The Fed Masih Hawkish, Rupiah Kembali ke Rp16.000

  • 4 months ago
Rupiah mengalami pelemahan di perdagangan awal pekan ini, di mana rupiah kembali diperdagangkan di atas level Rp16.000 per USD. Dikutip dari data RTI hingga perdagangan Senin siang tadi, rupiah melemah cukup dalam di 0,47% di level Rp16.065 per USD.


00:00 Not only the Samkabungam family, but also the Rupiah trader also experienced a weakness in the early trading of this week,
00:05 where the Rupiah was traded again above the US$16,000 level.
00:11 Quoted from the RTI data, until the trading on Monday afternoon,
00:14 the Rupiah weakened quite deeply at 0.47%, at the US$16,065 level.
00:21 Where previously, at the opening of the trading on Monday morning,
00:24 the Rupiah has experienced a weakness at 0.19%, at the US$16,020 level.
00:31 This position also brought the Rupiah back to the US$16,000 level.
00:37 Meanwhile, at the closing of the trading on Wednesday afternoon,
00:40 the Rupiah was closed stagnant, still below the US$16,000 level,
00:44 at the US$15,990 level.
00:48 The Rupiah weakened again, although the US dollar index fell slightly at 0.02%,
00:53 to 104.7 on Monday morning.
00:56 In addition, the Rupiah weakened again in the middle of the How Kiss of the Fed,
01:00 where our report, FOMC April 30 to May 1,
01:05 which was released showed concerns from policy makers to make a breakthrough
01:10 in the middle of still high inflation and still far from the Fed target.
01:15 We will immediately update how the Rupiah exchange rate movement
01:18 towards the next main currency.
01:21 You can see the graph on your television screen.
01:25 The Rupiah exchange rate movement towards the US dollar is still moving above the US$16,000 level,
01:31 at the level of Rp16,065.
01:33 Then, towards the euro, at Rp17,365.
01:37 The pound sterling at Rp20,475.
01:40 Then, towards the Japanese yen, at Rp102.42.
01:44 [Music]