‘More than a job’

  • 4 months ago
For CGTN’s Noor Harazeen, reporting from the #Gaza Strip is not just a job - “It’s a responsibility, a duty.” Hear her tell her story in this CGTN exclusive. #palestine #conflict #journalist #palestinians


00:00 It is more than a job that I'm getting paid to do.
00:07 It is a responsibility.
00:08 It is a duty, actually, to tell the people who are watching the TVs about what is happening
00:14 here on the ground in Gaza.
00:15 I have to share the other side of the story, the Palestinian side of the story.
00:21 And this comes in the light of when Israel has banned the entry of international journalists
00:27 into Gaza.
00:28 Now, all of the responsibility is on the shoulders of the Palestinian journalists here on the
00:34 ground.
00:35 Overnight, clashes erupted between -- I witnessed four Israeli wars on Gaza.
00:41 I witnessed hundreds of escalations.
00:43 However, nothing is like this one.
00:56 What is happening here and what we witnessed here is actually horrific.
01:02 I mean, I don't think that a normal person would be able to just live through it and
01:07 get over it.
01:08 I know that it would take us years to get over it.
01:29 (CRYING)
01:37 (LAUGHTER)
