Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back-SD

  • 5 months ago
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00:01:19 A lovelier bride I've never seen.
00:01:21 You, you're wonderful.
00:01:23 Will you always be happy?
00:01:26 Always?
00:01:27 Do you mind?
00:01:28 Not at all, Oba.
00:01:29 Why, my dear, this is the only reason that I ever come to weddings.
00:01:33 A charming custom, isn't it, kissing the bride?
00:01:36 I've heard it so described, but never for the bride.
00:01:39 Uh, excuse me, Oba, but this gentleman is next.
00:01:43 I beg your pardon.
00:01:44 Oh, my very.
00:01:45 My dear Gwen.
00:01:46 Hello, Drummond.
00:01:47 Hello.
00:01:48 Say, I was just wondering, what became of Algie?
00:01:50 Who?
00:01:51 Algie, the bridegroom, you know, her husband.
00:01:53 Oh, you mean that lonely little chap with a face like a rabbit.
00:01:57 There he is.
00:01:58 [Music]
00:02:01 Oh, I see.
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00:02:06 Ah, the bridegroom.
00:02:08 Hearty congratulations, my dear fellow.
00:02:10 Thank you.
00:02:11 They say I'll be very happy.
00:02:13 Algie, have you kissed her yet?
00:02:16 Well, not since the ceremony.
00:02:18 You go to her, and if she raises the slightest objection, put your foot down.
00:02:23 There must be no discrimination against the husband.
00:02:25 Thanks, Hugh.
00:02:26 That's a very interesting way of looking at it.
00:02:28 Good.
00:02:29 [Music]
00:02:36 Darling.
00:02:37 [Music]
00:02:40 Darling, can I see you for a minute?
00:02:43 [Music]
00:03:00 I'll get it.
00:03:03 Oh, would you excuse me just a minute, darling?
00:03:05 Remember, just one minute.
00:03:07 Just one minute, my pet.
00:03:10 Oh, Hugh.
00:03:13 You're not going to leave me alone the night of all nights.
00:03:16 This is your wedding night, Algie.
00:03:17 The night of all nights, you should be left alone.
00:03:19 A matter of custom, I suppose.
00:03:21 I'm afraid so.
00:03:23 Well, anyway, it was awfully nice of you to come all the way back from Africa just to attend my wedding.
00:03:27 Well, Algie, this is the end.
00:03:29 The end not only of your adventuring, but mine too.
00:03:32 The old team of Drummond and Algie retires together.
00:03:35 Never again to fare forth into the night armed with toothbrush and gun.
00:03:39 I suppose some of the unhappiest moments of my life were spent with you, old boy.
00:03:43 Well, Algie, it was fun then.
00:03:46 But now, oh, I'm fed up.
00:03:50 I've had all the thrills I ever wanted.
00:03:53 War, adventure, big game hunting.
00:03:55 And all I want now is peace and quiet.
00:03:58 To stretch out on a grassy slope, face to the sun,
00:04:01 the ripple of a babbling brook making soft music,
00:04:04 to drowse there, Algie, through the years
00:04:08 with just a pipe, a dog, and a book.
00:04:11 Any particular book?
00:04:13 Never you mind. You get back to Gwen and never leave her again.
00:04:16 Never, Algie, for any reason.
00:04:18 I'll speak to her about it.
00:04:19 All right. See you before you go.
00:04:21 My holy shaky dog.
00:04:32 If it isn't Drummond, Bulldog Drummond.
00:04:35 Nielsen, my dear fellow, I'm delighted. How goes Scotland Yard?
00:04:37 Why aren't you still in Africa?
00:04:38 Algie's wedding. You wouldn't have me miss that, would you?
00:04:40 All the week I've had the dull, sickly feeling
00:04:43 that something horrible was going to happen to me.
00:04:45 And here you are.
00:04:47 As Algie would say, I don't follow you, Inspector.
00:04:49 The moment you come to London, trouble starts. And you know it.
00:04:52 The last time you arrived, some silly arse tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.
00:04:56 Dreadful, Inspector, dreadful.
00:04:57 Oh, come, will you stop calling me Inspector?
00:05:00 I'm sorry, Colonel Alfred, Reginald, Nielsen, DSO, MC,
00:05:03 Assistant Commissioner, Scotland Yard.
00:05:05 Drummond, you're a splendid fellow in many ways, no doubt.
00:05:07 But for the sake of peace and quiet, why can't you go back to Africa tonight?
00:05:11 Inspector, I'm saying goodbye to all excitement.
00:05:14 Tomorrow morning early, I'm leaving London for Sussex.
00:05:16 Good.
00:05:17 Yes, I'm going to devote the rest of my life to raising hollyhocks.
00:05:19 Huh?
00:05:20 Hollyhocks. Tall, ugly little flowers.
00:05:23 No perfume. Very bad smell, in fact.
00:05:25 May I ask why you're going down to Sussex to raise these kinking little flowers?
00:05:29 Oh, I'm fed up.
00:05:31 Inspector, ever since the war, I've...
00:05:33 Ah. Congratulations.
00:05:35 Thank you.
00:05:36 Sorry I couldn't be at the ceremony, Algy,
00:05:38 but I've arrived in time to wish you both happiness.
00:05:40 Thank you, Colonel. We both miss you.
00:05:42 Goodbye, my dear, and a life filled with happiness.
00:05:53 Thank you, Hugh.
00:05:54 And when we get back, we want you to be the first to visit us.
00:05:57 Thank you.
00:05:58 Algy, old friend, our paths may cross again one day,
00:06:01 but until they do, goodbye and good luck.
00:06:03 Goodbye, Hugh. Don't forget to telephone us, even if it's just a postcard.
00:06:07 I will, I promise.
00:06:08 Goodbye to you, Inspector.
00:06:09 I shall now vanish into the fog, possibly never to be seen again.
00:06:13 That should cheer you up.
00:06:15 But you're not going to walk in this fog.
00:06:17 We live in the same building. Let me give you a lift.
00:06:19 We'll drop you off.
00:06:20 No, thanks. No, the fog seems to utter something I want.
00:06:23 Peace and quiet.
00:06:25 Goodbye, Gwen.
00:06:26 Goodbye, Hugh.
00:06:27 Algy.
00:06:28 Bye, Hugh.
00:06:29 Colonel.
00:06:31 [music]
00:06:36 Yes, I still have a feeling I shan't get a wink of sleep tonight.
00:06:41 That's strange. I have something of the same feeling about myself.
00:06:44 Algy.
00:06:45 Look out where you're going, can't you?
00:06:55 Sorry, old man.
00:06:56 [music]
00:07:01 Pardon?
00:07:02 Huh?
00:07:03 My fault, I'm afraid. Forgive me.
00:07:05 Oh, wait just a moment, please.
00:07:08 Who was it you just spoke to?
00:07:12 Nobody.
00:07:13 Oh, yes, you did. I heard you.
00:07:15 Was it a man or a woman?
00:07:17 Uh, neither.
00:07:19 As a matter of fact, it was some kind of a poet.
00:07:21 A telegraph poet.
00:07:22 You spoke to a telegraph poet?
00:07:24 Oh, just a little.
00:07:26 All I said was, "Please forgive me."
00:07:28 You see, I bumped into it quite accidentally.
00:07:31 I don't believe you. You're lying to me.
00:07:34 Why does everybody lie to me?
00:07:36 Hey, wait a minute, please.
00:07:39 Pardon me, Governor.
00:07:49 I've got a light.
00:07:50 I've got a light.
00:07:51 Thanks.
00:08:00 Soupy, ain't it?
00:08:02 I'll give you my word, Governor.
00:08:04 I've been lost in this here blinking fog for three blooming days and three blasted nights.
00:08:09 How about you, Governor? Lost in the fog, too?
00:08:12 To tell you the truth, my friend, I'm afraid I am.
00:08:14 Well, what are we going to do about it?
00:08:16 Ah, that's the difficulty.
00:08:18 Hold on, I've got it.
00:08:19 Look, you attach yourself firmly to this post.
00:08:21 And hold tight, you understand.
00:08:23 Meanwhile, I'll go to this house and ask permission to phone.
00:08:27 [burp]
00:08:28 [burp]
00:08:30 [burp]
00:08:32 [burp]
00:08:33 [knocking]
00:08:44 [burp]
00:08:55 [burp]
00:08:56 [phone ringing]
00:09:03 Hello?
00:09:22 [phone ringing]
00:09:24 Hello there.
00:09:35 Anyone at home?
00:09:37 [music]
00:09:46 [phone ringing]
00:09:48 Hello?
00:09:58 May I use your telephone?
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00:10:32 [phone ringing]
00:10:33 [bark]
00:10:52 [bark]
00:10:57 [bark]
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00:11:27 [music]
00:11:37 [phone ringing]
00:11:54 [phone ringing]
00:11:55 [phone ringing]
00:11:58 Hey, officer!
00:12:01 Officer, I found it for you.
00:12:08 Found what, sir?
00:12:09 The body.
00:12:10 Come quickly.
00:12:12 Yeah, yeah.
00:12:13 Oh, what's all this about, eh?
00:12:15 [phone ringing]
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00:12:26 [music]
00:12:27 Oh, that's funny.
00:12:28 [burp]
00:12:30 Locked.
00:12:31 [knocking]
00:12:33 Now, there's no use doing that.
00:12:34 There's no one at home.
00:12:35 Yes, sir?
00:12:38 May we come in?
00:12:41 If you wish, sir.
00:12:46 Just a moment, please.
00:12:47 Could you reach C?
00:12:51 Where were you two minutes ago?
00:12:54 Here, sir.
00:12:56 Well, why didn't you summon the police?
00:12:58 For what, sir?
00:12:59 Are you sure you got the right house, sir?
00:13:01 Oh, positive.
00:13:02 Now, now, sir.
00:13:03 What is it you want?
00:13:04 Now, one moment, sir.
00:13:05 This is all very highly irregular.
00:13:07 Yes, and that body, officer, is very highly irregular.
00:13:09 The body?
00:13:10 What sort of body?
00:13:12 The body of a man who was shot.
00:13:14 The body?
00:13:15 What sort of body?
00:13:16 You were saying, sir?
00:13:20 I was saying that I was in here two minutes, three minutes ago.
00:13:25 Saying.
00:13:26 Was this gentleman in this house two minutes, three minutes ago?
00:13:30 Nor your highness.
00:13:32 Proceed, sir.
00:13:34 Two minutes, three minutes, four minutes ago, sir.
00:13:38 In that room, on a divan lay a body.
00:13:43 A body of a man who had died in great agony.
00:13:45 Well, this is shocking.
00:13:47 Too shocking for me to ignore, sir.
00:13:49 I'm afraid I shall have to insist on, on your looking again.
00:13:53 I beg your pardon.
00:13:54 Permit me.
00:14:14 I am Prince Ahmed of Shavi.
00:14:16 Drummond, sir.
00:14:17 Hugh Drummond.
00:14:18 Mr. Drummond.
00:14:19 My daughter, Mrs. Southam.
00:14:20 How do you do?
00:14:21 At least you were not in the room before.
00:14:24 Or I would most certainly have noticed.
00:14:27 Where's the monkey?
00:14:33 Here now.
00:14:34 Never mind the monkey.
00:14:35 Where's that body you said you saw?
00:14:37 Officer.
00:14:40 Blimey.
00:14:41 Is this your corpse?
00:14:43 Seems to me, he's very much alive.
00:14:46 You're mistaken, sir.
00:14:48 Yes, sir.
00:14:49 I was just looking for him.
00:14:50 I'm afraid I must have missed him.
00:14:52 It's a pity, sir.
00:14:54 I'll go and look for him.
00:14:55 I'll go and look for him.
00:14:57 I'll go and look for him.
00:14:58 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:00 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:01 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:02 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:04 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:05 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:06 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:07 I'll go and look for him.
00:15:08 You're mistaken, sir.
00:15:09 Yes, you're right.
00:15:10 Pardon me, but how long have you been here?
00:15:15 About two hours.
00:15:18 Two hours?
00:15:20 Yes, I fell asleep right after dinner.
00:15:22 Aren't you the man they call Bulldog Brummond?
00:15:27 Bulldog?
00:15:28 At this moment, Mrs. Southern, not nearly as much bulldog as Pomeranian.
00:15:33 And now, are you quite satisfied that we're harboring no bodies?
00:15:36 Violently dead or otherwise?
00:15:38 Quite. My only concern now is for my own sanity.
00:15:42 All right, officer, I'll go quietly.
00:15:45 Sorry to trouble you, sir.
00:15:46 And a thousand apologies, your highness, for this stupid intrusion.
00:15:50 Good night.
00:15:52 If this fellow bothers you again tonight, let me know.
00:16:05 [Helicopter]
00:16:07 Here, what have you been up to this evening?
00:16:17 I've been to a wedding reception, officer.
00:16:20 Oh. Well, you'd better go home and sleep it off.
00:16:23 And stop bothering people.
00:16:25 All right, officer, good night.
00:16:26 Good night.
00:16:27 [Helicopter]
00:16:31 [Helicopter]
00:16:33 [Helicopter]
00:16:46 [Helicopter]
00:16:54 [Helicopter]
00:17:21 Captain Drummond, if you place the slightest value on your life,
00:17:25 I advise you to forget this whole incident.
00:17:29 [Helicopter]
00:17:31 [Helicopter]
00:17:43 [Helicopter]
00:17:56 [Helicopter]
00:17:58 Well, here we are.
00:18:10 That's right. Kind of fun, isn't it?
00:18:13 I mean, just sitting around like this, together.
00:18:16 And all those people down at the station waiting to throw rice at us.
00:18:20 And that's so cozy here.
00:18:22 Oh, Algie, I'm the happiest woman in the world.
00:18:25 Oh, no, darling, I am.
00:18:28 [Clears throat]
00:18:33 What, dear?
00:18:35 Nothing. I just cleared my throat.
00:18:37 Oh.
00:18:38 [Clears throat]
00:18:39 Like that.
00:18:41 I thought you said something.
00:18:43 No. Just cleared my throat.
00:18:46 Do you think it'd be all right if I took off my coat?
00:18:54 Oh, you could take off your coat, I guess.
00:18:57 Yes, I guess I can.
00:19:00 Well, I took it off.
00:19:13 Oh, just one little wee little moment, darling.
00:19:23 Oh, that's all right, darling.
00:19:25 No hurry, you know.
00:19:27 [Phone rings]
00:19:43 Hello, darling.
00:19:47 Hello, sweetheart.
00:19:49 Algie, something terrible has happened.
00:19:51 I want you to come over at once.
00:19:53 But, Hugh, I can't leave here now.
00:19:56 I really can't.
00:19:57 Well, not yet, anyway.
00:19:59 But, my dear fellow, this is the chance of a lifetime.
00:20:03 Just think of it, Algie, my very life has been threatened.
00:20:06 And by as sinister a character as you.
00:20:08 Huh?
00:20:09 But, Hugh, what I mean to say is,
00:20:12 well, to put it one way, here I am and here she is.
00:20:17 Sort of a critical moment.
00:20:20 Oh, Algie.
00:20:22 Mouthy, mouthy.
00:20:25 Well, I've got to be getting along.
00:20:31 Where are you going?
00:20:33 No use mentioning words.
00:20:34 I've got to see Drummond on business.
00:20:36 Oh, Algie, please don't go.
00:20:39 I'll be back, of course, but right now I've got to be getting along.
00:20:42 Well, au revoir.
00:20:44 That's the French goodbye, remember?
00:20:47 Au revoir.
00:20:49 Suddenly, I looked behind me and there stood Prince Ackman,
00:20:55 who said if you place the slightest value on your life, Captain Drummond,
00:20:59 you will forget the entire incident.
00:21:01 Oh, it was splendid.
00:21:04 Splendid, Algie.
00:21:06 I knew it.
00:21:07 I knew it in me bones.
00:21:09 The moment I saw you today, I said to myself, no sleep for me tonight.
00:21:13 But, my dear fellow, I'm not going to sleep tonight.
00:21:16 But, my dear fellow, I tell you this is serious.
00:21:18 The body was there.
00:21:19 I saw it.
00:21:20 Touched it.
00:21:21 We've got to do something.
00:21:22 How about all of us just going on home?
00:21:24 Oh, home.
00:21:25 You're a nice enough fellow, Drummond.
00:21:27 Well, you have your faults.
00:21:29 But why don't you get along down to those, those,
00:21:31 what were those stinking little flowers you were going to raise?
00:21:34 Hollyhocks.
00:21:35 Hollyhocks.
00:21:36 Well, why don't you get down to your hollyhocks tonight
00:21:38 and let Algie and me get back to bed?
00:21:40 What do you mean, back to bed?
00:21:41 You don't believe me?
00:21:42 You won't do a thing?
00:21:43 Certainly not.
00:21:46 In the first place, your Prince Ahmed is a distinguished visitor to England,
00:21:49 not a criminal.
00:21:50 In the second, you're a harebrained young arse
00:21:53 who'll probably find an Egyptian mummy in your bed or a shark in your bath.
00:21:57 Thirdly, I'm sleepy.
00:21:59 But mummy or no mummy, leave me alone and let me sleep.
00:22:03 You believe me, don't you, Algie?
00:22:06 I believe you, Hugh, but he's got the right idea.
00:22:09 Now, just see this picture, Algie, if you can.
00:22:12 Now, now, try.
00:22:13 A dark and gloomy house in the fog.
00:22:16 A sinister prince out of a very sinister orient.
00:22:19 And a body that disappears.
00:22:22 Now, Algie, in the whole picture there's only one flaw.
00:22:25 Now, we need a girl, Algie, very beautiful and very seductive.
00:22:29 A girl to make a man's heart tremble.
00:22:31 A girl in distress.
00:22:33 But first of all, she must be beautiful.
00:22:36 [knocking]
00:22:42 And by Christopher, look, Algie, here she is.
00:22:50 Oh, please come in. We were just discussing you.
00:22:53 I wouldn't do that if I were you.
00:23:00 A girl knocked at my door one night last June.
00:23:03 It was nearly September before I could get her out.
00:23:06 She's not drugged.
00:23:12 Algie, it's her nerve. Something serious has happened.
00:23:14 Parker, Brandy, quick.
00:23:16 Yes, sir.
00:23:17 There must be a lot of other doors in London to knock on.
00:23:20 Why does she have to pick on yours?
00:23:22 Ah, that's part of the mystery.
00:23:23 Who is she? Where does she come from?
00:23:25 And why has she flown straight as an arrow to my door?
00:23:30 [door opens]
00:23:32 Now don't be alarmed.
00:23:45 Yes, you're quite right. We've met before.
00:23:49 I'm the fellow that chats with telegraph poles.
00:23:53 [footsteps]
00:23:55 Where's Colonel Nielsen?
00:24:03 He lives in the flat above.
00:24:04 But they told me upstairs I'd find him down here, and I must find him.
00:24:07 Matter of fact, he just left.
00:24:08 But if you'll tell us, perhaps we can help you.
00:24:11 Are you a detective?
00:24:15 Well, an amateur detective.
00:24:17 My most amusing hobby.
00:24:19 I've been looking for my uncle. He's disappeared.
00:24:22 Oh, I don't know what you can do.
00:24:24 Oh, try us.
00:24:25 If it looks too much, I'll get Nielsen out of bed again.
00:24:28 Well, we just reached London this morning.
00:24:32 My uncle and Aunt and I from the East Indies aboard the Bombay Girl.
00:24:35 That's a cargo ship.
00:24:36 Yes.
00:24:37 Well, we came across from quarantine and went straight to a hotel near the dock.
00:24:40 Then my uncle left us about 11 o'clock this morning to make some sort of report to the owner of the ship.
00:24:44 And that's the last we've seen of him.
00:24:46 And the owner, did he get the report?
00:24:48 Prince Ahmed?
00:24:49 Prince.
00:24:50 I... I don't know.
00:24:52 Biology!
00:24:54 What about Prince Ahmed?
00:24:57 Well, that's the strange part of it.
00:24:59 He's the owner of the Bombay Girl.
00:25:01 And this evening when I went to his house, they told me my uncle had never arrived.
00:25:04 Oh, they acted so peculiarly. That's what worries me so.
00:25:07 Wait.
00:25:12 Mayfair, 6257.
00:25:18 [phone ringing]
00:25:20 Hello.
00:25:32 Hello.
00:25:33 Can you come down here for a moment?
00:25:35 Oh, my aunt.
00:25:37 My sainted aunt.
00:25:39 No, no, no, no, Drummond, listen.
00:25:42 I'm no longer a young man.
00:25:44 I've got a lot of work to do tomorrow.
00:25:46 And will you please, in the name of mercy, leave me alone?
00:25:50 Algy, that settles it.
00:25:56 You and I are now in complete charge.
00:25:58 Now, tell me all you know about Prince Ahmed.
00:26:02 Well...
00:26:03 But first, your name.
00:26:04 My name is Phil. Lola Phil.
00:26:07 Mine's Drummond. Hugh Drummond.
00:26:09 And, uh...
00:26:13 The alert panther man on your right is Algy.
00:26:16 Algy!
00:26:17 Oh, someone say something?
00:26:20 Now, Miss Phil.
00:26:23 Well, Prince Ahmed has been Uncle Paul's employer in the East for the past 15 years.
00:26:29 But recently, my uncle received orders to sell everything to Prince Owen.
00:26:32 House, land, everything.
00:26:33 Put every shilling into something.
00:26:35 I don't know what that something was because Uncle Paul wouldn't tell me.
00:26:38 Then to load it onto the Bombay girl and bring it here to London.
00:26:41 You haven't the faintest idea what the cargo is.
00:26:43 Well, I'm not sure, but I think it was furs.
00:26:46 Furs?
00:26:47 Yes, valuable furs from Northern China and Siberia.
00:26:49 Yes, go on.
00:26:50 Well, there's only one explanation, and that really isn't a very good one because I don't know what it means.
00:26:54 What was this... this explanation, Miss Field?
00:26:57 A radiogram.
00:26:58 In code?
00:26:59 Yes, how did you know?
00:27:01 Ah, you see, Algy, how it builds and grows within two minutes.
00:27:04 A girl in distress, a lost uncle, and now a radiogram in code.
00:27:08 Do you know where it came from?
00:27:10 Port Said on the Suez Canal.
00:27:12 Port Said?
00:27:13 Yes, you see, we stopped there two weeks ago to take a sick deckhand ashore.
00:27:16 Then when we reached the hotel this morning, my uncle was in such a hurry to get to the Prince that he forgot the radiogram.
00:27:22 And that Martha, knowing how important it was, asked me to take it to him.
00:27:25 So your aunt knows what it said.
00:27:27 Yes, Uncle Paul must have told her I know because she was terribly upset too.
00:27:31 All right, Algy, we're off. On the first hop.
00:27:33 Parker.
00:27:34 Yes, sir.
00:27:35 My hat and coat.
00:27:36 Algy, your things.
00:27:37 Miss Field, your arm.
00:27:38 Do you mind telling me where we're going?
00:27:45 To Miss Field's hotel to get some very important information from her aunt.
00:27:49 The meaning of that radiogram.
00:27:51 I'll get my feet.
00:28:03 Good evening, Miss.
00:28:12 Good evening.
00:28:13 Oh, no, I'm already registered.
00:28:17 I want my key, please.
00:28:18 What name, Miss?
00:28:20 Field.
00:28:22 Lola Field, room 34.
00:28:24 Field.
00:28:25 34.
00:28:27 Algy, I'm afraid we're too late to help her much.
00:28:32 Don't you think that the body you saw at the prince's house was her uncle?
00:28:35 Well, it fits in.
00:28:37 We'll offer you the teller.
00:28:38 Oh, I've got to be certain.
00:28:40 And I'm telling you, Miss, you're off your nap.
00:28:42 I'm telling you, I am registered here.
00:28:44 Are you addressing Miss Field?
00:28:46 She's off her nap.
00:28:47 I'll trouble you to keep a civil tie on your head, my friend.
00:28:49 All I'm saying is that I've never seen her or heard of her in me life before.
00:28:53 Never heard of her? Why, she lives here.
00:28:55 She don't live here and never did.
00:28:57 He's mistaken. I was talking to him this morning and the manager too.
00:29:01 We are registered.
00:29:02 Miss Field, is this the East India Hotel?
00:29:05 Yes.
00:29:06 And Miss Field is not registered here, nor her aunt or uncle?
00:29:09 Now you can look for yourself.
00:29:11 Oh, that's ridiculous. I saw Uncle Paul registered this morning.
00:29:14 My aunt, where is she?
00:29:15 Sure, Miss, I don't know.
00:29:17 Well, General, you're in the air of confusion, isn't it?
00:29:20 I beg your pardon.
00:29:21 Something wrong, sir?
00:29:23 I'm the manager.
00:29:24 Mr. Hendricks will tell you. He knows I live here.
00:29:26 You know this lady?
00:29:28 No, I'm afraid not, sir.
00:29:30 Why, you do know me. I was speaking with you only this morning.
00:29:33 Me, Miss?
00:29:34 Yes.
00:29:35 Now, there must be some mistake, Miss. Not me.
00:29:37 Oh, no, no, no. There's no mistake. I...
00:29:39 Just wait.
00:29:40 Would you have any objection to our looking at room number... what is it?
00:29:43 34.
00:29:44 34, sir? Well, that's occupied.
00:29:47 But we've got some other rooms.
00:29:48 No, no. We just want to look at room 34, if you've no objection.
00:29:51 Oh, if you insist, sir, certainly not.
00:29:54 Just come with me, please, sir.
00:29:55 Thank you.
00:29:56 (knocking)
00:30:04 No question about the number?
00:30:05 No, no. I'm absolutely positive. Room 34.
00:30:08 Well?
00:30:11 I beg your pardon, sir, but this young lady here would like to see the room for a minute.
00:30:14 Oh. What's the idea?
00:30:16 It's just for one minute. That's all, sir.
00:30:17 I know, but listen here.
00:30:18 One minute, that's all.
00:30:19 But look here.
00:30:20 Just a minute.
00:30:25 Now, Miss Field, is this your room?
00:30:27 No, it's not the same furniture.
00:30:30 Not the same wallpaper.
00:30:33 Well, everything seems different.
00:30:34 Now, you see, sir, I'm afraid the young lady's in the wrong hotel.
00:30:37 I'm not in the wrong hotel. I was here this morning, and you know it.
00:30:40 But, miss, there must be some mistake.
00:30:41 No, there's no mistake. You know that...
00:30:42 Just one minute, please.
00:30:43 How long have you occupied this room?
00:30:45 You get out of here, the old blooming lot of you.
00:30:48 What kind of a hotel do you call this?
00:30:50 A lot of blokes busting in on a man on his wedding night.
00:30:53 It's a slight mistake, that's all.
00:30:54 You off it!
00:30:55 I'm very sorry, sir.
00:30:56 Is this your wedding night?
00:30:57 It is! And what's more, I can prove it!
00:30:59 Say no more. I know just how you feel.
00:31:02 You'll pardon me, sir, but I think the little lady's a bit confused, sir.
00:31:11 Well, scarcely more than I.
00:31:12 Thanks for the trouble, anyway.
00:31:13 Not at all, sir.
00:31:14 Good night, Captain Drummond.
00:31:16 Drummond?
00:31:19 Why do you call me Captain Drummond?
00:31:21 You told me that was your name, sir.
00:31:22 Oh, no, no, no. You're mistaken.
00:31:23 I never told you my name.
00:31:25 As a matter of fact, my name is Fortescue.
00:31:28 Mortimer P. Fortescue.
00:31:30 Remember that.
00:31:31 Yes, Mr. Fortescue.
00:31:33 Well, that clears that all up.
00:31:38 You do believe me, don't you?
00:31:43 I do, but I shouldn't.
00:31:45 When you knocked at my door and fainted in my arms, I said to myself, "This is serious."
00:31:49 But now, there's no sense to it.
00:31:51 Not even a lark anymore.
00:31:53 Oh, I'm sorry.
00:31:58 I didn't mean to hurt you.
00:32:00 I promise you we won't give up.
00:32:05 Now, you spoke of a radiogram received by your uncle on board ship.
00:32:13 Yes.
00:32:14 Have you brought it with you?
00:32:15 Yes, I have, but I...
00:32:16 Oh, I don't think I should.
00:32:19 You don't trust me, hmm?
00:32:21 Trust you?
00:32:22 Oh, yes.
00:32:24 Well?
00:32:25 Well, it was just that you...
00:32:28 It was just that you'd done enough.
00:32:31 More than enough.
00:32:33 Not half I'd like to.
00:32:35 Splendid.
00:32:36 Algy, how's the old noodle? On edge?
00:32:39 Huh?
00:32:41 Excellent. Working like a whip, I see.
00:32:43 Here. Have you got a pencil?
00:32:45 Yes.
00:32:47 I want you to make a copy of this radiogram,
00:32:50 with all the speed and accuracy possible only to an ex-officer in His Majesty's Signal Corps.
00:32:55 But you, I haven't decoded a message since the armistice.
00:32:58 Now, now, Algy, this is no time to tell me of your war experiences.
00:33:01 Just copy it. Quick.
00:33:03 Really, I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am.
00:33:07 Don't. Let's save it until we've run out of conversation.
00:33:10 That won't be for hours.
00:33:15 Well, so far there's no way of telling my wedding night from any other.
00:33:18 Never mind, Algy. You're going home now.
00:33:20 Home? Do you think you can spare me?
00:33:22 No, I'm afraid I can't. You're going home to translate that code.
00:33:24 And, Algy, I want you to work on it as you've never worked before,
00:33:27 sparing time for neither food, sleep, nor love.
00:33:30 That rather narrows down my activities, don't you think?
00:33:33 [engine starts]
00:33:35 How long now?
00:33:52 She'll be around soon. It's wearing off.
00:33:54 Did you find anything?
00:33:57 Nothing.
00:33:58 Did you search her thoroughly?
00:33:59 From head to foot.
00:34:01 Then where is it again?
00:34:02 I tell you we've got to find it and destroy it.
00:34:05 You're a blundering idiot.
00:34:08 Why didn't you fetch the girl too?
00:34:10 She was in fair highness. The old woman was all alone.
00:34:13 Then where is she?
00:34:14 [phone rings]
00:34:16 Hello?
00:34:19 It's for you, highness.
00:34:21 Yes?
00:34:24 Hello.
00:34:25 Yes. She was here.
00:34:27 Yes.
00:34:28 We'd hardly finished changing the numbers on the doors.
00:34:31 And you was right. Drummond was with her.
00:34:34 Where did she go?
00:34:35 She drove away in his car.
00:34:37 And I saw her take a piece of paper out of her purse and show it to him.
00:34:40 It must have been the radiogram.
00:34:42 All right. Don't worry.
00:34:44 And above all, don't talk.
00:34:46 So it's still Captain Drummond.
00:34:54 He has obviously chosen to ignore my most excellent advice.
00:34:59 That was very, very unwise of him.
00:35:04 You know, at last I've decided what you're like.
00:35:17 You're like someone out of a book.
00:35:19 I know. I'll have a drink.
00:35:22 Will that be all, sir?
00:35:24 That's all, Parker.
00:35:26 Now, this will do you good.
00:35:28 Sugar?
00:35:32 No, just lemon.
00:35:34 Have a biscuit.
00:35:39 No, thank you.
00:35:40 Piece of cake.
00:35:44 You know, I'm very good at cooking omelets.
00:35:48 No, really.
00:35:50 That's better. Now you're smiling.
00:35:52 Well, it's rather difficult not to with you.
00:35:54 Besides, you seem to have given me courage and hope.
00:35:57 A feeling of safety that I didn't believe was possible.
00:35:59 Leave it to little Oliver.
00:36:01 Now I can go to work.
00:36:04 Where are you going?
00:36:06 This time I'm going to make sure of getting Nielsen out of bed.
00:36:09 With a pistol?
00:36:11 Well, it's not a bad idea, but I don't think it's necessary.
00:36:15 You know, I have a witness for him this time.
00:36:18 You.
00:36:19 Now, in the meanwhile, just relax.
00:36:22 Try and believe that everything is going to come out all right.
00:36:26 Will you? Will you?
00:36:28 I'll be back in a minute.
00:36:43 A minute.
00:36:45 [door slams]
00:36:47 [wind howling]
00:36:49 [wind howling]
00:36:51 [wind howling]
00:36:53 [wind howling]
00:37:19 [wind howling]
00:37:21 [wind howling]
00:37:29 [wind howling]
00:37:36 [wind howling]
00:38:02 [wind howling]
00:38:04 [horse neighing]
00:38:18 [wind howling]
00:38:45 Drummond, you young fool, do you realize you're beginning to haunt me like a nightmare?
00:38:49 Well, you know what we're going to find, don't you?
00:38:51 What?
00:38:52 The girl's gone, of course. Kidnapped.
00:38:54 Some rock like that.
00:38:55 You're wrong, Inspector. She's here and very beautiful.
00:38:58 You ready?
00:39:00 Smile now.
00:39:02 Lola!
00:39:08 Lola!
00:39:12 Lola!
00:39:14 Lola! Miss Fields!
00:39:22 Parker!
00:39:24 Lola!
00:39:32 She's gone!
00:39:36 May I go to bed now?
00:39:38 Oh, I tell you this is serious, Nielsen. She was here, I swear it.
00:39:41 You found a body. It disappeared.
00:39:44 You found a girl. She disappeared.
00:39:47 She had a hotel room. It disappeared.
00:39:50 Why is it my blasted luck that everything and everybody can disappear except you?
00:39:56 Now, now, wait.
00:39:58 As a favor, a personal favor, I want a couple of your men to come with me to Prince Ackman's house and search it now.
00:40:04 I see. Just a born disturber of other people's sleep.
00:40:08 Will you or will you not?
00:40:10 Will I not? But I'm going to put an end to the whole affair now.
00:40:13 Once and for all.
00:40:15 Hello? Hello?
00:40:17 This is Colonel Nielsen. Put me through to Scotch on the Arp.
00:40:20 Oh, will you please listen?
00:40:22 Sussex.
00:40:24 Hollyhocks.
00:40:26 Peace and quiet.
00:40:28 Lola!
00:40:32 Lola!
00:40:38 I want two capable men sent immediately to the residence of Prince Ackman in Rodney Square.
00:40:45 Their orders will be to keep Captain Hugh Drummond, a man with a mad glint in both eyes, out of the premises.
00:40:53 And if necessary, to arrest him and lock him up. That's all.
00:40:58 Finished with the phone, Inspector?
00:41:04 Drummond, I warn you, if you annoy Prince Ackman again tonight, you'll be arrested.
00:41:08 Go to bed and stop bothering people. Good night.
00:41:10 See you later.
00:41:12 Darling, you'll never leave me again, will you?
00:41:15 Never, my love, never. And I'll be right back, too.
00:41:19 Aren't you tired yet?
00:41:21 Well, I could do with a wink or two.
00:41:24 Oh, you sweet little mousy-mousy, you.
00:41:28 [phone ringing]
00:41:38 Hello? Hello? Hello? Is that you, Algy?
00:41:42 Hello? Algy? Algy, something terrible has happened.
00:41:46 I want you to come... Algy! Hello? I want you to come over at once. Hello?
00:41:53 [knocking]
00:42:06 [rustling]
00:42:22 [music]
00:42:51 Wait here and keep the motor running.
00:42:54 Yes, sir.
00:42:55 But for heaven's sake, be careful.
00:42:58 The last time I heard of him, he was in Africa shooting lions.
00:43:04 Every time that blighter comes to town, there's always trouble.
00:43:08 You're right.
00:43:19 If you ask me, Al, I don't think that blighter's going to turn up tonight at all.
00:43:24 Well, you never know, you know. He's a slippery fellow.
00:43:27 You've got to be on the watch.
00:43:29 Orders is orders.
00:43:31 [burp]
00:43:39 [water flowing]
00:43:55 I can't seem to remember what happened.
00:43:58 My husband! Did he reach you?
00:44:02 Yes, he was here.
00:44:04 Oh, I am so glad.
00:44:07 The very thought of that ship coming into port without the authorities knowing...
00:44:11 I've never seen him so worried.
00:44:14 Then your husband told you what was in the radiogram?
00:44:17 Yes, but no one else, of course.
00:44:20 Then in all of London, there is no one who knows but just you and us here?
00:44:25 And Mr. Field, of course.
00:44:27 And Mr. Field, of course.
00:44:29 Mrs. Field, Dr. Southern is going to give you a sleeping draught.
00:44:34 Oh, but I don't...
00:44:35 You need rest.
00:44:37 Take it and trust me.
00:44:40 Ah.
00:44:42 I'm so weak.
00:44:55 [breathing]
00:45:22 Mrs. Field.
00:45:25 Mrs. Field!
00:45:32 [crickets chirping]
00:45:56 Brandy powder.
00:45:57 Yes, sir.
00:45:58 Quick, quick!
00:46:00 Mrs. Field.
00:46:02 Brandy, sir.
00:46:04 Mrs. Field.
00:46:20 This is very important. Can you understand me?
00:46:26 I'm Captain Drummond, a friend of Lola's.
00:46:30 Do you know the meaning of this radiogram?
00:46:33 Yes, I... I know. I know it.
00:46:38 It's...
00:46:39 Oh, Mrs. Field, try and answer, please.
00:46:42 I... It...
00:46:45 It's...
00:46:48 Mrs. Field.
00:46:51 Splendid.
00:46:52 I was afraid for the moment we were going to find out what it was all about.
00:46:55 Watch her, Parker. I'll be back.
00:46:57 Yes, sir.
00:46:59 I tell you, he wants to see me. I have an appointment.
00:47:03 You can't, sir. He's a thief, and he won't see anyone, sir.
00:47:06 Oh, I've got to see him.
00:47:08 Hmm? What's going on?
00:47:10 Is that you, Watkins?
00:47:11 Yes, sir.
00:47:12 Colonel Nielsen, wake up.
00:47:13 Oh, you.
00:47:14 You must come quickly. I've got the aunt downstairs. She's been drugged.
00:47:16 Aunt? What aunt? Whose aunt?
00:47:18 Great heavens, where do you dig up all these people?
00:47:21 I can't stop the talk now. Jump into this and come down.
00:47:23 I'm going to hang you, Drummond, I swear it.
00:47:26 That's quite all right.
00:47:27 From tonight on, I shan't be happy till I see your worthless body swinging from the gallows.
00:47:31 Splendid, but come quickly.
00:47:32 And I'm going to spring the trap myself, personally.
00:47:36 Mrs. Field.
00:47:45 Mrs. Field.
00:47:47 Mrs. Field, Parker.
00:47:50 Oh, Mrs. Field.
00:48:01 Oh, Mrs. Field.
00:48:04 I...
00:48:16 Don't tell me.
00:48:17 I know.
00:48:18 The aunt's gone, too.
00:48:20 Isn't that so?
00:48:22 Drummond, you're a blithering, blasted young fool.
00:48:27 You're a menace to every blithering, blasted man, woman and child in England.
00:48:31 In every way you try to drive me insane tonight, by the Lord Harry...
00:48:36 If this keeps up, we'll have to get some more brandy.
00:48:47 Thank you.
00:48:48 Give me your phone.
00:48:50 Thank you.
00:48:55 Hello? Hello? This is Colonel Nielsen.
00:48:58 Give me Scotland Yard.
00:49:00 It's a habit.
00:49:02 If you'd stuck to those stinking little...
00:49:04 What were you going to raise?
00:49:05 Hollyhocks.
00:49:06 Hollyhocks?
00:49:07 Hello? This is Colonel Nielsen speaking.
00:49:10 Send two men, better make it six, to my flat.
00:49:14 I want them to take up a man and lock him in a cell.
00:49:17 No, in a dungeon.
00:49:19 All right. I'll keep him under lock and key till you get here.
00:49:24 Ah!
00:49:26 You're taking my telephone to bed.
00:49:29 Oh, blimey!
00:49:31 That'll stop your prowling.
00:49:37 And you'll stay there till the police come.
00:49:43 Stay there till the police come.
00:49:45 (Footsteps)
00:49:47 (Footsteps)
00:49:50 (Door opens)
00:49:52 (Footsteps)
00:50:17 Where do you get all this rope?
00:50:19 (Mumbles)
00:50:20 I see. Well, wait till I get a knife.
00:50:23 (Door closes)
00:50:25 Mousy, mousy.
00:50:38 I can't see you, my darling, but I'll find you.
00:50:41 (Telephone rings)
00:50:45 Now, who in the world could that be?
00:50:47 Oh, dear!
00:50:49 (Knocking)
00:50:52 Oh, I was beginning to be afraid you'd forgotten me.
00:50:56 Algy, where's the translation? Did you get it?
00:50:58 Well, I'll tell you about that, Hugh.
00:51:00 The reason I haven't done anything about that,
00:51:02 there's been something else on my mind all evening.
00:51:04 Oh, I haven't forgotten, Algy.
00:51:06 And I swear that nothing but a matter of the gravest importance
00:51:09 would bring me to you on such a night.
00:51:11 But that radiogram may mean life or death.
00:51:13 Algy, we've got to know.
00:51:15 Well, I suppose Gwen and I are still young,
00:51:17 plenty years ahead of us, eh?
00:51:19 Good fellow. Now get to work and bring me a translation
00:51:21 to Prince Ahmed's house in Rodney Square in half an hour.
00:51:25 Remember, Ahmed's house, half an hour.
00:51:28 Thirty minutes, eh?
00:51:33 How is she now?
00:51:39 She'll be all right. She's coming to.
00:51:41 Leave us alone, please. Please.
00:51:44 Where are they? My aunt and uncle?
00:52:07 Your uncle is dead.
00:52:10 Dead?
00:52:12 Then you killed him!
00:52:14 We'll discuss that at another time.
00:52:16 Oh!
00:52:17 And my aunt, where is she?
00:52:20 Your aunt is safe, so far.
00:52:22 What do you mean?
00:52:24 Miss Field, I shan't try to mislead you any longer.
00:52:27 It is impossible to exaggerate the danger of your present position,
00:52:33 yours and your aunt's.
00:52:35 It may sound fantastic to you,
00:52:37 but really, your lives depend on my getting possession of the radiogram
00:52:42 which your uncle received on the Bombay girl.
00:52:45 Radiogram? But I haven't got it!
00:52:48 What did you do with it, Miss Field?
00:52:50 Then allow me to guess.
00:52:56 You gave it to Captain Drummond.
00:52:58 No. No, I didn't. Honestly, I didn't.
00:53:00 Let me go. I'll get it for you. I promise you I'll get it for you.
00:53:03 No, no, no. You needn't bother.
00:53:06 Charming tab, Captain Drummond.
00:53:08 Very romantic.
00:53:10 We'll get it from him ourselves.
00:53:13 Sing!
00:53:14 Highness, take three men, armed,
00:53:18 and deliver for me a personal invitation to...
00:53:21 And remember, Sing, I'm at home to no one
00:53:28 but Captain Bulldog Drummond.
00:53:35 And let me remind you, my dear,
00:53:37 that not only your aunt's life, not only your own,
00:53:40 but also Captain Drummond's,
00:53:42 depends entirely upon the niceness of your behavior.
00:53:46 His Highness is expecting you, sir.
00:53:50 Oh. Still.
00:53:53 More or less open house tonight, isn't it?
00:53:56 Good evening, everybody.
00:54:04 Captain Drummond, no one has ever been more welcome.
00:54:09 Well, there seems to be a certain charm about this lovely old mausoleum.
00:54:14 Ah, Miss Field. Fancy finding you here.
00:54:17 What do you want, Captain Drummond?
00:54:19 Oh, you, of course.
00:54:21 Please go on. Forget me.
00:54:22 Forget you? I'm afraid that's impossible.
00:54:24 You'd better come with me.
00:54:26 Neither of you leaves this house tonight.
00:54:32 Now, listen, my good-natured friend.
00:54:34 Perhaps we can reach some agreement.
00:54:36 If you'll stop kidnapping people from my house,
00:54:39 I'll promise to stop breaking into yours.
00:54:41 Otherwise, this sort of thing might keep up all night.
00:54:44 Captain Drummond, I gave you fair warning to keep out of this.
00:54:48 I'm now giving you another chance.
00:54:51 Turn the radiogram over to me.
00:54:54 Otherwise...
00:54:56 Yes?
00:54:57 Oh, please, please, Captain Drummond. Give it to him.
00:55:00 You were saying?
00:55:01 Otherwise, I shall be compelled to use force.
00:55:04 Uh-uh.
00:55:05 Now, hear me, my melodramatic oriental.
00:55:08 I'll give you nothing.
00:55:10 And this radiogram now becomes a document that Scotland Yard must see.
00:55:15 And I'll further trouble you to keep your hands in front of you as I depart.
00:55:20 Miss Field, I'll call you later.
00:55:29 Oh, Lady Macbeth, I believe.
00:55:31 Sing, how, son?
00:55:33 Out of the way or I'll shoot.
00:55:35 Relieve Captain Drummond of his gun.
00:55:38 It's not loaded.
00:55:40 And now, what have you to say, Captain Drummond?
00:55:55 As awkward a situation, Your Highness, as any I can remember.
00:55:58 Empty-handed.
00:55:59 Entirely surrounded by villains, armed to the teeth and thirsting for my blood.
00:56:03 May I have a cigarette?
00:56:06 You will notice that, uh, in spite of my danger, I still remain calm and collected.
00:56:13 Keen and alert for the next move.
00:56:15 What will it be?
00:56:17 The radiogram, please.
00:56:20 You know, this means about half a million pounds to me.
00:56:23 Ah, the old saying, Your Highness, easy come, easy go.
00:56:27 Captain Drummond, you have ignored warning after warning.
00:56:32 You've interfered in the most reckless and foolhardy fashion.
00:56:37 When you gamble, Captain Drummond, you must also count on losing.
00:56:42 I'm not going to lose.
00:56:45 I'm going to win.
00:56:47 You must also count on losing.
00:56:50 See?
00:56:51 Get him, you fools!
00:56:56 The radiogram is gone.
00:57:09 Where is it?
00:57:10 I haven't got it.
00:57:11 Search him, you fools, search him!
00:57:13 I haven't got it, I tell you.
00:57:14 You're lying.
00:57:15 Give it to me, I tell you.
00:57:16 Drummond, I swear I'll kill you.
00:57:19 Let him up.
00:57:27 Who shall the rarer bear?
00:57:32 Rather a close shave, Your Highness.
00:57:43 Now, who's doing all this here?
00:57:45 Matter of fact, Officer, I am.
00:57:47 Captain Drummond.
00:57:52 Yes.
00:57:53 Now, if you'll allow me to explain...
00:57:57 That's all right, Your Highness, we'll handle him for you.
00:58:00 Now then, Captain Drummond, you've got to come along with us.
00:58:04 Orders is orders.
00:58:06 Officer, you're perfectly right.
00:58:08 Orders is orders.
00:58:10 But I tell you, it's unnecessary.
00:58:13 Apparently, there's been some silly mistake.
00:58:16 Captain Drummond is my guest.
00:58:18 I want him to remain here.
00:58:20 Generous, always generous to a fault.
00:58:23 But no, Your Highness, I am guilty.
00:58:26 I am ready to pay my debt to society.
00:58:29 That's very handsome of you, trying to shave him like that, sir.
00:58:33 Very handsome.
00:58:34 Now then, Captain Drummond, you come along with us.
00:58:41 Your Highness, this is probably your most embarrassing moment.
00:58:45 Good night, Your Highness.
00:58:51 You fools!
00:58:58 You bungled everything! Get out!
00:59:00 Get out!
00:59:01 You understand, Captain, we don't want to arrest you.
00:59:21 But you're behaving like a jack-in-the-box.
00:59:24 You can't do this sort of thing.
00:59:26 Orders is orders.
00:59:28 All right, officer, I'll go home.
00:59:30 All I need is peace and quiet.
00:59:33 - Carry on, old man. - Right on, Governor.
00:59:45 Algy!
00:59:50 Here, here. Where are you going?
00:59:53 None of that stuff now.
00:59:55 But that's Algy. He's a friend of mine.
00:59:57 There's danger for him if he goes into that house.
00:59:59 - Great danger, I tell you. - Now, you're having nightmares, sir.
01:00:02 Why, His Highness is one of the nicest, kindest gentlemen whatever I saw.
01:00:07 He wouldn't harm a fly.
01:00:09 All right, officer, I'll go.
01:00:14 - Good night. - Good night, sir.
01:00:16 And pleasant dreams.
01:00:18 Thank you. And sleep well.
01:00:21 Thank you, sir. The same to you, sir.
01:00:24 - Good night, sir. - Good night.
01:00:26 Good night.
01:00:27 Good evening.
01:00:32 Oh, is Captain Drummond here?
01:00:35 Are you a friend of Captain Drummond?
01:00:38 More like his right hand, I'd say.
01:00:40 Come right in, sir. You're indeed welcome.
01:00:43 Only stay but a moment, though.
01:00:45 - Wait here. - Yes, sir.
01:00:52 Yes, sir.
01:00:53 Good evening, everyone. I'm a friend of Captain Drummond.
01:01:01 Well, shall we sit down?
01:01:10 What did you want to see Captain Drummond about?
01:01:18 Fact is, I handled a little matter for him tonight.
01:01:21 Seemed to be a bit too much for him by himself.
01:01:23 But I decoded it.
01:01:25 Oh, a radiogram, wasn't it?
01:01:28 That's it, a radiogram and code.
01:01:30 Probably no more than ten men in London could have figured it out.
01:01:33 Well, no more than a thousand anyway.
01:01:36 And you have this translation with you?
01:01:38 Oh, yes. It would be pretty stupid of me to translate it and then forget to bring it.
01:01:42 Give it to me.
01:01:44 But it's for Drummond.
01:01:46 Give it to me, you fool. Give it to me!
01:01:49 Hello?
01:01:50 Just a moment, please.
01:01:52 It's Colonel Nielsen.
01:01:54 Tell him where you are.
01:01:56 Hello?
01:02:00 Yes, Colonel Nielsen.
01:02:03 I had him locked in his room, but he got out through the window.
01:02:08 Yes, Colonel. I understand perfectly.
01:02:11 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:17 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:24 I understand perfectly.
01:02:26 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:27 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:29 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:30 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:32 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:33 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:35 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:36 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:38 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:39 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:41 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:42 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:44 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:45 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:47 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:48 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:50 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:51 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:53 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:54 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:56 Yes, Colonel.
01:02:57 I'll do just as you say.
01:02:59 Yes, Colonel.
01:03:00 I'll do just as you say.
01:03:02 Yes, Colonel.
01:03:04 Yes, Your Highness.
01:03:05 Lock him in the cellar.
01:03:06 And hurry back.
01:03:08 Here, here.
01:03:09 Boys.
01:03:10 I'll report this case.
01:03:12 Where's the girl?
01:03:17 Upstairs, the room next to her arm.
01:03:19 Good.
01:03:20 Parker.
01:03:26 Yes, sir.
01:03:27 Take Mrs. Field to a hotel and make it a good stroma.
01:03:29 Then come back here and wait for me.
01:03:30 Yes, sir.
01:03:32 Now, Parker will tell you what to do.
01:03:34 Follow his instructions.
01:03:35 Turn off the lights.
01:03:36 Unlock those windows.
01:03:40 I have an idea there's going to be good hunting here soon.
01:03:43 Do you like hollyhocks?
01:03:44 Why, yes, I love them.
01:03:45 Why?
01:03:46 Nothing.
01:03:47 That's all I wanted to know.
01:03:48 On your way.
01:03:49 Quick.
01:03:50 [music playing]
01:03:53 [music playing]
01:03:56 [music playing]
01:04:00 [door opens]
01:04:01 [music playing]
01:04:15 [music playing]
01:04:18 [shouting]
01:04:42 [music playing]
01:04:45 Oh, there you are.
01:04:55 Hello, Algy.
01:04:56 What's new?
01:04:57 Drummond, we may as well speak bluntly.
01:05:05 I'm quite willing to admit that I'm without experience
01:05:08 in violence like this.
01:05:09 I'm not a criminal by choice or habit.
01:05:12 But you must believe me when I tell you that I'm prepared
01:05:15 to go to any lengths to get possession of that radiogram,
01:05:19 even to killing you if you make it necessary.
01:05:23 My dear fellow, you are without a doubt
01:05:26 one of the most engaging blackguards
01:05:28 I have ever encountered.
01:05:29 I know, of course, that you place no value on your own life.
01:05:32 Oh, no, no, no.
01:05:33 On the contrary, I love my life as a mother loves her child.
01:05:36 At 4 o'clock, I shall leave to watch the Bombay
01:05:39 girl unload its cargo.
01:05:40 So you have 20 minutes in which to tell me what you've
01:05:44 done with that radiogram.
01:05:45 20 minutes, Drummond.
01:05:47 No more and no less.
01:05:49 Remember, Drummond, 20 minutes.
01:05:56 No more and no less.
01:05:57 You said that.
01:05:58 You're repeating yourself.
01:06:00 Quick, Algie.
01:06:01 What about the translation of that message?
01:06:03 Whoop!
01:06:05 That's it.
01:06:06 What do you mean?
01:06:07 I ate it.
01:06:08 Ate it?
01:06:09 You know, like a spy, chewed it up and ate it.
01:06:13 Algie, that was only a copy.
01:06:15 They don't care about a copy.
01:06:17 I know that now.
01:06:18 I don't suppose you'd have a bit of bicarbonate soda
01:06:20 about you, would you?
01:06:21 Now, now, quick now, Algie.
01:06:22 Tell me, what did the radiogram say?
01:06:24 It said, "I'm going to kill you."
01:06:26 "Bicarbonate soda about you."
01:06:27 Now, now, quick now, Algie.
01:06:28 Tell me, what did it say?
01:06:30 It was to Paul Field, SS Bombay Girl,
01:06:33 en route Port Said to London.
01:06:36 Yes, yes.
01:06:38 "Please advise Prince Ahmed that Rogers died of colic."
01:06:43 Colic?
01:06:44 Sort of a children's stomach ache.
01:06:46 Usually comes from eating green apples.
01:06:48 Whoop!
01:06:51 Oh, Algie, Algie, you've missed it.
01:06:55 There was no signature.
01:06:57 Port Said, en route to Port Said.
01:06:59 That's where Lola said they put the sick sailor ashore.
01:07:03 Yes, and he was the one who died.
01:07:06 Ah, but not of colic.
01:07:07 Now, that wouldn't account for murder, for kidnapping.
01:07:11 Aye, Christopher, Algie, we've got to get out of this.
01:07:14 It'd be pretty nice if you cleared up the whole matter
01:07:16 so I could get home to bed, don't you think?
01:07:18 Algie, we must get out of here.
01:07:21 (knocking)
01:07:23 If only we could get someone to open that door.
01:07:29 That's only a house phone, old boy.
01:07:35 You can't get the police that way.
01:07:37 (yelps)
01:07:39 (phone rings)
01:07:46 Hello?
01:07:47 Hello.
01:07:49 Is this our host?
01:07:51 Greetings. How's the blood pressure?
01:07:54 Well, have you decided?
01:07:57 How much time have we?
01:07:59 You have 11 minutes to decide.
01:08:02 Then hear me, my foul friend.
01:08:05 We are now going to attack.
01:08:07 I promise you a word of honor that in 10 minutes,
01:08:09 no more, no less, we are coming up there
01:08:11 to nail your whole ruddy plan to the wall.
01:08:14 10 minutes. No more, no less.
01:08:18 What plan is that?
01:08:20 I don't know, but think of it, Algie.
01:08:22 From a locked room, practically a dungeon,
01:08:24 to complete mastery of the situation in 10 minutes.
01:08:26 Algie, if we can do that, we'll be superb.
01:08:29 We'll be a bit surprised, too, I guess.
01:08:31 I could admire that young man under other circumstances.
01:08:34 He's a fool.
01:08:36 On the contrary, he is too clever.
01:08:38 (phone rings)
01:08:40 Hello?
01:08:46 I've started, my pompous peacock,
01:08:48 and Mrs. Field is gone.
01:08:50 Nine more minutes.
01:08:52 Say now, Hugh, you don't want to get a Johnny
01:08:54 like that worked up, you know.
01:08:55 That's just what we do want, Algie.
01:08:57 I know of no better way of working up a Johnny
01:08:59 than by ringing bells.
01:09:01 (bells ringing)
01:09:03 (phone rings)
01:09:08 You understand, Drummond, you're only making
01:09:12 more unhappiness for yourself.
01:09:14 You're right, the old woman has gone.
01:09:16 Gone?
01:09:18 It's impossible. Why, he's locked up.
01:09:20 Did you look in the girl's room?
01:09:22 No.
01:09:23 Sing.
01:09:24 Go search the girl's room, quickly.
01:09:26 (bells ringing)
01:09:30 What do you want?
01:09:35 You were speaking of Miss Field, weren't you?
01:09:37 Well, she's gone, too.
01:09:39 Eight more minutes, my gaudy aristocrat.
01:09:42 No less.
01:09:44 But he can't.
01:09:46 He can't.
01:09:50 He's locked in the room without windows.
01:09:52 Iris, the girl is gone, too.
01:09:55 But how? It's impossible, I tell you.
01:09:58 (bells ringing)
01:10:01 (knocking)
01:10:03 Quite a musician, ain't he?
01:10:22 Reminds me of my son, Angus.
01:10:24 He's taking lessons on the bagpipe.
01:10:26 No.
01:10:28 (groans)
01:10:30 (bells ringing)
01:10:32 Anything yet?
01:10:43 (sizzling)
01:10:46 (sizzling)
01:10:49 (sizzling)
01:10:51 (sizzling)
01:10:53 (sizzling)
01:10:56 (sizzling)
01:10:58 (footsteps)
01:11:01 (footsteps)
01:11:03 (door opens)
01:11:31 Drummond.
01:11:33 (howls)
01:11:35 Howdy.
01:11:40 (music playing)
01:11:43 (music playing)
01:11:45 (music playing)
01:11:47 (music playing)
01:11:49 (music playing)
01:11:51 (music playing)
01:11:53 (music playing)
01:11:55 (music playing)
01:12:24 Put up your hand, sir.
01:12:26 Algy, we have company.
01:12:28 Now walk straight ahead, sir, both of you.
01:12:32 You know, Hugh, barring none, this is probably the dullest wedding night a man ever spent.
01:12:39 So, Captain Drummond, you were going to have me by four o'clock.
01:12:45 Well, roughly, yes, that was the idea.
01:12:47 And what have you to say now?
01:12:49 It isn't four o'clock yet.
01:12:51 Well, I must admit that I've rarely had the pleasure of knowing so courageous a fighter.
01:12:57 It's unfortunate that victory is a joy that cannot be divided.
01:13:03 Unfortunate, too, that only one of us will live to celebrate it.
01:13:07 You understand, of course, that a translation of your radiogram is already on its way to Scotland Yard?
01:13:14 Let me inform you, sir, that whatever happens now, it's too late to stop me.
01:13:19 A half hour ago, my ship left quarantine with a clean slate.
01:13:23 Quarantine?
01:13:24 And waiting at the dock are trucks and men.
01:13:26 In a half hour, her cargo will be ashore.
01:13:29 I'll have my half million pounds in gold and then, farewell to England.
01:13:33 I've got it, Algy.
01:13:36 By Christopher, I've got it at last.
01:13:38 Come, quick.
01:13:39 Stop or I'll fire.
01:13:40 Barry, this time I can't stop.
01:13:42 Drummond, this is your last chance.
01:13:48 Give me that radiogram at once or I'll kill you.
01:13:51 Your Highness, this is not your lucky night.
01:14:01 Hear, hear, hear now.
01:14:03 Who's doing all this here?
01:14:05 Who's shooting who?
01:14:07 Captain Drummond, strike me pink.
01:14:14 How did you get in here?
01:14:15 I thought I told you to stay out of here.
01:14:17 You're right, officer.
01:14:18 And I was trying to leave, but His Highness insists that I stay.
01:14:21 Oh, that's very handsome of you, sir.
01:14:24 As I said before, that's very handsome indeed.
01:14:27 Your odds in the right place, but orders is orders.
01:14:32 Now then, Captain Drummond, you've got to come along with us.
01:14:34 You see, Your Highness, I must tear myself away.
01:14:37 You know, orders is orders.
01:14:39 Come on, Algy, work to do.
01:14:41 Good night, Your Highness.
01:14:46 Keep speaking, I'm talking to you, sir.
01:14:48 I must.
01:14:49 Yes, but please.
01:14:50 Colonel Nielsen, Colonel Nielsen.
01:14:52 Huh? What the?
01:14:54 What's going on?
01:14:55 Watkins, are you there?
01:14:56 Yes, sir.
01:14:57 I'm sorry, but I must see you.
01:15:01 Who are you? What are you doing here?
01:15:03 I'm Lola Field and I've come on behalf of Captain Drummond.
01:15:05 What, another lunatic?
01:15:06 Watkins, show the young lady out.
01:15:08 No, no, no, you must listen to me.
01:15:10 Captain Drummond's in danger. They may kill him.
01:15:12 Good, the sooner the better.
01:15:13 Oh, but you don't understand. They've already killed my uncle and they may kill him too.
01:15:17 Oh, who's killed whose uncle?
01:15:19 Now, wait a bit.
01:15:20 Start at the beginning and tell me all about it.
01:15:23 Well, if...
01:15:24 Watkins, don't go.
01:15:26 Stop! In the name of the law, stop!
01:15:38 Orders is orders.
01:15:40 Probably none of my business, but where are we going?
01:15:43 To the docks.
01:15:44 To stop the Bombay girl from unloading her cargo.
01:15:46 Now hurry, hurry!
01:15:54 Hey, mate, where are you going?
01:16:07 On the yard.
01:16:08 And you, where are you going?
01:16:10 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:12 And you, where are you going?
01:16:14 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:16 And you, where are you going?
01:16:18 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:20 And you, where are you going?
01:16:22 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:24 And you, where are you going?
01:16:26 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:28 And you, where are you going?
01:16:30 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:32 And you, where are you going?
01:16:34 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:36 And you, where are you going?
01:16:38 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:40 And you, where are you going?
01:16:42 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:44 And you, where are you going?
01:16:46 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:48 And you, where are you going?
01:16:50 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:52 And you, where are you going?
01:16:54 I'm going to the docks.
01:16:56 And you, where are you going?
01:16:58 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:00 And you, where are you going?
01:17:02 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:04 And you, where are you going?
01:17:06 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:08 And you, where are you going?
01:17:10 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:12 And you, where are you going?
01:17:14 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:16 And you, where are you going?
01:17:18 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:20 And you, where are you going?
01:17:22 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:24 And you, where are you going?
01:17:26 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:28 And you, where are you going?
01:17:30 I'm going to the docks.
01:17:32 [music]
01:17:34 [music]
01:17:36 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:17:39 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:17:43 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:17:47 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:17:50 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:17:54 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:17:58 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:18:01 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:18:05 (explosion booms)
01:18:08 (men shouting)
01:18:11 - Hey, hey, where are you going?
01:18:33 - Here I am.
01:18:34 (men shouting)
01:18:36 (explosion booms)
01:18:44 - Oh, heaven's sake, how did it happen?
01:18:51 - It's Drummond, the fool.
01:18:53 - Oh, don't tell me, I can guess.
01:18:54 He set the ship afire.
01:18:55 - Yes.
01:18:56 - Oh, officer, keep the crowd away from the dock gates.
01:18:58 - Very good, sir.
01:18:59 - Throw him to headquarters.
01:19:00 - More men.
01:19:00 (men shouting)
01:19:03 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:19:07 (explosion booms)
01:19:12 - Ah, Inspector, up early this morning.
01:19:21 - Well, Drummond, you're in for a dish, I hope.
01:19:23 - Drummond, you shall answer in court
01:19:26 for every shilling you cost me tonight,
01:19:28 for every crime you committed,
01:19:30 and for the cargo of valuable pearls
01:19:33 which you have destroyed.
01:19:34 - Your Highness, may I have a cigarette?
01:19:36 - No more of this tomfoolery.
01:19:40 Consider yourself under arrest.
01:19:41 - Just one moment, Colonel.
01:19:42 This radiogram was received by Paul Field,
01:19:47 captain of this ship.
01:19:49 It is in code and concerns the mysterious death of a sailor.
01:19:53 - You're right, Hugh, that word was wrong.
01:19:55 The sailor didn't die of colic.
01:19:56 - Of course he didn't.
01:19:57 Colonel, this is the ship's private codebook.
01:20:01 The last word in that radiogram is cholera.
01:20:03 - Cholera?
01:20:05 And you were trying to smuggle infected cargo ashore
01:20:08 to risk starting a horrible plague,
01:20:10 a plague that might have meant the deaths of thousands?
01:20:12 - Every penny I had in the world
01:20:14 was invested in those pearls.
01:20:16 It is unfortunate that they turned out to be diseased.
01:20:20 However, gentlemen, I fought
01:20:23 precisely as I would fight again
01:20:25 under the same circumstances.
01:20:29 But as I said to Captain Drummond,
01:20:30 when a man gambles, he must be prepared to lose.
01:20:36 Gentlemen, I have lost.
01:20:39 (gun firing)
01:20:42 - Oh!
01:20:57 Hello, darling, I'm back again.
01:20:59 - Mousy, darling, where have you been all night?
01:21:04 - Where haven't I been, you mean?
01:21:05 (dog barking)
01:21:07 - Oh, what's the matter, baby, are you sick?
01:21:09 - Well, I could do with a bit of bicarbonate of soda.
01:21:13 (phone ringing)
01:21:16 Hello, Hugh, what's new?
01:21:19 - Algy, my dear fellow, I have pleasure in informing you
01:21:23 that a marriage has been arranged.
01:21:27 And will take place the moment you and Gwen
01:21:29 arrive here to witness the ceremony.
01:21:30 - But Hugh, I've got to get to bed and get a little sleep.
01:21:35 - Sleep, whoever heard of such a thing?
01:21:37 Why, it's daylight.
01:21:39 No, no, no, Algy, breakfast is waiting
01:21:42 and Lola is starving, aren't you, darling?
01:21:45 Come over at once.
01:21:46 - All right, we'll be over.
01:21:49 That was Hugh Drummond wants us to come over
01:21:52 and witness his marriage.
01:21:54 - His marriage, to whom?
01:21:56 - Some girl he met in the fog last night.
01:21:58 I never did catch her name.
01:22:00 - The way it's beginning to look to me,
01:22:02 we might as well have never been married.
01:22:04 - Well, cheer up, my pet.
01:22:08 Who knows, we may be very happy in our quiet platonic ways.
01:22:12 - Hollyhock, you asked me last night if I liked him.
01:22:21 - And you said yes, so I decided to marry you.
01:22:24 - Thanks to Hollyhock.
01:22:27 - Oh, darling, just think of it, peace and quiet,
01:22:30 a babbling brook, a few Hollyhocks
01:22:33 right against the garden wall.
01:22:34 (dramatic music)
01:22:37 (explosion booms)
01:22:48 [BLANK_AUDIO]