• last year
Rod Dimbleby of the Yorkshire Dialect Society shares his hopes for giving 'our language alive.'
00:00 Would you like to see the Yorkshire dialect be treated like Welsh or Scottish or different dialects?
00:07 That would be an aim, yes. It is a real language, you know.
00:14 Perhaps not as obscure as Welsh or Cornish, but when you get a real natural dialect speaker to off-cumdans, outsiders, it's like a foreign language.
00:27 What are some of your aims with the Yorkshire Dialect Society?
00:31 Well, the main aim is to keep our dialect alive.
00:36 There are two aspects. There's the academic side. We have professors of linguistics and doctors, you know, and they're interested in research into dialect.
00:46 And then the other side is what I do, is trying to keep it going, keep it alive, yeah.
00:51 Which we need to do, because whilst accents are still very strong, you hear very few natural dialect speakers.
00:58 People like me who, if you're like a bilingual, because we've had it in our early youth, and we can come back to it, yeah.
