• last year
Tu Vida Es Mi Vida Capitulo 83 Completo
Tu Vida Es Mi Vida Capitulo 84 Completo
Tu Vida Es Mi Vida Capitulo 85 Completo
Tu Vida Es Mi Vida Capitulo 83 Completo
00:00:34Susy Diego el abuelo yo estamos todos contigo
00:00:38Todo estar bien todo estar bien si estamos juntos como familia mamá todo va a estar bien te lo juro
00:00:52Hola buenos días buenos días tío
00:01:01Lucia me contó lo que hablaron anoche
00:01:05Estoy aquí para ti
00:01:07le conté cómo
00:01:10Siempre soñaba con el momento en el que volviera a ver a mi mamá
00:01:16Pero nunca me imaginé cómo ese sueño se iba a convertir en esta pesadilla
00:01:21Este primer encuentro de esa fortuna que tuviste con tu madre
00:01:26No tiene no no no tiene por qué marcar su relación
00:01:33Te diste la oportunidad de escuchar por qué terminó en la cárcel tío me dio terror saber su crimen a detalle no
00:01:40Y la valiente donde está
00:01:43Pero en este caso cuando es todo la de dolor ansiedad confusión todo esto
00:01:49Baje yo te recomendaría acercarte a sofía
00:01:57Yo ya sé todo lo que tenía que saber de ella y decidí no volverla a ver nunca más
00:02:01tantos años
00:02:02esperando a que pase este momento
00:02:05y ahora que tienes en frente a ti a tu madre
00:02:08no le vas a permitir explicarte qué sucedió
00:02:13Qué es esta mujer aquí yo le pedí que viniera
00:02:20Ustedes tienen mucho de qué hablar
00:02:22y tú tú me ayudaste a saber la verdad
00:02:26estoy haciendo lo mismo dale una oportunidad a tu madre de explicarte
00:02:37Hola gracias por venir bonita dejé a teo en el colegio me vine corriendo
00:02:45Todo está de cabeza en tu casa verdad
00:02:47Ya no sé qué hacer con jolando enloquecido
00:02:50Cerrando mi mamá los que llevar a todos fuera de aquí yo no podría vivir lejos de ti nunca
00:02:56Digo si yo me siento así no puedo ni imaginarme cómo están nuestros papás mi mamá está agotada con todo esto
00:03:03Dice que le hace mucha falta el amor de pepe
00:03:06Mi papá también está muy triste nunca lo había visto así
00:03:10Preocupa que la salud de mi mamá empeore por por tenerlo lejos yo sé que pepe le da muchísimas fuerzas se me hace muy injusto
00:03:17Al final de esto estoy segura segura que ellos van a luchar y a proteger su amor
00:03:23Y además tengo una idea de cómo ayudarlos así bonita a ver a ver cuéntamelo todo
00:03:36Me dijeron que tu madre está hospitalizada es cierto
00:03:41Sí está grave pero confío en que va a salir adelante como siempre lo ha hecho pero darle no te llamé con urgencia para eso
00:03:48Evidentemente un colega de otra firma de abogados me pasó
00:03:52Una información delicada sobre tu esposita
00:03:59Paula está intentando poner sus bienes a nombre de pepe
00:04:03Y quién te dijo semejante cosa
00:04:05Tranquilo cariño que paula no puede hacer nada gracias al juicio de interdicción que interpusiste
00:04:12Aún así me molesta que esté pensando en dejarle todo ese parásito
00:04:16Pues por eso mismo aunque sinceramente tienes todas las de ganar debes de proteger la fortuna de pablo
00:04:24Porque en un arranque y teniendo la muerte tan cerca puede cometer alguna estupidez y es mejor prevenir que lamentar
00:04:31Pues encárgate de ese asunto haz todo lo que tengas que hacer para que ese maldito no toque un solo centavo de lo que me pertenece
00:04:40Ya me estoy encargando de eso cariño solo necesito que tú como su tutor legal firmes unos documentos y pepe jamás pondrá un dedo en su fortuna
00:04:52Vamos a firmar los documentos Rolando
00:04:55Vamos a firmar los documentos Rolando
00:05:03Pues ya no tengo de otra te escucho
00:05:06Andrea hija cuando supe que estaba embarazada de ti fue el día más feliz de mi vida
00:05:14Te esperé durante nueve meses con mucha ilusión y la primera vez que te tuve en mis brazos conocí el más puro fuerte y profundo amor
00:05:29Me imaginaba cómo sería nuestra vida juntos
00:05:32Y nunca imaginaste que te iban a separar de mí cuando
00:05:36Es que a veces la vida te pone pruebas duras mi amor
00:05:39Y frente a ellas no sabemos luego cómo reaccionar sabes
00:05:43Perdóname pero matar un hombre
00:05:46Luis por favor escúchame si
00:05:50Cuando tú naciste Rafael no ganaba mucho en el restaurante
00:05:55Yo estudiaba y trabajaba al mismo tiempo porque estaba decidida a construir un mejor futuro para nuestra familia para ti
00:06:03En el trabajo mi jefe al principio se ofreció a ayudarme pero lo que en realidad buscaba era aprovecharse de mí y lo hizo
00:06:15Ese hombre me violó Andrea
00:06:17Pero lo que en realidad buscaba era
00:06:22Aprovecharse de mí
00:06:24Y lo hizo
00:06:27Ese hombre me violó Andrea
00:06:43¿Qué le pasó?
00:06:45Acabo de hablar con el doctor Müller
00:06:48Llamó desde Alemania y dijo que sí
00:06:53¿Que sí?
00:06:55Dijo que sí que él va a venir aquí a México quiere hablar contigo
00:06:58Quiere hablar con el doctor Jasso y él
00:07:00Lo más importante de todo es que él revisó todos los estudios que le llevé
00:07:07Mi amor está dispuesto a operar el tumor
00:07:21Cuando ese hombre abusó de mí fue tan doloroso y me sentía avergonzada, indefensa, impotente
00:07:31Estaba desesperada y el miedo se apoderó de mí
00:07:36Cometí muchos errores
00:07:38Tenía que haber ido a las autoridades
00:07:40Debí decirle a tu papá lo que me había sucedido
00:07:43Pero tuve muchísimo miedo de que reaccionara mal
00:07:53Cuando ese tipo estaba dispuesto a lastimarme por segunda vez
00:08:00Acabé con su vida por defender la mía
00:08:05Lo siento mucho de verdad
00:08:11Emiliano, ven mi amor, ven, ven, ven, ven, dame un abrazo
00:08:16¿Qué pasa?
00:08:18Dame un abrazo
00:08:20¿Por qué mamá? ¿Qué pasó?
00:08:22Mi amor, sí, estoy perfecta
00:08:24El doctor Müller aceptó venir a México a operarme
00:08:27Va a viajar desde Alemania para extirpar mi tumor
00:08:30¿Es neta mamá?
00:08:32Perdón, perdón, me emocioné, me emocioné
00:08:35Ay que buena noticia mamá, por fin, por fin buena noticia
00:08:39Me juzgaron, me condenaron
00:08:42Y me encerraron 15 años en prisión
00:08:46Por ese crimen
00:08:48Ese fue el error que me costó mi libertad
00:08:55Y lo que más me ha dolido en mi vida
00:09:00Es que no estuviste conmigo, me alejaron de ti
00:09:03Lo único que me mantuvo en pie durante esos 15 años que yo estuve en la cárcel
00:09:09Era estar así, sentada contigo y verte, mi amor
00:09:14La esperanza de estar contigo, de...
00:09:17De abrazarte
00:09:22Cada día, cada hora, soñé con este momento
00:09:26Tenerte así, frente a mí, poder verte
00:09:28Cada día, cada hora, soñé con este momento
00:09:31Tenerte así, frente a mí, poderte decir
00:09:38Y también, tuve miedo de cómo ibas a reaccionar, mi amor
00:09:42Sin embargo, siempre guardé la esperanza de que pudieras ver
00:09:47Más allá del monstruo que la sociedad dice que soy, pero yo no lo soy
00:09:52Y que me veas a mí como soy, como mujer
00:09:55Como tu madre, la que nunca dejó de luchar
00:09:59Nunca he dejado de amarte
00:10:07A ver, mi amor, ven, es que estoy tan emocionada
00:10:10Es que el Dr. Mueller es una eminencia, pero a nivel mundial, mi amor
00:10:14Y si aceptó operarme, es porque tengo posibilidades de vencer mi tumor
00:10:19Ay, mamá, no sabes lo feliz que me pone en estas noticias
00:10:22Ay, mi amor, yo sé, yo sé, y a mí también
00:10:25¿Qué pasa?
00:10:26Es que, es que no sabe lo que daría porque Pepe estuviera aquí
00:10:31Que estuviera aquí, pudiera compartir con nosotros esta esperanza, que tengo esta alegría
00:10:36Yo sé que no pueden verse ni hablarse por teléfono
00:10:39Pero, pero Lucía y yo no queremos permitir que se dejen de comunicar, mamá
00:10:44Se nos ocurrió una idea
00:10:46Ay, mi amor
00:10:48Pasé años esperando respuestas
00:10:52Pero nunca me imaginé que cargaras con un dolor tan profundo
00:10:57Perdóname, hija, perdón
00:10:59No, no, mamá, no es tu culpa lo que te hicieron, no es tu culpa
00:11:14Nunca dejé de amarte, ni un solo día, nunca, nunca
00:11:18Y yo siempre pensé en ti, siempre
00:11:31Toma, es de Pepe
00:11:44Es de Paula
00:11:48¿En serio?
00:11:50Eres un ángel mensajero
00:12:05Pepe, mi amor
00:12:08Veré lo que fuera porque estuvieras aquí a mi lado para compartir contigo las buenas noticias
00:12:15El doctor mío le aceptó viajar a México para operarme
00:12:20La esperanza de que sobreviva mi enfermedad está más fuerte que nunca
00:12:25Sí, sí
00:12:30Ay, mi amor
00:12:33Yo no pienso renunciar a ti
00:12:35A pesar de lo que venga, el obstáculo que sea
00:12:39Voy a luchar para que tú y yo estemos juntos
00:12:44Te necesito para sentir esa fuerza que tú me das
00:12:48Si tú estás a mi lado, yo puedo luchar contra lo que sea
00:12:52Pero ahora que no podemos estar juntos
00:12:55Necesito que sepas que yo no voy a dejar de luchar por ti
00:12:58Pero ni un solo segundo, yo
00:13:02Nunca te voy a soltar
00:13:05Porque tu vida
00:13:07Es mi vida
00:13:11Tenemos una tremenda noticia
00:13:14Gracias, el mejor neurocirujano del mundo
00:13:16El mejor viene de Alemania solo a operar a mi mamá
00:13:19Es una gran oportunidad para que ella se salve
00:13:22Así es, sí
00:13:24¿Estás bien?
00:13:26Me llamó el doctor Caso
00:13:28Rosa no reacciona, está inconsciente
00:14:08Entre el amor y un sueño
00:14:11Esa obsesión de ser padre me aleja de Gabriel
00:14:13Pero él es mío
00:14:15Nace la traición
00:14:17Ya controlo las acciones de esta empresa
00:14:19Y un día me quedaré con Gabriel
00:14:21La historia de Juana inicia 3 de junio, 9.30 de la noche
00:14:39Con nuestras historias
00:14:41Solo con las estrellas
00:14:43Necesito que regreses a la mansión
00:14:45Para preparar una cena especial
00:14:47Una sorpresa verte por aquí
00:14:49¿Vas a cambiar aquí?
00:14:51Si tú estás cómoda, yo también estoy cómoda
00:14:53Última vez que te lo pregunto
00:14:55Vendiste a nuestra hija
00:14:57Me vas a pedir que sea tu esposa
00:14:59¿Qué prefieres?
00:15:01¿Tenerme a mí como si fuera tu amante?
00:15:03Esta viernes 8.30 de la noche
00:15:05Estos luchadores pedirán un tiempo fuera
00:15:06¿Tienes habitaciones o no?
00:15:10¿Necesitan ayuda?
00:15:12Solamente tengo tres habitaciones
00:15:14Ni modo, le voy a hacer un huequito al Braya
00:15:16¿Ahí le tienes?
00:15:18Ahorita lo averiguamos
00:15:20¿Lo dejaste solo en el cuarto?
00:15:22Está libre este jueves al terminar el noti
00:15:24Déjate deslumbrar por las sorpresas que traeremos para ti
00:15:26¡Libia Brito!
00:15:28¡Abrin y Olita!
00:15:30Ya te había puesto los perros
00:15:32¿Qué pasa?
00:15:34Y en el estudio, Nebulosa
00:15:36Guapo pero sin chiste
00:15:38O chacal pero cumplido
00:15:40De noche pero sin sueño
00:15:42Este viernes al terminar el noti
00:15:44Las candidatas a la presidencia vienen a tercer grado
00:15:47La mesa de análisis más importante de México
00:15:49Estará con las aspirantes de ambas coaliciones
00:15:52Para conocer sus proyectos y propuestas
00:15:54Y así te sigas informado
00:15:56Tercer grado, un programa de NMAS
00:15:58Lunes 13 y miércoles 15 de mayo
00:16:00Después de En Punto con las Estrellas
00:16:03En el dicho en el día a día
00:16:04Te traemos un nuevo sabor
00:16:06Para que a la vida enfrentes con valor
00:16:08Puedes ser tan irresponsable con la vida de tu hijo
00:16:11Ya no somos unas niñas para andar con tonterías
00:16:13Yo no me voy a cansar de tratar de abrirte los ojos
00:16:16Lunes a viernes 5.30 de la tarde
00:16:18Con las Estrellas
00:16:34Lunes a viernes 4.30 de la tarde
00:16:36Con las Estrellas
00:17:04Lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
00:17:06Imagina un futuro donde tu emprendimiento
00:17:08Transforma la vida de tu comunidad
00:17:10En Nacional Monte de Piedad
00:17:12Y posible
00:17:14Creemos en el poder de la innovación
00:17:16Para hacer realidad ese sueño
00:17:18Únete a nosotros
00:17:20Y construya tu futuro
00:17:22En Nacional Monte de Piedad
00:17:24Y posible
00:17:26Creemos en el poder de la innovación
00:17:28Para hacer realidad ese sueño
00:17:30Únete a nosotros
00:17:32Y construya tu futuro
00:17:34Y el futuro que deseas para tu negocio
00:17:36Regístrate en posible.org.mx
00:17:38Un programa apoyado por
00:17:40Nacional Monte de Piedad
00:17:42Y Fundación Televisa
00:17:44Iniciar bien tu día es hacerlo bien informado
00:17:46En las noticias tenemos para ti
00:17:48Las historias más relevantes de México y el mundo
00:17:50Soy Carlos Hurtado
00:17:52Y te compartiré toda la información
00:17:54De manera puntual y rápida
00:17:56En las noticias
00:17:58Un noticiero de NMAS
00:18:00Lunes a viernes 5.50 AM
00:18:02Con las Estrellas
00:18:04De los mejores apasionados y celosos
00:18:06¿Y tú qué te traes que defiendas a la mugrosa Salariada?
00:18:08Otros ya no creen en él
00:18:10He estado pensando que a lo mejor ya no me toca enamorarme
00:18:12Nunca lo hice
00:18:14Pero hay para quienes es lo más importante
00:18:16Es lo menos que puedo hacer por Elena
00:18:18Por ella soy Eda
00:18:20Lunes a viernes 1.30 de la tarde
00:18:22Las candidatas a la presidencia
00:18:24Vienen a tercer grado
00:18:26La mesa de análisis más importante de México
00:18:28Estará con las aspirantes de ambas coaliciones
00:18:30Para conocer sus proyectos y propuestas
00:18:31Y así te sigas informado
00:18:33Tercer grado, un programa de NMAS
00:18:35Lunes 13 y miércoles 15 de mayo
00:18:37Después de En Punto con las Estrellas
00:19:02La oficina que me pertenece es la que usaba Cristina
00:19:04Y ella no es dueña, ahora es mi oficina
00:19:06Rebeca me envenenó
00:19:09Prefiero perderlo todo
00:19:11Antes que amar
00:19:13A una mujer tan despreciable
00:19:15Como tú
00:19:17Lunes a viernes 4.30 de la tarde
00:19:19Con las Estrellas
00:19:21Juan es mi orgullo
00:19:23Tendrá una vida tan distinta
00:19:25La de su madre y la mía
00:19:27Entre el amor
00:19:29Y un sueño
00:19:31Mi obsesión de ser padre me aleja de Gabriel
00:19:33Pero él es mío
00:19:35Nace la traición
00:19:37Ya controlo las acciones de esta empresa
00:19:39Y un día me quedaré con Gabriel
00:19:41La historia de Juana
00:19:43Inicia 3 de junio 9.30 de la noche
00:19:45En el dicho en el día a día
00:19:47Te traemos un nuevo sabor
00:19:49Para que a la vida enfrentes con valor
00:19:51Puedes ser tan irresponsable
00:19:53Con la vida de tu hijo
00:19:55Ya no somos unas niñas
00:19:57Para andar con tonterías
00:19:59Yo no me voy a cansar
00:20:01Con las Estrellas
00:20:03¡Hey! ¡Más vale que tú te quedes!
00:20:05Este mago desapareció un millón de personas
00:20:08Cuando empezó el skate teníamos dos millones de personas viéndonos
00:20:11Ya que terminó pues ya nomás tenemos uno
00:20:13Porque si no iremos por ti
00:20:15Estoy viendo este programa de Relatos Macabrones
00:20:17Tenemos muchas cosas más importantes que hacer
00:20:19¿Por qué apagamos la tele?
00:20:21Relatos Macabrones este sábado 11 de la noche
00:20:23Déjate deslumbrar por las sorpresas que traeremos para ti
00:20:26¡Libre abrito!
00:20:28¡Abrí mi holita!
00:20:29Ya te había puesto los cuernos
00:20:31¡¿Qué pasa?!
00:20:33Y en el estudio Nebulosa
00:20:35No necesito la aprobación de nadie
00:20:37Guapo pero sin chiste
00:20:39O chacal pero cumplido
00:20:41De noche pero sin sueño
00:20:43Este viernes al terminar el noti
00:20:45Iniciar bien tu día es hacerlo bien informado
00:20:47En las noticias tenemos para ti las historias más relevantes de México y el mundo
00:20:51Soy Carlos Hurtado y te compartiré toda la información de manera puntual y rápida en las noticias
00:20:56Un noticiero de NMASC
00:20:58Lunes a Viernes 5.50 AM
00:21:00Con las estrellas
00:21:26Tercer grado, la mesa de análisis más importante de México
00:21:30Estará con las aspirantes de ambas coaliciones
00:21:32Para conocer sus proyectos y propuestas
00:21:34Y así te sigas informado
00:21:36Tercer grado, un programa de NMASC
00:21:38Lunes 13 y miércoles 15 de mayo
00:21:40Después de En Punto con las Estrellas
00:21:57No sabes lo que significa para mí escucharte decir mamá
00:22:02Muchas gracias, gracias mi amor, gracias
00:22:05Perdóname por todas las cosas feas que te dije
00:22:08No, no tienes por qué disculparte
00:22:10Es normal que reaccionaras así
00:22:12Hay un pasado complicado y Malena jugó con tus emociones
00:22:18Llenó tu mente de ideas
00:22:20Sí, es que lo dije de una manera
00:22:23Ya me imagino y tú estabas enojada, asustada
00:22:27No sabías qué pensar ni qué sentir
00:22:29Malena es lo peor que le pudo pasar a esta familia
00:22:32Pero ya quedó atrás, sí, ya quedó atrás
00:22:34Ahora conoces quién soy, la verdad
00:22:37Y lo que cuenta es este momento, sí
00:22:40Y podemos comenzar de nuevo
00:22:42Y vamos a aprovechar todo el tiempo que perdimos juntas, sí
00:22:46Mamá, no me quiero volver a separar de ti
00:22:49No, nunca
00:22:51Nunca, ni cielo, nunca
00:22:53Nunca, no importa qué tan fuerte sea la tormenta
00:22:57Nadie va a poder separarme de ti, nadie
00:23:07¿Te ves muy contenta?
00:23:09Pues sí, lo estoy
00:23:11Porque mi papá me dio una muy buena noticia
00:23:13¿De qué se trata?
00:23:15No me interesa compartirla contigo
00:23:17¿Puedes salir de mi recámara, por favor?
00:23:19Yo también recibí una noticia, pero no fue nada agradable
00:23:21Supe que intentaste poner tus bienes a nombre de Pepe
00:23:25Es precisamente esas locuras que se te ocurren
00:23:28Lo que quiero prevenir con este juicio
00:23:30Si te das cuenta, pones en riesgo tu patrimonio
00:23:33Y el futuro de tus hijos
00:23:35Todo lo que estoy haciendo
00:23:37Es justamente pensando en mis hijos
00:23:39Y en su futuro
00:23:41No puedes hacer uso de tu dinero
00:23:43A menos que yo lo autorice, mi vida
00:23:45No te conviene hacer cosas escondidas
00:23:47Porque una más
00:23:49Y vamos a tener problemas
00:24:01Malena, conseguí que Pepe se aleje de mi esposa definitivamente
00:24:05Así que si quieres recuperar a tu ex marido
00:24:08Es una oportunidad que debes aprovechar en este mismo instante
00:24:11Y además quiero pedirte un favor
00:24:15Necesito que vigiles a Pepe en todo momento
00:24:17Y me hagas saber si él y Paula están en contacto de alguna manera
00:24:19Lo primero
00:24:21Lo único que supe de ti
00:24:23Fue tu nombre
00:24:27No dejes de usarlo, mamá
00:24:30No tienes que esconderte
00:24:32Ni dejar atrás a esa mujer que estuvo en la cárcel
00:24:35Esa etapa
00:24:37Por más dura que haya sido
00:24:39Forma parte de ti
00:24:41No es una mancha en tu historia
00:24:43Es una muestra de resistencia
00:24:45De fortaleza
00:24:47Esa mujer luchó
00:24:49Mantuvo en pie
00:24:51Y tiene su verdad
00:24:53Y hoy
00:24:55Después de todo lo que me contaste
00:24:57Después de entender tus motivos
00:25:00Me siento increíblemente orgullosa de ella
00:25:03De Saida
00:25:05De mi mamá
00:25:08Nunca pensé que llegaríaste
00:25:10Tener que escuchar esas palabras de ti
00:25:14Siempre tuve mucho miedo de tu reacción
00:25:16Cuando conocieras mi pasado
00:25:21Gracias por ver más allá de mis errores
00:25:30Perdón, pero yo no puedo estar aquí
00:25:32Sabiendo que mi hermana está tan mal en un hospital
00:25:34Aunque Natalia no quiera, yo voy a ir al hospital
00:25:36No, por supuesto
00:25:38¿Y sabes qué?
00:25:40Yo te voy a acompañar
00:25:42Voy por mis cosas y vamos contigo
00:25:44No, por supuesto que no, Paula
00:25:45Tienes que cuidarte
00:25:47No te puedes exponer a un virus
00:25:49O alguna infección en el hospital
00:25:51A ver, voy a ir con Rosa
00:25:53Quiero estar con Rosa
00:25:55Paula, Paula, Paula
00:25:57En este caso voy a estar de acuerdo con Rolando
00:25:59Tú no puedes enfermarte en este momento
00:26:01¿De acuerdo?
00:26:03Y mucho más ahora que
00:26:05Sí, sí, sí
00:26:07Tenemos nuevas esperanzas
00:26:09¿De qué hablan?
00:26:11Cosas de familia, Rolando
00:26:13Algo que no te incumbe a ti
00:26:15Y te llamamos inmediatamente para
00:26:17Sí, para decirte cómo está Rosa
00:26:19Y aprovecho y hablo seriamente con Natalia
00:26:21Vamos, vamos
00:26:25Tienes razón, por favor
00:26:27Dale un abrazo así muy grande
00:26:29A Rosa de mi parte
00:26:31Por favor le dices que la quiero mucho
00:26:33Que la estamos esperando aquí
00:26:35Con mucho cariño
00:26:37Muchas gracias
00:26:39Con su buen permiso
00:26:41Gracias, gracias
00:26:43Todo va a estar bien
00:26:54No, no, no
00:26:56No vaya a estar tranquilo
00:26:58Hasta que no escuches todo lo que te tengo que decir
00:27:00Andrea, no, escúchame Andrea
00:27:02Mi historia
00:27:04Mi historia con Lorenzo
00:27:06No tiene por qué ser igual que la tuya con tu mamá, amiga
00:27:08Yo no quiero que sea así
00:27:10Yo en ningún momento te presioné
00:27:12Para que tomaras la decisión, Andrea
00:27:13No lo hice
00:27:15Porque para mí la persona más importante
00:27:17Dentro de todo este rollo eres tú, mi amor
00:27:19Yo voy a respetar tus tiempos
00:27:21Lo único que te pido
00:27:23Es que no seas tan dura con tu mamá
00:27:25Hasta que no conozcas
00:27:27Cómo sucedieron las cosas, mija
00:27:29Si hay alguien que tienes que culpar y molestarte
00:27:31Es a mí
00:27:33Yo fui quien la abandonó
00:27:35Yo te alejé de ella
00:27:37Porque creí en las mentiras
00:27:39Por lo que quieras
00:27:41Pero fui yo
00:27:43Dejé a esa mujer en la cárcel
00:27:45Y ni siquiera fui capaz de irla a visitar
00:27:47Ni siquiera me interesó saber la verdad
00:28:00Mi mamá y yo acabamos de hablar
00:28:02Y ya sé toda la verdad
00:28:06Me gustaría que viviéramos los tres juntos
00:28:09Y podamos ser una familia
00:28:11Miren quién está aquí
00:28:13La guapa de la escuela
00:28:16Devuélveme mi gorro
00:28:18Oye, abrieron un espacio
00:28:20En el grupo de purristas
00:28:22Deberías inscribirte
00:28:24Así ya puedes venir en falda
00:28:26Todos los días a la escuela
00:28:42¿Qué es lo que dejas de hacer en la escuela?
00:28:44A ver, no te cansan de molestar
00:28:46¿Bola de idiotas?
00:28:48En tu vida
00:28:50Vuelvas a decirnos idiotas
00:28:54¡Ahí te va, ahí te va!
00:28:58¡Toma, toma!
00:29:00¡Bro, ¿qué onda?
00:29:05No vuelvan a meterse con Diego
00:29:08¿Ahora vas a defender a tu novio?
00:29:10And what if I did?
00:29:12Are you jealous?
00:29:14That you like Diego?
00:29:15Or do you like me?
00:29:17Arturo, God!
00:29:20Enough, enough, enough!
00:29:21Listen to me carefully, all three of you.
00:29:24You're going to respect Diego,
00:29:26or you're going to see him with me.
00:29:40Hello, Natalia.
00:29:53How is Rosa?
00:29:55It seems she's not very well, but...
00:29:57I don't know.
00:29:58Actually, they haven't let me see her.
00:30:01Well, I'm going to get to the point.
00:30:02I want to know how much money you want
00:30:04to return the land to the Castillos.
00:30:06Listen, Lorenzo.
00:30:07Do you really think this is the right place
00:30:09and the right time to do that?
00:30:11How much money do you want, Natalia?
00:30:14You're a little late for that.
00:30:16I have news for you.
00:30:17I found an excellent buyer
00:30:19and he offered me an amount that I couldn't refuse.
00:30:22What are you talking about?
00:30:24I already sold the land, Lorenzo.
00:30:28Sorry to interrupt,
00:30:29but I wanted to come personally to talk to you.
00:30:32About what?
00:30:33I bought all this land from Natalia Ferrer.
00:30:35Now I own all of this.
00:30:37And I want you to leave.
00:30:38You have until the end of the month to do so.
00:30:43Rafael paid you for that land.
00:30:45You're playing dirty, Natalia.
00:30:47Listen, Lorenzo.
00:30:48We're in a hospital.
00:30:49You could behave, okay?
00:30:51We'll talk about this another time.
00:30:53You got that land based on lies.
00:30:55What you're doing is a big scam.
00:30:57And you know it.
00:30:59You don't have proof, do you?
00:31:02I'm going to get my lawyers to get that proof.
00:31:04And if you don't want to end up in jail,
00:31:06return that land to the Castillos.
00:31:10Look, it's not mine anymore.
00:31:12You hear me?
00:31:13There was a better position.
00:31:15Look for it and agree with him.
00:31:22This is not going to stay that way.
00:31:24I swear.
00:31:25It's not going to stay that way.
00:31:27Good luck.
00:31:31Thank you.
00:31:33I didn't think...
00:31:35I didn't think...
00:31:37That you would defend me in front of your friends
00:31:40when you really cared about what they thought.
00:31:43It's just that I used to be very naive.
00:31:46Diego, you're an amazing guy.
00:31:50I don't know.
00:31:51I want to fix everything so we can be okay again.
00:31:56The problem is that Andy didn't come and I wanted to talk to her.
00:31:59What for?
00:32:02Make a decision.
00:32:05I'm going to break up with Andy.
00:32:09But my cousin loves you.
00:32:12I love her too.
00:32:13I love her, but...
00:32:15as a friend.
00:32:16Not as a girlfriend.
00:32:18It's not fair that she's doing this to you.
00:32:23I feel like...
00:32:25I want to know you more.
00:32:29that you know me.
00:32:32I won't be afraid of what I feel for you anymore, Diego.
00:32:35I want to live it.
00:32:46So, you're afraid of heights?
00:32:48I didn't expect that.
00:32:50I'm terrified.
00:32:51I almost ruined our first date for the same reason.
00:32:54Oh, I don't even want to remember that day.
00:32:56Oh, but tell me.
00:32:58Well, your dad invited me to the fair and...
00:33:01Imagine, two weeks talking about everything your mom spent on that fair.
00:33:07I wanted to get on the wheel of fortune.
00:33:09My legs were shaking.
00:33:11Imagine, the wheel of fortune.
00:33:13So, I wanted to conquer it.
00:33:15I said, no, I don't want to get on the wheel of fortune.
00:33:17Oh, dad.
00:33:18And we were just getting on when Rafa grabbed my hand and said...
00:33:23Do you remember?
00:33:24That you were terrified.
00:33:25I didn't tell you I was terrified.
00:33:26Yes, you told me you were terrified.
00:33:27I was white, my daughter.
00:33:28I had a white face.
00:33:30What did I tell you?
00:33:31Do you remember what I told you?
00:33:33Close your eyes.
00:33:35And don't open them until we get to a very high place.
00:33:40And when I opened them, that was our first kiss.
00:33:55No, no.
00:33:56That can't be true.
00:33:57Yes, it is.
00:33:59Now I'm the owner of all this land and I need you to leave.
00:34:04Hey, hey, hey.
00:34:05Hey, hey, hey.
00:34:06What's going on here?
00:34:27I'm going to make a little hole in Brian.
00:34:29And you'll leave him there?
00:34:30We'll find out right now.
00:34:31Did you leave him alone in the room?
00:34:33He's free.
00:34:34This Thursday at the end of the notice.
00:34:35Hey, you'd better stay.
00:34:37This magician disappeared a million people.
00:34:40When the sketch started, we had two million people watching us.
00:34:43Now that it's over, we only have one.
00:34:45Because if we don't go for you.
00:34:47I'm watching this show of macabre stories.
00:34:49We have many more important things to do.
00:34:51Why do we turn off the TV?
00:34:52Macabre Stories, this Saturday at 11 p.m.
00:34:55There are too many pieces left.
00:34:57It's Gael.
00:34:58No one can see you.
00:34:59That blanket smells like my mom.
00:35:01What if you kill her there?
00:35:02What do you feel for her that you don't want her to be your sister?
00:35:05But they will all fit very soon.
00:35:07Since I paid you to separate Luisa and Marcelo, you have done absolutely nothing.
00:35:11Did you do it for money or are you a lover of Zahid?
00:35:13Monday to Friday, 9.30 at night.
00:35:15Stop being dazzled by the surprises we bring to you.
00:35:19Livia Brito.
00:35:20Godfather, my only father.
00:35:22I had already put you on the horns.
00:35:24And in the studio, Nebulosa.
00:35:26I don't need anyone's approval.
00:35:28Handsome, but no joke.
00:35:30Or jackal, but fulfilled.
00:35:32At night, but without sleep.
00:35:33This Friday at the end of the noughty.
00:35:35For some, love is passionate and jealous.
00:35:38And what do you think you are defending the dirty salaried?
00:35:40Others no longer believe in him.
00:35:42I've been thinking that maybe I don't have to fall in love anymore, right?
00:35:45I never did.
00:35:46But there are for those who are the most important.
00:35:49That's the least I can do for Elena, right?
00:35:51For her, I am Eva.
00:35:52Monday to Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon.
00:35:56No, that's impossible because I am a virgin.
00:36:00She got pregnant by mistake.
00:36:04Then she met him.
00:36:05I am Juana Bravo.
00:36:06Gabriel Rubio.
00:36:07And in the end, he fell in love.
00:36:09How does a love that started at the end end?
00:36:11The story of Juana.
00:36:12Starts June 3, 9.30 at night.
00:36:15I need you to return to the mansion to prepare a special dinner.
00:36:18A surprise to see you here.
00:36:20Are you going to change here?
00:36:21If you are comfortable, I am also comfortable.
00:36:24Last time I ask you, you sold our daughter.
00:36:26You're going to ask me to be your wife in front of dad.
00:36:30What do you prefer?
00:36:31Have me as if I were your lover?
00:36:32Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
00:36:50A program of N+.
00:36:51Monday, May 13 and Wednesday, May 15.
00:36:53After in point with the stars.
00:36:55Hey, it's better that you stay.
00:36:57This guy disappeared a million people.
00:37:00When the sketch started, we had two million people watching us.
00:37:03Since it ended, we only have one.
00:37:05Because if we don't go for you.
00:37:07I'm watching this show of macabre stories.
00:37:09We have many more important things to do.
00:37:11Why do we turn off the TV?
00:37:12Macabre stories, this Saturday, 11 at night.
00:37:20This is the best time to live the NBA.
00:37:24It's spectacular.
00:37:25It's the best basketball in the world.
00:37:28That's why the NBA came to television.
00:37:30Live all your emotions on VIX and on 9.
00:37:33Did I tell you or not?
00:37:34I told you.
00:37:49Handsome, but no joke.
00:37:51Or jackal, but fulfilled.
00:37:53At night, but without sleep.
00:37:54This Friday at the end of the night.
00:37:56There are too many loose pieces.
00:37:58It's Gael.
00:37:59Nobody can see him like that.
00:38:00That blanket smells like my mom.
00:38:02And if you kill her there?
00:38:03What do you feel for her that you don't want her to be your sister?
00:38:06But they will all fit very soon.
00:38:08Since I paid you to separate Luisa and Marcelo,
00:38:10you have done absolutely nothing.
00:38:11Did you do it for money or are you a lover of that girl?
00:38:13Monday to Friday, 9.30 at night.
00:38:16Juan is my pride.
00:38:17He will have such a different life from his mother and mine.
00:38:21Between love and a dream.
00:38:23That obsession of being a father keeps me away from Gabriel.
00:38:26But he is mine.
00:38:27Betrayal is born.
00:38:28I already control the actions of this company.
00:38:30And one day I will stay with Gabriel.
00:38:32The story of Juan.
00:38:33Starts June 3, 9.30 at night.
00:38:36These wrestlers will ask for a break.
00:38:38Are we going on vacation or not?
00:38:43Do you need help?
00:38:44I only have three rooms.
00:38:46No way.
00:38:47I'm going to make a little hole in the braille.
00:38:49There you have it.
00:38:50We'll find out right now.
00:38:52Did you leave him alone in the room?
00:38:53It's free.
00:38:54This Thursday at the end of the notice.
00:38:56Start your day well is to do it well informed.
00:38:59In the news we have for you the most relevant stories of Mexico and the world.
00:39:04I am Carlos Hurtado and I will share all the information with you in a timely and quick way in the news.
00:39:09A NMAS news.
00:39:11Monday to Friday at 5.50 AM with the stars.
00:39:16This Sunday, consecrated and heirs will throw a lot on the stage.
00:39:19This challenge is to sing.
00:39:21They will travel to the past to connect with their inner child.
00:39:24I'm young sometimes.
00:39:25And they will receive musical support from their secret weapons.
00:39:28Pedro Capo, Alex Fernandez, Pati Candú and Prince Roy.
00:39:31Game of Voices. This Sunday at 9 at night with the stars.
00:39:36Imagine a future where your entrepreneurship transforms the life of your community.
00:39:39In Nacional Monte de Piedad.
00:39:41And possible.
00:39:42We believe in the power of innovation.
00:39:44To make that dream come true.
00:39:45Join us.
00:39:46And build the future you want for your business.
00:39:49Register at posible.org.mx
00:39:52A program supported by Nacional Monte de Piedad.
00:39:54And Televisa Foundation.
00:39:55Hey, it's better if you stay.
00:39:57This magician disappeared a million people.
00:40:00When the sketch started, we had two million people watching us.
00:40:03Now that it's over, we only have one.
00:40:05Because if we don't go for you.
00:40:07I'm watching this show of macabre stories.
00:40:09We have many more important things to do.
00:40:11Why do we turn off the TV?
00:40:14This Saturday at 11 at night.
00:40:16There are too many loose pieces.
00:40:19No one can see him like that.
00:40:20That blanket smells like my mom.
00:40:22And if you kill her there?
00:40:23What do you feel for her?
00:40:24That you don't want her to be your sister.
00:40:26But they will all fit very soon.
00:40:28Since I pay you to separate Luisa and Marcelo, you have done absolutely nothing.
00:40:31Did you do it for money or are you a lover of Zahid?
00:40:34Monday to Friday, 9.30 at night.
00:40:43Juan is my pride.
00:40:44He will have a life so different from his mother's and mine.
00:40:48Between love and a dream.
00:40:50His obsession with being a father keeps me away from Gabriel.
00:40:53But he is mine.
00:40:54Betrayal is born.
00:40:55I already control the actions of this company.
00:40:57And one day I will stay with Gabriel.
00:40:59The story of Juana starts June 3, 9.30 at night.
00:41:02Esmeralda discovers a great secret.
00:41:05Your parents are both.
00:41:06Rodolfo and I.
00:41:08And his future is uncertain.
00:41:11Jose Armando will make decisions.
00:41:13You can't pay me!
00:41:14That will make her suffer.
00:41:17Monday to Friday, 2.30 in the afternoon.
00:41:20For the stars.
00:41:41Monday to Friday, 5.30 in the afternoon.
00:41:43For the stars.
00:42:10Leo opens his grandfather Paul a profile in an appointment application in which he will meet the beautiful Loreto.
00:42:33Who seems to have been captivated with the details that gives a lover to the old.
00:42:40The rose of Guadalupe.
00:42:42Premiere chapter.
00:42:43Wednesday with the stars.
00:43:04The stars.
00:43:05The stars.
00:43:06The stars.
00:43:07The stars.
00:43:08The stars.
00:43:09The stars.
00:43:10The stars.
00:43:11The stars.
00:43:12The stars.
00:43:13The stars.
00:43:14The stars.
00:43:15The stars.
00:43:16The stars.
00:43:17The stars.
00:43:18The stars.
00:43:19The stars.
00:43:20The stars.
00:43:21The stars.
00:43:22The stars.
00:43:23The stars.
00:43:24The stars.
00:43:25The stars.
00:43:26The stars.
00:43:27The stars.
00:43:28The stars.
00:43:29The stars.
00:43:30The stars.
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00:43:32The stars.
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00:45:22The stars.
00:45:23The stars.
00:45:24The stars.
00:45:25The stars.
00:45:26The stars.
00:45:27The stars.
00:45:29A mess.
00:45:30We're going to have to reconsider.
00:45:37I don't know.
00:45:38I don't believe it.
00:45:39Believe it.
00:45:42Believe it because we're a family.
00:45:45The three of us.
00:45:50Do you know anything about Rosa?
00:45:51How is she?
00:45:52She's delicate, honey.
00:45:55You know how much it hurts me to not be able to take care of him right now.
00:46:01But I have good news.
00:46:05Your grandfather went to Germany in search of a miracle.
00:46:09And he met a doctor named Müller.
00:46:13Dr. Müller is a specialist, an eminence.
00:46:17He specializes in complicated tumors like mine.
00:46:21The doctor stayed to analyze my case.
00:46:23And this morning he called your grandfather to tell him that he agreed to come to Mexico to operate on me.
00:46:29I'm happy, my love.
00:46:32So, mom, that means...
00:46:35Yes, there is a great possibility that he can remove the tumor and that he can recover me.
00:46:40There is a great possibility.
00:46:43Mom, that's incredible.
00:46:47Are you going to be okay?
00:46:49I hope so.
00:46:50I hope you are going to be very well, my love.
00:46:53And you know what?
00:46:55I don't just want that help for myself.
00:46:58I was thinking a lot and planning the possibility that through the foundation that I made,
00:47:05Dr. Müller can help other patients who are having a hard time.
00:47:10And who do not have the resources to attend because these treatments are very expensive, my love.
00:47:16Very expensive.
00:47:17My love, very expensive.
00:47:19Mom, you impress me.
00:47:23Well, I don't know. I feel that at the moment when you should be thinking only about yourself and your recovery,
00:47:31you are thinking about others and helping.
00:47:33It's just that, my love, thinking about others and understanding that there are other people who are going through the same thing as me,
00:47:41well, that, you know, gives me hope.
00:47:43It makes me feel very good.
00:47:45The fact that you can do something for other people makes me feel good.
00:47:51It makes me feel good.
00:48:01The doctor had not let me come in to see you, but I have not moved.
00:48:05I have been here very close to you, I promise you.
00:48:08Thank you, my love.
00:48:10Daughter of my soul.
00:48:11I have everything prepared for our trip.
00:48:14What trip?
00:48:17I saw you a lot, mommy, on the trip we are going to do together to get you better.
00:48:22Do you remember?
00:48:24Natalia, my life, I'm not going to get better anymore.
00:48:27Don't say that.
00:48:29I'm going to take you to the best doctors.
00:48:31You're going to go with me even if you don't want to because I love you.
00:48:34This is the end, daughter.
00:48:38No, mommy, I'm going to help you.
00:48:39I already have the money, I'm your daughter and I always get everything I propose and I'm going to save you.
00:48:45If you can help me.
00:48:47How? Tell me how.
00:48:49I want you to straighten your path, Natalia.
00:48:52I know you can live a wonderful life surrounded by love.
00:48:57I've seen how you drive so many good people away from your side.
00:49:02Out of envy, competition and jealousy.
00:49:05It doesn't make sense.
00:49:06It doesn't make sense.
00:49:09Life is so short, daughter.
00:49:12It's just a sigh.
00:49:14It's not worth it to sink into hatred of the past.
00:49:20I beg you.
00:49:22Fix all the bad things you've done.
00:49:25If you really love me.
00:49:27If there is love in your heart towards me, that I am your mother.
00:49:31Help me.
00:49:33Help me to go in peace.
00:49:37And be the good woman I wanted.
00:49:42I'm doing exactly what you asked me to do.
00:49:45I moved away from Paula and now you come to take away the legacy of my family?
00:49:49Stop it.
00:49:51Don't get me started, Pepe.
00:49:53This is just business.
00:49:55Of course it's not business.
00:49:57You bought the land from Natalia with the intention of screwing me.
00:50:02With me, whatever you want.
00:50:03But don't mess with my family.
00:50:06Like you messed with mine?
00:50:08You took my wife and my children.
00:50:10Don't you remember that?
00:50:12Please, what are you talking about?
00:50:14You want to destroy a heritage that my parents built in years.
00:50:21What one day we want to leave my brother and me to our children.
00:50:25You have no right to do something like that.
00:50:27I don't care that this place of garnacha is the inheritance of your children.
00:50:31Now all this is mine.
00:50:33I saw you very well.
00:50:35I owed your parents a month to get them out of here.
00:50:38You're a miserable.
00:50:41I'm not going to let you take away my family and our heritage.
00:50:45I'm not going to allow it.
00:50:47I bought this place from Natalia legally, Pepe.
00:50:51But she already stole this land from us with deception.
00:50:53And you know it.
00:50:55I'm going to get a lawyer and this is not going to stay that way.
00:50:57Do it.
00:50:59Please do it.
00:51:00I don't have enough resources to put up with a trial.
00:51:02And you are a starving man, Pepe.
00:51:04Hire a lawyer.
00:51:06Do it.
00:51:08The only thing you're going to lose is your time and money.
00:51:11That you don't have.
00:51:13Do it.
00:51:21What happened?
00:51:23Are you okay?
00:51:25This bastard bought the land.
00:51:27He gave us a month to occupy it.
00:51:31Does that mean I have to leave the agency too?
00:51:34This is not going to stay that way.
00:51:36I have decided to prevent Rolando from getting away with it.
00:51:40This guy thinks I'm going to give up under his pressure.
00:51:44He's very wrong.
00:51:47Since I had you in my arms,
00:51:50I promised you that you would never be alone again.
00:51:53Nor would you miss hugs.
00:51:56That those little eyes would never reflect fear again
00:51:59because I was going to protect you with my life,
00:52:02if it was necessary.
00:52:05Since I took you in my arms,
00:52:08I was sure you were my son.
00:52:11And I will always be your son.
00:52:13Since I took you in my arms,
00:52:16I was sure you were my daughter.
00:52:19And that I was not going to allow anything or anyone to hurt you.
00:52:27Correct the course of your life, daughter.
00:52:31I am ready to leave.
00:52:34I am prepared.
00:52:37Make me that promise.
00:52:40Give me the gift of dying in peace.
00:52:43Listen to me.
00:52:47You may be ready to leave.
00:52:52But I'm not ready to let you go.
00:52:56You can't die.
00:52:58Please don't leave me.
00:53:07Don't leave me.
00:53:13Don't leave me.
00:53:24How did it go at school, honey?
00:53:32Some guys from the soccer team are bringing me down.
00:53:35Can you believe that in the middle of 2024
00:53:38some guys still think that being gay is wrong?
00:53:41Oh, honey.
00:53:43You don't know how...
00:53:46I don't know. I feel...
00:53:49very ugly that those things still happen.
00:53:52We lack education. That's what happens.
00:53:55We lack education and sensitivity
00:53:58to understand those issues that should no longer be taboo.
00:54:02For God's sake.
00:54:04I'm going to go to school. I'm going to talk to the principal.
00:54:07No, no, no. Mom, calm down.
00:54:08I know, but...
00:54:11It's just that...
00:54:13Arturo defended me.
00:54:17Yes. He sent his friends to hell for me.
00:54:20Oh, I like that.
00:54:22I like that.
00:54:24I know, Mom, I know.
00:54:26But that's what gets me going.
00:54:28Sometimes he's very close to me and then he moves away.
00:54:32I think you should be patient with him.
00:54:34Because maybe he's trying to overcome
00:54:38his fears, his own taboos.
00:54:41Yes, yes, yes, I know.
00:54:44But it's just that...
00:54:46It confuses me a lot, Mom.
00:54:48It confuses me a lot because
00:54:50sometimes I think that maybe he wants something with me.
00:54:54Maybe he's living his own process and his own struggle
00:54:58and maybe he's going to adapt.
00:55:02Give him a chance, honey.
00:55:07And he also told me that he's going to cut Andy off.
00:55:12That he loves her a lot, but that he doesn't love her that way.
00:55:17Honey, a relationship is just for that.
00:55:21To meet the other person and get to know you.
00:55:24And no matter how much it hurts if it doesn't work...
00:55:27Yes, I know, Mom, and you're right.
00:55:30But I can't lose sight of the fact that Andy is my cousin.
00:55:36And that I love her.
00:55:38And I don't want her to suffer because of this.
00:55:41And besides, with how bad it is for her at home.
00:55:45Why? What's going on?
00:55:49Rafa is dating a woman who spent a lot of time in prison.
00:55:54Honey, I'm going to tell you a secret.
00:55:57But if I tell you, it's because I trust you
00:56:01and because I know how much you and your cousin love each other.
00:56:05And because Andrea is going to need you close by.
00:56:09That woman you're talking about is the psychologist
00:56:13who comes to the house and is helping our family.
00:56:18Yes, well, in fact, she's a psychologist.
00:56:22Yes, well, in fact, I had already spoken to my brother.
00:56:25He told me that she's very nice and that she helps him a lot.
00:56:29Very nice and had a very difficult life.
00:56:33And yes, of course, she made mistakes because she was cornered by the circumstances,
00:56:38but she deserves a second chance.
00:56:41Like everyone.
00:56:44Especially because she's Andrea's mother.
00:56:51You're an inept, a trash doctor.
00:56:54If my mom dies, I'm going to sue you for negligence.
00:56:57The doctor is doing everything he can to help your mom.
00:57:00Stop thinking about yourself for a minute.
00:57:03There are people suffering like Gracia.
00:57:07I love Rosa.
00:57:09She's my sister.
00:57:11So to both of us, to you and me, the world is coming at us.
00:57:16I'm going with my mom.
00:57:17I'm not going to leave her for a second.
00:57:21And I don't want you near me or my mom.
00:57:25You're never going to be part of my life.
00:57:39Did you say hello to your friend?
00:57:40Let's go.
00:57:46Why are you dressed like that?
00:57:49Well, because I wanted to get pretty to come see you.
00:57:54Why don't you tell me why you came and we'll finish this.
00:58:01I'm here to talk about my agency.
00:58:03Now that you own all the land in Los Castillos, I want to know if you're going to kick me out too.
00:58:08If I'm going to run with the same luck as that beautiful family.
00:58:14Rolando, I can compensate you if you put that land in my name.
00:58:20That agency is all I have.
00:58:23And well, for a man as powerful as you, what I'm asking for is a thousand bucks, right?
00:58:43I want you to keep an eye on Pepe closely.
00:58:46If he tries to get close to my wife for any reason, let me know immediately.
00:59:01I can't consider returning the land to Los Castillos, but that's going to depend entirely on you.
00:59:09What do you mean?
00:59:12I'm very sorry for your loss, Rosa.
00:59:22I want you to be completely mine.
00:59:24I want you to be completely mine.
00:59:27I want to have you in my arms, feel you in every way.
00:59:32I will never be yours.
00:59:35Let me go.
00:59:37You just condemned the Castillo family.
00:59:54You condemned the Castillo family.