"Chief Justice Ki Muddat e Mulazmat Main Tausi Say Mutaliq Bhi Ilm Nahi " Irfan Qadir's Statement

  • 5 months ago
#cjpqazifaezisa #supremecourt #irfanqadir #waseembadami #11thhour

"Chief Justice Ki Muddat e Mulazmat Main Tausi Say Mutaliq Bhi Ilm Nahi " Irfan Qadir's Statement
00:00 Today is 9th May, a very symbolic day.
00:02 We have invited Irfan Qadir,
00:05 who is a former Attorney General and of course,
00:08 he is a legal expert and he also supports this government.
00:11 Irfan Sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
00:13 Wa-alaikum-salam.
00:15 Sir, I have two specific questions.
00:17 One is, do you know about the government's reservations
00:20 regarding 9th May?
00:21 The Prime Minister said that he will not be punished.
00:24 Is there a need to legislate on this?
00:27 Or are you considering expediting these cases?
00:30 No, I don't know anything about it.
00:34 Number one. Okay.
00:35 You have made it clear.
00:36 The second case, which is being discussed every now and then,
00:41 regarding the Chief Justice's term in office.
00:46 Is this just a rumour or is there any paperwork going on?
00:49 Look, I don't know anything about it.
00:55 But I have heard that a constitutional package
01:00 regarding the Chief Justice is being prepared.
01:03 But at the moment, no such case has been brought to the fore.
01:08 I haven't heard about it either.
01:10 Okay, some news was also mentioned in your reference
01:12 that you have a role in preparing such a case.
01:15 So, this is not the case at all.
01:16 No, no. Not at all.
01:18 But I did talk about this case.
01:22 And I said that I think that such a constitutional package should be brought.
01:28 And that is a very urgent need of Pakistan in the current situation.
01:34 What kind of constitutional package should be brought
01:36 as a result of which the Chief Justice's term in office is extended?
01:40 Look, more important than the term in office being extended
01:44 is that our current justice system is a divided justice system.
01:49 And it has been divided for the last 5-6 years.
01:54 And this division will not end until the appointment of the judges
02:01 of the judiciary is not in the consensus of all the stakeholders.
02:07 Because the appointments that have been made in the last 15-20 years
02:10 have been 30-mile long.
02:11 The government that came, made people of their choice.
02:15 And in this way, everyone is accepting a political movement
02:21 or any institution.
02:24 So, until there is no consensus on this,
02:27 the quality of judges that we want will not come.
02:31 Until then, by extending the term,
02:33 the performance of the judiciary or the role of the judiciary
02:37 cannot be a positive role.
02:38 So, in your opinion, who should play the role of the judge in the appointment?
02:43 Yes, in the appointment of judges, the first thing is
02:46 the complexion of the Judicial Commission of Pakistan
02:49 will have to be changed from the same package.
02:51 Because the Judicial Commission of Pakistan
02:54 had an oversight over the Parliamentary Committee
02:57 which has been terminated.
02:58 And the Judicial Commission of Pakistan
03:01 has been controlled by a single person for the last few years,
03:02 the Chief Justice.
03:05 So, this was not the intention of the law
03:06 according to which the Judicial Commission was made.
03:09 Therefore, a clear reform is needed.
03:11 And through a clear reform,
03:13 we have to empower the Judicial Commission of Pakistan
03:17 and remove it from the clutches of the Chief Justice.
03:20 And we will have to follow the Judicial Commission of Pakistan
03:25 of the Parliamentary Committee,
03:26 which is a forum that was kept here as an oversight
03:30 so that there is a system of appointment
03:33 on which there are checks and balances.
03:35 Currently, there are no checks and balances,
03:37 but through a clear reform,
03:38 those checks and balances can be brought.
03:40 And during the term of office,
03:44 won't the people of Tawsi be given a special consideration
03:45 that this has been done to favour someone
03:47 and to put someone behind?
03:50 Yes, definitely,
03:54 because this push and pull continues on the political side.
03:59 So, if someone says that during the term of office,
04:03 all judges should be increased,
04:05 then naturally, the various political parties behind it
04:10 will like it or not,
04:13 because those who think that the current court
04:17 has a special political agenda...
04:18 What do you think?
04:21 Should it be like that?
04:22 I have said that we have to end all those decisions
04:27 that have created a lot of chaos,
04:29 and we have to end the judicial precedents,
04:31 the conflicting decisions.
04:33 And then we have to bring an equal court,
04:37 and we have to bring back the good judges that were removed.
04:42 And the judges that are not up to the standard of the current judges,
04:47 so that in the future,
04:51 new judges come instead of them.
04:53 And the new judges are those who are all united
04:59 and who are merited and have good fame.
05:03 Thank you very much, Irfan Qadda.
