Nasce Previverso, il welfare action-lab di Arca Fondi Sgr e Talents In Motion

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Arca Fondi SGR, tra le principali realtà nel panorama del risparmio gestito italiano, e Talents In Motion, il primo progetto la prima iniziativa di Corporate Social Responsibility finalizzata ad aumentare l’attrattività dell’Italia per i talenti italiani e stranieri, lanciano Previverso, il primo welfare action-lab dedicato alle nuove generazioni. Un vero e proprio laboratorio di idee che ha l'obiettivo di esplorare le sfide e le opportunità legate alla previdenza e che gode del supporto di un comitato scientifico altamente qualificato, costituito da 15 esperti di varie discipline.


00:00 The first project of Social Responsibility aimed at increasing the attractiveness of Italy for Italian and foreign talents,
00:06 launched Previverso, the first welfare action lab dedicated to the new generations.
00:12 A real laboratory of ideas that enjoys the support of a highly qualified scientific committee,
00:18 consisting of experts from the field of social responsibility,
00:23 and a team of 15 experts from various disciplines.
00:30 We need to find new forms of prevention to guarantee a serene future
00:36 and a greater productivity in companies and a channelization of savings towards the real economy.
00:42 We have thought of being able to go beyond, trying to do something that produces solutions
00:49 that are implementable and that are not simply tax discounts,
00:56 but that alter and modify in a more effective way the institutional set of Italian savings.
01:09 From a study carried out by Talents in Motion on a champion of 1,482 interviewees,
01:14 entitled "Previdence complements the impact on young adults",
01:18 it emerges that 81% of young people between 20 and 35 years old do not have adequate knowledge of pension funds
01:25 and only a minority, 16%, make active use of them.
01:29 It is very significant how much the majority of the interviewees expressed values,
01:35 from 92% that prefer companies that take care of the complementary presence,
01:41 to 96% that consider complementary presence an important asset of the welfare system,
01:48 to 73% that would ask the ICCHARD to join a complementary presence fund.
01:54 These are all answers that go in one direction.
02:01 Young people feel the need from their companies to take care of their financial and financial future.
02:12 Investing in welfare allows companies to improve on three areas of performance,
02:17 growth of revenues, greater engagement and parenthood.
02:21 Within the corporate welfare and the tools that companies can use,
02:26 we find among the main ones the complementary presence,
02:30 because this is the sphere of the individual and family well-being of medium and long term,
02:36 therefore the aspects that affect the individual's life at the end of the work relationship.
02:42 Corporate welfare is also valuable in the ESG transition of companies.
02:47 There is a lot of attention today regarding the total reward,
02:51 that is, the overall situation for which people find compensation for the work they do in companies.
02:59 Let's not forget that we are a bit under the spotlight at the moment,
03:04 because stakeholders are increasingly attentive to these issues,
03:08 in evaluating their approach to various organizations.
