Madeline Madeline S03 E024 Madeline and the White Lie

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:02 [musique]
00:04 #Sous-titres : El Micà
00:07 #Relecture : El Micà
00:10 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:13 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:16 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:19 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:22 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:25 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:28 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:31 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:34 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:38 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:42 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:46 Sous-titrage ST' 501
00:49 #Sous-titres : El Micà
00:53 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
00:57 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
01:01 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
01:05 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
01:09 #Relecture et sous-titrage : El Micà
01:13 Dans un vieil maison de Paris, couvert de vignes,
01:17 vivent 12 petites filles dans deux lignes.
01:25 Ils partent à 9h30.
01:31 (Cri de la foule)
01:34 - Wow!
01:40 - The smallest one was Madeline.
01:46 (Rires)
01:49 (Soupir)
02:00 - Oh, all right, little girls, you are dismissed.
02:04 - School was finished for the day
02:07 when Miss Clavel heard someone say...
02:10 - Come down at once, pick up the pace.
02:14 - Oh, coming!
02:16 - It was the head trustee.
02:19 - Lord Tuckerface!
02:21 - Dear Miss Clavel, little girls,
02:25 I have the most wonderful news.
02:28 Follow me!
02:30 (Rires)
02:33 - What is the good news, Lord Cuckoo-Face?
02:37 - Distinguished visitors are coming.
02:39 I have promised them a tour of Paris.
02:42 If all goes well, they will buy the old house a new roof.
02:47 - Oh! C'est merveilleux! That is wonderful!
02:52 (Rires)
02:54 - They must be very distinguished.
02:57 - You will make a good impression?
03:00 - Mais bien sûr, Lord Cuckoo-Face.
03:02 - Bravo, Madeline!
03:04 And I will impress them with some of my most amusing stories.
03:09 I know I can count on you.
03:12 Ah! There they are now.
03:15 - Oh, là, là!
03:17 - Miss Clavel rushed out...
03:19 (Rires)
03:24 ...and returned right away with the Ferrises from the U.S. of A.
03:29 - What? Oops! I should have done it.
03:32 (Rires)
03:34 Howdy, gals!
03:36 - Bonjour!
03:38 - I'm Harris Ferris, and this is a little woman, Maris.
03:42 - Oh!
03:43 - Howdy, y'all!
03:45 - Enchantée, madame. We are delighted to meet you.
03:49 - Like my necklace?
03:51 - I just bought it at a boutique on the Champs-Élysées.
03:55 - Well... honestly?
03:58 - I have never seen a necklace like that in my whole life.
04:02 Why, thank you, hon. I like your hat.
04:06 (Rires)
04:08 - Miss Clavel...
04:09 - I told the truth, Danielle.
04:11 I have never seen a necklace like that.
04:14 - The Ferrises are from the state of Texas.
04:19 - Ah bon? Is that so?
04:22 - We are in oil.
04:24 - Oh!
04:25 - I think it is just a little dust.
04:29 - Badness! I'm in all badness!
04:32 - And what a wonderful business it is!
04:37 Now, girls, let us show them Paris!
04:41 - Miss Clavel and the girls were less than calm
04:48 as they escorted their guests to Notre-Dame.
04:51 - Notre-Dame Cathedral took a long time to build.
04:55 - Looks like about a hundred years.
04:58 - One hundred seventy years, to be precise.
05:01 - You know a lot about Paris, don't you, Sugar Plum?
05:05 - I am trying, madame.
05:07 - Now, what do you say we climb that puppy to the top?
05:13 - Oh, dash that! I have an idea.
05:16 We will see my favorite Paris haunts instead.
05:19 - Uh-oh!
05:21 - An unusually large trash can!
05:24 A charming traffic light!
05:26 But first, the bridge!
05:29 - This should be interesting.
05:31 - Lord Cuckoo-Face began his tour of the city
05:35 with a story he thought was very witty.
05:39 - The first time I crossed this bridge,
05:41 known as the Pont Royal or Royal Bridge,
05:45 (cris de dégoût)
05:47 - Is there any shopping?
05:50 - Well, maybe we can buy the bridge.
05:53 - Just a moment. I'm getting to the interesting part.
05:57 It was a glorious spring day
05:59 when I spotted the rare orange-crested...
06:02 (cris de surprise)
06:03 - Oh, my!
06:05 - Oh, la, la!
06:09 - Now, that was not dull.
06:12 - Lord Cuckoo-Face has fainted. It was probably the shock.
06:16 - Oh, now, honey, that's a shame.
06:18 Cuckoo, y'all gotta get up now!
06:21 Well, we're not giving any money to him now.
06:24 - Well, I should say not.
06:26 Asleep or awake, he promised us a tube.
06:28 - Oh!
06:30 - Pardonne-moi.
06:36 - Oh!
06:37 - Madame! Monsieur!
06:39 We are standing above the River Seine.
06:41 - Oui.
06:42 Nearly all historic buildings in Paris are beside it,
06:45 such as, um...
06:48 the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.
06:51 - Well, all that! - Don't say!
06:53 - And now I shall take you on the tour,
06:56 for I am a famous tour guide.
06:58 - Oh! - Right this way.
07:00 - Although she thought it justified,
07:03 the truth was, Madeline had lied.
07:07 - She lied, but "no tour" means "no roof."
07:12 - Right. It is for a very good reason.
07:15 And it is only a little white lie.
07:18 - Mes petites, there is no such thing as a little lie.
07:22 Lies are always much bigger than they look.
07:26 Excusez-moi, excuse me.
07:29 I believe Danielle would like to tell you
07:32 all about her favorite subject.
07:35 - (soupir)
07:37 "Pretty things"?
07:39 - Hé! Hé! Hé! Hé!
07:41 Exactement! Exactly!
07:43 - I like shoes, or clothes, or dolls.
07:51 Especially dolls.
07:53 - (en choeur): Oh!
07:55 - Madeline, you have lied.
08:00 - I will not do it again, Miss Clavel.
08:03 Besides, we need that new roof.
08:06 - Oh, no! Help! Help!
08:09 - Oh! All right, Madeline.
08:12 While I stay with Lord Cuckoo Face,
08:15 you may help by leading the tour.
08:18 I will meet you at the Louvre at closing time.
08:21 But please, only the truth.
08:24 Remember, one lie usually leads to another,
08:27 and then another, and before long,
08:30 you are in a fine kettle of fish.
08:33 - Help! Help!
08:36 - So, young lady,
08:38 I hope you've planned a fascinating itinerary.
08:41 - Madeline hoped that she could prove
08:44 that she knew a lot about...
08:47 - The Louvre!
08:49 - Right this way.
08:54 - Ha! Ha! Ha! Well, I'll be!
08:56 Looks like our summer place, don't it?
08:59 Here is a guidebook you can use.
09:01 And remember, no more lies.
09:04 - Knowing little about all the art on the wall,
09:08 Madeline took them to see the most famous of all.
09:12 - Here is the famous Mona Lisa.
09:15 - Who's that by again?
09:17 - Why, uh, it is by...
09:19 Da Vinci. Bob Da Vinci.
09:22 - Well, why didn't she put some choppers into her smile?
09:25 - Yes, me, the gal didn't have a tooth in her head.
09:28 Back then, I'd just yank 'em right out.
09:30 - Oh, I am sure she had a full set of teeth.
09:34 - Bet she never made cheerleader.
09:37 (all laughing)
09:39 - I say something wrong?
09:41 - No, it is only that here in France,
09:44 we all know that the Mona Lisa was not a cheerleader.
09:47 - What was she then?
09:49 - Hmm...
09:51 Um...
09:53 She owned a pet shop.
09:55 - Well, all right.
09:57 - Specializing in French poodles and goldfish.
10:01 - Poodles and goldfish?
10:03 - Madeline had lied, and she now felt like fainting.
10:07 Instead, feeling bad, she looked up at the painting.
10:11 - Hmph! I was a great beauty,
10:14 and I never a saltfish or a poodles.
10:17 - Je regrette, I am sorry.
10:19 But I had to make something up,
10:21 or they would find out I am not a tour guide.
10:24 - Ah, hon, y'all got any room with royal furniture?
10:28 I'm redecorating, and I can always use some ideas.
10:32 - Next on the tour was the room of King Louis.
10:40 But Harris preferred a thick steak or chop suey.
10:44 - Truth is, I could go for some barbecue about now.
10:49 - Come with me. I know where the food is.
10:52 - Much obliged, darlin'.
10:54 - Whoop-da, conch, sarnit!
10:56 - This dining room is from the reign of Louis XIV,
11:01 the Sun King.
11:02 - Oh, this would go great in my breakfast nook back home.
11:06 What kind of cake did his wife fix him to eat here?
11:11 - Uh, I believe you're talking about a different Louis.
11:15 But I do not know what kind of cake.
11:17 - My, my, you don't know that much, do you, Sugar Plum?
11:22 - Hmm.
11:23 - Now, which Louis wore this little hat?
11:29 - That crown was from Louis XIX and a half.
11:33 - A half, King?
11:35 - Uh, so we only know half as much about him.
11:39 - Uh-huh.
11:40 - There were not ninety Louis and never a half Louis,
11:47 you lied, Madeline.
11:50 - Oui, but it is so hard to say I do not know a hundred times.
11:55 It makes me feel stupid.
11:57 - Try being king. You would not believe the questions.
12:01 Should I powder my wig? Should we attack Spain?
12:05 Is that a salad fork?
12:07 - So, what did you do?
12:09 - I asked my royal advisors, of course.
12:11 If they answered wrong...
12:13 - If you could ask for help, then so can I.
12:18 - C'est vrai? This is true.
12:20 - Woo!
12:21 - But first, get this man out of my dining room.
12:24 He's spilling sauerkraut on my rug.
12:26 - Mouah!
12:31 - Oh, la, la!
12:33 - He wanted a Reuben sandwich.
12:36 He saw Reuben's painting and it inspired him.
12:39 - Merci! Mouah! Mouah-ha-ha!
12:42 - Oh! Mouah-ha!
12:47 (Rot)
12:48 - Oh!
12:50 - Uh-oh! Monsieur Clavaris, a security guard.
12:58 We must go.
12:59 - Tell him you're a famous child prodigy tour guide.
13:02 He'll let us stay.
13:04 - Yes, but...
13:05 Things always taste better in the Egyptian room.
13:09 On y va. Let us go.
13:11 - Yes! Let us go!
13:13 - All right, quit your pushing. I'm going.
13:17 - They arrived where Egyptian artifacts are shown.
13:21 Where most of the relics are all made of stone.
13:24 - They should not get into much trouble here.
13:27 - Now there's a fine sphinx, much smaller than the one in Egypt.
13:31 What's the name of this one, Madeline?
13:33 - Why, this little sphinx is called, of course...
13:36 Itsy-Bitsy-Sphinx.
13:38 - Isn't that the cutest?
13:40 - Well, looky here, honey.
13:42 This here itsy-bitsy sphinx would make one heck of a garden gnome.
13:46 - Oh, no! What have I done?
13:49 - I roared once, and I ended up like this.
13:52 - Oh!
13:53 - Is this the only mummy you got?
13:55 - Uh, oui.
13:57 There are more, and I know just where they are hidden.
14:00 - Where?
14:01 - Uh, way down in the basement.
14:04 - Well, come on! - Let's hot-tail it!
14:07 - But you cannot go in there!
14:09 - The museum is closing.
14:11 - The museum is closing.
14:13 - Uh-oh.
14:15 - Wait!
14:17 - Hello?
14:23 Where are you?
14:26 - Madeline rushed to the basement,
14:28 and there she found Harris and Maris looking around.
14:33 - This one could go in the powder room.
14:36 - Hurry, they are closing the museum!
14:38 - D'oh!
14:40 - The louvre is now closed.
14:43 - Uh-oh!
14:46 - We are locked in!
14:53 - Looks like we're out of luck.
14:56 - And Kookaface is out one roof.
14:59 - Je suis désolée. I am so sorry.
15:01 I will go find an exit.
15:03 - Oh!
15:05 - Ah!
15:09 - You are tired. Rest in these until I come back.
15:13 - The tour had been long.
15:15 The night was now deep.
15:18 So each climbed in a mummy case and fell fast asleep.
15:22 (snoring)
15:25 Madeline looked for help and sighed,
15:29 wishing she had never lied.
15:32 - Bonsoir.
15:35 - Good evening. I am Henri.
15:38 - Who are you?
15:39 - I am... I am... a liar!
15:43 (pleurs)
15:46 - Madeline found a kindly friend.
15:50 So she told her story to the end.
15:54 - There was a bird, so I said there was a famous tour conductor
15:57 because we needed a new roof.
15:59 So I told them that Mona Lisa was a pet stall owner
16:01 and Louis was a half king.
16:03 We got locked in and now they're sleeping in a cell.
16:05 I'm a terrible liar and well-trapped and it's all my fault.
16:08 - My, you have told a lot of lies today.
16:12 Lies are like many layers of paint on a painting.
16:15 The painting is much easier to restore if there is only one coat.
16:19 - Hmm. You mean the more lies you tell,
16:22 the harder it is to tell the truth?
16:24 Ah! Oh, la, la!
16:29 (laughs)
16:31 (chant en anglais)
16:35 (chant en anglais)
16:39 (chant en anglais)
16:42 (chant en anglais)
16:46 (chant en anglais)
16:50 (chant en anglais)
16:54 (chant en anglais)
16:58 (chant en anglais)
17:02 (chant en anglais)
17:06 (chant en anglais)
17:10 (chant en anglais)
17:14 (chant en anglais)
17:17 (chant en anglais)
17:23 (chant en anglais)
17:40 (chant en anglais)
17:43 (chant en anglais)
17:54 (gémissement)
18:04 - I have something to say.
18:06 - But suddenly, Madeline could not speak.
18:09 Frightened of her anger streak.
18:11 - The more lies you tell, the harder it is to tell the truth.
18:15 Courage, Madeline.
18:17 - I am not the world famous tour guide.
18:19 I am just a little girl who told lies.
18:22 (gémissements)
18:24 - You mean you made up everything?
18:27 - I am so sorry.
18:29 - This way. And please, do not touch anything.
18:32 Not even the banister.
18:34 - Madeline was filled with doubt
18:36 as Henri showed them the way out.
18:38 And found the curator who was about.
18:40 - Madeline!
18:44 - Miss Clavel! Mes amis!
18:47 - Madeline, we were so worried.
18:50 - I am sorry I lied, Miss Clavel.
18:52 - I am sorry too, Madeline.
18:55 - As Henri told the curator Madeline's tale,
19:00 the girls hoped she wouldn't go to jail.
19:06 - Well, what did the curator say?
19:09 - Here is your punishment, Madeline.
19:12 You must come every Saturday for a year
19:15 and give tours of the Louvre to children.
19:18 - That is not a punishment. It is wonderful!
19:21 I will learn so much about the Louvre.
19:23 And best of all, I can be honest.
19:25 And myself.
19:27 - You know, Sugar Plum, that tour was kind of a hoot.
19:33 - Oh! Hello there, everyone!
19:36 - Cuckoo Face, we've decided to give you the donation.
19:41 You got yourself a great little tour guide here.
19:44 - Thank you, old chap.
19:46 We shall have that new roof after all.
19:49 - Hooray!
19:51 - Now, who would like to see my favorite trash can?
19:55 (children chattering)
19:57 - Everyone ran for the nearest door.
20:00 And that's all there is.
20:02 There isn't any more.
20:05 (musique joyeuse)
20:09 (en chanson en anglais)
20:25 (en chanson en anglais)
20:28 ♪ ♪ ♪
