
01:22Public health in Kenya is taken between doctors and the government,
01:26as stated in the BBC.
01:28In the capital, Nairobi, Kiara Hospital,
01:31the obstetrician does not accept women who need a caesarean
01:35because there are no doctors to perform the operation.
01:38Doctors there and throughout the country have been on strike for about a month.
01:43Patients are now forced to go to private, expensive hospitals
01:47or to delay their treatment,
01:49which leads to an increase in chronic diseases and sometimes deaths.
01:53Doctors are on strike and are only aware of it,
01:56but their working conditions and lack of equipment
02:00prevent them from treating patients properly.
02:02Salaries and the refusal to hire intern doctors
02:05who cannot qualify without obtaining an intern position.
02:10Even in post, they only supervise death,
02:13explains the General Secretary of the Doctors' Union.
02:18Medical deserts are multiplying in France,
02:20to such an extent that according to a Senate report from 2022,
02:2430% of the French population is a victim.
02:27To remedy this, the Association of Solidary Doctors
02:29allows generalists to stay for a week in the village of Ajain,
02:34living in humanity.
02:35Every week, a new generalist doctor settles in the local office
02:39before giving way to the next.
02:41By highlighting this initiative,
02:43the documentary Lend-Me-Your-Doctor
02:45recalls the cruel dissonance that is exercised about the association.
02:49Individuals are seen in the obligation to alleviate the state's shortcomings.
02:54Pedopsychiatry is suffering an impressive upheaval
02:57with an unparalleled number of vacant positions in France.
03:0030% of hospital psychiatry positions are non-titular.
03:04This is what we read in the IB.
03:05Nearly 20 departments in France do not have the slightest specialist.
03:09The waiting lists are endless.
03:11You have to count six months on average.
03:13And finally, a general context of the multiplication of psychiatric pathologies
03:18in children and adolescents since confinement.
03:21This is the subject of the report of Professor Bruno Falissard,
03:24who presides over the French Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
03:28and the associated disciplines.
03:31A page of neuroscience now,
03:33to end on a note of hope,
03:35revolutionary neuroprosthesis restores the walk for a case of Parkinson's.
03:40A fluid, confident walk without falling
03:42has become possible by reducing the phenomenon of freezing,
03:45the blockage that literally sticks the feet to the ground in some patients.
03:49Unlike conventional Parkinson's treatments
03:52that target areas of the brain directly affected
03:55by the loss of dopamine-producing neurons,
03:58this neuroprosthesis electrically simulates the area of the spinal cord
04:02responsible for the activation of leg muscles during walking,
04:06which is, a priori, not directly linked to Parkinson's.
04:11The spinal cord, however, is under the voluntary control of the motor cortex,
04:15whose capacity is affected by the loss of dopaminergic neurons.
04:21That's it for the International Press Review.
04:23Thank you for following it. Have a great day.