• il y a 5 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
00:30Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
01:01C'est un jour excitant, les gars.
01:04Nous allons lancer notre première roquette pour Mars.
01:08Les deux astronautes sont à l'intérieur du vaisseau
01:11et le countdown a commencé.
01:18C'est parti !
01:19C'est parti !
01:20C'est parti !
01:21C'est parti !
01:22C'est parti !
01:23C'est parti !
01:24C'est parti !
01:25C'est parti !
01:26C'est parti !
01:27C'est parti !
01:28C'est parti !
01:37Ils sont sortis !
01:38Oh, bonne chance, les astronautes !
01:40Bonne chance !
01:43À quel point nous sommes ?
01:4432 millions de milles.
01:45Pourquoi ?
01:46Il y a un planète étrange là-bas
01:47qui n'apparaît pas sur notre carte spatiale.
01:50Sa gravité semble nous empêcher de courir.
01:55Tournez l'index de la gravité à 9.
01:58Nous les tirerons directement dans notre petite planète.
02:02Mais, monsieur,
02:03qu'est-ce que nous voulons avec eux ?
02:05Ils seront des décoys pour Underdog.
02:09Qui est Underdog ?
02:11C'est celui qui peut m'empêcher de prendre la Terre.
02:17Il doit être détruit.
02:22Ils se rapprochent...
02:24se rapprochent...
02:26se rapprochent...
02:27Je ne peux pas contrôler le vaisseau.
02:29Nous allons tomber.
02:30Attendez, c'est la fin !
02:36Ils se sont emprisonnés vite.
02:39Vous y croyez ?
02:41La poussière !
02:42Voyons si nous pouvons les tirer.
02:44Ce n'est pas utile. Nous ne pouvons pas sortir.
02:46Nous devons appeler la Terre.
02:47Astro appelle la Terre.
02:49Astro appelle la Terre.
02:51Oui, Astro.
02:52Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
02:53C'est un peu embarrassant, monsieur.
02:57Nous... nous...
03:00Eh bien...
03:01Ce que c'est, monsieur,
03:15Nous sommes impliqués dans le mur.
03:19C'est vrai, monsieur,
03:21nos braves astronautes sont impliqués dans une planète inconnue.
03:25Il n'y a qu'Underdog qui peut les sauver maintenant.
03:28Underdog, où es-tu ?
03:31Oh où, oh où est passé mon Underdog ?
03:36Oh où, oh où est-il passé ?
03:41Quand Sweet Polly's plea reached the ears of humble, lovable Shoeshine,
03:46who, putting down his shoeshine kit, quickly stepped into the nearest telephone booth and...
03:55When astronauts have trouble, I am not slow. It's hip, hip, hip, and away I go!
04:11Underdog approaches. It is time for you to prepare to take over Earth.
04:19Aye, but how?
04:22With this, and this.
04:25What are they for?
04:27This is for...
04:29Do the conference.
04:31And with this, you will take the ball.
04:37There's no need to fear. Underdog is here.
04:51Oh, gee, thanks. Underdog, if it hadn't been for you, we'd be stuck here forever.
04:56Hey, look! Grab the guns, quick!
04:58Put down your guns and your hands extend. This one is coming as a friend.
05:03Thank you. See, he is a friendly cuss. Let's take him back to Earth with us.
05:12Perfect! Perfect!
05:21What is Zorb's evil scheme? Does the present to Underdog have anything to do with it?
05:27There's plenty of excitement ahead in our next episode.
05:33Next Episode
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09:45Quiet ! Quieeeet !
09:51Look Jarboa, the place says that these are friendly indians
09:56Who ever heard of friendly indians ? These indians are fierce
10:11Stop it ! Stop it ! Stop it !
10:15Now get me out of here !
10:17The idea !
10:19I'm a big director, I wrote the play
10:21I say the indians were friendly
10:24As usual you are full of baloney
10:27I say the indians were enemies and attacked the pilgrims
10:32We're going to settle this once and for all
10:35We're going to see Mr. Whoopi
10:41So you see Mr. Whoopi
10:43I'd like you to tell Jarboa about the pilgrims and the indians
10:47Of course my boy and I'm sure the three-dimensional blackboard can help us out
10:52As you all know the pilgrims landed on the west shore of Cape Cod Bay in the early winter of 1620
10:58They had a very hard time that first winter
11:01There was very little food and the weather was very cold and snowy
11:05Out of 102 women and children that landed on Plymouth Rock
11:0942 were lost that first winter
11:11But in the spring they got help
11:13An indian named Samoset walked into the little village and made friends with the pilgrims
11:19Then he brought in his chief named Massasoit
11:22Governor Carver who was head of the colony exchanged gifts with Massasoit
11:26And the two signed a treaty of peace
11:28See Jarboa ?
11:31The indians taught the pilgrims to plant corn, pumpkins and beans
11:35They showed them how to put small fish in the ground when they planted the seeds
11:39The fish acted as fertilizer and the crops grew big and strong
11:43The harvest was so good that William Bradford who had become the new governor
11:48Declared a festival to celebrate
11:50The pilgrims invited their indian friends to join them
11:53And whoopee that was the first thanksgiving day
11:57Phineas J whoopee you are the greatest
12:00Now are you satisfied ?
12:02Ok Tennessee we'll be friendly indians
12:06Good the play goes on tomorrow night and we're going to be so good we'll win the award
12:11Eagle soft if he wins that award he'll be the number one guy around here
12:19No I'm not soft I got a plan
12:22We're gonna point on the snow machine and put the show under 6 feet of snow
12:30The next night all was in readiness for the big performance
12:33The romance of Plymouth Rock
12:35The theater was full and the curtain went up
12:41John Orton I would ask a favor of you
12:44Yes Captain Miles Standish ?
12:46I would like to marry Yon Fair Maiden Priscilla Mullins
12:51Why do you not ask her ?
12:52I am a brave soldier
12:54But I am too bashful to ask her
12:57Well what do you ?
12:58Now Tennessee now
13:00Not yet
13:02Well what do you want me to do ?
13:03I would like you to ask her for me John Orton
13:08Very well Miles Standish I
13:10Now Tennessee now now now
13:12Not yet
13:13Very well Miles Standish I will ask her
13:16Priscilla my friend Miles Standish would like to marry you
13:20Why don't you speak for yourself John ?
13:23Now Tennessee now
13:26Alas Winter is upon us
13:29There is a big blizzard coming
13:45Well that did it
13:47We're finished ruined
13:49We'll never win the award now
13:51Tennessee Tennessee
13:53You won you won read the telegram
13:56Let me see that
13:57For the most realistic snow storm in the history of the theater
14:01The first award goes to Tennessee Tuxedo
14:05And his play The Romance of Plymouth Rock
14:09Hurray for Tennessee
14:24Blair Dodd City
14:26The wildest most ferocious town in the entire west
14:30At least it was until I cleaned it up
14:32You commander ? I thought Wyatt Earp
14:36Wyatt couldn't handle it so he called upon me
14:39When I arrived in Dodd City lead was flying everywhere
14:45The Dalton boys were holding up the bank
14:49The James boys were shooting up the cactus cafeteria
14:54And Billy the Kid was shooting anything that moved
14:59I fired a shot over their heads
15:01To get their attention don't you know
15:04All right you blighters clear out
15:07I've come to clean up Dodd City
15:12They all lined up in the street
15:15Twenty of the roughest toughest guns in the west
15:18And you had only five bullets
15:20Good heavens commander what did you do
15:23My keen eyesight spotted a water tower at the end of the street
15:28With deadly aim I shot a large hole in it
15:33The water gushed out
15:35And washed those desperadoes straight out of town
15:39And that's how I cleaned up Dodd
15:41Splashing commander
15:44Zorb evil ruler of a strange planet
15:48Had sent one of his men down to take over earth
15:51It is time for you to prepare to take over earth
15:56Aye but how
15:59With this and this
16:03This is very exciting viewers
16:06Underdog is going to take over earth
16:10This is very exciting viewers
16:12Underdog has not only brought back the two astronauts
16:16But also a stranger from another planet
16:20Our scientists are examining him now
16:23And here is our hero
16:26Underdog will you step over here
16:29And say a few words to our audience
16:32Certainly I
16:39What's the matter underdog
16:41Everything is going round and
16:45I feel fine when I sit down
16:47But when I stand up things spin around
16:52But that's terrible underdog
16:54We must get you to a hospital right away
16:57There is work to be done I cannot stay
16:59I must be up and on my way
17:01But but but
17:21Call an ambulance for underdog
17:23He's not well
17:25Oh underdog, underdog
17:28I feel fine when I sit down
17:30But when I stand up things spin around
17:37He feels fine when he sits down
17:39But when he stands up things spin around
17:42I must be up and on my way
17:44But but but
17:46But but but
17:48But but
17:50But but but
17:53Mais quand il se lève, les choses s'arrangent.
17:55Il vaut mieux qu'on l'emmène à l'hôpital tout de suite.
17:58En même temps, à l'intérieur du laboratoire,
18:00les scientifiques avaient des problèmes avec l'homme de la planète étrange.
18:05Je vais m'en sortir d'ici.
18:07Non, non, on n'est pas terminé.
18:09Oh, oui, vous êtes...
18:12Non, non.
18:23Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
18:53Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
19:23Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
19:53Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
20:23Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org