The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 161-170

  • 5 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️;#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story


00:00:00 Episode 161 Warm Kisses
00:00:07 Kevin was the first to get off and open the door for Claire.
00:00:10 She got out of the car and walked to the house's front door.
00:00:14 For a full three minutes, she couldn't move.
00:00:17 Kevin didn't say anything either.
00:00:19 Instead, he just stood behind her, quietly looking at her back.
00:00:24 Kevin knew that this house in front of her meant the world.
00:00:28 They'd been being married for three years and had to live off of the little they had.
00:00:32 Yet every morning, she would wake up, breathe in fresh air, and watch the sunrise over a
00:00:38 neighborhood she dreamed of living in.
00:00:40 Kevin had dreamed for the past three years of this moment where he could finally be honest
00:00:44 with his wife.
00:00:46 Finally, he could make her happy.
00:00:49 "Honey, this house, is it ours?"
00:00:54 Although she already knew the answer deep down, she still couldn't believe it.
00:00:59 Her voice was shaking.
00:01:01 He smiled and walked to her side.
00:01:04 He put the key into her hand and said, "This house is our home.
00:01:09 Try it if you don't believe me."
00:01:11 She took a deep breath and walked to the door.
00:01:15 She didn't understand why, but her palms grew sweaty as she reached for the handle.
00:01:21 It took a while before the key was inserted.
00:01:24 "Let's see if I can open it," he said softly from behind.
00:01:29 "Yes," she nodded lightly.
00:01:32 Then he twisted.
00:01:33 It opened.
00:01:34 It opened!
00:01:35 The moment she opened the door, her mind went blank.
00:01:40 She couldn't even stand properly.
00:01:42 She reacted only when Kevin came up from behind her and gently held her waist.
00:01:48 After that, he pushed open the door, and the room was filled with clean and minimalistic
00:01:54 black and white furniture.
00:01:56 It wasn't very dazzling, nor was it necessarily magnificent.
00:02:00 The interior was clean, simple, comfortable, and warm.
00:02:05 "Do you like it?"
00:02:07 Claire had always said that she liked the simple interior decor.
00:02:11 Kevin had always kept that in mind, so when he asked Michael to decorate the villa, he
00:02:16 hired a specific British designer to design a house just as Claire would like.
00:02:20 Claire nodded lightly, her eyes slightly red.
00:02:24 After a few more steps, they arrived in the living room.
00:02:28 On the living room wall, there was a huge mural almost six yards long.
00:02:32 It was a wedding photo.
00:02:34 The woman in the photo was so beautiful that you could only describe her as glowing.
00:02:40 However, although the woman was pretty, her smile seemed fake.
00:02:45 It looked as if it were forced and didn't come from true joy.
00:02:48 The man beside the woman had a happy smile on his face.
00:02:52 However, there was a trace of helplessness behind his smile.
00:02:57 These were Kevin and Claire's wedding photos.
00:03:00 This photo was taken three years ago when they got married.
00:03:03 At that time, although they both found each other attractive, they barely knew one another.
00:03:09 However, at that time, Claire's father was very optimistic about Kevin, and so he rushed
00:03:15 for them to get married.
00:03:17 Thus, their wedding day came before they knew it.
00:03:21 At that time, Claire was so overwhelmed that she picked the first photographer she found.
00:03:27 After receiving the photos back from that day, Claire shoved them into a box and hid
00:03:31 them under their bed.
00:03:33 If it weren't for she was, she would probably have forgotten about it.
00:03:37 However, he never expected her husband to keep their wedding pictures, much less have
00:03:41 them framed and hung.
00:03:43 In a split second, her nose burned with oncoming tears.
00:03:47 In the past three years, she owed a lot of debt to Kevin, not even including how much
00:03:53 her family is indebted to him.
00:03:55 However, he never asked for anything in return.
00:03:59 Instead, he had always taken care of her in silence, without even telling her.
00:04:04 Kevin had a character that Claire felt she didn't deserve.
00:04:08 "Kevin, I'm sorry."
00:04:11 Tears rolled down her face as she thought about it.
00:04:14 They were like pearls with a broken string, unstoppable.
00:04:17 "Why are you apologizing?"
00:04:20 He was stunned.
00:04:21 He could understand if she thanked him, but why would she feel the need to apologize?
00:04:27 She didn't explain, but looked at the photo on the wall and said, "Kevin, please take
00:04:32 this down."
00:04:33 "Take it down?"
00:04:35 He was even more confused.
00:04:37 "Yes, take it down.
00:04:39 Please."
00:04:40 She gave a quick nod and replied sternly, "Let's pick another photo.
00:04:44 Maybe even make some new ones."
00:04:46 She wanted to repay Kevin for everything, and she would have to start with the wedding
00:04:50 photos.
00:04:51 "All right."
00:04:52 "I'm a little confused," Kevin said with a smile.
00:04:57 Although he didn't understand what she meant, he wouldn't reject her.
00:05:00 "Kevin, I know you don't want me to apologize, but I have to.
00:05:05 For the past three years, I haven't been a good wife.
00:05:09 But you, you've been the most perfect husband, even without telling me.
00:05:15 Not only have you dealt with my mother all these years, but you've been protecting me
00:05:20 and providing for me constantly.
00:05:23 All I can think to do now is apologize for not being as great as you.
00:05:28 I don't deserve to be your wife at all.
00:05:31 Kevin, I'm really sorry.
00:05:34 Please forgive me, okay?"
00:05:37 Her voice was choked with sobs.
00:05:39 Her charming face was already covered with tears.
00:05:42 Kevin stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears on her face.
00:05:46 Then he said gently, "Idiot.
00:05:49 If you're not qualified to be my wife, then there is no one in this world who is worthy
00:05:54 of being my wife.
00:05:55 Plus, you have never let me down.
00:05:58 If it weren't for you, I would have died three years ago.
00:06:02 In these past years, I have not been a perfect husband.
00:06:06 Because of me, you have been humiliated and teased.
00:06:10 You have had to endure so much, and it's all my fault.
00:06:14 I don't understand how you could forgive me."
00:06:16 "No, I don't feel wrong at all," she interrupted while sobbing.
00:06:21 "I'm very happy.
00:06:23 I've always been very happy with you."
00:06:26 She leapt into his arms as she spoke and stood on her tiptoes.
00:06:30 Her warm red lips kissed against his.
00:06:33 The cold sensation made his mind go blank as he lost his ability to think.
00:06:38 After an unknown period, she finally pulled away.
00:06:42 Kevin was still in a daze.
00:06:44 He thought back to that moment, that cool and sweet touch.
00:06:49 Claire ran to the bathroom and looked at the redness that had overtaken her face.
00:06:53 She turned on the tap and splashed some cold water on her face, which cooled her down.
00:06:58 "That was one of our first real kisses," her heart thumped.
00:07:02 She would never have thought that they could share a kiss so passionate.
00:07:06 It was usually difficult even to get him to hold her hand.
00:07:09 It wasn't that Kevin didn't like her, but he was too nervous ever to initiate anything.
00:07:14 The main reason why they have not had sex all the time they've been married is that
00:07:18 he refused to take the initiative.
00:07:33 Kevin's words began to make Claire boil.
00:07:35 Of course, if she didn't want to marry him, she would have refused his proposal.
00:07:40 But after all, she was his wife and she had to fulfill her obligations in the position.
00:07:46 However, Kevin didn't mention anything about not touching her all these years.
00:07:51 This made her very angry.
00:07:53 She even suspected that there was something wrong with him.
00:07:56 However, she knew she could not take this matter personally and had to calm down.
00:08:02 She could only assume that Kevin truly loved her and their love went far greater than lust.
00:08:07 After a long while, Claire finally calmed herself down.
00:08:11 She had finally worked up the courage to throw some more makeup on and walk out of the bathroom.
00:08:16 She found her husband leaning on the door when she came out, smiling at her.
00:08:20 "Why are you looking at me?"
00:08:22 Her face turned red as she asked.
00:08:24 "You are my wife.
00:08:25 I think you are amazing," he smiled playfully.
00:08:29 "No, stop looking at me.
00:08:31 We've been married for three years and the only times we've kissed is when I have initiated
00:08:35 it.
00:08:36 Is that a good husband?"
00:08:38 Of course, Claire was slightly shaking with anger.
00:08:41 "All right, all right, all right.
00:08:43 I'm not watching it anymore.
00:08:45 I'm not watching it anymore," he smiled and said.
00:08:48 "Since you won't let me look at you, I'll look at the other girls.
00:08:52 You won't mind, right?"
00:08:54 "How dare you!" she gritted her teeth.
00:08:58 This guy, he was getting bolder and bolder.
00:09:01 Then finally, he dared to mention other girls in front of her.
00:09:05 However, she would have to be a bit more careful in the future and not let herself be so jealous.
00:09:11 The Wright family was blind.
00:09:13 She was not.
00:09:15 She knew how outstanding Kevin was.
00:09:17 Putting aside his family background, just his strength alone was enough to make 99%
00:09:22 of the girls in the world infatuated with him.
00:09:25 If he didn't keep a low profile and completely show off his skills, Claire did not doubt
00:09:30 in her mind that every girl in the city would flock after him.
00:09:35 "If you dare to look at another girl, I'll dig out your eyeballs," she threatened again.
00:09:40 "You're not letting me look at you and you're not letting me look at other girls.
00:09:45 I'm just a man.
00:09:46 What do you expect me to do?"
00:09:48 He joked.
00:09:49 "Alright, go date a man.
00:09:51 I don't mind if you do."
00:09:53 The corner of her mouth raised.
00:09:55 She might not have the confidence in being able to snatch her husband from a few women,
00:10:00 but if she couldn't snatch Kevin from a man, then she was worthless.
00:10:04 "I do."
00:10:05 His head became jumbled.
00:10:07 Claire had never joked around with him like this.
00:10:10 "Hehe," Claire giggled, and a smile returned to her face.
00:10:15 She blinked and said, "Hubby, take me to see other places in the mansion."
00:10:18 "Alright," he touched her nose lovingly.
00:10:22 He liked the way they treated each other.
00:10:24 The two of them were becoming more and more like a real couple.
00:10:28 After showing Claire the rest of the house, she took out her phone and wrote down a long
00:10:32 list of items that needed to be bought.
00:10:34 Although the furniture in the house was there, there were still some daily necessities.
00:10:39 It wasn't hard to tell that she was very diligent.
00:10:42 She had set this place up as her home.
00:10:44 Kevin's emotions were also complicated.
00:10:47 He could have never guessed that he would find someone as amazing as Claire when he
00:10:51 ran away three years ago.
00:10:53 Claire was his motivation for everything.
00:10:56 That was also true; their souls were connected.
00:10:59 Kevin would protect her with his life.
00:11:02 She was what made all of his years of fighting training worth it.
00:11:06 He had some of the greatest fighting power in the world, and she gave him a reason for
00:11:10 it.
00:11:11 Claire gave him the motivation to work hard and achieve his full fighting potential.
00:11:15 Normally, the level of fighting that Kevin had reached would take around fifteen years
00:11:20 of training.
00:11:21 However, Kevin completed it in three.
00:11:25 This was less than a fourth of the time it normally took.
00:11:28 All of this had something to do with his wife.
00:11:31 However, he was not sure if he was powerful enough to face his family.
00:11:35 He was very clear that he hadn't died yet because something was happening with his father.
00:11:40 The answer to what his family's intentions were would force everything to fall into place.
00:11:45 Kevin knew that his father was betting against him, but he wasn't sure why.
00:11:50 It might be related to his missing family member, Bruno Bennett.
00:11:53 "Maybe my mother knows," he suddenly remembered that three years ago, when his mother was
00:11:59 severely ill, she told him to leave the family ahead of time.
00:12:03 Maybe his mother already knew something by then, but she did not tell him.
00:12:08 She probably knew that they would send people to kill him.
00:12:11 Therefore, she had also sent people to protect him without him knowing.
00:12:16 It was because of those people's protection that he survived the chase.
00:12:19 There were lots of factors that he had never considered before.
00:12:23 But now, he felt like he was onto something.
00:12:27 There was no way that Harvey would not sit idly by and watch him continue to grow stronger.
00:12:33 Perhaps Deborah's arrival was just a test.
00:12:35 "Kevin, what are you thinking about?"
00:12:38 "Kevin?"
00:12:40 Claire was extremely shocked.
00:12:42 It was rare for a husband to be so engrossed in such thoughts.
00:12:45 She had called out to him several times, but he had never responded.
00:12:49 "What's wrong?"
00:12:50 He finally came back to his senses.
00:12:52 "Honey, what are you thinking about that you are so entranced?"
00:12:56 She couldn't help but ask.
00:12:58 He smiled and shook his head.
00:12:59 "Nothing.
00:13:00 I was just thinking.
00:13:01 We'll have a few children in the future."
00:13:03 "Nonsense," Claire blushed as she protested conquered-ishly.
00:13:07 "I'm terrified of giving birth."
00:13:09 "If you don't want to, then we can adopt."
00:13:13 He still had a smile on his face, but the worry in his heart increased.
00:13:17 His father.
00:13:19 Was there any way that he would ever leave them alone?
00:13:22 Previously, Kevin never understood why his father would hand him power if he underestimated
00:13:26 him.
00:13:27 At that time, his father had plenty of power to silence him.
00:13:31 But now, Kevin knew that his father had found his weakness.
00:13:35 Claire.
00:13:37 His father will use the love of his life to threaten him.
00:13:40 What could he do?
00:13:41 He couldn't help but think.
00:13:43 "Kevin, how much did you pay for this villa?"
00:13:46 She had heard of the neighborhood's prices before, and the price for one of them was
00:13:49 shocking.
00:13:50 But the villa she was currently in?
00:13:53 There was no doubt in her mind that it was one of the most expensive.
00:14:00 "$163,000.00.
00:14:02 Honest lies."
00:14:03 "This house… it didn't cost too much."
00:14:08 Kevin paused.
00:14:09 "Not much?"
00:14:12 Claire's face was full of suspicion.
00:14:15 According to her estimation, this house should be worth at least $300 million.
00:14:19 Could it be that her husband was so rich that he didn't consider that a lot?
00:14:25 He still decided to tell the truth.
00:14:27 "I spent $50 million."
00:14:29 "$50 million?"
00:14:31 She couldn't help but exclaim.
00:14:33 "$50 million?
00:14:35 What's the difference from giving it away for free?"
00:14:38 Kevin nodded and asked.
00:14:39 "You know Martin Henderson?"
00:14:41 "You mean… you know Martin Henderson?"
00:14:45 She quickly reacted.
00:14:47 She had heard of Mr. Henderson before.
00:14:49 He was the richest man in Sacramento.
00:14:51 He practically owned the entire Beverly Hills Villa's neighborhood.
00:14:55 She was about to be involved in the same project and he also had a hand in it.
00:15:00 You might not know your way around in Sacramento, but you would know who Martin Henderson was.
00:15:05 If her husband knew this man, what does that say about his true identity?
00:15:10 The Bennett family?
00:15:12 Suddenly, an idea came to Claire's mind like a lightning bolt.
00:15:17 Her husband was a part of the legendary Bennett family?
00:15:21 In almost an instant, her beautiful face became deathly pale.
00:15:25 Looking at his wife's expression, he couldn't help but sigh.
00:15:29 Although this day would come sooner or later, he didn't know how to respond when it came.
00:15:34 After a long while, Kevin was the first to speak.
00:15:38 "I am indeed a part of the Bennett family."
00:15:41 "Yes."
00:15:43 She nodded lightly.
00:15:45 "This resort here is also one of my leading investments."
00:15:49 Kevin was very clear that after she discovered his secret, there would be no more secrets
00:15:53 between them.
00:15:55 "Yes."
00:15:56 She nodded.
00:15:58 She understood even without his explanation.
00:16:00 She had a lot of questions, but suddenly, the dots started to connect in her brain.
00:16:06 Matthew Bennett was not a classmate of Kevin's, but a subordinate of his.
00:16:11 The fact that she could become the person in charge of the Beverly Hills project had
00:16:14 nothing to do with her family.
00:16:17 There was also the Bugatti.
00:16:18 When Kevin came to pick her up, she thought he had just rented it to look cool.
00:16:22 But now she realized that she was a fool.
00:16:25 Furthermore, when they were in Los Angeles, Jill and Prince Abdul were treating him with
00:16:30 extreme respect, almost too respectful.
00:16:35 Everything made sense today.
00:16:36 She should have known better.
00:16:38 "I'm sorry."
00:16:39 He took a deep breath and said.
00:16:43 He still couldn't tell her everything.
00:16:45 He was the illegitimate child of the Bennetts, and his current relationship with his family
00:16:49 was something that he could not tell her just yet.
00:16:52 Claire meant too much to him.
00:16:54 It was enough for him to bear the burden all by himself.
00:16:57 There was no need to drag Claire into this.
00:17:00 She shook her head.
00:17:01 "There's no need to apologize to me.
00:17:04 You have nothing to say to let me down."
00:17:07 Indeed, he did not let her down, but she could not fully wrap her head around everything
00:17:11 she had just learned.
00:17:13 She didn't know what Kevin had in mind, but he hid this from her for three years.
00:17:18 For the past three years, everyone had mocked and ridiculed her.
00:17:22 They all thought that her husband was worthless and lazy.
00:17:25 It did not do his best to provide for his family fully.
00:17:28 But today, she finally knew the truth.
00:17:32 Her husband was a part of the top families in San Francisco.
00:17:35 He was one of the richest people in the country.
00:17:38 Then what was the purpose of suffering for the past three years?
00:17:42 To practice his acting skills?
00:17:43 Or to experience life?
00:17:46 She did not dare to think about it, nor did she want to.
00:17:50 "We...
00:17:51 I think I need a moment alone," she said calmly.
00:17:55 "Alright," Kevin took a deep breath and said.
00:18:00 He knew that this matter was probably overwhelming to hear for the first time.
00:18:04 Indeed, she needed to calm down and think about their relationship.
00:18:08 "You can stay here for the time being.
00:18:11 Call me if you need anything," he sighed and stood up.
00:18:14 After walking to the door, he paused and said, "Claire, when the time is right, I will explain
00:18:22 everything to you.
00:18:23 That day won't be too far away."
00:18:25 "Yes," she nodded lightly.
00:18:30 After he left, she realized that her face had already been covered in tears.
00:18:35 She was a very proud woman, but she was willing to give up her pride for her husband.
00:18:39 In the past three years, she had many opportunities to leave him and find someone a thousand times
00:18:44 better, but she didn't.
00:18:46 No matter what others said about him, she firmly believed that he was the most outstanding
00:18:52 man.
00:18:53 This gamble had finally paid off.
00:18:56 Kevin was, truly, one of the best men in the world, but she still felt a little uneasy.
00:19:03 Kevin was hiding a huge part of his identity for the entire time they were together.
00:19:08 Claire was always honest with him, yet he kept many of his truths to himself.
00:19:12 This tied a knot in her heart.
00:19:14 If she could not get over her anger toward him, there was no way that their relationship
00:19:18 could continue.
00:19:21 After exiting the mansion, Kevin's mood became heavy.
00:19:24 This was the first time in three years that they had ever fought.
00:19:28 His damn family.
00:19:30 Kevin's thoughts became stormy.
00:19:32 His family has always made his life hell.
00:19:35 If not for the threat of his family, he would have told Claire his identity the first day
00:19:39 he met her.
00:19:40 If they had not caused so much trouble for him, he and Claire would not be in this situation
00:19:45 today.
00:19:46 However, there was no fighting with his family.
00:19:50 On the contrary, they were the only people he was afraid of.
00:19:53 He must find a way to reconcile with his family soon, just for his safety.
00:19:58 He did not want to drag Claire into the mess he had created.
00:20:01 And right now, the only way for him to obtain enough strength to protect himself as soon
00:20:06 as possible was to harmonize Sacramento.
00:20:09 So he thought with a serious expression.
00:20:12 In the past, when his wings had yet to grow, he would always think of ways to keep a low
00:20:16 profile and try his best not to attract his family's attention so that they couldn't
00:20:21 find him.
00:20:22 Therefore, he intentionally kept a low profile during his time in Sacramento.
00:20:27 River Campino and Jared Smith were the first two high profile people he had taken down
00:20:32 and forced their respect.
00:20:34 But after the trip to Los Angeles, he now understood that his family had known his location
00:20:39 for a long time.
00:20:41 Since he had already blown his cover, he did not want to shy away from anything now.
00:20:46 He planned to make a big show of this and unify Sacramento this time.
00:20:50 To make this city his base of operations, he had to make at least his family's notice.
00:20:55 He was not useless.
00:20:57 Thinking of this, he took out his phone and sent messages to Jared, River, and Landon.
00:21:02 The text message was very simple.
00:21:04 "In one hour, meet at the Westin Inn.
00:21:08 Don't be late."
00:21:09 He couldn't rely on his family to subdue the other few famous families this time.
00:21:14 Instead, he planned to use his power.
00:21:18 Jared and River had slightly earned his trust that the two of them could pass his test this
00:21:22 time around.
00:21:23 He might be able to nurture the two of them into his direct descendants.
00:21:30 Episode 164.
00:21:31 A Family Encounter
00:21:37 Martin walked to the garage and drove away in his Bugatti.
00:21:40 He had only driven this car once since Martin had given it to him.
00:21:44 It was then thrown into the garage.
00:21:46 However, the luxurious car was, after all, an amazing car.
00:21:52 Although it hadn't been used for a while, its body was still as new as before, without
00:21:57 dust.
00:21:58 Very quickly, he drove to the Westin.
00:22:01 Even though the Westin Hotel was one of the few five-star hotels in the entire parking
00:22:06 lot, there was not a single luxury car that could be compared to Kevin's.
00:22:10 At the hotel entrance, the most expensive cars were the Ferrari and Porsche.
00:22:15 Therefore, it was obvious what reaction his car would bring.
00:22:20 Everyone reacted as if they had seen a celebrity.
00:22:23 After he got out of the car, the staff even sent someone to stand guard beside his car
00:22:27 to look after it.
00:22:28 Firstly, the staff did this to express their respect toward Kevin.
00:22:33 Secondly, they all worried that some idiot would accidentally damage it.
00:22:37 If that were the case, the hotel would catch the blame.
00:22:41 As for Kevin's dreadful attire, all guests completely ignored it.
00:22:45 These days, none of them would have thought they would see a normal-looking man with a
00:22:49 car this luxurious.
00:22:51 They wanted to admire it while they could.
00:22:54 This man was one of those people.
00:22:57 Kevin didn't know that people drooled so much over luxurious cars.
00:23:00 If he knew, he would not know whether to laugh or cry.
00:23:04 He had just entered through the front door when an Audi A6 pulled into the entrance.
00:23:09 Sitting in the driver's seat of the Audi was a friend of Kevin's, Jessica Wright.
00:23:13 The person sitting in the passenger seat was a sexy woman in a short shimmery dress.
00:23:19 She had fair skin and a good figure.
00:23:21 Her waist was like a snake and her buttocks was like a peach.
00:23:25 She had a typical devilish body.
00:23:28 At this moment, Jessica was talking to the girl with a smile on his face.
00:23:32 She was talking away while the woman was replying to him coldly.
00:23:36 At this moment, Jessica parked as close as she could to Kevin's Bugatti.
00:23:41 His attention was still on the lady beside him and he didn't notice that their cars were
00:23:44 about to collide.
00:23:46 "Be careful!"
00:23:47 The woman was the first to notice it and let out a shriek.
00:23:51 Jessica, chattering non-stop, finally woke up and slammed on the brakes.
00:23:56 In the end, the Audi A6 barely managed to stop itself.
00:24:00 However, it was not even a centimeter away from the beautiful Bugatti.
00:24:05 The car attendant turned pale.
00:24:07 Just a bit more and this lady's life was over.
00:24:11 The staff member didn't know who either of these people was, but there was still no way
00:24:15 that they could afford to hit a car this nice.
00:24:18 This car was worth a fortune.
00:24:21 If he were to bump into this car, there was no telling how much the repairs would be.
00:24:25 However, he assumed they would be at least $100,000.
00:24:29 "Can you concentrate while you drive?"
00:24:32 The sexy lady glanced at her in dissatisfaction and said, "You idiot!
00:24:37 You almost hit that car!"
00:24:38 "Yes, I'm sorry.
00:24:40 I didn't notice."
00:24:41 At this moment, her face was a bit pale, but of course, she could recognize that the car
00:24:46 in front of her was a limited edition car.
00:24:49 Ignoring the price of the car, just the identity of the person driving it was not something
00:24:54 he could afford to offend.
00:24:56 If he bumped into it today, even her family would not be able to protect her.
00:25:00 "Forget it.
00:25:01 Hurry up and park your car.
00:25:03 Don't let others see it later."
00:25:04 The woman glared at her impatiently and said, "I'll stop right now.
00:25:08 I'll stop right now."
00:25:09 She hurriedly got out of the car as if he had just awoken from a dream.
00:25:14 She flipped the Audi A6 over and stopped it in the corner.
00:25:17 Seeing her stop the car, Scarlett Thatcher couldn't help but look at the car with envy
00:25:21 in her eyes.
00:25:23 This car was a real luxury.
00:25:25 Compared to the car they were in, they looked poor parked behind the Bugatti.
00:25:30 If only she could ride in a car like this and drive around.
00:25:34 Scarlett no longer dared to think about it.
00:25:36 In short, if she worked hard enough, maybe she could earn a car like that.
00:25:40 Her group of friends would go crazy with envy.
00:25:43 "Hey sir, do you know who drove this car?
00:25:47 See someone from around here?"
00:25:49 She shifted her gaze to the receptionist.
00:25:51 The receptionist quickly shook his head.
00:25:53 Even if he knew, he wouldn't dare to say anything, let alone without knowing the man's true identity.
00:25:59 He knew the woman's intentions, but he felt that a rich man like Kevin did not care about
00:26:03 women like the woman standing before him.
00:26:05 If he had revealed the man's identity, he wouldn't have been causing trouble for him.
00:26:10 "Fine."
00:26:11 Scarlett was a little disappointed, but she made up her mind in her heart.
00:26:16 After she was done with her work, she would stand not far from the car and wait for its
00:26:20 owner.
00:26:21 If by any chance, the owner of the car took a fancy to her, she wouldn't have to worry
00:26:25 about it in her next life.
00:26:27 At this moment, Jessica also got out of the car.
00:26:30 She walked to her in a few steps and said with a smile, "Come on Scar, let me walk you
00:26:35 inside."
00:26:37 Although she was unwilling, she still nodded.
00:26:39 Then they entered the hotel.
00:26:41 "Alright, I'll send you back here.
00:26:44 Hurry back."
00:26:45 Her expression was cold.
00:26:46 "Alright, call me when you're done.
00:26:48 I'll come to pick you up."
00:26:50 But unfortunately, Jessica didn't take her cold attitude to heart.
00:26:55 Instead, she smiled cock-witishly.
00:26:57 At this moment, she was taking ass-kissing to the extreme.
00:27:01 She had to follow every single one of Scarlett's silly demands.
00:27:05 "Alright, let's go."
00:27:07 She waved her hand impatiently.
00:27:08 "Yes."
00:27:09 She nodded.
00:27:11 Just as she was about to turn around and leave, a figure appeared in front of her that made
00:27:15 her jump.
00:27:16 "Kevin?
00:27:17 Didn't this asshole take Claire to Los Angeles?
00:27:20 Why was he here?"
00:27:21 She had finally noticed him, but Kevin glared back at her.
00:27:25 However, Kevin only narrowed his eyes at her and then prepared to take the elevator out.
00:27:30 It wouldn't be too late for him to settle his debt with Claire's family another day.
00:27:34 Right now, his top priority was to unify the city.
00:27:38 A small fry like her could be cleaned up at any time.
00:27:41 However, Jessica was not ready to let the matter between them go unnoticed.
00:27:45 "Kevin, what are you doing here?"
00:27:48 She strode in front of him and asked with a cold expression.
00:27:51 "Does it have anything to do with you?"
00:27:54 He smiled faintly and said.
00:27:55 "How can you say that?"
00:27:57 She frowned and snorted.
00:27:58 "I'm your cousin.
00:28:00 You better not look down on me."
00:28:02 "Cousin?"
00:28:03 Kevin sneered.
00:28:04 "This idiot dared to use his identity to speak?
00:28:08 Aren't you like a stay-at-home husband or something?"
00:28:12 At this moment, Scarlett also walked up and looked Kevin up and down with disdain in her
00:28:16 eyes.
00:28:17 In the last few days with Jessica, she had heard his name the most, and even her ears
00:28:22 almost recognized the name.
00:28:24 Every time the family would mention him, they gritted their teeth and belittled him as much
00:28:28 as possible.
00:28:29 Being a delivery boy, a good-for-nothing, fragile man.
00:28:38 Episode 165.
00:28:40 Pleasure Sighs
00:28:42 Scarlett had been curious about what Jessica had been ridiculing him about these past few
00:28:46 days.
00:28:48 Just what kind of creep was this man?
00:28:50 It was hard to guess what someone could do to make Jessica hate them so much.
00:28:55 Today, they finally saw it.
00:28:58 Although he wasn't as unbearable as Jess had said, she still looked down on him.
00:29:02 "That's him."
00:29:04 In the entire Wright family, the person they hated the most was Claire.
00:29:09 But Kevin was in a category of his own, especially when he found out that Matthew Bennett was
00:29:15 his classmate.
00:29:16 They hated him to the core.
00:29:18 Because if it weren't for him, no one would have ever been humiliated within the family.
00:29:24 If not for Kevin, the family would be in charge of the Beverly Hills Project.
00:29:28 Therefore, she was more furious when she saw Kevin than ever before.
00:29:34 However, since Scarlett watched them, she didn't want to act recklessly.
00:29:38 Of course, the most important thing was that she had seen Kevin's skills before.
00:29:44 She knew that she was asking for a death sentence if she lost her temper.
00:29:48 "Scar, if you see someone dressed this trashy again, I want you to know how disgusting they
00:29:55 are.
00:29:56 When you see this piece of shit in the future, I want you to turn the other direction."
00:30:00 She snorted coldly.
00:30:02 Although she couldn't do anything to Kevin, she could still try to hurt him with her words.
00:30:06 "Don't worry.
00:30:07 I won't let him get within a few feet of me."
00:30:11 Scarlett glanced back at Kevin.
00:30:13 She also had a bad impression of him.
00:30:15 No man with any self-respect would live the life this man had.
00:30:19 "That's good."
00:30:21 Jessica nodded.
00:30:22 "Alright, Jess.
00:30:23 Go back.
00:30:24 My friend is coming over soon."
00:30:26 Scarlett looked at the time and urged.
00:30:28 "See her best friend?"
00:30:30 Kevin's expression was strange.
00:30:32 Did she come to the hotel to meet a friend?
00:30:34 Why did he feel that Jessica was turning into a stepping stone?
00:30:38 "Okay, baby.
00:30:39 Call me when you're done with seeing your girl and I'll pick you up."
00:30:42 She said cockwitishly.
00:30:43 "Got it.
00:30:44 Hurry up and go."
00:30:46 The woman nodded impatiently.
00:30:47 "Okay, baby.
00:30:48 I'll go first."
00:30:50 Although she was reluctant, she still moved her feet.
00:30:53 Deep down, she knew that she was close to winning her over.
00:30:58 Otherwise, there was no way she would have invited her today.
00:31:02 After they left, Kevin also entered the elevator.
00:31:05 It seemed that his guest would arrive any minute now.
00:31:08 When the doors were about to close, Scarlett stopped the doors and followed him into the
00:31:12 elevator.
00:31:13 However, when she saw that they were going to the same floor, she began to feel unsettled.
00:31:19 She felt disgusted when she thought about having to stay in the elevator with such a
00:31:23 filthy man as this.
00:31:25 "Can you go out and take the next elevator?"
00:31:27 She frowned as she spoke.
00:31:30 Kevin's brows twitched as he asked, "Do you own this hotel?"
00:31:35 She looked at him with disgust and said, "I don't own the building, but I cannot stand
00:31:40 riding in here with you.
00:31:42 It makes me feel disgusted."
00:31:44 "If you feel disgusted, you can leave.
00:31:47 No one will stop you."
00:31:49 He smiled faintly and said.
00:31:52 Scarlett was probably used to bossing people around.
00:31:54 She felt that the whole world should give in to her, but he wasn't an ass kisser like
00:31:58 Jessica.
00:32:00 "You…"
00:32:01 She pointed at his nose and was angry.
00:32:04 "This pig must have some balls to talk back to her like this."
00:32:08 "What about me?"
00:32:10 Kevin crossed his arms and looked at her lazily.
00:32:13 "Pieces of shit like you.
00:32:16 You are all just a bunch of lazy bastards."
00:32:19 She lowered her hand coldly, comforting herself not to get too heated.
00:32:23 Kevin curled his lips.
00:32:24 "I like my life, and my lifestyle.
00:32:27 I'm happy.
00:32:29 What gives you the right to ridicule me?"
00:32:32 The elevator finally reached the sixteenth floor.
00:32:35 Scarlett stepped out of the elevator without looking back.
00:32:38 She didn't want to stay another second longer with him.
00:32:41 He slowly walked out of the elevator with his hands in his pockets, heading towards
00:32:45 the suite he had booked.
00:32:47 However, Kevin heard a familiar voice just as he turned the corner.
00:32:52 "Um… slow down?"
00:32:54 Were these people so horny that they couldn't even close the door before getting at it?
00:32:59 His eyes widened as he looked at the scene in front of him.
00:33:02 At this moment, Scarlett was pressed against the door by a middle-aged man with a big belly.
00:33:08 The man looked like a hungry wolf that hadn't eaten in weeks.
00:33:11 He bit at her neck and grasped onto her clothes, preparing to rip them off.
00:33:16 Her breathing quickened and her face turned incomparably rosy.
00:33:21 At this moment, Kevin could not bear to watch any longer.
00:33:25 He did not doubt that if he did not stop them, the two of them would start flucking against
00:33:29 the door.
00:33:30 His light cough finally got their attention.
00:33:34 Scarlett pulled on her clothes to hide her radiance.
00:33:36 When she saw Kevin standing in front of her, her face beamed a shade of magenta.
00:33:41 "You creep!
00:33:43 How dare you follow me back here?"
00:33:44 He didn't answer, but asked with a sneer.
00:33:48 "He's the best friend you want to see?"
00:33:50 If Jessica knew that the woman she was being bossed around all day brought her to a dick
00:33:54 appointment, Kevin laughed at the thought of her reaction.
00:33:58 "Scarlett!
00:33:59 Who is this guy?"
00:34:01 The pot-bellied middle-aged man looked at him coldly.
00:34:04 "Mr. Hall, this is Kevin.
00:34:07 Jessica's asshole of a cousin," she hurriedly explained, as if she was afraid the man would
00:34:12 misunderstand.
00:34:13 "The Wrights' stay-at-home husband?" he frowned.
00:34:17 He seemed to have heard of this before, but he could not recall where.
00:34:21 She nodded and said, "Mr. Hall, you have to take this piece of shit down.
00:34:25 When we were in the elevator, he wanted to have sex with me.
00:34:29 But after I rejected him, he wanted to run away.
00:34:32 I didn't expect that he would actually have the guts to follow me."
00:34:35 "Don't worry, baby.
00:34:37 I'll take care of him."
00:34:39 Terrence comforted her, then looked at Kevin with a gloomy face.
00:34:43 "Brett, you're quite bold.
00:34:45 You dare to touch even my woman?"
00:34:48 "Your woman?"
00:34:50 The man was making Scarlet look like a fool, but he was making a fool of himself as well.
00:34:54 "What do you mean?
00:34:56 Could it be that Scarlet has other lovers?"
00:34:59 Terrence understood what Kevin was implying, and he turned to look at her with a pleading
00:35:03 look.
00:35:04 "Terrence, I'm not...
00:35:05 Don't listen to this nonsense!
00:35:07 He framed me!" she hurriedly shook her head and explained.
00:35:11 She truly did hate this man, so naturally, Terrence should believe her over this asshole
00:35:16 he's never met.
00:35:18 She and Terrence were sleeping together because he had paid her $500,000.
00:35:22 Of course, she was making quite a bit of money with Jessica around $300,000.
00:35:27 However, she knew that her relationship with Mr. Hall was much more valuable.
00:35:33 After all, the Wright family was declining with all of their recent controversies, and
00:35:38 Terrence had a stable lifestyle, so there was no way she would be poor if she married
00:35:42 him.
00:35:42 "Shut up!"
00:35:56 Terrence glanced coldly at Scarlet, then looked at Kevin and asked, "What do you mean by what
00:36:00 you just said?"
00:36:01 "Nothing," he smiled playfully and said.
00:36:02 "That's right.
00:36:03 A few minutes ago, I saw your woman and some man whispering to each other.
00:36:12 He even called her 'darling.'"
00:36:14 "You're lying!" she screamed as she wanted to pounce on him.
00:36:19 However, Mr. Hall grabbed her from behind.
00:36:22 He glared fiercely at her and said, "Is what he said true?"
00:36:27 "No, it's not true!"
00:36:29 "Mr. Hall, he's lying to you!"
00:36:32 She shook her head and pretended to be pitiful.
00:36:34 "You're lying to me!"
00:36:36 He was a bit skeptical.
00:36:39 At this moment, Kevin sneered and said, "I didn't lie to you.
00:36:43 You'll know if you go and look at the hotel surveillance."
00:36:46 Her face turned pale when she heard about the hotel surveillance cameras.
00:36:51 Terrence was not a fool, so he could tell that Kevin was telling the truth from her
00:36:54 expression.
00:36:55 "Bitch!"
00:36:56 "Ha!"
00:36:57 Terrence raised his hand and slapped her hard across the face.
00:37:02 He was literally making the corner of her mouth bleed.
00:37:04 "Mr. Hall, listen to me.
00:37:06 I'm just playing with him.
00:37:08 I don't like him.
00:37:09 Please, I just treat that idiot as an ATM.
00:37:12 You are the only person I truly love.
00:37:14 Sir, believe me!
00:37:16 Ah!
00:37:17 Ah!"
00:37:18 She wiped her tears away and pitifully started to cry.
00:37:22 "Play?
00:37:23 You bitch!
00:37:25 I give you hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.
00:37:28 Is that not enough for you to play around with?"
00:37:30 He was furious.
00:37:32 He gave Scarlet a gift worth $500,000 before they started dating.
00:37:36 Furthermore, she had agreed to only sleep with him for extra cash each month.
00:37:41 However, he didn't expect her to go against her word and sleep with other men.
00:37:46 How could he endure this?
00:37:48 "Terrence, I'm sorry.
00:37:50 I'm sorry.
00:37:51 I was too greedy."
00:37:52 She hugged his leg, crying miserably.
00:37:54 "Please, T. I'll give the money back to that other guy.
00:37:58 Terrence, please forgive me."
00:38:00 He still had some feelings for her.
00:38:03 After all, she had unbelievable skills in bed and had served him well for a long time.
00:38:09 He couldn't abandon her even if he wanted to.
00:38:12 "Alright.
00:38:14 This time, this daddy will forgive you.
00:38:17 But if you find out that you are having an affair with another man, this daddy will break
00:38:22 both of your legs.
00:38:24 Do you hear me?"
00:38:26 He shouted coldly.
00:38:28 She hurriedly nodded.
00:38:29 "I heard it, Terrence.
00:38:31 Don't worry, and I will never have anything to do with other men again.
00:38:35 I only love you."
00:38:36 "Alright.
00:38:37 Get up."
00:38:40 Only then did Scarlet dare to stand up.
00:38:43 After the big show was over, Kevin shook his head, feeling unsatisfied.
00:38:48 He thought this Terrence guy was an idiot for letting her go with only a slap.
00:38:52 Not satisfied and disappointed.
00:38:56 Seeing Kevin shaking his head and clicking his tongue, Scarlet's eyes were filled with
00:39:00 anger.
00:39:01 But at this moment, she didn't dare to say anything more.
00:39:05 After all, Kevin still could convince Terrence of terrible things.
00:39:09 "Brett, seeing that you brought this situation to my attention, I will let you off for messing
00:39:14 with my woman.
00:39:15 Scram!"
00:39:16 He still didn't like Kevin because of his attitude and tone when he spoke to him.
00:39:22 He didn't show much respect, but he had this inkling that Kevin felt entitled.
00:39:27 "Do you really think I would take liberties with someone like him?"
00:39:33 Kevin squinted his eyes.
00:39:35 Even from ten feet away, you could see the fire rise in Scarlet's eyes.
00:39:40 "Kid, don't make a joke of yourself."
00:39:43 Terrence's tone turned cold.
00:39:47 Kevin's words had offended both of them.
00:39:49 It was as if he, Terrence Hall, was unranked trash.
00:39:54 Kevin shook his head and didn't bother to lower himself to their level.
00:39:58 Instead, he directly walked toward the suite he had booked.
00:40:02 Seeing that he dared to ignore him, Mr. Hall immediately got angry.
00:40:06 A useless asshole like him, what right did he have to be so arrogant?
00:40:13 "Halt!"
00:40:14 He stepped forward and held his shoulder.
00:40:17 Kevin stopped walking and said calmly, "Let go."
00:40:22 "Stupid thing.
00:40:24 What if I don't let go?"
00:40:27 He challenged.
00:40:28 "Would you like to find out?"
00:40:31 He turned around, smiled slightly, and said, "If you don't let go, you will regret it."
00:40:39 "Regret?"
00:40:40 A trace of malevolence flashed across his face.
00:40:43 "The word 'regret' doesn't exist in my dictionary."
00:40:47 "From today onwards, that will change," Kevin said lightly.
00:40:52 "Stupid."
00:40:53 Terrence wanted to call him a fool, yet this piece of shit had no clue what he was capable
00:40:59 of.
00:41:00 However, before he could finish his sentence, he saw Kevin's eyes suddenly turn sharp.
00:41:07 In an instant, Terrence felt that an overwhelming aura surrounded him, and it was hard for him
00:41:13 to breathe.
00:41:14 Scarlett, standing at the side, didn't know what had happened.
00:41:18 She thought that Mr. Hall would get revenge on this man for her.
00:41:22 Her face was glowing with pride.
00:41:24 How could a man like this expect to beat Terrence?
00:41:27 Terrence was a scumbag, but Kevin was just a piece of trash.
00:41:32 It was as easy as the children taking out the trash.
00:41:36 However, the next moment, the smile on her face froze.
00:41:41 Because in her eyes, her daddy had knelt before this man.
00:41:46 She ruthlessly rubbed her eyes, thinking that she must be seeing things.
00:41:51 How could he kneel to that damned good for nothing man?
00:41:55 "Impossible.
00:41:56 Impossible," she muttered in a daze.
00:42:00 However, even though she had tried to rub the vision out of her eyes, her man was kneeling
00:42:07 before a piece of shit.
00:42:09 "Now do you have the word 'regret' in your dictionary?"
00:42:13 Kevin asked with a faint smile.
00:42:16 "Yes.
00:42:17 Got it."
00:42:19 Mr. Hall, who was kneeling on the ground, opened his mouth, and his body trembled like
00:42:23 a sieve.
00:42:25 The shock in his heart could no longer be described with words.
00:42:29 He had met a tough opponent.
00:42:31 This was his only thought.
00:42:34 Just by relying on his imposing manner, he could force him to kneel to the ground.
00:42:38 He didn't even need to make a move.
00:42:41 Would such a person be fucking trash?
00:42:44 He began to feel helpless.
00:42:46 He was prepared to open his mouth and beg for forgiveness.
00:42:51 But just at that moment, he saw a figure that he did not expect.
00:42:56 River Campino?
00:42:58 Why did he come here?
00:43:00 Mr. Campino!
00:43:02 Although he couldn't figure it out, he suddenly felt uneasy.
00:43:05 Mr. Campino is here.
00:43:08 Now.
00:43:09 He was saved.
00:43:11 Upon hearing Terrence call out to River, Scarlet's ashen face instantly lit up.
00:43:16 "River!
00:43:17 It was him!"
00:43:18 She was a little excited.
00:43:21 Ever since she had gotten involved with Terrence, she always knew that she could count on River
00:43:25 to save them if they needed it.
00:43:27 A true, legendary figure.
00:43:29 If he stomped his feet, the entire city would shake under his power.
00:43:35 Scarlet's face was flushed red.
00:43:37 This was the first time she had come into contact with such a big character at such
00:43:41 a close distance.
00:43:42 But of course, she would have to perform well later on.
00:43:52 EPISODE 167.
00:43:58 When River first stepped out of the elevator, he was followed by Jared and Ethan.
00:44:03 When they got out of the elevator, River was chatting and laughing with Jared.
00:44:07 As they talked, he finally realized that Jared had stopped talking.
00:44:12 Following his line of sight, River immediately saw a scene that sent chills down his spine.
00:44:18 At this moment, his capable general, Terrence, was kneeling in front of Mr. Bennett.
00:44:24 Although it was cold inside the building, a layer of sweat instantly appeared on his
00:44:30 forehead.
00:44:31 "Mr. Gambino!"
00:44:32 At this moment, Terrence shouted out in excitement.
00:44:36 He walked in front of him with a dark expression.
00:44:39 "River!"
00:44:41 Before he could say anything, River kicked his mouth and forcefully kicked his words
00:44:45 back into his mouth.
00:44:47 Terrence, as he fell to the ground, instantly became confused.
00:44:51 They were friends.
00:44:54 Why did he have to kick him?
00:44:55 Scarlet, who was behind him, was also confused.
00:45:00 Didn't he say that he was River's best man?
00:45:03 Him promising him his company after he retires?
00:45:06 But now?
00:45:08 She was still wondering why River kicked him, but in the next moment, he walked up to Kevin,
00:45:13 bowed, and completed his actions in one fell swoop.
00:45:17 "Mr. Bennett, I'm sorry I'm late."
00:45:20 His forehead was covered in a more and more cold sweat.
00:45:23 He could only pray that Terrence didn't do anything excessive right now.
00:45:28 Otherwise, even he would be more than likely to take the blame for his actions.
00:45:32 "Mr. Kevin Bennett?"
00:45:35 Hearing the man's name, Terrence's mind instantly exploded and his heart was in turmoil.
00:45:41 How was this possible?
00:45:43 This piece of shit?
00:45:44 He's a Bennett?
00:45:46 At this moment, Scarlet's beautiful face had also turned pale.
00:45:51 Even her calves started to tremble uncontrollably.
00:45:54 If Jessica appeared in front of her now, she would tear her apart.
00:46:00 This idiot.
00:46:02 She had been fooled.
00:46:04 You bitch.
00:46:05 You were useless last year.
00:46:07 She had the urge to curse.
00:46:09 Kevin waved his hand and smiled.
00:46:11 No worries.
00:46:12 "Mr. Bennett, this idiot."
00:46:16 River couldn't help but look at Terrence and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Bennett, it is
00:46:21 my lack of discipline and can't be countered.
00:46:24 Please, punish me, sir."
00:46:26 He shook his head and said, "No need.
00:46:29 It's not a big deal."
00:46:31 Not looking at the monastic side of things, he was his man after all.
00:46:36 However, he still had to take care of his attitude.
00:46:39 Terrence didn't do anything to him, so he felt it was beneath him to care about him.
00:46:43 Seeing him let the man go, River could not help but heave a sigh of relief.
00:46:48 After that, it seemed like it was not a big deal.
00:46:51 "Idiot, could you hurry up and thank him?"
00:46:54 He glared coldly at the man lying on the ground and shouted.
00:46:57 "Thank you, Mr. Bennett.
00:46:59 Thank you a million times.
00:47:00 Thank you.
00:47:01 My lord, you have a lot."
00:47:04 Terrence was nearly hanging on to his legs.
00:47:06 After seeing Kevin's power, he understood that it would be no problem if he wanted to
00:47:10 kill him.
00:47:11 However, he forgave him generously, so he was sincerely grateful to him at the moment.
00:47:16 "You can avoid death, but you can't avoid stupidity.
00:47:20 You idiot.
00:47:22 Kneel here for three days and properly reflect on yourself."
00:47:25 "Why are you so stupid?"
00:47:28 River snorted coldly.
00:47:30 Although Kevin said that he wouldn't bother him, he still had to give him a punishment.
00:47:35 Making him make a fool out of himself was the best he could think of.
00:47:38 "Yes, Mr. Campino.
00:47:40 I will definitely reflect on myself."
00:47:42 He hurriedly nodded.
00:47:44 Kneeling for someone was nothing compared to being killed.
00:47:47 "Alright, let's go in.
00:47:50 Business is more important."
00:47:51 Kevin laughed.
00:47:52 "Yes, Mr. Bennett."
00:47:53 The few of them hurriedly nodded their heads and followed.
00:47:57 Soon after, everyone entered the luxurious suite.
00:48:01 Throughout the whole process, Kevin did not even glance at Scarlett.
00:48:05 On the other hand, she collapsed to the ground like a pile of mud.
00:48:09 A bitter smile plastered on her face.
00:48:12 Recalling her actions just now, she felt it was laughable.
00:48:16 She thought she had seen a glimmer of fear in Kevin's eyes when she talked.
00:48:19 From the looks of it, he was acting weird of arguing with her.
00:48:24 Someone was like a fierce tiger, and she was like an ant that didn't know how high the
00:48:28 sky was and how deep the earth was.
00:48:31 No, he was disgraced.
00:48:34 What was even more laughable was that this idiot, Jessica, actually thought that someone
00:48:39 with such great power was a useless man.
00:48:43 It was no wonder that they were on a decline as a family.
00:48:46 If they had even a little bit of brains, they would have befriended him and used him to
00:48:51 their advantage, she thought with resentment.
00:48:54 Since such a thing had happened, she naturally wouldn't take the initiative to contact her.
00:48:59 Nor would she inform her about her cousin's true identity.
00:49:03 She wanted to see if they were stupid enough to humiliate him again, and they would finally
00:49:07 receive the lesson they deserved.
00:49:10 Before long, she had gone downstairs.
00:49:12 When she saw the Bugatti again parked downstairs, she felt nothing but scorn.
00:49:18 At this time, she felt confident in assuming that this car was Kevin's.
00:49:23 But because of her stupidity, she had never had the chance to get into his car to begin
00:49:28 with.
00:49:29 At that moment, in the private room, the three guests did not even dare to breathe loudly.
00:49:34 Since Kevin had gathered them together in such a serious manner, it must be because
00:49:38 he had something big to announce.
00:49:41 For the city of Sacramento, there would probably be no lack of bloodshed.
00:49:46 How were your injuries?
00:49:48 He did not get straight to the point at the beginning.
00:49:50 Instead, he first paid attention to Jared.
00:49:53 After all, Kevin did owe him a lot for what he had put him through in the past.
00:49:58 "Thank you, Mr. Bennett, for your concern.
00:50:01 I have long since recovered from my small injury," he laughed.
00:50:05 As the saying goes, suffering is hard to bear.
00:50:08 He would never have thought that Kevin would travel a thousand miles and rescue him from
00:50:12 his inevitable death.
00:50:14 This was truly saving his life.
00:50:17 At the same time, he had a new understanding of himself.
00:50:20 In any case, if it were him, he would not be able to do that.
00:50:25 Kevin was willing to put his life on the line to save a friend of his.
00:50:28 Therefore, he truly admired Kevin from the bottom of his heart.
00:50:33 In the future, if anyone dared to say anything bad about him, Jared would be the first person
00:50:39 to stick up for him.
00:50:41 Kevin nodded.
00:50:42 Then his gaze shifted to the other two men.
00:50:44 "You know each other?" he asked.
00:50:47 Ethan was his true confidant in the last resort that his mother left him.
00:50:51 Therefore, Kevin had no doubts about his loyalty.
00:50:55 The last time when Eileen auctioned off Claire's virginity, he used him to trick her family.
00:51:00 "I know him.
00:51:02 I've long heard of your great name."
00:51:04 He was already secretly shocked on the way here.
00:51:07 But after all, they were a top family in Sacramento, and they weren't much weaker than them.
00:51:12 He originally thought that Kevin only got here because of Martin, but he seemed to have
00:51:17 connections.
00:51:18 In the city, how many more moves had he not revealed yet?
00:51:28 Episode 168.
00:51:30 Sacramento's Thug History
00:51:31 "Mr. Campino, you're too polite.
00:51:36 This man is a nobody compared to you and Kevin.
00:51:39 How dare he act so entitled?"
00:51:42 Landon cupped his hands and smiled humbly.
00:51:45 Although he was the heir to the Bolton family company, Jared and River were still superior
00:51:50 to him.
00:51:51 They had built their companies from the ground up, and Landon had not truly earned his power
00:51:56 yet.
00:51:57 He knew that even though they were technically within the same class, the two men could overpower
00:52:02 him at the end of the day.
00:52:04 The two men had a lot of power within the city.
00:52:08 One of the only men that could put them in their place would be Kevin Bennett.
00:52:12 He was a dragon among men and had power that only a few could wrap their heads around.
00:52:18 If it were anyone else, there was no way that they could take down Mr. Campino and Mr. Smith.
00:52:24 Kevin nodded slightly.
00:52:26 Since the three knew each other, he did not need to introduce them to each other.
00:52:30 With the current state of Sacramento, how many other powers could contend against you?
00:52:37 Although Sacramento was not the hub of business within California, there were still plenty
00:52:41 of opportunities available.
00:52:44 Jared and River were only the ones overseeing the west and east districts of the city, and
00:52:49 they shared supervision of the north and south.
00:52:52 In addition to these underground leaders, quite a few wealthy families were on the same
00:52:56 scale as the Myers family.
00:52:58 He had to integrate all of these forces one by one this time.
00:53:03 Firstly, it was to resist the attention of the Bennetts.
00:53:07 Secondly, he worried he would be forced to flee the city for good.
00:53:12 If this happened, he would have to uproot Claire and he didn't want to make her do that.
00:53:17 After all, the current relationship between her and her family was not that good.
00:53:23 If one day he were not in the city, it would be possible that they would try to hurt her
00:53:27 based on experience.
00:53:29 However, if Jared and River were there to protect her, Kevin felt comforted that she
00:53:35 would be safe.
00:53:37 Upon hearing his request, the three of them looked at each other.
00:53:41 Even Jared, who had always been a little slow, understood what he was trying to say.
00:53:47 "Mr. Bennett, although the city is not very big, its power and influence are extremely
00:53:54 complicated.
00:53:55 Currently, within the families that control the underground world, our only threats are
00:54:00 Winston Ronald from the north and Nick Hallen from the south.
00:54:05 Other than these two, the rest are just some small fish to fry.
00:54:09 They are nothing to be concerned about.
00:54:12 As for the people under our control, we have mainly labeled the Myers as the top family.
00:54:18 But to our knowledge, the Kale family should not be overlooked.
00:54:23 They have recently risen and have taken in some powerful figures.
00:54:27 In certain aspects, they are stronger than the Myers," River said in a deep voice.
00:54:32 "At any time, those in power would have more authority to speak than those without it."
00:54:38 Kevin nodded and was about to say something, but Landon smiled and said, "Mr. Bennett,
00:54:44 Mr. Ronald, who is in charge of the North District, is a part of my family."
00:54:48 "Winston was a member of the Bolton family?"
00:54:52 Kevin was quite surprised.
00:54:54 Winston was one of the greatest names in the underground work of the city, and he had equal
00:54:58 power to Jared and River.
00:55:00 Kevin could have never guessed that he would be a part of the Boltons.
00:55:03 The other two men were also somewhat astonished.
00:55:07 It seemed that the Boltons were much larger than they had imagined.
00:55:12 Even someone as powerful as Winston would associate with their business.
00:55:16 However, those belonging to the Boltons were under Kevin's control.
00:55:21 Kevin was one of the most powerful men in the city, and he could even be compared to
00:55:25 Mr. Bennett.
00:55:26 Kevin naturally understood this principle.
00:55:29 After hearing Landon's words, he already knew the power struggle within the city.
00:55:34 Three regions within the East, South, West, and North regions were under his control.
00:55:39 Only Nick Allen from the Southern region was not under his control.
00:55:43 "What's happening with that region under Mr. Allen's control?"
00:55:47 Kevin asked.
00:55:48 "Mr. Bennett.
00:55:50 The situation with the Southern region is quite complicated."
00:55:54 River's tone turned serious.
00:55:56 "Hmm?
00:55:57 What's not simple?"
00:55:59 His brows twitched.
00:56:00 He was a little curious as to what ability this man had that could cause River to become
00:56:05 so scared.
00:56:06 "Mr. Bennett, have you heard of Cody Evans?"
00:56:10 He did not immediately tell the story, but wanted to see if Kevin recognized the name.
00:56:16 He shook his head.
00:56:17 He had only been in Sacramento for three years, so he did not understand much about it.
00:56:22 However, looking at River's appearance, this man was not simple.
00:56:27 "It's normal for you not to have heard of him," he nodded and said.
00:56:32 "Cody came out of nowhere twenty years ago, and was one of the most amazing people in
00:56:37 the city.
00:56:38 If we were to talk about why he only lives in the dark now, we have to go back to the
00:56:42 history of Sacramento.
00:56:45 Due to the city's location, our underground world has always been unstable.
00:56:50 On average, over a thousand people die in gang battles every year.
00:56:54 Based on the gang scenes battles, we were well known for our fierceness and cruelty
00:56:59 in surrounding cities.
00:57:01 That's why the underground world of Sacramento has never truly been unified since the city's
00:57:06 establishment.
00:57:08 Some people even say that the city was built on top of an ancient burial ground, causing
00:57:13 it to be cursed.
00:57:15 In short, no matter what kind of hero you are, there is no way you can unify the city.
00:57:22 However, Cody broke this rule when he came to the city.
00:57:27 One year.
00:57:29 He only used a year to fight from the west side to the north side, and then from the
00:57:33 south side to the east side.
00:57:35 Then, just by himself, he could unify the city.
00:57:40 At that time, he was revered as the uncrowned emperor by many underworld forces.
00:57:46 A real underground noble ruler.
00:57:49 River spoke in a deep voice.
00:57:51 At that time, no one questioned having the underground world under one ruler unlike today,
00:57:56 where the city was strictly divided into regions of power.
00:58:00 Even the richest families were respectful towards Cody.
00:58:05 This man, is he a fighter?
00:58:08 Everyone understood that Sacramento was a terrifying place twenty years ago.
00:58:13 Peace was unheard of.
00:58:15 At that time, there were nearly no gun restrictions, so everyone was carrying firearms.
00:58:21 Ordinary fighters were as good as dead if they came into contact with a gun.
00:58:26 Thus, the only way that Cody could have that much power, is if he could stop bullets.
00:58:31 With his mind.
00:58:33 He had to be one of the greatest fighters of all time.
00:58:36 Yes, Mr. Bennett, according to the rumors, Cody is indeed an amazing fighter.
00:58:43 River knew Kevin was also an awesome fighter, but he was certain there was no way he could
00:58:48 be at Cody's level from that time.
00:58:51 Mr. Bennett, I've heard my father mention that name before.
00:58:55 He would always say that Sacramento used to be the hub for many talents and was one of
00:58:59 the most diverse cities in the state.
00:59:01 Before Mr. Evans came to town, the city could have been flourishing, but compared to the
00:59:06 surrounding cities, Sacramento was at the top of the list.
00:59:12 Episode 169.
00:59:14 The Man Behind
00:59:15 However, after Cody had conquered every part of the city, his kingdom entered a period
00:59:23 of decline.
00:59:25 Rumor has it that he is the reason for Sacramento's horrible condition, because when conquering
00:59:30 the territories, he picked up a bad habit.
00:59:34 "What habit?"
00:59:36 Jared said subconsciously.
00:59:39 Landon looked at him and said word by word, "Kill.
00:59:44 Everyone.
00:59:45 Fucking.
00:59:46 Body."
00:59:47 Cody got too power crazy.
00:59:49 Anyone who got in his way would be killed.
00:59:53 He let out a long sigh.
00:59:55 "Kill everyone?"
00:59:57 Jared felt his head go numb.
00:59:59 He had been in the underworld for more than twenty years and understood the principle
01:00:03 that harm should come to his family.
01:00:06 However, Mr. Evans was a new level of threat.
01:00:11 Amongst those people whose entire families were killed, many were fighters.
01:00:16 Almost half of the city's trained fighters were killed at the hands of Cody.
01:00:21 Most of the other half fled to surrounding cities, fearing Cody's wrath.
01:00:27 This is why there are only a few trained fighters within Sacramento now.
01:00:31 Cody uprooted the whole city and caused everyone to live in fear.
01:00:36 Landon sighed.
01:00:38 Kevin squinted his eyes.
01:00:40 No wonder he was displeased with the lack of fighters when he first came to the city,
01:00:44 and it turned out to be because of Cody.
01:00:47 Cody could kill over half the city with his power alone.
01:00:51 And then, Kevin was curious as to what he did next.
01:00:55 After that, he mysteriously disappeared.
01:00:59 River took over the story.
01:01:01 It took him one year to take over the entire city, but afterward, no one ever saw him within
01:01:07 the city limits.
01:01:08 There were even rumors that he died after becoming the official ruler of the city.
01:01:13 However, some people also said that he became overwhelmed with the responsibilities of taking
01:01:19 over the city, and he fled to live a life of peace in the southern region, River added.
01:01:25 "He can't be dead," Kevin shook his head.
01:01:28 No one could easily overcome a fighter with talent like his.
01:01:31 In a town like Sacramento, how could there even be a fighter so powerful?
01:01:37 However, twenty years ago, if the Fighting Association had been established, Cody would
01:01:42 never have been able to cause the pain he did.
01:01:45 Instead, they would have taken him down before he even got the chance to make a punch.
01:01:51 Kevin also didn't believe the theory that Cody had run to the southern region.
01:01:55 The fighters there were like another breed, and there was no way Cody could survive it.
01:02:00 If he walked into that region and acted as he had in Sacramento, he would be asking for
01:02:05 a death sentence.
01:02:07 After his disappearance, the competition for power within their family began, and the entire
01:02:12 city felt the repercussions of losing their leader.
01:02:15 It was nothing short of chaos.
01:02:18 However, this also gave good old Jared and me a chance to gain some power.
01:02:24 We had been training our fighting skills during Cody's revolution and wanted to clean up the
01:02:27 mess.
01:02:29 There was a trace of sadness in his tone.
01:02:31 If Cody had not caused so much trouble, they would never have the power they have now.
01:02:37 Even though Cody successfully united the city for a moment, it ultimately created a bigger
01:02:41 problem than before.
01:02:44 Chaos is the appearance of a formidable and ruthless character.
01:02:48 "Jared and River were there to save the day," Kevin nodded slightly and asked.
01:02:53 "So the Evans family afterward returned under the control of the Nick Hallen man you mentioned
01:02:59 earlier?"
01:03:00 "Yes, but also no."
01:03:05 When Cody left the city, Nick was just a little girl.
01:03:08 "Wait, little girl?"
01:03:11 Kevin was surprised.
01:03:12 "After all, is this person a woman?"
01:03:15 He thought it was a man, but it was only because of the masculine name.
01:03:20 River smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Bennett, don't underestimate this woman.
01:03:27 Although she is a girl, she is more powerful than most men I know.
01:03:31 She might even be better than us."
01:03:33 "I didn't underestimate her," he shook his head and laughed.
01:03:37 To be able to stabilize the chaos of her family, this Nick girl must be very skilled.
01:03:43 How could he dare to underestimate her?
01:03:47 When Cody disappeared, she was only seven or eight years old, and the ones above her
01:03:52 were her big brother and her other brother.
01:03:55 Back then, their family was weak due to all the internal struggles and power-hungry individuals.
01:04:01 But who would have known that eight years later, their little girl would restore the
01:04:06 order that they had been craving for so long?
01:04:09 She became the head of their underground operations.
01:04:12 Close friends of Cody's run their underground operations.
01:04:16 Although he disappeared, these core members stayed in the family business and had a lot
01:04:20 of influence.
01:04:22 Therefore, whoever controls the underground operations basically runs the whole family
01:04:27 business.
01:04:29 After Nick took control of the company, her brothers were understandably enraged.
01:04:34 They tried to trick her into handing her position over to them, but she figured out their plan
01:04:39 and crippled them immediately.
01:04:42 After that, they have never tried to mess with her again.
01:04:45 This matter caused a huge uproar in the city back then.
01:04:49 No one would have imagined that the young woman would make such a vicious move.
01:04:54 Even her two brothers close to her would be willing to do so.
01:04:58 At this time, her business expanded rapidly.
01:05:02 At that time, she could easily unify the underworld forces and become the first woman ruler of
01:05:07 the underground operations within the city.
01:05:09 However, for some reason, she didn't do that.
01:05:14 She has kept her family's power within the southern region of California and would not
01:05:17 allow anyone to cross the line.
01:05:20 Furthermore, in these past years, she has never built any security for her family.
01:05:26 It's as if she had long looked down on Cody's actions.
01:05:30 If she wanted to compete for power, it would be none of their business.
01:05:35 He and Jared had been fighting in the open and the dark for the past few years, but each
01:05:39 other's territory always contained the fight between them.
01:05:43 The southern region had always been a mutually accepted forbidden zone to them.
01:05:47 The southern region was a forbidden zone for everyone.
01:05:51 "Interesting," Kevin narrowed his eyes.
01:05:55 He felt more and more that this woman was not simple.
01:05:59 At least, in terms of judging the situation, she had done better than most.
01:06:03 River, Jared, and the others didn't understand why Yi He-Tang didn't develop her family these
01:06:09 past few years and chose to hide in a corner.
01:06:13 But he understood.
01:06:16 Nick must know about the fighting association.
01:06:19 She was afraid of getting in trouble and having her company taken away.
01:06:23 She was afraid that they would punish her for Cody's actions.
01:06:27 Therefore, she had to keep a low profile.
01:06:31 Once she developed her company, she could forget about the people from the association,
01:06:36 even if it meant that she would have to be extremely cautious for the rest of her life.
01:06:42 After all, even though Cody was still alive, he had never appeared.
01:06:47 These enemies would endure for a time, but not for an entire lifetime.
01:06:55 EPISODE 170 Don't Underestimate
01:07:00 Kevin couldn't help but shake his head.
01:07:03 But he had to admit, this woman Nick was not an idiot.
01:07:08 If she was an old lady, she could probably be easily fooled.
01:07:12 However, she was just a young woman in her twenties.
01:07:15 He could only say that she was too monstrous for him to see through at such an age.
01:07:21 Even Kevin had to be careful this time.
01:07:24 Although he possessed monstrous fighting power against this kind of enchanter, martial power
01:07:30 would sometimes become a burden.
01:07:33 Seeing the deep thought on his face, River couldn't help but sight.
01:07:38 She knew that Mr. Bennett wasn't a peaceful person.
01:07:42 It seemed that a battle between him and Nick was inevitable this time.
01:07:46 However, Mr. Bennett...
01:07:50 Although she doesn't have any power to grow her company anymore, her two brothers have
01:07:54 used their name and power to overcome a few of the surrounding companies in their area.
01:08:00 It has become a trend now.
01:08:03 Since Nick crippled them a few years ago, they have always had a grudge against her.
01:08:08 There is no telling what the two men are planning, and Nick cannot control them.
01:08:15 "If you want to make a move on her, you need to start with these two," River said honestly.
01:08:22 He shook his head and said, "These two people are just the scapegoats Nick pished out.
01:08:28 Don't expect them to be a connection to Nick."
01:08:30 "Scapegoat?"
01:08:31 The three of them were stunned.
01:08:33 How are these two men scapegoats?
01:08:37 Kevin smiled and did not explain.
01:08:40 If he had guessed correctly, this woman had intentionally broken their legs and driven
01:08:45 them out of the house.
01:08:47 After that, Nick undoubtedly had a lot of control over them.
01:08:51 They must be terrified of their sister.
01:08:55 As for her goal...
01:08:57 Simple.
01:08:58 Breaking their legs meant no longer room for negotiation between them.
01:09:02 The two were blinded by hatred, so they naturally had to think of a way to take revenge.
01:09:08 If they wanted to revenge, they had to establish their forces.
01:09:13 The woman could then take advantage of the situation and infiltrate the area around the
01:09:17 two of them.
01:09:18 She could even help them build up their forces.
01:09:21 However, the two of them did not know that the more powerful their forces were, the faster
01:09:27 their deaths would occur.
01:09:29 In the future, if any of Cody's enemies came looking for Nick, they would target the two
01:09:34 brothers rather than targeting her first, so she offered her brothers up as collateral
01:09:39 damage.
01:09:41 Even if Cody's nemesis didn't come knocking on their door, it would be impossible for
01:09:46 the two of them to use the power they had been given to turn against her.
01:09:51 Nick had to be said to have planned out the entire situation very well.
01:09:56 He didn't want to be enemies with this kind of woman, if it wasn't necessary.
01:10:02 Of course, neither Kevin nor Nick wanted to be enemies.
01:10:06 They still could cooperate.
01:10:08 However, it all depended on whether she agreed or not.
01:10:12 "How should we deal with this, Mr. Bennett?
01:10:15 Without the help of her two brothers, it would be even harder for them to make a move against
01:10:20 her.
01:10:21 After all, Nick controlled the Evans family underground operations, an elite power built
01:10:27 by Cody all those years ago.
01:10:30 I'll deal with the woman.
01:10:31 You don't have to worry about that.
01:10:33 Your task is to clean up the small powers in your area as soon as possible.
01:10:38 You have to achieve absolute control over your area.
01:10:42 Nick was not someone that the three men knew how to deal with.
01:10:46 To deal with her, Kevin had to do it himself."
01:10:49 "Yes, Mr. Bennett."
01:10:52 The three of them nodded in unison.
01:10:54 Although they did not understand how he would do this, they did not dare to disobey his
01:10:59 order.
01:11:01 There were still many people they had to deal with besides Nick.
01:11:04 None of these rich families was going to be easy to deal with.
01:11:08 The first to deal with would be the Kale family.
01:11:12 None of the three men had met them before, so they did not know how powerful they would
01:11:15 be.
01:11:16 However, Mr. Martin Henderson was behind them, and the Kales were well acquainted with
01:11:22 him.
01:11:23 A typical old fox.
01:11:26 Martin might have already seen the subtle relationship between him and the Bennett family.
01:11:30 Therefore, he would not easily get his foot through the door.
01:11:35 In the future, whenever Kevin gets into a fight, he will take his side.
01:11:41 However, Kevin didn't have to worry about that at the moment.
01:11:45 His top priority right now was to find a way to get to Nick.
01:11:50 Jack drove the car to a clubhouse on the other side of the city after leaving the Westin
01:11:54 Hotel.
01:11:56 Under the welcome of the female receptionist, he entered a dazzling conference room.
01:12:01 Inside the room, a man in his thirties, wearing a suit, stood with his hands behind his back.
01:12:08 Seeing him walk in, the man couldn't help but sneer.
01:12:11 "Have you thought it through?"
01:12:14 Jack smiled in embarrassment and nodded.
01:12:17 "Yes.
01:12:18 I've thought about it, sir."
01:12:21 "Hmm.
01:12:22 You should have thought about this a long time ago.
01:12:25 Let me tell you, I plan to own thirty percent of the city.
01:12:29 If you don't nod your head, I will ensure that not one of the projects in your possession
01:12:34 will sell."
01:12:35 The man snorted.
01:12:36 "Yes, yes, yes.
01:12:39 Mr. Robinson, you're right.
01:12:42 I was ignorant in the past."
01:12:44 He had a forced smile on his face, but in his head, he was cursing him for being an
01:12:49 idiot.
01:12:50 If it weren't for Kevin's surprising return, he wouldn't have thrown out the work he had
01:12:55 in his hands in such a hurry.
01:12:57 "Since that's the case, then let's sign a contract.
01:13:02 I'll buy the seven projects in your hands for twenty million."
01:13:06 He would have offered him thirty million, which was what the projects were worth, but
01:13:10 he understood that Jack was so desperate, he would take the deal.
01:13:15 With a deal of twenty million, Mr. Robinson could save ten million and raise a few more
01:13:20 female celebrities.
01:13:22 "Mr. Robinson, twenty million.
01:13:25 That's a little stingy, don't you think?"
01:13:29 Jack could feel his heart sink.
01:13:31 A few days ago, he sold three of his Beverly Hills projects, each with a starting price
01:13:36 of five million.
01:13:38 He had originally planned to sell the remaining seven projects at a minimum of eight million
01:13:43 each.
01:13:44 However, he didn't expect Kevin's return, which messed up his original plan.
01:13:51 The moment he saw Kevin, he knew that Claire had also returned.
01:13:56 Jack didn't want Claire to ask for the Beverly Hills project back, and it was very likely
01:14:00 that she would.
01:14:02 If Claire had asked for her projects back, there was no way that Jack would see a single
01:14:07 penny.
01:14:08 So he had to sell off the projects before she got to them.
01:14:11 And this man in front of him was the buyer that he had contacted a few days ago, but
01:14:16 the price he was offering was criminally low.
01:14:21 With this deal, each project would only be worth around three point five million, less
01:14:26 than half of what he wanted to sell them for.
01:14:30 Someone had offered the same deal, and Jack had immediately turned him down.
01:14:33 But at this moment, Mr. Miles Robinson was the most suitable buyer because he was the
01:14:40 only buyer who would purchase all the projects in one sale.
01:14:44 Furthermore, he knew that Mr. Robinson had a powerful family, so no one with a conscience
01:14:50 would go against him.
01:14:52 Jack's calculations were very good, but he didn't expect to change his mind at the last
01:14:57 moment.
01:14:59 Miles had returned his words and offered ten million dollars less in their deal.
01:15:05 How could he accept this?
01:15:06 you