The Billionaire Bastard - Episode 151-160

  • 5 months ago
Story that you can't Avoid ❤️;#AmirTheStoryteller #new #story


00:00:00 Episode 151 Soft but Brutal
00:00:08 Even Bill Fern, famous in the city for his impressive fighting skills, might not even
00:00:13 be more powerful than Kevin.
00:00:15 "Hotch, you are too kind," Kevin smiled and said.
00:00:19 He didn't have any bad feelings toward him.
00:00:21 He was just a good person.
00:00:23 Previously, he mocked and ridiculed him because he was acting selfishly.
00:00:28 "Son, this is the manager of the Gorilla Spike Club, Jaden Hearn."
00:00:32 He paused for a moment and then started to introduce him to Kevin.
00:00:36 Although Kevin kept saying that he knew him, he didn't know who Kevin was or how he had
00:00:41 offended him from the looks of it.
00:00:43 By introducing the two men, Hotch hoped to break some of the tension and maybe help settle
00:00:47 the matter between the two.
00:00:49 "I know him," he glanced indifferently and said.
00:00:52 "That little guy knows me?"
00:00:54 Jaden's eyelids twitched as he spoke in surprise.
00:00:58 For some reason, Kevin's glance made him feel a great sense of danger.
00:01:02 This was the first time he felt such a danger in his decades of practicing martial arts.
00:01:08 However, Jaden immediately told himself that he must have been overthinking things.
00:01:13 No matter how strong a cultivator was, how could he possibly be a threat to him?
00:01:18 "Don't you remember me, Mr. Hearn?"
00:01:21 Kevin looked at Jaden calmly and asked.
00:01:24 Jaden's pupils contracted as a chilling sense of danger emerged in his heart once again.
00:01:30 "Damn it, there's something wrong with this Kevin.
00:01:34 He does not only have profound strength."
00:01:36 Jaden took a breath and forced himself to calm down.
00:01:40 He said in a deep voice, "Forgive me for being stupid, but I can't remember where I've seen
00:01:45 you before.
00:01:46 However, if we have met before, I would prefer it if you just told me things as they were.
00:01:53 There's no point beating around the bush with me.
00:01:55 I have never done anything so upright, and upright that I didn't even step on an ant,
00:02:00 or hurt a single ant.
00:02:02 I have never done anything so outrageous."
00:02:04 "Never done anything wicked?"
00:02:07 Without waiting for Jaden to finish, Kevin sneered and interrupted Jaden.
00:02:11 "What does Kevin mean by this?"
00:02:14 Jaden frowned and said with a cold tone.
00:02:17 Kevin sneered.
00:02:18 "Jaden, you said you have never done anything wicked.
00:02:21 Then let me ask, do you remember Amanda Mayne?
00:02:26 Freddy Sharp?
00:02:27 Clayton James?"
00:02:29 Kevin said a dozen names consecutively, causing everyone in the venue to be confused.
00:02:34 They could feel that these people were very important to Kevin.
00:02:38 Still, Jaden's confused expression did not seem like he was pretending.
00:02:43 "What exactly was going on?"
00:02:45 "Kevin, I don't know any of the people you're talking about."
00:02:50 Jaden suppressed his anger and said, "He indeed didn't know the people Kevin was talking about."
00:02:55 "How do you not know these people?"
00:02:58 Kevin shook his head with a bit of ridicule in the corner of his mouth.
00:03:02 Most of them were just ordinary people responsible for caring for their mothers and themselves.
00:03:08 Some of them weren't even fighters.
00:03:10 However, this group of ordinary people saved his life when he was being hunted down by
00:03:16 dozens of martial practitioners three years ago.
00:03:20 Kevin faced dozens of fighters with strengths greater than the other, and none of them backed
00:03:25 off.
00:03:26 He had used his full potential to block one fatal punch after another.
00:03:31 That night, Kevin's body was covered in blood.
00:03:34 A portion of that blood that dripped from his tired body was not just his, but of his
00:03:40 enemies.
00:03:41 As he defended himself from one attack after another, he realized that it wasn't just the
00:03:46 opponent's blood, but that of laypeople.
00:03:50 These ordinary groups of individuals used their own lives to pave a bloody escape route
00:03:55 for Kevin.
00:03:56 It could be said that three years ago, if not for those dozens of people, Kevin would
00:04:02 have died a long time ago.
00:04:05 But today, Jaden said that he did not know these people.
00:04:08 To Jaden, a superior cultivator, an ordinary person's life was no different from an ant's.
00:04:14 If someone were to step on it, it would be over.
00:04:18 If a man stepped on an ant to death, would he still remember the ant's name?
00:04:23 No.
00:04:24 However, those who were saved by the ants knew how to.
00:04:28 Since you don't know him, then you... just die.
00:04:33 Kevin paused for a moment before calmly speaking.
00:04:36 It was as if he was talking about a trivial matter.
00:04:40 Saying so, Kevin made his move.
00:04:43 In just a split second, Jaden's pupils couldn't help but constrict, and all the hair on his
00:04:48 body stood up.
00:04:50 It changed.
00:04:51 Kevin's anger had changed.
00:04:53 If the original Kevin gave people the feeling that he was a pool of stagnant water, then
00:04:58 after he said the word "dead," he became a sea of fury.
00:05:03 Instantly, the entire Southside Fight Club sank into an intense panic.
00:05:08 Everyone was stunned.
00:05:10 No one could have imagined that this gentle and refined youth would have such a terrifying
00:05:14 killing intent in the blink of an eye.
00:05:18 Even the air would be frozen.
00:05:20 The others couldn't even stand steadily when they were affected by Kevin's anger.
00:05:24 One could imagine how Jaden, in the center of Kevin's fury, felt.
00:05:29 Icy cold.
00:05:31 A bone-piercing coldness.
00:05:34 Jaden's entire body turned cold.
00:05:36 He felt that his neck was being grabbed by an invisible hand.
00:05:40 It was difficult to even breathe.
00:05:43 Seeing Kevin walk towards him, step by step, Jaden's soul began to tremble.
00:05:49 With every step Kevin took, his momentum increased.
00:05:54 First, it was like a surging river.
00:05:56 It was like a tsunami again.
00:05:58 When he arrived in front of Jaden, the world was already hanging upside down.
00:06:03 The overwhelming pressure was like a violent storm as it surged toward Jaden.
00:06:09 Jaden's face turned red and he kneeled on the ground.
00:06:14 Everyone could not help but take in a breath of cold air, as if they were petrified statues.
00:06:20 They were all stupefied on the spot.
00:06:22 Jaden, who was in the early stage of training, was forced to kneel on the ground with just
00:06:28 the aura alone.
00:06:31 What the hell was Kevin?
00:06:34 What kind of weirdo was this?
00:06:36 Jaden widened his eyes in anger.
00:06:39 Veins popped out on his forehead as he let out a low and deep roar that was like that
00:06:45 of a wild beast.
00:06:47 As much as Jaden wanted to resist, his defense got the best of him.
00:06:52 And suddenly, he was a better fighter like he had never been before.
00:06:57 Even if he was defeated, Jaden knew he'd lose, knowing he fought with his full strength.
00:07:04 First was his forehead, then his arms, then his entire body.
00:07:09 Jaden's veins were popping out as he crazily circulated the force throughout his body to
00:07:13 break the shackles that Kevin had placed on him.
00:07:16 He wanted to stand up.
00:07:18 He would rather die standing.
00:07:20 He didn't want to live on his knees either.
00:07:23 This was what Jaden was thinking at the moment.
00:07:26 Trying to stand up?
00:07:28 Kevin narrowed his eyes.
00:07:29 With a hint of coldness in his eyes, he asked, "Did you ask my brothers for their opinion?"
00:07:35 In that group of pursuers back then, Jaden's strength was ranked in the middle.
00:07:40 The ordinary people who protected him and the few fighters at the early training were
00:07:45 all dealt with by Jaden.
00:07:47 At that time, Jaden's methods could be said to be ruthless.
00:07:58 Episode 152 Dark Net
00:08:03 Almost all of his moves were aimed at those people's vital organs.
00:08:07 There were quite a few people who died at the hands of Jaden.
00:08:11 Kevin would never forget the scene of his friends dying miserably in front of him.
00:08:16 While he was enduring the humiliation of the rights for the past three years, he was being
00:08:21 tortured by their hateful words almost all the time.
00:08:25 Whenever he wanted to take revenge, a voice in his heart would remind him that the time
00:08:30 was not right because he never knew if there was a greater fighter behind that person.
00:08:35 Kevin had thought that he could continue to be rational.
00:08:39 However, ever since he had come to Los Angeles and heard Ethan mention the Gorillaz Fight
00:08:43 Club in Jared's name, he had been overwhelmed with the thought of killing him.
00:08:50 Several times, he tried to calm this feeling, but no matter how hard he tried, he was unable
00:08:55 to calm his violent emotions down.
00:08:58 At this moment, Kevin knew he couldn't take it anymore.
00:09:02 There was no need to endure any longer.
00:09:05 So what if he killed Jared?
00:09:07 So what if the real culprit had come out?
00:09:10 He, Kevin Bennett, was not afraid of a fight.
00:09:15 He had already endured brutal torture for three years.
00:09:19 He didn't want to have to do it again.
00:09:22 Even if he knew there was a risk in killing this man, he had to do it this time.
00:09:27 He knew that the enemy was in front of him, yet he pretended to ignore him to protect
00:09:32 himself.
00:09:33 This was impossible for him to do.
00:09:36 At this moment, Jared's face was also full of fear.
00:09:39 He couldn't remember seeing Kevin there before.
00:09:42 However, when he saw the monstrous rage and hatred in his eyes, a thought like a lightning
00:09:48 bolt instantly flashed across Jared's mind.
00:09:52 "You... you are the person from three years ago."
00:09:55 His eyes widened in disbelief as he almost squeezed the words out of his throat.
00:10:01 Three years ago?
00:10:03 Kevin was the young man from three years ago.
00:10:06 He's back!
00:10:08 The fear on his face was beyond belief.
00:10:11 He never thought that anyone would be able to survive the hunt that took place a few
00:10:15 years ago.
00:10:16 Didn't they say that he was thrown off the cliff and not even his corpse was left?
00:10:21 How could he still be alive?
00:10:23 The nightmare that haunted him all these years again surfaced in his heart.
00:10:29 It was a normal night, just like any other.
00:10:31 And on the dark net of Los Angeles, someone suddenly issued an order to kill a man who
00:10:37 had just started the middle level of his training.
00:10:39 And if they succeeded in killing them, they would receive a bounty of ten million dollars.
00:10:45 Yes, ten million!
00:10:48 Any person who could be fighting within the city could participate in the hunt, as long
00:10:53 as they obtained the target's head.
00:10:55 Any fighter who participated in the hunt could get their share of the money.
00:10:59 Ten million, divided by strength.
00:11:02 So at that time, the entire fighting community was boiling.
00:11:06 Many people felt that the person who issued the order hunt gave them money.
00:11:11 A single fighter who was not that far into their training.
00:11:14 How could it be worth ten million?
00:11:17 Almost a tenth of the city's fighters had their faces covered, wore dark clothes, and
00:11:22 participated in the hunt on the night of the kill.
00:11:25 One of the most advanced fighters in the city was leading the way.
00:11:29 Everyone else was past the middle of their training, and they were all excited for the
00:11:33 kill.
00:11:34 What chance did this poor man have?
00:11:36 Thus, at that time, Jaden felt that the battle would be over in three minutes at the most.
00:11:43 He didn't even need to help out, as he could get several tens of millions of dollars with
00:11:47 his employees participating.
00:11:48 However, when he saw his target, he realized how childish he was.
00:11:54 To avoid being hunted down, Kevin was pretending to be much less powerful than he was.
00:11:59 However, everyone quickly saw that it was impossible for him to be only in the middle
00:12:03 of his training.
00:12:05 Within minutes, he killed the first two lines of defense they had, which were mainly made
00:12:09 up of fighters who had already completed their training.
00:12:12 No one could believe their eyes.
00:12:15 That hunt would haunt those fighters for the rest of their lives.
00:12:19 Everyone thought that this man was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, but they didn't
00:12:23 expect him to have talent beyond what they could imagine.
00:12:27 At that time, Jaden was nowhere near his training where he was now.
00:12:32 He didn't even have the qualifications to fight against Kevin, so he could only stay
00:12:36 on the outskirts of the fight.
00:12:38 Although he didn't want to fight with him, he would never forget it.
00:12:42 When he killed those servants, Kevin looked at him with murder in his eyes.
00:12:46 He did not doubt that he would be a dead man if another fighter did not make him turn away.
00:12:51 Therefore, when Kevin killed that man, Jaden ran away as fast as possible.
00:12:56 He was scared.
00:12:57 He was afraid that Kevin would kill him.
00:13:00 Jaden left the city that night and fled to the southern border.
00:13:04 When he heard the news of Kevin falling off that cliff only three days later, he finally
00:13:08 felt relieved.
00:13:10 Dead.
00:13:11 This monster was finally dead.
00:13:14 Jaden once again felt safe in return to Los Angeles.
00:13:18 After many inquiries, he finally found out what happened after leaving that night.
00:13:23 Kevin, forced into a corner, finally ran out of options.
00:13:27 After killing more than half of the people that were originally a part of the fight,
00:13:31 someone punched him hard enough to throw him off the cliff.
00:13:35 Not a trace of his body was left.
00:13:38 Although he was finally dead, none of the people there were happy.
00:13:42 Many traumatizing memories were left behind.
00:13:45 They were scared to death by this man.
00:13:47 No one would have thought that a person at this level could erupt with such terrifying
00:13:52 combat strength.
00:13:53 Out of the dozens of assassins, only a small half returned alive.
00:13:58 The entire fighting world within the city suffered a huge loss.
00:14:02 When they returned, no one took a scent of the bounty.
00:14:05 It's not that they didn't want it.
00:14:07 It was that they didn't want to disrespect their friends that were lost.
00:14:11 After they returned, all of the fighters got together to converse.
00:14:15 They concluded that Kevin had a great background.
00:14:18 Otherwise, how could he be so powerful?
00:14:21 Within the middle of the fighters' training, there was no way he would have known half
00:14:25 of the moves he used, much less kill half of the fighters there.
00:14:30 Wouldn't all their friends have died for nothing if they took the bounty?
00:14:34 That night, everyone involved in the hunt had decided to shove this matter down and
00:14:39 never speak of it again.
00:14:41 Jared was also like this.
00:14:43 He felt that he was already lucky enough.
00:14:46 That night, only half of the people who participated in the hunt lived to see another day.
00:14:51 It was precisely because he saw Kevin's power that Jaden decided to reach the highest level
00:14:56 of training.
00:14:57 A few days ago, his wish was finally fulfilled, and he reached his goal, and everyone envied
00:15:03 him.
00:15:04 He thought he would be able to enjoy the limelight for a while now, but who would have thought
00:15:09 that the man he was hunting would come back?
00:15:13 At this moment, Jaden no longer had any hope for survival.
00:15:17 He knew very well that Kevin would never let him go.
00:15:22 As for risking his life against this man again, he didn't even think about it.
00:15:31 Episode 153, Preparing for Perfection.
00:15:37 Jaden was quickly forgetting the fact that he had advanced in his training.
00:15:41 Even now, Kevin would be able to kill him with his pinky.
00:15:45 He could not wrap his head around the fact that a man could be this powerful.
00:15:50 Kevin could make a move before his opponent had time to take a breath.
00:15:55 How could he make a move?
00:15:57 Could he ever have the chance?
00:15:58 He indeed didn't have a chance.
00:16:01 Fighters like this had more control than anyone could realize.
00:16:05 Fighters like Kevin fought with their soul.
00:16:09 This was a level of fighting that most people in the room had never seen.
00:16:14 How to control it?
00:16:15 Heaven and Earth, nature's momentum.
00:16:18 A fighter like this wasn't part of the world that they knew.
00:16:22 They could be considered superhuman.
00:16:25 They were like fighters out of a storybook.
00:16:27 With fighters like Kevin would begin in a battle.
00:16:30 They could control their breath to release an inhuman power.
00:16:34 Even though he didn't seem to have made a move at that moment, in reality, the force
00:16:39 within his body had already been released.
00:16:42 It swept away all the air within a few dozen meters around him and compressed him into
00:16:47 a heavy prison, imprisoning Jaden.
00:16:51 How could you describe this feeling, you ask?
00:16:53 It was equivalent to pressing something that weighed ten tons onto his back.
00:16:59 How could he not kneel at this pressure?
00:17:01 If it wasn't for his strenuous training, Jaden would have already become minced meat.
00:17:06 Even though he was tough and resilient, at this moment, all the blood vessels in his
00:17:11 body showed signs of rupturing due to the pressure.
00:17:15 Even though his blood vessels had yet to burst, Jaden's knees had pressed the stone floor
00:17:20 to the point that it cracked like a spider's web.
00:17:23 Blood filled the areas where his bones shattered.
00:17:27 Leaving him in such a miserable state, the many students of the Gorillaz Fight Club were
00:17:31 so scared that their entire bodies were trembling like they were sifting mud.
00:17:36 They didn't even dare to look at Kevin.
00:17:39 Before, they never would have thought that their prized trainer, the man they had longed
00:17:45 to be, would be pinned down by someone who had just started their training.
00:17:50 Being suppressed and kneeling on the floor, he didn't even have the chance to make a move.
00:17:56 They could no longer imagine what stage Kevin was at in his training.
00:18:00 Hotch's face was also full of fear.
00:18:03 His hands, which were hidden under his sleeves, were also trembling.
00:18:07 In his entire life, he had only seen one other man who was even close to as powerful as Kevin.
00:18:13 However, even if he was the best fighter in the country, he didn't believe he would be
00:18:18 able to beat him.
00:18:20 Therefore, Kevin's level was self-evident.
00:18:24 He was one of the legendary converting fighters.
00:18:27 It could be the only answer.
00:18:29 But did Los Angeles have anyone at this level?
00:18:32 No, it couldn't be.
00:18:34 Are they sure there was a converting fighter in the country at all?
00:18:38 Hotch had a bitter smile on his face.
00:18:40 He even felt that there was no way that Kevin could be in his twenties.
00:18:44 He had to be lying about his age.
00:18:46 He didn't dare to say that in his twenties, there would be no one capable of such a feat,
00:18:51 and power like Kevin's would have been unprecedented.
00:18:55 If today's situation were to spread around town, the entire fighting community would
00:18:59 uproar.
00:19:00 At this moment, Kevin said coldly, "Jayden, do you admit your mistake?"
00:19:07 "I know my mistakes."
00:19:10 His mouth was full of bitterness.
00:19:13 If he could reverse the flow of time, he definitely wouldn't have joined in on the fun.
00:19:17 "You know your mistakes?"
00:19:19 "Then today, I will take your title away, and kill you."
00:19:25 Kevin stood with his hands behind his back.
00:19:28 "Understood," he said calmly.
00:19:31 If he dared to say that he was unconvinced, Kevin would definitely destroy everyone in
00:19:36 the room and then go for his family.
00:19:39 "Alright, then go to hell."
00:19:43 Kevin's gaze turned cold.
00:19:45 He then waved his hand and slammed down on Jayden's head.
00:19:50 "Bang!"
00:19:51 A loud sound echoed throughout the room.
00:19:54 He fell heavily onto the ground.
00:19:57 His energy was cut off, and he didn't even close his eyes.
00:20:01 With the sight of his death, the people from the fight club lost their minds and couldn't
00:20:05 even stand steadily.
00:20:08 There were even a few female students who started sobbing in a low wail.
00:20:12 Of course, there were also many male students with eyes that flashed at Kevin, full of malice
00:20:18 and hatred.
00:20:19 Jayden had taught them for more than a decade, and their relationship was no different from
00:20:24 father and son.
00:20:26 But today, Kevin had killed him in front of them.
00:20:30 This enmity was irreconcilable.
00:20:34 He had even killed the strongest man in the room, not to mention these small shrimps.
00:20:39 If they were to settle down and fight back, then Kevin would also be too lazy to bother
00:20:43 with them.
00:20:44 If they wanted to take revenge, then he would not be merciful.
00:20:48 From the moment he decided to take revenge, Kevin had been prepared to kill.
00:20:53 Three years ago, Jayden was not the main character among the killers.
00:20:57 He was just a supporting role.
00:20:59 The real protagonist, with those few heavily trained fighters at the front of the fleet,
00:21:04 the power that could be pulled out from behind their backs, would probably be even more shocking,
00:21:10 to the point that it was even possible for them to transform their strength.
00:21:14 Thus, the true road to revenge had only just begun.
00:21:19 Jayden was only a sacrifice.
00:21:21 As for the mastermind behind the ten million dollar bounty, Kevin had already guessed that
00:21:26 it was due to the inside of the Bennett family.
00:21:29 However, it was not his father, but the other factions within the Bennetts.
00:21:34 If Harvey were to make a move, he would definitely kill him in one hit.
00:21:38 There was no chance for him to survive at all.
00:21:41 In the entire Bennett family, the person Kevin feared the most was his father.
00:21:46 Although he had already trained in the state of perfection, and was now one of the top
00:21:50 experts on fighting in the world, his fear of his father did not diminish at all.
00:21:56 Instead, it only grew stronger.
00:22:00 He couldn't see through Harvey at all.
00:22:02 After passing by Jayden's corpse, Kevin coldly swept a glance at the guerrilla students.
00:22:07 They all lowered their heads.
00:22:09 Even if they wished to tear him apart, they didn't dare to reveal it in the slightest
00:22:14 at this moment.
00:22:16 Immediately after, Kevin looked at the Southside Fight Club people again, and discovered that
00:22:22 their reactions were similar to the people of the guerrilla's club, and in the eyes they
00:22:26 looked at him, most of them were afraid.
00:22:30 Even Gigi, the little girl who was not afraid of the heavens or the earth, had a pale face
00:22:34 right now.
00:22:36 She didn't even dare to look Kevin in the eye.
00:22:38 He couldn't help but sigh.
00:22:41 It seemed that his performance just now scared this little girl.
00:22:45 That's right, he killed Jayden with one slap.
00:22:49 It was nearly impossible for them not to be scared after what they just saw.
00:22:53 Kevin shook his head, and turned around to leave.
00:22:57 Watching him walk out the door, Gigi's beautiful eyes were filled with tears.
00:23:01 Hachu couldn't help but sigh.
00:23:03 As a father, he naturally understood the meaning behind his daughter's expression.
00:23:08 Actually, he had always known that this daughter of his worshipped strong men.
00:23:13 When she was young, she had said that she would marry an unparalleled expert of fighting
00:23:18 in the future.
00:23:19 Without a doubt, Kevin was that kind of perfect expert.
00:23:23 However, he wasn't suitable for Gigi.
00:23:27 It was because Kevin was too strong and too perfect.
00:23:31 Just over twenty years old, he was already a master of strength transformation.
00:23:36 In the entire country, there were few geniuses who could match up to his strength.
00:23:42 How could he give his daughter off to someone who was too perfect?
00:23:51 Episode 154 Quenching Revenge Thirst
00:23:54 Obviously, Gigi knew this as well.
00:23:59 That was why, when she saw Kevin leave, she couldn't help but cry.
00:24:04 In just half an hour, she fell in love with him.
00:24:07 However, he used his power to tell her that it was completely impossible between them.
00:24:13 Perhaps today was the last time they would ever see each other again.
00:24:16 How could she not be sad?
00:24:20 "Father, that man, he... will he come back?" she asked.
00:24:24 Still wiping her tears, Hatch's mouth paused.
00:24:28 He wanted to say that Kevin would definitely not come back, but the words were about to
00:24:32 reach his mouth, and he swallowed them back.
00:24:35 He really couldn't bear to break his daughter's last hope, since her father didn't say anything.
00:24:41 Gigi naturally understood.
00:24:43 After a long while, she seemed to have made some important decision, and said seriously,
00:24:49 "Dad, I'm going to look for him."
00:24:52 No way!
00:24:53 Hatch was shocked, and quickly shook his head.
00:24:55 "Daughter, you must not do anything stupid.
00:24:59 That kind of man is not something that our family could ever compare to.
00:25:03 What would you even do if you found him?"
00:25:06 "Dad, I've never thought of marrying him," she shook her head.
00:25:10 "Father, I just want to know what kind of person he really is."
00:25:14 It was true that she didn't want to marry him, but Kevin was the first man she had ever
00:25:19 liked since she was born.
00:25:21 She didn't want to be fated with Kevin.
00:25:24 It was only half an hour.
00:25:25 She didn't want her understanding of Kevin to be limited to his name.
00:25:29 She wanted to know more about Kevin.
00:25:32 She wanted to know what kind of person she liked.
00:25:35 "Dad, thank you for taking care of my daughter these past eighteen years.
00:25:39 You have allowed your daughter to live without worries for eighteen years.
00:25:44 During these eighteen years, your daughter has been very happy, every day.
00:25:49 But today, after seeing my uncle, my daughter suddenly wants to go into this world and experience
00:25:55 the hardships of this world and the dangers of this world."
00:25:59 Kevin did give her a big shock today.
00:26:01 Kevin's strength was on the one hand, and Kevin killing Jayden was on the other.
00:26:06 She could clearly see that Kevin had gone through much more than ordinary people, and
00:26:11 Kevin must have suffered a lot of unknown hardships in the past.
00:26:15 These hardships might have brought Kevin pain, but it also brought him growth.
00:26:20 Daisy originally didn't know why Kevin would attract her the first time she saw him, but
00:26:25 her fellow brothers had been together with him for dozens of years and didn't have any
00:26:30 feelings for him.
00:26:31 Originally, Daisy didn't understand this answer at all.
00:26:35 However, the moment Kevin exploded with killing intent, Daisy understood.
00:26:41 It was an aura.
00:26:42 Kevin had a unique temperament.
00:26:44 This aura was brought about by his unimaginable experiences in the past, brought about by
00:26:49 his countless hardships.
00:26:51 This kind of temperament was something ordinary people could not possess.
00:26:56 She had never seen Kevin's temperament from James and Steve.
00:26:59 It was because James and Steve were like her, flowers that lived in a greenhouse for the
00:27:04 first half of their lives.
00:27:06 The most serious thing he had done in his life was to fight.
00:27:10 Murder?
00:27:11 They did not even think about it, nor did they dare to.
00:27:15 As expected, such a simple and peaceful life would last them forever.
00:27:20 She, Daisy, also learned martial arts and married into a woman.
00:27:25 She taught her son and she lived a mediocre life.
00:27:28 Until the day she was buried in the dirt, she might only have remembered that, when
00:27:32 she was 18, her dream was to become a murderer in the red dust and escape from the female
00:27:38 hero within the white blade.
00:27:40 But then, so what?
00:27:43 Daisy was very glad that she met Kevin at the age of 18.
00:27:47 Without Kevin, she might never have the courage to say these words to Hotch and never think
00:27:51 of living the life she wanted to.
00:27:53 "Since that's the case, then go," Hotch sighed.
00:27:58 It was useless to advise Daisy to be resolute.
00:28:01 "Thank you, Father."
00:28:03 Daisy's expression was joyful as she said gratefully from the bottom of her heart.
00:28:08 With Hotch's support, she would no longer have any worries.
00:28:11 Even if she couldn't find Kevin, she wouldn't leave any more regrets.
00:28:16 Hotch shook his head and didn't say anything else.
00:28:19 Actually, he didn't want Daisy to find Kevin.
00:28:22 He knew very well that there was no possibility between Daisy and Kevin.
00:28:27 If he found it, it would only add to his disappointment.
00:28:31 Kevin did not know that not long after he left, Daisy packed her luggage, left Southside
00:28:36 Fight Club, and began to search for his figure within the vast crowd.
00:28:40 At this moment, Kevin was talking to Jill about Claire's parents.
00:28:44 You mean, the Hill family released him on their own accord?
00:28:48 Claire's parents had been imprisoned in LA for a long time.
00:28:52 Although they were framed by the distributor because the people who died from the poisoning
00:28:56 were the relatives of the Hill family, they were biting the hand that killed them.
00:29:00 The Hills had threatened to kill Claire's parents.
00:29:03 Even though Jill had gone to the Hill family to make peace, the clan still held their egos
00:29:08 that touched the skies.
00:29:10 Kevin had originally planned to go to the Hill family to discuss with them personally
00:29:14 after he was done with the things at hand.
00:29:17 He wanted to see if the Hills would let Claire's parents go and give him face.
00:29:21 Unexpectedly, Jill said that the Hill family had released him.
00:29:26 The news came rather suddenly.
00:29:27 "Yes, young Fighter Bennett," Jill nodded.
00:29:31 She seemed to have noticed Kevin's doubt.
00:29:33 Jill then said, "Young Fighter Bennett, it's normal for the Hill family to release the
00:29:37 person this time."
00:29:38 "Hmm?
00:29:39 How does it work?"
00:29:42 Kevin raised his eyebrows.
00:29:43 Jill forced a smile and said, "Young Fighter Bennett, what you've done in Los Angeles these
00:29:48 past few days is no longer a secret among the upper echelons of LA.
00:29:53 What Kevin did in Los Angeles these past few days was not only a secret, but it was known
00:29:58 by almost the entire city.
00:30:01 Many people knew that a fierce man with the surname Bennett had come to LA in the past
00:30:05 few days.
00:30:07 On their first day here, the famous foppish young fighter Josh Kale and the man with the
00:30:11 title of Little Prince, Ronald Crowe, had their ribs broken by this fierce man with
00:30:16 the surname Bennett.
00:30:17 After that, not only did the Kale family not dare to take revenge, it had even moved the
00:30:23 entire family to Washington.
00:30:26 The Crown Prince did not even fart and just obediently gave the shares of Willingham International
00:30:31 - the people as a form of apology.
00:30:34 This was quite a surprise for many people.
00:30:36 What was the origin of this man with the surname Bennett?
00:30:40 Why are you so afraid of Prince Paul Abdul?
00:30:43 Just when many people were speculating on the identity of the man surnamed Bennett,
00:30:47 it once again caused a huge commotion.
00:30:50 It was still at the Willingham International Villa, but this time, it wasn't with a broken
00:30:55 hand or leg, but with death itself.
00:30:58 With the surname Bennett, he killed August Etheridge and Mackenzie Etheridge, the two
00:31:03 siblings, and made Bert Etheridge, Jenna Willard.
00:31:06 Logically speaking, no matter what, he should at least avenge his son's death.
00:31:17 Episode 155 - "Souls Sensed Goosebumps"
00:31:21 No one could have guessed that the entire Etheridge family would fall into a deathly
00:31:25 silence after the incident.
00:31:28 There were even rumors saying that Bert and Marie had notified the rest of the family
00:31:32 to avoid anyone involved with the Bennett family in the future.
00:31:36 Since the news of John Cale and Jared Smith shocked the community so much, then one could
00:31:41 only imagine how the wealthy class reacted to the recent incident.
00:31:45 It was the Etheridge family, after all.
00:31:48 They were even only considered the second most powerful family in Los Angeles.
00:31:53 The only family considered above them was Prince Paul's family.
00:31:58 No one could have thought that Kevin would be bold enough to kill two Etheridges on the
00:32:02 same day.
00:32:03 Not only did their family want revenge, but they also wanted to see everyone in Kevin's
00:32:08 entire family suffer.
00:32:11 They wanted Kevin to know what they were feeling at that moment.
00:32:15 Coming from the Etheridge family, this threat was extremely terrifying.
00:32:20 Suddenly, the upper classes in the city fell into a state of panic.
00:32:25 The Willingham Manor had even become a forbidden ground for all the upper class young men and
00:32:30 women.
00:32:31 Even some families spread the word that if anyone from their family dared to go to the
00:32:35 manor or even talked to someone with the last name Bennett, they would disown them.
00:32:41 Everyone was scared out of their wits.
00:32:43 There was not one person that wasn't frozen in fear.
00:32:46 Hard to think, Paul was still hiding Kevin's true identity.
00:32:50 If everyone knew who he really was, they would flee the city in fear.
00:32:55 The successor of San Francisco.
00:32:57 This title was enough to scare the most powerful families in the city to death.
00:33:02 It could be seen from how the Etheridge family reacted.
00:33:05 Currently, in all of Los Angeles, only two families know the full extent of Kevin's power.
00:33:11 Paul would never dare speak a word, but Kevin was unsure if he could trust the Etheridges
00:33:16 to keep their mouths shut.
00:33:18 Although no one mentioned it, some of the families within the city could assume what
00:33:22 was going on.
00:33:29 Like the Hill family, a family once thought to be as fierce as they come, they let go
00:33:34 of Charlotte's family as quickly as they took them.
00:33:37 Their family must have guessed something, so they decided to follow Kevin's orders so quickly.
00:33:42 It wasn't worth the damage for anyone to offend a Bennett, and much less worth it to offend
00:33:47 a man that was the heir to a city.
00:33:49 If someone dared to, they were asking for death.
00:33:53 Since they've released him of their own volition, I might as well make a trip.
00:33:58 After pondering for a while, Kevin admitted that he did not expect the Hills to let him
00:34:02 go.
00:34:03 However, this was a good thing, and he was too lazy to think about it.
00:34:07 Jill nodded.
00:34:08 She looked at Kevin hesitantly, as if she wanted to say something, but she quickly swallowed
00:34:13 her words.
00:34:14 "Anything else?" he frowned and asked.
00:34:17 Jill's manner of wanting to say something, but hesitating, was very strange, which didn't
00:34:22 suit her personality.
00:34:23 "Mr. Bennett, there is something, but I don't know how to tell you."
00:34:30 She was slightly conflicted.
00:34:31 "About my family?" he smiled faintly and said.
00:34:35 "The only thing that could cause her to act so awkward could only be a matter of the Bennetts."
00:34:40 The Bennetts?
00:34:41 She was secretly shocked.
00:34:43 Kevin's relationship with the Bennetts was not what she had imagined.
00:34:47 Normally, Kevin would never refer to the family as "his family."
00:34:51 This made Jill uneasy.
00:34:53 Although she was surprised, her expression didn't change.
00:34:56 "Yes, Mr. Bennett," she nodded and said.
00:34:59 "Your aunt is very dissatisfied with what you have done in the past few days.
00:35:04 She said that by announcing your ties to the family, you have lost your reputation within
00:35:08 the city."
00:35:09 "My aunt?" he thought to himself.
00:35:12 Kevin narrowed his eyes.
00:35:13 He knew very well which aunt Jill was referring to.
00:35:17 Kevin's aunt.
00:35:18 Her full name is Deborah Bennett.
00:35:21 She is the daughter of Kevin's uncle, Dallas Bennett.
00:35:24 Deborah had tried her best to take Kevin down ever since she was little, and she often went
00:35:29 along with other people in the family to humiliate him.
00:35:33 Kevin's greatest impression of her was when he was around nine years old.
00:35:37 He was playing by the lake.
00:35:38 He accidentally touched her, and she pushed him into the lake.
00:35:41 He would never forget the bone-piercing cold and the suffocating feeling of the lake water
00:35:46 in the middle of the water.
00:35:48 The temperature was just above freezing, and Kevin suffered from intense hypothermia.
00:35:53 That was the closest that Kevin ever came to death.
00:35:55 If it wasn't for someone saving him, he would have long been frozen to death at the
00:36:00 bottom of the lake.
00:36:01 Even though he had been rescued, he was still sick.
00:36:04 He had to rest for almost half a year before he could recover.
00:36:08 Ever since then, Kevin hated Deborah.
00:36:11 He wanted to get his revenge for the lake incident.
00:36:14 After Kevin got sick, however, the family didn't say one word to her.
00:36:18 Instead, they would question why Kevin touched her.
00:36:22 What if he accidentally knocked her down and made her fall into the lake?
00:36:25 And it was during this time that Kevin realized something about his family.
00:36:30 His life, to them, was only a joke.
00:36:33 He almost died at the hands of his cousin.
00:36:36 However, the people from the family were only concerned about Deborah.
00:36:40 After that situation, Kevin deliberately kept a great distance between himself and the rest
00:36:45 of his family.
00:36:47 However, Deborah did not feel the slightest bit of guilt.
00:36:50 She even humiliated him even more.
00:36:53 Because Kevin's mother was still there, Kevin did not argue with his cousin.
00:36:57 He would never dare put his mother in danger, so he started his fighting training.
00:37:01 He knew he had to hide his identity and surprise the family with how powerful he had become.
00:37:07 By then, he had endured the torture of his family for thirteen years.
00:37:12 Three years ago, he had left home, so he no longer had to endure his aunt.
00:37:17 However, he didn't expect that she would catch up to him today.
00:37:21 Hearing what Jill said, it was obvious that she still wanted to cause trouble for him.
00:37:25 A hint of coldness surfaced in his eyes.
00:37:29 "Deborah, this time, I won't tolerate you."
00:37:32 "When is she coming over?"
00:37:35 He was very clear that Debbie did not have the personality of a talker.
00:37:39 She preferred to act on things, such as embarrassing her nephew and pushing him directly into the
00:37:44 lake.
00:37:45 This time, she hated him.
00:37:48 She would not only curse at him and the family, but she would also directly come over and
00:37:52 cause trouble for him.
00:37:54 Next week, Jill couldn't help but glance at Kevin.
00:37:57 From his appearance, he clearly knew what this woman was like.
00:38:01 It seemed that he had interacted a lot with her in the past.
00:38:05 At the same time, this made Jill even more confused.
00:38:09 The current situation with the Bennets was simply too confusing.
00:38:12 Kevin was now the Bennet family's number one successor, so Deborah should not have come
00:38:17 to look for trouble with Kevin.
00:38:19 However, she still planned to come.
00:38:22 It was as if his identity was fake.
00:38:24 But Mr. Pierce was the main servant of the Bennets, so he shouldn't lie to her about
00:38:28 this sort of thing.
00:38:29 This could only mean that Kevin must have other unknown secrets.
00:38:34 Although he had a prominent position in the family, he was not treated as such.
00:38:38 However, no matter what, Jill knew very well that she was not qualified to be involved
00:38:44 in these matters.
00:38:46 Outsiders all thought that she was the queen of the business world, but only she knew that
00:38:51 she was trained by the Bennets.
00:38:53 If she made the family mad, she knew that they would fire her in a second.
00:39:08 Jill made an exception by telling Kevin that Deborah was looking for trouble.
00:39:12 She wanted to warn Kevin so that he wouldn't be hurt.
00:39:15 "Alright, I understand," he nodded.
00:39:19 If his aunt came over next week, he would have to entertain her properly.
00:39:24 After all, half of Sacramento was now under his control.
00:39:28 He grabbed Claire and all of their belongings and started heading home.
00:39:32 When he reached home, he opened the door to find Eileen sitting on the couch alone, watching
00:39:37 TV.
00:39:38 "Kevin?"
00:39:39 When she saw him, her expression darkened.
00:39:42 "This asshole actually dared to come back?
00:39:46 You still have the balls to come back here?"
00:39:49 She glanced at him in disgust.
00:39:51 The last time he walked out of her front door, he had left her feeling humiliated.
00:39:56 Kevin frowned and ignored her, directly walking towards his own bedroom.
00:40:01 If it wasn't for the sake of his wife, he wouldn't even return to the Wrights at all.
00:40:05 "Halt!"
00:40:06 Seeing that her son-in-law dared to ignore her, Eileen suddenly became furious.
00:40:12 She stepped forward and blocked him from the door, scolding.
00:40:15 "I asked you a question!
00:40:18 Are you deaf?"
00:40:19 "Out of the way!"
00:40:20 His tone was slightly cold.
00:40:22 He had to control himself for Claire's sake, but there was a limit to everything, and he
00:40:27 would not stand down to Eileen.
00:40:29 If she repeatedly provoked him, he wouldn't be able to endure it.
00:40:34 Facing his icy gaze, Eileen felt a chill in her heart.
00:40:38 This asshole.
00:40:40 What happened to him in the past few days after he left?
00:40:43 Why did she feel that he had changed?
00:40:46 At this moment, Claire walked in as well.
00:40:49 Upon entering the door, she felt the anger in the room.
00:40:53 She frowned and couldn't help but ask, "Mom, why are you blocking Kevin from his door?"
00:40:59 "Daughter, you're finally back!"
00:41:02 Eileen's face lit up when she saw her daughter.
00:41:04 It was as if she had found her pillar of support.
00:41:08 She walked up to her in a slight scurry, ready to hug her, but saw her arm wrapped in a white
00:41:13 muslin cloth.
00:41:14 "Daughter?
00:41:15 What happened to your arm?"
00:41:17 Her mouth was wide open.
00:41:19 How come she hadn't seen her daughter for a few days?
00:41:22 Her daughter was already so haggard.
00:41:24 Not only was her arm injured, but her face also seemed bruised.
00:41:28 "Nothing," Claire shook her head and said.
00:41:31 "I accidentally hit a knife, and it cut me."
00:41:35 "What?
00:41:36 You got cut by a knife?"
00:41:38 Her mother was shocked, then said angrily, "It's fine after being slashed by the blade.
00:41:43 Daughter, who was it?
00:41:46 Tell mom and I'll kill him!"
00:41:47 She smiled bitterly and said, "There's no need.
00:41:51 Mom, it's over.
00:41:53 Kevin taught that woman plenty of good lessons."
00:41:56 She naturally couldn't tell her mother the whole story of her injuries, so she told her
00:41:59 just enough.
00:42:00 "How could this man teach someone a lesson, when he needs a few lessons himself?"
00:42:06 Eileen glanced at Kevin with disdain.
00:42:08 She thought it was highly likely that her daughter was trying to cover for her disgusting
00:42:12 husband.
00:42:13 The reason why she said this was only to make him look good.
00:42:17 "Mom, he really did protect me.
00:42:19 You should have seen that woman," she said helplessly.
00:42:23 She did not know when her mother would drop her grudge against Kevin.
00:42:27 The man standing before her was not the Kevin she once knew.
00:42:30 If she continued to mock him like this, something might happen.
00:42:34 "Alright, daughter.
00:42:36 Stop it," she interrupted Claire and looked at Kevin in disgust.
00:42:40 "This trash didn't protect you properly.
00:42:43 Let's talk about something else.
00:42:45 The most important thing now is when you guys are getting a divorce."
00:42:48 "Mom, how often have I told you that I won't divorce him?"
00:42:53 In the past, when her mom would bring up the matter of divorce, Claire would get annoyed,
00:42:58 but she didn't think it was that big of a deal.
00:43:00 But now, when her mother mentioned divorce again, she became disgusted with her.
00:43:06 "Claire!"
00:43:07 The mother shouted sternly.
00:43:09 "Don't tell me that you haven't seen how useless he is yet.
00:43:12 Ever since he joined our family, what has he done?"
00:43:16 "Nothing.
00:43:17 First of all, your father was suppressed by your grandfather, so he lost his right to
00:43:20 speak in the family.
00:43:22 Our family's financial situation is deteriorating.
00:43:25 And then there was your father's car accident.
00:43:27 He still hasn't woken up yet.
00:43:29 Even you were cut by a knife when you walked out the door.
00:43:33 Tell me, if this trash isn't a lost cause, then what is it?
00:43:37 He came to our house because he wanted to kill us.
00:43:40 First it's your dad, then it's you.
00:43:42 If you still haven't divorced this trash, I will find a way to make it happen."
00:43:47 Eileen was a bit agitated.
00:43:49 In the last few days after the couple left, she felt that everything was not going well,
00:43:55 so she went into town and found a fortune teller.
00:43:58 The fortune teller told her that Kevin was cursed.
00:44:02 People who surrounded themselves with him would not live long.
00:44:06 At first, she was skeptical about the fortune, but after seeing Claire come back with injuries,
00:44:12 all of her doubts were immediately dispelled.
00:44:15 Kevin had to be the problem.
00:44:17 He had to.
00:44:18 If she did not chase him away, she would definitely be the next person he would get rid of.
00:44:23 She didn't want to be in a car accident or go out and be shot.
00:44:27 "Mom, what are you talking about?
00:44:29 How is Kevin a lost cause?"
00:44:31 Claire was a little angry and said, "Why didn't you say so?
00:44:35 Because of Kevin, I became the person in charge of the Beverly Hills project."
00:44:39 "Claire, don't try to fluff the story.
00:44:42 You could become the person in charge of that project because of our family's power.
00:44:46 Also, you are outstanding, so you don't need to have any relation with this piece of trash."
00:44:52 Previously, she was very happy that her daughter worked her way up to head the project.
00:44:58 However, she later discovered that Logan still had the project's finances under his control,
00:45:03 so she was unable to gain anything from it.
00:45:06 In other words, Claire was still working for Logan.
00:45:10 "Mom, the general manager of Lux Travel, Matthew Bennett, knows Kevin.
00:45:15 If it wasn't for his connection, there would be no way I would be able to get that position."
00:45:20 She patiently explained it to her mother.
00:45:22 She sneered.
00:45:23 "Daughter, are you a fool to believe that bullshit?
00:45:27 Kevin is a delivery boy.
00:45:28 There's no way he could have meaningful business connections."
00:45:31 "Yes, I admit that this trash is a classmate of Matthew's.
00:45:35 But what does this trash have?
00:45:37 What could he give Matthew in return?
00:45:40 How could a man like Kevin convince someone as powerful as Matthew to give you a multi-million
00:45:45 dollar project?"
00:45:51 EPISODE 157.
00:45:53 Living a Death
00:45:54 At the end of the day, Matthew still knows the power that the Wrights have.
00:45:59 Kevin did ask for help, but it is highly unlikely it influenced his decision.
00:46:04 "Do you really think that it's because of this piece of trash's contribution?"
00:46:09 She said in disdain.
00:46:11 "Mom, you don't understand."
00:46:14 Claire stomped her feet.
00:46:16 Eileen did not even know how submissive she had been to her family in front of the board.
00:46:21 If Kevin had not spoken up, her family would have never given her the opportunity.
00:46:25 "You don't understand?"
00:46:27 Her mother sneered.
00:46:29 "Claire, I don't know what kind of bewitching soup this trash gave you to make you trust
00:46:34 him so much, but let me put my words together carefully.
00:46:38 If he is here, I will not be in this house.
00:46:42 You're saying you don't want to divorce him?
00:46:44 Sure, just get the hell out of this house.
00:46:47 In short, as long as I am alive and living at home, he cannot step foot in here."
00:46:55 She also knew that it would be very difficult to force the couple into getting a divorce,
00:47:00 so she decided to take a step back.
00:47:02 She wanted to see who Claire would choose.
00:47:05 This way, Kevin wouldn't be able to get rid of her.
00:47:08 "Mom, why are you being so unreasonable?"
00:47:12 She had seen Kevin's actions over the past three years.
00:47:16 He had done his best to fulfill the responsibilities a son-in-law should do, and he had never once
00:47:21 been disrespectful.
00:47:22 But what about Eileen?
00:47:24 Not only did she order Kevin around like a dog for three years, she relentlessly made
00:47:29 fun of him.
00:47:30 In her eyes, Kevin was close to the devil.
00:47:33 Nothing he did was right.
00:47:34 But did he really do something wrong?
00:47:37 He didn't.
00:47:39 There was no reason for how he was treated, so why did Eileen hate him so much?
00:47:44 Claire wanted to scream at her mother.
00:47:46 She had really tolerated her mother's actions for way too long.
00:47:50 Today, she did not want to endure it anymore.
00:47:54 "Am I being unreasonable?"
00:47:56 Her voice became shrill.
00:47:57 "Claire!
00:47:58 You ingrate!
00:48:00 How dare you say I'm being unreasonable!
00:48:02 Touching your own conscience, tell me, who dragged you into such a mess for this asshole?"
00:48:08 She pointed at Kevin as she spoke.
00:48:09 "You have disrespected me time and time again for this piece of shit!
00:48:15 Last time, I gave you the option to divorce him and even gave you a very suitable husband,
00:48:19 but you refused!
00:48:20 Now, he has even threatened me, and you're still on his side?
00:48:25 You didn't help your own mother, but you went to help an outsider!
00:48:28 You're so ungrateful!
00:48:30 How can you have the guts to say that I'm unreasonable?"
00:48:33 She firmly believed in the fortune teller's words.
00:48:36 She believed he had come to marry Claire to eradicate their family name.
00:48:41 First it was Alan, and now Claire.
00:48:43 If she didn't make a move now, she would be the next one to be tricked.
00:48:48 Her mother's words made Claire speechless.
00:48:50 At this time, Kevin glanced at her with a faint smile and said, "Do you think I'm a
00:48:56 lost cause?"
00:48:57 "Aren't you?"
00:48:58 Eileen raised her eyebrows.
00:49:00 "If it wasn't for Kevin, their family would be much better off.
00:49:03 It would be easy to marry her off to a rich family with Claire's good looks.
00:49:07 Once she's married into the wealthy class, then the rest of the Wrights would notice
00:49:11 and move up their position within the family.
00:49:13 No one would ever dare to go against them, and they would all live happily in a sparkling
00:49:17 white mansion."
00:49:18 "Whatever.
00:49:19 Just tell me what it is."
00:49:21 He suddenly shook his head and smiled.
00:49:24 At first, he wanted to argue with her.
00:49:26 But what was there to say to a stern-headed bull like her when he thought about it?
00:49:31 In her eyes, money was the only form of power.
00:49:34 You weren't even worth a second glance if you didn't have money.
00:49:37 "Claire and I will leave today."
00:49:40 Kevin paused and then continued.
00:49:42 "But before we leave, let me give you one last piece of advice.
00:49:47 You want to be rich and powerful?
00:49:49 No problem.
00:49:50 But don't involve your daughter.
00:49:52 If I find out that you treated my wife like a stepping stone for you to climb up to power,
00:49:57 I'll make you regret coming to this world."
00:50:01 His words were naturally a reminder to his mother-in-law to not do anything stupid.
00:50:07 However, when Eileen heard this, she was enraged.
00:50:12 This piece of trash that had been serving her water for three years actually dared to
00:50:19 threaten her?
00:50:20 "Claire, let's go."
00:50:22 He already smiled and grabbed Claire's hand without waiting for her reaction.
00:50:27 "Yes," she nodded lightly.
00:50:30 She was already completely disappointed in her mother, and staying with her family would
00:50:35 only make things uncomfortable for her.
00:50:38 "Wait."
00:50:39 Seeing that the two of them were about to leave, Eileen suddenly became anxious.
00:50:43 "What else is there?"
00:50:45 Kevin was a bit impatient.
00:50:46 "You can leave, but you have to leave the money behind," she said confidently.
00:50:51 "What money?" he frowned.
00:50:54 "That money that was given to Claire from the auction.
00:50:57 I need it back."
00:50:58 "That money is Claire's.
00:51:00 What does it have to do with you?" he said coldly.
00:51:02 "It has everything to do with me.
00:51:05 I raised this ungrateful bitch.
00:51:08 I wiped her ass, fed her, took her to school, everything to make her into the woman she
00:51:12 is today.
00:51:13 Could it be that my years of hard work are not worth any money?"
00:51:18 She had a look of certainty on her face.
00:51:20 The last time Wilson asked for his money back, she still felt pain in her heart.
00:51:25 She knew she had to get Claire's portion back to make up for it.
00:51:29 Claire was her daughter, after all, so it was perfectly justified for her to ask for
00:51:33 the money.
00:51:34 Moreover, if she did not take back this money, she was certain that Kevin would sweet-talk
00:51:39 her into giving it to him.
00:51:41 Eileen would rather die than have that money fall into Kevin's hands.
00:51:46 Hearing these words, Claire's eyes immediately reddened.
00:51:50 Was this something that a mother could say?
00:51:53 She was her daughter, after all.
00:51:55 Could it be that she didn't realize how horrible this request was?
00:51:59 1.5 million dollars.
00:52:02 So the relationship between a mother and daughter was worth 1.5 million.
00:52:07 Are you sure you want the money?
00:52:10 Initially, Kevin and Claire were going to leave in peace.
00:52:13 Neither one thought that she would have the guts to ask for something so preposterous.
00:52:18 Claire still had some sort of guilt about leaving and was going to miss her mother.
00:52:22 However, her demand for the money was Claire's last straw.
00:52:27 There was no longer any connection between them in her mind.
00:52:30 Of course I'm sure.
00:52:32 Eileen still did not realize what she was doing.
00:52:35 Kevin, I know you're trash, but you're also looking for the money.
00:52:40 But I warn you, you'd better have some serious guts.
00:52:44 You've already bought an Audi for half a million dollars from that million and a half that
00:52:48 Claire gave you.
00:52:49 If you still dare to fight over the remaining money, don't blame me for putting everything
00:52:55 on the line for you.
00:52:57 Eileen threatened while assuming she was smart.
00:53:05 EPISODE 158 - TONIGHT
00:53:07 "Idiot!
00:53:09 Do you think I care about a check for that little money?"
00:53:13 Kevin sneered absurdly.
00:53:15 If Eileen wanted to embarrass herself with over 1.5 million, Kevin could show her what
00:53:20 a real check looked like.
00:53:22 However, this idiot chose to disappoint her daughter again over a small check.
00:53:29 There was no cure for stupidity.
00:53:32 You piece of trash!
00:53:33 You are seriously calling 1.5 million dollars a small check?
00:53:38 She smiled mockingly.
00:53:40 I say, Kevin, there's no need to act cool in front of me, right?
00:53:44 After all, we have lived together for three years.
00:53:48 How could I not know what you are like?
00:53:50 I see your paychecks, and you don't have room to call 1.5 million dollars a small amount
00:53:56 of money.
00:53:57 How can you lie to my face like that?
00:53:59 When you're bragging, aren't you afraid that I'm going to laugh at you?
00:54:03 Her face was full of mockery.
00:54:06 Although Kelly had warned her that Kevin might not be as simple as he may seem, Eileen still
00:54:11 did not believe her.
00:54:13 Why would he have swallowed his anger like that, if Kevin was really that simple?
00:54:18 Why would he be a delivery boy for that long?
00:54:21 Why would he take everyone's ridicule?
00:54:23 What a joke!
00:54:25 Anyway, if she was Kevin and had any power, she would never live the life he had for the
00:54:31 past few years.
00:54:32 Seeing how self-righteous her mother was being, Claire was at a loss for words.
00:54:38 Even Jill, the Forrest Real Estate Company chairman, which had a market capitalization
00:54:42 of over 60 billion dollars, had to be respectful to Kevin.
00:54:47 How could Kevin bite his tongue right now?
00:54:50 Not to mention that he could pay Eileen any money she wanted.
00:54:54 Why was her mother so short-sighted?
00:54:56 Kevin might give her the money if she even treated him with a sliver of decency based
00:55:01 on how generous he was.
00:55:03 However, Eileen's stupidity ruined everything.
00:55:07 Claire sighed and suddenly felt some sympathy for her.
00:55:11 Just give me the money!
00:55:12 Why are you still standing there?
00:55:14 Seeing Kevin remain silent, Eileen suddenly had a bad premonition.
00:55:19 She said in a high-pitched voice, "Don't tell me you've already spent it, you asshole!"
00:55:24 "Mom, he didn't spend any of it!"
00:55:27 "Actually, strictly speaking, that money belongs to Kevin.
00:55:31 How would Jared have been paid off if it wasn't for him?"
00:55:34 "Since you didn't spend it, then bring it over!"
00:55:37 Hearing that the money was still in her pocket, Eileen heaved a sigh of relief.
00:55:42 "Alright, I'll give you the money!"
00:55:45 She gritted her teeth and prepared to find her bank card in her wallet.
00:55:49 Giving her this money would ensure that all ties were cut.
00:55:53 Before she could find it in her pocket, Kevin had already taken out an unregistered bank
00:55:57 card.
00:55:58 He brought the card in front of Eileen, looked at her, and calmly said, "I have 1.8 million
00:56:05 on this card."
00:56:06 "Where did you get 1.8 million?"
00:56:09 She was shocked.
00:56:10 "How could this good-for-nothing man have so much money?"
00:56:14 He shook his head, and said, "Don't worry about where I got the money.
00:56:19 Now that money is all yours."
00:56:20 "Really?"
00:56:21 Her expression was overjoyed as she tried to snatch the card from his hands.
00:56:27 However, he raised the card in time to avoid her reach.
00:56:31 The joy disappeared from her face and was replaced with anger.
00:56:34 "What do you mean?
00:56:36 Didn't you say you were going to give me the money?"
00:56:37 "I'm going to give it to you.
00:56:40 But I have a request," he said lightly.
00:56:42 "What request?"
00:56:44 Eileen asked subconsciously.
00:56:46 "Take this money, and don't ever think about Claire again."
00:56:51 He couldn't keep an eye on her all the time.
00:56:54 If he was not there one day, who knows what Eileen would do to shake some money out of
00:56:58 her daughter.
00:56:59 "That's all?"
00:57:00 Her face lit up.
00:57:03 She had thought that Kevin would ask for something excessive, but since that was the case, why
00:57:07 did she not have to agree?
00:57:09 "That's the request.
00:57:10 I promise."
00:57:11 As she spoke, she snatched the card from his hand with a happy expression on her face.
00:57:18 "This trash.
00:57:19 He really is as stupid as he seems.
00:57:21 He gave her more money than she asked him for.
00:57:24 You took the money.
00:57:26 If I find out that you are still in contact with Claire, don't blame me for the consequences."
00:57:33 He naturally noticed her indifference, but he did not care too much about it.
00:57:37 His money was not that easy to take.
00:57:39 "Don't worry.
00:57:40 She is my daughter, after all.
00:57:42 As long as you can give her happiness, I won't push her to some random person."
00:57:45 Unexpectedly, her tone became gentler.
00:57:49 "I hope you'll keep your word."
00:57:51 He wasn't surprised by the sudden change in her tone, because she had the mentality of
00:57:55 a kid with a toy.
00:57:57 As long as you give her money, she will agree to anything.
00:58:00 "Oh, right.
00:58:01 You still haven't told me where you got the money.
00:58:03 It can't be stolen or obtained illegally, right?"
00:58:06 He became wary of him once again, since he readily gave the money.
00:58:10 If she had any problems with the origin of the money, then she would have to return it
00:58:14 to him.
00:58:15 "In the lottery," he said indifferently.
00:58:19 This one million eight hundred thousand was the only money he earned from eating at the
00:58:23 restaurant the day before yesterday.
00:58:25 That night, Paul returned it to him.
00:58:28 Lottery ticket?
00:58:29 She was a little suspicious.
00:58:32 This good-for-nothing had such dogshit luck.
00:58:35 Kevin didn't plan to explain.
00:58:36 He directly held Claire's hand and went out the door.
00:58:40 "Babe, thank you."
00:58:43 Her mood was still a bit low.
00:58:45 No matter what, Eileen was the woman that raised her.
00:58:48 But in front of money?
00:58:50 She was like a different person.
00:58:52 With this one point eight million dollars, at least she wouldn't have to worry about
00:58:56 her food and clothing in the future.
00:58:58 "Didn't I tell you never to thank me?"
00:59:00 He smiled and pulled her into his arms.
00:59:03 "Yes."
00:59:04 Her face turned red, and her voice sounded like a butterfly.
00:59:07 "Let's go.
00:59:08 I'll take you to see our new home," he said.
00:59:12 New home?
00:59:13 Claire was stunned.
00:59:15 She thought they would stay at a friend's home or a hotel tonight.
00:59:18 She never would have guessed that Kevin had other plans.
00:59:21 "Yes, my new home."
00:59:23 He smiled mysteriously.
00:59:25 In fact, when Eileen asked them to move out, he was elated.
00:59:29 He had wanted to move out for a long time, but he couldn't find a reason.
00:59:33 "Where is our new home?"
00:59:35 She hesitated for a moment and asked.
00:59:38 Kevin's news was too sudden, and she wasn't prepared for it.
00:59:41 "You'll know when we get there."
00:59:43 He intentionally kept her in suspense.
00:59:46 Kevin wanted to give her a surprise.
00:59:54 Episode 159 Bestowment of Love
00:59:58 He walked along the street with his wife and hailed a taxi.
01:00:02 "Young man, where are you going?"
01:00:05 The driver was a pot-bellied middle-aged man.
01:00:08 After they got into the car, the driver's gaze stopped on Claire's beautiful face for
01:00:12 three seconds before reluctantly turning to Kevin.
01:00:16 "Beverly Hills Villas," he said lightly.
01:00:19 "The Beverly Hills Villas?"
01:00:21 The driver was surprised and said, "Young man, do you have clearance to go onto the
01:00:26 property?
01:00:27 That area is currently under construction, and you have to have clearance to enter."
01:00:31 He smiled and replied, "I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear.
01:00:35 Let's go to the Beverly Hills residential area, not the tourist area."
01:00:40 The villas had two sections to the property.
01:00:42 One was the residential area that Martin Henderson had developed, and the other was the tourist
01:00:47 resort that the Bennett family company was currently leading and developing.
01:00:51 "Residential district?"
01:00:53 The driver calmly looked at him and asked, "All right, what's your address?"
01:00:59 Even the most ordinary residences at the bottom of the mountain would need to start at least
01:01:04 thousands of dollars per square foot.
01:01:06 Those who could afford to buy a house there were all upper middle-class people from the
01:01:10 city, and their family's properties would start around at least a few million dollars.
01:01:16 No matter what angle he looked at him from, the man standing in front of him did not seem
01:01:21 like someone who could afford to live at the villas.
01:01:24 Kevin shook his head and said, "No, but I'm going to look at the house over there."
01:01:30 After hearing that they were only going to tour the property, the middle-aged driver
01:01:33 smirked and said, "Sir, the houses on that property are actually not that interesting.
01:01:39 Besides being expensive, they really are no different than Sacramento's other houses.
01:01:44 Why are you going to look at the houses over there?
01:01:46 Why don't you look at the houses over by the Sacramento University campus?
01:01:50 That's where most common people live."
01:01:53 His tone was extremely condescending.
01:01:55 In his opinion, Kevin was a bit too ambitious.
01:01:58 He clearly couldn't afford a house in that neighborhood, but he insisted on looking at
01:02:03 it.
01:02:04 It was a complete waste of time.
01:02:05 "Thank you, sir.
01:02:07 I will go and take a look another day," he said lightly.
01:02:11 Seeing that Kevin didn't mind, the driver shook his head and didn't bother to say anything
01:02:15 more to him.
01:02:16 For a young man like Kevin, he could only accept his mediocrity if he bumped into a
01:02:20 wall a few more times and was ruthlessly ground by society.
01:02:24 On the other hand, Claire couldn't help but frown.
01:02:27 She was very clear.
01:02:29 Her husband definitely had the money to buy a house in the Villas, but when did he buy
01:02:33 it?
01:02:34 How could she not know?
01:02:36 Could it be he had tried to tell her this before?
01:02:39 She suddenly remembered that last time when they were kicked out of her mother's home
01:02:43 and he said that he wanted to take her to the Villas on the hills.
01:02:47 Yet, she did not believe him and thought he was talking nonsense.
01:02:51 But from its looks, he was probably trying to tell her about the house then.
01:02:56 He had probably bought this house a long time ago.
01:02:59 She suddenly looked forward to seeing this new place where they could build a life together.
01:03:04 In about thirty minutes, the car arrived at the administration office in the neighborhood.
01:03:08 The property was divided into three parts.
01:03:11 At the foot of the mountain was an ordinary residential area.
01:03:14 The price of a normal residential area was around a few million dollars.
01:03:18 On the mountainside, there was a high-class residential area.
01:03:22 This part of the property had a gorgeous view of the mountains and the design of the houses
01:03:26 was excellent.
01:03:28 Thus, these houses were worth over ten million dollars.
01:03:32 The highest place on the mountain peak was the part of the property that was made exclusively
01:03:36 for famous stars and powerful business figures.
01:03:40 In this area, there were only ten houses in total.
01:03:44 All the people who lived in them were the top families and stars in Sacramento.
01:03:48 The mayor of Sacramento, Lester Miller, the wealthiest man in the whole city, Mr. Henderson,
01:03:53 and a few of the city's billionaires all lived in this area.
01:03:56 It could be said that this area of the Villas was the gathering place of the richest people
01:04:01 in the city.
01:04:02 As for the Villa complex's price, it started at least five hundred million dollars.
01:04:08 It was nearly priceless.
01:04:10 Only a select few people could afford it.
01:04:13 Kevin and Claire's Villa was purchased by Bob Pierce from Mr. Henderson.
01:04:17 Although Bob did pay for the house, it was practically gifted to him.
01:04:21 Mr. Henderson sold it to him for only a few thousand dollars, not even a fraction of the
01:04:26 original price.
01:04:28 A house would originally be around eight hundred or nine hundred million dollars.
01:04:32 However, due to Kevin's status, he got the ultimate discount.
01:04:36 "All right, sir, here we are."
01:04:39 When they arrived at the Villa's entrance, the driver stopped the car and signaled for
01:04:43 the couple to get out of the car.
01:04:45 He smiled bitterly and said, "Driver, can we drive the car to the top of the mountain?"
01:04:50 There was still a long way to go until they reached the peak.
01:04:53 They could have walked to the top, but it would have been very difficult due to Claire's
01:04:56 injuries.
01:04:57 "Why are we going to the top of the mountain?"
01:05:00 The driver was surprised.
01:05:01 "Didn't you say you wanted to look at a house here?
01:05:04 This is where you want to go."
01:05:05 "Sir, you know how expensive the houses at the top of the mountain are, right?"
01:05:10 The driver seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly turned strange.
01:05:15 Kevin nodded and said, "We will take a look."
01:05:17 "Man, are you kidding me?"
01:05:21 Then he sounded a bit unhappy.
01:05:22 "The Villa at the top of the mountain is a private territory.
01:05:26 Only the people who live there are allowed on the property.
01:05:29 Taxis are prohibited from the mountainside area.
01:05:31 There is no way I would be allowed up there.
01:05:33 Moreover, there are only ten houses there.
01:05:36 They have long been sold out.
01:05:38 Which house are you looking at?"
01:05:40 The man assumed Kevin was messing with him.
01:05:43 Even if that area wasn't sold out, how could this dirty looking man afford one of them?
01:05:48 The houses just had to be too expensive for them.
01:05:51 The driver bet that Kevin couldn't even afford a square foot of one of those houses.
01:05:55 Kevin assumed that the taxi driver would be surprised.
01:05:58 However, since they had already reached the front office, he would not drive anymore unless
01:06:03 Kevin spoke up.
01:06:04 Thus, he had to tell the driver the truth.
01:06:07 "Sir, actually, I own a house at the top of the mountain.
01:06:11 I came here to look at my Villa."
01:06:13 He smiled bitterly.
01:06:15 He was going to surprise Claire, but he had to give it away, or they would have to hike
01:06:19 to the mountaintop.
01:06:20 "Sir, why didn't you just tell me in the first place?"
01:06:24 The man laughed disdainfully.
01:06:26 "This guy really wanted to put on a show, didn't he?"
01:06:30 The driver thought to himself.
01:06:32 Even without the huge price tag on these houses, how could this nobody have a house in the
01:06:36 part of town meant for the best of the best?
01:06:39 The driver knew of some of the people who lived there, but this man?
01:06:43 They were all the most famous people in the city.
01:06:46 What title could this man possibly have?
01:06:48 Who the hell did he think he was?
01:06:52 Kevin was completely speechless.
01:06:53 The driver was right.
01:06:55 He basically did own the Villas now.
01:06:57 After all, he had invested five billion dollars into the company.
01:07:01 However, if his true position in this company was revealed, the driver would laugh.
01:07:07 Kevin was even unsure if Claire would truly believe him if he told her.
01:07:11 As a matter of fact, she doubted the authenticity of her husband's words.
01:07:15 Because she liked the city of Beverly Hills, she knew everything about the Villas on the
01:07:19 mountain.
01:07:20 When the neighborhood was first built, all ten Villas were robbed a long time ago.
01:07:26 At that time, she didn't even know who Kevin was.
01:07:37 Now, Kevin said that he bought a set of Beverly Hills Villas.
01:07:42 Although he did have the money, it was not a matter of money.
01:07:46 Because those who were able to live in the neighborhood were all famous people, and if
01:07:50 they were allowed to sell their house and move, who would be willing?
01:07:53 "Brett, I don't have time to play around here with you.
01:07:57 Get out of the car.
01:07:58 I still need to get some other customers."
01:08:00 The driver muttered impatiently.
01:08:02 He didn't want to be chased down by the security guards after driving to the restricted area
01:08:07 at the top of the mountain.
01:08:09 "Honey, let's get off."
01:08:11 Claire looked at Kevin helplessly.
01:08:13 There was nothing she could do since the driver refused to leave.
01:08:16 Kevin shook his head.
01:08:18 It wasn't a problem for him to get out and walk, but Claire definitely couldn't.
01:08:22 After all, she had been injured for only a few days, so she had to not wear herself out
01:08:26 too much.
01:08:27 "Sir, how about this?
01:08:30 You drive us to the top of the mountain, and I'll pay you another $500."
01:08:34 As the saying goes, money can make a huge difference.
01:08:37 So he didn't believe that this man would turn away any extra money.
01:08:40 "Are you kidding?"
01:08:42 As expected, the moment that he offered extra money, the driver's eyes lit up.
01:08:47 He could only earn about two or three hundred for each ride he gave.
01:08:51 If this man would actually offer to pay seven hundred for a ride, that would equal about
01:08:55 two days' salary for him.
01:08:58 Kevin didn't say anything, and directly took out five hundred dollars from his wallet and
01:09:02 put it on the dashboard for the driver to see.
01:09:05 The man's face lit up, and he hurriedly took the money.
01:09:08 "All right, sir.
01:09:10 You've convinced me," the man beamed.
01:09:12 With the money in his hands, he felt much more at ease.
01:09:15 "However, sir, let me say this first.
01:09:18 When we reach the halfway point of the mountain, if the security guards don't let us in, I
01:09:22 won't give your money back."
01:09:24 As if afraid that he would go back on his words, the driver had to clarify the agreement.
01:09:30 Kevin smiled faintly.
01:09:31 "Sir, just drive.
01:09:33 I'll deal with the security."
01:09:34 "All right.
01:09:35 You two sit tight."
01:09:38 Before long, the taxi arrived at the security booth, but to the driver's surprise, the security
01:09:43 guards didn't stop his car.
01:09:46 This caused the man to heave a sigh of relief.
01:09:49 So the legendary neighborhood was not as guarded as it was.
01:09:53 In truth, the man would have never thought that there would only be one security booth,
01:09:58 and that was the villa at the top of the mountain.
01:10:01 This area was really not even that heavily secured.
01:10:04 The last time he came, he was stopped by a group of security guards as soon as he arrived
01:10:09 at the top of the mountain.
01:10:10 If not for Mr. Martin's later appearance, Kevin wouldn't have been able to get in.
01:10:15 A few minutes later, the taxi reached the top of the hill.
01:10:19 The driver approached a group of security guards wearing black uniforms from afar.
01:10:23 "Sir, you can get out of here."
01:10:26 The driver was a bit scared.
01:10:28 These security guards seemed to be very stern.
01:10:31 What would he do if they stopped him?
01:10:33 "Sir, we're almost there.
01:10:35 Keep driving."
01:10:37 Kevin felt a bit helpless.
01:10:38 His house was in the innermost area of the neighborhood, and it was still too far to
01:10:42 walk.
01:10:43 "Lad, didn't I tell you that if we were going to be investigated by security, I was stopping?
01:10:49 There are ten families here, and all the residents come in here with luxurious cars and private
01:10:54 drivers.
01:10:55 If you rode in by taxi, they would simply laugh in your face," the man said confidently.
01:11:02 "Sir, have I not told you that I own a house here?
01:11:06 All the security guards here know me," Kevin sighed.
01:11:09 "Why did this idiot refuse to believe him?"
01:11:13 "Hey, don't make a fool of yourself.
01:11:15 Do you know how much one of these houses is?"
01:11:18 "Over one hundred million dollars.
01:11:21 There is no way you would have enough money for a treehouse up here," he harrumphed.
01:11:26 He would have scolded the man a lot earlier if it wasn't for his extra tip.
01:11:31 "Sir, how about I make you a deal?
01:11:33 I want you to keep driving.
01:11:35 If those security guards dare to stop you, I'll give you another five hundred dollars,"
01:11:40 he laughed and said.
01:11:42 "Still, money can make a huge difference.
01:11:45 So today, he was going to make this man drive him."
01:11:49 "Really?"
01:11:50 The driver's heart began to itch again.
01:11:53 It was rare for me to fool this confident.
01:11:56 Today was his lucky day, so he had to make it.
01:12:00 "Really?" he smiled faintly and said.
01:12:03 "All right, I'll open it."
01:12:06 The man gritted his teeth and made a decision.
01:12:09 There was nothing to be afraid of about a few security guards.
01:12:12 At most, he would just get beaten up by them.
01:12:14 Even if he was going to be beaten up, it would only be his passengers who would get beaten
01:12:18 up first.
01:12:19 Following that, he stepped on the gas pedal, and the car jolted like a rocket and rushed
01:12:24 toward the villa complex's entrance.
01:12:27 The guards reached for their tasers in unison without the slightest bit of surprise and
01:12:31 ordered them to stop.
01:12:33 The middle-aged driver hit the brakes again and the car squealed to a stop.
01:12:38 All of the guards walked over to the car with anger smeared on their faces.
01:12:42 None of the residents had ever been delivered by taxi when the villas were built.
01:12:47 As the window rolled down, the head security guard asked coldly, "Who are you bringing
01:12:51 into the facilities?"
01:12:53 The driver had a bitter expression on his face.
01:12:56 This brat was in trouble.
01:12:58 Then, just as he was about to explain, a faint voice came from the back seat.
01:13:03 "It's me."
01:13:05 The guard looked into the back seat to see Kevin's stone-pulled face.
01:13:10 The guard widened his eyes in shock.
01:13:12 He was petrified on the spot.
01:13:14 How could it be Mr. Bennett?
01:13:16 All of the guards dropped their jaws in shock.
01:13:19 After all, the original head guard here was kicked off the team because he was disrespectful
01:13:24 to him.
01:13:26 Therefore, even though he rarely came into the area, everyone remembered his face, afraid
01:13:32 they would make the same mistake as their former boss one day.
01:13:35 "May I come in?"
01:13:37 Kevin said lightly.
01:13:38 "Sure, Mr. Bennett.
01:13:39 Please, come in."
01:13:40 The leader of the security guards quickly responded with a respectful attitude.
01:13:46 "Mr. Bennett?
01:13:47 As in the Bennett family?"
01:13:49 Hearing this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on the driver's forehead.
01:13:54 So why did this security guard refer to him so respectfully?
01:13:59 Could this man really be a millionaire?
01:14:01 The driver immediately lost his composure.
01:14:04 "Um, kid, are you really a resident of this place?"
01:14:09 The man wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and asked.
01:14:13 Kevin smiled back at him and said, "I seem to have said it more than once."
01:14:17 "Uh, sir, you are already a member here.
01:14:21 We know you have enough money.
01:14:23 Why are you taking a taxi?
01:14:25 Can't you hire yourself as a driver?"
01:14:28 After passing the gate and security, the taxi moved on unhindered.
01:14:32 Three minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a magnificent mansion.
01:14:36 (gentle music)
01:14:39 (music)
