The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 261-270

  • 5 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️;#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story


00:00:05Eileen's expression was uncertain. She wasn't sure how much Kevin knew about her relationship
00:00:11with Thomas. If he only knew part of the story, she would have to tell him everything to save
00:00:16her daughter's life. She would have to lie to him, though. She couldn't risk her affair getting
00:00:21around town. However, she would be in danger if he knew the whole story. She would have to deny it.
00:00:29If Kevin ever got mad at her, he would have to use it against her. Therefore, she was currently
00:00:35feeling conflicted. I know of him, but I'm not familiar with him, so I don't have his number.
00:00:43After a moment of hesitation, she spoke up quietly.
00:00:47Besides, why are you asking for his number? The people who just took Claire have nothing
00:00:53to do with him. She looked at Kevin suspiciously. She suddenly realized that he implied Thomas was
00:01:00responsible for her daughter's abduction. How do you know this has nothing to do with him?
00:01:05Kevin asked coldly. How would I know? Thomas is an extreme coward. He wouldn't even be brave
00:01:11enough to kill a bug. There's no way he could kidnap anyone. Eileen almost blurted it out.
00:01:18After she finished her sentence, she immediately regretted it a little.
00:01:22She seemed to have said the wrong thing. Weren't you unfamiliar with the man? How do you know so
00:01:28much about his character? Kevin sneered coldly. He had intentionally made a trap for Eileen to
00:01:34come forward, and she fell right into it. I was just assuming that… She tried her best to defend
00:01:41herself, but her heart was about to faint from regret. She was tripped up by this piece of trash
00:01:47Kevin. You were guessing? He sneered. Eileen, don't treat everyone like a fool. I have long
00:01:55known about the matter between you and Thomas. The reason why I didn't say it was all out of
00:02:01respect for Claire and her father. So don't try to lie to me. Now I'll give you ten seconds to
00:02:07call Thomas martyr. Otherwise, I will tell everyone about your affair, and I'll tell them everything.
00:02:16Don't threaten me. I'll kill you. Eileen panicked. She didn't dare to gamble with Kevin.
00:02:23She had everything to lose right now. She took out her cell phone in a panic,
00:02:27and dialed Thomas' number. Eileen, what's wrong?
00:02:32On the other end of the phone, Thomas' conservative voice sounded. Eileen blushed,
00:02:37and anyone in earshot could tell by how he spoke to her that he had feelings for her.
00:02:42Thomas, my daughter was kidnapped. Did you do it? She went straight to the point. If Thomas was
00:02:49responsible for this, then he must have some reason. She wanted to hear what he had to say.
00:02:55Eileen, what do you mean? He sounded shocked. Your daughter was kidnapped? Don't you know?
00:03:01She frowned and glanced at Kevin, but she saw that her son-in-law was also frowning.
00:03:07Why should I? Thomas was surprised. Eileen was speechless.
00:03:12Do you doubt me? He seemed to be angry. No. Eileen, what do you mean?
00:03:18I... I didn't... She subconsciously denied it.
00:03:23No? You're asking if I did it? He was a bit agitated.
00:03:28Eileen, do you think I kidnapped your daughter out of embarrassment and anger
00:03:32because you didn't lend me any money a few days ago? No, that's not it. She denied it on the
00:03:38surface, but it had to be said that she had indeed suspected it. That was the only reason she could
00:03:44think of why he would kidnap Claire. Stop quibbling. Eileen, let me tell you,
00:03:50I, Thomas Mortar, am a gambler. I am indeed lacking in money. If you suspect me, you can
00:03:57call the police right now and have them arrest me. He immediately hung up. Eileen couldn't help
00:04:04but turn her gaze to Kevin and said angrily, You piece of trash. What else do you have to say for
00:04:11yourself? My daughter's kidnapping has nothing to do with Thomas. I can see that all of this is
00:04:17because of you. You piece of trash acting on your own. Her chest heaved up and down,
00:04:25obviously greatly angered. Deep down in her heart, she wanted to frame Kevin for the kidnapping
00:04:32because he had mentioned something about her being kidnapped earlier. She didn't want anyone to know
00:04:37about her affair, and she could keep it quiet if she convinced everyone that he was plotting against
00:04:42her. Kevin frowned but did not say anything. He had to admit that Thomas's reaction was
00:04:49beyond his expectations. According to Nick's information, Thomas wanted to kidnap Claire
00:04:56for the sake of money. Since he wanted money, he would openly admit his responsibility to Eileen
00:05:02so she could pay the ransom. Ultimately, he denied it and said he didn't know about it.
00:05:08Did he not know anything, or was he faking it? Kevin felt that the situation had become
00:05:15complicated and confusing. From Aaron's description, it was obvious that the same
00:05:20people who broke into Rivers' vault were responsible for taking Claire. Among this group,
00:05:26all their descriptions were on point with the video footage from the bank.
00:05:30It was not an exaggeration to say that these people must be much more powerful than many
00:05:35in Sacramento. They seemed to be fearless to foreigners. Thomas was only a small gambler.
00:05:41How could he be related to such power? Would he still care about a ransom if he was related
00:05:47to such power? If it wasn't Thomas, then who was it? Kevin was somewhat agitated.
00:05:53He had a few other enemies that would take his wife, but not many. Some second-rate families
00:05:59in Sacramento, like the Kales and a few other people, would maybe take Claire. But there was
00:06:05his own family. It could be the Bennets. Thinking about it, Kevin knew there was a high chance that
00:06:12it could be the Bennets. They were one of the only families he could think of that could have
00:06:17the resources and power of these people. But if it were them, then they would kidnap Claire.
00:06:24Why would they touch Rivers' vault? Why bother? Or was it to cover it up?
00:06:30Perhaps it was because he was too concerned about Claire. But at this moment, Kevin had many thoughts.
00:06:37The more he thought about it, the more his thoughts would fall into disarray.
00:06:42Anyone standing by could see that Kevin was deep in his anxious thoughts. After taking a deep breath,
00:06:48he shook his head and tried his best to calm down. Call Thomas again and ask him where he is.
00:06:55It was easy for him to verify that Thomas had nothing to do with this matter.
00:06:59All he needed to do was to find someone else to do it for him.
00:07:03Trash, are you still putting on an act? Thomas already told me this has nothing to do with him.
00:07:10Eileen was slightly angry. Kevin's expression turned cold.
00:07:15Don't talk nonsense. I'm telling you to do something.
00:07:19You? She gritted her teeth and wished she could tear him apart. However,
00:07:26she did not dare to oppose him at the moment.
00:07:28He knew too much. She took out her phone and dialed Thomas' number again.
00:07:40The phone you dialed has been shut down. His phone is turned off.
00:07:45Eileen waved her phone in front of Kevin. He frowned and didn't say anything in return.
00:07:50He couldn't help but still be suspicious about Thomas. No matter what, he would ensure that
00:07:56Jared and River continue their search for him. At the time, in the industrial district on the
00:08:01city's outskirts. Bro, why did you make Thomas lie to that bitch? How can you ask for a ransom
00:08:08if you lie and say you don't know about it? Atticus asked in confusion.
00:08:14Thomas, who was at the side, also had a puzzled expression. He had already planned on threatening
00:08:20Eileen, but Dex made him deny the kidnapping. Dex didn't pay any attention to his brother.
00:08:26Instead, he turned his gaze towards Gavin and Bella, who had just returned with Claire.
00:08:32Gavin, you said that when you went there, they were waiting downstairs? He smiled.
00:08:37And big brother, that kid is quite skilled, and he also has a lot of fighting experience.
00:08:42If it weren't for my training at the top level, I wouldn't have been able to beat him.
00:08:47Dex's expression was slightly serious. He knew all about how strong Gavin was.
00:08:53In these years abroad, he had been fighting every day. In terms of combat experience,
00:08:58Gavin had almost as much experience as himself. It was easy to imagine how extraordinary this man,
00:09:05who had received such an evaluation from someone so powerful, really was.
00:09:10Even if the man wasn't as strong as Gavin was saying,
00:09:14he had to treat it seriously. He had to think about who the person behind Aaron was.
00:09:20Bella, were there any other fighters that you think this man was working for?
00:09:24Did he mention any other names? Dex asked.
00:09:28Nope. Bella's expression was cold. Compared to her brother, she was silent.
00:09:34Bella, why didn't you let me kill that kid? Gavin couldn't help but ask.
00:09:39Originally, he wanted to kill Aaron in one move, but Bella had stopped him before he could do
00:09:45anything. Did you forget what they said? She glanced at Gavin expressionlessly.
00:09:51Didn't forget. It's just that my hands are itchy. Before coming to Sacramento,
00:09:56Dex had told them not to kill anyone unless they had no other option.
00:10:01Gavin, don't be so quick to murder. Dex looked at him helplessly and said,
00:10:06We all need to keep that in mind, in fact. You must be sure to use your brains more than
00:10:12just brute force. Do you know why I made Thomas lie? Dex asked.
00:10:17I don't know. Atticus and Dex shook their heads at the same time.
00:10:22I told him to lie because there's something wrong with Claire or her family.
00:10:27I can tell. He said.
00:10:30Dex, what's the problem? Thomas couldn't help but ask.
00:10:34He sighed and said, Tom, have you ever heard of a fighter? A professional fighter?
00:10:40He was confused. Aren't professional fighters just in fairy tales? Did they return to Sacramento?
00:10:47Thomas, to tell you the truth, all of us, Gavin, Bella, Atticus and myself, are all
00:10:54professional fighters. He slowly told Thomas about the martial arts world.
00:11:00After hearing that, his eyes were wide open and disbelief was written all over his face.
00:11:06He hadn't thought there would be a martial artist in this world.
00:11:10And according to what Dex was saying, once a martial artist reached a certain level,
00:11:15they could be invulnerable to weapons, water, fire, even bullets.
00:11:20In this world, the power and status that a professional fighter could have,
00:11:24after the right amount of training, was more than any ordinary person could imagine.
00:11:30At this time, his emotions were incredibly complicated. He finally understood why the
00:11:36four Bennett siblings could still safely escape after killing nearly a hundred people 20 years
00:11:41ago. So they were fighters. Thomas, in this society, there are very few fighters. It's
00:11:49precisely because there are so few that the status and position of martial artists are
00:11:53much higher than that of normal people. That Claire, she's just an ordinary person.
00:11:58It's impossible for her to be acquainted with a professional fighter. But when my brother and
00:12:03sister got there, there were professional fighters guarding her building. So she must have some
00:12:09connections. After hearing Dex's words, Thomas immediately understood why he had made him lie.
00:12:16Thomas, what does Claire's father do? Is it possible for him to know fighters? He asked.
00:12:22He had always been cautious when doing things and would never allow any unexpected factors to occur.
00:12:28Impossible, Thomas shook his head and said. Dex, I know her father's a veteran. The Wright family is
00:12:36really small, and they are only upper middle class. And their family, I can't imagine anyone
00:12:41has any connections to the type of fighter you're thinking about. He was sure that Dex said that
00:12:46those who could afford to have a professional fighter guard were at least first class families.
00:12:52As for the Wrights, they weren't nearly powerful enough. You think it's impossible?
00:12:57Dex's frown deepened. Even if a fighter is acquainted with their family,
00:13:02they can't be sent to protect Claire. Around three years ago, she married a worthless man.
00:13:08Her family shunned her because her husband stayed home and delivered takeout.
00:13:12Thomas was well aware of the situation within their family. Then what's going on?
00:13:18Dex felt a little uneasy. He felt that something is not right. Sir, why are you thinking so much?
00:13:26Didn't Gavin say already that he was more powerful than him? He was at the beginning of his training,
00:13:31at the top level, and he could take on most fighters he came in contact with.
00:13:35If we ever encounter him again, we can send Gavin out after him, Atticus said loudly.
00:13:42Dex shook his head. I'm not worried about the people they saw at the house.
00:13:46What I'm worried about is the person in charge of the guard at the house.
00:13:50Although there aren't many fighters in this city, it's not like there aren't any at all.
00:13:55If we recklessly kill that person and make their boss angry,
00:13:59then our mission this time might bring about a lot of unforeseen events.
00:14:04Speaking of the task, Atticus's expression immediately became more serious.
00:14:09The reason why I didn't let you and Gavin kill anyone is just a precaution. I should have told
00:14:15you before, but the fighters here are different than anywhere else. If any warriors die an abnormal
00:14:20death, the people from the Martial Alliance will definitely investigate. If they can't find us,
00:14:26that's good. But if they do, not to mention us, even our sect far away in the ocean will be
00:14:33annihilated. Dex's tone revealed an unprecedented fear. The Martial Alliance that he mentioned
00:14:40was the Martial Arts Association that Kevin once talked about. The Martial Arts Association was
00:14:46the official name. People of the Martial Arts world like to call the Martial Arts Association
00:14:52Martial Alliance.
00:14:58Episode 263 Tormented Loveholic
00:15:03Big brother, what should we do now? How about we let this girl go? Atticus asked,
00:15:09listening to his brother's story. He became scared of the forces they'd just angered.
00:15:14I can't. Dex shook his head and said. If we let her go, the person behind her will follow us and
00:15:21find her. It would not be good if they found out about us. After all, we came here sneakily. We
00:15:28can't let too many people know where we are. But Gavin injured this little girl's bodyguard.
00:15:34He already knows that we are fighters, Atticus said helplessly. So what if they know? They are
00:15:40in our hands right now. They won't dare to act rashly until we thoroughly investigate them.
00:15:46He was very confident. Maybe this girl knows who the warriors behind her are.
00:15:51The tall man rubbed his chin and couldn't help but glance at the unconscious woman at his feet.
00:15:56Dex frowned and said. Bella, go wake her up. Ask her.
00:16:01Claire was very calm. She didn't ask who Dex was, but went straight to the point.
00:16:07Why did you kidnap me? Knowing why they kidnapped her, she could tell where they were from.
00:16:13Miss Claire, that's not important why we kidnapped you. The important thing is, do you want to leave
00:16:20this place? Dex smiled. A trace of ridicule flashed across the corner of Claire's mouth.
00:16:26Would you let me go? Dex chuckled. As long as you tell me what kind of powerful man is behind you,
00:16:33we'll let you go. What do you mean? She was a little confused, as she did not understand what
00:16:39the man meant. Miss Wright, I'm not going to beat around the bush with you. I want to know,
00:16:46who was the fighter that was protecting your house? Dex went straight to the point.
00:16:51Professional fighter? She was even more confused now. Kevin had never told her about warriors
00:16:57before. Do you know what I'm talking about? Dex frowned. Her puzzled expression didn't seem to be
00:17:03an act. Claire shook her head and said, I don't know what kind of warrior you're talking about,
00:17:09but I have a rough idea of who sent those who were protecting you last night.
00:17:13Claire, please tell us. He was interested. My husband? She spoke bluntly. Other than Kevin,
00:17:21there was no one else that could protect her. She already believed about 70 to 80%
00:17:26of what Kevin said last night. She knew he was going to the bar to talk with Miss Hallen.
00:17:31He was trying to warn her about the people plotting to kidnap her, and she blew him off.
00:17:36However, he did not argue with her. Instead, when he left, he sent a fighter to protect her.
00:17:43Your husband? Dex frowned, obviously not believing it.
00:17:47Little girl, where did you learn to lie like that? We are very clear about your husband's
00:17:52background. He is just an ordinary, live-in son-in-law. How could a useless man hire a
00:17:58fighter like that? Do you know what a fighter is? To drive a fighter to become a bodyguard,
00:18:03one had to at least have the status of an heir to a first-class family.
00:18:08How high is the status of a martial artist in this society? Atticus sneered. Would the heir of a
00:18:14first-tier family be a live-in son-in-law? Are you joking? My husband is not an ordinary,
00:18:19live-in son-in-law. Her tone turned cold. He's also a fighter. Claire did not know her husband's
00:18:27level, but from his past performance, even in the world of martial artists, he was considered
00:18:32extremely powerful. Your husband is a fighter? Atticus's expression was exaggerated as he laughed
00:18:39heartily. Little girl, are you trying to make me laugh to death? Do you know what a warrior is?
00:18:46You dare to spout such big words? To tell you the truth, if your husband really was a martial
00:18:51artist, your family would have been taken down a long time ago. You don't even know what the
00:18:56word warrior means. There was great pride in Atticus's tone and contempt for ordinary people.
00:19:03If you don't believe me, I can't help it, Claire frowned. The reality was inconceivable, but the
00:19:09group of people in front of them did not know that he wasn't just a professional fighter.
00:19:15Still, he was also the successor to the entire city of San Francisco. Since you are unwilling
00:19:21to tell the truth, I guess I'll have to make you suffer for the next two days. He did not think
00:19:26that what Claire was saying was true because if a martial artist were to become live-in son-in-law,
00:19:32it would be even more unbelievable than a fairy tale. When Dex was about to leave,
00:19:37Claire became anxious. Stop. Is there anything else? She took a deep breath.
00:19:44I don't know who you are, and I don't know your purpose, but I'd advise you to let me go
00:19:49as soon as possible. If my husband comes knocking on his door, he won't let you off easily. Her
00:19:56words were from the bottom of her heart. It was obvious that Dex and the others didn't have any
00:20:01bad intentions toward her, so there might be some other coincidence when they kidnapped her.
00:20:06She had to warn them about how powerful Kevin was. But Kevin did not think the same way. With
00:20:12this domineering character, as long as someone hurt her, he would use everything in his power
00:20:18to get revenge for her. At that time, none of Dex's group could get away with it. It wasn't
00:20:24that she was pitying Dex and the others, but she didn't want to see Kevin make a huge deal about
00:20:29this because of her. Little girl, are you threatening my big brother? Atticus's tone
00:20:35turned cold. Claire froze. This is not a threat. This is advice. Advice? He laughed and declined
00:20:44to comment. Girl, you should keep this advice for your good-for-nothing husband to listen to.
00:20:50In addition, you better pray that he doesn't take the initiative to look for us.
00:20:54Otherwise, don't blame me for letting you see how he was crushed to death by one of my hands.
00:21:00Phew. She was a little angry. She did not expect that Atticus would treat her with such kindness.
00:21:07Bro, don't be rude to Ms. Wright. Dex glanced at his brother and then shifted his gaze to Claire.
00:21:14He smiled. Ms. Wright, thank you for your advice. I will take note.
00:21:20He didn't take her words seriously at all. At this moment, across town, Kevin called Nick on
00:21:26his phone. I want information on the foreigners you were talking about. Nick provided him with
00:21:31the information, so it was highly likely that she knew where they were. He went straight to
00:21:36the point. I don't know. Her tone was as cold as ever. How come you don't know anything?
00:21:42There was a hint of anger in Kevin's voice. Mr. Beck, please pay attention to your tone.
00:21:49I'm not your wife, and I'm not your servant. You don't have the right to yell at me or tell
00:21:54me what to do. She frowned. I'm sorry, Ms. Allen. I was impulsive. Taking a deep breath,
00:22:03he calmed himself down. He didn't have the right to vent his anger on Nick
00:22:07because he wasn't affiliated with her. She had already told him someone would do something to
00:22:11his wife. Episode 264. Upside Down
00:22:21No problem. I understand. Nick had also calmed down. It was normal for Kevin to be anxious since
00:22:29Claire disappeared. However, she didn't know why, but Kevin's attitude just now made her
00:22:35feel uncomfortable. You suspect the person who kidnapped your wife is from the same group as
00:22:40those bandits outside the city? Nick asked. It was obvious that a group of fighters kidnapped
00:22:46Claire, and from what she knew, the foreign robbers working with Thomas didn't have any
00:22:52involvement with professional fighters. That's a possibility, Kevin said. I don't know the
00:22:59position of those foreigners. I only know that they are going to attack your wife.
00:23:04The biggest casinos in Sacramento were all owned by the Hallen family,
00:23:08so they had absolute control over all of the news within the city. No one would have thought
00:23:13that his accountant would be a member of the Hallen family. The news was provided by one
00:23:17of Thomas' accountants. He said that when he was collecting debts from Mr. Marder,
00:23:22he secretly told him that he knew a few robbers that were coming into the country
00:23:26that were supposed to help him kidnap Claire. Can you find Thomas now? Kevin asked in a deep voice.
00:23:33Now, his phone is turned off. All right. I understand, he frowned.
00:23:40From the looks of it, Mr. Marder was very suspicious. After all, he was associated
00:23:46with foreign robbers and professional fighters. I will get the Hallen family resources to find
00:23:51your wife, Nick said indifferently. Kevin was stunned and said, thank you.
00:23:58No need to thank me. This is the payment for drinking with me yesterday. Her tone remained
00:24:03calm, as though she was talking about a trivial matter that had nothing to do with her. Kevin was
00:24:08speechless. At the same time, Nick hung up the phone. The entire city began to surge. Hundreds
00:24:16and thousands of people, each group under a different person's command, scattered throughout
00:24:21the city to find Thomas and his gang. Jerry, River, the Boltons, the Henderson family,
00:24:27and the Hallens. Almost all the power under Kevin's hand was mobilized into action. That night,
00:24:34the entire city was turned upside down. The next morning, Atticus received the news.
00:24:41Big brother, I'm afraid we've gotten into trouble this time. Someone that supports this girl is not
00:24:47powerless, he began to tell the others of every family involved in the investigations.
00:24:53After hearing that, Dex's expression became very serious. He had already tried his best to
00:24:59overestimate Claire's power behind her, but he hadn't thought he would still be able to
00:25:03underestimate her. This was not a power that a first tier family could possess.
00:25:09Big brother, they will soon find us. I'm afraid we can't stay here any longer.
00:25:15The people that this person hired to find us are extremely skilled. They are known for being great
00:25:20at running under the radar, so it was unlikely that the Bennett siblings could continue to
00:25:24operate undetected. Also, they knew that the Hallens and the Hendersons were extremely powerful,
00:25:30so it would not be enjoyable if they found them. Atticus frowned.
00:25:35Okay, tell your men to pack up quickly. We'll leave in half an hour.
00:25:39Big brother, what should we do with this girl? Do I have to keep her with me?
00:25:44Atticus couldn't help but glance at Claire. She was indeed a burden now.
00:25:49I'll take her with me first. Dex also had a headache. The person behind this woman was
00:25:54not small. If he laid a finger on her, he would have to pray that the spies her family sent out
00:26:00would not find him. He would surely be a dead man if they found out that he had hurt her.
00:26:06If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have let anyone kidnap her first.
00:26:10Atticus spoke, slightly annoyed. What he said was like a shot in the arm. When Thomas first
00:26:16asked them to kidnap this woman for him, they could never have imagined this happening.
00:26:21Because of a single person, the entire city had turned to chaos.
00:26:26We found him. He's in the industrial district at the north of the city,
00:26:30Nick called out. Alright, I'll be there immediately. Kevin immediately stood up.
00:26:35You'd better hurry. The other party has already noticed that something is wrong
00:26:39and they're packing up. If you go too late, I'm afraid you won't be able to see anything,
00:26:45she said indifferently. Yes, he nodded and went straight out the door to the grass in front of
00:26:51the door. There was an Apache helicopter parked there. It was Mr. Henderson's private helicopter.
00:26:57After Martin had heard the word of Claire's kidnapping, he sent his helicopter over as
00:27:02soon as possible so that Kevin could use it in an emergency. He would have thought that it would
00:27:06come in handy. After getting on the helicopter, Kevin went to the industrial area north of the
00:27:12city. The mercenaries under Atticus were indeed well trained. Even though Dex had given them half
00:27:18an hour, it only took them 20 minutes to clean up everything and wipe off old traces of life
00:27:24on the ground. The Bennett siblings were about to load themselves into the car at the 25 minute mark.
00:27:30At this moment, rumbling sounds could be heard from above the sky. Dex's senses started to go
00:27:36off. He was the one with the best fighters out of the four siblings and the one with the sharpest
00:27:42hearing. So the first thing he heard was the sound of a helicopter. Big brother, he seems to be coming.
00:27:49Atticus was the second one to find out. Ten seconds later, the black Apache hovered over
00:27:55them like an eagle. The dozen or so mercenaries under Atticus were well trained in tactics.
00:28:02They didn't panic and quickly got into formation. What does this helicopter mean? Why don't you come
00:28:07down? Atticus couldn't help but ask. Just as he finished speaking, the door to the helicopter
00:28:14opened. An expressionless figure appeared on the cabin door, looking down at the Bennett
00:28:19siblings on the ground from above. Why is this guy opening the door from the air? Could it be
00:28:24that he wants to jump down from 300 feet directly? They sneered and didn't think much of it.
00:28:30Just as he finished his thought, Kevin, who was at the cabin's entrance, jumped out of the
00:28:37helicopter's door and into the air without any parachute. The crowd burst into an uproar.
00:28:45The employees were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.
00:28:50They could have never imagined someone taking such a risk in their whole lives.
00:28:54Aren't you afraid of smashing yourself into a pulp? Dodge! Quickly, dodge! Someone shouted in
00:29:00English. This guy who jumped down from 100 meters high wanted to die, but they didn't want to.
00:29:07Atticus's expression was truly wonderful. He didn't expect that just thinking about it would
00:29:13cause someone to jump. You don't have to be like this, even when courting death. Dex, who was usually
00:29:20calm, couldn't remain calm anymore. The impact of the scene in front of him was too great.
00:29:27That was 300 feet in the air, which was equivalent to the 33rd story of a building.
00:29:35Episode 265 Crime Witness
00:29:39If he were to jump from such a height, it would create a massive crater in the ground.
00:29:45Miss Wright, your reinforcement doesn't seem to have a good plan in mind, Atticus sneered. He had
00:29:51started to say that Kevin's brain was not working, but before he could finish his sentence, he heard
00:29:56a bang and an expressionless figure appeared in front of him. Kevin fell from the sky and landed
00:30:04steadily on the ground as though he had stepped from a curb. The smile on Atticus's face completely
00:30:12froze. The words he didn't get out before he was interrupted were forcefully swallowed back down
00:30:19his throat. A dozen mercenaries behind him also widened their eyes. Their faces were disbelieved
00:30:27as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight. This guy jumped down from a hundred meter height
00:30:34and was completely fine. This? Is he a human or a ghost?
00:30:42Martial arts master, Dex's pupils suddenly constricted. Amongst everyone present,
00:30:50he was the one who understood the most about what was happening. With the release of his
00:30:55inner strength, Kevin could control his descent as he fell 100 meters through the air.
00:31:01This was the action of a forced fighter. The unassuming young man in front of him turned out
00:31:07to be a martial arts master. Why? How? Didn't they say that there are no higher realm practitioners
00:31:15in Sacramento? There was a voice roaring crazily in Dex's heart. At this moment, his intestines
00:31:23were twisting around in his stomach from regret. If he had known that Kevin was a martial arts
00:31:29master sooner, he would have respected him. He wouldn't have dared to kidnap Claire,
00:31:34even if he were beaten to death. Alright, you guys hurry up and leave.
00:31:40Atticus's eyes were filled with fear, but he reacted the fastest. In a split second,
00:31:46he pulled out a dagger from his waist and held it against Claire's neck. Although he couldn't
00:31:51tell how advanced Kevin was, he could easily see that even if he had added the power from
00:31:56the four of them together, they would still not be Kevin's match. Kevin's strength had reached an
00:32:03unimaginable level. Therefore, the only way to survive was to use Claire as a hostage.
00:32:11Seeing the dagger on Claire's white neck, Kevin's eyes instantly turned cold. Let her go.
00:32:21Let my big brother and the others leave first. When my big brother and the others are safe,
00:32:26I'll let them go. Atticus shouted, his face wild. No doubt things had gone out of their control
00:32:33the moment Kevin appeared. One of the four brothers would most likely be hurt
00:32:38or killed this time. You're tempting fate. Kevin's gaze turned completely cold.
00:32:47The thing he hated most was a person who dared to threaten him. At this moment,
00:32:53Dex suddenly spoke in a low voice. Brother, let go of Claire.
00:32:59What do you mean? Atticus was stunned. Claire was the only chance for the four siblings to survive,
00:33:06so why did his brother tell him to let her go? I told you to let her go. Did you hear me?
00:33:13Dex was quickly becoming furious. All right. Atticus gritted his teeth and pulled the dagger
00:33:19on Claire's neck away. Although he didn't want to listen, he also didn't dare to disobey Dex's
00:33:25orders. Claire cried tears of joy. She ran to Kevin's side and hugged him. A smile appeared
00:33:33on his face again as he gently removed the tape from Claire's mouth. Are you all right?
00:33:38Kevin said softly. Yes, I'm fine. Claire nodded slightly. She did not know how many times Kevin
00:33:46had saved her. Whenever she needed him the most, Kevin would appear, never missing out on a chance
00:33:52to rescue her. At this moment, Dex walked forward with beads of cold sweat on his forehead. He
00:33:59pressed his palms together and said, Sir, my brothers and I did not mean to offend Ms. Wright.
00:34:06Please, sir, forgive me. He was begging for mercy. This was Dex's only option.
00:34:15The moment Kevin landed on the ground, it was not as though the thought of holding Claire hostage
00:34:20didn't cross his mind. But he immediately put the idea out of his brain, knowing what would happen
00:34:27if he tried. It was apparent how terrifying this martial arts master was. If Kevin had been indeed
00:34:34angered, then none of the people present today would have been able to leave this place alive.
00:34:40Even their sect far away in the ocean would suffer if Kevin took revenge. He could only surrender
00:34:47in hope that Kevin would spare their lives because they were sensible. They might only
00:34:53have a one in ten thousand chance of surviving, but it was the best they were going to get.
00:34:59Kevin looked coldly at Dex and didn't say anything. The atmosphere in the hall was agitated.
00:35:08The four siblings looked down at the ground as if a mountain was pressing on top of them.
00:35:13Their heads were weighty, and they didn't even dare to raise their heads to look Kevin in the eye.
00:35:20The cold sweat on Dex's forehead fell heavily to the ground and even flowed into his eyes.
00:35:26He felt his eyes start to sting, but he did not dare to wipe it off.
00:35:32Any action, one wrong breath could affect Kevin's decision. The life and death of the four siblings
00:35:42lay in Kevin's hands. After a long while, he finally opened his mouth to speak.
00:35:50I won't kill you this time, but you must be punished for this crime. You must take your arm
00:35:56as an apology. Atticus's heart trembled. Kevin was looking at him when he gave the command.
00:36:03Thank you, sir. With a plunk sound, Atticus kneeled on the ground as if he had heard the
00:36:10music from the heavens as he fawned in fear and trepidation. Atticus's heart was dying out like
00:36:16the last ember from a campfire. Since Dex had already agreed to the punishment, his arm would
00:36:24not be able to be preserved. Atticus was not an indecisive person. After realizing he could not
00:36:30protect his arm, he raised the dagger and chopped toward his right arm without hesitation. The
00:36:38dagger in his hand ripped through flesh, bone, and muscle. His right arm was severed at its roots
00:36:46and blood gushed like a spring. Atticus groaned. His face instantly turned pale. However,
00:36:53he was a proud person, so he did not scream out loud.
00:36:58Kevin nodded. Atticus was quite lucky. If he had hurt Claire earlier, this would not be something
00:37:05that could have been made up by just losing an arm. Speak. What is the purpose of you coming
00:37:11to Sacramento? He could tell with one glance that Dex was in the beginning stage of soul magic,
00:37:17and Atticus and Bella were in the late stage of light magic. Even the weakest, Gavin, was in the
00:37:23middle stage of light magic. They had presented themselves as bandits to go about their business
00:37:28without being bothered. Kevin wondered what they were really up to. Since they had come to Sacramento,
00:37:36there must be some other, ulterior motive. Kevin's calm gaze made Dex panic, but he still
00:37:43braced himself and said, Sir, we have come to Sacramento to visit our family.
00:37:49Visit your family? Kevin sneered. He glanced at the mercenaries who were scared silly behind Dex
00:37:56and said, Did you bring a bunch of mercenaries to visit your family?
00:38:01Cold sweat broke out on Dex's forehead. I'll give you three seconds to tell me your true purpose.
00:38:08The city of Sacramento was now his territory, so he must know why Dex and the others had come
00:38:14to the town. We are looking for medicine. The corners of Dex's mouth turned down,
00:38:22and he continued looking at the floor. Sir, my family and I came to Sacramento to get medicine.
00:38:29Oh? What kind of medicine are you looking for? Kevin was interested.
00:38:34Ice Lotus. Dex did not dare to hide anything. This was Kevin's territory.
00:38:41If Kevin wanted to squash him, it would be easier than squashing an ant.
00:38:49Episode 266 In Hundred Years
00:38:54Ice Lotus? Kevin frowned. He seemed to have heard Travis mention that the Ice Lotus
00:39:00was a type of medicine worth $10,000. They had a miraculous effect in expelling fire poison.
00:39:07But didn't the Ice Lotus only grow in icy places? So why were Dex and the rest of his family looking
00:39:14around Sacramento for it? Kevin thought it was strange. If you want to find Ice Lotus,
00:39:20you should go to the mountains. Why are you looking for it in Sacramento?
00:39:25Although Sacramento was located in the north, the temperature had always been hot,
00:39:29and the conditions were not suitable for Ice Lotus to grow there.
00:39:33Kevin thought that Dex must still be lying. Dex was startled. Sir, there's plenty of Ice Lotus
00:39:40in Sacramento. Have you seen it here in the city? Yes, it's in Beverly Hills. Dex was very sure.
00:39:49Beverly Hills was his territory, so how could he not know there was Ice Lotus?
00:39:54Sir, the Jade Spring in Beverly Hills is connected to an ancient pond.
00:39:59There is Ice Lotus in that pond, Dex said. How come I didn't know that there was an ancient
00:40:05pond in Beverly Hills? After all, he had invested $50 billion into developing that project back
00:40:12when it was started, but he had never even heard of the matter of there being an ancient pond in
00:40:17his backyard. It's normal for people in charge not to know. Dex was not surprised by this at all.
00:40:24Besides, even many mountain residents may not know of the ancient pond right around the corner.
00:40:30The only reason I know about it is because of my master. Thirty years ago, my master had visited
00:40:35this city once. When he was passing through, he unintentionally discovered the secret of
00:40:40the Beverly Hills Jade Spring. At the bottom of the Jade Spring is an ancient pond. The ancient
00:40:47pond is hidden underground all year long, and no sunlight shines through to it. The water is so
00:40:53cold that if a normal person were to enter, they would be frozen into an ice sculpture in less
00:40:58than a minute. However, my master was working on a profound meditation base back then. He willed
00:41:05himself to stay in the ancient pond for ten minutes before he left. The Ice Lotus was discovered when
00:41:11he was leaving. Three in total, but none were mature enough that year. The reason I came here
00:41:18this time is to see if the three Ice Lotus blooms have matured. If they have matured,
00:41:23we only want one of the three Ice Lotus blooms. As for the other two, we are willing to give them
00:41:29to you as an apology for offending this rite. Dex spoke very politely. Out of the three Ice
00:41:36Lotus blooms, he only wanted one, while the other two would be given to Kevin. This showed just how
00:41:43sincere he was. Kevin muttered to himself, but did not open his mouth. The Ice Lotus was a scarce
00:41:50spirit medicine, and it would only bloom once every hundred years. Many people considered it a
00:41:55treasure of Heaven on Earth. Other than expelling fire poison, it also had the effect of tempering
00:42:01the body and nourishing the face. If it was only used to temper the body, it could turn a person
00:42:08who did not have any martial arts skills into a light magic warrior within ten days. If used only
00:42:14for beauty, it would allow a woman's appearance to remain unchanged for ten years. From this,
00:42:21it could be seen how extreme the effectiveness of the Ice Lotus was. Even in the Bennett family,
00:42:28the Ice Lotus blooms were rare things and couldn't be measured by price. But now,
00:42:34three blooms had appeared without explanation within Beverly Hills. It was impossible to say
00:42:40that Kevin was not moved at all. He knew the value, but he was not a greedy man.
00:42:47I only want one, Kevin said. I will buy the other from you for one billion dollars.
00:42:53Although Dex said he would give him two blooms, it would be too greedy for him to take both without
00:42:59a need for them. However, not taking even one would be unreasonable. After all, Beverly Hills
00:43:07was currently his territory and Dex and the others were searching for treasures in his environment,
00:43:13so it was understandable that he, the owner, would get one. Therefore, the best method was to take one
00:43:20and buy the other. The price of one billion was not that high compared to the value of the Ice
00:43:26Lotus, and it was even a little low. However, this was the price that Kevin had laid out, and
00:43:33no one was going to challenge him. A billion.
00:43:38When Kevin named this price, the four brothers were quite frightened.
00:43:42They would never have thought that Kevin would pay them so much for one bloom.
00:43:46They had made a lot of money overseas over the years, but they had never made a billion.
00:43:51Moreover, their master had been severely injured, and they had spent almost all that money to help
00:43:56him heal. If they had a lot of money, the four dignified martial artists would not have been
00:44:02reduced to robbing and kidnapping like common bandits. Now, Kevin had said he would pay them
00:44:08one billion dollars for something they had planned to give away for free. How could they not be
00:44:13shocked? Although Dex was confused, he chose his words carefully to avoid offending Kevin and to
00:44:20make sure he understood the situation. Sir, you must be joking. I willingly gave you the two Ice
00:44:26Lotus Blooms as gifts. I could not possibly take a single cent from you. I'm not joking.
00:44:32Before Dex could finish his words, he was interrupted by Kevin.
00:44:36I said I would buy it from you. I will give you one billion dollars.
00:44:41Everyone was stunned by Kevin's domineering attitude once again.
00:44:46Even Claire felt dizzy at this moment. Although she knew Kevin was wealthy,
00:44:51she never asked how much money he had. But today, to buy a lotus flower that was going to be given
00:44:57to him as a gift, Kevin casually offered one billion in a single breath. Only then did she
00:45:04know that Kevin's current net worth was probably at a level beyond her comprehension. One billion
00:45:11was enough to buy two or three right families.
00:45:15Please, sir. Dex wanted to say more. However, Kevin waved his hand and said,
00:45:20all right, enough. It's settled then. At that time, I will go harvest Ice Lotus with the four of you.
00:45:27Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Dex hurriedly bowed. Since Kevin had already said this twice,
00:45:35he naturally didn't dare to refuse again. Of course, he also understood that Kevin still
00:45:40couldn't trust him. Otherwise, Kevin would not ask to go with him to pick the Ice Lotus blooms.
00:45:47After saying that, Kevin prepared to leave. But at that moment, the blood jade hanging
00:45:54from Dex's neck revealed itself, instantly attracting his attention.
00:46:00Who is Bron Lewis to you? Kevin narrowed his eyes. Five years ago, he had seen this piece
00:46:08of blood jade on someone else's neck while traveling overseas. How do you know my master?
00:46:14Dex was astonished. Bron Lewis was the name of his master. Only those close to his master would
00:46:21know where the necklace came from. So how did the man in front of him know about it?
00:46:27Your master? Kevin had a weird expression on his face. He didn't expect the world to be so small.
00:46:34The four people in front of him were Bron's disciples. It could be said that we were friends.
00:46:41Kevin's expression quickly returned to its normal state. The relationship between him and Bron
00:46:48was not something that could be explained with just a few words. Strictly speaking,
00:46:53he was Bron's savior. When Travis Graham took him overseas, he left him alone in Malaysia,
00:47:00where he met Bron. At that time, Bron had quite a bit of power in Malaysia and was the head of
00:47:06the Malaysian Chinese gang. And back then, he was only at the early stage of soul magic.
00:47:12The process of getting to know Bron was also fascinating. Bron had a son in the past. His
00:47:18name was Holden Lewis, and he was an extraordinarily arrogant and despotic person. He loved to bully
00:47:25men, but he loved to torture women the most. He was one of the most notorious popinjays in Malaysia.
00:47:38Episode 267 Intention Judged
00:47:43Because of a woman, Holden offended Kevin. The Kevin of the past did not know what it meant to
00:47:49be patient. He had beaten Holden half to death, and not only did he break both of Holden's legs,
00:47:55he even blinded one of Holden's eyes. After learning of his son's miserable state,
00:48:01Bron does not hesitate to go to war with the entire Chinese gang behind him to avenge Holden.
00:48:07In the end, they were all beaten up by Kevin. Even though Bron was the sect leader, he couldn't hurt
00:48:13Kevin in the slightest. After trying his best, Bron could only admit his defeat. They respectfully
00:48:20invited Kevin to his door and asked Holden to pour him a cup of tea as a form of apology. Kevin
00:48:26waved his hand magnanimously, ignoring the past. Later, there was a disagreement within the Chinese
00:48:33gang, and the second in command, Isaac Farmer, joined forces with the high-ranking gang leader
00:48:39to assassinate Bron and take control of the entire gang. Due to fate, Kevin saved Bron's life,
00:48:46allowing him to escape Calamity narrowly. Bron was naturally grateful to Kevin,
00:48:51and the two of them took this opportunity to become such good friends that they called each
00:48:55other brothers. Kevin told Dex that Bron was his big brother. Kevin's strange expression made the
00:49:02four siblings even more... confused. Their instincts told them that their relationship between Kevin
00:49:08and their master was not ordinary, but they could not tell what was so special. The reaction of the
00:49:15four siblings was within Kevin's expectations. Five years ago, they were not in Malaysia,
00:49:22so it was customary for them to not know about him. Kevin also did not intend to tell them much
00:49:27more about his relationship with Bron. You're looking for the Ice Lotus for Bron? Kevin asked.
00:49:33Yes, it's for him. Our master has been afflicted with a fire poison. Dex bowed and replied with
00:49:40an unnatural expression on his face. Usually, if an outsider dared to call Bron anything other
00:49:46than master in front of Dex, he would send a slap over. However, he didn't dare to challenge Kevin.
00:49:54Furthermore, Kevin's appearance showed that he had a special relationship with his master,
00:49:59and Dex didn't want to anger him. Did the Sacred Flame sects do this? Kevin raised his eyebrows.
00:50:06The most considerable effect of the Ice Lotus was to drive out fire poison, so the only thing
00:50:12that could have hurt Bron was the Fire Attribute Cultivation Technique. There were many gangs in
00:50:17Malaysia, but only the Church of Holy Fire possessed a Fire Attribute Cultivation Technique.
00:50:23You even know of the Sacred Flame sect? Dex was so shocked that he almost couldn't speak.
00:50:30It's one thing for Kevin to know his teacher, but he even knew about the Sacred Flame sect.
00:50:35Could it be? Kevin had lived in Malaysia? Very quickly, Dex considered this possibility.
00:50:42Is it strange to know about the Church of Holy Fire? Kevin twitched his mouth.
00:50:47He knew almost all the more prominent gangs in Malaysia. No, it's not too surprising.
00:50:54Dex also realized that he had lost his composure and hurriedly shook his head.
00:50:59He then said, the one who hurt Master Bron is the leader of the Sacred Flame sect,
00:51:04Maximo. Maximo? Kevin narrowed his eyes. Why did Maximo make a move on Bron?
00:51:12Because our master's soul magic has already reached perfection and is about to break through
00:51:17to the Force Fighter stage. Once Master Bron becomes a true martial arts master,
00:51:23it will affect the local hierarchy of Malaysia. To prevent this from happening,
00:51:28Maximo has joined forces with Stuart, Wren, Damien, and the other gang leaders to ambush our
00:51:32master. In a small place like Malaysia, a practitioner of the late stage of soul magic
00:51:38was already an exceptional expert. If they were to gain another level or become a martial arts master,
00:51:44no one else would be able to make a move. Where's your master now? In such a situation,
00:51:51Bron would naturally not be able to stay in Malaysia anymore, so there was a high chance
00:51:55that he would have left. Master Bron is here. Big brother! Before Dex could finish his words,
00:52:02he was interrupted by Atticus behind him. Atticus looked anxious and puzzled as he didn't understand
00:52:08why Dex wanted to tell Kevin about this life and death matter. Bron was now seriously injured and
00:52:15on the verge of death, not to mention martial artists. Even an ordinary person could take
00:52:20Bron's life. If Dex revealed Bron's hiding place, as long as Kevin had the slightest evil intention,
00:52:27then Bron would never see the sun tomorrow. Come on, don't worry. This guy is our master's close
00:52:34friend. He won't do anything to master Bron. Dex slightly smiled, showing his confidence.
00:52:41If, at first, he didn't know Kevin's identity, then when Kevin mentioned the Sacred Fire sect,
00:52:47he knew everything. At a young age, this martial arts master had also been to Malaysia and called
00:52:54his master by his first name, so it was obvious that Kevin was the genius who saved the Chinese
00:52:59gang five years ago. At the same time, he was their master's brother. Anyone could harm Bron,
00:53:06but Kevin certainly wouldn't. Sir, my brother doesn't understand. Please do not pay any attention
00:53:13to him. Master Bron is currently recuperating from his injuries in Rosemount. Because Maximo
00:53:19and the others have sent people to kill him, only I know the exact address. But if you want to know,
00:53:26I can tell you in private, Dex said. No need, Kevin shook his head. When we find the Ice Lotus,
00:53:33I will go with you then to see Bron. Thank you, sir. Dex's expression was joyful as he hurriedly
00:53:40bowed to express his thanks. Kevin's intention was not just to visit Bron, but to stand up for
00:53:46him. River, arrange a place for them to stay. Kevin turned his gaze to River Campino, who was
00:53:52by his side. Not long after he jumped down from the helicopter, River and Jared arrived.
00:53:58Yes, young Master Bennett. After a slight pause, River hurriedly nodded his head. He never thought
00:54:06that Kevin would let Dex and the others off the hunt. Seeing River, Dex was slightly embarrassed.
00:54:12Atticus, hurry and bring Big Brother River's things out.
00:54:17What he was talking about was naturally the antiques from River's vault.
00:54:21Yes, brother. Atticus was about to give his orders, but River waved his hand and said,
00:54:26no need. Take those items as a present for my brothers. River smiled. Although the antique
00:54:33calligraphy and paintings in the vault were valuable, they were only worth around $200
00:54:37million. He wasn't lacking in that amount of money. However, the people in front of him were not the
00:54:43same. They had a deep relationship with Kevin, and all four were warriors. If he could take this
00:54:48opportunity to rope these four over onto Kevin's side, he would make a lot more money.
00:54:54River, you don't need to do that. Are you sure? Dex was a bit embarrassed. He didn't expect River
00:55:02to be so generous, giving away so many antique calligraphy documents and paintings. What's wrong
00:55:08with it? We're all family, River said casually. All right, then. I will not be disrespectful.
00:55:16After thinking about it for a while, Dex accepted the gifts with a smile. He naturally understood
00:55:21what River meant. However, if he bought the items, he would have to work for Kevin in the future.
00:55:28Compared to the $200 million, the value of these four warriors was a bit higher.
00:55:41Dex sighed even more deeply in his heart. It was no wonder Kevin was a fierce person
00:55:47who once saved the Chinese gang. At such a young age, he was already a martial arts master.
00:55:55Not only was his strength terrifying, but he also had River, a trusted aide with a very keen mind.
00:56:03What is your name, brother? Dex. Dex slightly smiled and then introduced Atticus, Bella,
00:56:11and Gavin. Then the two of them chatted for a while. Only then did Dex learn Kevin's name.
00:56:19When he found out that he was the live-in son-in-law of the Wright family,
00:56:24Dex was naturally shocked, and his eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets. Atticus,
00:56:30behind him, was also dumbfounded and felt a chill run down his spine. Last night, when Claire said
00:56:38that Kevin was a fighter, not only did he not believe her, he even ridiculed her in front of
00:56:44her face, saying that he would pinch Kevin to death. Now that Kevin had appeared in person,
00:56:51and he was powerful enough to be a martial arts master, what was he supposed to do?
00:56:58But unfortunately, he was only an advanced light magic practitioner.
00:57:03It was more like he would be crushed to death like a bug by Kevin.
00:57:08River arranged for them to stay at his hotel.
00:57:12Big brother, are you sure this Kevin knows Master Braun? Atticus asked the moment they
00:57:18entered the hotel. I think it's more than just knowing him. They have a history, Dex smiled
00:57:26meaningfully and said. He is Master Braun's brother, but with a different surname. Big
00:57:34brother, are you saying... Atticus's eyes widened. He is like our martial arts uncle?
00:57:43Dex nodded. Atticus, Bella, Gavin, the three of you must be more polite to Uncle Bennett in the
00:57:50future. Although he is still young, in terms of qualifications, he is much more advanced than us.
00:57:58The three hurriedly nodded their heads. Their fighting skills were nothing compared to Kevin's.
00:58:05As a martial arts master, he was even more advanced than their master. And because Kevin
00:58:11had saved Braun's life five years ago, Braun had always talked about Kevin these past few years.
00:58:18His opinion of Kevin far surpassed his view of even his most advanced disciples.
00:58:24If any of them dared to offend Kevin, they would not be able to get past Braun.
00:58:31Big brother, just which family did Uncle Bennett come from? His talent is way too monstrous,
00:58:38Atticus asked. A 25-year-old martial arts master is a rare sight to behold,
00:58:45not just in Sacramento, but in the whole world.
00:58:48Don't ask too many questions. Uncle Bennett's background is not something that you and I can
00:58:53speculate about, Dex's face sank. Kevin's background had always been a taboo topic in
00:59:01the Chinese gang. But because he was Braun's beloved brother, Dex more or less knew about him.
00:59:09They knew that Kevin was the abandoned child of the Bennett family,
00:59:13but they didn't attach much importance to him beyond that.
00:59:18Even when he finally became a disciple of Travis Graham, this situation did not change.
00:59:24In the end, Kevin even fell out with his family, ran away from them, and came to the city of
00:59:30Sacramento, becoming the Wright family's live-in son-in-law. No one knew whether it was to conceal
00:59:38himself or to take revenge on Chen's family. Yes, big brother, I won't ask any more.
00:59:47Atticus nodded hurriedly. Dex's severe treatment indicated that Kevin's background
00:59:53must have involved some shocking inside story. Meanwhile, Kevin and Claire arrived home.
01:00:00The moment he entered, he saw Aileen, who was wiping away her tears, and Alan,
01:00:06who had a severe expression. Mom, I'm back! Everyone looked up when she spoke.
01:00:14Claire? Aileen was stunned for a moment before she burst into tears of joy.
01:00:20She walked up to Claire and embraced her, asking with concern,
01:00:24These words were Claire's excuse. Until now, she did not know why Dex and the others kidnapped her.
01:00:55After saying that, she glanced at Kevin. She still felt that Peyton was behind it.
01:01:02However, she was also very discreet and did not tell him about Peyton in front of Claire and Alan.
01:01:09If Aileen didn't mention it, Kevin naturally wouldn't say anything else.
01:01:14Kevin also had to figure out what to do with Peyton. If he had killed him directly,
01:01:20the misunderstanding between Kevin and Claire could never have been resolved.
01:01:25Claire would probably always think that he was the mastermind behind this.
01:01:30But if he didn't kill Peyton, he would be like a time bomb buried within the Wright family.
01:01:37You would never be able to tell when it would explode and turn the Wright family into a pile
01:01:42of rubble. Why is it impossible? They let her go. The gloomy look on Alan's face finally disappeared.
01:01:51As soon as he returned from the hospital, he heard Aileen complain that Kevin had let
01:01:56Claire be tied up to wash away his suspicion of cheating.
01:02:01In the past, he would naturally not have believed Aileen's words.
01:02:06But now, as Kevin became more and more powerful, he had no choice but to believe her.
01:02:14As a man, he understood the way men think. The richer the man, the more desire he holds within.
01:02:22Is the current Kevin rich? Of course! He had money. And Kevin still had the momentum of the heavens.
01:02:32If the current Kevin were not honest, he would have created a long time ago.
01:02:36He was so rich and powerful, what kind of woman wouldn't want to find her and hang herself on
01:02:42Claire's tree? He sent Claire back to her room. Kevin wanted to turn around and leave, but Claire's
01:02:50emotionless voice came from behind. What happened between you and Nick?
01:02:56She needed an explanation. Kevin sighed in his heart. He was still going to face this problem
01:03:03after all. Kevin opened his mouth and said, Nick is my friend. Yesterday at the bar,
01:03:11she told me someone was trying to kidnap you. Couldn't you talk to her anywhere else? Did you
01:03:18have to go to a bar? Claire asked coldly. She didn't understand Kevin's intentions.
01:03:24It seemed strange for him to go to the bar with Nick to discuss things. Kevin smiled bitterly.
01:03:31He didn't know how to explain it to Claire. Could it be that Nick forced him to go with her?
01:03:37If he said that, Claire would probably get even angrier. Moreover, Nick didn't force him.
01:03:45If you like her, we can get a divorce. Claire had a calm expression.
01:03:50Kevin frowned. Don't say that again in the future. I'll explain the details of my relationship with
01:03:57Nick to you sooner or later. The only thing I can tell you is that I have a clear conscience.
01:04:05Claire pursed her lips but didn't say anything. Kevin sighed. All right, you rest first. I'll
01:04:13come back to find you tomorrow. After he left the Wrights' home, Kevin received a call from Nick.
01:04:20Did you find her? Nick's voice was still cold. Found her.
01:04:27Do you still need me to explain things to her? Nick was brilliant. She had long since known
01:04:33about the video. Even if she had a squirrel's brain, she could imagine how Claire would react.
01:04:39No need. Kevin rejected her without even thinking. Nick meeting Claire was like setting fire to his
01:04:47home, let alone explain it clearly. It was probably better if the two of them never met.
01:04:57According to bronze records, the ancient pond at the bottom of the Beverly Hills Jade Spring
01:05:03only appears when the spring water sinks back into the ground at the end of each month.
01:05:08Therefore, the best time to pick the ice lotus was three days after the water had retreated.
01:05:15During those three days, Kevin did not sit around idly. Instead, he wrote down a few medicinal
01:05:22ingredients needed to refine the ice lotus and had Jared and River's subordinates go to various
01:05:28places to buy them. There were a total of three ice lotus blooms. Kevin planned to give one to
01:05:36Braun, another to Claire, and the last he intended to keep in case of an emergency.
01:05:42When he gave Claire this bloom, he intended for her to use it to step into the early stages of
01:05:47light magic and become a warrior. If anything else happened to him in the future, then Claire would
01:05:54have some ability to protect herself. In the blink of an eye, it was already the second day.
01:06:01But unfortunately, Jared's purchase of the medicinal herbs wasn't going very smoothly.
01:06:07The people sent out word back that the medicinal ingredients had been bought out,
01:06:12especially the older ginseng and the giant crow. But unfortunately, they didn't even have time to
01:06:20get a glimpse of them before they were sold out. According to the medicine store owner,
01:06:26in the past few days, someone from the city had been buying spirit medicines. As a result,
01:06:32the entire stock of spirit medicines in the medicine market had been swept clean.
01:06:38That afternoon, Jared sent another message back. The lackey who they sent out to purchase the herbs
01:06:45was beaten up. Furthermore, the other party was a ruthless person. Not only did he not leave after
01:06:53the beating, but he also told Jared to send more people, boasting that he could call the most
01:06:59influential people he knew. Today, he said he was going to teach Jared how to behave.
01:07:06Helpless, Jared could only call Kevin. Mr. Bennett, the reason for this is being the owner
01:07:13of one of the shops, said that he would sell us his shop supplies. But when I sent someone to buy
01:07:19it, the boss suddenly changed his mind. He said that someone offered two times more than us to
01:07:25buy it. He also said that the person's background is solid. Therefore, he can't afford to offend
01:07:35him. I told Greg Toms to stay in the store, the Golden Sesame Temple, and wait for them to come.
01:07:42I was going to check out their power. In the end, the other side found Greg almost immediately.
01:07:50Then after knowing that Greg was going to snatch the ingredients,
01:07:54they broke Greg's leg on the spot. They even said that if Greg did not give up,
01:07:59he would continue hurting him until he submitted. Then I sent dozens of my brothers over,
01:08:05but they broke their arms and legs. They're still guarding the Golden Sesame Temple.
01:08:12Jared spoke heatedly. He was frustrated about being defeated.
01:08:16This person is arrogant. Kevin raised his eyebrows. Jared must be nothing in the eyes
01:08:23of the other party if they would do a thing like this.
01:08:28Mr. Bennett, they seem to have warriors supporting them. Jared paused and then said,
01:08:34it's possible that they were the ones to buy all the other ingredients.
01:08:39Jared was the only one who practiced martial arts. He had achieved the beginning level of
01:08:46light magic under the command of Aaron Puckett. A few days ago, he was injured by Gavin.
01:08:54I'll go over. After all, Jared's people were here to buy the ingredients for him,
01:08:59and it was only natural for them to do so. Besides, what they were purchasing was also
01:09:05a necessary ingredient in refining the ice lotus. Kevin originally only wanted to bring Jared over,
01:09:13but after the four siblings heard the news, they eagerly followed them over.
01:09:19Just like that, a large group arrived at the Golden Sesame Temple store.
01:09:24As he got out of the car, Kevin saw dozens of Jared's men. However, at this moment,
01:09:32every one of them was lying on the ground with bruises all over, moaning in pain.
01:09:38The leader, Greg, was kneeling in front of a middle-aged man in a flowery shirt
01:09:44and was being humiliated without restraint. Let him go. Greg was his trusted aide,
01:09:52but unfortunately, the other party had disrespected not only Greg, but also Kevin.
01:09:59Let him go. The man smiled playfully and kicked Greg in the chest.
01:10:04Greg slid backward on the ground for seven or eight meters before finally stopping in front
01:10:10of Jared. Jared hurriedly helped Greg up. However, Greg violently vomited blood, and Jared could see
01:10:18that a significant part of his chest was caved in. It was unknown how many ribs were broken by
01:10:25the man's kick. You're tempting fate. Looking at Greg's miserable state,
01:10:32Jared gritted his teeth as if he was about to explode from anger. This man was provoking him.
01:10:40Didn't you want me to let him go? I've let him go. So why are you saying that I'm tempting fate
01:10:46when I've done what you asked? The flowery shirt man laughed as if he did not care about Jared's
01:10:52killing intent. At this time, the four siblings arrived in another car. The first person Dex saw
01:11:01was the man in the flowery shirt. Jacob? Dex was shocked and blurted out. He didn't expect to see
01:11:09his master's youngest son here. The man in the flowery shirt was startled as well. Dex?
01:11:16Jacob, tell me, why are you here? Dex felt a headache coming on. He didn't expect
01:11:25Jacob to hurt Jared's men after he robbed River's Vault the day before yesterday.
01:11:32Was he going against Kevin's people? I came here to buy some things for my wife,
01:11:38but unfortunately, I met a bunch of stupid people, so I decided to teach them a lesson,
01:11:45Jacob said casually. After he finished speaking, he looked at Dex and Jared
01:11:51and said with dissatisfaction. Oh, Dex, don't tell me these idiots are yours.
01:11:58Dex's head was spinning faster than a top. Jacob, they're not my men, but my little brothers,
01:12:06because they're under my friend's command. Friends? Before Dex could finish his words,
01:12:13he was interrupted by Jacob with a sneer. Come now, you're saying this country bumpkin is your
01:12:20friend? Why, is there a problem? Dex frowned. I am. He's not a problem. Jacob shook his head
01:12:31and said in a mocking tone. Well, Dex, who you want to be friends with is your problem.
01:12:38However, I am very disappointed with you. I didn't think that you would be like this
01:12:43after coming out of the Chinese gang. Do you want to be friends with a low-level boss in a filthy
01:12:48city? Jacob clicked his tongue and sighed. His attitude was arrogant, and his tone was irritated
01:12:58towards Jared. Jacob was a martial artist and a high-ranking member of the Chinese gang back in
01:13:05Malaysia. Thus, he looked down on ordinary people from the bottom of his heart. Jared clenched his
01:13:13fists tightly. His face was red from anger, but he also understood that the man in front of him was
01:13:20not weak. From how Dex spoke to Jacob, it was not hard to tell that the man in front of him
01:13:27was a martial artist and a high-ranking member of the Chinese gang. At the very least, he was higher
01:13:34on the food chain than Dex was. Jacob, please be more courteous to my friend. Dex clenched his fist
01:13:43and was a bit annoyed. Courteous? Jacob glanced at Jared and sneered. Is he worthy of that? You!
01:13:53All right, Dex. I won't waste words with you. Since you're friends with this group of trash,
01:14:00I'll show you some mercy today. I won't bother with this group of trash anymore. Tell them to
01:14:07shit! Jacob waved his hand and spoke to Jared as if he was shooing away flies at a picnic.
01:14:21Jacob, you're being outrageous! Anger was welling up in Dex's eyes.
01:14:27Previously, in the Chinese gang, Jacob and Dex had never gotten along, but since they were both
01:14:34served brawn, Jacob would more or less restrain himself when they interacted. However, now that
01:14:41they were out of the Chinese gang, Jacob was a loose cannon and did not honor their relationship.
01:14:48I'm being outrageous! Jacob's expression also turned cold. He glanced at Dex and said,
01:14:55So what if I am? Dex, you want to make a move against me?
01:15:02Dex's cheeks were taut. He tried his best to hold back and not say anything.
01:15:09Jacob smiled calmly. If you make a move, your four siblings can attack together.
01:15:16But first, let me see if you have made any progress after leaving the Chinese gang.
01:15:22Seeing that Dex didn't say anything, Jacob shook his head and said,
01:15:27If you don't do anything, then I will not leave. I'm still waiting for Miss Oso.
01:15:34Who is Miss Oso? So you've sided with her? Dex gritted his teeth and asked.
01:15:42When he first sees Jacob there, he thinks Jacob's trying to help brawn.
01:15:47You don't have the right to know Miss Oso's first name.
01:15:51You only need to remember that Miss Oso is from the Oso family in Santa Rosa Island.
01:15:59Jacob's expression was highly arrogant, as if submitting to Santa Rosa's Oso family
01:16:05was extremely honorable. The Santa Rosa Island Oso family?
01:16:11Most of the people present did not understand the meaning of these words.
01:16:14However, Dex turned pale with fright. It was the Santa Rosa Oso family!
01:16:22Dex would never have thought that Jacob would cling to that family.
01:16:26The Oso family is one of the four great clans of Santa Rosa, a true clan of giants.
01:16:34Rumor has it that the assets of the Oso family are worth five or six hundred billion in total.
01:16:40Twenty years ago, when Santa Rosa became popular again, the patriarch of the Oso family
01:16:47had also been received by one or two presidents of the U.S.
01:16:51Even now, the upper echelons of the Oso family could still speak with the country's top officials
01:16:57directly. In recent years, even though the Oso family had lost a little popularity and money,
01:17:04their investments in every corner of the country have grown exponentially.
01:17:08Their investments in every corner of the continent still amounted to close to a hundred
01:17:14billion on their own. In all parts of the United States, there were schools and factories built
01:17:21by them. Their influence in this country had reached an unimaginable level.
01:17:27Dex's eyes were filled with fear. If Jacob did side with the Osos,
01:17:32they shouldn't even think about helping Bron clean up his family.
01:17:36Even Bron might not be able to handle Jacob as long as he had the Oso family protecting him.
01:17:43There was at least one martial arts master in the Oso family,
01:17:47and he was pretty sure that there was more than one.
01:17:51Did you leak the news about the Ice Lotus to the Oso family?
01:17:55Dex took a deep breath and asked.
01:17:58The situation was clear now. Bron was heavily injured. The Chinese gang was eradicated,
01:18:05and all the disciples fled in different directions.
01:18:09Some disciples were still loyal to Bron and looked around for a way to save him.
01:18:15However, some disciples betrayed Bron and even used Bron's situation as a way to surrender
01:18:22and join other forces. Without a doubt, Jacob was one of the ones who betrayed Bron.
01:18:29Not only did he betray him, but he told the story about the Ice Lotus,
01:18:34which was the only thing that could save Bron's life,
01:18:37to the island's Oso family, treating them as his own.
01:18:42That's right. I was indeed the one who leaked the news about the Ice Lotus to the Oso family.
01:18:50Jacob yawned lazily.
01:18:52Little Dex, you're pretty smart.
01:18:56Jacob, if the Oso family takes the Ice Lotus blooms, what do you expect our master to do?
01:19:03Don't you know that only the Ice Lotus can save Master Bron?
01:19:08It was one thing for Jacob not to actively work to save Bron,
01:19:12but to divulge the news that Bron relied on the Ice Lotus alone to survive was too far.
01:19:19What does that old man's life have to do with me? Jacob sneered.
01:19:24That old man is your master, not mine, so don't mention him in front of me in the future.
01:19:30His life or death has nothing to do with me.
01:19:35Jacob's face was cold and ruthless.
01:19:38You... you traitor!
01:19:41If it weren't for the fact that Master took you in years ago,
01:19:45you would have starved to death on the streets.
01:19:48Now that you say such words, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?
01:19:53Dex was trembling with anger as he pointed at Jacob's nose and cursed.
01:19:57Jacob twitched his mouth and looked indifferent.
01:20:02All right, Dex, stop talking nonsense.
01:20:06Seeing that you are my former training partner and we share some background,
01:20:11let me give you a piece of advice.
01:20:14For the next three days, don't appear in Beverly Hills.
01:20:20Jacob's expression was cold.
01:20:21Jacob's expression was cold.
01:20:25Of course, if you are unconvinced and want to come into contact with the Oso family,
01:20:32then I certainly will not stop you.
01:20:35However, I recommend that you prepare four coffins in advance, Jacob sneered.
01:20:42Then he turned around and left without looking back.
01:20:46However, just as he took a few steps, an indifferent voice came from behind him.
01:20:52Do you think you can leave just like that after hurting my people?
01:20:57Jacob stopped and turned around with a dark expression.
01:21:01He saw that the person who spoke was a 25 or 26-year-old man.
01:21:07At that moment, Kevin was standing with his hands behind his back, his face expressionless.
01:21:15Are you talking to me?
01:21:18When Kevin had appeared earlier, Jacob had seen him.
01:21:22However, at that time, he had thought nothing of it and assumed that Kevin was Jared's lackey.
01:21:29But now it seemed that he'd been mistaken.
01:21:32Kevin, who looked average, was the boss of this group.
01:21:38Kevin secretly led even decks.
01:21:41What do you think?
01:21:43Kevin took a step forward and looked at Jacob with an expressionless face.
01:21:48Jacob felt a chill in his heart.
01:21:50He didn't know why, but he felt a vague sense of danger from Kevin.
01:21:55Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Jacob said in a deep voice.
01:22:01You want to bicker with me over a few ordinary people?
01:22:05Ordinary people?
01:22:07This was Jacob's view of Greg and the others.
01:22:10As far as he was concerned, ordinary people and martial artists
01:22:15were entities from two completely different worlds.
01:22:19Millions of people live in the US, but the number of warriors was less than a few thousand.
01:22:25Every warrior was an absolute elite.
01:22:29Their identities were also incomparably honored.
01:22:33To an influential martial artist, ordinary people were nothing more than ants.
01:22:39Therefore, Kevin shouldn't mind that a few ants get killed here and there.
01:22:45They had only been injured that day anyway.
01:22:48To offend a fighter for a few ordinary people, this act was very foolish.
01:22:55Ordinary people?
01:22:56Kevin frowned and shook his head calmly.
01:22:59They are not ordinary people.
01:23:02They are my brothers.
01:23:05Your brothers?
01:23:06Ha ha ha.
01:23:08Jacob suddenly laughed.
01:23:10Then he suddenly retracted his smile and said with a cold face.
01:23:15How do you intend to stand up for your brothers?
01:23:19Well, you could cut off your arm, or you could die.
01:23:23Kevin was expressionless.
01:23:26Cut off my arm?
01:23:28Jacob laughed.
01:23:29Kid, are you kidding me?
01:23:31Do you fucking know who I am?
