Pastor Andy Thompson --- I Can Read Your Mind

  • il y a 5 mois
God, Spirituality, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Faith, Christian, Religion, Love, Word, Mercy,
00:00Now turn with me in your Bibles to Acts chapter number one and verse four. If you can jump on
00:05your feet with me for just a moment in the room and even around the world. I know you may be at
00:09home and you're in your living room or wherever you may be but it's okay jump on your feet for
00:13just a second. Come on let's let's agree together just to stand for the word. Thank you. I appreciate
00:20it. There's such a power in agreement and thank you for standing on your feet. I was telling
00:24someone the other day that when we first started World Overcomers over in the other space over
00:28there if people didn't stand I got an attitude if people didn't stand I would get upset. I've
00:32mellowed hallelujah but thank you for standing and Acts chapter one and verse number four. NIV
00:38let's get into it. I've got 40 minutes on the clock but come on we're gonna have an early
00:41Sunday today. Acts chapter one verse four says on one occasion while Jesus was eating with them
00:46he gave them this command. He said do not leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my father promised
00:53which you've heard me speak about for John baptized you with water but in a few days you're
00:57going to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and then they gathered around him and asked him Lord
01:03are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel and he said to them it's not for you to
01:09know the times or the dates the father has set by his own authority but you will receive power
01:16when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you'll be my witnesses in Jerusalem and on Judea and Samaria
01:22and to the ends of the earth chapter 2 verse 1 says when the day of Pentecost had fully come
01:28they were all together in one place suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind
01:33came from heaven and filled the house where they were sitting and they saw what seemed to be tongues
01:38of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit
01:45and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance as the Spirit
01:52enabled them and Luke chapter 6 and verse 43 Jesus says no good tree bears bad fruit it's on the
02:00screens and you can still look and read along with us if you're not prepared and it says no good tree
02:05bears bad fruit nor does a bad tree bear good fruit each tree is recognized by its own fruit
02:12people do not pick figs from thorn bushes or grapes from briars a good man brings good things
02:18out of the good stored up in his heart and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up
02:25in his heart a good woman brings good things out of the good stored up in her heart and an evil
02:31woman brings evil things out of the evil stored up in her heart for out of the overflow of your
02:37heart your mouth speaks for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of
02:46Tyler my message this morning is I can read your mind I can read your mind by here let me pray for
02:52in the Lord I pray that you'll speak Lord just now some wonderful truth you have for us to see
02:56in these next 30 40 minutes or so have thine own way in us we have cried out we have asked you to
03:02pour out your spirit we've asked you to open up the windows and pour out a blessing on us
03:08that we don't have room enough to receive and in the finite situation of our flesh may you fill
03:15us with your infinite power that we might be used by you and we'll praise you for what you do and
03:22what you say you're so worthy in Jesus name we pray we all say it together amen you may be seated
03:29in the name of the Lord I can read your mind I can read your mind if I can draw your attention
03:33to verse 45 where Jesus is talking and Jesus says and I'm so excited we got so excited about it
03:39because Jesus said see a good man a good woman brings the good things out of the good stored up
03:44in his or her heart and an evil man an evil woman somebody that don't know what they're doing who's
03:49lost and confused and not headed in the right direction brings evil out of the brings evil
03:55things out of the evil stored up on the inside for out of the overflow of your heart your mouth
04:01speaks for your mouth speaks what your heart is full of lately there's been something going on
04:11with my shoulder I don't know anybody that's you know older than 35 something happens when
04:16you're young you can just do whatever you want you just go you just push you just and if you
04:19feel a little something you just work through it you just keep on going through it I was in a gym
04:23and I was working out and I was trying to do my whatever my push-ups my pull-ups whatever
04:28and I felt a little something in my shoulder now when you're younger you just push through that
04:32they say but no pain no gain and you press through that but you can reach a time in your life I won't
04:38say what number it is but you can reach an age in which the minute you feel pain you need to back off
04:44you need to go sit yourself down somewhere you need to take your gerital tablets hey you need
04:48to relax because if you keep on going you can hurt yourself and the next thing you know you
04:53ain't gonna be able to be in the gym for a matter of weeks I did something to my shoulder I felt it
05:00and I said the devil is a liar but he was not lying it wasn't there was something going on
05:04my shoulder I rebuked it but it was like whatever and I worked through it and but at the end of it
05:10I was like oh lord and I felt it up in here and I was swole so I've done something with my show and
05:15of course being a guy I'm like it'll be all right it'll be okay and I'll just rub some benadryl
05:20cream on it and rub some something on it and just icy hot and etc but it persisted it continued and
05:28as a result of it and then it's clicking and it's making noise and it's saying good morning to me
05:33and I inevitably I'm like I am going to have to I don't know what's going on in here why are you
05:40telling this past Andy let me get to it I don't know what's going on in here and so I went and
05:46they're saying okay we're gonna have to now give you an x-ray we're gonna have to give you an MRI
05:55we are going to have to be able to take something to see through what we cannot see
06:02inside to see what's going on in the places that are hidden
06:11it's meant to give us a glimpse into the thing we cannot see how do we measure your mind
06:21one of the things that's so amazing about your mind is can't nobody really read it but a part
06:27of the reason why I'm saying I can read your mind is because actually I can I can because
06:36we constantly are giving glimpses into where our minds are and all of us have got stuff going on
06:47with our minds that we either want to ignore we don't want to focus on it or we just want
06:54to brush it off or act like it's all going to be okay but actually what you need is an MRI
07:01what you need is an ultrasound what you need is you need an x-ray we need to take a hard look
07:08and a glimpse into where your mind is your mind must be measured
07:19I don't know if you knew that that that's a part of what is the purpose of even this
07:25of us coming to worship and praise and sure is to feel it and be inspired but
07:30another significant part of why we're doing this is so that we can pretty consistently measure our
07:38mind that we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds you don't get transformation
07:49just from getting saved salvation is the start of it but as great as this worship service was
07:57and as amazing as it is to be in the presence of God in his presence alone it's not enough
08:03to transform you unless your mind is changed you find yourself in the presence of the Lord and you
08:12say woe is me for I am undone you see yourself and the image that you see of yourself is changed
08:21as a result of your of the time in his presence but if all you do is just get in his presence
08:26and shout and scream and holler and run and then leave the same way you came
08:30then really no real long-term transformation will take place
08:35all right you may feel good on a sunday but your tuesday won't really be impacted
08:43if you don't allow the word of God to take a look at your mind there's a passage of scripture
08:50i'll quote it to you it's familiar hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 says for the word of God is living and
08:56active i quote it on a regular basis why don't y'all throw it up for the word of God is living
09:00and active sharper than any two-edged sword sharp to the dividing of soul and spirit joint and
09:06marrow i can't even hardly read that that's too small it judges the thoughts and the attitudes
09:12put your glasses on it judges the thoughts and the attitudes of your heart nothing in all creation is
09:20hidden before the eyes of everything is laid bare nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight
09:28everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give an account
09:34so the Lord knows what you're thinking the Lord knows what's going on in your head you can hide
09:39it from me you can hide it maybe from someone else but the Lord knows all of nothing in all
09:44creation is hidden from God's sight everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him
09:50to whom we must answer so the word of God is alive and it is given it's sharp
09:58to the dividing of soul and spirit joint and marrow it judges your thoughts
10:07it judges your attitude now one of the things that we do with the word is we make the word
10:13just judge behavior but the Lord doesn't just judge behavior the Lord judges the why of the behavior
10:20right we can get all caught up and become overly harsh if all we do is judge the behavior
10:28at the consequences of the behavior and make no mistake there are consequences to the behavior
10:33but the thing that's great about God is the Lord don't just look at what you did he looks at why
10:38you did it it's why the word tells us not to judge you're not called to judge and one of the reasons
10:44why you're not is because you don't have all the information you don't know all of the why and one
10:50of the things that we have to really be careful about is ascribing motives to people because God
10:57is the one that knows what's in their heart but a part of what makes you really mad is not just
11:02what they did but why you think they did it you're saying they did that because they jealous they did
11:09that because you light skin they did that because you dark they did that because you white they did
11:13that because you black they laid you off for this and you ascribe a feeling or a motive to an action
11:20and now you're more upset about the motive than you are even about the action and the truth of
11:25the matter is that you have stepped into God's arena oh I need a witness in the building I wish
11:31I had a witness because I know this is touching all of us and in the room if you can't say amen
11:36say oh me because all every one of us likes to say why somebody did it we will even tell somebody
11:44they'll say sorry and we'll be like no you're not no you're not you ain't sorry no you're not
11:48no you're not let me tell you why let me tell you why and they're just like no and then they will
11:51ascribe nothing's ever happened to you they will ascribe a motive to you that you don't even have
11:57you jealous of me you always have been jealous of me you have never liked me since I was six
12:02I didn't even know you when you were saying they will ascribe
12:05a motive to you because that's what we do
12:12we judge when the Lord says don't judge he doesn't mean don't judge an action of course you can say
12:19hey that really hurt my feelings when you said that when you did that that really hurt my feelings
12:25all right you're in a good you're in a good place but if you cross the line and say
12:30and let me tell you why you did it you did it because last week I now you have crossed over
12:37because only God knows the why of their heart that's why the word says judge nothing before
12:45the appointed time wait until the Lord comes he will bring to light the motives of men's hearts
12:52and at that time each person will receive his praise from God the best place to get praise
13:00from is from the Lord it's not just that we give him praise but we get praise from him
13:08but I'm down a rabbit hole I'm sorry what I'm saying to you is
13:13the word of God is here to judge your attitude
13:17yes the Lord don't just like what you do but he also likes why you do it
13:26I don't know if you ever had a parent like that I did where
13:29my mama didn't just want me to say thank you she wanted me to fix my face
13:36so if I said thank you with an attitude she'd be like that's not enough come
13:40back here bring your little hips back here fix your face
13:47my dad had a way of giving you something you did not want
13:54I want chocolate milk my dad done bought powdered milk I don't know if you ever had
13:59powdered milk I am dating myself now it's some nasty stuff and he done squirt some chocolate
14:04in there and mixed up something it's all chunky and floating and gross and he's handing it to you
14:10he has made it and he's handing it to you and while he's doing it he's looking at you he's
14:15handing you something you don't want and he's looking at your face to see do you have the right
14:20attitude back then you heard you got an attitude problem oh I wish you had a witness
14:28tell somebody you got an attitude problem oh don't say it to them problem with you is you
14:34have an attitude problem problem with you is that we're not really allowing the word
14:39to judge the thoughts and the attitudes of our heart we want to find solace in
14:46what we think of as holiness because of our situation but the Lord knows why
14:53so we are here to take a measure of our minds can I speak to the manager when I say can I
15:02speak to the manager I mean can I talk to the one who's running this restaurant
15:09you know who's running this restaurant your mind
15:14your mind is the one that's running the restaurant your problem is mental my problem is mental
15:25I don't know if it's ever happened to you where you woke up and you just didn't feel happy
15:31just feel stressed just feel annoyed just feel bothered you don't know anointed thing
15:35no I need a witness in the building you have a you you will tell people don't mind me I ain't had
15:41my coffee yet and when you get the coffee you get the holy ghost the holy ghost is literally in the
15:50beans and you go from being rude and snappy to smiling and happy and hey how you doing
15:58how you doing your mind changed simply from the chemical
16:04I don't know if you've ever been hangry hangry is when you are hungry and annoyed at the same
16:11time I wish I had a witness in the building some of you are hangry right now some of you are like
16:17I did not eat on the way up here it is 11 20 let's go past any biscuit bill because you are hangry
16:25get a biscuit in there you feel like god is in the room get an oreo you feel the anointing of
16:30god you all you need is a good bag of chips and the next thing you know oh delays comes through
16:41there oh thank you lord for them potato chips oh and the fries fries I went to five guys the other
16:52day they they tipped that whole basket in your bag I said come on jesus
16:58whoo I felt god was grease all in the bag
17:03salt all in there the dude looked at me as a big dude when a big dude decided like hey
17:10when I saw a big dude making my food I don't know when a big dude makes your food
17:14I was like oh it's about to be good right here I said I want barbecue sauce it was barbecue
17:19sauce down my arm it was some on his arm he licked it off I was like oh I was oh my god
17:28oh big dude making your food that's jesus
17:33he was putting them fries in there I said ha ha I felt it
17:38he scooped some more put it in the bag I said oh thank you it's amazing how that changes your
17:45attitude no I need to wear this in the building it's amazing how quickly your
17:50attitude can change it's amazing how you're mad because you didn't say anything
18:01see a lot of them oohs and ahhs just shows me the age of the crowd because when you're in
18:07the situation and you're young for all of you younger than 50
18:14when you're younger than 50 you have a regret of what you said
18:22later on you sitting there thinking I can't believe I said that I can't believe I did
18:25it and I went on and on you have all this guilt and regret for what you said
18:31cross 50
18:32when you cross 50 your regret is what you should have said let me tell you what I should have told
18:37what I should have said and now you're replaying it in your mind I'm just letting y'all know what's
18:43coming all of you young folk you playing over you're laying in your bed and you're trying to
18:46go to sleep and you're saying this is what I would have told that family day when I told that
18:50thing and it's in your mind running over and over and over
18:53and it's in your mind running over and over and over
19:00it's amazing how your mind is the manager
19:07even for all of us who were raised by church and raised by Hagen and went to faith and went
19:13to all of it in which we're trying to be spirit controlled spirit controlled moments
19:21are the anomaly
19:27I don't know about you but I'm just trying to have Sunday spirit controlled
19:37remember the sabbath day keep it holy on Sunday I'm trying not to get upset I wish I had somebody
19:44Sunday I'm trying to not tell nobody about themselves son and I'm the pastor
19:50Sunday I'm trying not to push nobody out on a son I'm like this is the Lord's day
19:56at least on Sunday I ought to be able to be led by the spirit at least on Sunday
20:00catch me on a Tuesday and I'll pray for you
20:03because really my mind is the manager and if I want my Tuesday to be good I got to wake up in
20:13the morning with my mind stayed on Jesus I got to get the right stuff in my mind at the start
20:25if I don't start my day off with some this is the day that the Lord has made if I don't
20:30that the Lord has made if I don't start off my day getting something in this
20:35mind so that I will I will listen my how saved I am in a day
20:41depends on what kind of morning I had with the Lord or not
20:49if I wake up if my day starts with too much drama and too much trash
20:58I really wish I had an honest church I know I do I know I'm in the right place ain't nobody
21:03judging you ain't nobody judging me if I wake up in the morning with a call or a text or something
21:09of something that is it's amazing how that little thing wants to set the course of the rest of your
21:15day and now for the rest of your day you just snap and you annoy it and you just bother it and
21:20it's all because you and if you're smart you get to a place where you're like listen I don't want
21:24to start my day one out of that you see your phone you turn it over you're like not this
21:29morning you turn that back over you go over here you put on some somebody because you can tell it's
21:36gonna be one of those days what is that that you're trying to affect it's your mind it's my mind
21:46my mind is the manager
21:48and it's all what we see I know it's Pentecost Sunday but it's what we see here in Acts chapter
21:53one and two because it says on one occasion while Jesus was eating with him now Jesus has died
22:00been resurrected from the dead he has come back he's appeared he's been walking amongst them for
22:0540 days now doing all kinds of stuff showing to them that he really is alive that he really is
22:11showing to them that he really is alive that he really is resurrected and Acts chapter one says
22:20on one occasion while he was eating with them he gave them this command he said do not leave
22:25Jerusalem but wait for the gift my father promised which you've heard me speak about
22:33for John baptized you with water but in a few days you're gonna be baptized with the Holy Spirit
22:40now what this means is that after three years I'm gonna put this on the screen
22:45after three years Jesus has decided we need help
22:55after three years Jesus had decided Jesus started his earthly ministry
23:00these apostles have been with him for three years they have seen him do miracles they've
23:04seen him raise the dead they've seen him do all kinds of stuff and even now he has died
23:08now he has died and resurrected from the dead about to get ready to get this ministry really
23:12going and he has decided sorry y'all gonna need some help help is required
23:24the reason why I say that is because can you admit you need help
23:31I say can you admit that you need help why the reason why I talk like this sometimes on this
23:36stage I mean it's sometimes it's this bad sometimes it's not I'm not quite as carnal as I
23:39as I as I be as I act like I am but sometimes I do it so that we can just all be okay and admit
23:46that we need help so we can stop being fake and act like we're so holy and good and no that
23:53then so we can admit no actually no I need help if with this mind I'm gonna need help with this
24:00mouth I'm gonna need help with that child I'm gonna need me some help with this teenager
24:05I need some help with this toddler can I get some help with this job I'm gonna need some help with
24:10my mama oh I'm gonna need some help well now with my father oh can I get some help I need some help
24:16Jesus is my help where does my help come from I'm gonna need some help the Lord it's I'm not enough
24:22I'm not enough I'm not enough I wish I had I'm not enough I've tried I've done all I can
24:29I've been to school I've been I've done everything but I've come to the place where
24:32in myself I will fail I'm not judging nobody to look down on nobody because if it had not been for
24:38the Lord on my side I don't even really know where I would be if God had not spared me if God
24:42had not kept me I don't even know if I'd barely be here when I think about his goodness and his
24:46grace and he protected me from danger seen and unseen and I'll start crying if I really think
24:51about it because it's not really me it's no goodness of my own who am I talking it's no
24:55goodness of my own it's his grace and his mercy I really do need help and if I need help with
25:01anything it's this thing in here because this thing like to talk to me and this thing like to
25:08say stuff and this thing in here oh it's all great when we in hallelujah but in here and in here
25:14you not in here nobody is in there but you
25:22even your eyes all your eyes do is just reflect light and then your mind is the thing that
25:30actually calculates what it was your eyes see some people who are thin look at themselves and
25:37see themselves as big they have a mental thing some people think they look good and they don't
25:44you gotta ask somebody how does this look what I'm saying to you is you have to realize I have
25:56to realize I need help with my mind there is a tug of war that is happening between your spirit
26:06and your body for your mind there is a tug of war it's a constant thing between your body
26:18and your spirit the real you real me is a spirit being there is a tug of war between your spirit
26:24and your body for your mind it's happening even now
26:31part of the reason why we want the seat to be as comfortable as possible
26:34is so that your hips will not interfere with your hearing of the word
26:43now some of us grew up in a church where they didn't care if you were comfortable
26:47you sat on a hard pew in a hot room
26:55help us holy ghost we're one of them fans but now we gotta make it comfortable we gotta make it
27:02cold we gotta make it close we got because we have lost the ability to push past the feelings
27:09of our flesh just to hear a word and then we have made the word so comfortable and so available
27:18to you that we haven't even figured out how to sacrifice to hear a word anymore
27:26we've actually flooded the market with word there was a time when to get a word you had
27:30to go to Wednesday night service to get a word you couldn't get no word on your phone
27:35you had to press your way and why am i talking about that well because what that did was it was
27:45a constant help to you to keep your flesh in check when it came to the word and your mind
27:57all right
28:02your spirit would say you need a word now this this this is i'm i'm this is not even in the
28:08notes i feel the holy ghost right here you the your your spirit would say you need a word
28:15you would know just from what's going on what's happened with you depression
28:19sadness pain difficulty anxiety whatever your spirit would be like yeah your problem is that
28:23you need a word it's not your spirit because your spirit is reborn your spirit's good
28:28no your mind is the thing your spirit would say yeah what you need is a word
28:35for you to get that word you would have to inconvenience your flesh
28:40to get that word so you are already making your flesh come under subjection to the word and your
28:48spirit now we've made it so easy for you that you don't have to take a bath to hear a word you
28:54don't have to use none of your gas to hear a word you don't have to inconvenience yourself to park
28:59and walk we think that the convenience has helped you but it has not all we have done is giving your
29:08flesh more strength to be more resistant to the word so that you can't hear the word unless it's
29:14convenient to you you can't hear the word unless we up here tap dance you can't hear the word
29:20unless you have screens and lights and we got to do that you can
29:24some of us there was no method to the matter and you didn't know what was happening at church
29:32there was no series
29:36the pastor got up and said let's see what the lord would say to us today
29:40hurry somebody else will do the reading and god said and god said
29:48go on sister let there be light let there be light
29:55go on you didn't know when it was gonna end
29:58you got there at 9 30 you didn't lead till three i wish i had a witness
30:02and you had to be back at night
30:04you couldn't hide that you didn't give because they made you march stand up face the wall
30:12march down here play some giving music
30:17we're blessed in this city and we don't want to hear nothing that make no noise
30:21neither help us jesus they weren't afraid when did we get afraid to inconvenience
30:30when did we get afraid to inconvenience people's flesh for the word
30:36oh help us god when did that happen and how's that working for us
30:43there's a tug of war between your your spirit and your body for your mind
30:50and whoever you feed is going
30:55and we just feed our flesh and our flesh just wants to watch netflix
31:02our flesh just wants to watch hulu
31:06our flesh just wants to watch fx our flesh wants to watch shogun
31:11our flesh wants to watch real housewives of crazy
31:22so we can just watch ratchetness and just laugh about ratchet and talk about ratchet and smile
31:28about ratchet and let the ratchet feed our ratchet and then we're surprised when ratchet
31:36comes out of us because if you start ratchet in your heart ratchet gonna come out of your mouth
31:46oh jesus
31:50your heart is your mind and your mind overflows with whatever you pour in porn in porn out
32:06oh dudes there's this thing called porn i don't know if y'all know about this
32:12talk to me gentlemen right thank you we never heard of it that's pastor josh never heard of it
32:21where do we find this stuff called porn pastor andy
32:24what you put in comes out
32:36beyonce in beyonce out drake in drake out lil wayne in
32:44lil wayne out
32:45am i lying or am i am i right or am i oprah in oprah out diddy no no no diddy
33:07sorry diddy out no no i'm saying is i'm so sorry
33:14what was i saying oh what you put in comes out
33:27they gather around him verse six says they gathered around him and asked him lord
33:32are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to israel this is one of the ways in which
33:40in which your mind can be read and this is one of the ways in which you know and i know
33:46that my mind needs help is because i ask a time question
33:59a time question what time is it
34:05what time is it it's not just what i'm going through but how long is this going to last
34:12how long am i gonna have to deal with them how long is this child gonna be like this how long
34:17am i gonna be by myself how much longer before i have somebody how much longer before they give
34:22me this promotion lord how long are you at this time going to restore what i've been looking for
34:29when does restoration take place all right i've been through this i've been through that
34:34but when does restoration come he may not come when he wanted but he's always right on time thank
34:39you very much but i want to know what time it is is it now is it happening now when will it happen
34:45because i've been waiting a long time for my thing to take place and my mind is getting tired
34:55i'm getting tired of seeing my people that way i'm getting tired of not having enough i'm getting
35:00tired of being this way i'm getting tired of the situation and i need to know what time is it
35:07when i get to a place where i cannot take time i need help it's why the lord said yeah
35:18it's not for you to know the dates or times the father is set by his own authority that's a hard
35:26word what do you mean i'm not gonna know the time no i asked what time it is i asked when
35:31are we gonna get there i asked are we there yet i asked is it over yet i asked that
35:39when am i gonna get there when is this gonna take place when is my breakthrough gonna take place
35:45and the lord has the nerve to say it's not really for you to know the times
35:51but you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you'll be my witnesses what
35:58is this power that he is talking about it is the power of the holy spirit it is power to be patient
36:06in time no i'm just i'm presenting something right right past the tower said i don't know
36:14if it's ever been presented to us this way but one of the primary purposes of the holy spirit
36:20is to help you patient help you to be patient when you're locked in time
36:27because everybody in here is locked in time can i get a witness in the building everybody in the
36:33room everybody walks around the world there's something in which you're trying to figure out
36:35when is that gonna happen when is that gonna take place when is that gonna invest when is that money
36:39gonna turn when is that thing gonna come when is the investment gonna take place when am i gonna
36:43get to that place when when when when when what time is it when will i go when am i going to get
36:47my blessing i'm getting impatient a part of what gives you patience in your mind in your time
36:54battle is the holy ghost it's the holy spirit there's a power that the holy spirit gives you
37:03for you to be able to be okay in the times that you can't predict
37:08so that you don't wig out because you're impatient
37:13so you don't cuss folk out because you just are done
37:19where you're just saying i'm done i'm just done i'm done you are you are finished you can't take
37:26enough it's all you can stands you can't stands no more it's okay i'm right there with you you
37:32need the holy spirit
37:38then he says when the day of holy of the pentecost came they were all filled in one accord and all
37:43in one place sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven filled the whole house where
37:47they were sitting they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that had separated and came to
37:50rest on them and all of them were filled with the holy spirit and they all began to speak in other
37:55tongues as the spirit enabled them spirit enabled language can everybody say that i will put it on
38:02the screen everybody say spirit enabled language that was really weak can we all in the room can
38:10you you're here right now i can't hear them around the world so can you say it can you say spirit
38:15enabled language the holy ghost came to give them patience in time the holy ghost came
38:23to give them a power to speak in the tongue they didn't normally speak in
38:30now i know if you were raised like me pentecost like me when we think spirit enabled language
38:36we're thinking about tongues we're thinking about a heavenly language we're thinking about
38:39a prayer language praise god for that i believe in it i pray in tongues more than you all it's
38:45all wonderful me too i do have a heavenly language and i pray in one awesome but you know what i'd
38:50like i would also like for the same holy ghost that gives you a language that you don't understand
38:57to help you with your mouth and saying the stuff that you do understand
39:01i would like your mouth to speak a tongue it don't speak now
39:08oh i wanted more of a witness than that i because i met too many tongue talkers who don't have a
39:14good attitude i met too many tongue talkers who was nasty other than the tongue oh they could
39:20speak in tongues but when they got done speaking with tongues they was just as nasty as could be
39:24and i sat there and thought if you really had the holy ghost not only would you be able to pray in
39:29a holy ghost with a tongue but you'd also be able to answer sweet and it make me doubt whether or
39:34not you really got the holy ghost or not because if you really had them your mouth wouldn't talk
39:39like that because one of the main ways that i and anybody can read can read your mind
39:48is simply by listening to your mouth talk because out of the overflow of your heart your mouth speaks
40:02you want to read somebody's mind just sit next to them and get quiet
40:06they will tell you exactly where they are
40:12folk will say to me why are you so quiet pastor andy i said because i know the more i talk the
40:19more you're gonna know what's going on up here if i don't want you to know what's going on up here
40:24i got to keep my mouth shut because my heart can't help it out of the overflow of my heart my mouth's
40:34of my heart my mouth's gonna speak i got to get help with my heart i got to get help with my mind
40:42i gotta get prayer i need jesus i need worship i need the holy ghost i need the gift of the
40:50holy ghost i need his spirit on me i need his spirit to check me and tell me to stop talking
40:59oh i need his witness to say shut up i need his spirit to say shut up
41:07i need his spirit to check me i need the holy ghost to make me say well god is able
41:17well he can turn it around well we're gonna wait and see what god's going to
41:23well thank you for that but i know in whom i'm believed and i'm persuaded that he's able and so
41:28i'm going to trust him i need the holy spirit for spirit enabled language
41:40now if you actually look at the actual day of pentecost they come out speaking in other tongues
41:46and the tongues they speak in are languages that people understand
41:51the people actually know that they're speaking in other tongues because it's a language that
41:55they actually understand they're speaking in actually other languages so for me to make this
42:00leap this morning on pentecost sunday and say well what i'd actually like you to do is to be
42:04enabled by the holy ghost to speak a language that is actually intelligible
42:14as much as i'd love for you to pray in the holy ghost and i'm all with it
42:18but what i'd like to have happen is as a result of the outpour of god's spirit your talk change
42:26oh help us lord because your mouth expresses what your heart is full of
42:40and it ends up being a vicious cycle because your ears then hear what your mouth said
42:50i don't know if you've ever been in this situation i'm done i'm gonna pray i don't
42:53know if you've ever been in a situation where you were feeling a thing
42:59but then you spoke it and it became worse
43:07i don't know if you've ever been in that situation where you were mad you were already upset and then
43:11you started to tell somebody about it and while you were telling them you got hot your ears got hot
43:19because your ears hear what your mouth say
43:27unless you're sharing it with someone that that you're saying listen i need you to help me with
43:31this and they can give you and help you and that but for you to just speak out your fears what you
43:36actually do is you are feeding your own mind the garbage that the enemy dropped in
43:49part of why we're so stressed is because we speak it out and then we hear it
43:55the enemy puts a thought in your mind like you might get ready to lose your job they lay people
44:00off you might be getting ready to lose your job too but then you say oh my god i hope they don't
44:06lay me off what if they lay me off when your mouth and your ears hear now both your ears take that in
44:12and it cycles around i wish it cycles around and your situation what you i we gotta figure out
44:19how can we get this mouth right anybody that's mad at me for not trying to get anybody to get
44:27fed with the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues i want the evidence
44:30of your english to be better that's the holy ghost i want can i get a witness in the building
44:38i said can i get a witness in the building i said can i get a witness in the building
44:43i want you to stop speaking defeat i want you to stop telling yourself that you're a loser
44:47i want you to stop thinking and believing that you just like your mama you're not
44:51we rebuke the devil on your behalf god is able
44:58so i want you to bow your head close your eyes lord we thank you right now
45:02somebody gonna play you lord we thank you right now for pentecost sunday
45:10right now we have sung we have we have hollered we have declared we have proclaimed and now god
45:19we're asking you to fill us
45:25right in your seat can you just lift your hands just a little bit don't live my heart just
45:28just in front of you just receive lord we we know that your holy spirit is here and all we have to do
45:36is receive
45:40we don't have to beg you your word says that if we being evil know how to give good gifts
45:45to our children how much more will you give the holy spirit to them who ask
45:51so lord right now we ask you fill us with your spirit
45:58fill us with yourself fill us to overflowing
46:04holy spirit we sang it you're welcome here and i know you don't even seek glory but you are welcome
46:10here fill this place your glory god is what our hearts long for to be overwhelmed with your spirit
46:19baptize us afresh spirit of the living god fall fresh on us
46:28make us mold us in this room and in every room literally around the world make us mold us change
46:36us baptize us afresh
46:38change us baptize us afresh
46:44and we thank you that we receive your spirit right now
46:53we breathe you in we receive your spirit we simply have asked you to baptize us
47:02fill this room with the wind of your spirit fill our lives with the anointing of your spirit
47:09on pentecost sunday fill us with the holy ghost like never before
47:15we'll praise you for what you do and what you say you're so worthy in jesus name
47:25can you just clap your hands and just give god praise can you praise him in advance
47:29can you praise him in advance i said can you praise him in advance
47:34no i said can you praise him in advance can you say lord thank you thank you
47:39thank you for filling me with your spirit
