Droni e satelliti per prevenire malattie delle piante, presentato a Bari il progetto Agreed

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Utilizzare droni, satelliti, radar e sensori per monitorare i campi e prevenire l'insorgenza di fitopatologie. Questo lo scopo del progetto AGREED, AGRiculture, GREEn & Digital, il nuovo sistema europeo d’avanguardia realizzato dall’italiana Corvallis (Gruppo Tinexta), azienda cyber tra i principali fornitori di servizi IT nel settore finanziario italiano, in collaborazione con la sede italiana di CIHEAM-Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes, Politecnico di Bari, Hort@, Cini, Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”, CMCC (Centro Europeo Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici) e Infobiotech.

Il progetto si propone di utilizzare diverse tecnologie per realizzare un sistema integrato di sorveglianza, tracciabilità, previsione e gestione a basso impatto ambientale delle più gravi malattie che colpiscono le principali produzioni ortofrutticole dell’Italia meridionale, come l’olivo, la vite, gli agrumi e il pomodoro.


00:00 Prevent diseases in plants using drones, digital platforms and satellites.
00:09 This is the project of EGRID, Agriculture Green and Digital,
00:12 made by Corvalis and the T-Nexta group in collaboration with various academic and scientific bodies,
00:18 including the CMCC, the European Central Mediterranean Center for Climate Change.
00:23 Presented this morning in Bari, the project proposes to use different technologies
00:28 to create an integrated system of surveillance, traceability and prediction of diseases
00:32 that affect the horticultural production, especially in southern Italy.
00:36 It is a very complex tool, which aims to integrate technologies that are extremely different from them.
00:44 It goes from remote sensing, so from satellite images, to IoT,
00:49 so to very specific information on the territory.
00:54 In the middle we also use drone images and even images taken with the smartphone of the user's phone,
01:01 which the user can insert into the platform and have a diagnosis of the pathology that appears on a leaf.
01:11 Perhaps the most important novelty is the development of a sensor
01:16 that is able to detect the pathologies in the early stages of the infection.
01:23 So when the symptoms are not yet developed.
01:26 So together with the predictive models and also a diagnosis that can be carried out in the field of molecular type,
01:34 it can also intervene, because GRID does not only talk about how to identify a pathology,
01:41 but also how to intervene.
01:43 It can intervene with systems that are fixed, such as the Microjet 28, or with the drone,
01:53 also using products with low environmental impact, such as hydrogen peroxide.
