Dr. Jamal H. Bryant - I'M BEING PULLED IN EVERY DIRECTION - Sunday 13th, October 2024

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Dr. Jamal H. Bryant - I'M BEING PULLED IN EVERY DIRECTION - Sunday 13th, October 2024
00:52To worship
01:03To worship
01:18Mark chapter 6 if you'll join me in the last verse of that chapter verse 56
01:25Mark chapter 6 verse 56
01:56The joy of the Lord is my strength, I will
02:01The strength of the Lord is my joy, I will
02:08Every day of my life, I will
02:13Every day of my life, I will
02:18I feel his strength, I feel his strength this morning
02:20You want to lift your hand this morning in worshipping church, worship him
02:29The strength of the Lord is in the field, worship him
02:34The presence of the Lord is here, I will worship him
02:39The presence of the Lord is here, I will worship him
02:45The power of the Lord is here, I will worship him
02:47The power of the Lord is here, I will worship Him.
02:54The joy of the Lord is here, I will worship Him.
03:01The strength of the Lord is here, I will worship Him.
03:08I will worship Him.
03:12Strength rising, strength rising, strength rising, strength rising, strength rising.
03:21That's what we need to do today, we ought to.
03:26Don't you feel His strength? Don't you feel His strength today?
03:32Don't you feel His power today? We ought to.
03:37Lift your hands, lift your praise, lift your words and worship Him.
03:48Lift your hands, lift your voice everybody ought to worship Him.
03:53Everybody ought to, everybody ought to, everybody ought to worship Him.
03:59The presence of the Lord is here.
04:03The presence of the Lord is here.
04:05The presence of the Lord is here.
04:07The presence of the Lord is here.
04:10The presence of the Lord.
04:11The presence of the Lord.
04:12The presence of the Lord is here.
04:14Is here.
04:15The presence of the Lord is here.
04:17Is here.
04:18The presence of the Lord is here.
04:20Is here.
04:21The presence of the Lord.
04:22The joy of the Lord.
04:23The joy of the Lord.
04:24The joy of the Lord.
04:25The joy of the Lord.
04:26The joy of the Lord is here.
04:28The joy of the Lord is here.
04:33The presence of the Lord is here.
04:36The presence of the Lord is here.
04:39It's breaking.
04:40I feel it in the atmosphere.
04:43The presence of the Lord is here.
04:46Y'all gotta pray.
04:48The presence of the Lord is here.
04:51The power of the Lord is.
04:55The power of the Lord is here. You want to wave your hands. I feel it in the atmosphere.
05:03The power of the Lord is here. The power of the Lord is here. The joy of the Lord is here.
05:14The joy of the Lord. Come on. I feel it in the atmosphere.
05:22The joy, and the strength, and the power, and the presence, and the healing, the miracle working power is here.
05:31The presence of the Lord is here.
05:36It's here.
05:38It's here.
05:40It's here.
05:42It's here.
05:44It's here.
05:46It's here.
05:48It's here.
06:01Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-so, the power is here, the strength is here, the joy is here.
06:07Somebody ought to lift a ransom!
06:11Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-so, the power is here, the strength is here,
06:17the joy is here, the strength is here.
06:30Get your goggles in your hand.
06:40Put your Bibles in your hand and meet me at Mark chapter 6.
07:01Mark chapter 6, verse 56.
07:21And wherever he went into villages, towns or countryside, they placed the sick in the
07:51They begged him to let them touch the hem of his garment.
08:00And all who touched it were healed.
08:05You may be seated.
08:12Wherever he went into villages, towns or countryside, they placed the sick in the marketplaces.
08:19They begged him to let them touch the hem of his garment.
08:24And every person who touched him was healed.
08:30I want to preach today using as a subject, I'm being pulled in every direction.
08:37Look at the person beside you, tell them, I need you to pray for me.
08:44Look them in the eye, tell them, pray for me, because I'm being pulled in every direction.
08:59Many of us have unknowingly stood in Jesus' shoes, which is a size stressed in half.
09:14And Jesus must have been feeling that way when he's trying to get through Jericho.
09:22And he wants to get through Jericho before sundown.
09:27Because Jericho, unlike Jerusalem, is not monotheistic.
09:32They do not ascribe to one God, it is polytheistic.
09:38They worship many.
09:41So Jesus is trying to get through Jericho as quickly as he possibly can before sun goes down.
09:51And just as he's trying to narrowly fall under the radar and get through Jericho, a crowd
10:00attaches themselves to him.
10:04And he keeps trying to keep moving.
10:07They're trying to stop him, even though this is not a sacred space, but they're all trying
10:14to get his attention.
10:17He's got to get out of Jericho.
10:20His gift is not welcome there, his oil is not appreciated there.
10:25He's got to get out of Jericho, and he's trying to get out of there quickly.
10:31The disciples are trying to help him get out of Jericho, and then out of nowhere, a man
10:38by the name of Bartimaeus starts screaming,
10:41Son of David, have mercy on me!
10:48And the disciples, realizing that they are not in friendly territory, tries to make this
10:57visually impaired man be quiet.
11:04We're trying to get out of town.
11:07We don't want to disturb the governmental structure.
11:11And the more they try to make him be quiet, the louder the blind man screams,
11:18Son of David, have mercy on me!
11:24Can you imagine what's going on in Jesus' mind?
11:28That he's trying to get out of town as quickly as he possibly can.
11:34And a crowd has amassed around him.
11:38And now a blind man is screaming behind him.
11:43And the Bible says he is so overwhelmed by the environment, the Bible records for us
11:49in Mark chapter 10, that Jesus just stands still.
11:56And I'm trying to figure out with all of the things that are trying to get your attention,
12:01for all of the things that are screaming at you,
12:05for all of the things that you are trying to escape,
12:09I need to know in the tenth month of the year why you don't feel like you need to stand still.
12:18Why you won't have a Selah moment.
12:22Why you won't just pause.
12:25Why it is that you won't just call for a time out.
12:29Ladies and gentlemen, I admit to you transparently as Exhibit A,
12:34it's easier said than done.
12:38It is almost akin to what the woman is feeling in Mark chapter 5.
12:45In Mark chapter 5 we find a woman who for 12 years has had an issue of blood.
12:52Can you imagine the level of tension and duress that she is under?
12:57Because if you lose a half gallon of blood, hear this, you are nearing fatality.
13:05And so this woman is bleeding and doesn't know whether she's about to die.
13:13Please forgive me, but I need you to know that you are sitting just three seats over
13:21from somebody who is bleeding and still living.
13:26There is somebody on your row who is gasping for breath
13:30and they got no idea how God is sustaining them with everything that they're losing,
13:36with everything that comes with their life, with everything that is attached to them.
13:41It is an amazing miracle that they are still in this place called life
13:48when they should have died, here's your shout, 12 years ago.
13:53But God keeps giving breath to your lungs.
14:00What is amazing that I wanted you to pay attention to is that she's bleeding for 12 years
14:07and she can't keep track with how much blood she has lost.
14:13She has no idea how much has come out of her.
14:17All she knows is that God amazingly keeps her alive.
14:23And friends, what I wanted you to pay attention to is that according to Levitical law,
14:29because of her condition, she is banned from church.
14:35I would have thought that with everything that she's dealing with,
14:40that church is where she would be welcome.
14:44But in her condition, they want her whole before she comes.
14:50And as a consequence, they have banned her from being in public worship.
14:56Woe unto the church that bans people from coming in the moment that they need them the most.
15:05Something is wrong with a church that won't let you in because you got tattoos
15:10and because you got piercings and because you got a different wardrobe and a different hair color
15:17and because you got a different kind of love in your heart for somebody that they don't approve of.
15:24They think that you don't belong in church, but this ain't your church.
15:29God says, upon this rock I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
15:39She can't get in the church and can I tell you, she has not been in church for 12 years.
15:50I'm in Mark chapter 5, so Jesus has only been preaching for a year, but she's had the condition for 12.
15:59And so the question I gotta ask you is if she has not been to church during Jesus' ministry,
16:06how did she know about him?
16:12How did she find out that he was giving sight to the blind?
16:17How did she discover that he was feeding 5,000?
16:22How did it cross her path to know that he was giving strength to those who had no dexterity in their limbs?
16:32And I want to say to you, that's what people are going to be asking about you.
16:36How did you find out about the job opening?
16:40That's what they're going to ask about you.
16:44How did you find out about that scholarship for your child?
16:48That's what they're going to be asking you.
16:50How in the world did you find out about that house and it wasn't even listed?
16:55I need you to listen to me and listen to me well.
16:58I want you to lift up both of those hands.
17:00I've been praying for you the last couple of weeks.
17:02I want you to lift up that hand.
17:04I'm getting ready to prophesy to you and I want you to receive it.
17:07Listen to me carefully.
17:09All of the information you need to know is going to come to you.
17:15You ain't going to have to track nothing down.
17:19You ain't got to investigate.
17:21You ain't got to go behind nobody.
17:24Everything you need to know about people, about things and about opportunities are getting ready to hit your door.
17:34If you don't believe it, don't say anything.
17:37But if you believe the Holy Ghost will give you wisdom and will give you knowledge and will give you understanding,
17:46I declare it's coming to you.
17:50All the information you need to know about that person, you ain't been feeling right.
18:00God help me, you've been sensing something wasn't kosher.
18:05But God says, I'm going to give you all of that information.
18:09And the problem when it is that you are anointed and frustrated,
18:14is when you are anointed and frustrated, you begin overthinking.
18:20She begins, according to Mark chapter 5, she begins thinking to herself.
18:26She came up with a crazy idea.
18:29It had never been done before according to the Levitical law of the priest.
18:34Here it is, that if there be any sick, take them to the priest and let them lay hands on you.
18:42But she came up with an unruly, unfounded and untested idea.
18:48She said, if I can just touch the hem of his garment.
18:54She said, I've never seen it happen before, I've never seen anybody do it before,
18:59but I've got a sneaky suspicion if I try this, it is going to work.
19:06Some of y'all don't know why, you're getting ready to shout.
19:09God says, in this season, the last quarter of the year, I'm getting ready to bless crazy ideas.
19:18You don't know how it's going to work, you don't know how it's going to come together,
19:23you don't know how God is going to connect it.
19:26But God said, if I gave you the idea, I've got the responsibility to make it make sense.
19:35Some of y'all have been dreaming about something.
19:38I'm not talking to those of y'all that want regular stuff.
19:42But those of y'all that got a crazy idea.
19:45That said, God, if you ever get this off the ground, I'll be able to change my whole life.
19:53God said, watch me work it.
19:58And she thought to herself, if I can touch the hem of his garment,
20:10everything that's in me that's out of order is getting ready to work itself out.
20:17Why did she choose the hem?
20:22She chose the hem of his garment, hear me ladies and gentlemen, because that is the lowest part of the road.
20:29She said, watch this, church folk are going to try to block me.
20:34People, here it is, who got pedigree and polish and panache will think that I am not good enough.
20:42I want you to know that if people are trying to block you, it's because they see your destiny assignment.
20:50Why are you fighting me and I ain't even got nothing?
20:55Because they know when you get on your feet, there is no devil in hell that is going to be able to stop you.
21:05I want to announce to a thousand screamers, no weapon that is formed against you shall be able to stop you.
21:18She said, I can't get close to him.
21:25Because of my issue, they are going to think that I am not qualified.
21:31Because of my pre-existing condition, they are going to think that I don't measure up.
21:39They are trying to make me feel insecure about what it is that I already carry as a burden.
21:47She said, listen, I don't even need him to shake my hand.
21:51Because I know I am not worthy.
21:54But because I got to crawl through the crowd.
21:57If I can just touch the lowest part of him, the lowest part of him will make me get to the highest part of me.
22:07See, some of y'all are too pumped up and arrogant to worship.
22:12But if there is anybody that has ever been at your lowest point.
22:16But at your lowest point, you were able to say when nothing else would help.
22:22Love lifted me.
22:28She said, my miracle is in reach.
22:34I can still reach him when I feel low.
22:38I can still reach him when I've been rejected.
22:42I can still reach him when I've been ostracized.
22:46I can still reach him when I have been unsupported.
22:50You want to know why I lift my hands in worship?
22:53It's because I need to reach him from a low place.
22:57I know some of y'all are not on this street.
23:00But those of you that need emergency intervention.
23:04Would you just lift up your hands and reach out for him.
23:08Oh my God, I need to hear the sound of a worshiper.
23:12Hey, hey.
23:14Come on, I need you to worship him.
23:18Reach for him.
23:20Reach for him.
23:26Bless that wonderful word.
23:31You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
23:38We're in Mark chapter 5 today.
23:41Making our way over to Mark chapter 6.
23:44But Mark introduces us to a word that Matthew, Luke, and John do not know how to pronounce.
23:52Mark introduces a word that I need you to take with you for today.
23:57Because the Bible says, watch this, she reached out and touched the hem of his garment.
24:03And Mark says a word that Luke never said, John never said.
24:07The word that I want to give to you today, here it is, is immediately.
24:14Oh my God, y'all didn't hear what I just said.
24:17Said I ain't got to wait till next time this year.
24:21I ain't got to wait till December 31st.
24:24But the moment you touched me, everything that was out of order fell into alignment.
24:32If you don't need an immediate breakthrough, don't shout with us.
24:37But if you need God to do something before 1058, I need you to cry out out loud like the bill is paid immediately.
24:53My child's attitude is fixed immediately.
24:59My marriage is reconciled.
25:09Somebody just shout that out loud, immediately.
25:14You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
25:19And when it is that she touches him, Jesus says something that he says nowhere else in scripture.
25:31I want you to see what Jesus said.
25:34Jesus said, hear this, everybody stop.
25:41Virtue has gone out of me.
25:46God, I can't hear nobody in here.
25:49When, hallelujah, he healed blind Bartimaeus, virtue didn't go out of him.
25:57When two blind men were on the side of the road, virtue did not come out of him.
26:04When he fed 5,000, virtue did not come out of him.
26:10But when somebody who was supposed to die had enough faith to reach out for him, I can't find my church.
26:20Virtue went out of here.
26:24I wanted to show you something because virtue went out of him.
26:30I got a hopscotch and show you a couple of things that you have not seen.
26:35Pastor Daniel, is that it finally answers what Solomon could not find resolve for.
26:42Who can find?
26:45Oh my God, a virtuous woman.
26:49He said, virtue came out of me.
26:52So hear this, whatever was in me transferred into her.
26:59Now I'm getting ready to show you a problem.
27:02The problem is there was a power transfer, but the people around her didn't recognize what she carried.
27:11So while there were people that were sick, if they couldn't get to Jesus, they should have got to her.
27:20Y'all ain't saying nothing but because they underestimated the value of a wounded woman that they didn't know what was in their midst.
27:32She was able to move around without knowing the power that she carried.
27:39I want to pause because I'm preaching this morning to some anointed women who don't know the glory that's on your life.
27:49If you knew what I've been through and how many times I should have died, you should get as close to me as you possibly can.
28:01Because the glory is on my life.
28:07Be seated please.
28:09The glory is on my life and the folk around me don't recognize it.
28:15They think I'm regular.
28:18They think I'm like everybody else, but I carry the virtue of God in my life.
28:24God help me, I wonder if I got any anointed women in the room who knows I got the oil of gladness on my life.
28:33I want to show you something about this woman in Mark chapter 5.
28:37It's that they never give her name.
28:44They gave a blind man name credentials.
28:49But a woman that got virtue, they never speak her name.
28:54I came for 50 of y'all in this room.
28:57God is going to bless you even when Negroes don't want to give you credit.
29:04God is going to do something for you even when they're not ready to acknowledge that you were the one that helped them.
29:13You were the one that supported them.
29:15You were the one that pushed them.
29:17I'm still going to get the glory out of your life.
29:24And so God had to use a nondescript woman that nobody knew the name of.
29:33And finally ladies and gentlemen, I'm in our text for today.
29:37I want you to be seated because my time is fleeting.
29:41I want you to see something that messed me up.
29:44It's that Jesus in Mark chapter 6 gets off of a boat.
29:49When he gets off of a boat, hear this, the Bible says people start coming from everywhere.
29:57From towns, from villages, hear this, and from countryside.
30:03Look at verse number 56, clause B, and the Bible says,
30:07And they all are trying to touch the hem of his garment.
30:14I think I lost you.
30:16In Mark chapter 6, just one chapter after the woman with the issue of blood,
30:22Jesus gets off of a boat and crowds start coming from everywhere trying to touch the hem of his garment.
30:32Isn't it amazing all your years in church, all your years in Sunday school,
30:39all your years in vacation Bible school,
30:42that you thought this woman was the only one to touch the hem of his garment.
30:47God help me.
30:49And you had no idea that hundreds came after her.
30:53She is a trendsetter.
30:56God help me, I can't hear nobody.
30:59She is an influencer.
31:02After she does it, now everybody trying to do it the same way.
31:07Look at the people on your row and tell them, if you want what I got,
31:11you got to do what I had to do.
31:15If you want to have this level of joy,
31:18you want to have this level of peace,
31:21you want to have this level of happiness,
31:24then you got to do what I did when I was in the lowest season of my life.
31:31I bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is.
31:42You are an influencer.
31:46And it got nothing to do with how many people follow you on social media.
31:52You are an influencer.
31:55There are people who are looking at you who don't even speak to you.
32:00But folk are taking notes,
32:03trying to figure out how does God keep raising the bar on your life.
32:09Y'all ain't talking back to me.
32:11As soon as you walk in the room,
32:13folk are looking you up and down,
32:16trying to figure out who you slept with.
32:19Did you brown nose? Did you compromise?
32:22They don't understand, I got all of this
32:25because I worship God.
32:27When I thought I was going to die,
32:30I got all of this
32:32because I blessed him when I thought about suicide.
32:40And the crowd keeps coming for him.
32:43The crowd keeps coming for him.
32:46And he can't find any peace.
32:49So that they follow him into the city.
32:52They follow him into the town.
32:55And how in the world
32:58are there crowds in the countryside?
33:04You ever been at a place,
33:06you're like, I can't go nowhere.
33:10Everywhere I go, folk asking me for something.
33:14Need me to do something.
33:17Requesting me for something.
33:20And you don't know where you're going to get any peace.
33:24I remember before I came to New Birth,
33:27I was in a dark space in my own life.
33:30And I just wanted to get away.
33:33I just wanted to get away.
33:34I didn't want to see Negroes.
33:35I didn't want to talk to nobody.
33:46I didn't want to pray.
33:48I just wanted to just go lay down somewhere.
33:50Y'all ain't never been there.
33:54And I called my travel agent and I said,
33:56you got to find me somewhere where I can get away.
34:00He says, I found somewhere for you.
34:03He says, I found this resort in Costa Rica.
34:06I said, no, that ain't far, no.
34:10She said, no, when you land in Costa Rica,
34:13you got to then get in a vehicle
34:15and the vehicle's going to drive you for four hours.
34:19I said, after I fly?
34:22He said, yeah, after you fly.
34:24I found a resort and it's the only five-star resort
34:29in the Amazon jungle.
34:32He says, you got to take a morning flight.
34:34You're going to be in that van for four to five hours
34:37and the driver got to get you there by six o'clock.
34:41Because if he comes after six, he won't be able to find it.
34:45Lord, y'all.
34:47I said, sign me up for the Christian Jubilee.
34:51He said, it's only 20 bungalows.
34:55It's only 20 bungalows in the resort.
34:57He says, pastor, I'm telling you, you need privacy.
34:59You need to be alone.
35:00This is it, in the middle of the Amazon jungle.
35:04We got there at 545.
35:08Got there at 545.
35:09When we got there at 545, they checked me in,
35:12put me in bungalow number 12.
35:14I go to sleep that night.
35:16The next morning, in the middle of the resort,
35:18of these 16 bungalows, is the chef who's making breakfast.
35:23I stick my head out
35:26and I don't see no melanated people there.
35:31I said, this is going to be a great week.
35:33It's going to be a great week.
35:35I step out and go to the chef
35:38who's making omelets for everybody.
35:40It's an old white couple.
35:41They got to be in their 70s or 80s.
35:44They said, how you doing?
35:45I said, great, how y'all doing?
35:46I said, we're doing good.
35:47I said, where y'all from?
35:48I said, we're from Australia.
35:50I said, that's great.
35:51I said, I'm from Baltimore.
35:52This is where I lived at the time.
35:53I'm from Baltimore.
35:54He said, oh no, we know who you are.
36:01We just watched you on Benny Hinn this morning.
36:06My wife saw you when you came out of your bungalow
36:08and she wanted to know, can you pray for her?
36:13I'm looking around in the Amazon jungle
36:17and I didn't have the attitude of gratitude.
36:19I'm telling you, I didn't have the right spirit
36:21and I laid hands on the woman, started praying for her
36:24and she started screaming out loud
36:27that the pain that she had been feeling in her chest
36:31was no longer there.
36:34I said, Lord, I'm in the middle of the jungle
36:38and can't get privacy.
36:40And I heard David in the back of my head saying,
36:43if you make your bed in hell,
36:46God help me, he's still right there.
36:49If you ascend to the lofty heights,
36:52he's still right there.
36:58And everywhere, they're pulling on him.
37:02And he's being pulled in every direction,
37:04in the town, in the city, and in the country.
37:09That's how you feel this morning.
37:13You're being pulled in every direction.
37:16You're being pulled at your house.
37:19When I'm gonna cook for dinner,
37:21I gotta straighten stuff up.
37:23I gotta run to the store.
37:26There's stuff I gotta give away.
37:28Am I spending enough quality time?
37:31Is it time for me to move?
37:33You're being pulled at your job.
37:36I need you to jump on a Zoom.
37:39I need you to be on a conference call.
37:41I need you to turn in a report.
37:44I need you to stand in for somebody who ain't even there.
37:47You're being pulled in your private life.
37:51You're trying to assess,
37:52do I need to make an adjustment to where I'm doing,
37:55where I'm going?
37:56I gotta reevaluate my circle.
37:58I gotta figure out why I'm the only strong one,
38:00why everybody gotta depend on me.
38:03I'm sick of always being responsible.
38:05Do you know how much work it is
38:07to always be the strong one?
38:09I'm being pulled in every direction.
38:14He's being pulled in every direction.
38:17And I wanted you to know that
38:19Jesus is being pulled in every direction
38:22and he's not giving out houses.
38:25He's being pulled in every direction
38:29and he's promising nobody
38:31that they'll be millionaires.
38:34He's being pulled in every direction
38:37and he didn't tell anybody
38:39you're getting a new car.
38:42But he's pulled in every direction
38:45because of the anointingness on his life.
38:49And folk can identify what's on him.
38:52They can identify what's on him.
38:55And because of that they keep reaching for him.
38:59You just missed what I'm trying to tell you.
39:01I don't waste my time and yours.
39:03If you are being pulled on every direction
39:07it is confirmation you are anointed.
39:11That the anointing of God
39:13is so evident on your life
39:16that people will never be the same
39:19and get in contact with what's on you.
39:24Being pulled in every direction
39:27and it's draining.
39:30I want you, if you would, if you'll indulge me
39:33I need you to take that neighbor's hand.
39:35Please, I'm not getting ready to pray
39:38I just need you to have their hand.
39:46Indulge me, trust your pastor.
39:50Would you just pull on whoever's hand you're holding?
39:56Pull on them till they can't stand still.
40:00I said pull on them till they can't stand still.
40:06They've been pulled in every direction.
40:10I don't know how you have your sanity.
40:14I don't know how you have your peace.
40:17I didn't say shake their hand, I said pull on them.
40:22Bills are pulling on them.
40:25Aging parents are pulling on them.
40:28Responsibilities are pulling on them.
40:32I can't believe you ain't pulling that neighbor.
40:34I said pull on them.
40:37Would you look at your neighbor and tell him
40:38that's not me pulling on you.
40:41That's the area of your life you are anointed for.
40:46The earth is waiting for you to stand in assignment
40:50for what you've been called to do
40:53is pulling on me.
40:58They're in your hand, pull on them.
41:02I want to show you
41:04how you know you are anointed.
41:07I want to give you evidence
41:10for you to see that you are anointed.
41:12You are anointed.
41:14You are anointed because you are being pulled in every direction.
41:18Come on, I said pull on them.
41:20You're being pulled in every direction.
41:23Here's your shout.
41:24But nothing has been able to pull you apart.
41:28God, I can't hear nobody.
41:31Folk can't stand your guts.
41:34But they can't pull you down.
41:37The anointing of God.
41:43That neighbor's hand is in your hand.
41:47Oh my God.
41:49I feel something in this room.
41:54I said pull on that neighbor, I'm almost finished.
41:57I said pull on that neighbor.
42:00I came to tell the devil
42:03and all of his imps
42:06that have been pulling on your sanity
42:09and pulling on your peace
42:12try as you like
42:15but you are not going to pull me down.
42:18You don't know who you're messing with
42:22because the weapons of our warfare
42:25are not carnal
42:27but it's mighty under God
42:30for the pulling down
42:33of stronghold.
42:35God said I dare you to pull it down.
42:38Everything stressing you out.
42:40Everything that's weighing you.
43:11It's pulling me apart
43:15and yet he's keeping me together.
43:21We often exegete
43:24we often exegete who are
43:27the exemplars of miracles
43:30and we never take a moment to do a diagnostic
43:34on the miracle worker.
43:37How overwhelmed Jesus must have felt
43:41that even if I go in the country people come asking me for stuff.
43:46If I go in the city
43:49they pulling for me.
43:51I hear one blind man and they still not satisfied.
43:55A woman is pulling on the skirts of my robe.
43:59He said I'm pulled in every direction
44:02but I'm not bottomed out.
44:05I still got enough in the hem of my garment.
44:16I don't know where you are in this room
44:19but I've been praying for you over the last five days
44:24for those of you who are in this room who feel overwhelmed.
44:29Those of you, you can't stop your head from racing.
44:33Those of you it feels like your heart is pounding outside of your chest.
44:39I said I know you're pulled in every direction.
44:43You don't even understand all of that was just to make you pull on me.
44:49Those of you who are holding on by the hair of your chinny chin chin
44:55you are at the posture of Popeye can't stand no more.
45:00Wherever it is that you are you're being pulled.
45:04You don't know how it is that you have found buoyancy.
45:08I want you as quickly as you can I want you to just come touch this altar
45:13because I declare unto you that immediately
45:17something is getting ready to happen for you.
45:21When you touch that altar just shout out loud immediately.
45:45I don't need you to come because your friend is coming.
45:49I don't need you to come because your ride is at the altar.
45:55I only need you here if I'm overwhelmed.
45:59It ain't my mother it ain't my father it's me oh Lord.
46:11Come on as quickly as you can you ain't got to stay long.
46:16The Bible says she didn't hold on to it she just touched it.
46:25Come on as quickly as you can.
46:31It was you.
46:47Come on as quickly as you can.
46:53It was you.
47:02It's a new season.
47:06It's a new day.
47:15is coming by.
47:16Coming by.
47:21It's a season.
47:42It's a new
47:46It's a new day.
47:51There's a fresh anointing.
47:55And it's flowing my way.
48:00It's a season of power.
48:05And prosperity.
48:10It's a new season.
48:11It's a new season.
48:18Somebody say it's my season.
48:22It's my season.
48:25Yes it is it's my day.
48:30There's a fresh anointing.
48:34And it's coming my way.
48:35And it's flowing my way.
48:40It's a season of power.
48:44And prosperity.
48:49It's a new season.
48:54It's a new season.
48:58It's a new season.
49:03It's a new season.
49:06Somebody say it's my season.
49:12It's my season.
49:16It's my season.
49:21It's my season.
49:26It's a new season.
49:30Coming to me.
49:35because anything can happen in here. Look at your neighbor tell him healing is
49:42getting ready to happen in here. Salvation is getting ready to happen in
49:47here. Breakthrough is getting ready to happen in here. Anything can happen in
49:55here. How many of you all believe you in the right environment? Come on quickly
50:03just come touch it. Declare immediately, immediately, immediately. Hallelujah.
50:15Hallelujah. I'm telling you a weight is coming off of you. A load is coming off
50:22of you. Pressure is coming off of you. Stress is coming off of you.
50:31I can't do it right now. Bless his name. Pastor Cary, help me please. Thank you.
50:37Anything can happen in here, in here, in here, in here, in here, anything can happen in here.
50:52Anything can happen in here, in here, in here, in here, miracles are happening in here.
51:08Miracles, miracles, miracles. Miracles are happening in here.
51:16Miracles, miracles, miracles. Breakthrough is happening in here. Breakthrough, breakthrough. Breakthrough is happening in here.
51:34Breakthrough, breakthrough.
51:40Miracles are happening in here. Miracles, miracles, miracles.
51:49Miracles are happening in here. Miracles, miracles, miracles.
51:57Breakthrough is happening in here. Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough.
52:05Listen, would you stand to your feet? I want to modify. Deacons, help me real quick. Elders, help me.
52:12Everyone is standing. Everyone is standing. I feel a push and a pull of the Holy Spirit.
52:21For those of you who are in this room, feel overwhelmed. The weight of the world is on your shoulders.
52:30You are juggling chainsaws. It's a miracle you found the strength just to kick covers off.
52:38Wherever you are in this place and you're saying, Pastor, I surrender. I can't run. I can't play with this thing.
52:46I need a church home. I need a ministry that will help me navigate. I need a spiritual covering that will help me interpret the times that I am in.
52:58Wherever it is that you are, elders, deacons, help me. When they come, if you'll just escort them onto the stage because I got a lot of traffic here.
53:07Those of you, listen to me. Those of you, you need a church home. Would you come? Don't let nobody stop you till you get to where I am.
53:17If you're in this place and you're saying, Pastor, this is the kind of church I need. This is the kind of ministry space I need to be a part of.
53:25I want you to come get your stuff and come on, come on, come on.
53:33Come on, give God glory.
53:42Listen, virtue has gone out of me. Amen. I need you to help me. Help me. Help me.
54:03I need you to help me.
