Unindustria, Corazza (Parlamento Europeo): "Riportare l'Industria in Europa"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Senza industria forte non ci può essere innovazione, non ci può essere il raggiungimento dei target ambientali”. Parole di Carlo Corazza, direttore dell’ufficio in Italia del Parlamento europeo durante l’evento Fabbrica Europa: un incontro organizzato per discutere le proposte di Confindustria per le elezioni europee, con i Parlamentari europei nella circoscrizione Italia centrale, che si è tenuto a Roma nella sede di Unindustria, promotrice dell'evento.


00:00These initiatives carried out by Confindustria with the support of the European Parliament are valuable because they demonstrate how democracy is dialogue, participation, comparison and listening.
00:14It was very important that many entrepreneurs were able to express themselves on what is or is not right in European politics, that many European Parliaments listened, reacted and took a stand.
00:27Now, the next step is, in the next legislature, to cherish these indications and try to have a European Union with industry even more at the forefront.
00:38It is evident that in the very difficult context in which we find ourselves, stricken by growing instability in the Middle East and an ever stronger contradiction between authoritarian regimes and liberal democracies,
00:50we need to bring industry back to Europe, we need strategic autonomy.
00:55Therefore, we need a strong strategy of industrial policy, which starts with the most important raw materials, microprocessors, innovation, and which strengthens our ability to do industry.
01:07This is also fundamental for the Green Deal and the digital transition. Without a strong industry, there cannot be innovation. Without a strong industry, there cannot be the achievement of environmental targets and a strong digital competitiveness.
