• 5 months ago
00:00 Yeah, the big jump on the
00:05 in the past week has been
00:07 up now to plus 2 72 win th
00:10 after last night, the Mav
00:12 up into the top three. Of
00:14 to 1 now to win the title
00:17 else is basically a long
00:19 we could play the same ga
00:21 week. If you can't take B
00:23 you take last week? I sai
00:26 actually looking pretty g
00:28 they were at plus 1800. I
00:30 that. But um, you know, i
00:33 you're looking for a long
00:35 you look to a team like O
00:37 maybe, you know, come bac
00:39 and then find a way to wi
00:41 then find a way to beat D
00:43 to me, it does feel like
00:45 to see a collision course
00:47 Denver in the NBA final.
00:49 to be the Celtics and mayb
00:51 (upbeat music)
00:54 [MUSIC]
