• last year
(Adnkronos) - Basta attacchi indiscriminati e fake news sulle produzioni agroalimentari di eccellenza, no a cibi artificiali o a base cellulare fatti in laboratorio. Si ad una maggiore trasparenza in etichetta a tutela del consumatore.

E’ la richiesta che il presidente della Coldiretti Ettore Prandini ha rilanciato da Napoli nel corso della Conferenza Internazionale sulla Mozzarella di Bufala campana Dop e altri prodotti lattiero-caseari


00:00Bassa, fake news on agri-foods, more protection for our products, but you also ask for transparency in the labels.
00:13Yes, let's start with the transparency of the labels, giving the right information to citizens and consumers.
00:18We are convinced that this is the correct way to win Italian agri-foods and our excellences, especially those linked to the DOP.
00:27Under this point of view, the latest reform made at the European level gives us even more strength in the context of the various Member States,
00:36in defending our productions, but we still have to do a lot related to internationalization, exports.
00:43We have a lot of things to do to increase the economic value recognized by the entire DOP,
00:50in this case from mozzarella to buffalo to DOP, but above all as regards the entire agri-food sector.
00:58It is enough to remember that 2024 will be a particularly significant year,
01:03where, if the first data of the first months are confirmed, we will exceed or come very close to 70 billion linked to exports.
01:13All this, combined with what we can do in terms of efficiency, data management and blockchain,
01:22will put us in a position to inform not only European citizens through the labels as we have known them until today,
01:31but also through new systems. A QR code can give all the information, where that milk comes from, where that product comes from,
01:39thus giving a certainty that will certainly make the Italian agri-food win.
01:55I think the importance of this congress that is taking place today has exactly the aim of putting at the center a strategy related to exports.
02:05Today, as regards mozzarella, buffalo and DOP, it is focused mainly on a national context.
02:13Some exports, we believe that with the right modifications, we can also conquer further countries.
02:21In this way, we create that value that also becomes a steering wheel, not only for agri-food, but also for tourism.
02:29Because when our products are tasted, there is curiosity on the part of the citizens of other countries to come and visit the areas of origin.
02:39This can be a very important steering wheel for a reason such as the countryside, which has a unique beauty in terms of landscapes
02:47and which can become a steering wheel, I repeat, also for many other productive sectors, such as craftsmanship, such as commerce,
02:54which have characterized us in the history of our country by giving so many people the opportunity to be satisfied with the work they were doing.
03:02Unfortunately, the dynamics of globalization that have taken place have made us lose sight of what historically, I repeat, has always characterized us and that we would like to rediscover.
03:12President, the campaign is one of the most active against differentiated autonomy. What is the position of the Goal Direct?
03:18But I think that there are, at this moment, there is a situation where there are those who are totally in favor or totally against.
03:27The right way in between can be the correct solution. We must certainly accompany all areas of the midday without being penalized.
03:37We are convinced, we have stated it several times, that the midday of our country can be an economic springboard for the whole of Italy.
03:46So it should not be seen in terms of criticism, but of future prospect as an opportunity.
03:52Contextually, if we talk about service to the person, autonomy can also make sense.
03:58If we talk about strategic issues such as internationalization,
04:03it is absurd that this should be delegated to the regions, because we must promote and sell Italy to the world and, I repeat, not to the individual regions.
04:11President, Europe has also taken an interest in Italian agriculture and fishing.
04:17What is expected of the Italian agriculture?
04:28I hope that Europe will take a different path from the last Commission.
04:34Just think about the demonization that agriculture has experienced on environmental issues related to sustainability,
04:43creating total disinformation towards citizens, almost making them believe that the issue of emissions in the atmosphere and climate change
04:52was largely the responsibility of the agricultural and agri-food sector.
04:56It is true that it is exactly the opposite.
04:58Thanks to the work of farmers, we also maintain all the internal areas of which too little is spoken, which we consider a great added value.
05:07Connected to this, of course, Europe will need courage.
05:13For example, on the common agricultural policy.
05:16It is often underlined how much resources Europe invests in the common agricultural policy.
05:21It is nothing compared to what the United States invests, about four times more than what Europe does.
05:28From this point of view, if we want to talk about transition, this must be accompanied,
05:35but if we also want to talk about challenges of an innovative nature in terms of precision agriculture,
05:41we will need community resources because alone companies, and above all individual member states, will not be able to do it.
