Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal - 18 May 2024 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

  • 5 months ago
Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal

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#EhsaasTelethon #QurbaniAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00 There is no God but Allah.
00:10 Dear viewers, welcome back after the break.
00:14 The Appeal of Sacrifice for the year 2024 is once again calling you.
00:20 And with this passion,
00:23 we are offering a collective sacrifice every year, and this year too, Alhamdulillah,
00:30 we are offering a great sacrifice in the name of Allah.
00:39 We will offer a great sacrifice, God willing,
00:41 and the meat we will get from it,
00:43 will be distributed among the poor and those who are deprived of it despite their efforts.
00:53 You saw the appreciation we received from the viewers
01:02 and when we talked to people and got their feedback,
01:07 we saw that the meat was distributed in many places,
01:13 and it was distributed in abundance.
01:17 The food was distributed in abundance.
01:19 When the representatives of the Aisaas reached there,
01:24 they saw that the stove was also burnt.
01:28 It was obvious that many days had passed and the food was not ready.
01:34 The ingredients, spices, and other necessities
01:37 that are required to prepare the food were not available.
01:43 In such areas where the poverty is at the highest level,
01:47 and people are forced to live below the poverty line,
01:51 Alhamdulillah, the food was distributed in abundance.
01:53 The meat that people get from the sacrifice was cooked and distributed
02:00 so that it can be served in the right way and in the true sense of the word.
02:05 Viewers, please think about this.
02:07 We are appealing to you for a collective sacrifice.
02:12 When we were on the break, we were talking to Mufti Sahib about the connection.
02:18 Whether you can make a connection or not.
02:20 What is that connection?
02:21 That connection is that we are helping and taking part in the sacrifice,
02:27 but are we able to feel that connection?
02:30 Are we able to feel the Aisaas?
02:35 Are we able to feel the emotions and feelings?
02:39 This is a very important question.
02:41 Remember that when you are sincere, your intentions are sincere.
02:46 And you help the people of Allah.
02:50 So, keep this in your heart.
02:51 Whatever I am doing, whatever I am serving,
02:53 whatever I am helping the poor,
02:55 I am helping them with the help of Allah.
02:56 This is for the sake of Allah.
02:58 If my Lord is pleased with me,
03:00 if my heart feels the closeness that a believer gets from the divine knowledge,
03:10 if it feels the divine closeness,
03:14 then these are very selected hearts that are given this opportunity.
03:20 So, Alhamdulillah, may Allah include us in this connection.
03:26 May our hearts be connected to that divine knowledge.
03:29 May we have a connection.
03:31 Look at the actions of the saints of Allah.
03:35 They were so selfless and had so much trust in them.
03:39 They were so eager to gain the divine closeness.
03:50 And what was the result?
03:52 You saw that Allah blessed them in every action.
03:59 If you tell someone to recite the Kalima and become a Muslim,
04:02 the other person will feel that he is being honored by Islam.
04:08 You can see such scenes in the books of the holy books.
04:12 You can say that they preserved the golden historical events.
04:18 And even today, Alhamdulillah, if we study history, we find that.
04:22 So, it is very important to make a connection.
04:24 Remember, the word 'Qurbani' is derived from the word 'Qurb'.
04:29 It is a story that is made from the word 'Qurb'.
04:32 So, just say that the word 'Qurb' is derived from the word 'Qurbani'.
04:36 But if you want to gain the divine closeness, you have to go through 'Qurbani'.
04:41 Someone said, "I have completed prostration with love of God."
04:46 "I have solved all the problems with ease."
04:50 "I have taught this to every Muslim."
04:53 "You will get life after the ritual of Qurbani."
04:57 This is the ritual of Qurbani.
05:00 When Javed Bhai spoke, he said that
05:03 Qurbani is not just about offering sacrifices in the way of God.
05:06 It is obligatory on every believer who has a balance.
05:10 And all the essential conditions, if he fulfills them,
05:17 then he has to offer these sacrifices in the way of God.
05:19 But it can be a sacrifice of time, sacrifice of body, sacrifice of money.
05:25 You spend as much time as possible in the obedience of God.
05:30 This is the whole thing. Sometimes, you have to offer sacrifices.
05:34 Iqbal has written the whole philosophy on this.
05:37 Today, the universe has been discovered.
05:39 Iqbal has clarified the philosophy of self-realization.
05:44 He has explained the secrets and principles of self-realization.
05:49 The scholars are well aware of this.
05:52 You are feeling that these sad faces are coming.
05:56 You have to spread a smile on them.
05:59 These are innocent children.
06:01 If they are your children, they can come to us and make a wish.
06:05 "Baba, I am hungry. I want to eat meat."
06:08 "Baba, I want to eat meat. I want to eat biryani."
06:12 And you can think of yourself as a father.
06:14 If you don't have the money in your pocket,
06:16 to fulfill the wish of that child,
06:22 if you don't have the money to fulfill the wish of that child,
06:27 if you think of yourself as a father, your heart will start to burst.
06:31 You will be able to feel the pain.
06:34 You will see how sad your eyes are.
06:35 You will see how helpless you must be for a father and a mother.
06:39 A child cries and says, "I want to eat meat."
06:42 And you don't have it.
06:45 May God give honor to the poor, the needy, and the needy.
06:52 Believe me, this is the distribution of my Lord.
06:54 We could have been in their place.
06:57 They could have been in our place.
06:59 So, what is the point of being thankful?
07:00 Spend on them what God has given.
07:03 Don't think.
07:04 If my Lord wants, then...
07:06 You have seen this.
07:07 The eyes of the heavens have seen this.
07:10 There are billions of people.
07:11 And they have gone through such an incident, such a moment,
07:15 such a moment in life,
07:18 that everything is destroyed.
07:20 And I say something more than this.
07:22 Look, we are human beings.
07:24 Again, the devil's whisper.
07:26 A human being thinks, "I have earned billions, billions.
07:29 "How can I finish in such a moment?"
07:31 If you finish in a moment, what will you do with those billions?
07:35 With those billions?
07:36 Ask yourself this question.
07:38 You are one of the signs of the near future.
07:40 The young Ambaat.
07:42 His ratio has increased so much.
07:43 Suddenly, Ambaat. What is the ratio?
07:45 He had just come. He was absolutely fine.
07:47 He just left. He called back after five minutes.
07:50 He has passed away.
07:52 Allah Akbar.
07:53 I should also worry.
07:54 Every moment that passes is a gift from my Lord.
07:57 It is His grace.
07:58 The heart that is beating every time.
08:01 My Lord wants, it is His will.
08:04 It beats the next time.
08:05 Otherwise, it is not possible for it to beat the next time.
08:08 So, the more you are thankful for it, the less it is.
08:11 So, we don't ask anything from you for ourselves.
08:14 The feeling that you have is what you deserve for those poor people.
08:17 We feel proud.
08:20 We feel very honoured to be on this platform.
08:23 Allah has included us in those fortunate people.
08:26 When it comes to the help of the people of God,
08:29 the poor, the poor, the poor,
08:32 when it comes to their help,
08:33 somehow or the other, we are contributing to this good deed.
08:37 Who knows, Allah might have a gift for us,
08:39 a moment, a moment,
08:42 that He might accept some of our good deeds in His court.
08:44 It is just a prayer from Allah that Allah,
08:46 the fortunate people,
08:48 contribute to this good deed
08:50 and take part in these sacrifices.
08:52 I would like to address those fortunate brothers and sisters
08:58 who will present this sacrifice from their side,
09:02 if you also take part in the sacrifice of the Prophet (PBUH),
09:08 then what a great thing it is.
09:09 And believe me, whether it is a sacrifice or any good deed,
09:13 if it is associated with the Prophet (PBUH),
09:17 then what a great thing it is.
09:19 We know that we don't know about worship,
09:22 whether our deeds are accepted by Allah or not.
09:25 But we have a hope,
09:27 that when the name of His beloved Prophet is associated,
09:30 that beloved Prophet,
09:31 the Prophet's (PBUH) relationship will be included in our deeds,
09:34 then our work will be easier.
09:36 Because whether he sees us or not,
09:38 he will give us the charity of his beloved Prophet.
09:41 With this connectivity, Allama Sahib,
09:43 I would like to discuss that people come and contribute on a large scale.
09:49 So, if this method is adopted,
09:51 that by fulfilling our duty,
09:54 and by the Prophet (PBUH)
09:56 and the companions,
09:58 especially the rightful Caliphs,
10:00 the people of the Bait-e-Athaar,
10:01 the family of the Prophet,
10:04 how is this deed?
10:05 And along with this, I would like to see that
10:08 the relevance, connectivity and reference reaches our viewers,
10:13 that when my Master, the Prophet (PBUH) offers a sacrifice,
10:16 what are his actions, his method, his Sunnah?
10:19 What do you say?
10:21 Brother Sumair,
10:23 we are fortunate that before we came into this world,
10:28 when the Prophet (PBUH) used to come to Madinah,
10:33 as long as the Prophet (PBUH) lived in Madinah,
10:36 from the time of migration to the time of migration,
10:38 every year, where the Prophet (PBUH) offers a sacrifice on his behalf,
10:42 there, a sacrifice is offered on behalf of his Ummah.
10:45 Huzoor, an animal offers a sacrifice on behalf of his Ummah,
10:48 that "Allahumma taqabbal minni wa min aali Muhammad wa min Ummati Muhammad".
10:52 That, "accept this sacrifice on behalf of my Ummah".
10:55 We have seen that era, where the Prophet (PBUH)
10:58 physically, the "Ikhtiari Fakar",
11:02 which the poet said, "The owners of the two worlds,
11:05 they have nothing with them".
11:07 The two worlds' blessings are empty handed.
11:10 So, this was a matter of self-adoption, it was an "Ikhtiari Fakar".
11:14 Despite this, the Prophet (PBUH) offers a sacrifice on behalf of his Ummah every year.
11:20 So, we should calculate and imagine that Allah has given us
11:24 the abundance of blessings today.
11:27 The abundance of wealth.
11:29 If Allah has given us a status,
11:31 and if we want that our contribution to the sacrifice,
11:36 if we believe in the acceptance of our sacrifice,
11:39 then we should include the Prophet's contribution.
11:42 If we include the Prophet's contribution,
11:45 if we make a mistake, then Allah will accept our worship
11:50 with the blessing of the Prophet's contribution.
11:52 So, these contributions are such that,
11:54 Allah removes the weaknesses and the flaws in the actions of the Prophet.
12:01 And the blessings are our own.
12:02 The reward is our own and the blessings are our own.
12:04 So, we should make a sacrifice on behalf of the Prophet (PBUH)
12:06 and after the Prophet's death,
12:09 Hazrat Maula Murtaza used to make a sacrifice on behalf of the Prophet (PBUH).
12:14 So, to make a sacrifice on behalf of the Prophet (PBUH) is the love of Allah.
12:18 This is the matter of Hazrat Maula Ali (RA)
12:22 and the continuation of the blessed deeds of the Prophet (PBUH).
12:24 So, the requests that we are making to the public,
12:29 Maula Ali has already set this trend.
12:30 He has already told the Ummah.
12:32 And Imam Al-Sunnah says,
12:35 "Whatever we have not forgotten, we will make it known to the poor."
12:37 "Remember that."
12:39 Wow!
12:40 The Prophet (PBUH) never forgets his Ummah.
12:43 So, if we make a sacrifice on behalf of the Prophet (PBUH)
12:48 and for the acceptance of the other parts,
12:51 if we make a sacrifice on behalf of the Prophet (PBUH),
12:53 then Allah will surely grant us happiness
12:56 and reward for it in this world and the hereafter.
12:58 You said before that
13:01 it is a matter of trial for both the clans,
13:03 for the rich and the poor.
13:05 If we see any good deed,
13:07 and especially if it is related to charity,
13:11 we should be thankful for it.
13:14 Today, the overseas Pakistanis,
13:17 if someone brings their belongings to Pakistan,
13:21 and it reaches their home safely,
13:26 they are thankful for it.
13:29 And they say, "You made such a sacrifice for me
13:32 that you brought my belongings from there to my home."
13:35 This is a worldly matter.
13:37 The matter of the hereafter is much more severe than this.
13:41 This seemingly innocent thing
13:44 is so great for us
13:47 and so great for our Mohsin that he has given our share,
13:50 our real wealth,
13:52 which we had to bring to the hereafter,
13:53 we have given it for our hereafter through him.
13:56 So, he becomes a means of making our wealth a means of making our hereafter.
14:00 We should be thankful for him more than him.
14:02 Along with giving.
14:03 We should not give as a charity,
14:05 that I have given him my whole life,
14:07 may he be kind.
14:08 He did a good deed for you.
14:10 We should be thankful for him.
14:12 And we should give with respect and with respect.
14:15 And we should give him with self-respect,
14:19 and with gratitude that if it was not for him,
14:22 then I would not have any other means of making my wealth a means of making my hereafter.
14:28 So, through him, I have made my hereafter, my grave, my hereafter,
14:32 I have made all these matters a means of making my wealth a means of making my hereafter.
14:34 Like Huzoor said,
14:35 Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqar (ra)
14:37 Huzoor comes and says,
14:39 "Today we slaughtered animals."
14:42 Huzoor says, "What is left, Ayesha?"
14:45 "There is some pie and cereals left,
14:48 and the rest is all spent."
14:50 Huzoor says, "Ayesha, don't say that.
14:53 What is spent is left.
14:55 It is always left, it is saved.
14:57 You will eat this and use it at home.
15:01 The rest that you have given, it is saved forever."
15:03 That is, what we give is always saved in our actions.
15:08 It is recorded, so that is why we,
15:10 if we want, and we definitely want,
15:12 that we make a way of making our hereafter a means of making our hereafter,
15:16 and in the hereafter, to make our grave a means of making our grave,
15:19 to make our grave a means of making our grave,
15:21 and in the presence of Allah, to make it easy for us,
15:23 and to make it successful for us, if we want to make any arrangement,
15:26 then these kinds of incidents are a blessing for us.
15:29 If we try, Allah will give us blessings in this world as well.
15:33 And the amount of money we spend in this world,
15:35 Allah will give us more than we expect.
15:39 This is not a worldly matter.
15:40 This is not a deal with the worldly people that if we spend one rupee,
15:45 they will give us two rupees, three rupees,
15:47 or in a business, the percentage of profit will increase by two or three percent.
15:53 This is a matter in the court of Allah, as stated in Surah Al-Baqarah.
15:57 And the example of a seed of wheat,
15:59 that is a seed, it grows seven saplings,
16:01 and each sapling has a hundred seeds.
16:02 What a prophecy!
16:04 One seed has grown seven hundred seeds.
16:06 And Allah does not stop at this.
16:07 Allah says, "Wa Allahu yudhaifu li mayyasha"
16:10 "Whosoever Allah wills, He will multiply it by many times."
16:13 How many times will Allah increase it?
16:15 "Iyya Allah Rabbul 'Amin"
16:17 And in fact, the commentators have said about these verses,
16:20 that the words that have been said,
16:22 that Allah will give you so many times,
16:24 at least ten times,
16:25 more than that, seven hundred, more than that.
16:28 So, it is according to the human intellect.
16:31 Because in the nature of a human being,
16:34 there is a matter of "Hirsutama"
16:37 that when he sees that the reward for this thing is being given too much,
16:41 then he tries.
16:42 He tries to get this reward and try to gain benefit.
16:46 So, Allah says, "It is according to our intellect."
16:49 Otherwise, when Allah will give,
16:51 it will not be seven hundred, ten times, or forty times more.
16:54 Not counting.
16:55 "Wa Allahu yudhaifu li mayyasha"
16:57 "Without counting, Allah will give it to the Lord of the worlds."
17:01 That's why we will try.
17:03 And we are trying as much as possible,
17:05 from our deceased ones as well.
17:06 You, from the Prophet (PBUH)
17:07 start the offering of sacrifices.
17:09 You should do it from your parents,
17:11 from your dear and beloved deceased ones.
17:13 And from all the individuals,
17:16 the reward they will get,
17:17 equal to the total number of everyone,
17:19 Allah will give this reward in your name.
17:21 He will give it and there will be no shortage in their reward.
17:26 And a very beautiful thing that Musi said,
17:30 that the Prophet (PBUH)
17:32 his faqr was the faqr of "Ikhtiar".
17:35 The Prophet (PBUH) says,
17:37 "Oh, the mountain is standing with folded hands."
17:39 "Oh, Messenger of Allah, seeing the faqr,
17:42 "seeing the stone-men on the stomach of my Master,
17:45 "Oh, the mountain is standing with folded hands."
17:48 "Oh, Messenger of Allah, if you order,
17:49 "I will turn into gold and silver."
17:51 "Allah hu Akbar"
17:52 The treasures of the universe,
17:54 are standing with their mouths open,
17:55 and are calling, that the Prophet (PBUH)
17:56 should elect us.
17:57 But the glory of my Master,
17:59 that he chose such a faqr,
18:02 that till the Day of Judgment,
18:04 no one of my Ummah,
18:06 should feel that,
18:08 that the Master of the Day of Judgment,
18:10 lived a glorious life.
18:13 No doubt, his life is glorious,
18:16 but when it comes to faqr,
18:18 then this choice is also the choice of the Prophet (PBUH)
18:22 that the life that I live,
18:23 my poor should get this motivation,
18:25 this motivation,
18:27 that our Master,
18:29 the one who had the keys to all the treasures,
18:33 the one who had the treasures of all the worlds,
18:35 he lived such a life of faqr,
18:39 that his light of sight,
18:41 the shining heart,
18:42 if you see Hazrat Fadimuddin Zahra (R.A)
18:45 then he has a shield in his hands,
18:46 by walking with a stick,
18:47 "Allah hu Akbar"
18:48 He is the princess of the universe,
18:50 but you see,
18:51 no poor person can stand and complain.
18:54 Such sacrifices, my dear Master,
18:56 the Prophet (PBUH)
18:57 your family has made,
18:59 that became the greatest example,
19:01 for the Muslims till the Day of Judgment,
19:04 despite this choice of faqr,
19:06 which the Mufti said,
19:07 that when the Prophet (PBUH) is making a sacrifice,
19:09 there is so much pain,
19:10 so much feeling of the Ummah,
19:12 that the sacrifice from the side of my Ummah,
19:14 is the mercy of Allah.
19:15 You see, the sacrifice that the Prophet (PBUH)
19:17 has made in the court of his Lord,
19:20 you ask yourself,
19:21 will that be rejected from the court of Allah?
19:23 "Allah hu Akbar"
19:24 Go and make a sacrifice,
19:25 despite this choice of faqr,
19:27 my dear Master,
19:29 the sacrifice from the side of the Ummah,
19:31 and the Ummah's class,
19:33 which Allah has blessed with so much wealth,
19:36 today, even this,
19:37 is not a burden,
19:39 God forbid,
19:40 that they,
19:41 can make a sacrifice from the side of the Beloved Prophet (PBUH)
19:45 The people of the Bai'at,
19:46 such great sacrifices have been made,
19:48 so the religion has reached you in a good way,
19:51 whatever we do, is less for those personalities,
19:54 the more we accept those personalities,
19:56 the less it is.
19:57 But,
19:58 with regret,
19:59 sometimes, these words,
20:01 are said on the tongue,
20:02 and Baha'u'llah said it right,
20:04 "There is no pain in the heart,
20:05 no feeling in the soul,
20:07 you have no knowledge of the message of Muhammad,
20:09 what was said by the Muslim,
20:11 only the promise of the Hoor,
20:12 even if someone complains,
20:14 he is aware,
20:15 the justice is the eternal constitution of the Creator,
20:18 the Muslim is a disbeliever,
20:20 so he has the Hoor and the fault,
20:21 you have no one who wants the Hoor,
20:24 the manifestation of the Moon is present,
20:26 not even Moses,
20:27 we are the ones who are blessed,
20:28 there is no one who is a beggar,
20:30 who should we show the way,
20:31 there is no destination,
20:33 the moral training is common,
20:34 the jewel is not worthy,
20:36 the one who builds Adam,
20:38 this is not a problem,
20:39 if there is someone worthy, we give him many titles,
20:42 we do not give the world to the one who is looking for it,
20:45 and even today,
20:46 the one who has the faith of Barahim,
20:48 can make fire,
20:49 the way of Gulistan,
20:51 even today,
20:52 those people who are the owners of the attributes of Hamidah,
20:54 who have the passion to spend on the people of Allah,
20:56 from the wealth given by Allah,
20:58 and they are practically doing it,
21:00 you ask them,
21:01 how peaceful their life is,
21:03 you eat and sleep,
21:05 what a miracle,
21:06 feed two hungry people and sleep,
21:08 you would never have enjoyed sleeping like this,
21:11 you drink water, drink drinks,
21:13 with the blessings of Allah,
21:15 you sleep after a walk,
21:17 you feed a thirsty person water,
21:19 drink juice,
21:20 drink drinks,
21:21 you sleep and see,
21:22 how much fun you will have sleeping,
21:23 because the prayer that is coming out of his heart,
21:26 that which went into the stomach of the hungry and thirsty,
21:28 and the prayer that came out of his heart,
21:30 without any hindrance,
21:31 without any hurdle,
21:33 reaches my Lord and he accepts it.
21:36 Come, this is a place,
21:39 and certainly,
21:40 there are conditions,
21:41 and if we present these conditions again,
21:43 as a gift of faith,
21:45 in the court of the Prophet (PBUH),
21:47 what fun it will be.
21:48 I request Shoaib Bhai to be polite once again.
21:50 As a result of the Prophet's acceptance, peace be upon him.
21:54 I have settled him in my heart
22:01 I have settled him in my heart
22:11 I have settled him in my heart
22:23 I have settled him in my heart
22:31 I have settled him in my heart
22:42 I have settled him in my heart
22:52 I have settled him in my heart
23:01 I have settled him in my heart
23:09 I have settled him in my heart
23:19 If we have found him, then what is the lack?
23:41 We have found both worlds
23:58 We have found both worlds
24:14 We have found such a court
24:27 We have settled him in my heart
24:38 Subhanallah, subhanallah.
24:39 May you be safe.
24:41 And tell me, what gifts have you received?
24:44 The green maize in your lane.
24:46 The pleasure of forgiveness in your lane.
24:48 The peace of your lane.
24:51 May you be blessed, O crowned one of the blessed.
24:54 May you be blessed with the charity of some dear ones.
24:56 Thousands of beggars are standing in your lane.
25:01 May God's will and wisdom be known to God.
25:05 But we saw the Kaaba of heads in the Harem.
25:09 The Kaaba of hearts in your lane.
25:11 Tell me, what gifts have you received?
25:14 The green maize in your lane.
25:16 Qurbani Appeal 2024.
25:19 And I am again speaking to Javed Memon.
25:23 Sir, it is obvious that we see you with our own eyes.
25:28 You must have seen it.
25:29 There are so many people today who have been blessed by God.
25:34 But what is the reason, what is the obstacle?
25:38 We know that they can help the poor by increasing their income.
25:43 And even if they give, they have saved enough.
25:46 There will be no shortage.
25:48 Despite that, do not spend in the way of God.
25:52 You must have seen such people.
25:55 I generally want to know what is in whose heart.
25:59 There are such people.
26:01 Earlier we did not have this thing, this wasf.
26:04 Or to spend in the way of God.
26:06 We did not have that much passion.
26:07 But God has given us the opportunity.
26:09 At any moment, the heart changes.
26:10 And they say that the Kaaba turns.
26:13 And man is from the earth to the sky.
26:14 And the one who is from the earth to the sky,
26:16 who is like a journey, he completes it.
26:18 What do you say?
26:20 Look, Samir bhai, the conversation that took place before this,
26:23 your and the others, your understanding.
26:26 One thing is absolutely clear.
26:29 Every person believes in this.
26:32 It is also a coincidence.
26:34 That the rizq is that,
26:37 Allah has kept it such that you cannot earn with your ability, strength or any sense.
26:45 This is Allah's grace.
26:47 Allah has been very kind to some and less to some.
26:51 There are some people like us, some are better than us.
26:54 But if you look below, below the poverty line,
26:58 you will find many people like this.
27:00 Yesterday I was sitting in a briefing.
27:02 I was seeing there that they had a survey of a very good place.
27:07 When they looked at the people below the poverty line,
27:12 there were more than 78% people.
27:14 Allah is great.
27:15 So, this means that in 22% of the people,
27:19 there are white people,
27:21 and there are good people,
27:23 and there are elite class people.
27:26 The percentage that you are telling,
27:28 it means that the middle class class,
27:30 there was such a storm of inflation that it also went below the poverty line.
27:33 For a few years, there were only two classes left.
27:37 One was good and the other was poor.
27:39 Wow.
27:40 There was no middle class.
27:42 The middle class has ended a long time ago, but it is clear now.
27:46 Oh.
27:46 That is why we see in our society and around us,
27:51 you see that earlier, there were more animals,
27:56 but you see the population, how many people are there.
27:59 The more people are going to do, the more the poor will take.
28:04 And you have said that it is not just a question of meat.
28:07 You should also be able to cook it.
28:10 Today, if you find meat,
28:12 you need a good amount of money to cook it.
28:15 You need the ingredients, spices, oil, ghee, you need everything.
28:20 So, the trend is that there should be an institution
28:24 that manages it very well,
28:27 and if it can do all this, then it is good.
28:30 Especially, our feelings of sacrifice,
28:34 I think this is more for people who live in America and abroad.
28:40 We see that there are no facilities like this in Karachi or Pakistan,
28:44 where you can easily make a sacrifice.
28:46 There will be a lot of restrictions.
28:48 You have tied it up a month before your house.
28:50 It is not like that.
28:51 They make a sacrifice there,
28:55 and they have to deliver their meat to the right place to the right people.
29:00 Finding the right people is also a question there.
29:02 The program of feeling of sacrifice that has been designed,
29:06 all these things have been designed in front of it.
29:09 So that those people who are far away from our country,
29:13 to earn or to get a job,
29:17 sacrifice is a duty on them.
29:19 So, they have a way, a bridge for them.
29:23 If you want, you can do it this way,
29:25 in such a clean and transparent way,
29:29 you can join it, your heart will be at peace,
29:32 Allah will guide you and accept you.
29:35 Everything will be easy for you.
29:37 Rightly said, feeling is playing its role as a communication bridge
29:42 between the people who are needy and the people who are wealthy enough.
29:47 So, this is a bridge that has been completed.
29:51 This distance has been completed.
29:56 This feeling is no less than a blessing.
29:59 You can ask those poor people,
30:01 who have hand pumps in their area,
30:04 who have ration packs delivered in their area,
30:09 you can ask them,
30:10 our Muslim brothers had to travel miles to go there,
30:15 to offer the Friday prayers.
30:16 So, they have to go to Jama Masjid,
30:18 but in remote areas, in hot weather,
30:21 poor people are shivering,
30:24 and they are looking for a mosque to offer their prayers.
30:30 So, go and ask them,
30:32 what prayers they get from their hearts,
30:34 when they leave their homes and find a Jama Masjid in the area,
30:37 where they offer their prayers,
30:39 recite the Quran,
30:40 and mention Allah and His Beloved Prophet.
30:43 So, how lucky are these people.
30:45 You see, this is a charity.
30:47 The hand pump that was installed in the well,
30:50 as long as the people of God drink from it,
30:53 the person who installed this hand pump,
30:56 he doesn't even know what kind of a counter it is.
30:59 I mean, where will his good deeds go?
31:01 Inshallah, we are sure that the feeling that is working,
31:05 we are greedy,
31:07 that the work that we are doing,
31:09 and we are becoming a means for many people,
31:13 who are helping the poor with their feelings,
31:16 and are arranging for charity for themselves.
31:18 Where is our share,
31:20 with everyone,
31:21 our motivation, our program,
31:23 our collective efforts,
31:26 if someone is going against us,
31:28 then we are greedy.
31:29 It is possible that tomorrow,
31:31 when the account is in the book,
31:33 and our good deeds are in front of us,
31:34 then we will know,
31:35 that with the feeling,
31:36 that was the service of humanity,
31:39 in that, this and that person had this share,
31:42 and because of this contribution,
31:44 because of this character,
31:45 because of this service,
31:46 if he is given so much,
31:48 then may he be blessed with many more.
31:50 Because I think that,
31:53 if someone is hungry,
31:55 and you become restless,
31:57 that no, somehow, Allah has given me,
31:59 I will somehow give him two or one bread.
32:02 This is thirst, this is a place where there is a shortage of water,
32:06 Allah has given me,
32:07 I will get a hand pump installed.
32:08 Now, ask yourself a question,
32:11 the one who is restless and restless in the world,
32:13 that somehow, he has faced a lot of pain,
32:16 I will remove the pain.
32:17 I will remove the worry of the person who is in trouble.
32:20 I will become a source of comfort for someone.
32:22 If on some sad face,
32:23 because of me, light and smile scatter,
32:27 then remember,
32:28 that if the person has such a character,
32:30 then there is no shortage in the treasures of my Lord.
32:33 Then remember that day of judgement,
32:35 when there will be hunger,
32:36 for which there are no words to translate,
32:38 when there will be thirst,
32:39 there are no words to translate.
32:41 So, the person who serves the servants of God in this way,
32:44 you ask,
32:45 my Lord who is Merciful, Merciful, Generous,
32:48 will He keep that person hungry and thirsty that day?
32:51 His kindness, his servanthood,
32:54 we have complete faith in Him,
32:57 that my Lord will not keep him hungry or thirsty that day,
33:01 because the one who could not see his servants hungry and thirsty,
33:05 tomorrow, on the Day of Judgment,
33:06 my Lord will not see his servant hungry and thirsty.
33:09 This will be his kindness, his servanthood, God willing.
33:13 So, let us, in this good deed,
33:14 in this collective effort,
33:16 in this journey of serving humanity,
33:18 in the glory of feeling,
33:19 let us once again make sacrifice,
33:21 on 24th of February,
33:23 another great sacrifice,
33:25 a collective sacrifice,
33:26 so that in large numbers,
33:28 the slaves are slain in the way of Allah,
33:31 and the meat obtained from it,
33:33 in large quantities,
33:35 not thousands,
33:36 but in large quantities,
33:38 we will make sure to deliver it to those deserving,
33:40 for whom, many poor people wait every year,
33:43 that the servants of God will come,
33:45 and with the grace of Allah,
33:47 they will become a means, and the representatives of feeling,
33:50 to our homes,
33:51 to our slums,
33:52 to our towns, to our neighborhoods,
33:54 they will deliver the meat of sacrifice,
33:55 as a gift,
33:56 by putting a sign,
33:57 with complete self-respect,
33:59 God willing, they will feed us and feed us.
34:01 Then what is the matter?
34:02 So, let us once again, I want to appeal to you,
34:05 and you are observing the details,
34:08 on our television screen,
34:09 but along with that,
34:11 I also want, as a motivation,
34:13 this appeal to you,
34:16 what is the package,
34:17 and how you can strengthen the hands of feeling,
34:20 the feeling of being proud,
34:22 of helping the poor,
34:23 in this sacrifice, in this collective sacrifice,
34:25 you can contribute your share,
34:27 so if you want,
34:28 to be made a sacrifice in Pakistan,
34:30 then you can make a complete sacrifice,
34:32 in the way of Allah,
34:34 to donate 560 USD,
34:36 if you want to donate a share of a cow,
34:38 then you have to pay 80 USD,
34:41 if you want to make a goat,
34:42 a sacrifice in the way of Allah,
34:44 then 175 USD,
34:46 similarly, in India,
34:47 in any state, in any city,
34:48 if you want,
34:50 in the way of Allah,
34:51 to make a sacrifice,
34:52 and the meat obtained from it,
34:53 be delivered to the poor,
34:56 then if you want to make a complete sacrifice,
34:57 then 259 USD,
34:59 if you want to donate a share,
35:00 then 37 USD,
35:01 if you want to make a goat,
35:02 in the way of Allah,
35:04 then 160 USD,
35:05 you have to donate,
35:06 in Jammu and Kashmir,
35:07 if you want,
35:08 to make a sacrifice,
35:09 a full cow,
35:10 if you want to make a complete sacrifice,
35:12 which is certainly,
35:13 7 parts,
35:14 which is included,
35:15 then you have to pay,
35:16 574 USD,
35:18 if you want to make a share,
35:19 then 82 USD,
35:21 and if you want,
35:21 a sheep,
35:22 or a sheep,
35:22 in the way of Allah,
35:23 to be made a sacrifice,
35:25 in Jammu and Kashmir,
35:26 and the meat of the sheep,
35:26 be delivered to the poor,
35:28 then you have to donate,
35:29 195 USD,
35:32 the numbers of the studio hotlines,
35:34 are available,
35:35 and the numbers of the donation hotlines,
35:37 are also available,
35:38 you are viewing the bank details,
35:40 even then,
35:41 if you want,
35:42 to get more information,
35:44 if you have any queries,
35:45 any confusion,
35:46 any hesitation,
35:47 you want to know the method,
35:49 you want to know,
35:50 what will be the method,
35:51 what will be the methodology,
35:53 what will be the mechanism,
35:54 how,
35:55 in which transparent way,
35:57 will this sacrifice be made,
36:00 our representatives are also waiting,
36:02 and 24/7,
36:03 this program is going on,
36:05 even after this,
36:06 24/7,
36:07 this journey of service of love,
36:09 is going on,
36:10 and whenever you want,
36:11 for the service of Allah's creation,
36:13 for his help,
36:15 whenever you want to serve,
36:17 or contribute,
36:18 Ahsaas will welcome you,
36:19 very warmly,
36:20 so that we can,
36:21 on a large scale,
36:22 InshaAllah,
36:22 make this gathering,
36:23 of sacrifice,
36:25 and then the meat that is obtained,
36:27 be distributed among the poor,
36:27 among the needy,
36:28 and among the needy,
36:29 be distributed.
36:30 Mufti Sahib is present,
36:31 and I will,
36:33 a little bit,
36:33 about history,
36:35 we spoke about sacrifice,
36:36 in the same way,
36:37 I asked you a question,
36:38 that how did the Prophet (PBUH)
36:40 sacrifice for the Ummah,
36:41 and what is the duty of the Ummah,
36:43 that Allah has blessed them,
36:45 and after telling their story,
36:46 how can they,
36:48 serve?
36:50 I want a little bit,
36:51 that an information,
36:52 also reaches our viewers,
36:53 and if 2,
36:54 4,
36:54 5 people also learn something,
36:55 and in the context of sacrifice,
36:56 these things come in handy,
36:58 then,
36:59 our and your sitting,
37:00 is also that principle,
37:01 so Mufti Sahib,
37:01 please tell us,
37:02 what are the basic conditions,
37:04 when a person,
37:05 a believer,
37:05 offers his sacrifice,
37:06 in the way of Allah,
37:08 and that reaches our viewers?
37:10 Sumaira Bhai,
37:11 the principle of Shariah is,
37:13 that all the commands,
37:14 that are necessary,
37:15 are conditional,
37:17 that if a specific condition,
37:18 is found,
37:18 then,
37:19 the worship is,
37:20 necessary for us,
37:22 for all the financial worship,
37:23 for that,
37:24 financial ability is necessary,
37:26 if someone's financial ability,
37:27 is a basic thing,
37:29 then,
37:30 the rest,
37:31 Muslims,
37:31 wise,
37:32 and all,
37:32 then,
37:33 in all the worship,
37:34 these are found,
37:35 as a condition,
37:36 and,
37:37 as a special condition,
37:38 for all the financial worship,
37:39 for that,
37:39 the financial condition is necessary,
37:41 in Zakat,
37:42 we see,
37:42 that Zakat is not necessary,
37:43 for all the common and special,
37:44 only for that,
37:45 which is found,
37:46 by the owner of the Nisabah,
37:46 and all the conditions,
37:47 for that,
37:48 similarly,
37:49 the charity of Fitrah,
37:50 and in that also,
37:50 the condition of the financial condition,
37:52 and if he has the ability,
37:54 and in specific days,
37:56 then,
37:57 this charity of Fitrah,
37:58 is necessary,
37:59 similarly,
37:59 the days of Eid-ul-Fitr,
38:00 and Eid-ul-Adha,
38:02 in this,
38:03 in three days,
38:04 and in two nights,
38:05 if someone has,
38:06 this much wealth,
38:07 which reaches,
38:08 equal to the Nisab,
38:09 if we see,
38:10 in Zakat,
38:11 then,
38:12 the year passing,
38:13 is a condition,
38:14 that the wealth,
38:15 is this much,
38:16 if at the end of the year,
38:17 the wealth,
38:18 is gone,
38:19 or is spent,
38:20 or is not left,
38:22 then,
38:23 as the year has not passed,
38:24 Zakat is not necessary,
38:25 for this,
38:26 the year passing,
38:27 is not a condition,
38:28 that the wealth,
38:29 is not necessary,
38:30 for this,
38:31 the year has not passed,
38:32 and the year is not a condition,
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