General Hospital 05-23-2024 FULL NEW 720HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 23th, May 2024

  • 5 months ago


00:00Oh! Thank you so much for coming, Carly. Please.
00:04Yeah, well, I would say you're welcome, but I don't really feel like I was asked.
00:08More like I was summoned.
00:10Gosh, I do apologize for that. Please.
00:13No, wait. I'm going to save you some time.
00:15I have no idea what's going on with Sonny. I really... I don't talk to him much anymore.
00:19And when I do, we're barely civil.
00:20Oh, no, I didn't ask you here to talk about Sonny.
00:23Hallelujah. I never thought I'd live to see the day.
00:26A friend of yours is in hospital.
00:29Jack Brennan. He was admitted to G.H. last night.
00:32What happened? Is he okay?
00:34He was stabbed in the abdomen, but no major organs were hurt.
00:39Well, thank God.
00:40Yes, God could be one explanation.
00:43Maybe Brennan was visited by a miracle, or he stabbed himself.
00:49Christina is in her third trimester now, right?
00:53So, Sonny, trust me when I tell you that your daughter is now in a swirl of emotions, and all of them heightened.
01:03It's not her fault.
01:05No, it's not her fault.
01:06Right? But right now, Christina is more than capable of taking something she saw and blowing it way out of proportion.
01:15I know that's not an easy offer to make, Christina, and I do appreciate it.
01:19It's the right thing to do.
01:21I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
01:23Of course. I'm just so sorry, Dex, for all of it. Not just the attack, but you have saved my dad so many times.
01:37And you have proved your loyalty to him. You did not deserve this.
01:43As the court already knows, I was disbarred for committing perjury.
01:48There you go, Your Honors. Now she's a confessed liar. Case closed.
01:52Your Honors, if Mr. Byrne refuses to restrain himself, perhaps we should adjourn until we can find someone more dispassionate.
01:59Mr. Byrne?
02:02Will that be necessary?
02:03No, Your Honors. Apologies.
02:09Your mother said you needed me. What can I do?
02:14Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry about the honeymoon. We can reschedule it when you're ready.
02:23I don't care about that. Chase just lost his dad, and he's completely heartbroken.
02:30My dad is still here. And I just want him to know how very much I love him.
02:38I love you, too. I love you, too.
02:59I know you're in pain and you're grieving, but I care about you way too much to just let you throw away your sobriety.
03:06You've already lost so much.
03:11So what you're saying is, put away the bourbon for your sake?
03:16I'm saying the bourbon isn't helping you. And whatever you do next, you gotta do it for you.
03:23And that little girl in her bedroom who just lost her grandfather.
03:37I saw Jason grab me like I was a crazy person that needed to be held back. That's what scared her.
03:59And it wouldn't help that the person she saw grabbing you was once your best friend.
04:05I don't need friends. Not anymore.
04:11Take care of yourself, Christina. You and the baby.
04:23He's right, you know.
04:26Hey. You didn't do anything wrong.
04:30Problem is, I did. In my own way, I'm just as guilty.
04:39It is true that I was under oath when I denied having sexual relations with Dr. Neil Byrne.
04:44But that oath was administered in a medical board hearing, not in a court of law.
04:50A distinction without a difference, Your Honor.
04:53No, it's a big difference if you ever ended up in a lawyer's office when you should have seen a doctor.
05:01You're not in charge of my sobriety, I am.
05:05You're right, you are.
05:06And it's been me and that little girl every day since her mom walked out on us five years ago.
05:12Just the two of us. So you don't get to walk in here now and tell me if I can have a drink or tell me what's really important to Violet.
05:20Oh, no, no, no. No, we care about each other's children and I'm just looking out for her like you look out for my boys.
05:27You are welcome to look after Violet. You can stay here and you can make friendship bracelets with her.
05:34Or you can leave. Those are the two choices. You decide.
05:57Please, just calm down.
05:59All right, so if you stab yourself, yes, it's going to hurt for a minute.
06:03But you take care not to hit any part of your body.
06:24But you take care not to hit anything critical.
06:28And then you still get an acceptable loss of blood.
06:32And then before you know it, you're out of prison in the back of an ambulance on your way to GH for a few days.
06:37I mean, it's not the worst plan in the world, right?
06:40Right. I mean, when you put it like that, I'm surprised more inmates aren't stabbing themselves.
06:45Just to clarify, Brennan neither confirmed or denied that the wound was self-inflicted.
06:51He did say, however, that if he had stabbed himself, it would give him a chance to see you again.
07:08Chase, hi. I know that you've got a lot going on right now, but your brother needs you. And so does Violet.
07:17Are you okay?
07:20Are you with them?
07:22I was, but I'm not who they need right now. You are.
07:32I didn't realize that you and Jack were so close.
07:35Oh, I barely know Jack Brennan.
07:38And we certainly don't have a stab myself to see you kind of relationship.
07:42But you did visit him in prison.
07:44Anna, Jack Brennan has very little, if anything, to do with me.
07:47Are we done here? Because I have a lot going on in my life without this.
07:51Okay, Carly, you seem to be in a hurry to go somewhere.
07:54I trust that it is not to see Brennan, right?
08:03I was notified that I was accused of perjury by affidavit.
08:07I never even saw the actual document itself.
08:10And instead, the Bar Association met without my being present.
08:12And it just so happens that Mr. Byrne was a member of that panel.
08:17Mr. Byrne?
08:19It's true, Your Honor. I was a member of that panel.
08:22But when Ms. Davis's case came up for adjudication, I recused myself.
08:27And his place was taken by his law partner.
08:30He has an impeccable reputation. How dare you impugn his integrity?
08:34I did not impugn his integrity.
08:36I would hope not. Unlike you, he has a sterling reputation.
08:39And now you're impugning my reputation.
08:40Your Honors, I'm sorry, but I for one don't need to listen to Mr. Byrne wax poetic
08:46about his law partner's curriculum vitae. I'm assuming he's brilliant.
08:50Otherwise, Mr. Byrne would not have offered him employment in the first place.
08:54I agree. Let's move on.
08:56I would love to.
08:58That is, if it's all right with Mr. Byrne.
09:02Simply put, I don't think that I was given a fair hearing.
09:06Not that Mr. Byrne's friend, excuse me, law partner had anything to do with it.
09:13But I didn't even know the name of my accuser.
09:16Mr. Byrne?
09:18I submitted the accusation.
09:23Ms. Davis never requested the name of her accuser.
09:26Well, I'm requesting it now.
09:33What are you doing?
09:34Putting something together to feed people.
09:37Why? What people?
09:39People we know. You know, they might want to gather here today.
09:45Besides, we have a guest coming and Brooklyn and Chase are here.
09:50Brooklyn and Chase are gone.
09:52What did you do to make them leave?
09:55Nothing. Brooklyn wanted to see me and I thought it was about the honeymoon.
10:00I told her we could reschedule it, but it wasn't.
10:02She just wanted me to know how much she loved me.
10:07And of course I told her how much I loved her.
10:10That sounds like Brooklyn.
10:13Where did she and Chase go?
10:15Chase got a call from Elizabeth. Said he had to go over to Finn's, like now.
10:20Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad she went with him.
10:24They're each other's family now, you know.
10:27And Brooklyn more than Chase will tell us what's going on later.
10:30Chase looked really upset. I mean, he didn't say what the call was about, but he was worried.
10:38You know, every couple gets tested, right? But these two, they're just right out of the gate.
10:44What more can the universe throw at them right now?
11:01I finished the fracture bracelet. I think it looks pretty good.
11:05Yeah, look at that. Let me see.
11:08Where did Elizabeth go?
11:11This is amazing, sweetheart.
11:14And Aunt Elizabeth, I think, um, I think something came up at the hospital.
11:18But, you know, you can give her this bracelet later.
11:21It's not for her. It's for Aiden.
11:24Yeah, it's for Aiden.
11:25You can give her this bracelet later.
11:27It's not for her. It's for Aiden.
11:30Yeah, Aiden, that's what I meant.
11:39Hey. Oh, I'm so sorry, bro.
11:46I'm so sorry.
11:48Oh, that's gorgeous.
11:50Thank you. It's for Aiden.
11:52He's a lucky guy.
11:55One of me was hoping you'd get on that plane and you'd fly to Italy.
11:59When you came back, everything would be the same, but nothing's ever going to be the same.
12:05The important thing is that we're here now, together.
12:18Christina's going to come around.
12:21She just needs a minute to realize that you're the same dad that she's always known and loved and adored.
12:27Yeah, yeah.
12:31Something else weighing on you, isn't there?
12:36My sons? They've turned on me.
12:41Sons, plural.
12:44I know where things stand with Michael, but Dante?
12:47He's a cop. And that comes first. I just thought maybe it would be different.
12:56Well, it's just terrible that Dex turned out to be the traitor that he is.
13:00And that, Christina, misinterpreted your actions. But really, it's Jason's fault.
13:06Isn't it? Yeah.
13:08When it comes down to it. For butting in and making the situation much worse.
13:12Yeah, you got that right.
13:14I'm going to tell whoever that is to go away. Because, son, you deserve some peace.
13:35Come in.
13:39Oh my God, Dex, what happened?
13:40Before I answer that, can we talk off the record?
13:43I could just really use some advice, and just person to person, and I didn't know who else to ask.
13:48Of course, sit down. What do you need? Do you need anything?
13:51No, no, thank you. I've already been to the emergency room.
13:54What happened? Between the wedding and now, what the hell happened?
13:58Sonny, after you left.
14:01Jason stepped in and put a stop to it, but not before Christina saw the whole thing.
14:06Hey, have you seen your mom?
14:11Not for a while. Why?
14:13Because she and Gregory were close. I think you need to check on her.
14:20She's got to be hurting.
14:22Yeah, I'll talk to her later. I mean, I'll just give her some time to deal with it in her own way.
14:29She's not big on emotional displays.
14:32Tracy's got a lot of feelings, and they run very deep.
14:37Maybe you haven't noticed them because of EOQ, and how you guys squabble, and Eddie Maine, but...
14:43I think Tracy had real feelings for Gregory.
14:50Like romantic feelings?
14:56Like romantic feelings?
14:59Yeah, maybe.
15:02He was sick when she met him.
15:05So what?
15:08I thought all they did was argue. I mean, I know that he would push back whenever she said something.
15:13And when it came to the wedding prep and rehearsal dinner, I know he flat out told her that she had to be nice.
15:18And she was. She was very nice and very generous. She didn't snark at anybody.
15:24I kind of missed it.
15:27And you know how much she respects people who stand up to her.
15:31Some people.
15:33And those people are the people that she cares about and has feelings for.
15:40You're right. I didn't see it. I'm a terrible son.
15:46No. No, of course you're not, Ned. Come on.
15:49If there's anything we've learned in the last 24 hours, it's whether you're a parent or a child, there's an invisible clock ticking.
15:59We've just got to be better to each other.
16:03Violet, sweetie, how do you feel about going for a walk?
16:07I know how I feel about it. I think it's a great idea. It gives your dad and I a chance to talk about some grown-up stuff.
16:14You know what grown-up means, right?
16:19Is it OK with you?
16:22It's OK by me, sweetheart. If it's OK with you.
16:25Let's go.
16:37I'm going to be right here when you get back.
16:40You'll be dead.
16:42I love you, sweetheart.
16:51You OK? You need anything?
16:54I just want to know what happened, step by step.
16:58And Finn, I mean everything that happened.
17:18You're the one who tried to avenge your brother by getting me disbarred, so I think vendettas might be your area of expertise.
17:25I didn't need to do anything, counselor. If there was any damage done, it was self-inflicted.
17:29I have made my share of mistakes, but I've taken responsibility for them, and I'm taking responsibility for them right here and right now.
17:37You, on the other hand, let other people do your dirty work for you. I have a right to face my accuser.
17:42Apparently, my colleague can't tell the difference between an appeals hearing and a criminal trial.
17:49Your Honor, he says this hearing is about justice, not a vendetta. So let's let him prove that by telling me the name of my accuser, please.
18:00Hi, Carla.
18:04I appreciate you running over here, but as you can see, I'm absolutely fine.
18:09Can we talk in private?
18:10Well, Ava knows everything. You can talk in front of Ava.
18:13Does she?
18:15It's a shame that Dex has forgotten who his friends are.
18:20Well, that seems to be going around a lot.
18:24Have you heard from Christina?
18:26She's in an emotional place right now, and she's going to calm down and get over it.
18:33Sonny, your daughter who thinks you walk on water saw you beat a man.
18:37And when your friend tried to drag you away, you threatened to kill them both.
18:43You can't make things right for your dad.
18:47And you can't make Dex decide one way or another.
18:51I know, but I tried to pressure Dex into doing what I wanted him to do.
18:55I just did it through Michael.
18:59I am my father's daughter.
19:01I hear much more than that.
19:03But you have to make yourself and your baby your biggest priorities.
19:09If this priority gets any bigger, I'm not even going to be able to walk.
19:13Hey, it's beautiful.
19:16You're beautiful.
19:19I just, I want, I want my baby to have a better world than I have.
19:26And I'm not doing my part in making sure that happens by letting my dad go free again.
19:34What a mess. She thinks the world of him.
19:37I don't think so anymore.
19:39But I don't want to make her testify against him.
19:42That's very compassionate of you, but are you sure?
19:45If it were just her, it would be bad enough, but it's not.
19:48There's a baby to worry about.
19:50I respect your decision.
19:51It would be bad enough, but it's not.
19:53There's a baby to worry about.
19:55I respect you, and I admire you, so I need to hear it from you.
19:59If I decide not to press charges for whatever reason,
20:03am I tarnishing the badge before I even put it on?
20:06You want a drink?
20:08Yeah, I'll share a small glass of wine with you.
20:12I've been weeping on and off all day, and my stomach is in knots.
20:17Oh, mine too.
20:22Not for nothing?
20:24Your idea of sharing needs work.
20:27Well, not for nothing.
20:29But if you want more, I'll pour some more.
20:39Hey, Ned.
20:45I'm really glad that I married you.
20:50And I am.
20:52I'm so glad that we were young, and that we were in love,
20:58and we had our beautiful Brooklyn.
21:02You know what?
21:04I wouldn't change a thing.
21:06Except maybe not having my heart broken so much.
21:10Although, you know what, scrap that,
21:12because everything that happened brought us exactly to where we are right here.
21:17Exes who love each other, and we're the best of friends.
21:24And we share a beautiful daughter,
21:28and years in the future we're going to share some beautiful grandchildren.
21:34I'm looking forward to that.
21:37Yeah, me too.
21:39Although, I have to say I'm a little nervous, you know?
21:42I mean, yeah, I'm going to be over the moon
21:44when I get to hold that grandbaby,
21:46but the thought of being an owner,
21:50I'm just afraid somebody's going to ambush me
21:53and throw me in a black dress with support hose and orthopedic shoes.
21:57Wait. Gloria didn't let that happen to her.
22:01For that matter.
22:03It didn't happen to my mother either.
22:05Well, your mother's not Italian.
22:07Gloria is. She didn't turn into a little old lady in a black dress.
22:10Why would you?
22:11All right. You know what? You're right.
22:13I'm going to be a Nona in combat boots.
22:18And you will rock them.
22:20See? See?
22:23You are a wonderful man, Ned.
22:27You know what?
22:30Life is short,
22:32and we don't know how much time we have here, so
22:36for the record,
22:38I love you,
22:39and I appreciate you.
22:47You changed my life,
22:52I met you, and
22:54nothing was ever the same.
22:57It was all exponentially better.
23:01And I love and appreciate you, too.
23:03And I'm really looking forward to seeing
23:06a Nona in combat boots.
23:17It's just really sad, though, you know?
23:24someday, when we get to hold that
23:33Gregory won't be here to hold that baby.
23:47Upon review,
23:49it is our decision that Ms. Davis does have the right to know the name of her accuser.
23:56Ava Jerome.
24:00The name of your accuser.
24:02Ava Jerome.
24:06For 30 years.
24:13Your Honors,
24:15I request a hearing
24:17to determine the credibility of this case.
24:20I request a hearing
24:21I request a hearing
24:23to determine the credibility and reliability of Ava Jerome's testimony.
24:27On what grounds?
24:29On the grounds that the revelation that Ava Jerome is the witness
24:32changes the entire complexion of this case.
24:35Ms. Davis forfeited the right to a hearing
24:37when she failed to offer up a defense years ago.
24:40Ms. Davis was denied information years ago,
24:44and as such felt mounting a defense would be futile.
24:48A separate hearing will not be granted.
24:49This case has been settled for too long.
24:52Then, uh, I would ask for a recess
24:56so that we may formulate a response to what can only be described as an ambush.
25:00That's ridiculous, Your Honors.
25:02Hour at 10 minutes.
25:04Upon return, we'll expect to hear both parties' final statements.
25:08The recess starts now.
25:14How about I take you home?
25:17Trying to get rid of me?
25:19No, I'm trying to get you to rest.
25:21But while you rest,
25:23I'll whip up an omelet.
25:26Wait, wait.
25:28You know how to make an omelet?
25:30I'm a woman of many talents.
25:32That I know.
25:34Wait, so
25:36I shouldn't expect breakfast in bed anytime soon?
25:40No, not exactly.
25:43You're fine with Pop-Tarts, right?
25:47Come on.
25:50Showing compassion for Christina under no circumstances compromises you as a cadet,
25:56certainly not as a cop.
25:59It's a failure to report a crime. He's okay.
26:02Let's just think about this for a second.
26:05Just say that we could secure a conviction of aggravated assault against Sonny.
26:11And we both know that that's not a sure thing.
26:15Diane Miller, she would work her magic and he'd be out in,
26:18what, 18 months, give or take?
26:23Meanwhile, his entire family would be dragged into this.
26:27And there is no telling what that stress of testifying
26:32would do to Christina and her baby.
26:35On the other hand,
26:37and this is very important, Dex,
26:40you are the victim of a vicious assault
26:42that required medical attention.
26:47So what are you telling me to do?
26:49I'm not telling you to do anything.
26:52I'm just reminding you that
26:54a single crime rarely affects a single individual.
27:00Every crime has ripple effects that just sort of reach out and touch people
27:06that had nothing to do with the crime.
27:08Their lives, your life,
27:09they're changed forever.
27:11Sometimes in small ways.
27:14And sometimes in not so small ways.
27:17You know, you are certainly within your rights
27:21to report this assault.
27:23Which you're under no obligation to.
27:30I don't know if this is the right time
27:34for us to go after Sonny.
27:35Everything would be a lot easier if things were just black and white.
27:39Life isn't black and white.
27:41People aren't either.
27:43They're grey.
27:46Cops don't have things easy.
27:48You know, if we did,
27:50anybody could be a cop.
27:54I thought you and I came
27:56to some kind of an understanding.
27:58At the very least,
28:00we were trying to figure out
28:01that you and I came
28:03to some kind of an understanding.
28:05At the very least,
28:07a truce.
28:09I was in a bad place,
28:11and you stopped me from going to a worse place.
28:13And I appreciate that.
28:15But you didn't see what happened.
28:17Okay, then tell me what happened.
28:19I lost my temper.
28:21And I punched Dex.
28:23I, first punch.
28:25Maybe a few more punches.
28:27And I kicked him.
28:29And then,
28:31and he grabbed me.
28:33And then it all escalated.
28:35So it's Jason's fault.
28:37Well, you know, he just grabbed me real tight.
28:39He's a strong guy.
28:41And I was furious.
28:43I couldn't move.
28:45And then I started saying things.
28:47I don't even remember what I said.
28:49And then Christina's there.
28:51She heard, I don't know what she heard.
28:53And she ran off.
28:55None of this would have happened
28:57if Jason had just stayed out of it.
28:59So now it's Jason's fault.
29:02Before it was Dex's.
29:04Before that, it was me and Michael.
29:07What are you going to do when you run out of traitors?
29:10Who are you going to blame for the man you've become?
29:17You're taking the time to talk to me.
29:19I know how busy you are.
29:21I don't know if I helped in any way.
29:23But I'm always happy to listen.
29:26Dex, I,
29:28I hope I didn't discourage you from pressing charges.
29:31Because the law is the law.
29:33That actually is black and white.
29:35Which is a good thing.
29:37Because it prevents us and saves us
29:41from having to make more subjective decisions.
29:46I understand.
29:49But I'm not going to press charges.
29:51And I'm sorry if that makes me a terrible cop.
29:53But for now,
29:55I'm going to live it up.
29:57In the gray.
29:59For what it's worth.
30:03I think you're going to be a very good cop.
30:16Alright, Carla, you said what you needed to say.
30:18I think you should probably go now.
30:22You seem to have everything you need right here.
30:26I appreciate what you did
30:29for me last night.
30:31Christina and I are good.
30:33We're going to be fine.
30:35I hope so.
30:48After hearing that, Sonny, I tell you,
30:50I am impressed by your restraint.
30:55It's almost as if Carly wants you
30:58to be estranged from your children.
31:03According to Ava,
31:05I made her brother's life a living hell.
31:07After he tried to kill me,
31:09I sure hope I did.
31:11You know it was Julian, right?
31:13You know it was Julian who announced to everyone
31:15that I was involved with Neil.
31:17Of course.
31:18And then Ava takes it upon herself
31:20to call Neil's brother, Fergus,
31:23who was sitting on the Bar Disciplinary Committee
31:25at the time.
31:27Certainly seems that way.
31:29Meanwhile, Counselor Byrne
31:31is sitting on his own giant conflict of interest.
31:33I cannot believe we went through this whole ordeal
31:35for nothing. Nothing.
31:37You know, all the work we did,
31:39all the legal precedents we found,
31:41all of the ethics cases, everything.
31:43Nothing. You know why?
31:45Because my disbarment was never about the law.
31:46So the law is not going to help me
31:48get my license back.
31:50It's time?
31:58You know, you're the guise of sticking up
32:00for her sociopathic brother.
32:02Do you know what she did?
32:04I mean, she cost me my career,
32:06and not only that, because of her,
32:08I lost myself.
32:10Well, welcome, welcome.
32:12Here, let me help you with your stuff.
32:14Come on in.
32:16Oh, my goodness.
32:18Who helped you pack?
32:20Was it my mom, or was it Zia Francesca?
32:22It was Zia Francesca.
32:24I told her I don't need all this.
32:26Yeah, but you know what?
32:28Don't worry about it.
32:30The room you have, the closet is huge.
32:32You're going to be able to fit everything,
32:34no problem.
32:36Just tell me where I'm going.
32:38No, no, no, no, no.
32:40Just leave it right there. It's okay.
32:42Yuri will bring your stuff up.
32:46Listen, here, sit right here.
32:50So, you know Gregory,
32:53Chase's father,
32:55the man who officiated the wedding, right?
33:00He passed away last night, so...
33:03Wow, that's...
33:05I'm so sorry.
33:07It's okay, it's okay.
33:09I know, it's a loss,
33:11but Brooklyn and Chase,
33:13they canceled their honeymoon,
33:14and right now they're both over at
33:16Chase's brother's place.
33:19Maybe this is the wrong time for me to come stay.
33:21I can look for a rental.
33:23Absolutely not.
33:25Monica is already on board with all this,
33:27and you know, we're getting your room ready.
33:29The Cormains don't even know me.
33:31They will.
33:33I mean, you're extended family.
33:37Emphasis on family.
33:40I miss Gigi.
33:42You know?
33:44I was a little worried about what kind of trouble
33:46you might be getting into
33:48without me having my eyes on you.
33:50I was good as gold.
33:52You are good as gold.
33:54And I am so happy that you're here in Port Charles.
33:57I really think that this is the,
33:59this is the right place for you.
34:07I must be feeling really sad right now.
34:11I'm sad too.
34:15You know, sweetie, you could talk to me about your grandpa,
34:17but you don't have to.
34:19We can just sit here and be quiet together.
34:23I'm thinking about my dad.
34:26Grandpa was his dad,
34:28so he must be especially sad right now.
34:31He is.
34:34What if something ever happened to my dad?
34:38It's really scary to think about, isn't it?
34:41I love him so much.
34:42I miss my husband.
34:44You don't have anything to worry about, sweetie.
34:47Your dad is strong and healthy.
34:50He's going to be around for a really long time.
34:54Step by step.
34:59I dropped Violet off at school,
35:02and I came back, and
35:05the apartment was quiet.
35:07It was so quiet.
35:09I called out to dad, but he didn't answer me,
35:10so I went in his room, and
35:15he was so still.
35:20I called 911.
35:23The coroner came out not long after that.
35:26I pronounced him
35:35Yeah, I had a drink.
35:39Maybe more than one.
35:41I'm not really sure.
