MIDI Realisasikan Capex Rp344 Miliar

  • 4 months ago
PT Midi Utama Indonesia Tbk (MIDI) telah merealisasikan anggaran belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) senilai Rp344 miliar, dari total capex sepanjang 2024 yang mencapai Rp1,4 triliun.

Sebagian besar belanja modal mengalir untuk keperluan pembukaan gerai baru terutama di luar Jawa, demikian menurut Direktur dan Corporate Secretary MIDI, Suantopo Po, dalam Public Expose di Tangerang, Kamis (16/5/2024).


00:00 The main PDB of Indonesia, TBK, has realized capital spending budget of Rp344 billion.
00:07 Meanwhile, throughout the first quarter of 2024, Midi has a price of Rp2,958 billion.
00:14 The main PDB of Indonesia, TBK or Midi, has realized capital spending budget of Rp344 billion
00:26 from the total of capital spent throughout 2024, which reached Rp1.4 trillion.
00:31 Most of the capital spenders are flowing to the need for opening new stores, especially outside Java.
00:37 Therefore, throughout the first quarter of 2024, Midi's stores reached Rp2,958 billion,
00:44 consisting of 2,208 Alfa Midi stores, 49 Alfa Midi Super and 8 Midi Fresh.
00:51 Through the smooth PT of Wiguna Sejatera, which manages Lawson, the company has 693 stores
00:58 until the first quarter of 2024.
01:01 Meanwhile, the annual growth trend in the value of investment or CAGR for Alfa Midi stores
01:07 reached 27% until 2022, while it rose 3% in 2023.
01:13 The highest CAGR increase was actually Lawson's store, which has a CAGR of 42%
01:20 and from the period of 2022 to 2023, there was a growth of 251%.
01:26 The focus is to push for a synergistic growth in anticipating the boom of community spending activities.
01:33 This has been a IDX Channel.
01:35 [Music]
