"We’re holding out until MARRIAGE to MAKE OUT – to honour each other."

  • 5 months ago
Credit: SWNS / Rebekah Hurford

A couple are waiting until marriage to kiss – to "honour" each other and create a "deeper connection".

Rebekah Hurford, 31, and her partner, Kirk Peter, 32, decided to wait until they tie the knot to have sex or make out properly.

The pair do share a peck and hug but put boundaries in place to ensure they don’t cross the line and never spend the night together.

Rebekah and Kirk, who works in video production, were raised as Christian but have both previously been intimate in relationships.

They felt their relationship was "special" and wanted to try holding out to see if it would help create a healthier relationship.
00:00We decided not to like make out until marriage.
00:03We still may do a little peck, but we don't make out.
00:11My name is Kirk.
00:12And my name is Rebecca.
00:13I live in New York City, he lives in Connecticut.
00:15We had a video go viral on Instagram about how we're doing our relationship.
00:20We met through church.
00:22You know, I live in Connecticut and our church is in Brooklyn,
00:25in New York, which is about an hour.
00:27One Sunday, I just saw Rebecca in a different way.
00:31And I was just like, not like we hadn't talked before.
00:33I mean, we've done like creative projects and stuff before.
00:35I mean, I just asked her out.
00:37And luckily, she said, yeah.
00:39And now we're here a year, a year later, a year or so later, almost.
00:43We decided not to like make out until marriage.
00:46We still may do a little peck, but we don't make out.
00:50We decided not to like sleep together, obviously, until marriage.
00:53And then he lives, right now he lives an hour and a half away.
00:57He needs to drive from into the city.
01:00And he like, he doesn't sleep over.
01:02He goes back.
01:02I told Rebecca early on, like, I really want this to work out.
01:05So I want to honor you in the way that we do this relationship.
01:09And I don't want to like, I don't want you to think that I'm like, just after your body.
01:14I actually told her, I was like, look, I don't even want to kiss you until we get married.
01:18We were just like, yeah, like, actually, we can hold some boundaries and respect
01:22and honor each other in that way.
01:24It's definitely hard, but hard things are worth it.
01:27Like, there's just a deeper trust that we have for each other.
01:30And actually, too, the cool thing is, too, a lot of people see that and they're like,
01:33man, I really want, like, I want that.
01:35I think on the other hand, though, it's also maybe like pushing us to like get married
01:39quicker, which is something we both want to accomplish.
01:41We've been talking about this.
01:42I'm excited.
01:43Don't get me wrong.
01:45I am excited, which is like she said before,
01:48helping us kind of push through to get to get to that point, to get where we're married.
01:53And we're pretty sure of each other.
01:55And I'm excited.
01:56I'm definitely excited when he doesn't have to drive.
01:59Oh, my gosh.
02:01We don't have to commute anymore.
02:03And yeah, we can live our lives together.
