FTS 12:30 11-05: Israel continues to bomb the Gaza strip

  • 5 months ago
In Afghanistan, heavy rains cause 300 deaths. *Ukrainian forces kill three people during rocket attack in Donetsk. teleSUR


00:00In Palestine, at least 28 civilians were killed in shelling by Israeli troops over the past
00:0624 hours in the Gaza Strip.
00:10In Afghanistan, more than 300 people were killed by floods caused by heavy rains in
00:14the province of Baghlan.
00:18And in Russia, Ukrainian forces killed 3 people during a rocket attack on the city of Donetsk
00:23on the eve of Republic Day.
00:30Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra García from Telesur Studios in
00:34Havana, Cuba.
00:35Let's begin with the news.
00:54In Palestine, at least 28 civilians were killed in shelling by Israeli troops over the past
00:5924 hours in the Gaza Strip.
01:01According to medical reports, these events also wounded about 69 people.
01:05One of the Israeli raids targeted the town of al-Saweda in the centre of the Gaza Strip
01:11and another one in the north of Nusayrat camp.
01:14According to local health authorities, the number of Palestinians killed by Israelis
01:17since October 2023 rose to 34,097, while the number of wounded stood at 78,641.
01:27However, they warned that these figures could be even higher as many of the victims remain
01:32trapped under the rubble.
01:38In Palestine, a Palestinian journalist was killed along with his family in attacks by
01:42Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip.
01:45Local media reported that the Israeli bombing targeted the journalist's home in the Habbalia
01:50refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.
01:53According to official figures, more than 130 journalists and members of the sector
01:58have been killed in the Strip since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on October 7, 2023.
02:04Since the date, Israeli troops have also attacked dozens of media institutions, including the
02:08offices of Al Jazeera, Palestine TV, The Man, the news agency, as well as the newspapers
02:14Al-Quds and Al-Ajam.
02:21The United Nations General Assembly has backed a Palestinian bid to become a full United
02:25Nations member.
02:26The Assembly adopted a resolution on Friday with 143 votes in favour and 9 against, including
02:32the US and Israel, while 25 countries abstained.
02:36This does not give the Palestinians full United Nations membership, but recognises them as
02:41qualified to join and recommends the United Nations Security Council reconsider the matter
02:46The vote represents a global survey of support for the Palestinian bid to become a full United
02:52Nations member, a move that would effectively recognise a Palestinian state after the United
02:57States vetoed it in the United Nations Security Council last month.
03:01While it does not grant a vote in the body, the draft resolution will give the Palestinians
03:05some additional rights and privileges from September 2024, like a seat among the United
03:11Nations members in the Assembly Hall.
03:16I have stood hundreds of times before at this podium, but never for a more significant vote
03:26than the one about to take place, a historic one.
03:34A yes vote is a vote for Palestinian existence.
03:41It is not against any state, but it is against the attempts to deprive us of our state.
03:50That is why the Israeli government is so opposed to it, because they oppose our independence
03:58and the two-state solution altogether.
04:04The Russian ambassador to the United Nations, Vasily Nevensia, stressed that the resolution
04:08is an opportunity to correct the historical injustice experienced by the Palestinian people.
04:15It would usually require a careful study of the case.
04:18However, it is a question of granting additional rights not to just anyone, but to Palestine,
04:24who due to the United States' stance, has had to be satisfied with partial membership
04:28in the United Nations after the adoption of this draft.
04:35However, it would have the opportunity to participate more effectively in the work of
04:40the United Nations and the meetings that take place under its chairmanship.
04:49We see in them the opportunity to correct the historical injustice suffered by the Palestinian
04:53people, who have lost an unprecedented number of civilians in the last seven months as a
04:58result of Israeli actions, which have been covered up by the United States, as it has
05:03been doing for the last few years.
05:08In this context, the Government of Venezuela, through a communique, celebrated the diplomatic
05:12victory of Palestine in the United Nations Organization, stating,
05:16The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela celebrates the diplomatic victory of the courageous Palestinian
05:21people in the United Nations General Assembly, where the peoples and governments of the world
05:26have made it clear by an overwhelming majority that Palestine must be admitted as a United
05:31Nations member.
05:33In another paragraph, it stated,
05:35Venezuela recalls that it has been the isolated, arbitrary and unjust position of the United
05:39States, which, as a permanent member of the Security Council, has abused its right to
05:45veto and its position of power, which has prevented for now the entry of Palestine as
05:50a full member, and therefore urges this country to recognize and abide by the mandate of the
05:55General Assembly immediately.
05:58Finally, the government stressed,
05:59The Bolivarian government joins the demand for a ceasefire and an immediate and unconditional
06:04halt to the genocide, urging international justice to determine the responsibilities
06:09for the crimes against humanity committed by the State of Israel.
06:19The Israeli War Cabinet decided to expand the operation against the city of Rafah amid
06:24growing tensions and international scrutiny.
06:26The Israeli war, committed unanimously approved by the Deepening of Military Operations Against
06:32the Rafah Governorate, despite the suspension of arms shipments by US President Joe Biden.
06:38The Cabinet instructed Israeli negotiators to continue talks for the release of Israeli
06:43On the other hand, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre indicated that Washington
06:48will not totally halt the supplies of missiles to Israel.
06:56On Friday, South Africa asked the International Court of Justice to order new provisional
07:01measures for the protection of the rights of the Palestinian people in Gaza under the
07:05Convention of the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
07:09The African nation declared that the situation caused by the Israeli aggression on Rafah
07:13is causing irreparable damage to the rights of the Palestinian people in Gaza, and therefore
07:18requested a modification of the previous provisional measures.
07:23It is worth mentioning that last January, the International Court of Justice ordered
07:27Israel to take measures to prevent a genocide against Palestine after South Africa filed
07:33a lawsuit against Israel for the crime of genocide.
07:41The Turkish government reiterates the suspension of its strait relations with Israel until
07:46a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is reached.
07:49The announcement was made by Turkey's Minister of Commerce, Omer Bolat, who publicly rejected
07:54the Israeli Foreign Minister's statement that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
07:59had ordered the lifting of the trade restrictions.
08:03Bolat reiterated that the suspension will remain in force until Israel stops its genocide
08:08against Palestine and allows humanitarian access to its population.
08:20Let's take a short break but remember you can join us on TikTok at TELUSURI ENGLISH
08:24where you will find news in different formats, news updates and more.
08:30Other stories coming up, stay with us.
08:32More than 300 people were killed by floods caused by heavy rains in the province of Baghlan.
08:38According to a United Nations agency, the Fallul areas and the central villages of Barka
08:43district have suffered the most damage.
08:45More than a thousand houses were destroyed by the floods, leaving hundreds homeless.
08:50Emergency authorities have reported dozens of injured people who have been taken to hospitals
08:55for medical attention.
08:56The emergency authorities are also carrying out food deliveries with the help of helicopters
09:01since the roads are flooded.
09:08In China, the National Meteorological Center has issued a red alert for the geomagnetic
09:13storm hitting several cities.
09:15According to the weather agency, the storm began at 11 p.m. local time in Beijing on
09:20Friday, reaching the strongest index.
09:23In the sense, they report rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms, gales and hail, which flooded
09:28the streets and submerged vehicles, causing the suspension of school activities in the
09:33province of Guangxi.
09:34The agency urged people to be prepared for the situation and advised drivers to be cautious
09:39about flooding and landslides on the roads.
09:48In Colombia, the Day of Government with the Popular Neighborhoods, a strategy to reach
09:52the most excluded sectors of the country's large cities, concluded on Friday in the southwestern
09:57city of Cali.
09:58President Gustavo Petra accompanied the citizens of the Siloé neighborhood, considered the
10:03most dangerous in the country, in order to install their popular assembly for peace
10:07and life.
10:08The Siloé neighborhood, located in the department of Valle del Cauca, played an important role
10:13in the 2021 social outbreak, which left at least 159 victims, of which 16 were young
10:21people killed by orders of the government of Ivan Duque.
10:24In Peru, the brother of President Nina Boluarte was arrested as part of an investigation for
10:34a criminal organization and influence peddling.
10:37Nicanor Boluarte was preventively detained for a period of 10 days during an operative
10:42carried out by the special team of anti-power prosecutors authorized by the judiciary.
10:47According to investigations, President Boluarte's brother is accused of being the leader of
10:52a criminal organization with influence in the appointment of prefects and sub-prefects.
10:57The arrest warrant issued by the First Court of National Preparatory Investigation involves
11:02eight people, including the Peruvian president's lawyer, Mateo Castañeda.
11:10In Argentina, at least 60 people were injured on Friday after a collision between a passenger
11:16train and a locomotive in the Palermo viaduct on Alcorta Avenue in Buenos Aires.
11:21The television channel C5N informed that the head of government of the city, Jorge Macri,
11:27ruled out the existence of fatalities but specified that 30 citizens are in serious
11:32According to that media, around 60 ambulances and two helicopters of the emergency medical
11:37attention system arrived at the scene and an alert was declared in the hospitals in
11:42the area.
11:43Firefighters and the police are also involved in the care and evacuation of these people.
11:48The company Trenes Argentinos stated that an investigation has been launched to determine
11:54the causes of the accident.
12:00Bolivia's President Luis Arce assured that the country has its sights set on consolidating
12:05its position as the world's leading producer of lithium carbonate.
12:08During a meeting with national journalists, the dignitary affirmed that a new impulse
12:13will be given to industrialization with the much faster technology of direct lithium
12:18Arce assured that his country will become sooner rather than later the first producer
12:23of lithium carbonate in the world and pointed out that he signed key agreements with three
12:28foreign companies to help achieve this.
12:31Bolivia faces the process of industrialization of the chemicals with a sovereign business
12:36model to promote the value chain of the 23 million tons it has in the salt flats of Uyuni
12:42and Coipasa in Potosi and Pastos Grandes in Oruro.
12:51In Chile, the military service is in question following the death of a recruit in the middle
12:55of a training march and the hospitalization of four young men, one of whom suffered the
13:00amputation of his hand.
13:02Judicial authorities are investigating the causes of the death of the 19-year-old conscript
13:08which occurred on April 27 while he was doing his military service in Putre.
13:13In this context, on Thursday it was confirmed that one of the mates of the young soldier
13:17hospitalized in the military hospital of Santiago lost a hand which had to be amputated due
13:23to an infectious condition.
13:25After the death, more than 100 conscripts have resigned to continue in the military
13:30Chilean judicial officials have traveled to the far north to carry out the initial investigations.
13:38Cubans and Russians marched on Friday along Havana Avenue on the occasion of Victory Day,
13:48which commemorates the triumph of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany in 1945.
13:53Hundreds of people marched for the first time down Fifth Avenue to the Russian embassy carrying
13:58Russian and Cuban flags and photographs of family members.
14:02The demonstration takes place a day after President Díaz-Canel accompanied Russian
14:06President Vladimir Putin in Moscow at the parade of the Soviet victory over the Nazis
14:11in 1945.
14:13During his stay in Russia, the Cuban leader condemned the geopolitical manipulation carried
14:17out by the US government amid the conflict with Ukraine and NATO's threat to approach
14:22the Russian borders.
14:29We have a final short break coming up but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp
14:33community for our English speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on screen to join
14:37directly and share the link to reach more people.
14:40Constant news coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean as well as the rest of the world.
14:44Stay connected and informed with Telesur.
14:46Final short break, don't go away.
14:49Welcome back to From the South.
14:50In Russia, Ukrainian forces killed three people during a rocket attack on the city of Donetsk
14:55on the eve of Republic Day.
14:57The shelling was carried out with a rocket launcher system on areas near the automobile
15:02mobilization for the referendum anniversary.
15:04Donetsk authorities said that at least eight people were wounded during the attack and
15:08material damage was registered on the territory.
15:11The district of Donetsk is continuously subjected to shellings by the Ukrainian militants who
15:16attacked the populated areas of the republic.
15:23Russian President Vladimir Putin signed on Friday the decree appointing Mikhail Mishustin
15:28as the country's prime minister.
15:30According to the Kremlin press service, Putin previously submitted Mishustin's candidacy
15:36for the prime minister's position to the state Duma.
15:39And this legislative body approved it in plenary session on Friday and set a resolution to
15:44the country's president.
15:45A total of 375 deputies voted in favor of Mishustin's confirmation as prime minister,
15:51while 57 abstained.
15:53The new chief of staff must, no later than one week after his appointment, submit proposals
15:59to the president on the structure of the federal executive bodies.
16:07South Africa's top court heard an appeal on Friday to have former President Jacob Souma
16:12declared ineligible to stand for parliament, a politically charged legal showdown ahead
16:18of the tightest elections in decades.
16:20Souma, 82, is fronting Unkonto We Sizwe, a new opposition party that has become a potential
16:26disruptor in the May 29 general ballot.
16:29But electoral authorities have argued the graft-tainted politician should be barred
16:35from the race because of a 2021 contempt of court convention.
16:39The constitutional court in Johannesburg was called to decide on the matter after a lower
16:44court sided with Souma in April, coming only weeks before what is expected to be the most
16:49competitive vote since the end of the Upper Heath and the advent of democracy in 1994.
16:57The case has made some observers nervous.
17:04And let's go now to the world of sports, this time with news from the Olympic Games,
17:09because Chileans María José Villar and Paula Gómez earned their birth to the Paris 2024
17:15in the discipline of canoeing.
17:17In this regard, the canoeists secured their spot on the Chilean delegation to France as
17:21members of the C2500m boat after advancing to the final of the World Cup in Hungary,
17:29with a time of 2 hours, 4 minutes and 40 seconds.
17:36We continue in Latin America, but this time we go to the Caribbean, because Dominican
17:41weightlifter Yudelina Mejia has also secured participation in her first Olympic Games in
17:46the 81kg category. Mejia joins her compatriot Chismeri Santana, who also achieved the Olympic
17:53dream after the International Weightlifting Federation officially announced the final
17:58ranking of the athletes who will compete in each category in the event.
18:06In Venezuela, several cultural organizations and activists mobilized on Friday for the
18:10opening of the Viva Venezuela World Festival to be held from May 10 to 19 at the Simón Bolívar
18:16Monumental Stadium in La Guaira. The Ministry of Culture informed that several national groups
18:22from all over the country, as well as members of the indigenous community, participate in a
18:27series of activities that include traditional dances and live concerts. The Ministry emphasized
18:33that the Viva Venezuela World Festival has become a historic celebration for the culture of the
18:38South American country. The inauguration of the festival was attended by President
18:42Nicolás Maduro. Moreover, the event coincides with the Afro-Venezuelan day.
18:53A rare baroque opera written by an indigenous man whose scores were hidden for centuries in
19:00a church in the Bolivian Amazon has been revived with a performance in the Bezido language.
19:05What makes this piece unique is that it is written in the Bezido language. Bezido is one
19:09of the languages of the Chiquitanos indigenous peoples who were grouped together by the Jews
19:15in the Amazon region in the 18th century. This dialect is one of the 37 officially recognized
19:21in Bolivia. Historians estimate that the play was written unanimously by the evangelized
19:27indigenous persons in 1740, although it has not been determined whether the play was performed
19:34in its time.
19:43We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
19:47on our website at telesuryinglish.net and join us on social media, Facebook,
19:52Instagram, Telegram and TikTok. For Telesur English, I'm Alejandra Garcia. Thank you for watching.
