Skatoony S03 E004 - Style Trial

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00Skatoonie, it makes me feel so neat
00:03Skatoonie, it gets me hot inside
00:06Skatoonie, why don't you take me for a ride
00:10Skatoonie, sounds real sweet to me
00:13It's crazy what you do to me baby
00:15It's Skatoonie
00:21Alright !
00:22Welcome to Skatoonie
00:25The show where kids and toons compete for prizes
00:28Faites du bruit pour accueillir les garçons
00:33Salut les gars !
00:34Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui a vu mes vêtements ?
00:36Et l'Earl !
00:44Qu'est-ce que tu dis Earl ?
00:45Je dis qu'on rencontre les compétiteurs
00:47Dis bonjour à Arianna
00:49Cuckoo, Cachou
00:52And Maria
00:54And Flint
00:56Hey there butterbones, listen up while I...
00:58Stop, stop, stop !
01:00This ain't good enough chubbers
01:02Skatoonie's losing its sense of style
01:04Look at our contestants here
01:06Hey, I love fashion
01:07Wool sweaters with a side of socks are delicious
01:12And you better not be talking about me
01:14The last person that did my style
01:16I gave his nose hairs a poof
01:18Whoa, whoa !
01:19I don't even know what that means
01:20But it sounds painful
01:22And it looks worse
01:23She's my hero
01:24Fine, I'll lay off you quizzers
01:26And get Fernando, Fernando, Fernando
01:28To magic me up a stylish new audience
01:30Ok, give me Ganga
01:38It's a low energy spell
01:40Takes a little longer
01:41But it's environmentally sound
01:44Right, well while we're waiting for the new audience
01:47Listen up while I run through the rules
01:49All you gotta do is stay in the game
01:51Through three rapid fire rounds
01:53We're gonna knock two of you out
01:54At the end of round one
01:55Then drop the second pair of losers
01:57At the end of round two
01:59That'll leave two contestants battling it out
02:01To see who goes through
02:02To the Skatoonie Quiz Champ Challenge
02:05Once there, they'll be playing for fame
02:07Glory the chance to become this week's champion
02:10And win a prize
02:12Ta-da !
02:15One nude audience
02:17Not nude, you numbskull
02:19New, new
02:21New, I wanted a new audience
02:23Shutters, get them all dressed and decent
02:25Or we'll be taking off the air
02:26And I'll make sure you're fired
02:29Ok Charles, but what can they wear ?
02:31I, Cuckoo Cachou, am the greatest fashion designer in the world
02:35And I can tell you
02:37That the look that is fashionable right now is
02:51No, no, really no
02:53Ouch, my eyes
02:55There, that suit, the hair
02:57And have you seen those glasses ?
03:00That, oh, me ?
03:02Yes, you
03:03Isn't that ensemble magic, Kayla ?
03:05I think you're cuckoo
03:06It's pronounced cuckoo
03:08And I know style when I see it
03:10I'll get my sheenstresses on it in one spiffy jiffy
03:16Cuckoo couture
03:18One hundred suits like the one in this picture
03:20You got it boss
03:23Thank you, thanks everyone
03:25It's time for
03:26Bang on or Focus
03:28Alright fuzzy feet, here's how we play
03:31I'm gonna say a load of silly stuff
03:33Some of it's true, but some of it's false
03:35All you gotta decide is what's bang on true
03:37And what's focus-ly false
03:39So if you think it's true, you buzz in and shout
03:42Bang on
03:43And if you think it's false, you shout
03:46Okay, the two lowest scoring players go out at the end of the round
03:50And we have until
03:53Introducing the chat fit
03:56We have until everyone in the audience is dressed like me
04:00Let's play
04:01Camels provide milk
04:02And Maria
04:03I'm totally guessing, bang on
04:06Light can escape from a black hole
04:10Well done, it is bogus
04:11A naturopath is someone who creates walkways in the forest
04:15Light, shiny light, bright light
04:19Oh, sorry, bogus
04:22A mosquito will bite you if it likes the way you smell
04:26Bang on
04:27Correctamundo, Mackay
04:28Spiderwebs have been around for 140 million years
04:32Look at it, so pretty, look
04:34Sorry, flip
04:35It's bang on
04:36Some turnips taste like chocolate
04:38What do you reckon, Arianna?
04:40It is bogus
04:41Guinea pigs are part of the pig family
04:45You're right
04:46The first vampire movie was in 1913
04:50Bang on
04:51Well done
04:52Earth is the only planet that has thunderstorms
04:55C'est très, très bogus
04:57Oui, cuckoo, it is bogus
04:59A day on Neptune lasts 16 hours
05:01And Maria
05:02I got that many hours left on my preferred car
05:04at the Leather Sun tanning salon
05:06Oh, and the answer is bogus
05:07No, it's bang on
05:10Does the audience have all their chat fits yet, Errol?
05:13We're nearly there, Chad
05:15Football games are never played in the snow
05:17And Maria
05:18Oh, that would definitely be bogus
05:21Crocs shoes got their name because they look like crocodile feet
05:24What do you reckon, Kayla?
05:25Bang on
05:26Bad luck, Kayla, it's bogus
05:28And I think we've reached
05:31the end of the round
05:33And as the creator of the look which Vague magazine is already calling a design classic
05:37I feel I could walk down a runway to announce that unfortunately
05:41Kayla and Flip are out of the game
05:44Hit it, Errol
05:45Thanks for playing, but
05:46You're out of here
05:49You gave it a go, but
05:50You're out of here
05:53Don't hang around town
05:55You're out of here
05:58It's time to go
05:59Got stacks to shovel
06:00You're out of here
06:03We won the play
06:06I don't mean to brag, but you, fine audience, look so
06:10Five minutes ago
06:13Darling, that look is more over than the last round of quizzing
06:18Don't you read Vague?
06:27I know, Charles
06:28Make sure the audience looks fabulous
06:30Never fear
06:31I may have something for everyone
06:33In Cuckoo Coutu's latest creation
06:35The wooly sweater
06:37Coated in finest bee honey
06:43My honey-covered wooly sweater
06:45Basque in its perfection
06:46So warm
06:47So wooly
06:49I could use me one of those
06:51So this is what everyone will be wearing then?
06:54Oui, oui, oui
06:55And only $50,000 each
07:01That's outrageous
07:02That's fashion
07:04Let's take a break
07:05While I figure out how I can possibly afford
07:07One of these honey-covered must-haves
07:09But don't go far
07:10We still have more coming up on
07:21Welcome back, Happy Heels
07:23We are in a pricey pickle right now, aren't we, Errol?
07:25Yeah, the price of fashion is way too high, little buddy
07:28Which is why I've decided to start my own line of Cuckoo Knock-Off sweaters
07:32I've got heaps of them
07:34Why am I not surprised?
07:35So while Charles sets up his mini-store, let's play...
07:38Draw what you hear
07:39And shout out when you know what you draw
07:42Okay, chuckle-chins
07:43All you gotta do is draw what I tell ya
07:45And when you think you know what it is you're drawing
07:47Just buzz in, hold it up, and shout out
07:50Got it?
07:52And you have as long as it takes
07:53To sell all of Charles' fake
07:55Don't forget cheap
07:56Cuckoo-kachu imitation sweaters
07:58Feel the quality
07:59Wait, my hand's stuck
08:01Let me see that hoodie
08:06Let's play
08:08Okay, pens to pads, folks
08:10Draw a tall oval shape, but make one end pointy
08:13Inside the oval, draw a line going from the pointy end to the other end
08:17Draw a diagonal line going from the line down the middle to the left edge of the oval
08:22Now draw two more diagonal lines going from the line down the middle to the left edge of the oval
08:29Est-ce que c'est une jolie chaussure au-dessus de la jambe,
08:31Dressée à l'envers avec des ruffles,
08:32Et des boucles de fleurs qui finissent avec des boutons et un couteau?
08:35Euh, non
08:38Une fleur?
08:39Oui, c'est ça! Bien fait!
08:41Ensuite, draw a square
08:43On top of the square, draw a horizontal line slightly wider than the square
08:47Now draw a curved line connecting the two ends of this line, making a semicircle
08:52Inside the semicircle, draw some little circles
08:55What do you think it is, Makai?
08:57Une mousse au chocolat?
08:59Non, et je n'ai pas envie de manger ça
09:02C'est certainement un sac à dos!
09:04Probablement rempli de spray de cheveux!
09:05Non, pas un sac à dos!
09:07Un oignon?
09:08C'est ça!
09:09Ensuite, draw an oval shape and make it wider than it is tall
09:13Now draw a horizontal line of circles across the middle of the oval
09:17Outside the oval, draw a semicircle attached to the top edge
09:22Euh, un bug dame?
09:24Afraid not, Makai, but keep going!
09:26A l'intérieur du semicircle, draw a small circle
09:30Tu ne peux pas me dire que ce n'est pas un sac à dos, j'en ai un comme ça!
09:33Oui, je peux, ce n'est pas un sac à dos
09:36Euh, un vaisseau?
09:37C'est ça!
09:38Comment allez-vous, les gars?
09:40Ça a l'air d'un pain au chocolat recouvert d'Uber Glue!
09:43OK, ensuite, draw a semicircle with a flat edge facing nearest the bottom of the page
09:48Draw two circles next to each other on top of the semicircle
09:52Put a dot in the middle of both these circles
09:54Makai, what do you think it is?
09:56Euh, un fantôme?
09:59Next, draw a fairly big circle
10:01Now draw another circle the same size attached to the right side of the first one
10:06Draw a dot in the middle of both circles
10:09Draw a triangle sticking out of the bottom edge of the two joined circles with the point facing downwards
10:16Euh, un oiseau?
10:17Yes, it is! And that's...
10:20Aïe, relax, s'il te plaît!
10:23C'est la fin de la course!
10:25Oh, non, non, non! N'achètez pas ces déchets chers! Ce ne sont pas des originaux de Cuckoo!
10:29Hey, Magic Man!
10:31J'ai besoin de quelque chose pour attirer l'attention de ma boutique
10:34Conjure-moi des ballons! Non, conjure-moi des ballons de Cavalcade!
10:38Je vais vendre des milliers de vêtements!
10:40Je ne vois pas la connexion, mais... OK!
10:47Ce ne sont pas des ballons, ce sont des baboons!
10:49Non, ce sont des baboons! J'ai dit des ballons!
10:52Et ils sont en train de s'attaquer à Charles's knock-off sweaters!
10:55Et leurs cheveux ne vont pas avec le bleu!
10:57C'est terrible!
10:59Comme si la connexion de couleur était mon problème le plus important!
11:02Ce qui n'est pas si terrible, c'est qu'après cette course,
11:06Cuckoo et Anne-Marie...
11:10Qu'est-ce que c'est?
