• 5 months ago
Sunday Morning Live 12 May 2024

In this episode, we delve into the challenges of portraying a Balinese fisherman in a play and creating a giant artificial fish. Transitioning to the significance of Mother's Day, we discuss the impact of maternal love on individuals and society, touching on gender roles and societal beliefs. Exploring the influence of leftist ideologies on marriage dynamics, we analyze attitudes towards professions like prostitution. The conversation extends to the impact of music lyrics on cognitive responses and strategies for peaceful parenting, emphasizing empathy and constructive dialogues. Providing recommendations for navigating challenging situations and advocating for peaceful parenting practices, we address parental responsibilities in fostering healthy family dynamics.

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00:00:00 Good morning, everybody. Welcome to your 11th of May, 2024. Sunday morning.
00:00:07 Love fest of the frontal lobes. Good morning from Bali. Ooh, that's nice. You know, believe it or
00:00:14 not, I've never been to Bali. I've heard it's beautiful and the pictures look lovely, but I
00:00:19 once played a Balinese fisherman in a play and my job was to seduce a tourist by offering her
00:00:29 a giant fish. And with my then girlfriend, we stayed up all night creating a giant artificial
00:00:35 fish, which the director said sucked and also simultaneously blew chunks at the same time.
00:00:41 So I ended up having to do the play every night as a Balinese fisherman. I had a whole mating dance.
00:00:48 It was really quite vivid. And I had to offer her a floppy fish that was fresh from the market every
00:00:56 night. So that's my connection with Bali that I played many years ago, a Balinese fisherman
00:01:03 in a play. So there we go. All right. Because, you know, it's I mean, obviously,
00:01:09 I was completely typecast as rugged Balinese fisherman guy. I mean, that's just every second
00:01:14 roll. All right, so let's get to your comments. Did you eat it after? No, no, I really did not.
00:01:25 Not only did I not eat it like the only way you can eat fish is to not handle fish.
00:01:28 Right. So I mean, I used to go summers to Ireland to visit my relatives. I remember crossing the
00:01:36 North Sea or the gap between England and Ireland, just this boiling, you know, green sea. Green sea
00:01:44 is never good. Green sea boiling, towering waves thundering into the side of the tugboat,
00:01:49 half tugboat that we were in. I remember these just giant walls of water. Nature is apparently
00:01:55 Neptune is a jealous God because the worst. The worst. The worst water is always green.
00:02:03 And so we'd get there and we did a lot of fishing, a lot of fishing. And I was taught how to get the
00:02:08 fish. You know, it does look like, you know, because the fish, they have to trout in particular,
00:02:14 they have this kind of glassy eye that stares at you, you know, like those Egyptian, you know,
00:02:18 where they have the profile, but then the eye is looking straight at you. That's kind of like that.
00:02:22 Right. So we would go fishing, we'd get some fish, I got it and clean it.
00:02:31 And then it was a little tough to eat. It's the same thing with the duck eggs, you know,
00:02:36 I mean, I like eggs, no problem with the eggs. And yet I have trouble eating the duck eggs.
00:02:45 Thank you for the donation, Adam. That's very, very kind. And I really, really do appreciate
00:02:51 that. Let me throw in just here, if you want to join, like I was just saying in the pre-show,
00:02:56 we're going to do this general chat with everyone, wonderful, wonderful stuff. And then
00:03:02 we're going to go donor only, and I'm going to unveil a very cool new project. It's going to be
00:03:07 very exciting for you, and we'll get a chance to take it for a test run with your input.
00:03:12 So we'll get to that, but we're just going to do that. If you want to join that convo,
00:03:16 you can, of course, if you guys can blast this out, just say like new, Jess, James and Jared,
00:03:22 if you can just blast this out as well and say new project unveiling in like 45 minutes or
00:03:27 something like that. New project unveiling in 45 minutes, join us for that. So, all right.
00:03:32 Let's see here. Let's get to your questions. Happy Sunday. Zinf, hello, Ovi, hello, Paula.
00:03:39 Nice to see you. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Now you'll remember,
00:03:44 you'll remember if you care about your mama, give your mama a call, give her a Skype, give her a
00:03:51 chat, give her a video, send an e-card, do something, write something personal. If your
00:03:55 mother means something to you, please, please, please, it's Mother's Day. And you know, the good
00:04:01 mothers of the world give a lot to their families, give a lot to their families. One of our friends
00:04:07 was just out of the blue, just sort of burst out to my wife, like you are the nicest person around.
00:04:13 And it is kind of true, she is. She's so nice. I just occasionally feel like a bad guy. She's so
00:04:21 nice, so thoughtful, always thinking of us, always making the world better for her family and her
00:04:26 friends. And it's a beautiful thing to see. And if you got a great mom, you got a good mom, you got
00:04:32 a mom you care about, it just means the world for a, you know, just make her cry, you know, like
00:04:39 tell her how much she means to you, be honest, don't bear false witness, don't bear false witness.
00:04:47 And if you care about people, and you don't tell them, you're a liar. You're a liar stealing from
00:04:54 the joy of the world. You are a thief of happiness. If you care about people,
00:04:58 please tell them, don't assume everyone takes it for granted. You know, I think I model that. I
00:05:06 mean, I really, really care about you guys as an audience. And I hope that that comes across every
00:05:14 show I try to tell you. I mean, I remind myself to tell you and I believe that. So yeah, please,
00:05:22 a donation for peaceful parenting. Well, thank you. I don't see it, but I appreciate the thought.
00:05:27 So yeah, don't withhold from people how much you care about them and how much they
00:05:34 mean to you. You know, you don't get rewards for hoarding your heart, right? It just dies on you.
00:05:40 You know, your heart is fed with generosity. And if you are not generous in your feelings with
00:05:48 those around you, and you tell them how much they mean to you and how much you care about them,
00:05:53 your heart slowly fades in isolation. Your heart is fed by expression. It's fed by attachment.
00:05:58 It's fed by generosity. And if you starve your heart, it doesn't get abs. It just expires in
00:06:05 your chest. So, and if you did not have a good mother, I sympathize. I understand that a little.
00:06:17 I really do sympathize. And the commitment then is to get a great mother for your kids.
00:06:23 That's my approach. All right. So, happy Mother's Day to all the great mothers out there. You are
00:06:35 the absolute foundation and bedrock of civilization. You are the conduit and the path through which
00:06:39 cultural values of excellence pass from generation to generation. And you are doing absolutely the
00:06:46 greatest work in the universe by having and nurturing and loving the next generation.
00:06:53 So, thank you. Thank you. The level of creativity that mere men possess is
00:07:01 always secondary to the power of life that women possess, right? Because the primary requirement
00:07:09 for creativity is being alive. And women are those who bring us to life, keep us alive,
00:07:17 and fill our hearts with joy when they're great mothers. It's the greatest job in the world with
00:07:25 the greatest impact on the world. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. And for the
00:07:31 women who love men, love children, nurture life, treasure life, respect life, you are the most
00:07:42 wonderful and beautiful creatures in the world. You really are. I mean, I don't thank my mother
00:07:49 for how she raised me, but I will always thank my mother for the gift of life. And my mother had a
00:07:54 stillborn child right before me. And the fact that she stepped up again and decided to create life
00:08:00 again, I am immensely, immensely grateful for. The gift of life comes through the female.
00:08:08 And the gift of love for men comes through the female.
00:08:17 And what women bring to the world with their sensitivity, their caring, their absolute
00:08:27 caring is really the most incandescent and beautiful thing in the universe. A woman's
00:08:35 attachment to love, thoughtfulness, and caring is beautiful. Now, a man's protection and provision,
00:08:40 this is also beautiful as well. So I'm not trying to elevate women to goddess status, but
00:08:45 although I live with two females, as you know, who are about as perfect a pair of people as I can
00:08:56 conceivably imagine. And men are defined by our love of women and women are defined by our love
00:09:05 of men. You've noticed that the concepts of male and female have been erased along with the need
00:09:11 that has been propagandized out of people for male and female. So women are told,
00:09:16 "You don't need no stinking man. They're all patriarchs and rapists and
00:09:20 exploiters and selfish and mean and stupid." So you take away women's respect for and treasure
00:09:28 of and love for men, and the concept of femininity is now virtually erased.
00:09:37 And the same thing for men. You take away men's capacity to respect and love a woman, but, "Oh,
00:09:47 they're all selfish witches and predatory and false accusations and paternity fraud." And,
00:09:51 you know, as you just take the worst conceivable aspects of dysfunctional women,
00:09:54 spread that out to femininity as a whole, and that kills our capacity for love.
00:10:00 And the reason that your capacity for love is killed by propaganda is so that propaganda can
00:10:09 spread. Propaganda, all programming, festers most in isolation. These cults, what do they do? They
00:10:20 separate you from everyone around you. And that way, you don't have the social feedback that keeps
00:10:32 you sane. One of the things that is really, really important, one of the things that has happened to
00:10:38 us as a species, and it happens to all social species, right? We are dogs, not cats. We're
00:10:43 social animals. So when you are a social animal, what you do is our brains outsource
00:10:52 massive areas of our sanity to other people.
00:10:57 Right? Like, we don't have eyes on the sides of our heads. We don't have eyes on the front and
00:11:04 back of our heads. We don't have the fly's eyes with this virtual 360 thing. We have eyes on the
00:11:09 front of our heads. Why? Because we are social hunters. So we hunt in packs, and therefore,
00:11:14 other people can watch our backs. Right? I got your back. I got you watching your back. Watch
00:11:18 my six, or six being like behind six o'clock, right? Ask your parents if you're young.
00:11:22 So we outsource our vision to our brothers, right? We can't see much on the side,
00:11:33 a bit peripheral, but we certainly can't see anything behind us.
00:11:35 Why do we not have eyes in the back of our head? Because our brothers and sisters are eyes
00:11:45 that look behind us. They are the eyes in the back of our head.
00:11:49 So we get 360 vision socially, and we get sanity socially.
00:12:00 If you're surrounded with sane people, you will be sane. If you're surrounded by crazy people,
00:12:04 you will go crazy. Right? Which is why I've always made the case that if you're surrounded
00:12:12 by corrupt and crazy people, you should absolutely try and find a group of sane,
00:12:18 happy, and healthy people so that you can achieve sanity. If you live in complete isolation,
00:12:24 you'll go crazy. You'll go crazy. There's a line that has often struck me from
00:12:31 the Sting album, Soul Cages. I looked out across the river today. Anyway, he's got a line.
00:12:41 They go crazy in congregations. We only get better one by one.
00:12:50 Now, I used to think that that was like, well, you know, the mob mind. We go crazy in congregations,
00:12:55 but individualism has us become sane. I have a slightly more tempered view of that. I won't say
00:13:02 I've evolved or it's more nuanced because that's just priming you for the newer argument being
00:13:06 better, but we go crazy in congregations. We only get better one by one. So it's a very deep line.
00:13:14 He sounds like a complete a-hole as a person, but he's a pretty good lyricist.
00:13:20 But no, we don't. Biologically, we don't get sanity from solitude.
00:13:32 And we've evolved that way. We've evolved that way that we brainstorm, we process reality with
00:13:45 regards to other people. Like, you know that scene from A Beautiful Mind where Russell Crowe plays
00:13:49 this Nash guy who's kind of crazy. Someone comes to talk to him and he goes to someone else and
00:13:53 says, "Do you see that person? It's just a figment of my imagination, my hallucination. Do you see
00:13:56 that person?" Right. So we become sane or stay sane in aggregate. We are only a part of the mind
00:14:10 called sanity. That is how we've evolved. It's sort of like in marriage, there's this sort of
00:14:21 joke that what you do is you upload your life to your wife's cloud brain. And it's true. Whenever
00:14:31 I need to book something, it's like, "Honey, do we have anything going on?" Because she keeps the
00:14:35 whole social thing, which is quite considerable. She keeps the whole social thing in her head and
00:14:40 keeps all that stuff juggling. So I upload my social life to the cloud called wife.
00:14:46 And given the size of her hairdo, that's actually quite appropriate.
00:14:48 And I took a picture of my wife and daughter hiking the other day. I showed it to my wife and
00:15:00 her hair is out past her shoulders. And she's like, "Why do you let me go out of the house like
00:15:05 that?" And so you can dwarf the bushes, so you can dwarf the shrubs. So it is important to have
00:15:15 good, sane, healthy people around you and to be one of those good, sane, healthy people.
00:15:20 Because in conversation, we develop language so we can have sanity. We develop language so we can
00:15:26 have accuracy. We develop language so we could cross-check our perceptions with those of others
00:15:33 in order to stay in reality. And it's been a tough slog to get human beings to stay in reality,
00:15:38 because society is more likely to drag you into insanity rather than reinforce you to sanity,
00:15:47 which is why social media has made people both much crazier and much saner.
00:15:53 The sanity gap is the greatest gap. The financial gap, the class gap is not important.
00:16:03 The racial gap is not particularly important. The male-female gap is not particularly important.
00:16:10 But the sanity gap, where people dive into social media to reinforce their craziness and surround
00:16:17 themselves with insane people and thus go madder and madder and madder and can't turn back.
00:16:21 You understand, that's the two separate worlds. The people who are on social media to reinforce
00:16:28 reality and the people who are on social media to reinforce unreality. That is the gap. And when
00:16:34 that gap gets too big, war or civil war or violent conflict becomes a very high probability.
00:16:42 And to isolate the crazy people from the sane people, you know the way it works, right? If
00:16:50 you've escaped crazy people, you don't want to go back. You barely got out, right? It's like,
00:16:55 why would you break out of prison in order to break into prison, like prison break style, right?
00:16:59 So why would you want to do that? So the crazy people just drift off in their own bubbles,
00:17:05 in their own cysts, in their own islands, but moving among us, right? And they reinforce the
00:17:13 crazy. And the purpose of propaganda is to create in you landmines to any approaching sanity.
00:17:23 You recoil, you attack, right? Somebody comes to you with verifiable facts, with objective
00:17:27 facts, and you are just programmed to recoil and attack. And in order to defend the insanity, the
00:17:34 ill health, the unreality that is going on in people's minds. And this is, right, we understand
00:17:42 this, right? You can see these groups just moving apart. You can actually see graphs, you can see
00:17:46 charts, you can see all of this, just people. The crazy people are getting crazy and the sane
00:17:51 people are getting saner. I've obviously tried to bridge this gap as much as possible, but there's
00:18:02 only so much we can do because free will, right? Because just free will. All right.
00:18:16 Hello, Steph, we are live. Steph, have you noticed the rise of young kids getting into numerology?
00:18:21 I have not because I don't know any young kids getting into numerology. In fact,
00:18:27 most of the young kids would consider that extremely bad, extremely bad.
00:18:32 Speaking of maintaining your capacity to love, says someone, I have decided to spare myself the
00:18:38 suffering of dating a woman with borderline personality disorder. Well, that's great news,
00:18:42 and I really appreciate that because I was thinking about that from the Friday show.
00:18:46 I hope she goes to therapy and gets better. She knows what she has to do. In the meanwhile,
00:18:50 I'll be looking for a woman more my own value. Yes, yes. You cannot love a woman into sanity
00:18:57 any more than you can give poor people money and have them become wealthy.
00:19:01 Steph, why are leftist women okay with prostitutes yet have an issue, hate,
00:19:10 and anger for passport bros, lol, because they say those women are prostitutes or easy, lol.
00:19:16 Makes no sense. Well, no. See, when people, I'm sorry to be annoying, but when people say
00:19:22 makes no sense, you know, like, could it be any crazier? This is such a contradiction. This makes
00:19:27 no sense at all. I mean, sorry, I know you're being kind of tongue in cheek, but when most
00:19:34 people do it, it's blindingly lazy. It's like these medieval physicists are like, "Well, the rock
00:19:41 falls. The rock falls, but the balloon goes up." I mean, that's crazy. That makes no sense at all.
00:19:49 You know, things fall out of the sky, but clouds stay in the sky. It makes no sense at all.
00:19:58 I mean, the moon is dark and the sun is bright. It's just an interesting puzzle to solve. It's
00:20:06 not something that makes no sense at all. It's just something where you have to find
00:20:09 the pattern, right, that goes together, right? Like everyone believed that the bowling ball and
00:20:17 the orange, that the bowling ball would fall faster. And then Galileo went up the Tower of
00:20:21 Pisa, if I remember it rightly, and dropped them both. And people are like, "Oh my God,
00:20:25 this makes no sense. One's heavier, one's lighter, but they both fall at the same rate. This makes
00:20:29 no sense." Okay, it doesn't make sense because you haven't thought about it enough, right?
00:20:34 So, "makes no sense" is a conclusion that people are just crazy, but cunning like a fox, crazy
00:20:42 like a fox, right? So, "crazy like a fox" is a phrase that I thought on a lot as a kid. Foxes
00:20:47 were important to me because there's a sour grapes, which is the fox, and then there's crazy
00:20:51 like a... It's crazy, crazy like a fox. Okay, where does that come from? Let's have a look.
00:20:57 "Crazy like a fox." Where does that come from?
00:21:02 Where do it come from? So, it means seemingly foolish.
00:21:10 If you say that someone is crazy like a fox, it means that their behavior appears to be
00:21:17 insane or nonsensical at first glance, but there's actually something very clever and
00:21:21 subtle to it that's working towards their interest in unexpected ways. So, where does it come from?
00:21:25 According to TDF, it "gained currency when humorist S.G. Perelman used it as the title
00:21:34 of a book in 1944." Wild foxes are chiefly associated with rabies frothing at the mouth,
00:21:43 probably from children's scare stories with some truth in it. Hence, imaginably old mad
00:21:48 dog may be an allusion to that much. Okay, now let's see here.
00:21:54 1907 it started, "crazy like a fox."
00:22:00 We got one from 1876, "crazy as a fox."
00:22:11 Mad foxes. Okay, but what behavior does it come from?
00:22:18 With regards to what valpine behavior "crazy as a fox" might refer to, one tactic for which
00:22:25 foxes are renowned while being hunted involves circling back to their own earlier trail and
00:22:28 running backwards in it for a while to throw their pursuers off the scent, or at any rate,
00:22:33 into confusion. A reporter alludes to this trick in "The Cuban Situation." It's an article
00:22:40 January 11, 1896.
00:22:42 All right. Okay, so it doubles back on its trail, then chooses a different unexpected
00:22:56 direction to flee. The fox has created a whole bunch of misdirected commotion to its own great
00:23:02 benefit. Okay, so it looks like, so crazy like a fox. Crazy like a fox was something that I thought
00:23:11 of a lot as a kid. Obviously, I had to because I grew up with an extremely mentally ill and disturbed
00:23:16 and crazy, quote, crazy mother. So when you say, "LOL, makes no sense, blah, blah, blah," right?
00:23:24 It's crazy like a fox. So it makes no sense. So why leftist women okay with prostitutes,
00:23:31 yet have an issue, hate and anger for passport bros? Because they say, "Those women are
00:23:37 prostitutes are easy. LOL." Right? Well, I mean, it's the kind of thing where, you know, body
00:23:43 shaming Lizzo is totally wrong. But body shaming Elon Musk is just funny and okay, right? I mean,
00:23:51 it makes no sense. It's like, well, no, but it makes perfect sense when you understand the
00:23:55 principles behind it. So leftist women are propagandized and tasked with the production
00:24:05 of producing not babies, but other single women. Right? So this is the, they are propagandized
00:24:12 machinery for producing other single women, right? So you don't get babies, but you get to produce
00:24:18 other single women. That is the entire purpose of leftist women is to punish any sign of genuine
00:24:25 attractiveness in a woman and to reward any dysfunction that is going to lead a woman to be
00:24:31 undateable, unmarriable. Right? You follow? So leftist women hate marriage, right? Because
00:24:41 for political power, right? Because what is it in America left a single women vote plus 37%
00:24:48 Democrat. I mean, they're the biggest, the single biggest base of the Democrat party.
00:24:52 And the reason why the Democrat party has political viability is because of single women,
00:24:56 right? So, I mean, they know which side of the bread, their butter is, or should be buttered.
00:25:02 And so they know, they know. So the purpose of leftism is to produce a single women.
00:25:08 So if you understand that, then
00:25:17 their enemy is marriage. Now, do prostitutes, does praise for prostitutes help or harm marriage?
00:25:24 Well, obviously it harms marriage on two levels. Prostitutes probably won't get married or their
00:25:28 marriages won't be stable. Number one. And number two, prostitutes destabilize marriage because if
00:25:34 men have the outlet of going to prostitutes, then they won't necessarily work on the issues that
00:25:39 they have with their wives. So you understand that, right? So that's anti-marriage stuff, right?
00:25:46 Now, why do they have hate and anger for passport bros? Because passport bros go and get married.
00:25:52 And when passport bros go and get married, it tells women that men do want to get married.
00:26:02 And that might provoke women or inspire women to become the kind of women that
00:26:07 men want to marry without going to Thailand.
00:26:12 Because if they say, "Oh, men are just hound dogs. They never want to get married. They just want to
00:26:16 use women for sex, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." So a passport bro who goes and finds a bride
00:26:20 overseas obviously wants to get married. So that breaks that whole narrative. And then the
00:26:24 possibility of getting married is raised for women. And of course, he might come back with a
00:26:28 woman who's married from another country or another culture. I mean, let's say he goes to Vietnam,
00:26:33 gets married and comes back with a Vietnamese wife. Well, she's going to be pretty based in
00:26:37 anti-communist and anti-leftist because it's like half an ex-communist country. So yeah,
00:26:43 so this makes sense, right? You understand that the purpose of leftist women is to breed not babies,
00:26:49 but single women, right? And this is why they're targeted with all of this anti-male propaganda
00:26:56 and girl power and career and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right?
00:27:02 I saw this, it's pretty funny. Obviously it's too far, I get that, but it was still pretty funny,
00:27:07 right? He said, "If women, you want to understand how most men view your careers. You want to
00:27:12 understand how most men view..." I'm not endorsing this. I just thought it was funny, right? So
00:27:16 you want to understand how most men view most of your careers. If you're a mom and your kid comes
00:27:23 up with a teacup and it's got a packet of ketchup, some water, a couple of boogers and half a cracker
00:27:27 in, he's like, "Mommy, I made you soup." And you're like, because you're a nice mom, you're like,
00:27:34 "Oh, that's lovely." And you give it a sniff and you say, "I'm quite full right now, but we'll
00:27:37 just sort of put that aside for later." It's a great line in the Dungeons and Dragons movie with
00:27:42 the still creepy Hugh Grant from many years ago. When the woman uses her magic to stir his tea and
00:27:48 heat it up, she's like, "Oh, just put that aside for later." That's sort of the British thing,
00:27:51 right? So your kid comes to you with this booger in a cup with a half a cracker in a ketchup packet
00:27:57 and you're like, "I made you soup, mommy." And you're like, "Oh, that's nice. Let's just put
00:28:01 that aside for later." And the thought is nice and so on, but obviously you're not going to drink it.
00:28:08 And he said, "So when you come and you say, 'I got this career,' this is how men view it. You're
00:28:13 coming to them with a cup of ketchup and water and half a cracker." It's like, "Oh, that's nice,
00:28:18 I guess, but it's not what we're there for." So, all right.
00:28:24 - Yeah, so it's not a double standard, right? It's not a double standard to say,
00:28:29 "Gravity, in gravity, you know, things fall down, but birds fly up." Like, that's just,
00:28:38 you can't make sense of that. You can't make it like that. That's just a double standard. It's
00:28:41 like, it's not a double standard. You just need to understand things more deeply. Sorry to be
00:28:45 annoying. I know it's an annoying thing to say. And again, I know you're kind of half tongue in
00:28:47 cheek, but try not to promote confusion where there is in fact clarity.
00:28:58 Right? Try, okay, somebody says, "I've been in solitude my whole adult life and I'm perfectly
00:29:08 sane." No, you're not. No, you're not. There's no such thing as perfectly sane, particularly
00:29:14 the culture that we live in. I mean, you're not perfectly sane. I'm not perfectly sane.
00:29:17 In fact, I'm afraid you've just done a little bit to confirm my thesis. Now, if you want to call in
00:29:22 and talk about it, call in at freedomain.com, but no, you're not perfectly sane. You're not. It's
00:29:26 not possible. All right. Let's get to your messages.
00:29:41 Let's see here.
00:29:42 Yeah, don't say, "LOL, double standards, LOL, it's crazy, LOL." It's not. It's not crazy at all.
00:29:50 Yeah, I mean, if it doesn't make sense,
00:29:55 then you haven't thought about it enough. And it's fine. You don't have to think about everything
00:30:02 enough, right? But don't spread that it's LOL confusing or they're just crazy or anything
00:30:08 like that, right? That's just not true. It's just not true. All right.
00:30:16 "What is your life path?" Well, straight to heaven or straight to hell, apparently.
00:30:25 "I have to push back. Free will is not a thing."
00:30:32 That's great. That's funny. "I have to push back. Free will is not a thing."
00:30:39 That's absolutely beautiful. And I don't mean this in any negative way at all. That is
00:30:46 beautifully consistent. "I have no choice but to push back. I have to push back. I have no choice
00:30:53 but to push back because free will is not a thing." It's not a thing. "We are not free from the
00:30:59 consequences of choice. What we have is agency. We can choose our actions, but the result is not our
00:31:05 choice." Who has ever defined free will as freedom from consequences? I don't understand that.
00:31:14 Are you trying to say that we don't have free will
00:31:22 unless we're free to escape the consequences of smoking? We just don't have free will.
00:31:27 That if we can't both smoke and escape emphysema and lung cancer,
00:31:34 then we don't have free will. I don't understand that.
00:31:38 "That is such a creative and insightful way to think about getting the response.
00:31:44 That makes no sense." Yeah, "that makes no sense" is an insult to... Because here's the thing,
00:31:49 right? If people genuinely don't make sense, then they're completely contradictory and crazy. But
00:31:54 if the left is gaining power and ascending and has taken over most of the major institutions,
00:32:02 how can you call them crazy? Then you've lost to literally insane people.
00:32:05 And partly the reason you've lost is you called them crazy. They're not crazy like a fox.
00:32:10 Somebody says, "I've been slowly pulling away from a childhood friend. She has been working
00:32:14 on becoming a witch and studying all types of stuff I'm not into. I made two attempts
00:32:19 to help her discuss her newfound religion. What are your thoughts?" So, hit me why if you've been
00:32:25 following the hellscape of the Eurovision Song Contest. Have you been following the hellscape
00:32:32 of the Eurovision Song Contest? There's from Ireland. So when I was a kid, I literally remember
00:32:42 this song, "Save all your kisses for me, save all your kisses for me. Bye bye baby, bye bye.
00:32:50 So long baby, so long. Save all your kisses for me." And then you think it's a song, right?
00:32:58 And then at the end, like for a lover or whatever, right? And then it says at the end,
00:33:01 "Save all your kisses for me, even though you're only three." Right? That's the... So that was when
00:33:10 I was a kid. That was the Eurovision Song Contest. I also remember a great joke about, "Italy has
00:33:15 lost the Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'I Can't Get No Contraception' after the Pope
00:33:19 advised them to pull it out at the last minute." That is a multi-layered fantastic joke. Although
00:33:24 not as, and this is a trigger warning, not as multi-layered as the joke from hell that I heard
00:33:29 the other day. Right? The joke from hell that I heard the other day. And it was something like,
00:33:39 "Oh gosh, how did it go?" It just had layer after layer that just got worse
00:33:46 and worse and worse. I don't think I even bookmarked it because it was so bad. Let me see
00:33:51 if I can find it. I want to get all the layers of it.
00:34:18 No, no, no, no. Was it on? I'm trying to remember the platform. I don't want to do the joke
00:34:25 injustice. Neither do I want to keep it just for myself.
00:34:28 Anyway, it was something about sex and there's nothing wrong with sex.
00:34:40 No, no, I'm going to wait until I get it properly. Thank you for the tip. I appreciate that.
00:34:47 So yeah, there's this woman named Barbie Thug who's in her thirties and skinny as a rail and she is
00:34:53 a witch and it's completely demonic, like sings in a pentagram and this is Ireland. And so I
00:35:01 sort of gritted my teeth and watched the video and it's like, "Okay, so if there's a layer of
00:35:06 hell below Billie Eilish, she's way below that. It's Barbie Thug and she's got a shaved headed
00:35:13 demonic dancer with gray skin and horns and like all kinds of crazy stuff. And so this is the Irish
00:35:19 and she's got a song called Depression Blue or something like that. I don't remember what it's
00:35:23 called. And it's straight up like absolutely skinny as a rail, stick insect, demonic summoning,
00:35:31 screaming. It's, I mean, absolutely horrendous stuff. So I go watch the video. This was last
00:35:38 night. I go watch the video and I'm like, I have to skip around in it because it's just, it's like,
00:35:45 I don't want that stuff in my head. It feels like almost like it's a portal to hell. It literally
00:35:49 is a portal to hell in my mind. Right. And sorry, I have to, I'm literally addicted to the word,
00:35:55 literally. I'm sorry. I have a teenager in the house. It just happens literally. So I got to,
00:35:59 you know, I got to, I'm going to have to tase myself to train myself out of it. And so I go
00:36:03 watch this video and it's straight up devil worship, demonic, horrendous stuff designed to
00:36:07 spread. Again, this is part of the leftist. I don't know if she's a leftist, but she said she's
00:36:12 severely dissociated. Of course she is. Right. And I can't imagine her childhood would have been
00:36:16 hell on a stick, but this is just a woman training other women to be undateable, unmarriable. And
00:36:24 right. So this is just part of producing more single women, right? There's a single women
00:36:28 factory that is in the West, right? It all the way from education to movies, to higher education, to
00:36:36 music is all just single women, single women, single women, right? It's got to be single
00:36:39 women. Right. And so when I talked to him many years ago, it took me a while to understand this.
00:36:43 When I wrote what was considered for a time, the worst tweet in Twitter history, which I'm
00:36:48 actually not even perversely proud of. I'm just genuinely proud of that. But when I was talking
00:36:53 about when Taylor Swift was turning 30, it was like five or six years ago, I wrote a tweet,
00:36:57 which was something like, wow, I can't believe Taylor Swift is turning 30. She looks so young.
00:37:02 So strange to think that 90% of her eggs are gone by this age. I hope she decides to become a mom.
00:37:06 I think she'd be a great parent. I think she'd be a fun parent.
00:37:09 Now that goes against the production of single women, because that has women panic. 90% of my
00:37:18 eggs are gone, right? And it has them panic about the passage of time and maybe settle down.
00:37:22 And women who are married with children vote conservative and women who are unmarried
00:37:28 vote leftist or liberal. So of course, the reason why that was so explosive was because I was
00:37:36 interfering with the conveyor belt production of single women that is necessary for hard leftists
00:37:41 to stay in power. So anyway, I went to watch this video from Barbie Thug and this kind of
00:37:54 antonym name stuff, right? Barbie Thug, Bing Hitler, and I looked at the comments and you
00:38:01 know where you have to just, because I don't spend time around dysfunctional people, right? So,
00:38:05 you know, when you have to just kind of grit your teeth and say, okay, I'm gonna have to dip my hand
00:38:08 in this acid in order to grab some knowledge, right? I'm gonna have to strap the visor of pain
00:38:12 on to look at the current soullessness of humanity. So I looked at the comments and like, oh, this is
00:38:18 so cool. Oh, I've watched this video 10 times. Kudos on Ireland, which is, you know, a very
00:38:23 religious and Catholic country, or at least was. Kudos on Ireland for producing such edgy, creative,
00:38:30 you know, they're really pushing the envelope. Thank God this isn't just like stupid generic
00:38:34 bubble pop and people were just like mad with praise for this, to me at least, my opinion,
00:38:40 obviously mentally ill, half demonic woman who is dragging others down to this level of
00:38:48 dysfunction or not dragging, but inspiring other people down this road. So she's been working on
00:38:55 becoming a witch. Yeah. Right. So why is she studying to become a witch? So witches are women
00:39:10 who make imaginary boyfriends because they're undateable. And they also, because they are
00:39:20 desperate, they also come up with love potions and witchy ways in which you can get a man to
00:39:24 be attracted to you. Right. So, I mean, there are some dysfunctional women who marry religious icons,
00:39:30 right. In a sense, right. You know, it's, I can't compete with Jesus kind of thing.
00:39:35 Jesus is perfect. My husband is only mortal or whatever. So there are some women who bond with
00:39:41 fantasy, who bond with, let's not say fantasy. There are some women who bond with non-corporeal
00:39:50 personalities. Let's just put it that way. Right. And then that's tough. Right. And because then you
00:39:55 bond with perfection and everything else looks imperfect. Like if you look at too many beautiful
00:39:59 women, then a normal looking woman looks ugly. Like you've just, like if all you eat is sugar,
00:40:03 food that's just normal tastes bland and bad. Right. So you have to be very, very careful in
00:40:08 life not to overstimulate your senses on a regular basis. Right. You listen to music too loud,
00:40:13 you lose your hearing. Right. And you have to be very, very careful to not overstimulate your senses.
00:40:19 Otherwise you lose the Aristotelian mean of that, which is good for you. Right.
00:40:23 So she's a witch because she can't find a real man to love her. So she's inventing,
00:40:32 or she is bonding with non-corporeal male figures, I guess, like Satan. Right. So
00:40:38 it's absolutely terrible. And she's going straight to the human hell of mental illness. Right.
00:40:49 All right.
00:40:49 I read Dr. Laura's work. The number one thing men do to mess up their lives,
00:40:58 rescuing damsels since damsels in distress just gets you a distressed damsel. Right.
00:41:02 Well, that's just, men don't have a desire to rescue damsels in distress. They just have a
00:41:07 desire to have sex. And they want the shortcut of a dysfunctional woman who will give them sex
00:41:11 quickly. And then they think they'll save her, which you want. Right. Leftist women attract
00:41:15 men who lie to them and dip, and then they grow old and bitter. No, that's not true.
00:41:22 No, that's not true. Leftist women are produced by state-sponsored ideology in the
00:41:29 mental prisons of government schools. Right. Are you saying you don't know any young feminists?
00:41:35 You don't know any feminists in their teens or like they're really like anti-male
00:41:41 misanthropic women. You think they're just produced after 40, that they're all very pro-men
00:41:47 when they're younger, but they just tragically get lied to or they attract, no, they are
00:41:53 embittered and it's tragic. Right. It's tragic. It's tragic. This is why the big lie works. The
00:41:58 big lie works because the stakes get so high. Right. So if you're a child, I don't know if
00:42:06 you went through this experience, but if you're a child or in particular teen, a teenager, right,
00:42:10 generally when it happens, you're a teenager and you just get this vague sense that
00:42:16 everyone in authority is kind of lying to you about everything. Like that's the big lie,
00:42:22 right? Everyone in authority is kind of lying to me about everything.
00:42:28 That's the big lie. That's a lot for people to process because that is to risk ostracism from
00:42:37 the entire tribe. Like, so we evolved in tribes, right? So we fear ostracism from the tribe because
00:42:41 it's genetic death, right? It could be physical death too. So we tend, we can accept small lies
00:42:46 like the law. You know, they say the law is a strange net that, it's a strange net that
00:42:51 traps tiny fish and that's all the big fish go. Right. So the idea that everyone's lying
00:42:58 to you about everything, like, you know, the teachers who say, oh, taxation is the price
00:43:06 we pay to live in a civilized society. It's like, okay, we get it. Your salary is paid
00:43:12 through taxation. I get it. I get it. But let's not pretend there's some sort of ideology at play
00:43:17 here. Like, let's not, let's not get crazy about that kind of stuff because that's just not,
00:43:20 not really the case at all. Right. So yeah, they don't grow old bitter because men lied to them.
00:43:33 There is a distinction between passport bros and sex tourism. Yeah. Yeah.
00:43:38 This is why feminists hate the idea of sex robots as much as funny as it is.
00:43:44 All right.
00:43:57 Ah, yes. I did read the article from,
00:44:00 I did read the article that Lauren Southern had about her issues with trad life.
00:44:07 Yeah. I don't think it was trad life that failed her anyway. Okay. So let's see here.
00:44:14 Modern version. Mom, I ordered you breakfast from the food app with her money. Yeah,
00:44:19 I guess, but at least she gets something she can eat. Right.
00:44:21 Yeah.
00:44:27 Steph detonated. Yeah. Yeah. With the Taylor Swift tweet. Yeah. Yeah. For sure.
00:44:36 Well, you know, that the, you know, Barbie thug, you know, I mean,
00:44:43 Hey, call in at freedom.ain.com. Uh, but, uh, I mean, this is a woman who's severely wounded.
00:44:50 Right. It's, it's severely wounded and she's severely wounded and
00:44:57 nobody's like, Oh, it's so, she's so cool. She's so edgy. And it's like,
00:45:04 if that's not a cry for help, I mean, maybe she's beyond help. I don't know. Right. I don't know her,
00:45:08 but yeah, it was pretty hard to watch that Eurovision contest. Yes, it was music stuff
00:45:18 being so much rampant degeneracy. Yeah. So music, I mean, people, they sing the lyrics,
00:45:22 they repeat the lyrics. It just, it carves things into your brain, right? The lyrics that you repeat
00:45:28 carve things into your brain. It's a form of programming. So music is very much has always
00:45:31 been part of programming and totalitarianism.
00:45:44 Have you ever seen the Roaster Bob Sagat? That's also, that's a, that's a window to hell.
00:45:48 The Roaster Bob Sagat is a window to hell.
00:45:51 Switzerland one. Yeah.
00:45:55 When you say Barbie, it keeps reminding me of that girl who said, cash me outside. How about that?
00:46:08 And Dr. Phil. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, one of the Jersey girls also got a novel published.
00:46:14 So that's where we are.
00:46:16 One of the dudes from my university classes said that Ireland should have won with the,
00:46:26 with the performance. It didn't take him for that far gone since he was, since the uni we go to is
00:46:31 one of the most, if not the most conservative and traditional ones in our country. Right. So
00:46:37 I would, I don't know this guy obviously, but I would imagine that what he's doing
00:46:41 is he's broadcasting to women. I have no standards. I have no standards, no morals.
00:46:50 So come in here with your seductive scissor vagina and snip the balls of my standards off.
00:46:57 Right. He's just, he's just advertising for low rent women to
00:47:04 ride him like a cowgirl. Right. So yeah, the images of Bambi Thang, yeah, really unsettling. Of course. Right.
00:47:14 Of course. Woo woo witchy woman. Yeah. Yeah. There's a song. We're trying to talk about some serious
00:47:20 stuff here, but yes, there is a song about a witchy woman. Good for you. Wow. Good for you.
00:47:25 Yeah. That experience is how I got here sitting in class one day and thinking,
00:47:33 shit. Right. Right.
00:47:34 How about Lindsay Stirling? I don't know who that is.
00:47:43 Is that the woman who kicks, kicks high while she plays the violin?
00:47:49 Um, seems like a good violinist.
00:47:52 Just a side note to my witch friend. She flipped out on me because I didn't believe her when she
00:48:00 said her powers can tell her what her future is and what good things are in store for her.
00:48:04 I told her I don't believe in unicorns. Right. So, I mean, the downside of believing that your
00:48:11 future is set in stone is that you don't have any ability to create it.
00:48:15 About the dude at my uni, there were no women present at the time. Man, it's like 36 years old.
00:48:24 We were having a night out with the men from our class at a cabin, though I suppose he'll probably
00:48:28 be signaling it to the ladies as well. I imagine. Yeah. Somebody says I can only imagine the type
00:48:34 of abuse that quote witch had as a child. Yeah. I mean, I'm not saying this about her. I don't
00:48:39 know her history, but I did know a woman who was sex trafficked by her own father as a child. I
00:48:46 mean, there is some real hell stuff out there. Lindsay Stirling is the equivalent of Rachel
00:48:52 in your novel. The present. She chose a career instead of having kids and her sister is a
00:48:59 trad wife. Oh, isn't that interesting? Isn't that interesting? Yeah, I actually had, oh gosh,
00:49:05 what was it? On Friday. It's Sunday now. So two days ago, my good friend, Dr. Duke Pester,
00:49:10 literature professor of many decades experience. So we've reviewed some fantastic literature over
00:49:15 the course of our time together. We've done Dickens, Dostoevsky, we've done Shakespeare,
00:49:20 we've done CS Lewis. We've done some truth about Satan and Jesus. Like we've done some amazing deep
00:49:26 stuff. And so he read, he read my novel, the present, and we did about an hour 20 on my novel
00:49:35 and what it means. And it was a wild conversation. It was a wild conversation and, um, loved the man
00:49:46 to death, really, really appreciated his feedback, but he grilled me hard on my relationship to
00:49:51 Christianity and he was right to do so. And that's absolutely fair. But it was, as you can imagine,
00:49:57 the smidge unsettling, which is, I mean, given the nature of the book that I wrote,
00:50:01 absolutely right and fair, but it was very, very cool. So it was like when I did, um,
00:50:07 after the death of my father, um, I did a show with the pastor who was grilling me on the death
00:50:17 of my father and forgiveness and all that kind of stuff. It was, uh, it was great. It was great.
00:50:24 Really. I really do appreciate those sort of scolding penetrating questions. It was just great.
00:50:29 Did you see the famous Hollywood movie director that got exposed to trying to sleep with underage
00:50:34 girls? He directed kindergarten cop. Yeah. Yeah. Is Duke Pest's analysis of the present published?
00:50:40 No, but I'm going to go donor only in a few minutes and I'll give you a Jessilee Peterson.
00:50:45 Yeah. Jessilee Peterson is an absolute force of base nature. He really is just an absolute force
00:50:52 of base nature and a man of substantial integrity and courage and someone to be, um, admired to me.
00:51:01 So, um, the present, no, I'll, I'll kick out the link to the video to people who, uh, let me give
00:51:09 you, I'm going to go in a minute or two here. I'm going to sort of show you the new project. Um,
00:51:15 I show you guys a new project, which I think is going to be, but I don't know. I don't think it's
00:51:20 going to be fantastic. I know it is fantastic, fantastic stuff. All right. Let me just get you
00:51:26 the link here so that you can, uh, uh, you can get a hold of what we're doing in a few minutes.
00:51:33 Interesting to see how mad people can get at Jesse. Yeah. I mean, he's like, uh, he's Mr.
00:51:39 Socrates, right? Right. And, and there's a very powerful thing. And I've, I've used this in the
00:51:43 business world, right? Explain it to me like I'm three years old. Explain it to me like I'm five
00:51:47 years old, right? You should be able to do that because a lot of people use this hyper verbose
00:51:53 baffle gap to a hyper, hyper verbose baffle gap to pretend to be smart, right? To exclude you from
00:52:01 the process of thinking by layering you with language that is hard to comprehend. Right.
00:52:05 And one of the things that hugely influenced me, and I can't remember who said it, but somebody
00:52:10 pointed out that Socrates used the common language. He used the average language. He did not
00:52:14 use epistemology. He did not use the words metaphysics. He did not use the words, uh, uh,
00:52:18 you know, any of these kinds of stuff. So, so yeah, the truth about sin was a great show that
00:52:28 we did together. So yeah. So having a literature professor analyze my novel was great. It was
00:52:38 really, really great. And so, and, uh, I will say that he had some very kind things and I mean,
00:52:43 I think the book earns it. I've been listening. Of course I listened to it again before doing the
00:52:47 show with him to make sure. And I was like, the dialogue in that book gives me absolute goosebumps.
00:52:53 It's some of the very best dialogue that I have ever written. All right. So let's see here.
00:53:04 I recently read the peaceful parenting sitcom analogy to someone and it turned the light bulb
00:53:09 on for them. Full house, Mr. Belvedere, et cetera. Really effective. Well, thank you.
00:53:13 I appreciate that. A pastor of mine once said, Jesus comforts the disturbed and disturbs the
00:53:18 comfortable. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, Steph, just last started listening to your novel, the future last
00:53:24 night. Such a visual journey that I just went to lay down with my headset on loving it so far.
00:53:29 Thank you. I absolutely love that. Also some of the most gut wrenching acting I've ever had to do
00:53:35 is in that is in that novel. I mean, the death scene of the father. I mean, obviously I faced
00:53:42 death with cancer many years ago and the death scene with the father, which I wrote not too,
00:53:49 too long after my own father died. The future is the best book by far. Oh, thank you. I appreciate
00:53:54 that. I appreciate that. The Rachel Arlo gloves off convo was riveting. Yes. Yes. Yes. I won't
00:54:04 even go into the experiences that produced that. Now, my good friends, my good friends,
00:54:09 I've been working hard, explained a lot, pushed back on a lot, giving you some real insights.
00:54:13 10 bucks. I love you guys to death. Really appreciate you being here. If you could help
00:54:19 out and remember, if you donate, you get this month, right, you get a free copy of the peaceful
00:54:24 parenting book, which you're welcome to share. And so if you could help out freedom.com/donate,
00:54:31 I would really appreciate it. If you could join up freedom.locals.com or freedom. Sorry,
00:54:36 subscribe star.com subscribe star.com/freedom. I'd really appreciate that too. And I know we're
00:54:42 just on the one platform today, but I would really, really appreciate your support.
00:54:48 We'll never look at lemurs the same way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That actually came from personal
00:54:54 experience. So what a yearly sub this month. Thank you so much. I really, really do appreciate that.
00:55:00 I really do appreciate that. So, okay. We're going to go donor and I'm going to hit you with this
00:55:06 project that is great and wild. We got a minute, well, 58 seconds, 57, we got a minute till we go.
00:55:14 Donor, thank you for the tip. I appreciate that, Alan. And
00:55:19 I'm sure that there'll be a donation or two at freedom.com/donate.
00:55:26 With AI, maybe you could do an animated movie of the future and the present. Find some willing
00:55:30 voice actors could be a blockbuster at 10 bucks so far this week. Well worth it. Well, AI is going
00:55:36 to be able to generate the whole movie from a script. Like I had AI and I posted this at
00:55:42 freedom.locals.com. I had AI summarize the first 12 chapters of my novel, the present,
00:55:52 and it got the themes in really wild ways. Like it actually managed to unpack and get
00:55:58 some of the themes, which was wild to me.
00:56:00 That's the first example that I've seen of AI where it really does look intelligent.
00:56:08 That was really something. That was really something. The challenge of course, with the
00:56:16 novels is getting good voice actors and rehearsals and all of that and getting everyone together
00:56:26 because I'd want everyone in the same room and all of that. We're talking probably 20 grand
00:56:32 and with $15 donations, that's a long way to 20 grand. So I appreciate that. It's a great idea.
00:56:39 I love the idea and I have lots of experience directing actors and all of that, so I could
00:56:44 do some great stuff. All right, we have gone to supporters. Are we supporters only? Yes.
00:56:56 So thank you for joining and appreciate that. Really do appreciate your support.
00:57:06 Are we done Roni? We are done only. Yes, only for supporters.
00:57:10 So the project which we've been working on is the peaceful parenting AI. It's the peaceful
00:57:24 parenting chatbot. So obviously we've loaded it up with the book, but we've loaded it up with
00:57:32 a huge amount of other material. So of course I have the first draft of the book from some years
00:57:36 ago. I have private articles about it, which were sort of my notes and research. We have podcasts
00:57:43 that we have transcribed and loaded up the peaceful parenting AI and it's really good.
00:57:55 And so here's my sort of thought, right? I'd like to share it, but I don't have a good technology
00:58:02 for sharing more than just my camera at the moment. So do me a solid and
00:58:08 tell me, give me questions that I can pump into the expert interviews. Yeah, all kinds of great
00:58:17 stuff has gone in there, right? So because I do want people to have this as a resource where they
00:58:21 can say, "I'm having this trouble, what should I do? What's a good approach to this? What's the
00:58:25 best argument for this? What's the rebuttal to that? And what's the research behind the reasoning
00:58:29 behind peaceful parenting?" And give me the syllogisms. I just want people to be able to grill
00:58:33 peaceful parenting and I can do lots and lots. Jared did a great job putting
00:58:39 the source material together, just a wonderful job. And so yeah, hit me with questions.
00:58:47 Hit me with questions and let's see. We can also find places where it could be tweaked or whatever,
00:58:52 right? So hit me with some questions for the peaceful parenting. Your work is invaluable.
00:59:00 Here is a bit to help. Thank you. I appreciate that. So yeah, hit me with some questions and
00:59:05 you can of course always email them support@freedomain.com. You can get Jared to have a
00:59:09 look at the questions so we can pump them through, but let's take it for a spin. Let's take it for a
00:59:16 spin. Take it for a spin, Sean Connery style. Yeah, let's take it for a spin. And if you've got
00:59:24 questions about this, I would be thrilled to pump them through and see what we get from them.
00:59:36 Ah, how can I get my child to brush his teeth without using force? Okay, great.
00:59:46 I'm sorry. Could you just, Oh, I think, I think I remember it. I think I remember it. Um, hang on.
00:59:50 All right, let's do it. Let's zoom in for my slightly aging eyes. All right. Let's go here.
01:00:06 Type your message. All right. I've got this. How can I get my child to brush his teeth without
01:00:12 using force? It's thinking. It's perusing. All right. Here we go. Here we go. Satellite radio,
01:00:24 you'll get hit with the boom, boom. Not bad. Not bad. Not bad. Oh gosh. And it's quite a lot.
01:00:30 All right, let's do it. To get your child to brush their teeth without using force, consider adopting
01:00:36 a more understanding and collaborative approach. Here are some strategies based on the context
01:00:40 provided. One, explain the importance. Take the time to explain why brushing teeth is important.
01:00:44 Use age appropriate language to discuss the consequences of not brushing, such as cavities,
01:00:48 tooth decay, and the discomfort that comes with dental problems. Two, find what they like. Discover
01:00:54 a toothpaste flavor or a toothbrush that your child likes. Making the experience more enjoyable
01:00:58 can motivate them to brush their teeth regularly. Three, empathy and understanding. Show empathy
01:01:04 towards your child's feelings about brushing their teeth. If they, I know it goes singular
01:01:08 to your child today, but whatever. If they express dislike or discomfort, try to understand the
01:01:12 specific reasons. It could be the taste of the toothbrush, the texture of the toothbrush, or even
01:01:15 the timing. Four, involve them in the process. Let your child choose their toothbrush or toothpaste.
01:01:22 Involvement in the decision-making process can increase their willingness to brush their teeth.
01:01:25 Five, educational resources. Use books, videos, or apps designed to teach children about dental
01:01:30 hygiene in a fun and engaging way. Sometimes a visual or interactive lesson can be more effective
01:01:35 than a verbal explanation. Six, model good behavior. That's straight out of the book, right?
01:01:42 Children learn by example. Make sure you are practicing good dental hygiene yourself and let
01:01:45 your child see you brushing your teeth regularly. Seven, create a routine. Establish a consistent
01:01:51 routine for brushing teeth, making it a regular part of the day, like before bedtime or after
01:01:54 breakfast. Consistency helps build habits. Eight, use positive reinforcement. Praise your child for
01:02:01 brushing their teeth and acknowledge their effort. Positive reinforcement can encourage them to
01:02:05 continue the behavior. Nine, collaborative problem solving. If resistance persists, engage in a
01:02:10 collaborative problem-solving conversation. Ask your child what they dislike about brushing their
01:02:14 teeth and work together to find solutions that address their concerns. By approaching the
01:02:18 situation with patience, understanding, and creativity, you can encourage your child to
01:02:22 brush their teeth without resorting to force, turning it into a positive and educational
01:02:27 experience for both of you. Okay, that's pretty good, right? That's straight out of the book.
01:02:34 That's pretty good. That is pretty good. All right. Let's do this. I think you need to give
01:02:48 it a name. Yeah, so, I mean, Jared's idea was from my novel, The Future, to call it Angel,
01:02:55 but we'll see. Is the bot based on your material or does it also pull from other sources,
01:03:01 such as the origin of war and child abuse? We can't train an AI on the origin of war and child
01:03:06 abuse because that's including peaceful parenting with vivid descriptions of the exact opposite of
01:03:11 peaceful parenting, which would not be helpful for the bot. All right. So, how do I address the
01:03:20 topics of spanking with my friends and family? Now, that's interesting because I hope the bot
01:03:24 is going to know that spanking relates to children and not that you're spanking your friends and
01:03:28 family, which, although consensual, could be considered pretty kinky. Right. Okay. So, let's
01:03:33 go here. That's a great question. Let's see how we do.
01:03:35 Mulling, mulling, mulling. Let's see what we get.
01:03:42 Good, good, good. When addressing the topic of spanking with friends and family, it's important
01:03:51 to approach the conversation with empathy, respect, and focus on sharing information
01:03:55 rather than judgment. Here are some steps you might consider. One, start with common ground.
01:04:00 Begin by acknowledging a shared goal, such as wanting the best for children and their development.
01:04:04 This establishes a positive intent for the conversation. Perfect. Two, share personal
01:04:09 insights. If applicable, share your own journey of learning about the effects of spanking and how it
01:04:14 has influenced your parenting or beliefs. Personal stories can be more impactful than abstract
01:04:18 arguments, especially if you're talking to women, right? Three, present the research. Gently introduce
01:04:24 the research findings on spanking, emphasizing the long-term effects it can have on children's
01:04:29 behavior and emotional development. Highlight the studies that show spanking can lead to increased
01:04:33 aggression, mental health problems, and hindered cognitive development in children. Four, discuss
01:04:40 alternatives. Talk about positive discipline strategies that focus on teaching and guiding
01:04:45 rather than punishing. Emphasize the importance of understanding the reasons behind a child's
01:04:50 behavior and addressing those underlying needs. Five, listen and empathize. Be prepared to listen
01:04:56 to their views without immediate judgment. Many people have grown up in environments where
01:05:02 spanking was the norm and changing deeply held beliefs can take time. Six, offer resources.
01:05:08 Recommend books, articles, and other resources that provide more information on peaceful parenting
01:05:12 and the effects of spanking. Sometimes having access to a variety of sources can help
01:05:16 individuals feel more comfortable exploring new ideas. Seven, encourage reflection. Encourage
01:05:23 your friends and family to reflect on their own experiences and how they felt when disciplined
01:05:28 as children. This can sometimes open the door to more empathetic approaches to parenting.
01:05:32 Remember, the goal is to foster a constructive dialogue that encourages reflection and learning,
01:05:38 not to create division or defensiveness. That is a great answer. That's really not much that
01:05:44 I would add to it. How does, how could, you say, how do a child deal with drunk father every night?
01:05:53 That's not a parenting question. I mean, I'll put it aside if we need something at the end.
01:06:02 I'd be curious to see what it says. I'll just change it a little bit. So how could a child
01:06:07 deal with a drunk father every night? But that's not a parenting question, that's a childing
01:06:11 question. So we'll see it later. Right. Okay. How would you approach talking to someone about
01:06:18 moral philosophy who rejects the concept of objective morality? That's not a parenting
01:06:24 question. Do you mean this? How about, can we say, how would you approach talking to a parent
01:06:32 about moral philosophy who, I'm just going to just make this a little easier for the bot. I don't
01:06:42 mean to overly, I'm not going to censor it, but how would you approach talking to a parent who
01:06:47 rejects the concept of objective morality about moral philosophy? I'm curious what it will say
01:06:52 about that. It's not particularly a parenting question. That's more, that would be more for
01:06:57 Stephbot.ai, but let's see what it says. All right. Let's see what we get. Good stuff so far.
01:07:06 All right. Zoom in a little here. When approaching, oh, sorry, it's still scrolling here.
01:07:21 When approaching a conversation with a parent who rejects the concept of objective morality
01:07:25 about moral philosophy, it's important to engage in a respectful and open dialogue. Here are some
01:07:29 strategies that might be helpful. One, find common ground. Start by identifying any shared values or
01:07:34 principles, even if your foundational beliefs about morality differ. This can create a basis
01:07:39 for a more constructive conversation. Two, ask questions. Instead of directly challenging their
01:07:45 beliefs, ask thoughtful questions that encourage them to explain their perspective more fully.
01:07:50 This can lead to a deeper understanding for both of you and can reveal areas where you might agree
01:07:55 or respectfully disagree. Three, share perspectives. Share your understanding of
01:08:00 moral philosophy and the importance of objective morality in guiding behavior and decisions.
01:08:05 Explain how this framework can be beneficial for making consistent and fair decisions,
01:08:09 especially in parenting. Four, use examples. Sometimes abstract concepts can be made clearer
01:08:16 through concrete examples. Discuss hypothetical or real scenarios where the objective moral
01:08:21 standards could play a crucial role in determining the right course of action.
01:08:24 So the examples can be theoretical rather than just sheer reasoning. Okay, that's good. I mean,
01:08:32 I talk about this, analogies and all of that in my call-in shows. Okay, five, discuss consequences.
01:08:36 Talk about the potential consequences of not having a shared understanding of morality, both
01:08:41 in family dynamics and in broader social contexts. Highlight how objective moral standards can help
01:08:48 in resolving conflicts and guiding behavior towards more positive outcomes. Six, encourage
01:08:54 reflection. Encourage them to reflect on situations where they have applied their own standards of
01:08:58 right and wrong and how those standards were determined. This can lead to a deeper exploration
01:09:03 of their beliefs and how they align with or differ from objective moral principles.
01:09:08 Seven, be patient and open. Recognize that deeply held beliefs are not likely to change in a single
01:09:15 conversation. Show openness to continuing the dialogue and express your willingness to understand
01:09:20 their perspective while sharing your own. Remember, the goal is not to win an argument, but to engage
01:09:25 in a meaningful exchange of ideas that could lead to a better understanding of each other's
01:09:28 perspective on moral philosophy. Now that's good. You know, this is good for an AI. To me, a
01:09:35 staff but AI would probably say, "Well, opposing objective moral standards in philosophy is to
01:09:42 deploy an objective moral standard in philosophy called 'there is no objective standard in philosophy'."
01:09:47 So that would be that, right? Great cue. All right. Let's see. What to do if my child is being bullied
01:09:55 at school? All right. I would phrase it a little better. You know, what should I do or what could
01:10:00 I do? But let's just put that straight in and see what we get. What to do if my child is being
01:10:04 bullied at school? What to do if my child is being bullied at school, we ask the peaceful parenting AI?
01:10:11 All right. If your child is being bullied at school, it's crucial to take immediate and
01:10:24 decisive action to protect them and address the situation. Here are steps you can take.
01:10:29 One, listen and validate. First, listen to your child's experiences without judgment.
01:10:34 Validate their feelings and let them know it's not their fault. Assure them that you're there to help.
01:10:38 Two, gather information. Collect as much information as you can about the bullying
01:10:43 incidents, including who was involved, where and when the bullying occurred,
01:10:47 and if there were any witnesses. Three, communicate with the school. Contact your child's teacher,
01:10:53 a school counselor, or principal to report the bullying. Provide them with the details you've
01:10:57 gathered and ask about the school's policies on bullying and what steps will be taken to address
01:11:01 the situation. Four, develop a plan. Work with the school to develop a plan to ensure your child's
01:11:08 safety. This might include changing your child's class schedule, increasing supervision during
01:11:13 vulnerable times, or implementing a buddy system. Five, teach coping strategies. Help your child
01:11:21 develop strategies to deal with bullying. This can include assertiveness training, role-playing
01:11:25 how to respond to bullies, and identifying safe places for adults or adults they can go to for
01:11:29 help. Six, monitor the situation. Stay in close contact with your child and the school to monitor
01:11:36 the situation. Ask for updates and ensure that the original, sorry, that the agreed upon actions are
01:11:40 being taken. Seven, consider additional support. If the bullying continues or your child is
01:11:45 struggling emotionally, consider seeking support from a psychologist or counselor who specializes
01:11:50 in bullying and child development. Eight, advocate for change. If the school's response is inadequate,
01:11:57 consider escalating your concerns. This might involve contacting the school board, joining a
01:12:02 parent advocacy group, or seeking legal advice. Remember, your primary role is to protect your
01:12:07 child and advocate for their well-being. Taking swift and appropriate action is key to addressing
01:12:11 bullying effectively. Right, so good stuff. I don't particularly talk about bullying in the
01:12:17 book, so this is helpful stuff. It doesn't of course say homeschooling is an option, blah, blah,
01:12:21 blah. All right. All right. How do I, these are great questions guys, thank you, keep them coming.
01:12:30 How do I as a peaceful parent with peacefully parented kids deal with other parents in public
01:12:35 settings? All right. I would phrase that to how do my peacefully parented kids deal with non-peacefully
01:12:40 parented kids or something, but whatever, you know, I mean, these are my tweaks, doesn't mean
01:12:44 that they're right or wrong. That's how I would do it, but let's put, copy and paste your question.
01:12:48 How do I as a peaceful parent with peacefully parented kids deal with other parents in public
01:12:54 settings? All right. Let's see. Again, see what we get, right? This is a, it's a bit of a mystery
01:13:00 box as all AI is, but let's see what we get. Sorry, I just got a message here. Yeah, okay.
01:13:10 As a peaceful parent with peacefully parented kids, dealing with other parents in public
01:13:14 settings involves demonstrating your parenting principles through actions while also navigating
01:13:19 interactions with respect and understanding. Here are some strategies. One, model peaceful parenting.
01:13:25 Continue to model the principles of peaceful parenting, even in public settings. This
01:13:28 includes engaging with your children calmly, using negotiation and reasoning, and showing
01:13:32 empathy towards their feelings and needs. Two, stay true to your values. Maintain your commitment
01:13:39 to peaceful parenting practices, even if faced with contrasting parenting styles. This consistency
01:13:44 not only reinforces your values to your children, but also serves as a living example to others.
01:13:48 Couldn't say it better. Three, offer support, not judgment. If you observe a parent struggling,
01:13:54 offer support or assistance rather than judgment. Sometimes a simple act of kindness can open the
01:13:58 door to a conversation about differing parenting approaches. I've done this many times. I don't
01:14:03 go and condemn them. I just say, can I help out? Or, you know, this probably isn't the parenting
01:14:07 that you want to be doing. You know, anything I can do to help, that kind of stuff. Four, share
01:14:12 your experiences. When appropriate, share your positive experiences with peaceful parenting,
01:14:16 focusing on the benefits you've observed in your children's behavior and your family's dynamics.
01:14:21 Personal stories can be powerful and inspiring. Yes. Five, seek common ground. Find areas of
01:14:27 common interests or concern with other parents. Focusing on shared goals for your children's
01:14:32 well-being can foster a sense of community and mutual respect. Six, respect boundaries. Recognize
01:14:39 and respect that each family may have different beliefs and practices. While you can offer
01:14:44 insights from your own experience, it's important to do so with sensitivity to others' perspectives.
01:14:48 So I wouldn't say and respect, but that just seems to be a typical thing, right?
01:14:52 Seven, educate through resources. If other parents express interest in learning more about peaceful
01:14:57 parenting, suggest resources such as books, websites, or community groups that provide
01:15:01 information and support. Eight, create a supportive network. Seek out or create a community of
01:15:08 like-minded parents. Having a supportive network can provide a space for sharing experiences,
01:15:13 advice, and encouragement. By embodying the principles of peaceful parenting and approaching
01:15:18 interactions with empathy and openness, you can navigate public settings in a way that respects
01:15:22 both your values and those of other parents. Yeah, and again, the respect thing, you know,
01:15:26 I'm sorry, there's just an HR department in AI which demands the word respect, right?
01:15:32 In everything, right? Agenda neutral there, yeah, probably, right?
01:15:35 Okay, is a father morally responsible for any harm that may occur if he leaves his child
01:15:44 in the sole care of the child's unstable crazy mother while he goes on a work trip overseas?
01:15:48 I mean, whether he has a legal choice or not, okay, but let's, you know, let's just,
01:15:57 let's pump it in, right? Let's pump it in and see what we get. And let me know what you guys think of
01:16:01 these answers. So the question is, is a father morally responsible for any harm that may occur
01:16:11 if he leaves his child in the sole care of the child's unstable crazy mother while he goes on a
01:16:15 work trip overseas? And peaceful parenting says, I don't know the answer. Okay, so I'm just, let
01:16:20 me just try tweaking this a little bit. The goes on a trip overseas thing is not particularly
01:16:33 relevant. So let's just see what I did was I say, is a father morally responsible for any harm
01:16:38 that may occur if he leaves his child in the care of the child's unstable mother?
01:16:43 I don't know if he's going to get this or not. Let's see. This is a bit outside to the
01:16:49 piece of parenting, right? Okay, we got there. So maybe the, the trip overseas is a bit of
01:16:55 a red herring for the AI. So we got an answer. And it says, based on the context provided,
01:17:01 it's clear that parents are seen as having a significant moral responsibility for the
01:17:06 well-being and safety of their children. This includes making decisions that protect them
01:17:10 from harm. If a father knowingly leaves his child in the care of an unstable mother,
01:17:15 where there is a foreseeable risk of harm, the documents suggest that he would share
01:17:19 responsibility for any negative outcomes that occur as a result. The underlying principles
01:17:25 is that parents have a duty to safeguard their children's physical and emotional well-being,
01:17:29 which includes making informed decisions about their care and the environments they are exposed
01:17:33 to. A delicate and good answer, in my opinion. So yeah, we got it. Wow, amazing stuff, truly blown
01:17:41 away. Isn't that great, right? All right. Is letting my child cry it out a form of peaceful
01:17:46 parenting and provide the argument why this is or is not a form of peaceful parenting? A great
01:17:51 question and I appreciate that. Certainly comes with a personal history of mine. All right, so
01:17:56 let's go. It is interesting. Let's see. Letting a child cry it out is generally not considered a
01:18:11 form of peaceful parenting. Peaceful parenting emphasizes understanding, empathy, and responding
01:18:16 to the needs of the child. Oh yeah, so now the cry it out? Are you talking about a baby or a child?
01:18:23 Right? That's the difference. I wouldn't let a child cry it out, but a baby. Okay, we'll do the
01:18:31 child, then we'll try the baby thing. Okay. The philosophy behind peaceful parenting is to build
01:18:36 a relationship with the child based on mutual respect, open communication, and understanding
01:18:40 rather than using methods that may lead to feelings of abandonment or distress in the child.
01:18:44 The argument against cry it out within the context of peaceful parenting is that it does not address
01:18:50 the underlying needs or reasons for a child's distress. Instead of teaching the child to
01:18:54 self-soothe in a healthy way, it may teach them that their signals for help or comfort will not
01:18:59 be answered potentially, that will not be answered potentially, leading to issues with trust and
01:19:04 attachment. Peaceful parenting advocates for responding to a child's cries by offering
01:19:09 comfort, trying to understand the cause of their distress, and helping them learn to manage their
01:19:13 emotions in a supportive environment. Furthermore, peaceful parenting is about guiding and teaching
01:19:19 the child through positive reinforcement and modeling desired behaviors rather than using
01:19:25 techniques that can cause emotional pain or fear. The goal is to foster a secure, trusting relationship
01:19:30 between parent and child where the child feels safe and understood, which is seen as the foundation
01:19:35 for a healthy emotional and psychological development. So I would absolutely accept that
01:19:39 as an answer for a toddler onwards, but a baby, right? Let's say that there's a baby
01:19:47 who wakes up every hour, the baby is like, I don't know, six months old, wakes up every hour
01:19:53 and can't get back to sleep without huge amounts of parental investment, right?
01:19:59 That's interesting, right? And that's a question. Now, I don't want to fudge this,
01:20:07 so that's the answer, and it's good, but I would be interested, I'll make a note of this,
01:20:11 I would be interested to see how it would be the case with a baby, right? With a baby.
01:20:18 So, absolutely, letting a child cry it out would be very bad, in my opinion, right? All right.
01:20:25 Let me just get...
01:20:38 Are you considering creating an app to put out there for general use by the public? No,
01:20:42 not an app, it would just be a website. All right. Great questions, by the way, thank you guys.
01:20:50 Good one, okay. How are children not evil since they often break the non-aggression
01:20:58 principle in their behavior? For example, stealing, all right? That's a good question.
01:21:04 Let's see how we do. And it's interesting because this isn't, of course,
01:21:08 specifically addressed, I don't think, in the book, but let's see, see how we get.
01:21:11 Is it going to be able to answer? It's an interesting phraseology, let's see how we do it.
01:21:20 All right. Children are not inherently evil when they exhibit behaviors that break the
01:21:27 non-aggression principle, such as stealing. It's important to understand that children
01:21:30 are in the process of learning and developing their understanding of moral principles,
01:21:34 including respect for others' property and personal boundaries. Their actions,
01:21:37 which might seem to violate these principles, are often part of their natural exploration,
01:21:42 learning process, and a reflection of their developmental stage, rather than an indication
01:21:46 of inherent moral failing. Peaceful parenting approaches these situations as opportunities for
01:21:51 teaching and guidance rather than punishment. The idea is to model and explain the values of empathy,
01:21:56 respect, and personal responsibility. By doing so, parents can help children understand the
01:22:02 impact of their actions on others and guide them towards more respectful and empathetic behavior
01:22:07 in the future. Moreover, labeling children as "evil" for such behaviors can be harmful
01:22:14 and counterproductive. It can affect their self-esteem and their understanding of moral
01:22:18 and ethical behavior. Instead, peaceful parenting focuses on positive reinforcement,
01:22:23 setting clear and consistent boundaries, and using natural consequences to teach children
01:22:26 about the importance of the non-aggression principle in its supportive and understanding
01:22:30 environment. In summary, children's actions that seem to violate the non-aggression principle are
01:22:36 part of their learning process. Peaceful parenting aims to guide them towards understanding and
01:22:40 internalizing these principles through empathy, teaching, and positive modeling, rather than
01:22:45 through punishment or negative labeling. Good job, AI. Good job, AI. That's great.
01:22:56 What are some strong arguments for infant circumcision? That's interesting.
01:23:01 I just was talking with the guys the other day about how we didn't do circumcision.
01:23:11 Jared, just make a note of this. I have a presentation called "The Truth About Circumcision."
01:23:17 Maybe we could load that. We should load that into the AI. But let's see.
01:23:25 What are some strong arguments for infant circumcision, and what are the rebuttals to
01:23:28 those arguments? Let's see how we do. It could have been in one of the other shows.
01:23:31 No, it doesn't have. I'm going to say, "What are some strong arguments against?" It says,
01:23:38 "Maybe try rephrasing your question."
01:23:39 The rebuttals? Because I don't have the strong arguments and rebuttals.
01:23:46 I do have some rebuttals in there in the book as a whole,
01:23:53 but it's not a central part of the book. I do have rebuttals to parental defenses.
01:23:56 So I'm going to say, "What are some arguments against infant circumcision?"
01:24:01 Maybe it'll do it. Maybe it won't. But we can load up the circumcision presentation and see.
01:24:07 Arguments against infant circumcision often revolve around ethical, medical,
01:24:13 and psychological considerations. Here are some key points.
01:24:15 One, violation of bodily autonomy. Critics argue that infant circumcision is not medically
01:24:21 necessary for the health of the baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that while there are
01:24:25 potential health benefits, they are not compelling enough to recommend universal newborn circumcision.
01:24:30 Two, risk of complications. Like any surgical procedure, circumcision carries risks
01:24:35 of complications such as infection, bleeding, and improper healing. Critics argue that subjecting
01:24:41 infants to these risks without compelling medical reason is unjustifiable.
01:24:44 Four, psychological and emotional impact. There is concern about the potential psychological and
01:24:51 emotional impact of circumcision on infants, including pain and trauma. Although infants may
01:24:55 not consciously remember the procedure, the pain experience can have unknown long-term effects.
01:24:59 Five, cultural and religious considerations. Some argue that circumcision is often performed
01:25:06 for cultural or religious reasons rather than health-related ones. Critics believe that personal
01:25:12 beliefs should not dictate the alteration of a child's body without their consent.
01:25:18 Six, impact on sexual pleasure. There is debate about the impact of circumcision on sexual pleasure.
01:25:23 Some studies suggest that circumcision can lead to decreased sensitivity of the penis,
01:25:26 potentially affecting sexual satisfaction later in life. Rebuttals to these arguments typically
01:25:31 focus on the potential health benefits of circumcision, such as a reduced risk of urinary
01:25:36 tract infections, penile cancer, and the transmission of some sexually transmitted
01:25:40 infections, including HIV. Proponents may also argue that parental rights include making health-related
01:25:46 decisions for their children, including the choice to circumcise based on cultural, religious, or
01:25:50 health-related reasons. However, the debate continues as more parents and medical professionals
01:25:54 weigh the ethical considerations against the potential health benefits with a growing emphasis
01:25:58 on informed consent and the rights of the child. Diplomatic and gentle and pretty, pretty accurate.
01:26:05 All right, James, how can I stop my toddler from running into the street if I
01:26:14 can't spank him? All right, a fine, fine question. What have we got?
01:26:18 Model not running into the street. Over and over. All right, let's see what we get.
01:26:22 All right, to prevent your toddler from running into the street without resorting to spanking,
01:26:31 you can employ several strategies that focus on understanding, guidance, and protection. Here are
01:26:36 some effective methods. Oh, there's quite a few. One, supervision. Always ensure close supervision
01:26:42 when your child is near streets or driveways. Physical presence allows you to intervene quickly
01:26:47 if they attempt to run off. Two, use barriers. Implement physical barriers such as fences or
01:26:52 gates to create a safe play area away from the street. This can prevent access to dangerous
01:26:56 areas. Three, teach and explain. Regularly explain the dangers of the street and cars in an age-appropriate
01:27:03 manner. Use simple language and possibly visual aids to help them understand why it's unsafe.
01:27:09 Four, practice safe behavior. Teach your child to stop, look, and listen before crossing any street
01:27:15 and practice this behavior together. Reinforce the importance of holding an adult's hand near roads.
01:27:21 Five, create safe play areas. Designate safe play areas away from the street. Encourage playing
01:27:28 in these areas by making them appealing and fun. Six, use distractions. If your child is drawn to
01:27:34 the street, redirect their attention to other activities or toys that are safe and engaging.
01:27:38 Seven, positive reinforcement. Praise and reward your child for following safety rules and staying
01:27:43 away from the street. Positive reinforcement can encourage them to continue safe behaviors.
01:27:47 Eight, establish clear rules. Set clear and consistent rules about playing near the street.
01:27:54 Ensure your child understands the consequences of not following these rules such as having to play
01:28:02 inside. Nine, role-playing. Engage in role-playing games where your child practices what to do when
01:28:09 they're near a street. This can help reinforce safe behavior in a fun and memorable way.
01:28:13 Ten, emergency plan. Teach your child what to do if they find themselves near a street unexpectedly
01:28:18 such as standing still and calling for an adult. By focusing on education, supervision, and positive
01:28:23 reinforcement, you can effectively teach your toddler to stay away from the street without the
01:28:27 need for spanking or physical punishment. Great set of answers in my humble opinion. All right.
01:28:32 How could you convince a Christian parent that spanking isn't commanded by God/the Bible?
01:28:39 That's a great question. Let's do this.
01:28:42 Let's see what we get.
01:28:52 Maybe it will make it. Maybe it won't. It should get the answer, I think. Here we go. All right.
01:28:57 To convince a Christian parent that spanking isn't commanded by God or the Bible, it's helpful
01:29:02 to approach the conversation with respect, understanding, and focus on shared values.
01:29:06 Like love, guidance, and the well-being of children, here are some strategies that could
01:29:13 be effective. One, discuss the interpretation of Proverbs 13.24. Explain that the rod mentioned
01:29:20 in Proverbs 13.24 can be interpreted as a symbol of guidance and leadership, similar to how a
01:29:25 shepherd uses a rod to guide sheep rather than to beat them. Emphasize that the essence of the
01:29:31 verse is about loving, guiding, and teaching children, not about physical punishment.
01:29:34 Two, highlight Jesus' teachings on love and guidance. Point out that Jesus' teachings
01:29:41 emphasize love, gentleness, and forgiveness. Discuss how these principles can be applied to
01:29:45 parenting, suggesting that guiding children with love and understanding aligns more closely
01:29:49 with Jesus' teachings than physical punishment does. Three, share research on the effects of
01:29:55 spanking. While respecting their faith in the Bible, you can introduce research findings that
01:29:59 show the negative effects of spanking, such as increased aggression and mental health issues
01:30:03 in children. Emphasize that this information is not about undermining their faith but about
01:30:08 considering the well-being of their children. Four, discuss the concept of modeling behavior.
01:30:13 Talk about how children learn by example. By using non-violent forms of discipline,
01:30:18 parents model problem-solving and emotional regulation, teaching children how to handle
01:30:24 conflicts and emotions in a healthy way. Five, explore alternative discipline methods.
01:30:30 Share and discuss alternative discipline methods that are consistent with Christian values,
01:30:34 such as natural consequences, time-ins, and positive reinforcement. I don't know what a
01:30:40 time-in is, but we can look that up. These methods can be effective in teaching right
01:30:43 from wrong without causing physical or emotional harm. Six, encourage seeking guidance from
01:30:48 religious leaders. Suggest consulting with a pastor or religious leader who may share a perspective
01:30:53 on non-physical force forms of discipline. Some religious leaders may offer a more modern
01:30:57 interpretation of biblical teachings or parenting. Seven, appeal to their love for their child.
01:31:03 Remind them that the ultimate goal of discipline is to protect and teach their child. Encourage
01:31:07 them to consider methods that strengthen their relationship with their child and foster a
01:31:11 loving, respectful environment. Approaching the conversation with empathy, focusing on shared
01:31:15 values, and providing thoughtful, respectful insights can help open a dialogue about non-physical
01:31:19 forms of discipline that align with Christian values. I mean, come on, that's great. That's great.
01:31:25 Good for you. I'm interested what it has to say about paying an allowance.
01:31:33 Give me a question. It takes a lot of diplomacy for these convos instead of getting it meshed
01:31:39 in other people's opinions. Yeah, that's true. This will be very useful for my six children. Yeah.
01:31:48 On the topic of bullying, homeschooling would seem to be the ultimate sanction. If the local
01:31:54 law controls what curriculum you must teach, then consider what options you have to relocate
01:31:57 the family to where you don't have said restrictions. Yeah, could be. Could be.
01:32:01 What is the briefest definition of peaceful parenting? Are you saying that my 800-page
01:32:08 book is not brief? Don't make me. Just wear my briefs. All right. All right. What is the
01:32:15 briefest definition of peaceful parenting? Let's see what we got. This should be AI central. This
01:32:20 would be really good for AI. Thanks for these great questions, by the way. Peaceful parenting
01:32:26 is the refusal to be a bottomless moral hypocrite teaching children virtue in an honest and
01:32:30 consistent manner without resorting to bullying and hypocritical manipulations. Spicy. Peaceful
01:32:37 parenting is the refusal to be a bottomless moral hypocrite teaching children virtue in an honest
01:32:43 and consistent manner without resorting to bullying and hypocritical manipulations.
01:32:48 Well, that's a little bit of spice, sir. That's some good spice. And I'm not going to argue.
01:32:53 I list the underlying principles and guidelines of peaceful parenting. All right.
01:33:04 She keeps a moe with a shand on in some peaceful parenting. All right.
01:33:07 If this is too long, I might just copy paste, but I'm curious what it's going to do.
01:33:12 Oh, that's good. The underlying principles and guidelines of peaceful parenting are derived as
01:33:22 derived from the provided context include one extension of the non-aggression principle to
01:33:28 children. Peaceful parenting is fundamentally about extending the non-aggression principle
01:33:33 and AP to children. This means treating children with the same respect for their autonomy and
01:33:38 rights as one would any other human being avoiding the initiation of force against them
01:33:42 to modeling moral behavior. Peaceful parenting emphasizes the importance of modeling moral
01:33:49 behavior rather than relying heavily on verbal instruction. Children learn behaviors and values
01:33:54 by observing and imitating their parents by consistently demonstrating virtues like empathy,
01:34:00 respect, and nonviolence. Parents teach these values to their children naturally.
01:34:04 Credibility and consistency. The approach relies on the credibility of the parent as a moral guide.
01:34:14 If parents live according to the values they wish to instill in their children,
01:34:18 they become effective role models. Consistency between a parent's words and actions is crucial.
01:34:26 Consideration of children's needs. Peaceful parenting places a strong emphasis on being
01:34:31 considerate of children's needs and prioritizing them, understanding and addressing these needs
01:34:36 with empathy and respect is key. Non-violent communication and discipline. The approach
01:34:46 advocates for non-violent communication and discipline strategies. It involves guiding and
01:34:51 teaching children without resorting to physical punishment or verbal aggression using methods
01:34:55 that foster understanding and learning. Non-violent communication is a phrase that's used by
01:35:04 Rosenberg or something like that. I had tussles with people in the past about this, but it just
01:35:10 simply means avoiding verbal abuse in this context, which makes perfect sense to me.
01:35:13 Fostering a loving and respectful environment. Creating an environment where children feel
01:35:19 loved, respected, and safe is a cornerstone of peaceful parenting. This environment supports
01:35:25 children's emotional and psychological development and strengthens the parent-child relationship.
01:35:29 Encouraging autonomy and independent thinking. Peaceful parenting encourages children to develop
01:35:36 autonomy and independent thinking. By respecting children's perspectives and allowing them to make
01:35:41 choices within safe boundaries, parents support their growth into self-reliant and confident
01:35:45 individuals. Engagement in enjoyable interactions. The approach values the power of positive and
01:35:53 enjoyable interactions between parents and children. Through shared activities and open
01:35:57 communication, parents and children build a strong positive relationship. These principles
01:36:02 and guidelines aim to foster a nurturing and respectful family dynamic where children grow
01:36:07 up learning the values of empathy, respect, and non-aggression through the examples set by their
01:36:11 parents. Good. Okay, let's do a couple more. I think these are great and it's a good, good run
01:36:15 and test. These are great answers. Great answers. AI just went sentient. Yeah, it's really good, right?
01:36:24 Really good.
01:36:26 If you create an app that is essentially a locked web browser that opens to Angel,
01:36:37 that would help broaden your reach. I'm envisioning a common scenario. Yeah, okay.
01:36:42 Ah, my father threw a baseball bat at my head when I was 15 in response to me recklessly
01:36:48 breaking some garden furniture by throwing it around the yard. Is my father morally responsible
01:36:54 for any short-term or long-term brain damage that was caused to me or does he have a valid excuse
01:36:59 because I damaged his property? Okay, I mean, sorry, there's a typo or two and a grammar or
01:37:03 two problem here, so I'm going to just fix that up. This is the guy, are you the guy who said he
01:37:09 was perfectly sane? Okay. My father threw a baseball bat at my head when I was 15 in response
01:37:14 to me recklessly breaking some garden furniture by throwing it around the yard. Okay, period.
01:37:19 I mean a period, right? Period. Is my father morally responsible for any short-term or long-term
01:37:27 brain damage that was caused to me or does he have a valid excuse because I damaged his property?
01:37:31 That's a great question, man, and this is going to stretch it out. Let's stretch the AI brain and
01:37:37 see what happens. We may need to shave it down a little because there's...
01:37:48 Yes. Your father is morally responsible for any short-term or long-term brain damage that was
01:37:56 caused to you. The documents suggest that using violence as a response to a child's actions,
01:38:01 regardless of the provocation, is a violation of the non-aggression principle. The act of throwing
01:38:05 a baseball bat at your head in response to damaging property is an escalation to physical
01:38:09 violence that is not justified by the initial action. The responsibility to handle situations
01:38:14 without resorting to violence, especially in a parent-child relationship, is emphasized.
01:38:18 The moral responsibility of a parent includes guiding and teaching their children in a
01:38:22 non-violent manner, regardless of the child's behavior. Well, amen to that and great job, AI.
01:38:32 Oh, a time-in approach to guiding children's behavior involves staying close to your child
01:38:35 when they are overwhelmed with strong feelings. Okay, thank you. I appreciate it.
01:38:38 That's great. Great stuff.
01:38:45 Ah, let's see here. What are the main issues with the theory of non-violent communication
01:38:57 when it comes to parenting? I'll put that in, but again, the book is about peaceful parenting.
01:39:02 The AI is trained on peaceful parenting, not oppositions to peaceful parenting, but let's see.
01:39:07 So, what are the main issues with the theory of non-violent communication? I'm going to hyphenate
01:39:14 that if you don't mind. Non-violent communication when it comes to parenting. Let's see what it says.
01:39:19 The documents suggest that while the theory of non-violent communication, NVC, is fundamentally
01:39:28 aligned with peaceful parenting and the non-aggression principle, there might be
01:39:31 challenges or considerations specific to parenting. Here are some main issues or considerations when
01:39:36 applying non-violent communication to parenting based on the principles outlined. One, complexity
01:39:41 for children. The concepts and language of NVC, non-violent communication, might be too abstract
01:39:47 or complex for young children to fully understand. Tailoring the communication to be age-appropriate
01:39:52 while maintaining the essence of empathy and understanding can be challenging. Two, consistency
01:39:57 in patience. Applying NVC requires consistency in patience, especially in stressful situations.
01:40:02 Parents might find it challenging to consistently apply NVC principles when under stress or when
01:40:06 dealing with their own emotional responses. Three, misinterpretation as permissiveness.
01:40:13 There's a potential for NVC to be misinterpreted as permissiveness, where boundaries are not clearly
01:40:18 communicated or enforced. It's crucial for parents to find a balance between empathetic communication
01:40:23 and setting clear consistent boundaries for behavior. Four, time and effort. NVC requires
01:40:28 time and effort to learn and implement effectively. In the fast-paced and often stressful context of
01:40:33 parenting, dedicating time to practice and apply NVC techniques can be a significant challenge.
01:40:37 Five, cultural and personal adaptation. Adapting NVC to fit personal and cultural contexts can be
01:40:45 challenging. Parents may need to modify the approach to align with their family values
01:40:48 and cultural norms while still adhering to the principles of empathy and non-violence.
01:40:52 Six, emotional regulation. For NVC to be effective, parents need to be adept at regulating
01:40:57 their own emotions. This can be particularly challenging in moments of conflict or when
01:41:00 dealing with behaviors that trigger strong emotional responses. Despite these challenges,
01:41:05 the principles of non-violent communication offer a powerful framework for fostering understanding,
01:41:09 empathy, and connection between parents and children. By addressing these considerations,
01:41:13 parents can effectively apply NVC in a way that supports peaceful parenting
01:41:17 and the healthy development of their children. I have no particular issues with any of that.
01:41:22 All right, based on the statistics of parents who are abusive,
01:41:29 approximately what percentage of parents parent peacefully? That sounds like a tongue twister.
01:41:35 All right, I'll just paste that one straight in. Let's see.
01:41:49 I don't know the answer. Okay, so I'm going to take out approximately
01:41:55 and see if that does it any better.
01:41:58 Okay, so let's try. Based on the statistics of parents who are abusive, I'm going to say
01:42:10 and/or aggressive. Parents are not parenting peacefully.
01:42:19 This is an inference question. AI works best with inductive reasoning, not deductive reasoning. So,
01:42:29 we'll see. Based on the statistics of parents who are abusive and/or aggressive,
01:42:32 approximately what percentage of parents are not parenting peacefully? Let's see what we get there.
01:42:38 This is quite an inferral thing, because I've given the data and it has to infer the opposite.
01:42:42 I don't know the answer. Yeah, so that's interesting. Let's just say what percentage of
01:42:48 parents are not peaceful parents. It may have a problem based on the statistics, right? Because
01:42:59 it may say, "Well, I don't actually have that, blah, blah, blah." What percentage of peaceful
01:43:04 parents are not peaceful parents? This is sort of the AI massage stuff that you have to sort out.
01:43:13 I don't know the answer. Okay, so what percentage of parents
01:43:28 can be considered abusive? Now, this may be back-end stuff, right? I think that there's
01:43:36 abusive. This could be back-end stuff where it just won't give you the answer. It's like
01:43:43 some crime statistics. It just won't give you the answer. All right, so we've got something here. So,
01:43:50 if I say, "What percentage of parents can be considered abusive?" Based on the documents
01:43:54 provided, it's challenging to give a precise percentage of parents who can be considered
01:43:58 abusive globally due to variations in reporting definitions of abuse and the studies mentioned.
01:44:02 However, the documents highlight significant concerns. A national survey mentioned,
01:44:09 found that 59% of parents reported having spanked a child aged 18 to 23 months. This figure alone,
01:44:15 while focused on a specific age group and form of physical discipline, suggests a high prevalence
01:44:19 of behaviors that some may classify as abusive under certain definitions of child abuse, right?
01:44:24 Obviously, the legal department has... Okay. The 2011 National Intimate Partner and Sexual
01:44:29 Violence Survey indicated that nearly half of Americans encountered lifelong emotional abuse
01:44:33 from a partner, which indirectly suggests a potentially high rate of emotional abuse within
01:44:37 families as well. So, that's interesting. That's an inference thing, right? So, it's saying, "Well,"
01:44:41 and I think this is in the book, but it's good to have gotten it, right? It's saying, "Look, I mean,
01:44:45 if you're getting emotional abuse from a partner, that means it came from somewhere, right?"
01:44:51 The document also notes that over half of all children in the world, 1 billion children ages
01:44:54 2 to 17, experience violence every year, according to global estimates. These points suggest that a
01:44:59 significant portion of parents may engage in behaviors that could be considered abusive,
01:45:02 whether through physical discipline like spanking or emotional and psychological abuse. However,
01:45:07 without a unified definition of abuse and comprehensive global data, it's difficult
01:45:10 to provide a specific percentage of parents who are abusive, okay? So, yeah, just so a little bit...
01:45:16 You're asking it for the non-categorization of a wide variety of data estimates,
01:45:20 like the opposite, and I can understand why I would have trouble with that.
01:45:23 Let's see here.
01:45:32 What steps can a parent do? Sorry, I'm going to just massage that a bit, and I'm sure you would
01:45:41 get this, right? So, steps. I said, "What steps can a parent take?" It's probably better.
01:45:48 You know what? No, you know what? Let's leave it as do. Let's leave it as do.
01:45:51 What steps can a parent... Okay, let's just leave it. It's a bit awkward grammatically,
01:45:57 but we'll survive, and let's see what we get.
01:45:59 Love these questions, guys. Thank you so much for the test. All right. If a parent feels an
01:46:09 unexpected urge or impulse to parent in the abusive way they were parented, it's crucial to
01:46:13 take immediate steps to address these feelings to prevent harmful behaviors. Here are steps based on
01:46:17 the principle outlined in the documents. One, pause and breathe. The first step is to pause and
01:46:22 take a moment to breathe deeply. This can help interrupt the impulse and provide a moment to
01:46:26 choose a different response. Two, recognize the trigger. Identify what triggered the urge.
01:46:31 Understanding the trigger can help in addressing the underlying issue and preventing future
01:46:36 occurrences. Three, seek support. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or professional
01:46:42 for support. Talking about the urge can help diffuse it and provide perspective. Four, reflect
01:46:47 on consequences. Consider the long-term consequences of abusive parenting on the child.
01:46:52 Reflecting on the potential harm can strengthen the resolve to choose a different path.
01:46:56 Five, use positive discipline strategies. Educate yourself on and implement positive
01:47:03 discipline strategies that are respectful and empathetic. These strategies can help guide
01:47:07 behavior without resorting to abuse. Six, practice self-care. Engage in self-care practices to manage
01:47:14 stress and emotional well-being. A parent who is physically and emotionally healthy
01:47:18 is better equipped to handle parental and parenting challenges. Seven, seek professional help. If the
01:47:24 urges are strong or persistent, seeking help from a mental health professional can be crucial.
01:47:28 Therapy can provide tools and strategies to break the cycle of abuse. Eight, educate yourself. Read
01:47:34 books, attend workshops, or join support groups focused on peaceful parenting. Education can
01:47:38 empower you to make positive changes in your parenting approach. Nine, develop a safety plan.
01:47:43 If you're concerned about losing control, develop a safety plan. This might include stepping away
01:47:48 from the situation, calling a friend, or using a stress relief strategy that works for you.
01:47:51 Ten, forgive yourself. Understand that parenting is a journey and that seeking to change harmful
01:47:58 patterns is a sign of strength. Forgive yourself for past mistakes and focus on making positive
01:48:02 changes. By taking these steps, a parent can work towards breaking the cycle of abuse and
01:48:07 fostering a loving, respectful, and peaceful relationship with their child. Good stuff.
01:48:11 All right, giving it a workout. A mother slaps... okay, I'm just going to copy paste this one in.
01:48:25 I'm not going to edit. Let's just see what we get. A mother slaps her 12-year-old son across
01:48:29 the face for talking during a movie. The child then responds by punching the mother in the face
01:48:38 by punching the mother in the face and breaking her nose.
01:48:46 Can you describe the proportion of moral responsibility shared between the child and
01:48:51 mother? All right, that's a challenging one. Let's see what we get.
01:48:56 This may or may not work. Let's find out.
01:49:03 All right, in the scenario described, both the mother and the child have moral responsibilities
01:49:11 for their actions, but the proportion of moral responsibility is not evenly distributed.
01:49:16 The document suggests that parents hold a greater degree of moral responsibility for
01:49:21 violent interactions due to their role in raising and guiding their children. The mother, by slapping
01:49:26 her son, initiates physical violence and sets a precedent for resolving conflicts through aggression.
01:49:31 This action violates the non-aggression principle, which is a foundational guideline in peaceful
01:49:36 parenting, indicating that striking a child is morally unacceptable. The child's response, while
01:49:42 also violent and not justified, is a reaction to the violence initiated by the mother. The documents
01:49:48 imply that children learn behaviors and conflict resolution methods from their parents. Therefore,
01:49:53 if a child responds to conflict with violence, it reflects to some extent on the behaviors modeled
01:49:58 by the parent. Given the context that the violent teenager, or in this case preteen, was raised by
01:50:06 the parent being attacked, the parent holds infinitely more responsibility for the crisis
01:50:10 than a stranger would. This suggests that while the child's action of punching the mother and
01:50:14 breaking her nose is wrong and carries moral responsibility, the mother's initial act of
01:50:22 violence and her role in shaping the child's understanding of conflict resolution places a
01:50:26 significant portion of the moral responsibility on her. In summary, both parties are morally
01:50:31 responsible for their actions, but the mother bears a greater proportion of moral responsibility
01:50:37 due to her role in initiating violence and her influence on her child's behavior and understanding
01:50:42 of conflict resolution. Man, that's some good stuff, man. That's some good stuff.
01:50:50 That is some good stuff, man. Very, very impressive.
01:51:02 All right, so great stuff. Great stuff. All right, so yeah, so two-hour show. I think I'm
01:51:10 going to stop here, but this is great stuff. This is great stuff. Okay, so we'll just collate these
01:51:23 answers. We'll load up the circumcision thing, and then we'll put it out to donors maybe later today,
01:51:29 but thank you guys so much. Of course, if you're listening to this later, all of the work that it
01:51:33 takes to produce these resources, which I think are obviously fantastic for the world as a whole,
01:51:37 it's not cheap, and it is a lot of skill, and it is a lot of expertise, and it's a lot of
01:51:44 documentation and a lot of transcription and all that kind of stuff. So if you could do us all a
01:51:48 solid and support the show, you can donate at freedomain.com/donate. You can join freedomain.locals.com.
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01:52:01 the show. It's absolutely essential, and it does provide us the resources to pay for all of this
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01:52:10 and even if you're a donor, if you'd like to support what it is, yeah, we have three employees
01:52:15 and all of that. So yeah, peace out. Great work on the AI freedomain team, and very interesting.
01:52:21 I think you're on the cutting edge on a lot of things and practical use of AI. Yeah, this is
01:52:24 fantastic. If you're stagnating in your career, Joe, call in at freedomain.com. Call in at freedomain.com.
01:52:33 You can do all of this. So I've got these questions. We'll pump them in later, and really,
01:52:37 really do appreciate your time. Thanks, everyone, so much. Have yourselves a glorious afternoon.
01:52:42 Lots of love from up here. freedomain.com/donate. Talk to you soon. Bye.
01:52:46 Bye.
01:52:47 [END]