Team Galaxy S01 Ep2 - Intergalactic Road Trip

  • il y a 6 mois


00:00 [Générique]
00:17 - Oh ! Maintenant j'ai le chance d'échapper !
00:19 - Pas si vite, bébé ! Personne ne s'échappe de mon joint sans s'en débrouiller !
00:26 - Aaaaah !
00:27 - D'une façon... ou d'une autre...
00:30 [Explosion]
00:32 - Attention à tous les étudiants !
00:36 Aujourd'hui, le temps est très froid, soleil, bleu, nuage...
00:40 Passez un bon jour !
00:42 - Je ne vois pas pourquoi vous pensez que le Hornet est mal fonctionné, Josh !
00:45 Il s'est bien opéré hier !
00:47 - Hé ! C'est bon !
00:49 - Je ne sais pas...
00:50 - Selon le manuel des étudiants de la Galaxie High,
00:52 les mécaniques qualifiées sont autorisées à travailler sur le spacecraft !
00:56 - Juste donner de l'eau et de la calme, petit frère !
00:59 - OK, d'accord ! Mais si on est en trouble, c'est à votre faute !
01:02 Activez le moteur !
01:04 - Reste calme, mon garçon ! Ce n'est pas fini !
01:16 Allez, Bret, ne le déchale pas ! Fumez-le !
01:19 - Hey, les gars ! Qu'est-ce que vous faites ?
01:25 - Oh, non !
01:27 - Vous avez un coup de coeur ? Je peux vraiment faire !
01:29 Je faisais du corneau à ce restaurant de barbecue et...
01:32 - Oh, non ! Quelqu'un a cassé ce truc !
01:40 - Aidez-moi !
01:42 - Maman !
01:53 - Bret !
01:55 - Bienvenue, classe !
02:06 Prenez un siège et préparez-vous pour faire un voyage virtuel
02:10 dans le magnifique système P3 !
02:13 - Des piqûres de Pluto !
02:18 Que se passe t-il avec vous, mon jeune cadet ?
02:21 - Je suis bien, Mr. Spizzleclip, juste un peu sauvage.
02:24 - Pas grâce à vous !
02:26 - Regarde le côté brillant, Squirt !
02:28 Tu as enfin pu voler le shuttle !
02:30 - Très bien, alors ! Commençons par revoir les planètes de P3 !
02:34 Hologramme, tournez !
02:36 - Wow ! - Génial !
02:41 - C'est Auroronexium, Beta Centauri et, dernier mais pas le moins,
02:45 Minimus Maximus, aussi connu comme le petit grand planète,
02:49 qui est en fait 5 systèmes de l'univers du cosmos.
02:52 - Mr. S, pourquoi vous avez oublié ce petit planète près de votre bouton de ventre ?
02:55 Tu sais, le petit qui est aussi mignon !
02:58 - Ah, oui !
03:01 Je l'ai oublié parce que ce n'est pas un planète du tout,
03:05 mais plutôt un grand vaisseau de l'espace appelé "Les Joueurs Célestiaux".
03:09 - Oh, j'ai lu de ce lieu dans "Le Cadet de l'espace, Quirrely" !
03:12 C'est un vaisseau d'entretien pour des enfants !
03:15 - C'est une des raisons pour lesquelles les étudiants de la galerie de haut niveau
03:18 sont prohibés d'aller là-bas.
03:20 L'autre raison est parce que "Les Joueurs Célestiaux" est très dangereux.
03:24 - Dangereux ? Comment dangereux exactement ?
03:27 - Disons que la Force Noire a été connu pour patroniser le lieu.
03:31 - Pardonnez l'interruption,
03:33 mais je dois voir le Cadet Joshua dans mon bureau, sur le double.
03:36 - Nanana, Sword, tu as raison !
03:39 - Ouais, au moins je peux passer de classe.
03:41 - Et bien sûr, je dois voir les Cadets Brett et Yoko aussi.
03:44 - Quoi ?!
03:46 - Mais Principal Kirkpatrick, ce n'était pas de ma faute !
03:48 - Et je suis juste dans le quartier pour faire du roller-dancing !
03:51 Tu penses vraiment que je vais me dépasser mon carrière d'entretien
03:54 en faisant partie d'un stunt comme celui-ci ?
03:56 - Le fait est que c'était son idée !
03:58 - Bien, tout except le crash de la Hornet.
04:00 - Vous avez servi à l'école en tant qu'équipe,
04:02 et vous serez punis en tant qu'équipe.
04:04 Vous allez donc tous travailler à la chute du Graveyard ce soir,
04:06 en patrouillant l'atmosphère de la Terre.
04:08 - Mais... - Mais rien ! Vous êtes dénoncés.
04:11 - Pas si vite, Cadet !
04:13 Parce que tu es mon fils, je suis particulièrement déçu de toi.
04:17 - Alors, ça veut dire que tu me fais enfin sortir de l'école ?
04:19 - Au contraire !
04:20 Depuis maintenant, je vais garder un œil plus proche de toi.
04:24 - Ah, tu es...
04:26 - Hornet 01, ici Galaxy High Control.
04:37 Rapportez le statut, over.
04:39 - Rapporté, commandant. Rien à rapporter, over et out.
04:42 - Oui, rien à rapporter, sauf que je suis fatigué de ma tête.
04:45 - C'est de votre faute !
04:47 Vous ne devriez pas me faire utiliser la Space Hornet pour un grillage à la hot-dog !
04:50 - Je ne pouvais pas m'aider !
04:52 Je veux dire, pas de blague, mais pour un génie de garçon,
04:54 vous êtes incroyablement gueulois.
04:56 - Je sais que ça va finir sur mon record permanent.
05:00 Au moins, tu n'es pas coincé ici,
05:02 quand tu devrais être de retour dans ton chambre de chambre,
05:04 en train de pratiquer les exercices vocaux.
05:06 - Oui, désolé, Yo.
05:07 Je vais devoir me faire tomber.
05:09 - Non, non !
05:10 - Je vais me faire tomber !
05:12 - Ce sera une nuit plus longue que je ne l'ai jamais pensé !
05:14 - Je vais tirer la lumière et aller loin dans ce rêve couleur bleu !
05:24 - Nanana...
05:27 - Hey, qu'est-ce que c'est ?
05:29 - Bonjour, mes amis !
05:32 Vous êtes fatigués de la course de la Space Hornet ?
05:34 Vous avez besoin de repos de tout le chaos cosmique dans votre vie ?
05:36 Venez à Célestial Players !
05:38 Sans perdre la galaxie !
05:39 Venez à Unwomb !
05:41 - Cool !
05:43 Qu'est-ce que tu penses, on va faire un bêtisier sur cette mission
05:45 et on va se faire échapper à Célestial Players pour quelques heures ?
05:47 - Oublie-le, Josh !
05:48 Même si c'était incroyablement glittérant,
05:50 il n'y a pas de façon de partir de près de ce lieu.
05:52 - Oui, tu as entendu ce que Mr. S a dit.
05:54 Célestial Players est très dangereux.
05:56 - J'ai-je mentionné que Célestial Players
05:58 est un playground de jeux d'amour
06:00 qui inclut des activités excitantes,
06:01 comme la danse, des shows magiques,
06:02 et des contests de karaoke nocturne ?
06:04 - Vive Célestial Players !
06:06 - Contests de karaoke ?
06:08 Qu'est-ce qu'on attend ?
06:10 Vas-y, Josh ! Vas-y !
06:11 - T'es fou ?
06:12 La Force nocturne peut être là !
06:14 - Exactement !
06:15 Maintenant, détends-toi, Shrip.
06:16 - Wouhou !
06:17 Célestial Players, ici on vient !
06:21 - Wouhou !
06:22 - Célestial Players, on se prépare pour le dock.
06:37 - Wow !
06:40 C'est encore plus brillant en vie !
06:43 - Je ne peux pas croire que je vais m'y mettre.
06:46 - Bien, crois-le, garçon,
06:47 parce qu'il n'y a pas de retour maintenant.
06:50 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:52 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:53 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:54 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:55 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:56 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:57 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:58 - C'est bon, on y va.
06:59 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:00 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:01 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:02 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:03 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:04 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:05 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:06 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:07 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:08 - C'est bon, on y va.
07:09 - You might want to adjust the obedience settings when we get home.
07:21 - Who's the boss baby? That's right, Pompadour's the boss. Pompadour! Yes, Mr. Dark Force, sir,
07:38 how can I be of service to your evilness, your scariness, your fireiness, sir? Oh, Mr.
07:44 Baby, sir, how can I, how can I, how can I...
07:47 - Silence!
07:48 - Yes, sir.
07:49 - Three Galaxy Eye students have infiltrated Celestial Players. You will deliver them to
07:55 me next shipment.
07:56 - Oh, whatever you say, your Dark Oneness. After all, you're the boss.
08:02 - Check it out, this place rules.
08:09 - Looks pretty dumb to me.
08:10 - Are you tired of the outer space rat race? Need a break? Hello, Earthlings.
08:14 - Easy break.
08:15 - Just a reminder, the time is running out to sign up for the nightly Celestial Players
08:20 karaoke competition, so quit stalling and come calling.
08:24 - This is it, my big break. The next time you see me, I'll be famous. Ciao.
08:31 - Hmm, guess that just leaves us.
08:34 - Sorry, little guy, but I've got some major teenage rebelling to do. I think it's best
08:38 if we split up.
08:39 - Split up?
08:40 - Hey, trust me, you'll have a blast on your own. Besides, it'll only be for an hour.
08:44 - An hour? What am I supposed to do in this intellectual boink for an hour?
08:48 - On second thought, let's make that two hours.
08:56 - Mmh, licorice.
08:59 - All righty then. I wonder where they keep the excitement in this place.
09:18 - Ah!
09:20 - Nice, this looks like my kind of craft.
09:23 - Ah! Ah!
09:26 - Ah!
09:28 - Okay, boys, playtime's over. Let an expert show you how it's really done.
09:35 - Get lost. We don't play with humans.
09:38 - Oh, I get it. You're chicken.
09:42 - Us afraid of you, that's a plus.
09:47 - Okay, what do you say we drop in three parasites and all of them are gonna die?
09:51 - Okay, what do you say we drop in three parasites and I'll play two holes?
09:54 - More.
09:56 - Let's go.
10:01 - You're on, human.
10:04 - Booyah!
10:14 - Hey, looks like I won the first round. Who's up for another?
10:20 - I'll take that as a no.
10:23 - This guy's been business. Attack, mo' puppy.
10:36 - Come on, time for a detour.
10:47 - Okay, I'll settle for a hiding spot.
10:50 - Forget him. Let's get back to our game.
11:06 - Nice move, Fluff. Those meatheads totally fell for it.
11:15 - Let's just pretend we didn't hear that.
11:18 - Are you crazy? We just got out of trouble, now you wanna find more?
11:28 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
11:41 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
11:43 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
11:47 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
11:50 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
11:54 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
11:57 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:00 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
12:03 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:06 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
12:09 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:12 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
12:15 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:18 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
12:21 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:24 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
12:27 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:30 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
12:33 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:36 - We better go warn Yoko and Brett.
12:39 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:42 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:45 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:48 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:51 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:54 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
12:57 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:00 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:03 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:06 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:09 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:12 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:15 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:18 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:21 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:24 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:27 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:30 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:33 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:36 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:39 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:42 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:45 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:48 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:51 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:54 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
13:57 - I'm with you, Fluff. Maybe this road trip wasn't such a hot idea after all.
14:00 - I'm going to be handing over a few galaxy-high teenyboppers with my shipment.
14:05 - You monsters! What did you do to him? Can't you see he's just a kid?
14:10 - They didn't do anything to me, but they gave me a stomachache.
14:14 - And it's all your fault for making me come here!
14:17 - Now let me give you a little taste of what Pompadour has in store.
14:28 - So that's it! The Dark Force!
14:31 - It's more evil-looking than the textbooks described!
14:34 - And way more dramatic, too!
14:36 - I mean, talk about making an entrance.
14:38 - So long, kiddies!
14:41 - And thank you for choosing Celestial Players as your resort destination!
14:46 - Oh man, that thing looks really angry!
14:51 - Hey, don't worry, bud. We'll get you out of there.
14:54 - Juste, never one this hot. - Great. What are we going to do?
14:58 - Puppy! - Ripcord, close the roof!
15:01 - Yeah! Atta boy, Fluff!
15:17 - That's it! I told you to watch the leather, Gloofo!
15:20 - That's what you get when you mess with the Princess of Pop.
15:41 - I'm not a princess!
15:43 - That's what you get when you mess with the Princess of Pop.
15:46 - Hey, somebody needs to lay off all your canine buffet!
15:50 - Don't worry, I'll handle this one!
15:54 - No need to get up. We'll see ourselves out.
16:01 - That's even worse than Yoko's singing!
16:08 - Excuse me?
16:09 - Sorry, yo, but as your teammates, we've got to be honest with you.
16:12 - Oh!
16:13 - What's going on here?
16:17 - Bring me my space chariot, baby! And make it snappy!
16:41 - Yeah! We did it! We gave those slimeballs the slip!
16:45 - Yeah, except for the three slimeballs tailing us.
16:48 - Let's see if they can tail this!
16:53 - They're still on us! Enclosing in fast!
17:05 - They're still on us! Enclosing in fast!
17:07 - Maybe going through this asteroid field will change their minds.
17:16 - Hang on!
17:25 - Hang on!
17:26 - I think Calvian might be able to get a whole lot thicker!
17:36 - Woohoo!
17:40 - Woohoo!
17:47 - Yee-haw!
17:49 (Bip bip bip bip bip bip)
17:51 - Look out, Josh! Asteroid on your starboard!
18:03 - Whoa!
18:05 - Lasers now!
18:10 (Bip bip bip bip bip bip)
18:12 - Whoa!
18:21 - Yeah!
18:25 - The big guy with the funny hair is still on our stern!
18:37 - Whoa!
18:38 - Yee-haw!
18:40 - Quick! Change course to 13.013 and cut through that hole!
18:53 - You better rethink your coordinates, kid. I might be crazy, but I'm not that crazy!
18:57 - There is nothing wrong with my coordinates! And I'm not a kid!
19:01 - Now I know a road trip was a bad idea!
19:03 - Whoa!
19:04 - Ah!
19:11 - Looks like my luck's just run out, baby.
19:15 - Yeah!
19:16 - We did it! - We did it!
19:21 - Yeah!
19:22 - Galaxy High Control, this is Hornet 01. Permission to land, over.
19:26 - Hornet 01, clear to land.
19:28 - Roger.
19:29 - We're going to land.
19:30 - We're going to land.
19:31 - We're going to land.
19:32 - Hornet 01, cleared for landing, over.
19:35 - At precisely 0200 hours this AM, the Galaxy High spy sat lost sight of your craft.
19:40 - Explain yourselves.
19:41 - Uh, well, you see, Principal Kirkpatrick, Celestio players flew through our airspace last night.
19:46 - So we followed it outside the galaxy.
19:49 - Which would indicate why the spy sat lost sight of us.
19:52 - And long story short, we captured the ship's outlaw captain.
19:55 - So, I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:02 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:05 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:07 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:09 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:11 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:13 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:15 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:17 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:19 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:21 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:23 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:25 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:27 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:29 - And I'm the captain of the Galaxy High.
20:31 [all talking at once]
20:34 [all laughing]
20:37 [all laughing]
20:39 *Générique*
