Pooh Bear No Rabbits A Fortress Episodes in English)

  • il y a 5 mois


00:30My turn off!
00:32No time to lollygag!
00:34Got places to be and tunnels to dig!
00:40I knew I should have brought along the big pick!
00:43There! This should keep everyone from trampling my garden every day!
00:49If it isn't one thing it's another!
00:51Robert, I came to return the honey jars I borrowed for breakfast!
00:56How could you! You're in my garden!
01:01If you come back, I'll make you pay!
01:05I'll give you everything, I'll make you pay!
01:08pour le déjeuner. Comment pouvez-vous? Vous êtes dans mon jardin. Nous le sommes. Les signes
01:15disent, gardez-vous, parmi d'autres choses. Ne pouvez-vous pas les lire? Oh, je peux les lire,
01:21mais je ne peux pas les voir. Wow! Piglet, regarde ce que tu as fait! Un jeune carotte
01:36vibrante s'est éclatée avant sa prime. Et tout parce que vous et Pooh n'avez pas de regard
01:43pour mon jardin. Piglet, non, non, non! Mon jardin est détruit. Non, je lui ai juste donné
01:56ce regard vibrante. Oh, qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Je vais vous apprendre à dégager mes légumes. Oh, mon! Qui a tourné les lumières? Où est mon jardin?
02:18Donc, c'est pour ça que j'ai tous ces légumes dans mon jardin. Eh bien, il va falloir y aller. Vous n'avez pas de souci si je dégage. Je suis dans le déjeuner, n'est-ce pas,
02:29Piglet? Faites ce que vous voulez, Goofy, juste restez hors de mon jardin. On y va! Tout le monde, dégagez!
02:37Eh, c'est clair de quoi, Goofy? Le gros Kerpaoui, c'est ce que c'est. Kerpaoui? Oh, mon! Je n'aime pas le son de ça. Peut-être que vous devriez garder vos oreilles, Piglet, comme ça.
02:50On y va. J'appuie sur ce petit bouton et... Oh, oh!
02:56Did somebody say something? Keep out! Well, that takes care of that. Back to my digging. My garden! It's gone! Gone!
03:15Cheer up, Floppy Ears! It's not gone. It's just been, uh, uh, tossed. Got any Tarzan Island dressing?
03:23This is your fault! All of yours! First Pooh and Piglet, then Tigger, now this! Why do you always ruin my garden? It never did anything to any of you. From now on, I'm a rabbit unto myself.
03:41Hmm. Is it just me, or does something seem to be bothering Friend Rabbit?
03:46You know, I haven't given Fuzzbottom a good bouncing in days. I feel an empty spot in my life.
03:54I know what you mean, Tigger. I usually feel that same empty spot just before dinner.
04:02I can't quite put my finger on it, but I believe Rabbit's garden is somehow... different.
04:11Hmm. This calls for some serious investigating.
04:15Perhaps we should come back later when the garden's... friendlier?
04:20No. Just follow me. I'll lead you around them booby traps. Tigger's an expert on trapping boobies, you know.
04:27Oh, don't worry. You can ride on my shoulders, Piglet. You'll be safe up here.
04:32Hmm. I'd better get this out of the way before somebody trips over it.
04:38Uh, Tigger?
04:45Well, I've taken care of that.
04:48Excuse me, Tigger, but...
04:50Not now, Pooh Bear. We've got traps to un-boobify.
04:58I don't think you guys had better step on this thing. It might be dangerous.
05:05Quiet, fellas. It's Long Ears.
05:08I'm coming for you, buddy boy.
05:11Wait a minute. This isn't Rabbit. I've been boobied.
05:19Surprised you, didn't I?
05:22So, how do you like it?
05:25How do I like it? Well, it's the most wonderfulest one I've ever seen.
05:31What is it?
05:33It's, um, certainly big.
05:36It's my fortress. From now on, no one will be able to bother me or my garden again.
05:46The whole point of this fortress is to keep you out.
05:50From now on, no matter what you think, no matter what you hear, no matter what happens,
05:56you, and you, and especially you, are to stay away forever.
06:03But who will come and borrow honey from you?
06:05No one! And that means you.
06:09Oh, my tummy would be awfully sorry to hear that.
06:13Come on, guys. Something tells me we're not wanted.
06:18Come along, Piglet.
06:23You took the words right out of my mouth, Piglet, old pal.
06:28Now, for a little peace and quiet, and gardening.
06:33Where did I leave my shovel?
06:36Oh, yes. It's right outside the door.
06:41A door! I forgot to make a door.
06:44I can't get out. I'm trapped.
06:47Do you hear? Wait.
06:50Pooh, Tigger, please come back.
06:55Oh, no, you don't. You told us not to come back.
06:58You can booby up Tigger once, but you can't make him drink.
07:05You tell him, kiddo.
07:07I think Robert is testing us to see how good of friends we are.
07:12We should go before we hurt his feelings.
07:14Oh, no. They're leaving.
07:18A starve.
07:21Oh, Pooh, how about a little smackle of honey?
07:29No, Pooh. He's just trying to trick us.
07:32That honey does taste tasty.
07:37Bunny Boy's counting on us.
07:39We can't go back, no matter what.
07:42Oh, my. Where's Tigger when you need a good bounce?
07:48Did you say bounce?
07:55No, no. Farther back. A little farther.
07:59That should do it.
08:01Don't worry, Bunny Boy.
08:03We'll bust you out if it's the last thing you do.
08:08Oh, dear.
08:13Oh, my.
08:16Hey, how come we do all the work and Bunny Boy gets to do all the bouncing?
08:21Go on. Pull. Pull. Pull.
08:26I'm afraid there may not be any pull left in me.
08:30Maybe if we got a better grip.
08:34I'm afraid there may not be any pull left in me.
08:38Maybe if we got a better grip.
08:45Sure hope he's got a round-trip ticket.
08:55Tigger, there's no possible way you can get me through that little hole.
08:59I'm just too big.
09:01Oh, Rabbit, if it's a small matter of Tigger-numatory,
09:05we'll have you vacuum-free before you can say...
09:15Oh, dear.
09:18We did it.
09:20Sure was simple.
09:22I hope Rabbit's all right.
09:24Genius. Pure genius.
09:28Rabbit, what are you doing in there when you should be in there?
09:33I told you I was too big to fit through the hole.
09:36Yeah, maybe. But what happened to your garden?
09:48I might as well face it.
09:51I'll probably spend the rest of my life in here.
09:54Yeah, but look at the bright side, bunny boy.
09:57Maybe you won't live that long.
09:59Is there anything we can do, Rabbit?
10:01No. Except maybe try not to forget me.
10:05Of course not.
10:10Well, if that bat can't stand around here forever,
10:14I've got tunnels that need blasting.
10:20That's an idea.
10:23Blast him out.
10:25Hmm, that's an idea. Blast him out.
10:29Hmm, that's an idea.
10:31I wonder how much longer to lunch.
10:34Yes, sirree.
10:36Don't know why I didn't think of it before.
10:38I'll blast him out.
10:41Yes, indeedy.
10:43Of course, you have to be careful with dynamite.
10:47Can't use too much.
10:49Just a little keg will do you.
10:51One keg.
10:52Oh, dear.
10:54Stand clear.
10:58You too, Rabbit.
11:00Do you think perhaps we should have told Gopher
11:04that we each used one keg to...
11:14No sign of Hyde nor Bunny.
11:16I wonder where old Floppy Ears went.
11:19Oh, dear.
11:20I hope he's not angry with us.
11:22I believe we should look for him,
11:24in case he's lost.
11:26Good idea.
11:28Follow me.
11:32No, he's not here.
11:36Oh, my.
11:37Oh, my.
11:39Oh, dear, dear, dear.
11:41Oh, no, no, no.
11:44And did you find anything, Piglet?
11:47Well, um, no.
11:50You, Pooh?
11:52Only this very nice rock.
11:54But no rabbit.
11:56I came up zip too,
11:58and I searched every one of my holes to boot.
12:02I... I found this.
12:05This favorite carrot.
12:07He never went nowhere without it.
12:10He never went nowhere without it.
12:12We're just gonna have to face it.
12:15Bunny Boy is gone.
12:17He was the dag-blasted best rabbit friend I ever had.
12:22Even if he was the only rabbit friend I ever had.
12:25Perhaps we shouldn't have blown him up.
12:28Then he wouldn't have had to leave.
12:30Help! Help!
12:32Oh, my. I can still hear him calling.
12:35I must be having hallucinations.
12:37Help! Help!
12:43I wonder if hallucinations are contagious.
12:46I hear rabbit, too.
12:48So do I.
12:50Me, uh, too.
12:52Get me down from here!
12:58Why, look.
12:59There's rabbits hear hallucination now.
13:02Wait a minute.
13:04That's not a rabbit.
13:06Hear hallucination?
13:08That's rabbit in a tree.
13:12Oh, Floppy Ears wasn't blown to tangerines after all.
13:16Hey, watch where you're bouncing, you big galoot.
13:20Oh, my. Rabbit's so high up.
13:23How are we gonna get him down?
13:25Won't be easy.
13:26But maybe this will help.
13:29And chop me down?
13:31Yep. Might be painful, but it could hurt a lot, too.
13:35Can't do that.
13:36Why, the tree might fall on an innocent plant or something.
13:40Hmm. Good point.
13:42Well, in that case, I'll just have to use dynamite again.
13:46Like my daddy always used to say,
13:49what gets blown up must get blown down.
13:52No, no. Not dynamite again.
13:55You're right. Better make it nitroglycerine.
13:59Wait. How about U-235?
14:02I believe I could get him down.
14:04You? All by your lonesome?
14:07He's right, Pooh. Won't you want some help?
14:10Help? Oh, no. I don't believe so.
14:15Just watch.
14:16Hello, rabbit.
14:18What? Oh, hi, Pooh Bear.
14:23See? I thought it might work.
14:29You were right, buddy boy.
14:32Not only did you get Rabbit out of the tree, you caught him, too.
14:38Here we are.
14:39I think it's all right for Rabbit to look at our surprise now.
14:43Oh, my. Oh, my. It's wonderful.
14:47And for me? After everything I've said to you?
14:51Well, you are our friend, Rabbit, whether you like it or not.
14:55How can I ever thank you all for fixing it?
14:59Let me see. I know.
15:02Tigger, stop that.
15:04Hey, you know anything about the rest of my dynamite?
15:12Yes, I hid it in a nice, safe place where it can't blow up any innocent gardens or rabbits.
15:19Oh, Rabbit, I found this pogo stick in the woods,
15:22and I thought it might make a nice garden-warming gift,
15:25since you have a new garden which needs warming.
15:29Why, thank you, Pooh. How thoughtful.
15:32Here, can I try it? Please, please, please.
15:35No, it's my pogo stick. I get to pogo on it first.
15:39Maybe I can bounce on you for once.
15:48Oh, my. Why does it always happen to me?
15:52Hey, I bet I know where you hid my dynamite.
16:23Pooh Bear, we need a Pooh Bear, wherever you go.
16:28Oh, won't you take me please, Pooh Bear, I gotta be there.
16:33It's me and it's you, my silly old Winnie the Pooh.
16:52© BF-WATCH TV 2021
