'Hit-and-miss' showers continuing across east coastline

  • 5 months ago
Cloud is covering much of the interior over Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, and NSW. Widespread rain and heavy thunderstorms are once again expected from Friday May 10, 2024 through the weekend.
00:00Hello, Sarah from the Bureau with an update on the wet weather developing for central
00:04and eastern parts of the country, with a wet weekend in particular for eastern parts of
00:09New South Wales on the cards.
00:12But before we get ahead of ourselves, let's take a look at the radar data.
00:16So this is from this morning through until now, and we can see these hit and miss showers
00:21extending all the way along the east coast from the south coast of New South Wales all
00:25the way up into Queensland.
00:28Now in the last 24 hours, the heaviest rainfall totals were around 50mm at Coffs Harbour and
00:33also about the New South Wales-Queensland coastal border.
00:38Now these showers and cloudy conditions could bring a further daily rainfall of 15-30mm
00:45each day this week as we move towards the weekend.
00:48But it's the weekend where things will really start to ramp up.
00:52But before I talk about that, let's shift the focus into central parts of the country
00:57where we've got this cloud that's really just showing us that there's moisture in the atmosphere
01:02and we have an approaching upper-level trough that's moving into the area to bring isolated
01:08showers and storms developing about southwest Queensland this afternoon, pushing into the
01:12Northern Territory and also South Australia as well.
01:16But it's tomorrow, on Thursday, that these showers will really start to consolidate into
01:21a rain band with widespread rain and embedded thunderstorms, and the potential for heavy
01:26rainfall totals about the North East Pastoral District of South Australia.
01:31Now on Friday, the focus of the heavier rainfall will shift into the interior of New South Wales,
01:37however widespread rain will also move into southern parts of Queensland as well.
01:43Now there's already moderate flooding occurring about the Warrego River of New South Wales,
01:48so any further rainfall over those swollen catchments will respond really quickly, so
01:52residents within that region should stay up to date with the latest forecasts and warnings.
01:57Now on Friday afternoon as well, the coastal showers about New South Wales will start to
02:02increase and tend towards rain.
02:05And it's on Saturday, however, that that upper-level trough will continue tracking eastwards and
02:10combine with the coastal trough with a ramping up of the showers along and rain along the
02:16New South Wales coast.
02:18Now catchments along the coast there are already really wet from recent rain, so this increases
02:25the chance of flooding, but at this stage it's too difficult to say the exact location
02:30or the severity of the flooding, but we're keeping a really close eye on it, and residents
02:34across eastern parts of New South Wales should stay up to date with the latest forecasts
02:39and warnings, and also flood watches may be issued as we move closer towards the weekend.
02:45Now on Sunday, those showers, rain and storms will continue about coastal parts but start
02:50to contract eastwards, so it does look it's going to be like a really wet weekend, particularly
02:56for eastern parts of New South Wales and possibly even southeastern parts of Queensland as well.
03:02So how much rainfall are we talking?
03:06Well this is the accumulated rainfall total from now through until Sunday evening, and
03:11we can see that the heaviest rainfall totals, these purple areas here, are about the southern
03:15half of the New South Wales coast, and there's also a few spots further inland, but there's
03:21the potential about the coast between 100 to 150 mm to be accumulated between now and
03:26Sunday, and we can't rule out even isolated totals in excess of 200 mm.
03:32So if you or anyone you know lives within these areas, it's important that they stay
03:37up to date with the Bureau's forecasts and warnings via the Bureau website, app and social
03:42media, because this is an evolving weather situation, and as always, listen to advice
03:47from your local emergency services.
03:50Bye for now.
