What is Georgia's controversial 'Russian law'?

  • 4 months ago

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00:00 In Georgia, it's been dubbed the "foreign agent law"
00:03 or the "Russian law" by critics.
00:05 And it's so politically heated that politicians have been
00:09 fighting and throwing things in Parliament.
00:11 Under the bill, any NGO or independent media
00:16 receiving more than 20 percent of its funding from abroad
00:19 would have to register as organizations
00:22 "bearing the interests of a foreign power."
00:25 In other words, foreign agents.
00:27 They would also be monitored by Georgia's Justice Ministry
00:30 and could be forced to share sensitive information
00:33 or face hefty fines.
00:35 Critics, including Georgia's president,
00:38 say the bill copies a 2012 Russian law.
00:41 It's a duplicate of what President Putin
00:46 has been doing in Russia over the past years
00:48 in order to suppress the civil society,
00:52 the non-governmental organizations.
00:55 Georgia's prime minister has accused NGOs
00:58 of attempting to stage two revolutions in the country.
01:01 His ruling Georgian Dream Party argues the bill
01:04 will "boost transparency" of foreign funding
01:07 and denies that Russia is behind the legislation.
01:10 But opposition parties and protesters don't buy it.
01:14 The Russification of Georgia is ongoing.
01:19 They are trying to establish Russian dictatorship in Georgia.
01:22 Unfortunately, Georgian lawmakers partake in this process,
01:26 pursuing Russian policies in the country for years now.
01:30 The third and final reading of the legislation
01:33 is expected in mid-May.
01:35 President Zorabishvili has said she will veto the law
01:39 if parliament passes it,
01:41 but the Georgian Dream Party could override that veto.
01:45 (audience laughing)
