• il y a 5 mois


00:30C'est parti !
01:00C'est ce que tu veux dans cette porte !
01:09Je suis à la maison !
01:10Coupe, viens ici, tu dois voir ça !
01:12Père, père, viens voir !
01:14A plus tard, chérie !
01:16COUPE !
01:17Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, père ?
01:19J'allais passer l'après-midi à réparer cet ancien phone rotatif
01:23Mais ensuite, j'ai fait un commerce pour ça !
01:26Le kit modèle de Mechazord Warrior !
01:28Cool !
01:29Tu sais, j'avais un de ces quand j'avais ton âge !
01:31Ce bébé est complètement chargé !
01:33Le Thunderpow Launcher, Cyber Shield et...
01:36Le super cool Zord de Zalthra !
01:39Boy, ces instructions sont vraiment compliquées !
01:43Ah, les instructions sont pour les flingues !
01:50Super Duper Wacky Shwack Glue
01:53On va coller n'importe quoi à n'importe quoi en secondes !
01:56Ah, très bien ! J'ai besoin d'une grosse flingue pour coller ces garçons !
02:00Daddy !
02:03Oui, Milly ?
02:04Tu as promis de regarder mon ski-hill Sophie Surprise, alors viens voir !
02:09Mais je...
02:10Non !
02:11Désolée, chérie, au revoir !
02:13Euh, je vais rester ici et faire un premier départ sur le modèle !
02:17Rien à faire, monsieur ! On construit celui-ci ensemble !
02:20Déposez la flingue et allons-y, sport !
02:27Ha ha ha !
02:29Ha ha ha !
02:32Mesdames, Messieurs et Stinky Brothers !
02:36Je vous présente Sophie le ski-hill !
02:42Yeah !
02:45Wow ! All right ! Hurray !
02:47Amazing ! Unbelievable ! Gotta go !
02:50Hey, c'était juste Sophie's practice jump !
02:53You're staying right here, buddy !
02:55Hum !
03:02Okay, Milly ! Okay !
03:04There's only so much ski-jump excitement a daddy can stand in one day !
03:13Hey ! What are you doing ?
03:16Where do you think you're going ?
03:19Ah !
03:21Okay, that's enough !
03:23Coop, I'm tired of you fighting with Milly's cat !
03:26Ah ! You broke my new old phone !
03:28But he was messing with our model !
03:30He wasn't doing anything !
03:32One more fight and you'll be sent to your room ! Understood ?
03:38Why, you !
03:42Come back here, you lousy furball !
03:44Leave him alone !
03:48Fine ! Now you're confined to your room for the rest of the day !
03:58Bug-eyed, hairless, creepazoid !
04:01I thought you might be hungry, son !
04:04Coop, you have to understand that as your parent, I have to follow through when I discipline you
04:11I know
04:12So you will have to spend the rest of the day in your room, like I said
04:16I know
04:17But that doesn't mean we can't work on the model in here !
04:23Awesome !
04:25Maybe this ? Oh, no ! Oh, maybe these two !
04:27Yeah, yeah, yeah ! Hey, hand me the glue, Coop !
04:29Dad !
04:31You said you'd come and watch Rub-My-Tummy-Chunk-Teddy's new tumble trick !
04:36Well, a promise is a promise ! Come on, Coop !
04:39Sorry, Dad ! I'm supposed to stay in my room for the rest of the day !
04:42Remember ? Following through ?
04:45Yeah ! Coop stays in his room !
04:48Alright, but save the zord for me !
04:51Coming, honey !
04:56Cyber Shield ! Cool !
05:00What are you looking at ?
05:03How about a little Thunder Fist, cat ?
05:07Aaaaah !
05:12Get off of me, spooky face ! Leave Mr. Cat alone !
05:18That's it ! You two need to be separated !
05:24Huh ? Oh, no ! You two really do need to be separated !
05:32Super duper wacky schwack glue !
05:35Ok, on the count of three, Millie ! One, two, three !
05:44Well, it looks like you two are stuck together, so you better find a way to get along !
05:49Until I can unstick you !
06:00I'm gonna knock this one into tomorrow !
06:05C'est bon !
06:36Oh, no ! You're back !
06:37He found this book, Remedial Remedies for Ridiculous Mishaps !
06:41The book says that if you want to dissolve glue, use perfume !
06:50Nope !
06:51Don't worry, Mr. Cat ! This ought to work !
06:53The book says it scares away skunks, too !
06:59Nope !
07:00It says a little elderly toe jam might loosen the gears !
07:05Hey, where are you going ?
07:06I guess maybe I could let you work on the robot while we check more books !
07:11It says here that a couple of drops of radioactive meltonium might work,
07:15but they may grow an extra head and glow in the dark !
07:20Now, where is that ?
07:21Screwdriver ?
07:22What, is it booby-trapped or something ?
07:25Well, thanks then !
07:27I guess...
07:29Attention, hostiles aliens !
07:31Vous avez été targetés pour l'élimination !
07:34Ça n'était pas mentionné dans la boîte !
07:36Préparez-vous pour l'élimination !
07:44Oh, non !
07:45Oh, non !
07:46Oh, non !
07:47Oh, non !
07:48Oh, non !
07:49Oh, non !
07:50Oh, non !
07:51Oh, non !
07:52Oh, non !
07:53Oh, non !
07:54Oh, non !
07:55Oh, non !
07:56Oh, non !
07:58Tu as fait ça !
07:59Tu as reprogrammé le Mechazord Warrior pour m'éliminer !
08:04Attention, hostiles aliens !
08:08Préparez-vous pour l'élimination !
08:15Vous avez été targetés pour l'élimination !
08:19Bien joué, Fallbrain !
08:20Ce qui vient après moi, vient après vous aussi !
08:27Oh, non !
08:32La seule façon de sortir de ça,
08:34c'est en travaillant ensemble !
08:38Ou je peux juste vous empêcher d'y aller !
08:42L'élimination !
08:44C'est tellement cool !
08:46Thunder Fest !
08:51Je l'ai eu !
08:58Il n'y a pas d'escape !
09:03Hey, Coop !
09:04On a trouvé un rituel de voodoo ancien pour dissolver la colle !
09:06C'est génial, papa !
09:18Vous ne pouvez pas vous cacher de moi !
09:22Sors, sors, où que tu sois !
09:27Il faut qu'on s'en aille !
09:30Non, pas de cette façon !
09:36Bien joué, Freakbeast !
09:39Préparez-vous pour l'élimination !
09:52Aaaaah !
09:57Oh oh !
10:02Vous allez payer pour nous !
10:05Vous êtes énormes !
10:07Nous devons nous battre ou nous serons tombés !
10:09Tombés ?
10:10Prends ces assiettes !
10:12C'est l'heure de la charge, Kat !
10:19Cyber Shield !
10:21C'est l'heure de la fin de l'élimination !
10:25Sors, sors, où que tu sois !
10:31L'élimination !
10:33Ça devrait fonctionner !
10:34Le livre dit qu'il fait peur aux skunks !
10:41Danger !
10:42Le Mechazord-Warrior va se battre !
10:47J'ai entendu parler du Mechazord-Warrior ?
10:51Mon magnifique Mechazord-Warrior !
10:54Ce n'est pas de ma faute !
10:55Kat a programmé le Mechazord pour aller folle !
10:57Monsieur Kat, vous êtes libéré !
11:00Milly's goo doit avoir dissolu la colle !
11:02Et mes mains !
11:04C'est ce que j'obtiens pour enlever les instructions !
11:07Pouvez-vous m'excuser, partenaire ?
11:11Si je ne dois pas nettoyer tout seul...
11:13On a commencé ensemble, on finit ensemble !
11:16Super !
11:17Commençons avec lui !
11:21Le Mechazord-Warrior
11:27Oh, Milly !
11:29J'ai quelque chose de spécial pour Monsieur Kat !
11:32Le Mechazord-Warrior !
11:43Je n'aime vraiment pas ce mec !
11:47Son préféré !
11:48Merci, papa !
11:53N'est-ce pas le plus mignon, papa ?
11:59Papa, tu te souviens de ma boîte au chocolat ?
12:01J'avais peu d'argent après avoir acheté des trucs pour les chats...
12:04Mais il y avait une vente de boîtes à piquanes et de sucre !
12:08Tiens !
12:10Merci, papa !
12:12Milly !
12:13Salut, gang !
12:14Sais-tu quoi ?
12:15Il y a une vente de boîtes à piquanes cette fin d'année
12:17et ma mère m'a laissé montrer le Mechazord-Warrior tout seul !
12:21Tu devrais venir nous regarder gagner, coucou !
12:24Tu peux venir aussi, Milly !
12:26Peut-être que tu et Monsieur Kitty pourront apprendre quelque chose aussi !
12:28C'est Monsieur Kat !
12:30Bien sûr que oui !
12:31Une fois que le Mechazord-Warrior gagne,
12:33elle va pouvoir voyager et faire tous les défilés de piquanes !
12:36Vraiment ?
12:37Le gagnant va faire un tour ?
12:38Bien sûr !
12:40Oh, on doit y aller !
12:42Qui s'occupe d'une vente de boîtes à piquanes si stupide ?
12:45Je ne sais pas !
12:46J'imagine que Monsieur Kat peut gagner Honey Fluff facilement !
12:50Tu as raison !
12:51Monsieur Kat est le meilleur chat au monde !
12:54Je ne peux pas attendre de voir le visage de Phoebe quand on va détruire son rêve !
12:58C'est l'esprit !
13:00Un peu.
13:01Oui !
13:02Et je ne peux pas attendre de lui dire au revoir quand tu seras sur tour !
14:09All right, Cat.
14:10Let's see how well you handle an obstacle course.
14:14And... go!
14:17Guess I'll have to eat this fishy frisky bit myself.
14:32Let's see if a few more encyclopedias help Mr. Cat's posture.
14:39Way to go, Mr. Cat! Take a bow!
14:44Let's see how well you can pose.
14:52Yes! You love it! You love it! Get happy! Get angry!
15:04Did you bump your head?
15:06Now we're ready to kick some serious tail of the pet show.
15:09And then, goodbye, Cat.
15:18You're entering a chicken into a pet pageant?
15:21Yeah. We raised Katchatoy up to him when he was just an egg.
15:24He had a brother, but we needed him for an omelette.
15:27Well, there is no way he'll beat Mr. Cat.
15:32Hey, Coop. The judge made me stage manager.
15:35If I follow all of his orders for the rest of the day,
15:37I get to keep the clipboard.
15:40Good afternoon. I am Monsieur Flapperty,
15:44the head judge for this pitiful...
15:46I mean, this most illustrious pet pageant.
15:49Today's winners get all the usual perks,
15:52travel the globe, a year's supply of fishy frisky bits,
15:56some state-of-the-art pet toys, dog chews,
15:59poopy bags, blah, blah, blah.
16:02You want it? You gotta win it.
16:06Moving on.
16:07I'm going to give two very lucky people
16:10the honor of being my fellow judges.
16:16And you.
16:18Me? Okay.
16:20Dad got picked a judge! We are so gonna win!
16:23Are you kidding?
16:24Dad will probably mark us harder
16:25so it doesn't look like he's playing favorites.
16:28Phoebe? Are you part ninja?
16:31I'm so happy you started cat training.
16:33Now we'll see each other at all the pet shows,
16:36endless afternoons practicing,
16:38late-night choreography sessions,
16:40or just sharing a love seat while we comb our cat's fur
16:43and, um, skin?
16:45What do you mean, all the shows?
16:48Oh, didn't you know the trainer always travels with the team?
16:51Gotta go!
16:52No! I've made a horrible mistake!
16:57Dennis! I got a big problem!
16:59What is it?
17:00Temperamental talent? Wardrobe malfunction?
17:02Chronic stage fright?
17:03No! If Cat wins, I'll be trapped on tour with him for months!
17:07I gotta make sure Cat loses.
17:09We are kicking off our pet pageant in style
17:12with the fashion competition.
17:14First up, Honey Fluff.
17:22What grace!
17:24What grace!
17:25Such energy!
17:30Yes, yes, yes!
17:32The judges are looking for quiet elegance.
17:35So don't move.
17:37Next up is Mr. Cat.
17:46Well, that is absolutely uninspired.
17:54Now there's the fire!
17:58This one's bound with the passion for winning!
18:02Full marks!
18:04Tsk, tsk! A six for your own daughter!
18:08I should have never taught him those poses!
18:10And finally, Lone and Harley's Chicken.
18:14Catch a toy!
18:24No points for catch-a-toy.
18:26On to the talent competition!
18:29Where is that no-good careless bug I...
18:32Phoebe! Give a garrison warning!
18:35Honey Fluff, you're up!
18:37Oh, Honey Fluff needs more glimmer-poos.
18:40It's a special coat shine enhancer.
18:43I would never tell anyone my show secrets.
18:46Except you, Coop!
18:49Okay, Honey Fluff! Jump!
18:56Jump, Honey Fluff!
18:58She never gets stage fright!
19:04Did you see how shiny her coat was?
19:10I'm so proud of you, Honey Fluff!
19:13I'm so proud of you!
19:15J'adore ta pose!
19:22Cat replaced her fur spray with liquid cement.
19:25Oh, I love your moves!
19:27Well, two can't play the sabotage game.
19:40Hot fluid dancing!
19:42I am moved to the core of my being!
19:46What? Isn't he the best dancer in the world, Coop?
19:57Wow! Maybe Catch-a-Toy can make a comeback!
20:17Our final round is the obedience challenge!
20:21The command is to stay!
20:32J'adore is out!
20:34Maybe if you didn't leave Chicken Bean lying around, he would have stayed still!
20:38Give a chicken a chance, man!
20:53Come on! Look at the yummy, fishy, frisky bit!
20:56You know you want it!
20:59No, Mr. Cat! Stay!
21:18Bravo! Honey Fluff wins!
21:21Paws down for obedience under extreme conditions!
21:26Now to escape this madhouse!
21:33I've got you, Mr. Cat!
21:37I saved you a box! All you have to do is be a good little...
21:44That's right, Mr. Cat! Start practicing now so we can win next year!
21:50A little dry, but still way better than the soy-pecan-spinach bar!
21:56Charlie Landers
21:57Let me show you how it's done!
21:58Avatar Aaron Stone
22:00I created Hero Rising to find the best player in the world.
22:03Now gamer and game will collide!
22:07My story begins. I'm becoming Aaron Stone.
22:10Aaron Stone, the first Disney XD Original Series, brand new Monday nights at 7, 6 central!
22:25Subtitling TITRAFILM
