General Hospital 05-22-2024 FULL NEW 720HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 22th, May 2024

  • 5 months ago


00:00He should be able to enjoy it without wondering if he's abandoned you.
00:14And you of all people would know what it's like to be abandoned before your wedding.
00:18I recall feeling great about my rehearsal dinner with Jackie and then wondering where
00:22the hell you were when the wedding started.
00:24No, by all means, son, you lecture me on proper wedding etiquette.
00:35Hey, what are you doing home so early?
00:39I had a half day, silly.
00:45Hey, just wanted to make sure Violet got in OK.
00:48Yeah, thank you, Mary.
00:49Thank you.
00:50Well, Gretchen's in the car, so I got to run.
00:52But see you two tomorrow?
00:54Sure, yes.
00:55See you tomorrow.
01:01Maybe we can take my bouquet out for a walk.
01:05Flowers love fresh air.
01:06And we can tell Grandpa to come, too, if we don't go too far.
01:12Yeah, we, um, yeah, we can go for a walk, sweetheart.
01:17But, um, come over here, I just want to talk to you about something.
01:23OK, but shouldn't I tell Grandpa to get ready?
01:25We can't wait too long in case of the rain.
01:30Grandpa isn't here, sweetheart.
01:33Is he at the doctor's?
01:41Grandpa isn't with us anymore.
01:45Grandpa passed away last night.
01:48I haven't turned Sonny in.
01:50Because you don't intend to or because you
01:52haven't had time yet?
01:54I haven't decided yet.
01:59Because Christine and I, we don't want you to report it.
02:05What the hell's going on with you, Dante?
02:08You know the history here.
02:10Michael and Dex, they conspired against you.
02:15They conspired to take me down.
02:19Now, I didn't take the proper steps to contain it.
02:22I let it go.
02:24You want to, uh, you want to medal dad for not killing someone?
02:27That's not, that's not what I'm saying.
02:29I left Dex alone.
02:32And look what's happened.
02:33Even more betrayal.
02:35He's hiding behind a badge in the office
02:38with Anna talking about my business
02:40or whatever he's talking about.
02:43He's still trying to take me down.
02:44And you refuse to see it, son.
02:47No, I think the only thing I can see really
02:49clearly right now is you.
02:53What does that mean?
02:55This isn't some isolated incident.
02:58Dad, you have a pattern, a history of violence.
03:03And I'm not talking about what happened with Cyrus.
03:05This goes back.
03:07You and I both know a long time.
03:13What are you accusing him?
03:17OK, you're right.
03:21Whether the Robes buy this or not,
03:24I want to stand in front of them and make my argument.
03:29Welcome back.
03:31There's a reason why you went on your cases.
03:34You're not just pretty.
03:35You're very persuasive.
03:36Oh, don't forget either of those things.
03:39Now, let's go win this.
03:40All right, I have to grab something first.
03:44What is this hoodoo?
03:46It's from Gregory.
03:47To bring me luck.
03:49Ooh, let's hope it works.
03:53Good news.
03:54I spoke to Monica, and she is all for it.
03:57I'm not surprised.
03:58We have plenty of room.
04:01Have you warned him about my mother?
04:04Oh, about her irrational bias against those of us
04:08who were blessed enough to grow up in Bensonhurst?
04:10No, not yet.
04:11You know she loves you, right?
04:13Oh, yeah, yeah, I do.
04:14I also know that Tracy loves to complain about me and Olivia.
04:18And I'm sure she's going to complain about him, too.
04:21But Olivia and I, we're adults.
04:23And, you know, he's just a kid.
04:26You said he was 21.
04:2821 is still a kid to me.
04:31Well, maybe he'll win my mother over.
04:33She loves music.
04:35As long as it's not Eddie Mayne who's playing it.
04:42Did I catch you anything?
04:43You want some water?
04:46I'm not thirsty.
04:48This is the final boarding call for flight number 384 to Rome.
04:56Dad was so happy yesterday.
04:58He was so full of life.
05:00I thought that...
05:04I thought that we would have so much more time.
05:08I did, too.
05:10And there were so many things that I wanted to say to him.
05:12And now he's just...
05:16He's never going to know.
05:17No, Chase.
05:20I promise he knew.
05:22Boarding for flight 384 to Rome has now closed.
05:38I'm so sorry.
05:53This isn't just about you.
05:54It's about me.
05:58I've looked the other way so many times for so long.
06:04It's embarrassing, really.
06:08Not admitting who you are.
06:13And who you've always been.
06:18But I...
06:20I'm done with that now.
06:23I'm not going to do it anymore.
06:26Too many people are getting hurt.
06:28And if you don't do something to fix that,
06:32it's just going to get worse.
06:36Do you think I should turn something in?
06:38I think that that's up to you.
06:39You were attacked.
06:40It's your decision.
06:42And you have no opinion on it.
06:44That's a first.
06:45Okay, I'm tired of telling people
06:47what they should and shouldn't do
06:48and giving them ultimatums, all right?
06:49Hasn't exactly worked out for me in the past.
06:52Dex, I know I have no right to ask anything else from you.
06:56Right, but you are asking me.
06:57But it's not like when I worked for Sonny, okay?
06:59I'm a police cadet now.
07:00I have direct knowledge of a crime.
07:02But what if somebody else gets hurt
07:03and me turning Sonny in could have stopped it?
07:04I'm not asking you to do this to protect Sonny.
07:07Believe me.
07:08Look, Sonny deserves to pay for what he did to you.
07:09I'm asking you for Christina's sake.
07:11Because if you accuse Sonny,
07:12she will have to be a witness.
07:14She'll have to testify against her own father.
07:17And she's already an emotional wreck from all of this.
07:20And she's pregnant, Dex.
07:23I'm just worried it's too much for her.
07:26When is it too much for me?
07:31I can't deny that what your dad did last night scares me.
07:35Yeah, I know.
07:37It scares me too.
07:39But I'm not as afraid of Sonny
07:41as I am of what all of this is doing to you.
07:45You're the one I care about here.
07:47I hate seeing you in this much pain.
07:51Besides, I'm the last one who should be throwing stones
07:53at anyone's parents.
07:54My mother gave you every reason to run from our relationship.
08:01But you didn't.
08:03So I won't either.
08:07You're not your father, Christina.
08:11No more than I'm my mother.
08:17I don't even know who he is anymore.
08:20I saw him attacking Dex in AA.
08:27After hearing him scream those threats,
08:31I just feel like he's a completely different person.
08:35Grandpa, he wasn't in any pain.
08:37He just, he went to sleep and didn't wake up.
08:44That can happen?
08:45Oh, no, not to you and me.
08:49But you know, Grandpa, he was real sick.
08:52It was ALS?
08:55Yeah, that's probably what it was.
08:58They said he was going to die.
09:00Yeah, that's probably what it was.
09:03They say his heart just stopped beating.
09:08But his heart was fine yesterday.
09:12I know.
09:15You know, sweetheart, sometimes when people are sick inside,
09:17we just don't know.
09:21But I want you to think about how amazing Grandpa was
09:24yesterday, how much fun he had.
09:26And think about how lucky we are to have gotten
09:28to spend all this time with him, right?
09:31No, I want Grandpa to still be here.
09:40Did you know most dish soaps don't remove all the grease,
09:43even with scrubbing?
09:44Not mine.
09:45These are clean.
09:46How about we take a closer look?
09:50I just cleaned them.
09:52I got your back.
09:59Where is he?
10:15The paramedics, they, uh...
10:18They took Grandpa away.
10:25You can't say goodbye to Grandpa.
10:31You know, sweetheart, you know,
10:34if Grandpa had known it was gonna be the last time
10:37he was gonna see you, he would have hugged you so tight.
10:42You take after your dad's.
10:45When Ben was a boy, he always had his nose in some book.
10:50You're funny, Grandpa.
10:51Everyone knows you can't draw with your nose.
10:55You're so much smarter than I am.
10:57The wisdom of youth.
10:58What's youth, Grandpa?
11:01It's everything you are, sweetheart,
11:03and everything old guys like me long to be.
11:15Life is so beautiful,
11:17but sometimes it's cruel and it's not fair.
11:21Life is so beautiful that it hurts sometimes.
11:25I love you.
11:26I love you, too.
11:50You okay?
11:52Not really.
11:54I just wish I could have gone straight
11:55from the airport to Finn's place.
11:57Me, too, but Finn wanted some time
11:59to tell Violet about Gregory
12:00when it was just the two of them, so.
12:02I don't blame him, I just.
12:05I know, I know, I know.
12:09Do you know what?
12:10We're gonna have to tell them everything at some point,
12:12so we might as well get it over with.
12:15You ready for this?
12:16Not sure I'll ever be ready,
12:18but waiting isn't gonna make it any easier.
12:21Poor Ned.
12:24You know, I bet you Tracy would support your musical side
12:27had Brooklyn not decided to follow in our mutual footsteps.
12:33Thank you.
12:34If Brooklyn just fell in line
12:35and lived her life the way my mother wanted,
12:38my mother would never respect her.
12:40And Brooklyn would be miserable.
12:42Ned, my mother will never admit it,
12:45but she loves the way Brooklyn stands up to me.
12:48But she loves the way Brooklyn stands up to her.
12:51Oh, I love it, too.
12:58Hey, what are you doing here?
13:00Aren't you supposed to be on a plane,
13:03sipping champagne, watching another little plane
13:05on the screen in front of you
13:06get closer and closer to Rome?
13:08Okay, what's the matter?
13:09Was your flight canceled?
13:26Know that you have nearly rubbed
13:28Gregory's good luck charm to shreds.
13:30Do you feel its luck coursing through your veins?
13:32Not if luck and anxiety feel the same way.
13:35Fine, well then put it away.
13:37Take a deep breath because you don't need luck.
13:39You have a brilliant attorney pleading your case.
13:42Perhaps you know her name, Alexis David?
13:49Who do you think is our esteemed colleague?
13:54I have no idea.
13:56But something about him looks familiar.
14:03All rise.
14:18Bleeding gums?
14:19Hold on.
14:24Are you okay?
14:27I am.
14:30I'm very sad.
14:32But, I'm very sad.
14:37But I know it had to be hard for you
14:42to go into Grandpa's room just now.
14:43It was for me.
14:45You were supposed to be in there.
14:48I know.
14:52But if Grandpa's not here with us, where is he?
14:56What happens to Grandpa now?
15:02Don't lay a finger on Dex Heller.
15:07In fact, don't go anywhere near him, Dad.
15:10Because if something happens to him,
15:11everyone's gonna know it was you.
15:13That's how you're helping me?
15:14By telling me to hide from someone?
15:17Keep my mouth shut like some coward?
15:20It's not about being a coward.
15:22Dad, it's about being smart.
15:27You and I are going to get through this together.
15:30You better hope this kid doesn't press charges
15:32because if he does,
15:35you can't make amends to your family from behind bars.
15:38And your freedom now rests on the shoulders
15:41of the decision that a guy's gonna make
15:45that you threaten to kill.
15:49My own son is forsaking me.
15:52Oh, forsaking you.
15:53If I was forsaken, you'd be taken down to jail right now
15:56in cuffs.
15:56I'm trying to save you.
16:26I'm sorry.
16:56I hate that I asked Michael to fix things with Dex.
17:15That was so unfair to him.
17:16It's pretty clear that your brother loves you
17:17and will do whatever he can to help you.
17:20I know, and I love Michael too,
17:21but you'd never be able to tell
17:23by the position I just put him in.
17:24All right, you're being too hard on yourself.
17:27I wish.
17:28I hate it, but there's really only one way
17:31for Michael to fix things,
17:32and that's by convincing Dex
17:35not to press charges against my dad.
17:39I came to Port Charles
17:40because you hired me to take Sonny down.
17:42What happened last night is further proof
17:44that your first instinct was right.
17:45Look, Sonny's not just a danger to his enemies,
17:47he's a danger to his loved ones too.
17:49And we are never gonna get a better chance
17:50to stop him than right now.
17:52Maybe, but like I said-
17:53Okay, Michael, there's no maybe.
17:56He's right.
17:57Sonny absolutely deserves to be punished
17:59for what he's done.
18:00The question is, does Christina?
18:03And does her baby?
18:06Guess you're not afraid to share your opinion after all.
18:07Hey, I'm thinking about you too,
18:10because if you press charges
18:11and then Christina's a witness and they interview her,
18:14is the stress gonna be too much for her and the baby?
18:18I know you, and you're gonna feel terrible if it is.
18:23I'm not interested in telling you what to do.
18:26I can only ask, please don't file charges against Sonny.
18:38There you are.
18:40I was worried.
18:41You barely said two words last night
18:43and you were gone by the time Avery went to school.
18:46She missed her dad this morning.
18:49Hey, Sonny, please, don't shut me out.
18:54I'm, I'm here.
18:59Christina saw something, got the wrong idea.
19:05She's one of the last people that believed in me.
19:11And now I lost her.
19:14So did you see Sonny at the wedding?
19:17Yes, I did my best to ignore him.
19:20No, he iced me out at the church.
19:23Not that I was expecting anything different,
19:25but I was watching him at the reception
19:29with Brooklyn's family and they were all over him.
19:33I mean, they adored him.
19:35He was charming, he was flashing his dimples.
19:37He was smiling and flirting with the ladies
19:40and making jokes with the guys.
19:41And I was just, I was watching him
19:44and I was just thinking, there he is.
19:47You know, I know that guy.
19:48That's, that's my father.
19:53I remember feeling that way about him.
19:57Thinking that he was so kind and empathetic
20:01and thinking how lucky I was to have him as a stepfather.
20:07It's not that he's lying though.
20:08I mean, all that charm, the dimples, all that stuff,
20:12the love, that's real.
20:14But so was the ugliness, the brutality, the rage.
20:19I don't know, I used to be better at hiding it,
20:21controlling it.
20:23That's why mom and I wanted Dex to stay around dad
20:26to keep an eye on him, to protect him from himself.
20:30Yeah, well, now Dex needs protection from Sonny.
20:36Hey, speaking of Dex, I saw you two, you know,
20:40you were dancing at the reception.
20:43I know you waited for him afterwards
20:44and it didn't actually, whole night didn't go as planned,
20:47but, you want you two back together?
20:56Well, in a few days, sweetheart,
20:59there'll be something called a funeral.
21:02And that's where all of grandpa's family
21:04and his friends will get together to say goodbye to him.
21:09But how do we say goodbye if he's not here?
21:13Right, well, we say in our thoughts
21:16and we say it in our prayers.
21:19Or if you want, you can say it out loud,
21:20it's different for everyone.
21:23It's whatever feels best for you.
21:25But when we say goodbye, does grandpa go to heaven?
21:30Is he with the angels?
21:32Yeah, grandpa's with the angels.
21:40Chase called me.
21:42I'm so sorry.
21:46My dad's sad too.
21:47I think he needs a hug.
21:50I'm sure.
21:58I'm so sorry.
21:59I'm so sorry.
22:00I'm so sorry.
22:01I'm so sorry.
22:02I'm so sorry.
22:03I'm so sorry.
22:03I'm so sorry.
22:04I'm so sorry.
22:06I'm so sorry.
22:07I'm so sorry.
22:07I'm so sorry.
22:08I'm so sorry.
22:09I'm so sorry.
22:10I'm so sorry.
22:11I'm so sorry.
22:12I'm so sorry.
22:12I'm so sorry.
22:13I'm so sorry.
22:14I'm so sorry.
22:15I'm so sorry.
22:16I'm so sorry.
22:17I'm so sorry.
22:18I'm so sorry.
22:18I'm so sorry.
22:19I'm so sorry.
22:20I'm so sorry.
22:21I'm so sorry.
22:22I'm so sorry.
22:23I'm so sorry.
22:23I'm so sorry.
22:24I'm so sorry.
22:25I'm so sorry.
22:26I'm so sorry.
22:27I'm so sorry.
22:28I'm so sorry.
22:28I'm so sorry.
22:29I'm so sorry.
22:30I'm so sorry.
22:31I'm so sorry.
22:33On behalf of my client, Alexis Davis,
22:43and myself, I would like to thank the court
22:45for hearing our petition today.
22:47We come before the court to appeal Ms. Davis disbarment
22:51and ask that she be returned to the bar
22:53and allowed to practice law in New York State once again.
22:56And should you accept her appeal,
22:59the state and the people in it
23:01will only be the better for it.
23:03Thank you.
23:08With all due respect to my colleague, Ms. Miller,
23:12the state of New York and its citizenry will be better off
23:15without Ms. Davis, a proven liar, abusing their trust again.
23:24And what is the name of the party
23:25opposing Ms. Davis' appeal?
23:27Fergus Byrne.
23:29I am opposing her appeal.
23:31My brother, Neil, was a casualty of Ms. Davis'
23:37utter and complete disregard for the law.
23:44He's thinking about his church, the music,
23:46everything was just beautiful.
23:48There were people there from the old neighborhood
23:50that I grew up with, you know,
23:52like the Cerrillos and the Falconeres, mostly.
23:56Church was packed.
24:00I look over, I see Dex.
24:05Yeah, he had no right to be there, he knew it.
24:09Then he looks over at me with his little smirk
24:11like he knew he was getting away with it.
24:16Why would he do that?
24:16Because he's a punk kid
24:19with no respect for anyone or anything.
24:23What did you do?
24:24I punched him a few times, more than a few times,
24:30but he deserved it.
24:32And then Jason stopped me from doing something really bad
24:34that I was gonna really regret.
24:37I'm sure Dex got the message.
24:40Guys like Dex, they never get the message.
24:45If Michael's willing to ask Dex to drop the charges,
24:49maybe it's a good thing.
24:51You on my dad's side?
24:53Would've lost that bet.
24:54Okay, I'm on your side first and always,
24:56but if I'm honest, I'm worried about what the effects
25:00of Sonny's possible arrest and prosecution
25:04would have on you.
25:06You're very pregnant and already under a lot of pressure.
25:09I know.
25:11Seeing my dad attack Dex that way
25:14didn't make it any better.
25:15It'd be worse if you had to go up in court
25:18and testify against him.
25:20My God, I didn't even think about that part of it.
25:24I have been so focused on what would happen to my dad.
25:27I didn't even...
25:32That's why Michael agreed to talk to Dex.
25:36It wasn't for my dad's sake, it was for me.
25:40Michael already knows you have a lot to think about
25:41with the baby.
25:43On top of the already complicated history
25:46you have with your dad,
25:48I'm guessing he's putting himself out there
25:50because he wants to spare you.
25:52That's a pretty amazing brother thing to do.
25:55I know, but I just feel so bad.
25:57Michael's going out on a limb and I...
26:00I love my dad.
26:02No one's asking you to stop loving Sonny.
26:06It's not like you're turning off a faucet.
26:07I know, but he shouldn't be allowed to get away
26:10with attacking people and threatening to kill them
26:13just because I love my dad.
26:16I don't think he should either.
26:21What are you doing?
26:21I knew what to do.
26:28Hey, it's Christina.
26:30I'm at the MetroCourt.
26:32How soon can you be here?
26:35No, Dex and I are not back together.
26:38Oh, sorry, forget that I asked.
26:41No, I mean, why wouldn't you ask?
26:43I'm asking myself the same question.
26:46I'm the one who broke up with Dex.
26:49Even though I still was in love with him.
26:53He just did something that I couldn't accept
26:55and I thought that that was the end of it.
26:58No, but it's not.
27:00I just hate couples that keep breaking up
27:02and getting back together.
27:04You know, it's like they're terminally indecisive
27:07or they're just addicted to the drama of it all.
27:10God, it just reminds me of mom and Sonny's relationship.
27:14You know, every time she got rid of him,
27:15she would go running back.
27:17Not saying that Dex and Sonny are the same,
27:21they could not be more different.
27:22Oh, understood.
27:25My point is, it's just not the kind of relationship
27:28that I wanted.
27:31You know, and when I broke up with Dex, I really meant it.
27:36But then he radically changed his life, you know?
27:39I mean, he's gonna become a cop.
27:42And at first I thought it was to make amends with me.
27:46I know, I sound like a egomaniac.
27:49You're saying that Dex didn't apply
27:52to the police academy to impress you
27:53because that seems like the obvious explanation.
27:58Violet, can I ask you for a favor?
28:02Ian has been begging me for a friendship bracelet.
28:04Can you make him one?
28:07Thank you.
28:08I can imagine how you're feeling.
28:14But it's obvious you've been drinking.
28:18So I'm gonna take Violet home with me
28:21and you can get yourself to a meeting, okay?
28:27Not okay.
28:29I'm not okay.
28:29I'm not okay.
28:30I'm not okay.
28:31I'm not okay.
28:32I'm not okay.
28:33I'm not okay.
28:34I'm not okay.
28:35I'm not okay.
28:35I'm not okay.
28:36I'm not okay.
28:37I'm not okay.
28:39Violet's staying with me
28:41and I don't need to get myself to a meeting.
28:43Ben, this isn't just about you.
28:44My father's dead.
28:46Ian, you must be in so much pain.
28:48I stood right over there
28:49and I watched two strangers wheel at my dead dad.
28:53Please, just let me help you.
28:57Nothing can help what I'm feeling.
29:03So he's taunting me, you know?
29:07I mean, he didn't say anything,
29:08but you know, he's still taunting me.
29:11Jason's grabbed me and then Christina showed up.
29:17I don't know what she heard.
29:21And then she took off without...
29:27I wasn't able to explain anything to her.
29:30I'm so sorry.
29:31I'm sorry.
29:34Christina was the only one who,
29:39who really, really believed in me
29:41and every time she would look up at me, she would smile.
29:46This time when I finally caught up with her,
29:51my little girl was afraid of me.
29:53Come on in.
30:01Looks bad.
30:03I've had worse.
30:05Never at a wedding, though.
30:08I don't even know what to say, Dex.
30:11I'm sorry, it doesn't even begin to cut it.
30:16Thank you for everything.
30:17I'm so sorry.
30:18I'm sorry.
30:19I'm sorry.
30:19I'm sorry.
30:20I'm sorry.
30:21I'm sorry.
30:22I'm sorry.
30:24Thank you for even agreeing to come here.
30:27Can I get you anything?
30:28Aspirin, ice?
30:30No, thank you.
30:31Josh stayed with me at the ER
30:32while I waited to get stitched up.
30:34Jocelyn was right about my dad.
30:35She can say I told you so for,
30:38well, the rest of my life now.
30:41It's the last thing that she wants to do.
30:43There's no victory lap
30:44when it comes to being right about Sonny.
30:48Yeah, I know.
30:49I'm sorry.
30:49I didn't mean to be flippant about it.
30:51I, uh, I've had blinders on when it came to my dad.
30:58Everyone saw that but me.
31:01I wanted to think of him as the man I knew him to be,
31:07not who he was, not in his entirety.
31:11For what it's worth,
31:13when I worked for Sonny,
31:15I also saw what I wanted to see.
31:17Now it's just as wrong.
31:22I know my brother asked you not to press charges.
31:26Michael did that because of me,
31:27because I asked him to,
31:28but I shouldn't have.
31:30Why not?
31:32Because you are entitled to justice.
31:37And if you choose to pursue it,
31:40I want you to know that I will testify on your behalf
31:45against my father.
31:48Dex really believes in what he's doing.
31:51He wants to be a cop.
31:53He wants to wear that uniform to protect and serve.
31:58And I think he's gonna make a really good cop.
32:00Like Dante, he's gonna help people.
32:03And I think that he would really like it
32:05if we got back together.
32:07But if for some reason we don't,
32:11you know, Dex is gonna be fine.
32:13He respects himself.
32:16And some other girl would get him
32:18and I'd be kicking myself.
32:22It's a easy solution to this.
32:23You know, you can just tell Dex that you want to try again.
32:26Michael, I don't know if I'm ready for that yet.
32:29What I do know is that I'm done changing my mind.
32:34Dex deserves better.
32:37You know, I'm gonna guess though,
32:38Dex would tell you that there is nobody better than you.
32:45You're my big brother.
32:46You have to say nice things to me.
32:48Doesn't make them any less true.
32:51Your Honor, Mr. Byrne just admitted
32:53to being the brother of the late Dr. Neil Byrne,
32:56who was a factor in my client's disbarment.
32:58My brother was much more than a factor in your case.
33:03Though I shouldn't be surprised
33:04that you've reduced him to such.
33:07My brother, Neil Byrne, would be alive today
33:11if it weren't for Alexis Davis.
33:12Your Honor, there is-
33:13Your Honors, I have no problem
33:15with Mr. Byrne's role here today.
33:18I've never pleaded my own case in court before,
33:20but I intend to do so today.
33:21So it seems fitting, maybe even necessary,
33:24that Mr. Byrne have a front row seat to it.
33:31I'm so sorry, Jason.
33:38Your father was a wonderful man
33:40and he was a wonderful man.
33:42I'm sorry.
33:43I'm sorry.
33:44I'm sorry.
33:45I'm sorry.
33:47And he was a wonderful father.
33:49You're proof of that.
33:51Every moment I spent in his company was pure joy.
33:57Thank you.
33:59Baby, you okay?
34:02So sorry, Chase.
34:05Where's my grandmother?
34:07She went down to the stables.
34:09She was going out for a ride.
34:11I'll go down there and see if she's left yet.
34:13Okay, Chase, I'll walk you down.
34:21I can't believe he's gone.
34:24I mean, I knew it was gonna happen someday, but-
34:28I know, but someday wasn't supposed to be now.
34:31Well, you know what?
34:34Sometimes God has a plan for us, you know?
34:38And I guess it would just be nice sometimes
34:42to get a little heads up.
34:46You know, because of you and Chase
34:50and that beautiful wedding.
34:52Gregory died the happiest man on the planet, right?
34:58He was also one of the bravest.
35:00Yeah, he was.
35:03The way he officiated your wedding,
35:05it was with so much courage and determination.
35:10He had so much strength, you know,
35:13and he used so much of it to get through that ceremony.
35:15It's like he just didn't have any left, all baby.
35:22Chase is the one who needs holding.
35:24He just wanted a little more time with his dad.
35:26I know, I know.
35:27But you know what?
35:30You're here to hold Chase now, okay?
35:34And let him know that he is not alone.
35:37You want to know what eased the pain for a few minutes?
35:41One drink.
35:46One drink.
35:49And you know, I think I have the right
35:50to do whatever it takes to get me through this day.
35:56If that's how you choose to go about your life,
36:00then I'll do it.
36:01I'll do it.
36:02I'll do it.
36:03I'll do it.
36:04I'll do it.
36:05If you choose to treat your pain, then I can't stop you.
36:11But I will not let you get drunk
36:14with that little girl in this apartment.
