• last year
Tory mayoral candidate Susan Hall congratulated Sadiq Khan on winning the mayoral race.

In her speech at City Hall Ms Hall said: "Spending a year campaigning for this election has been an honour and a privilege.

"I have loved speaking to Londoners about the things that matter to them. The thing that matters the most and to me is reforming the Met and making London safe again.

"I hope Sadiq makes this his top priority. “

Ms Hall jibes at Mr Khan saying; “he owes it to the families of those 1,000 people who have lost lives to knife crime under his mayoralty. I hope too that he stops patronising people like me who care.

"This isn't an episode of the Wire. This is real life on his watch. I will continue to hold Sadiq to account to stand up for the hard working families, to motorists and to women.

"I love London and I urge Sadiq to try harder to make it better for all our sakes."


00:00 I want to congratulate all my fellow mayoral candidates and congratulate Sadiq on his victory.
00:06 Spending a year campaigning for this election has been an honour and a privilege.
00:12 I have loved speaking to Londoners about the things that matter to them.
00:18 The thing that matters to the most, and to me, is reforming the Met and making London safe again.
00:25 I hope Sadiq makes this his top priority. He owes it to the families of those thousand people
00:31 who have lost lives to knife crime under his mayoral bid.
00:36 And I hope too that he stops patronising people like me who care.
00:42 This isn't an episode of the wild. This is real life on his watch.
00:50 I will continue to hold Sadiq to account, to stand up for the hard-working families, to most risks and to women.
00:59 I love London and I urge Sadiq to try harder to make it better for all our slaves.
01:07 (audience applauding)
