The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 321-330

  • 5 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️;#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story


00:00:00 (dramatic music)
00:00:02 Bam!
00:00:03 The bodyguard didn't even have a chance to react
00:00:06 before he was sent flying by the large man
00:00:09 and smashed into the cafe window.
00:00:11 The tempered glass that a hammer couldn't even break
00:00:15 shattered with a loud bang.
00:00:17 The remaining two men roared as their eyes turned red.
00:00:22 The skinny man brazenly made his move.
00:00:26 He raised the cigarette case in his hand
00:00:28 and six more silver needles shot out like lightning
00:00:31 towards the remaining two uniformed men.
00:00:33 (gunshots firing)
00:00:35 The two men hastily dodged the attack.
00:00:37 Although they were prepared for the assault,
00:00:41 they were too close to get away
00:00:43 and two of the needles still shot into their bodies.
00:00:46 The two of them immediately shouted in pain.
00:00:50 This all happened in the blink of an eye.
00:00:52 It was hard to fathom the speed
00:00:55 at which these two men attacked the group of bodyguards.
00:00:58 "Tucker, bring the little miss and run!"
00:01:03 The bodyguard in front finally reacted.
00:01:06 With an explosive shout, he brandished his fist
00:01:10 and rushed toward the skinny man.
00:01:12 The eyes of the bodyguard called Tucker were bloodshot.
00:01:16 Although he wanted to kill the two men
00:01:19 to satisfy his anger,
00:01:21 he understood that protecting the young girl
00:01:23 was the most important matter at this time.
00:01:27 Tucker quickly ran to the young woman's side,
00:01:30 preparing to take her away.
00:01:33 But the large man's speed was even faster than he was.
00:01:37 The large man moved to the young girl's side before Tucker,
00:01:41 then swung his fist to smash her.
00:01:44 His hand whistled like the wind as it flew by.
00:01:46 Judging from his sneak attack on Tucker,
00:01:50 the power of his fist was not to be underestimated.
00:01:53 It could even pierce through metal.
00:01:55 One could only imagine the fate of a young woman
00:01:59 if that fist struck her.
00:02:01 The young woman was indeed panicking.
00:02:04 She would never have thought a killer
00:02:07 would appear in a train station.
00:02:08 Although she was flustered in her heart,
00:02:12 the young woman's reaction was unusually calm.
00:02:15 When the large man rushed over,
00:02:18 she first grabbed the boiling hot coffee on the table
00:02:22 and threw the cup toward his face.
00:02:24 The cup smashed onto his face,
00:02:27 and although it didn't stop the attack,
00:02:30 it did slow him down.
00:02:31 Tucker could then go to her side
00:02:34 and block the first wave of attacks from the assassin.
00:02:37 Fist met palm, and Tucker was pushed back three steps.
00:02:43 His face flushed red, and it became apparent
00:02:46 that he was no match for this fighter.
00:02:49 The look of rage appeared on the face of the assassin
00:02:53 because the young woman took advantage of the moment
00:02:55 and ran out of the cafe.
00:02:57 (Tucker roars)
00:03:01 The killer roared angrily
00:03:02 as he knocked Tucker out of his way with his fist,
00:03:05 and then he pounced on the young girl like a tiger.
00:03:08 She panicked and ran towards Kevin and the others.
00:03:13 Atticus hurriedly got up, ready to save her.
00:03:17 However, the young woman's face was anxious
00:03:20 as she shouted at Atticus.
00:03:22 - Go away, you are not his match.
00:03:25 - Atticus curled his lips and didn't mind trying.
00:03:30 He leapt high into the air,
00:03:32 and his body was like a bow filled with strings of rage
00:03:36 as he pulled it open.
00:03:37 His iron fist was like a thunderbolt
00:03:41 as it smashed through the face of the assassin.
00:03:45 - You're asking for certain death.
00:03:47 - The assassin laughed savagely as he swung his fist out
00:03:51 to intercept Atticus's attacks without a shred of fear.
00:03:55 The two iron fists collided with a loud bang.
00:04:00 Atticus's pupils suddenly contracted.
00:04:03 He flew back uncontrollably
00:04:05 and crashed into the glass of the tea shop.
00:04:07 - Atticus.
00:04:09 - Deck stood up and was about to make his move,
00:04:13 but he was pushed out of the way by Kevin.
00:04:15 - Protect Naomi well.
00:04:18 Let me do it.
00:04:20 - Kevin said in a low voice
00:04:22 as he stood up and walked towards the assassin.
00:04:24 The young woman had already fallen into despair
00:04:28 and accepted her fate.
00:04:30 When she saw the assassin walk over step by step,
00:04:35 she laughed miserably, closed her eyes and prepared to die.
00:04:40 However, at this time, a faint voice resounded in her ears.
00:04:45 - Bart, what are you doing?
00:04:48 - Bart?
00:04:51 - The young woman was slightly surprised and opened her eyes.
00:04:55 A thin figure had appeared before him
00:04:58 and was standing with his hands behind his back
00:05:01 as he silently faced the assassin.
00:05:03 The face of the killer changed
00:05:06 and then he threatened with brutality.
00:05:10 - How do you know my name?
00:05:12 I can't tell you.
00:05:14 I'll kill you if you don't get out of my way.
00:05:16 - You can go.
00:05:19 You are not a match for him.
00:05:21 He is a martial artist.
00:05:23 - The young girl glanced at Kevin miserably.
00:05:25 She was very grateful to Kevin for trying to save her,
00:05:29 but she knew how big of a gap there was
00:05:32 between a martial artist and an ordinary person.
00:05:34 An ordinary person like Kevin
00:05:38 probably couldn't withstand a single move from this killer.
00:05:41 Kevin smiled, but did not argue with her.
00:05:46 Meanwhile, the assassin had lost his patience.
00:05:49 He took a giant stride and punched Kevin's face
00:05:53 with his iron fist.
00:05:55 Kevin, on the other hand, seemed to be scared silly
00:05:58 and stood still on the spot.
00:06:00 - Why do you have to get in the way?
00:06:04 - The young woman sighed as she felt sorry for Kevin.
00:06:08 The next second, the killer's iron fist
00:06:11 was right in front of Kevin's face.
00:06:14 His face was malice as if he could imagine Kevin's head
00:06:18 exploding like a watermelon after that punch.
00:06:21 Kevin shook his head and smiled
00:06:25 as he lightly stretched out his hands
00:06:27 to grab the iron fist approaching him.
00:06:29 This action caused the fierce expression
00:06:33 on the face of the killer to freeze for a moment.
00:06:36 Then it transformed into a look of astonishment.
00:06:39 Crack!
00:06:40 A slight fracture sounded.
00:06:43 The killer uttered a scream and knelt in front of Kevin
00:06:46 with a twisted face.
00:06:48 The bones in his wrist were broken entirely.
00:06:52 Everyone stared with wide eyes,
00:06:56 many of them like statues,
00:06:58 frozen in place by the shock of the situation.
00:07:00 No one would have thought that this vast man
00:07:04 who looked like an animal could be taken down
00:07:07 by someone as slight as Kevin.
00:07:09 The young woman also opened her mouth
00:07:12 with an inconceivable look in her beautiful eyes.
00:07:16 No one knew better than her what this meant.
00:07:19 To cripple this killer quickly
00:07:22 proved that Kevin was also a martial artist.
00:07:25 Furthermore, Kevin's cultivation level
00:07:28 was probably far beyond her imagination.
00:07:32 The skinny man who had already taken care
00:07:34 of the other bodyguards saw that Kevin
00:07:36 had crippled his partner in one move.
00:07:39 A trace of fear flashed across his eyes.
00:07:42 - Who exactly are you?
00:07:45 - The skinny man stared at Kevin
00:07:47 and asked with a hoarse voice.
00:07:49 Although the realm of the assassin wasn't very high,
00:07:54 only at the late stage of the Bright Force,
00:07:56 his size and strength made him unquestionably powerful.
00:08:01 Even if it met a fighter at the early stage of Dark Force,
00:08:04 the killer would still be able to fight.
00:08:07 However, in front of Kevin, his arm was like paper.
00:08:11 He couldn't even hold on for one move
00:08:14 before Kevin crippled him.
00:08:16 It was unbelievable.
00:08:18 - You have no right to know who I am.
00:08:29 - Kevin shook his head.
00:08:31 The skinny man in front of him
00:08:33 and the large man he had crippled were killers.
00:08:35 In terms of position in the martial arts world,
00:08:40 the hit man was no different from a street rat,
00:08:43 almost to the point where everyone would want to beat him up.
00:08:46 Therefore, Kevin naturally would not give the skinny man
00:08:51 any respect at all.
00:08:52 - Not qualified to know?
00:08:56 - The skinny man's face darkened.
00:08:59 He glanced at Kevin again
00:09:00 and jumped from the second floor without looking back.
00:09:03 - Kevin.
00:09:05 - Dex glanced at Kevin,
00:09:07 using his eyes to ask Kevin if he wanted to give chase.
00:09:11 Kevin shook his head.
00:09:13 - No need.
00:09:14 - This skinny killer was only at the early stage
00:09:19 of Dark Force.
00:09:20 There was no way Dex could catch up to him alone.
00:09:23 Of course, he could catch up with him,
00:09:26 but in a place like a train station
00:09:28 where people were watching and monitoring everything,
00:09:32 he would inevitably expose his strength
00:09:34 if he took off after him.
00:09:36 Kevin wouldn't do such a stupid thing
00:09:39 to get back at the assassin.
00:09:40 - Miss, are you all right?
00:09:43 - At this moment,
00:09:45 the bodyguard called Tucker walked up to the young man.
00:09:49 The four of them were ambushed by the two killers,
00:09:52 and in less than 10 seconds, three of them were dead.
00:09:55 - I'm fine.
00:09:58 - The young woman shook her head.
00:10:01 Although she said that she was okay,
00:10:03 her voice was still trembling.
00:10:05 Evidently, she hadn't recovered
00:10:08 from the danger she had just faced.
00:10:10 She had not expected an assassin
00:10:13 to appear in a place like a train station.
00:10:16 Furthermore, their disguise was flawless
00:10:19 without anyone suspecting their true identity.
00:10:22 They pretended to be passengers
00:10:24 and approached her group casually.
00:10:27 Then they used the distraction of the argument
00:10:30 to show their weakness
00:10:31 and made them relax their vigilance.
00:10:33 Afterwards, the skinny man took out a simple cigarette box
00:10:38 that seemed ordinary, but was a devastating weapon.
00:10:41 Each action was interconnected and flawless.
00:10:46 Suddenly, everything exploded in violence.
00:10:49 If not for Kevin,
00:10:51 they would probably all have died here today.
00:10:53 After taking a deep breath,
00:10:57 the young girl walked in front of Kevin.
00:10:59 She took off her mask,
00:11:01 revealing her beautiful face that was beyond comparison.
00:11:05 This beautiful face instantly silenced the entire audience.
00:11:10 Even a pin drop could be heard.
00:11:12 "Sawyer Gray!"
00:11:15 A moment later, quite a few people cried out in alarm.
00:11:19 "Oh my God, it is her!
00:11:24 Why would she appear in Sacramento?"
00:11:27 "I don't know,
00:11:29 but I haven't heard any news of her
00:11:31 taking part in filming lately.
00:11:32 I am going to die!
00:11:36 Is this happening?"
00:11:38 "What happened to those two just now?
00:11:41 Did those people just get killed?"
00:11:44 "Maybe she's filming a movie."
00:11:47 "A movie?
00:11:48 But I don't even see a single camera.
00:11:51 How can this be a movie?
00:11:53 From the looks of it,
00:11:54 those two were going to try and kill Sawyer."
00:11:57 "So these two are killers?"
00:11:59 "That's what it looked like.
00:12:02 But that kid sure cared for them."
00:12:04 Kevin naturally heard every word
00:12:07 of the surrounding people's discussions.
00:12:10 "Was this woman a star?"
00:12:13 Kevin frowned and glanced at Sawyer.
00:12:15 He never thought of this.
00:12:17 "Hello, my name is Sawyer Gray."
00:12:22 Although there was nonstop chatter around her,
00:12:25 the young woman didn't seem to hear them.
00:12:28 She stretched out her hand in a graceful manner.
00:12:30 Kevin Bennett.
00:12:32 Even though his heart was filled with doubts,
00:12:36 Kevin still reached out his hand and held the girl's hand.
00:12:39 The woman's hands were soft as if they had no bones.
00:12:43 "Mr. Bennett, thank you for saving me."
00:12:48 The corner of Sawyer's mouth raised into a sweet smile.
00:12:52 As she spoke, her eyes seemed to be sizing up Kevin
00:12:56 as if trying to read something from his face.
00:12:58 However, Kevin was surprisingly calm.
00:13:03 "You're welcome."
00:13:05 Sawyer's beautiful eyebrows frowned.
00:13:09 "Could it be that the person before her didn't know her?"
00:13:12 "The man that you just mentioned, who is he?"
00:13:17 Sawyer couldn't help but ask the question.
00:13:20 She didn't know the two assassins,
00:13:23 but Kevin seemed to have some insight.
00:13:25 "An old friend," Kevin smiled faintly.
00:13:29 "Old friend?"
00:13:32 Sawyer had a strange expression on her face.
00:13:35 Kevin could say that, but he was hiding something.
00:13:39 The man he called Bart was not Kevin's friend.
00:13:44 On the contrary, it was more likely
00:13:47 that he had a grudge against Kevin.
00:13:48 Although she was confused,
00:13:52 Kevin didn't want to say anything more,
00:13:54 so Sawyer didn't ask any further questions.
00:13:57 "This isn't a good place to talk.
00:14:01 If it is convenient, you can come with me."
00:14:05 Sawyer wanted to move to a different area to talk to Kevin,
00:14:08 but he interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.
00:14:13 "I'm sorry, Ms. Gray."
00:14:16 "The train is about to arrive,
00:14:18 and I still have things to do today,"
00:14:20 Kevin said as he looked at the time.
00:14:22 Seeing Kevin was about to leave, Sawyer became anxious.
00:14:27 "Wait, Kevin, is it possible to leave a contact number?
00:14:32 I still have a few questions I want to ask you."
00:14:35 Kevin frowned and took out his phone.
00:14:39 "This is my number."
00:14:41 "Thank you."
00:14:43 Sawyer's face lit up as she hurriedly took out her cell phone.
00:14:46 This scene made the surrounding bystanders
00:14:50 all widen their eyes.
00:14:52 "You still dare to say this isn't a movie?
00:14:57 If this isn't a movie, I'll eat that phone."
00:15:00 "Seems like he's filming," some people snickered.
00:15:03 "No, it's not.
00:15:06 How could she take the initiative to ask for his number?"
00:15:10 "Yeah, it's too late for others to get in touch with him."
00:15:13 "I thought this kid who saved Ms. Gray's life was a hero,
00:15:19 but he's just filming a movie."
00:15:20 The reaction of the bystanders
00:15:24 was entirely unexpected for Sawyer and Kevin.
00:15:27 Sawyer was still thinking about how to explain
00:15:31 the assassination incident to the media,
00:15:34 but now she didn't need to.
00:15:36 After Kevin left, Sawyer smiled sweetly.
00:15:41 Naturally, extending her hand and greeting everyone around her.
00:15:44 "Hello, everyone. I'm Sawyer Gray.
00:15:49 I'm sorry for bothering all of you.
00:15:53 Everyone just saw a new movie that our production company is filming.
00:15:56 This new movie will be released at various cinemas
00:16:00 at the end of next year for everyone to see.
00:16:03 To guarantee the box office profits for the new movie,
00:16:08 please do not tell anyone about what happened here today.
00:16:12 Please keep it a secret for me."
00:16:15 Sawyer's sweet smile was infectious,
00:16:18 but her words were full of holes,
00:16:21 and anyone with a discerning eye could tell something was wrong.
00:16:25 However, most passengers did not overthink it
00:16:30 and believed what she said to be true.
00:16:32 "Goddess Sawyer, don't worry.
00:16:36 I won't say a single word.
00:16:38 I wish you much success in your new movie.
00:16:43 Sawyer, I love you."
00:16:45 Screams sounded in the hall.
00:16:48 Sawyer had suppressed an assassination
00:16:52 that should have caused a considerable sensation throughout the country.
00:16:55 A few minutes later,
00:16:58 a group of police officers dressed in black uniforms
00:17:01 and carrying rifles rushed over.
00:17:04 The EMS medical team, train station managers,
00:17:08 and high-level government officials arrived.
00:17:10 Everyone's face was quivering like a baby bird in fear.
00:17:20 A killer had appeared inside the train station.
00:17:25 It was simply shocking.
00:17:26 Furthermore, the assassination target was the most famous person in the country,
00:17:34 Sawyer Gray,
00:17:35 also known as the National Goddess.
00:17:38 If something had happened to her,
00:17:41 the entire world would have been shocked.
00:17:43 "Miss Gray, are you alright?"
00:17:47 A middle-aged man with half-white hair wearing a suit came running over,
00:17:52 panting heavily, and drenched in sweat.
00:17:56 The girl in front of him was not just any beautiful starlet.
00:18:02 She had another identity that was even more respected than this one.
00:18:06 Compared to this one, a so-called star was not even worth mentioning.
00:18:12 "Uncle Lester, I'm fine," Sawyer shook her head.
00:18:17 "It's good that you're fine. It's good that you're fine."
00:18:21 The man wiped the sweat off his brow and heaved a sigh of relief.
00:18:27 His reaction caused the dozen or so Sacramento officials behind him to be extremely shocked.
00:18:34 Wasn't she just a celebrity?
00:18:36 Although she was pretty famous, her attitude shown by Lester was surprising.
00:18:42 The middle-aged, balding man was Lester Miller.
00:18:47 He was Beverly Hills mayor and an awe-inspiring figure in Sacramento.
00:18:53 "Miss Gray, my incompetent supervision led to such an incident, and it has frightened you.
00:18:59 However, don't worry. I won't let one of the security personnel and train station
00:19:06 administrators involved in this incident go." A hint of sternness flashed across Lester's face.
00:19:12 He didn't know what the high security guard was good for,
00:19:17 since it allowed assassins to sneak in with weapons.
00:19:22 Fortunately, nothing had happened to Sawyer. This time, he was most likely going to the end.
00:19:28 "No need, Lester. This matter has nothing to do with security.
00:19:34 Those two killers are martial artists." Sawyer shook her head.
00:19:39 She didn't continue her sentence, but Lester should understand.
00:19:44 With Lester's status, he naturally came into contact with the martial arts world.
00:19:51 So he should know that ordinary people had no way to deal with martial artists.
00:19:56 "Alright, since you've said so, I won't pursue any repercussions," Lester said in a deep voice.
00:20:04 "Yes." Sawyer nodded her head and said,
00:20:08 "Hand over the culprit that you captured to the Martial Alliance.
00:20:13 They have the experience in handling such matters."
00:20:17 "Martial Alliance?"
00:20:21 Lester's heart trembled as he hurriedly nodded and said,
00:20:24 "Okay, Miss Gray. I'll do it right away.
00:20:28 Okay, the group that saved you is currently on a train heading towards Rosemount.
00:20:35 Should I get someone to stop them?"
00:20:38 Lester had seen the surveillance on the way there,
00:20:42 so he knew that a young man had saved Sawyer in the nick of time.
00:20:47 But now, that young man had led his group of people and left Sacramento.
00:20:52 "Rosemount?" Sawyer was slightly taken aback.
00:20:57 She didn't expect Kevin's group to go there,
00:21:01 but soon, she recovered from her astonishment and shook her head.
00:21:05 "No need. I will personally contact them when I get back."
00:21:10 Although she had only interacted with Kevin for a few minutes,
00:21:15 she could tell he didn't like to be disturbed.
00:21:18 If Lester stopped him, he would be unhappy.
00:21:21 "Alright."
00:21:23 Lester nodded in agreement before commanding everyone in his group to suppress this incident.
00:21:30 They were trying their best to make it as trivial as possible.
00:21:34 After Lester and his group left, Tucker couldn't help but glance at Sawyer and ask,
00:21:41 "Miss, Lester is, after all, the head of Sacramento."
00:21:47 "So why don't you let him investigate Kevin's background?"
00:21:50 "Lester is not qualified," Sawyer said indifferently.
00:21:56 "Not qualified?" Tucker's eyes narrowed.
00:22:00 "What do you mean by that, miss?"
00:22:03 Lester was the mayor, after all.
00:22:06 What was there that he was unable to investigate?
00:22:10 Sawyer didn't answer Tucker's question.
00:22:13 At this moment, she was only thinking about one thing,
00:22:17 and that was, did Kevin not know her?
00:22:20 Or was he pretending to not know her?
00:22:23 The reason why she took off her mask in front of everyone was to test Kevin.
00:22:29 However, he had been very calm from the beginning to the end.
00:22:34 He was so quiet that she felt that something was wrong.
00:22:40 Even though she said her name, Kevin was not moved at all.
00:22:44 It was as if Sawyer was just a passerby.
00:22:48 This made her doubt herself a little.
00:22:51 She was a female celebrity who had been to the most
00:22:55 significant awards shows since the first year of her career.
00:22:58 All these years, the movies she had been performing in
00:23:03 and the songs she had sung were all internationally famous.
00:23:08 In the United States, she was a household name.
00:23:11 Many practically worshipped her.
00:23:13 Even a three-year-old child knew who she was.
00:23:16 However, Kevin didn't even bat an eyelid after she stated her name.
00:23:22 Therefore, Sawyer was now wondering if her charm had a problem.
00:23:27 "Kevin, you don't know Sawyer Gray!"
00:23:31 At this moment, in the train car heading to Rosemont,
00:23:36 Atticus' face is filled with disbelief.
00:23:38 Other than admiration, he didn't know what to say to Kevin.
00:23:43 She was making such a national celebrity take the initiative to request contact
00:23:49 and not even know who she was made Kevin unique.
00:23:52 "Is she famous?"
00:23:55 Kevin couldn't help but ask.
00:23:57 He didn't know who Sawyer was,
00:24:00 as he was completely immersed in his development within the Bennett family.
00:24:05 When he reached Sacramento, he would spend every day inside working,
00:24:10 not even going online typically.
00:24:12 He didn't know or perhaps didn't care who Sawyer Gray was.
00:24:17 "More than famous!"
00:24:20 Atticus' tone was slightly sour.
00:24:23 "Kevin, our city's streets and alleys have been covered
00:24:28 with posters of Sawyer for the past two years!"
00:24:31 In the local area, if you ask a citizen who his congressman is,
00:24:36 he might say he doesn't know.
00:24:37 But if you ask him who is the most famous celebrity in the United States,
00:24:43 he would say Sawyer Gray.
00:24:44 "Kevin, Sawyer is indeed very famous!
00:24:49 Every day, her songs are played on all the radio stations!
00:24:53 All the boys in our school are her fans!"
00:24:57 Naomi also gave Kevin a strange look and carefully spoke up.
00:25:01 She had never seen anyone as strange as Kevin.
00:25:05 "And you, Naomi? Are you a fan of hers?"
00:25:10 Kevin smiled at Naomi.
00:25:12 "I... me too..."
00:25:14 Naomi nodded, her face blushing.
00:25:17 "In that case, I am indeed out of touch."
00:25:22 Kevin smiled.
00:25:25 "Kevin, quickly check your messages and see if Sawyer has sent you any news!"
00:25:29 Atticus chuckled.
00:25:31 Kevin's behavior completely shocked everyone in their group.
00:25:36 Kevin smiled, took out his phone, and looked at his messages.
00:25:46 He found out that Sawyer had sent him a message.
00:25:50 "Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
00:25:55 If there is anything you need in the future, please don't hesitate to ask!
00:25:59 I am indebted to you and will do whatever I can to help!"
00:26:04 Sawyer didn't use her celebrity status to look down on others,
00:26:09 which made a very positive impression on Kevin.
00:26:12 Kevin flipped his fingers and sent a message back to her.
00:26:17 "There's no need for any debt to be paid.
00:26:20 I only have one request.
00:26:23 Please, keep my identity a secret so not too many people know about my true abilities."
00:26:29 Kevin was straightforward, and his meaning was simple.
00:26:33 He didn't want too many people to know about his actions.
00:26:37 Sawyer's background was one of more than just a celebrity.
00:26:41 The four warriors who were protecting her were military soldiers.
00:26:46 As for the two people that tried to assassinate her,
00:26:51 they were both professional assassins.
00:26:54 Hitmen of their caliber would not have been cheap to hire.
00:26:58 To be able to hire killers without any financial limits
00:27:02 is genuinely terrifying and beyond imagination.
00:27:06 Since Sawyer was worth 200 million,
00:27:10 the power backing her was much stronger than the one backing the assassin.
00:27:14 Kevin could only imagine how deep the fight between the two forces went.
00:27:21 If it were possible, he wouldn't get involved.
00:27:23 However, Atticus had already made his move at the train station,
00:27:28 and Kevin couldn't just stand by.
00:27:31 However, besides Atticus, there was another reason why Kevin had attacked.
00:27:37 The reason was due to the giant assassin.
00:27:41 Kevin noticed that when he fought with Sawyer's bodyguard,
00:27:46 he used a secret technique called copper armor.
00:27:50 As its name implied, copper armor made one's skin as hard as copper.
00:27:55 Using this technique would significantly increase their defensive capabilities for a short period,
00:28:02 and would allow the fighter to become invulnerable to weapons.
00:28:05 Kevin had seen this secret technique three years ago,
00:28:09 and it was used by a practitioner of the middle period of Dark Force stage called Bart.
00:28:15 At that time, Bart had left a deep impression on Kevin.
00:28:21 After using the copper armor,
00:28:23 his defensive capabilities were almost invincible within the same realm.
00:28:27 He could take seven of Kevin's punches head-on without dying,
00:28:33 and escape without blood spewing out of his mouth.
00:28:35 Kevin initially thought that he would never see Bart again in his lifetime,
00:28:41 and he certainly never thought he would confront one of his pupils inside a train station.
00:28:47 Kevin did not know what relationship the assassin had with Bart,
00:28:52 but the reason why Kevin asked was to probe.
00:28:55 He didn't expect that he would tell him the truth.
00:28:58 The Black Ape knew Bart, but didn't see their relationship.
00:29:03 Thinking of this, Kevin sent another message to Sawyer.
00:29:08 The news was simple, with only three words.
00:29:11 "San Jose, Bart."
00:29:16 On the other end of the message, Sawyer was ecstatic when she saw the news.
00:29:20 Kevin's news was not just simple information.
00:29:24 These words had a hidden meaning and proved that Kevin planned to intervene on her behalf.
00:29:30 Compared to Bart's information, Sawyer valued this information from Kevin even more.
00:29:37 Judging from Kevin's clear-cut actions, his strength is unfathomable.
00:29:44 At the very least, it's just the start of the middle period of the Dark Force stage.
00:29:49 A 25 or 26-year-old middle period of Dark Force stage was an absolute shock in a place like
00:29:57 Rosemont.
00:29:57 His talent was beyond explanation to be able to reach his level of training at such a young age.
00:30:04 His family background would not be any worse.
00:30:08 Right now, the Grey family was in the midst of a storm.
00:30:14 Surrounded by strong enemies on the outside who were trying to make inroads.
00:30:18 Therefore, the outside world's support was significant to the Grey family.
00:30:24 If she could rope Kevin into the Grey family's warship,
00:30:29 the odds of victory for them would increase significantly.
00:30:32 Kevin didn't know that Sawyer thought so much after he had sent her three words.
00:30:38 Of course, even if Kevin knew, he wouldn't say anything.
00:30:43 Sawyer wanted to use him to solve the problems of the Grey family,
00:30:47 but wasn't he also using them to search for Bart?
00:30:50 The only thing that could be said was that they were all using each other.
00:30:56 Two hours later, the train arrived at the Rosemont station.
00:31:00 Rosemont was an international city with a population of 20 million.
00:31:06 As the center of America's economy, finance, trade, and shipping,
00:31:12 Rosemont held many titles in terms of most significant and vital within the United States of America.
00:31:18 The largest foreign trade port, most extensive industrial base, and so on.
00:31:24 Countless titles.
00:31:27 They could feel a bustling aura rushing toward them as soon as they got out of the train.
00:31:32 People from all over the world were gathered here.
00:31:36 This place carried the dreams of countless ordinary people.
00:31:41 This was both heaven and hell.
00:31:43 For the rich, Rosemont presented endless opportunities and possibilities.
00:31:49 All doors were open to them.
00:31:52 For ordinary people, Rosemont was an unreachable dream filled with blood and sweat.
00:31:59 An endless uphill climb with little chances for success.
00:32:03 Under intense pressure, the talented people would rise to the top.
00:32:09 And the incapable or weak would be crushed under the weight of the city.
00:32:13 Every year, many favored people would soar through the ranks of the Rosemont Business Society
00:32:20 and become highly successful and wealthy.
00:32:22 In the 1990s, Rosemont rose to such a level that it attracted the most talented and influential
00:32:31 people in the entire country.
00:32:32 The city's influence and leaders had a far-reaching impact throughout the United States.
00:32:38 Kevin did not have many feelings towards Rosemont because the last time he visited
00:32:43 was when he came with Travis 10 years ago.
00:32:45 That time, Travis had brought him to meet the first person he knew in Rosemont, Rick Preston.
00:32:54 Rick had left a deep impression on Kevin, and after 10 years, Kevin still had not forgotten.
00:33:01 He had made Kevin feel like a real man.
00:33:06 "I wonder if Rick is still in Rosemont.
00:33:08 If he was here, he might have to visit him."
00:33:12 Kevin thought to himself.
00:33:15 After taking a deep breath, Kevin calmed his complicated mood,
00:33:20 turned around, and said to Atticus and Dex,
00:33:23 "You guys take Naomi to Rosemont University to register first.
00:33:28 Then go to the hospital to find Ron.
00:33:31 I'll go deliver something to my dad's car."
00:33:35 "I'll go deliver something to my dad's comrades, and after I'm done, I'll come and find you guys."
00:33:40 "Okay, Kevin."
00:33:42 Dex nodded respectfully and left with Naomi.
00:33:46 Kevin then took out his phone and dialed the number that Alan gave him.
00:33:51 Alan told him to go to Rosemont and call this person so they could come and retrieve these items.
00:33:58 [MUSIC]
00:34:07 Kevin dialed the number, but no one answered.
00:34:09 He tried again, but still no answer.
00:34:12 Kevin frowned and hit redial three more times.
00:34:17 After the sixth time, the call finally connected.
00:34:24 However, just as he picked up the call, an impatient voice came through the phone.
00:34:29 "Hello, who is it?"
00:34:32 "I'm Kevin. I'm calling for Mitch Davis."
00:34:36 Kevin frowned as he spoke.
00:34:38 "Kevin?"
00:34:39 A voice on the other end of the line was stunned for a moment, then returned to him.
00:34:45 "You're the son-in-law Alan spoke of?"
00:34:49 "Yes. Where are you now?"
00:34:53 "I'm not at the train station right now. I'm at the Royal Clubhouse."
00:34:57 The voice on the other end of the phone was intermittent,
00:35:03 but Kevin could tell right away that he was in a casino.
00:35:07 "Uh, I still have things to do, so I don't have the time to come pick you up.
00:35:14 Hurry up and get a taxi. Bring the stuff over here. You have to be fast."
00:35:20 After saying that, he hung up the phone without waiting for Kevin's response.
00:35:25 Kevin's expression naturally turned cold.
00:35:28 This was not the first time he had dealt with someone who didn't understand what was happening.
00:35:35 If he weren't afraid that Alan would be stuck in the middle,
00:35:39 he would have just thrown the jade into the trash.
00:35:42 After taking a deep breath, Kevin walked out of the train station and hailed a taxi.
00:35:49 Half an hour later, the cab stopped in front of the Royal Clubhouse.
00:35:53 Kevin dialed the phone number with a cold expression.
00:35:57 "I'm here."
00:35:59 "You're here? Then come in. I'm in the clubhouse.
00:36:04 Come in and ask for me. The receptionist will bring you in to find me."
00:36:09 The man on the other end of the line still didn't take things seriously.
00:36:16 Kevin had reached his limit. He said coldly, "I'll give you one minute.
00:36:20 If you don't come out after one minute, you'll never see your family heirloom again."
00:36:27 "Hey, boy, what do you mean? I did give you respect, didn't I?"
00:36:34 In the clubhouse, Mitch slammed the table and got angry.
00:36:38 He wanted to curse at Kevin, but found that Kevin had hung up the phone.
00:36:45 Mitch cursed angrily.
00:36:46 He put his hands together and smiled apologetically at the other three people at the poker table.
00:36:52 "Friends, I'm sorry. I have something to do.
00:36:57 I'll be back in a few minutes. You guys go ahead and play."
00:37:01 "Go and come back quickly."
00:37:05 The other three waved their hands nonchalantly.
00:37:08 Then Mitch turned around and left.
00:37:14 As soon as he left the club, Mitch saw the cold face of Kevin.
00:37:18 He pointed at Kevin's nose and said aggressively, "Hey, you brat. Did I give you respect?
00:37:27 To ask you to bring something to me, you truly think of yourself as someone important.
00:37:33 Do you believe me?"
00:37:35 Kevin raised his hand and slapped Mitch's face.
00:37:41 "Do you believe me?" Kevin said coldly.
00:37:44 "You dare hit me?" Mitch covered his face, and his eyes instantly turned blood red.
00:37:51 Kevin raised his hand and slapped Mitch again.
00:37:55 "Why would I not dare?" Kevin looked coldly at Mitch.
00:38:00 Mitch's eyes were sunken in, and his footsteps were weak.
00:38:05 Looking at him, one could tell he was a typical gambler.
00:38:10 Kevin could not get used to this kind of person.
00:38:12 "I… I'll kill you."
00:38:15 After being slapped twice by Kevin, Mitch lost his mind.
00:38:20 Being filled with anger, he roared and rushed toward Kevin.
00:38:25 However, how could such a weak chicken be a match for Kevin?
00:38:30 Kevin only lightly raised his foot and pointed it at Mitch's leg.
00:38:35 Mitch screamed and fell to the ground.
00:38:39 He held his leg and started to wail.
00:38:41 This man cried so hard that tears came out of his eyes.
00:38:47 Kevin frowned.
00:38:49 Allen said that his old comrade was a first-class man in the military back then.
00:38:54 Such an ancient hero's descendants would be embarrassed by what he had become.
00:38:59 "Please, someone is bullying me.
00:39:03 Please, help me.
00:39:06 Help me. I'll be beaten to death if you don't stop and help me."
00:39:10 Mitch sat on the ground and wailed, leading many passersby to point at him.
00:39:16 Many of them had mocking smiles on their faces.
00:39:20 A man in his thirties should be ashamed of how he was acting.
00:39:24 Even Kevin couldn't keep a straight face anymore.
00:39:28 If others knew he was the mighty martial arts master,
00:39:33 bullying this kind of person would probably cause him to lose all his respect.
00:39:37 "Stop crying."
00:39:39 Kevin could no longer hold it in and growl.
00:39:43 However, Mitch, who was on the ground, did not stop crying after hearing Kevin's voice.
00:39:50 Instead, he shouted even louder, almost to the point of screaming.
00:39:55 Kevin's face instantly turned terrifyingly dark.
00:40:00 He gritted his teeth as he threatened.
00:40:03 "If you cry again, I'll beat you to death."
00:40:07 Perhaps it was because he was afraid of Kevin,
00:40:11 but when Mitch heard that Kevin was going to make his move,
00:40:14 he shrank back and immediately stopped crying.
00:40:18 However, his eyes were still filled with hatred when he looked at Kevin.
00:40:23 Kevin's head was filled with angry thoughts.
00:40:28 He then took out a black box from his bag,
00:40:32 brought it in front of Mitch, and said coldly,
00:40:34 "This belongs in your family. Here."
00:40:38 Mitch gave Kevin a bitter look.
00:40:41 He then took the black box and opened it to see inside.
00:40:45 He wanted to give it back to Kevin,
00:40:49 but as he had thought of something, he rolled his eyes and took back five of the 15 bills.
00:40:55 He handed the remaining 10 bills to Kevin and said with a face full of charity,
00:41:01 "Originally, I only wanted to give you 500,
00:41:05 but I'll give you an extra 500 for the ride that brought me the jade.
00:41:10 There's a total of a thousand. I will take back this jade.
00:41:15 From now on, the Wright family has nothing to do with my Baldwin family anymore."
00:41:21 "One thousand dollars?"
00:41:24 Kevin was so furious that he almost laughed.
00:41:29 He had already tried his best to accept Mitch's shamelessness,
00:41:33 but he didn't expect that he had still underestimated him.
00:41:36 If he remembered correctly, a few years ago,
00:41:41 Mitch's father had pawned this piece of jade to Alan and borrowed $100,000.
00:41:47 But now, several years had passed, and the $100,000 had turned into $1,000.
00:41:57 And according to Mitch, there was another 500 that was given to him as charity.
00:42:01 Kevin didn't know what to say to such an ungrateful person.
00:42:06 "What? You think it's too little?" Mitch raised his eyebrows.
00:42:11 "Let me tell you. A thousand dollars is enough. I didn't want to give you a single cent at first,
00:42:19 but your father-in-law helped my dad keep the jade for a few years.
00:42:26 Although it didn't do any good, it was still hard work. This thousand dollars."
00:42:31 "Get lost."
00:42:39 Kevin wanted to say something, but Kevin directly slapped away the thousand dollars in Mitch's hand.
00:42:45 "You." He pointed at Kevin's face and was getting angry.
00:42:53 But when he remembered Kevin's martial prowess, he instantly became calm again.
00:42:58 He hatefully said, "1,500. I'll give you 1,500, all right?"
00:43:04 "I said get lost." Kevin suppressed his anger and restrained the urge to beat Mitch to death.
00:43:12 "Get lost? What do you mean? Don't you want the money?" Mitch looked at Kevin in shock.
00:43:22 He didn't wait for Kevin to respond. He quickly picked up the money from the ground and said,
00:43:27 "This is what I'm willing to offer. But if you don't want it, then I won't offer it again."
00:43:34 After picking up the money and raising his head, he found that Kevin was no longer there.
00:43:40 "Idiot." Mitch scolded and a proud smile appeared on his face.
00:43:48 "I'm offering you money, but you don't even know what's good for you."
00:43:52 Just as he finished cursing at Kevin, Mitch's phone rang.
00:43:57 "Son, did you receive it?" A sharp voice came from the other end of the line.
00:44:03 "I've got it, mom. I've obtained the jade." Mitch smiled shyly.
00:44:09 "How much money did you give him?"
00:44:11 "150,000."
00:44:17 "What? 150,000?" The voice on the other end of the phone was sharp enough to pierce a person's
00:44:24 eardrums. It sounded like an owl screech during the night. "Mitch, is something wrong with your
00:44:32 brain? I'll give you 100,000. It's fine if you don't want to bargain with me, but you're giving
00:44:39 me another 50,000?" "Mom, you don't think I want to give that idiot 150,000?" Mitch looked wrong.
00:44:48 "In the beginning, I only planned to give him 50,000, but when he heard that,
00:44:55 he immediately slapped me twice." "What did you say? He slapped you? Does he want to die?"
00:45:03 The voice on the other end of the phone exploded in anger. "Mom, that bastard not only slapped your
00:45:11 son twice, but he also threatened me, saying that today I must pay him the 150,000 dollars.
00:45:18 If I can't pay the money, he will come to our doorstep and shout with his megaphone,
00:45:25 saying that my father owes him money, and he will make it known to everyone. Everyone in
00:45:31 Rosemont would know that my father is a shameless person. For the sake of my dad's reputation,
00:45:37 I had no choice but to borrow another 50,000 from a friend. I gathered the money and gave it to that
00:45:45 thug." Mitch said with a troubled expression. "Oh, I'm furious. What about the thug? Find him,
00:45:54 I want to kill him!" Mitch's mother, Stephanie, screamed and cursed. Even through the phone,
00:46:02 Mitch could feel the anger in her voice. Mitch shrunk his neck and said, "Mom, he has already
00:46:09 left. I don't know where he went either." "Find him for me, find him! I want him to pay back the
00:46:17 150,000 dollars! I, Stephanie, am not that easy to swindle!" Stephanie screamed. "Mom, don't be
00:46:28 angry. I'll go look for him now," Mitch said, and he hurriedly forced a smile. But a trace of a
00:46:36 sinister smile flashed across the corner of his mouth. A mere thug, daring to fight with me?
00:46:44 He was asking for trouble. Kevin did not know that Mitch had turned $1,000 into $150,000 with
00:46:53 just a few words. If Kevin knew, he would probably fly into a rage. At this moment, Kevin had arrived
00:47:02 at a private hospital downtown. After Bron was driven out of danger, he cared for himself in
00:47:08 this private hospital. Kevin asked the front desk which room Bron was in and quickly went to find
00:47:15 him. He was still outside the door when he heard Atticus's excited voice inside.
00:47:20 "Master, you don't know how powerful Kevin is! When we went to Beverly Hills to look for the
00:47:28 Ice Lotus, we encountered a black snake. That black snake's body was nearly 30 feet long and
00:47:35 thicker than a bucket! At that time, there were more than 20 mercenaries present on the scene.
00:47:41 They swept over a thousand rounds of bullets with an AK-47, but they were unable to even scratch the
00:47:49 black snake's skin in the slightest." "So terrifying," on the bed, Bron gasped.
00:47:56 With his eyes wide open, Kevin, outside the door, burst into laughter. He didn't expect
00:48:04 that Bron would still have such a childish character after so many years.
00:48:08 "Yes, it's that terrifying!" Atticus heavily nodded his head.
00:48:14 He was practically jumping up and down, retelling the story to Bron.
00:48:19 After the Oso family's mercenaries had fired over a thousand rounds, they had no choice but to try
00:48:28 and fight the black snake another way. Soon after, two middle-period Dark Force stage fighters
00:48:34 appeared. But in front of the black snake, the two didn't even last one round and were sent
00:48:40 flying by the black snake's tail! "And then, what happened next?"
00:48:46 Bron's face was filled with impatience. "Then... then I, Kevin, will take the stage."
00:48:56 Atticus' face was full of pride as he was the one appearing on stage.
00:49:00 "Three strikes!" Atticus stretched out three fingers and said complacently,
00:49:08 "I, Kevin, only used three moves, and in three moves, I cut that black snake into pieces.
00:49:15 And that snake's blood dyed the entire lake surface red, Master!
00:49:21 The scene was so shocking! And at that time, the Oso family and everyone with them were scared
00:49:28 senseless! After Kevin killed the snake, Bianca looked at him with a gaze full of admiration.
00:49:34 It was like she wanted to marry Kevin on the spot! And if you want to know what I think,
00:49:41 Kevin should take her up on her offer since she's the Oso family's princess!"
00:49:47 As Atticus was talking excitedly, he suddenly felt the surrounding air was a little cold.
00:49:53 Bron, who was in front of him, also opened his eyes wide with disbelief written all over his face.
00:50:00 Atticus rolled his eyes and coughed lightly, "I was only joking with you! Kevin is exceptional!
00:50:10 Special! He only has eyes for his wife!" "Is that so?" Kevin came up behind Atticus with a dark
00:50:19 look on his face. Atticus's body stiffened. He quickly turned his head and smiled apologetically.
00:50:26 "Yes, yes, Kevin! You are the most dedicated man I've ever seen in this world!"
00:50:34 "Get out of here!" Kevin swore in annoyance. It was unknown when Atticus would be able to
00:50:41 change his habit of running his mouth. If Kevin had not come in when he did,
00:50:46 perhaps Atticus would have said even Sawyer was his admirer.
00:50:49 Kevin then shifted his gaze to Bron. Bron had a dark complexion, and one of his ears had been
00:50:58 cut off. He was initially 200 pounds, but now he was so skinny that only a skeleton was left.
00:51:04 He looked as if the wind could knock him down.
00:51:08 Bron's miserable state caused an unprecedented feeling of revenge to surge out of Kevin's chest.
00:51:20 However, his face did not reveal the slightest bit of emotion at this moment.
00:51:26 On the contrary, he glanced at Bron with a face full of ridicule and smiled.
00:51:31 "Oh, dawg, Bron. Your life is pretty good."
00:51:35 "What would you say? I'm your other brother. How can I not have a good life?"
00:51:43 Bron glared at him. His angry look made him look a bit cute and innocent.
00:51:49 Kevin smiled and didn't say anything.
00:51:53 "I just heard that stinking brat Atticus say that you were unlucky and ran off to
00:51:58 Sacramento to be a live-in son-in-law. Is there such a thing?"
00:52:03 "There is indeed such a thing," Kevin nodded with a smile.
00:52:08 Bron's mouth was agape with disbelief written all over his face.
00:52:13 "Really?"
00:52:15 "Of course it's true. Is there a need for me to lie to an old dog like you?" Kevin smiled.
00:52:23 "Heh. Does my sister-in-law look like a fairy from the heavens?"
00:52:27 Bron was suddenly interested. Kevin shook his head and said lightly,
00:52:33 "Your sister-in-law is even prettier than the fairies in the sky."
00:52:37 "That's good. That's good." Bron chuckled and nodded satisfactorily.
00:52:46 "This way, it won't be a disgrace to you, kid."
00:52:50 "A disgrace?" Kevin laughed at himself and shook his head.
00:52:54 "There's nothing to be ashamed of. If we're going to talk about disgrace,
00:52:59 it's me who disgraced Claire, not Claire who disgraced me."
00:53:04 Surprise flashed across Bron's eyes. Had he insulted that woman?
00:53:11 How was this possible? Others might not know Kevin's identity, but he was clear about it.
00:53:20 Disregarding the relationship with the Bennett family,
00:53:23 just Travis's identity as a close disciple was enough to make him look down on 99% of the young
00:53:30 elites in the United States. If Kevin wanted to marry and have his children, he only needed to
00:53:37 say the word, and the top families in America would send their proud daughters to line up in
00:53:43 front of Kevin. Even the Bennett family couldn't say anything. Because Kevin's master was Travis,
00:53:50 the Grandmaster. In the entire country, there were hundreds of wealthy families whose wealth
00:53:56 and power were longstanding, and able to sway the whole nation. However, in front of a Grandmaster,
00:54:04 they didn't even dare to take a step out of line. This was the deterrence of a Grandmaster.
00:54:10 If those people from the Bennett family knew that their illegitimate child, Kevin, had been
00:54:17 Travis's last student when he was 15, their attitude towards Kevin would be different.
00:54:22 At this time, Kevin took out a black pill, emitting a sweet smell from his bag,
00:54:29 interrupting Braun's train of thought. Braun couldn't help but blurt out,
00:54:34 "This is the ice lotus pill?" "Yes," Kevin nodded.
00:54:39 "This little thing really gets rid of fire poison?"
00:54:44 Braun was skeptical. "We won't know if it works until we try."
00:54:49 Kevin glanced at Braun and said, "Open your mouth."
00:54:53 Braun laughed and opened his mouth wide. Kevin took out the ice lotus pill and prepared to put
00:55:00 it into Braun's mouth. At that moment, a delicate voice came from the hospital room door.
00:55:08 "Do not give the patient unauthorized food." The next second, the voice owner walked over
00:55:15 with a thump and snatched the ice lotus pill from Kevin's hand. She then coldly looked at Kevin and
00:55:22 the four Bennett siblings and asked, "Who are you? What do you have to do with the patient?"
00:55:27 Kevin frowned and didn't say anything. "We are the patient's family."
00:55:35 Dex stood up and looked at the tall beauty in a white coat. Judging from the badge on her chest,
00:55:41 her name was Dr. Riley Alder, the hospital's chief physician. "Family?"
00:55:47 Riley's beautiful eyebrows creased into a frown. A trace of suspicion flashed across her beautiful
00:55:56 eyes. "Why haven't I seen you guys here before?" In the past, Dex was a bit embarrassed and was
00:56:04 just about to make up some excuses when Braun laughed out loud. "Dr. Alder, these people are
00:56:13 my children. They've been busy abroad for some time, so they don't have the time to come see me.
00:56:20 They've been here for the past few days so they can come back to see me."
00:56:24 Hearing Braun's word, Riley's doubts were finally satisfied.
00:56:31 After all, Braun had been living in the hospital for almost a month,
00:56:35 but Kevin and the others had just arrived. "What is this?" Riley picked up the ice lotus pill
00:56:43 and looked at Kevin. "Ice lotus pill," Kevin said lightly.
00:56:48 "Ice lotus pill?" Riley frowned. "What's the use of it?"
00:56:53 "Treatment for him." "Treatment? Just from this?" Riley sneered.
00:57:01 There was a hint of anger in her tone. "Yeah, just from this," Kevin smiled faintly.
00:57:07 "I'm not joking with you." Riley's expression suddenly turned cold.
00:57:13 "Do you know what kind of illness Braun is suffering from? If you dare to give him medicine
00:57:20 randomly, and there's a problem with it, who will be responsible?"
00:57:26 "If anything goes wrong with the medicine, I'll be responsible for it."
00:57:30 Kevin remained calm, but Riley was furious. "You're in charge. Can you take responsibility?"
00:57:37 "Braun is a patient personally called by our principal physician. For his disease,
00:57:45 our hospital has set up a special medical team and gathered the top doctors in charge of the
00:57:51 major hospitals in Rosemont to formulate a treatment plan. We even need to accurately
00:57:57 calculate how much millimeters of water he drinks every day. Yet you try to give him an unknown
00:58:04 medication without saying a word. Do you think that Braun's death isn't coming fast enough?"
00:58:10 Riley's chest heaved up and down. She was furious.
00:58:18 Kevin frowned. He had yet to give the pill to Braun, so why was she so upset?
00:58:23 "Dr. Alder, don't be angry. Kevin did it out of good intentions."
00:58:30 Braun coughed lightly and was trying to smooth things over,
00:58:34 but Riley ignored him and interrupted angrily. "He didn't do it out of good intentions. He's stupid.
00:58:43 He doesn't even know what kind of sickness you have, and he dares to give you medicine without
00:58:49 thinking. Isn't that stupid?" Kevin's face sank. "Who said I don't know what disease Braun is
00:58:56 suffering from?" "You know? Then tell me." Riley refused to forgive him.
00:59:02 Kevin opened his mouth, but just as he was about to speak, a loud voice came from the door.
00:59:11 "Riley, what's wrong? Who are you angry with?"
00:59:14 "Dad?" Hearing this voice, a hint of happiness appeared in Riley's eyes.
00:59:20 Kevin turned around and saw that the hospital room's door was filled with people.
00:59:26 The one in the lead was an older man who wore a robe with a head full of white hair
00:59:37 and a strong spirit. He had bright eyes, and his entire body emitted an immortal aura from
00:59:43 head to toe. Besides the older man, a man in his fifties accompanied him.
00:59:49 This man wore a white coat and black-rimmed glasses. He had a very gentle temperament.
00:59:55 He had smiled and spoken to Riley at the door just now. He was Riley's father.
01:00:03 "Dad, why are you here?" Riley stepped forward happily. "Who's your dad? No rules at all.
01:00:11 Call me Dean." The gentleman glared at Riley with a stern expression.
01:00:15 "Oh, Dean Alder," Riley stuck out her tongue, looking quite cute.
01:00:22 The gentleman shook his head and chuckled. He then shifted his gaze to the saintly older man
01:00:29 beside him. "Dr. Montgomery, I'll let you down. This is my good-for-nothing daughter."
01:00:36 "Dr. Montgomery?" Riley's voice was suddenly sharp, and in the next second, her beautiful eyes were
01:00:44 filled with disbelief. She shifted her gaze toward the old man and said with a trembling voice,
01:00:52 "You... you are Dr. Montgomery?" The sage-like older man chuckled and lightly nodded his head.
01:01:00 Riley suddenly covered her mouth with shock. "Dr. Montgomery, it's Dr. Montgomery!"
01:01:07 Father had invited Dr. Montgomery over. How did he do it?
01:01:13 Dr. Montgomery was the national doctor. Even the most prestigious leaders in the country would
01:01:21 have to line up months in advance if they wanted to see Dr. Montgomery. "Dr. Montgomery, you...
01:01:29 hello, I'm... I'm Dr. Riley Alder." Due to her excitement, Riley was stuttering when she spoke.
01:01:39 "Hello, little girl." Dr. Montgomery's face revealed a kind smile as he acted.
01:01:47 "How is the patient's condition right now?" "Patient?" Riley was slightly stunned, and then reacted.
01:01:55 Dr. Montgomery came over for Bronn. What kind of background did Bronn have?
01:02:01 He managed to get Dr. Montgomery to take action? Taking a deep breath, Riley suppressed the doubts
01:02:09 in her heart and said, "Dr. Montgomery, the patient's current condition is not too optimistic.
01:02:17 Ten days ago, fire poison had already spread throughout his body. In these last few days,
01:02:23 the fire poison has been spreading to his internal organs. We have not been able to control it at all."
01:02:29 Riley told him about Bronn's situation calmly. After she finished talking, Dr. Montgomery nodded
01:02:38 slightly. His eyes showed a hint of seriousness. He walked over to Bronn with his hands behind his
01:02:45 back and said with a smile, "Old man, can I take your pulse?" "Take my pulse?" Bronn was slightly
01:02:54 stunned, then shook his head. "Don't trouble yourself. After I've taken the refined ice lotus
01:03:01 pill, I'll be fine. There's no need to check my pulse." The entire hall was silent. This older man
01:03:10 rejected Dr. Montgomery's offer. And what exactly was this ice lotus pill that the other man had
01:03:18 refined? To be able to cure an illness that so many of them were helpless to do anything about?
01:03:24 In the hospital, many attending physicians looked at each other in dismay.
01:03:30 They all thought that Bronn was insane. Dr. Montgomery's expression was frozen.
01:03:36 This was the first time he took the initiative to check someone's pulse, and he was rejected.
01:03:42 Riley couldn't help but step forward to explain. "Bronn, this is Dr. Montgomery. He is the highly
01:03:51 respected national doctor, specially invited by our hospital. His medical skills are among the
01:03:58 best in the entire country." "Old man, Dr. Montgomery came to see you this time because
01:04:05 the symptoms of your fire poison are unprecedented. Usually, if you want to be seen by Dr.
01:04:12 Montgomery, you have to wait in line. Special classes like this will be recorded in the history
01:04:19 of medicine and will bring immeasurable knowledge to the medical world." Dean Alder chuckled as he
01:04:25 spoke. In his opinion, Bronn didn't know Dr. Montgomery's reputation, which was why he said
01:04:33 that. Once Bronn knew what a visit by Dr. Montgomery signified, he would probably beg to
01:04:40 be treated by him. But this time, Dean Alder was slapped in the face. Bronn shook his head without
01:04:48 thinking. "No need. I believe in this young man. He said that the ice lotus pill can cure me,
01:04:56 so it must do so." This time, no one said anything. Dean Alder's expression turned ugly.
01:05:05 Bronn was not giving Dr. Montgomery the respect he deserved. "Normally, people who wish to see
01:05:13 Dr. Montgomery must wait a long time and still not get to see him. Today, Dr. Montgomery has
01:05:21 made great efforts to help you, but you would rather believe in some ice lotus pill than in
01:05:26 Dr. Montgomery." Bronn had a bitter face and did not know what to say. Yet when the time came,
01:05:34 he was able to be treated by Dr. Montgomery. It was not that he was stubborn and wanted to
01:05:40 reject Dr. Montgomery, but Kevin refined the ice lotus pill through painstaking efforts.
01:05:47 "All right, just let the old doctor take your pulse. If he can't do anything to cure your fire
01:05:54 poison, it's not too late to tame it." He could more or less guess what Bronn was thinking,
01:06:01 but he was not that narrow-minded. If this Dr. Montgomery had a way to defeat the fire poison,
01:06:08 he would save an ice lotus pill. Bronn smiled in embarrassment,
01:06:13 then he stretched out his hand. "Sir, sorry to trouble you."
01:06:18 If it were anyone else who dared to reject him like this, he would have already left. However,
01:06:27 Bronn in front of him was a unique patient. A particular patient could survive the erosion of
01:06:34 fire poison for more than a month. He had to know how Bronn had endured it. Dr. Montgomery placed
01:06:41 his hand on Bronn's wrist, closed his eyes, and began to feel the situation carefully.
01:06:47 After a moment, Dr. Montgomery frowned as if he had encountered a complex problem.
01:06:53 Kevin slightly shook his head. He had a rough idea of why Dr. Montgomery cared so much about Bronn.
01:07:01 To him, Bronn was a miracle. If an average person were to be infiltrated by fire poison,
01:07:08 they would like to live for two or three days before their blood would dry up and die.
01:07:13 However, Bronn had lived more than a month. It was indeed hard to understand for an ordinary
01:07:22 person like Dr. Montgomery. For a warrior like Kevin, he understood perfectly why someone as
01:07:29 strong as Bronn was able to hold on for more than a month. When a practitioner steps into the dark
01:07:35 force realm, their body will produce force. This kind of force was similar to energy.
01:07:42 Contemporary scientific instruments were unable to detect it. Only a martial artist could feel it.
01:07:49 Since he could not detect it, he naturally was unable to explain it. However, the fact that it
01:07:56 could not be explained did not mean it did not exist. Every practitioner who stepped into the
01:08:03 dark force could sense the existence of the energy within their body. Energies roamed all over a
01:08:10 martial practitioner's body, changing his flesh, blood, and internal organs. A martial artist's
01:08:17 body strength was a hundred times stronger than an ordinary person's because of these internal changes.
01:08:24 [Music]
01:08:29 Bronn was a martial artist, a late-stage dark force martial artist who was just a step away
01:08:35 from entering the early period of converting force stage. The extent of the energy in his body was not
01:08:41 something an ordinary person could imagine. Once Bronn broke through the strength conversion stage,
01:08:48 the force in his body would undergo another qualitative change, reaching the stage of
01:08:54 endless growth. Ripping apart tigers and leopards or traveling a thousand miles in a single day
01:09:02 wasn't difficult. Dealing with fire poison for more than a month was simply nothing.
01:09:07 Dr. Montgomery's frown deepened. He could feel that formless energy was circulating in Bronn's
01:09:15 body, but he could not understand what exactly it was. Could it stop the spread of the fire poison?
01:09:22 "Dr. Montgomery, how is he?" Riley couldn't help but ask. As a traditional medicine doctor,
01:09:31 Dr. Montgomery's medical skills were unquestionable. If Dr. Montgomery couldn't
01:09:37 do anything about it, then Bronn might as well be sentenced to death.
01:09:43 Dr. Montgomery let out a long sigh and didn't answer Riley. Instead, he shifted his gaze to
01:09:50 Bronn and asked, "Sir, have you practiced any kind of internal martial arts?" Bronn nodded with a
01:10:00 slightly surprised look on his face. Dr. Montgomery still had some ability. He could tell he was a
01:10:07 martial artist just by checking his pulse. After Bronn confirmed it, a hint of disappointment
01:10:14 flashed across Dr. Montgomery's eyes. Sure enough, he didn't guess wrong. Bronn was a fighter right
01:10:21 in front of him. If he were a martial artist, all of this would make sense. Many complex illnesses
01:10:28 could cause an ordinary person to lose their life if they were to be infected.
01:10:34 However, warriors were not like that. The energy in their bodies had incredible healing power,
01:10:40 and it completely exceeded the scope of medical skills. Any illness that involved the internal
01:10:47 energy would become incomparably complicated. Even if he were the national doctor, he would be
01:10:53 helpless in the face of this illness. Dr. Montgomery sighed. "Sir, I am sorry,
01:11:02 but I don't have any way to cure your fire poison. However, I can use acupuncture to
01:11:09 temporarily slow down the spread of the infection and let you live a little longer."
01:11:14 Hearing Dr. Montgomery's words, the expressions of many people in the hospital dimmed.
01:11:21 If Dr. Montgomery said that, Bronn might not be able to live much longer. However, it was better
01:11:29 to live a little longer than to die immediately. "Sir, if you agree, I can start acupuncture for
01:11:38 you now." Dr. Montgomery looked at Bronn and said. Bronn shifted his gaze to Kevin,
01:11:46 only to see Kevin shake his head. "There's no need, Dr. Montgomery. I appreciate your good
01:11:53 intentions, but I have a way to cure Bronn's fire poison completely." "Oh?" Dr. Montgomery's
01:12:01 eyelids twitched as he glanced at Kevin. He frowned. "You have a way to cure it?"
01:12:09 Yes. Kevin's tone was substantial. Dr. Montgomery's face turned dark. "What way?"
01:12:19 "Ice lotus pill." Was it the ice lotus pill again? Everyone in the hospital looked at each other
01:12:27 and saw the doubt in each other's eyes. "Ice lotus pill," Dr. Montgomery snorted.
01:12:34 "I have practiced medicine for over sixty years and met eighty or so patients with fire poison.
01:12:45 The number of prescriptions to treat these infections that I have seen total amounts to
01:12:51 more than ten thousand. I have never heard of something called an ice lotus pill.
01:12:57 You said that the ice lotus pill could completely cure fire poison? I don't believe it."
01:13:05 Dr. Montgomery had his hands behind his back and had a dignified personality. Kevin was trying to
01:13:13 please the masses in his eyes and the fire poison in Bronn's body had long since reached the critical
01:13:19 stage. Nothing anyone could do now to save him, no matter what. However, Kevin now said that with
01:13:29 just one ice lotus pill, Bronn was able to recover completely. It was all nonsense.
01:13:35 "You don't believe me?" The corner of Kevin's mouth rose. "Dr. Montgomery doesn't believe me now,
01:13:43 but it doesn't matter. In a while, Dr. Montgomery will believe it."
01:13:47 "What do you mean?" Dr. Montgomery's tone sank. Since he already said that,
01:13:56 could it be that Kevin still insisted on giving the ice lotus pill to Bronn?
01:14:00 Kevin didn't say anything. He walked up to Riley and stretched out his hand.
01:14:08 "Give me the ice lotus pill." "Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what Dr. Montgomery said?"
01:14:15 Riley looked at Kevin in disgust. Dr. Montgomery had already clarified that the ice lotus pill
01:14:24 could not completely cure fire poison. Kevin was still acting according to his own will
01:14:30 and didn't consider Bronn's quality of life. Kevin's face turned cold.
01:14:36 "What Dr. Montgomery said must be true." The crowd instantly fell silent. Many physicians
01:14:43 in charge could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. "This person dared to question Dr.
01:14:51 Montgomery." "Are you kidding me?" "Kid, what do you mean?" Dean Alder's tone instantly became
01:15:00 stern as he glared at Kevin. "You dare to question Dr. Montgomery?" "I don't doubt Dr. Montgomery."
01:15:09 Kevin shook his head. "I have always admired Dr. Montgomery's medical skills.
01:15:14 But regarding the ice lotus pill, Dr. Montgomery is indeed ill-informed."
01:15:21 When everyone heard this, they were shocked once again. Dr. Montgomery was being called
01:15:28 ignorant and inexperienced? If Dr. Montgomery is ill-informed, how many knowledgeable people
01:15:35 could there be? "You!" Dean Alder was so angry that his eyes widened and his entire body trembled.
01:15:44 "In the atrium, ask the little girl to give the medicine to him."
01:15:51 In this moment, Dr. Montgomery spoke coldly. He looked coldly at Kevin and said, "I would like to
01:16:00 see what the ice lotus pill does." Riley naturally did not dare to disobey Dr. Montgomery's words.
01:16:08 After glancing at Kevin in disgust, she brought the ice lotus pill to Kevin.
01:16:15 Kevin took the ice lotus pill and walked to Bron without saying a word.
01:16:19 "Open your mouth." Bron chuckled and opened his mouth.
01:16:24 The moment the ice lotus pill entered his mouth, Bron shuddered. It felt like a bone-biting chill
01:16:32 enveloped his entire body from beginning to end. Bron clenched his teeth tightly,
01:16:39 but he still couldn't stop his teeth from chattering. Fifteen seconds later,
01:16:44 Bron's face started to turn purple as if he had been poisoned.
01:16:47 Many people's expressions changed. Sure enough, there was a problem.
01:16:53 "How did you refine this ice lotus pill? Why did Bron become like this?" Riley asked harshly.
01:17:03 Kevin frowned and ignored Riley. Instead, he focused all his attention on Bron.
01:17:09 Although he said he was sure, it was the first time he had countered such a situation.
01:17:14 Nobody knew what would happen. Therefore, he had to keep an eye on Bron to prevent accidents.
01:17:22 Fifteen seconds later, the purple and green color on Bron's face became even more apparent.
01:17:30 Above his head, the white mist rose like boiling water vapor.
01:17:34 However, the weird thing was that the temperature in the room had started to drop.
01:17:40 Everyone could feel a chill running down their spine. "This... What's going on?"
01:17:48 Many of the chief physicians were stunned. They had never encountered such a situation
01:17:59 in their entire lives. The temperature above the patient's head was very high,
01:18:05 almost at the level of atomization. Still, the body temperature was so low that it could affect
01:18:12 the temperature inside the room. Dr. Montgomery's face was also filled with disbelief. The scene in
01:18:20 front of him had completely exceeded his imagination. At that moment, Bron spat out a
01:18:27 large mouthful of blood mixed with black lumps. The blood emitted a stinky smell, and everyone
01:18:34 couldn't help but cover their noses. However, Dr. Montgomery didn't seem to mind at all.
01:18:40 He took a step forward and prepared to take Bron's pulse.
01:18:45 But at this moment, an even stranger scene occurred. Bron's body started to freeze.
01:18:54 It started from the lower half of the body, and gradually extended to the upper half,
01:18:59 and finally the head. In less than thirty seconds, Bron was entirely covered by ice,
01:19:06 as if he was a person made of ice. "Master!"
01:19:09 This scene scared the Bennett siblings quite a bit.
01:19:14 "This... What exactly was the ice lotus pill refined with?"
01:19:22 Even Dr. Montgomery's face was overwhelmed with shock, as if he had seen something extremely
01:19:28 terrifying. Amongst everyone present was in a panic, except for Kevin, who remained calm and
01:19:36 even quietly heaved a sigh of relief. Even though Bron was wrapped in ice, he could feel the energy
01:19:43 in Bron's body circulating once again. This meant that the fire poison had been completely removed
01:19:50 from his body. "You still dare to say that the ice lotus pill is useful? Look what you've done
01:19:57 to the patient!" Riley's beautiful eyes widened as she looked at Kevin with unrestrainable anger.
01:20:04 "What I've done?"
01:20:06 Kevin shook his head and walked over to Bron. He stretched out his hand and lightly patted it.
01:20:15 The energy inside his body instantly gushed out, and the ice cube around Bron's body shattered,
01:20:20 revealing Bron's rosy and shiny skin. "And now, Dr. Alder?"
01:20:26 Kevin smiled faintly and turned around to look at Riley. He saw that she was dumbfounded.
01:20:34 "This man... How did he do it?" At this time, Dr. Montgomery walked in front of Bron.
01:20:43 He didn't care if Bron was willing or not and directly put his hand on Bron's wrist
01:20:49 and started to check Bron's pulse. Plop, plop. His pulse was beating nonstop, rhythmic and powerful.
01:20:58 Dr. Montgomery's pupils shrank. This was a completely average person's pulse. Furthermore,
01:21:07 there was no sign of fire poison in his body. How was this possible? In less than three minutes,
01:21:15 Bron's fire poison had disappeared entirely. How did Kevin do it? No, it should be said,
01:21:23 how did Kevin's ice lotus pill manage to do that? "Dr. Montgomery, how is he?"
01:21:31 Riley couldn't help but ask. "All right, all right." Dr. Montgomery took a deep breath
01:21:39 and forcefully suppressed his agitated mood. "What? All right?" Riley's voice rose in pitch,
01:21:47 her tone filled with disbelief. "Yes, the fire poison in this man's body
01:21:55 has been completely eradicated," Dr. Montgomery nodded. Although he didn't want to believe it,
01:22:02 the truth was there, so he had no choice. With Dr. Montgomery's confirmation, the entire hospital
01:22:10 fell into silence. Many of the chief physicians had expressions of total disbelief on their faces.
01:22:16 In less than three minutes, he had used a simple black pellet to eradicate the fire poison that
01:22:23 even the national doctors could do nothing about. "What was the background of this young man?"
01:22:32 "I've already said that this young man's ice lotus pill was useful,
01:22:38 but you people didn't believe me." At this moment, Bron had already walked down from the bed
01:22:46 and stretched his body on the floor. His healthy appearance made everyone speechless once again.
01:22:54 "In the atrium, apologize to this young friend. I have indeed made a mistake."
01:23:01 Although he didn't want to admit it this time, Kevin had taught him a good lesson,
01:23:07 allowing him to understand that there is always someone better than him.
01:23:11 "Kevin, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." Dean Alder bowed slightly and was about to apologize,
01:23:20 but Kevin stopped him with a chuckle. "You are too serious. Bron is your hospital's patient.
01:23:27 I understand your earlier mood very well. There's no problem with what you were doing."
01:23:32 Kevin again shifted his gaze to Dr. Montgomery. "Also, Dr. Montgomery, you don't know about ice
01:23:41 lotus pill, and it's not a problem with your experience, but rather the medicine used to
01:23:46 refine them is a rare treasure of the world. I've only heard it from Master once. If not for him,
01:23:54 I wouldn't even know about the ice lotus pill." Kevin's humble explanation immediately won the
01:24:01 goodwill of many people in the hospital. Dr. Montgomery's expression also eased up,
01:24:07 but at the same time, he also sighed in his heart. Initially, he wanted to ask Kevin about
01:24:14 the ice lotus's medicine formula, but now that Kevin said it, there was no need. Because it was
01:24:21 a rare occurrence that only happened once every hundred years, it didn't have any universal
01:24:26 application. Soon, Dr. Montgomery left with his entourage. However, before they left,
01:24:34 Riley glared fiercely at Kevin. It was evident that she had a grudge against Kevin.
01:24:41 Kevin could only shake his head, not knowing what to say. Because Bronn had recovered from
01:24:47 his illness, he also went through the discharge process. After leaving the hospital, Bronn
01:24:53 couldn't help but squint his eyes as if he wasn't used to the dazzling sunlight.
01:24:58 "Kevin, do you have a cigarette? Give me one," Bronn said. "Nope." Kevin shook his head.
01:25:08 Ever since he entered the Wright family, he had stopped smoking and drinking.
01:25:12 In these three years, he hadn't smoked a single cigarette.
01:25:17 "Not even one cigarette?" Bronn twitched his mouth and looked at Kevin with an awkward look.
01:25:24 "Are you saying your wife doesn't allow you to smoke?"
01:25:29 Kevin was shocked and didn't say anything. Claire was no longer his wife.
01:25:36 "Master, I have some here. I have some here. And it's a good brand."
01:25:42 At this moment, Atticus grinned as he took a box of cigarettes from his pocket
01:25:49 and respectfully lit it up for Bronn. "Give one to Kevin as well," Bronn said vaguely as he smoked.
01:25:57 "All right. Kevin, come here. Smoke." Atticus handed the cigarette over to Kevin with both hands.
01:26:05 Kevin smiled, put the cigarette into his mouth, and took a long drag.
01:26:09 The excitement he hadn't felt for a long time suddenly filled his chest.
01:26:15 "When are we going back?" Kevin asked indifferently.
01:26:19 After consuming the ice lotus pill, Bronn had not only eradicated his infection,
01:26:27 but his strength had also improved by a step.
01:26:29 His breakthrough to the strength conversion stage was just around the corner.
01:26:35 "What's the hurry? I've only been here for a few days, and you want to kick me out?"
01:26:41 Bronn rolled his eyes at Kevin. Kevin smiled.
01:26:45 "It's not that I want to kick you out. I'm afraid that you'll be killed if you go back later."
01:26:51 Bronn's face suddenly turned dark when he heard he was in danger.
01:26:56 "I'm not afraid of anyone. I have my bodyguards that can do the job of protecting me
01:27:03 and getting rid of my enemies."
