General Hospital 05-28-2024 FULL NEW 720HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 28th, May 2024

  • 5 months ago


00:03 Another visit.
00:17 I had to come.
00:19 I hear you stabbed yourself for me.
00:29 Dining alone.
00:30 How you doing there?
00:35 I can't believe he's really gone.
00:40 Keep looking at the present he got us,
00:45 thinking he was just holding this.
00:48 Such a sweet and thoughtful gift.
00:51 Unexpected, but perfect.
00:54 Typical of your dad.
00:59 I feel like I should be doing something.
01:01 But all I want to do is sit here right now.
01:05 OK, and that's what you should do.
01:07 I'm going to make myself useful and start
01:10 unpacking our suitcases.
01:12 This is so surreal.
01:15 We're supposed to be on our honeymoon right now.
01:18 You know.
01:18 Are you expecting anyone?
01:22 No.
01:24 Somebody probably found out about my dad.
01:27 I'm not sure I can handle any more sympathy right now.
01:29 Don't worry.
01:30 I will get rid of whoever it is.
01:32 There's Samantha.
01:45 Come in.
01:46 Thank you.
01:46 All right.
01:47 Oh, gosh.
01:49 Welcome to my humble workspace.
01:51 You can never have too many external hard drives.
01:53 That's what I always say.
01:55 So, you know, I've been thinking about what
01:57 we discussed at the wedding.
01:59 So much was going on.
02:02 And, you know, of course, I was naturally
02:04 deeply troubled by the revelation
02:06 that Jason was coerced into working for the FBI.
02:08 So upon further reflection, I feel like I just
02:14 have to re-emphasize that tangling
02:17 with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
02:19 is highly ill-advised.
02:23 What do you mean, Spinelli?
02:25 Are you saying that you don't want to help me anymore?
02:29 It's, uh-- it's late.
02:32 Something happen?
02:34 You tell me.
02:36 You don't have any bruises, then?
02:38 Why would I?
02:40 Last night, you got in the middle of Sonny attacking Dex.
02:48 Obviously, I'm dining alone, by choice.
03:11 So feel free to move on.
03:12 My salad is getting cold.
03:13 What are the odds, both of us choosing the same diner?
03:22 I think you're following me.
03:23 Go away.
03:28 I haven't even ordered yet.
03:30 How's the food?
03:32 Now, Fergus, am I going to have to report you
03:35 to your own disciplinary committee for harassment?
03:39 I'll leave you to your salad and your novel momentarily.
03:44 But first, I'm curious.
03:47 Why now?
03:48 Is that a metaphysical question?
03:50 You were disbarred years ago.
03:52 And yet, you weren't even interested enough
03:54 to show up in person to hear the verdict or to file an appeal.
03:58 And yet, here you are, on a pilgrimage
04:01 to Albany, where the fate of your law career
04:03 hangs in the balance.
04:05 So I'll repeat the question.
04:08 Why appeal now?
04:11 Chase, I'm so sorry about your father.
04:14 He was a wonderful man.
04:16 I will cherish him always.
04:19 Thank you.
04:20 I know he really enjoyed your friendship, too.
04:23 We appreciate you coming by.
04:25 But I brought you something.
04:28 This is in lieu of a casserole, which I couldn't make anyway.
04:32 I brought you this.
04:32 Oh, my--
04:39 Barolo?
04:41 Wow, this isn't easy to find here.
04:43 Well, the two of you should really be on your honeymoon,
04:46 strolling arm in arm through a piazza under the moonlight.
04:51 Since that isn't possible, I thought I'd bring
04:53 a taste of Italy to you.
04:57 Thank you.
04:58 It's very generous.
04:59 Thank you for everything.
05:03 I want to go open one of these up.
05:08 I'm glad to have a chance to thank you for being
05:13 such a good friend to my dad at a time
05:15 when he really needed one.
05:17 That's very kind.
05:19 But I would prefer to skip the platitudes, if you don't mind.
05:25 I haven't changed my mind, per se.
05:27 And if Jason had asked me directly,
05:30 I'd gladly do anything I could.
05:31 But going behind Jason's back feels wrong.
05:36 You know how much Jason trusts you.
05:38 I think the only reason why he hasn't contacted you
05:41 is because he doesn't want to drag you into this.
05:43 He's very Jason-like to try to handle everything on his own.
05:46 It is still near impossible for me
05:49 to believe that he's been acting as an FBI informant.
05:53 I know, which means they must have something on him,
05:55 something huge, especially.
05:58 I mean, what sort of circumstance
05:59 could force him to be an FBI informant?
06:02 I don't know.
06:03 But that's what we need to figure out.
06:07 Dex came to my office earlier.
06:09 Interesting conversation.
06:10 Said Sonny had attacked him.
06:13 And you intervened.
06:15 And Christina witnessed it.
06:18 Obviously, traumatized by it.
06:20 Why wouldn't she be?
06:22 It's a hell of a thing to see your father do.
06:24 Is Dex pressing charges?
06:27 No.
06:29 He-- he decided that he didn't want to do that to Christina.
06:33 Thank you.
06:36 Don't thank me.
06:37 It was Dex.
06:39 He made the call.
06:41 Do you agree with him?
06:42 Yeah, I do.
06:45 I mean, if we could get a conviction,
06:46 what Sonny would serve?
06:48 Two years, max.
06:51 Better to wait.
06:53 To bring Sonny to justice with a charge that
06:56 carries a longer sentence.
06:59 So why are you here?
07:02 Well, I heard Dex's version of events.
07:06 And now I need to hear yours.
07:10 Normally, I'd send flowers.
07:11 But my options were somewhat limited in prison.
07:15 And a self-inflicted wound was the next best thing, huh?
07:19 See, you-- you get me.
07:21 Let me see the scar.
07:24 Well, unfortunately, my wound is bandaged.
07:26 So the scar will have to remain a mystery for now.
07:29 But if it makes you feel any better, pretty epic.
07:33 I look forward to seeing it at another time.
07:36 So you going to tell me what really happened?
07:39 Some thug jumped me in the showers.
07:42 Waited until I was vulnerable, then he made his move.
07:45 Oh.
07:47 I'm not buying it.
07:49 Why not?
07:50 Aren't you a spy?
07:51 Well, that's not a job title on my business cards.
07:53 But I suppose that's an accurate description of my skills.
07:58 Exactly.
07:59 And with your experience, you would never let
08:00 yourself be that vulnerable.
08:02 And I'll bet that you could outpower most
08:05 of the prisoners at Pettinville.
08:06 Well, maybe I did just want to see you.
08:09 Well, I understand that.
08:10 I am good company.
08:13 But I don't believe that you would leave a liter of your
08:15 blood on the shower floor for a chance meeting with me.
08:19 So what's really going on?
08:23 Closed captioning provided in part by--
08:25 Not a platitude.
08:26 It is the truth.
08:28 I'm sorry.
08:30 That came out all wrong.
08:31 You'd think with all the people I've lost in our life
08:34 that I would be able to do this better.
08:36 But it just never gets easier.
08:38 I'm sorry for offending you.
08:42 It's fine.
08:44 I didn't mean to snap at you.
08:47 Turns out I'm not very good at this grief stuff.
08:51 You know, if it had been up to me,
08:57 your father and I really never would have been friends.
09:01 I don't know if you noticed, but I have acquaintances,
09:06 but very few friends.
09:09 That's because I find most people annoying.
09:14 But not your father.
09:17 Caring about him as much as I did sort of--
09:21 it snuck up on me.
09:25 Yeah, he does.
09:29 He did that to people.
09:30 He was warm and engaging and never self-pitying.
09:40 Even when his illness gave him every right to be angry
09:43 and feel sorry for himself, that was one of the most
09:45 impressive things about him.
09:47 He faced the end of his life with great dignity
09:50 and courage.
09:52 Chase, you should be very proud of him.
09:55 I am.
09:57 I'm so proud.
10:00 And that is why it is killing me that I--
10:06 That you what?
10:09 It doesn't matter.
10:10 Oh, Chase, if there's one thing that I learned from my husband
10:15 Luke's death, it's that regrets only bring you more pain.
10:20 And I don't think your father would want that for you.
10:22 So if, in fact, there is something that's bothering you,
10:24 you need to let it go.
10:26 I can't.
10:27 Why not?
10:28 Because it's all my fault.
10:39 My dad pushed himself so hard because I asked
10:43 him to officiate my wedding.
10:44 I wanted him up there so bad at the altar
10:46 that I didn't even think about what he would do to his body.
10:50 That wedding was too much for my dad, and that is why--
10:53 Oh, Chase, do not do this to yourself.
10:55 Clearly, you think there's some big secret here.
11:01 But there's really nothing nefarious about this.
11:05 It just took me a long time to recognize
11:07 what a huge miscarriage of justice my disbarment was.
11:11 No, I don't mind that for a second.
11:14 It's a good thing your opinion doesn't matter, then.
11:16 I think you've been playing the long game,
11:19 biding your time until you figure everybody
11:22 forgot about what you did so you could sneak back in the side
11:26 door and plead procedural violations to get
11:29 your law license reinstated with minimal pushback.
11:32 I cannot believe how well you know me.
11:36 You're right.
11:37 This was all part of my master plan
11:39 because now I have the legal system just where I want it.
11:42 No, stop painting yourself as some sort of helpless victim.
11:47 You clearly are not helpless.
11:49 You have an excellent command of the law,
11:51 and you are nobody's victim.
11:54 You essentially did this to yourself.
11:57 With a lot of help from you.
12:00 And on that note, I have a question for you.
12:02 What's the real reason that you made it your mission
12:07 to keep me from practicing law?
12:10 That's a bit of an exaggeration.
12:12 Is it?
12:13 Because you went out of your way to track Ava down
12:16 to get her to sign that affidavit against me.
12:20 It's very complicated.
12:21 You wouldn't understand.
12:24 Oh, well, maybe if you talk real slow
12:27 and I can try and sound out the big words,
12:30 I might be able to keep up.
12:32 I've offended you.
12:33 That wasn't my intention.
12:34 I'm not offended.
12:35 I don't like being lied to.
12:37 My vice has nothing to do with your intelligence.
12:39 I think you are extremely smart.
12:43 But as you said, I'm a spy.
12:47 And these are spy games.
12:49 All that entails.
12:51 Everyone plays fast and loose with the truth.
12:54 And everyone has a double or triple motive.
12:57 It is, to quote a master of our craft,
13:01 the wilderness of mirrors.
13:03 Nothing is as it appears to be.
13:06 So you're not really guilty?
13:07 Is that where you're going with all this?
13:09 I'm in prison because I've been accused
13:11 of being the head of Pikeman.
13:13 But I haven't been tried yet for my alleged crimes
13:16 because they're afraid of what would come out in a courtroom.
13:22 So there I sit.
13:26 Well, everyone's entitled to due process,
13:28 but you're not exactly innocent.
13:30 Not by a long shot.
13:33 But neither are any of the people
13:34 that I'm playing against.
13:36 And that includes Anna Devine.
13:42 I didn't see the fight start.
13:45 When I got there, Sonny was kicking Dex,
13:46 and I just-- I just pulled him off.
13:48 How did you even know the fight was happening?
13:50 I mean, I could see that Sonny wasn't happy that Dex
13:52 was at the reception, and I just, you know,
13:54 had a bad feeling.
13:56 Rightly so.
13:57 And when Sonny followed Dex out,
13:59 I-- I went after them just in case.
14:02 And you found Sonny attacking Dex.
14:07 Anything else?
14:07 Dex has already decided.
14:13 He's not going to press charges.
14:14 This isn't an interrogation.
14:16 It's informational for me, Jason.
14:18 I'm trying to understand.
14:19 What the hell is going on with Sonny?
14:21 Is it off the record?
14:22 Yeah.
14:23 I mean, he lost it.
14:29 He threatened to kill me and Dex.
14:31 What exactly did he say?
14:32 Come on.
14:33 I'm sure Dex told you this.
14:34 No, I need to hear it from you.
14:37 He said Sonny said something about emptying
14:39 a gun in both of our heads.
14:41 Oh, gosh.
14:43 I-- I do not understand how Sonny would allow something
14:48 like this to happen in a public place
14:50 where anyone could witness it.
14:52 I mean, I was--
14:53 I was 200 feet away, not to mention the bride and groom
14:58 and bride's extended family, who for all intents and purposes
15:01 seem to think that Sonny walks on water.
15:03 They certainly wouldn't if they saw that, though.
15:05 No, they wouldn't.
15:06 Do you think that Sonny would try to have you and Dex killed?
15:17 Officiating your wedding was the honor of your father's life.
15:24 You saw him at the reception.
15:25 He was fully present and over the moon
15:27 watching you and Brooklyn.
15:29 But you saw what happened to him during the vows.
15:31 I mean, what if that was too much for him?
15:33 What if it was exactly the opposite?
15:36 Your father was struggling recently.
15:40 But he was determined to see you and Brooklyn married.
15:44 Officiating your wedding was the thing
15:46 that was keeping him going.
15:48 It's what kept him alive.
15:51 I never thought about it like that.
15:53 Sometimes we get too close to a situation
15:55 to really see it clearly.
15:57 You trusted him to officiate.
15:59 You didn't infantilize him.
16:01 You made sure he had his dignity to the end of his life.
16:04 Do not punish yourself for his death.
16:08 It was sad and unfair.
16:13 But sometimes that's just the way life is.
16:16 And it's nobody's fault, least of all yours.
16:21 I'm going to tell you something else.
16:24 I never heard your father brag.
16:27 Actually, I cannot stay.
16:53 So you two enjoy this.
16:54 I'm glad I could amuse you.
16:57 Care to let me in on the joke?
17:00 You had to be there.
17:02 OK, here you go.
17:03 Oh, actually, I cannot stay.
17:05 So you two enjoy this.
17:07 And don't bother to show me out.
17:11 This place is the size of a postage stamp.
17:14 Don't listen to my grandmother.
17:20 It's just who she is.
17:21 She calls him like she sees him.
17:22 Yeah.
17:25 Spinelli, I would not be involving you if I thought
17:28 I could do this alone.
17:28 But there's no way I can hack into the FBI system by myself.
17:33 Finding evidence like that is next to impossible.
17:41 Jason is far too important of an asset.
17:43 Whatever they have against him, the FBI
17:44 will be protecting with their strictest of security
17:47 protocols.
17:48 Look, I know that I'm asking a lot, maybe even too much.
17:51 But I would never be asking for your help
17:53 if it were just for me or for Jason.
17:58 But please, Spinelli, do it for Danny.
18:03 He is just a kid.
18:04 And he has been through so much already.
18:07 And he adores his father.
18:09 And he just got him back.
18:10 I don't know what Danny would do if he lost Jason again.
18:18 You know, there was a time I would have told you that Sonny
18:21 would never think about targeting me.
18:24 Because you two are so close.
18:25 Because it would be the wrong call.
18:27 I mean, something happens to me.
18:32 Something definitely happens to Dex.
18:34 Sonny's the first suspect.
18:35 He's got to know the PCPD and the FBI
18:37 will do whatever it takes to put him away for life.
18:40 Of course.
18:41 I mean, the Sonny that I knew was smart.
18:43 He was cool-headed.
18:44 There were lines that he would not cross.
18:48 I'm hoping that's still the case.
18:51 But you can't be certain anymore.
18:55 Anna and I go way back.
18:58 We came up in the WSB together.
19:01 We worked side by side on too many ops to count.
19:06 Which may be why Anna suspects me
19:08 of all kinds of nefarious things.
19:12 A few of which I've actually done.
19:16 But no one is innocent in our world.
19:19 That's just how it works with espionage.
19:22 It's hard enough to navigate that twisted universe
19:25 when you've been trained for it.
19:26 And you clearly haven't been.
19:29 What is that supposed to mean?
19:31 If you were a spy, you never would
19:33 have made the mistake of visiting me at Pentonville.
19:36 And here I thought you enjoyed that visit.
19:39 I did.
19:41 Which is why it pains me to say this.
19:42 Because I worry it means this will be
19:45 the last time you come see me.
19:47 But you have no idea what you gave me that time.
19:53 OK.
19:54 You're a spy.
19:56 Former head of the WSB.
19:59 I assume even in prison, you have a way
20:01 of keeping yourself in the loop.
20:04 What could I have possibly told you that you don't already know?
20:07 Well, allow me to give you your first lesson in espionage.
20:11 A good spy never tells.
20:17 Here's a fresh take.
20:18 She really knows her stuff about wine.
20:20 This is exactly what I needed tonight.
20:23 Yeah, me too.
20:24 Something wrong with that sip?
20:33 No, no, actually.
20:34 I'm really enjoying it.
20:36 Good.
20:37 It's just crazy how fast everything can change.
20:40 In one minute, we're about to go enjoy our honeymoon.
20:43 And then the next, I'm getting the worst news of my life.
20:47 It's like I have a whiplash.
20:48 Does that make sense?
20:49 It does.
20:51 Chase, you are grieving an incredible loss.
20:54 I know how much pain I'm in.
20:57 And it must be even worse for Finn.
20:59 I mean, dad is the last parent that he had left.
21:02 So how can I blame him for drinking when I'm doing it too?
21:08 Your situations are very different, though.
21:11 Hey, you don't have a problem with alcohol.
21:13 Finn's in recovery.
21:14 Yeah.
21:15 Alcohol is dangerous for Finn in a way
21:17 that it just isn't for you.
21:20 Yeah, you're right.
21:21 I talked to Finn when you took Violet on a walk.
21:28 Mm-hmm.
21:30 He said he's aware that he broke his sobriety
21:34 and what that means.
21:36 And he told me to pour out the rest of the bourbon.
21:38 And then he promised he would never have another drink.
21:42 That's good.
21:44 I'm not saying that it isn't a big deal
21:46 that he had a drink because he's been sober for so long.
21:49 But Finn is the one that found dad.
21:53 Every time I think about what that must have been like, I--
22:01 look, I don't--
22:05 I don't want to add to how much Finn
22:07 is already beating himself up.
22:10 If I'm as supportive as possible, I know--
22:16 I know that I can get him through this
22:18 without another drink.
22:20 OK.
22:21 That's what you're going to do.
22:23 And I'll be right by your side supporting him through it.
22:28 Thank you.
22:28 Hacking into the FBI is a federal crime, which could
22:35 land us both in prison for life.
22:38 Were you willing to chance losing your freedom over this?
22:42 I would never risk being separated from my family
22:46 if I didn't think it was absolutely necessary
22:49 for both Danny and Jason.
22:52 [KNOCKING]
22:53 Knock, knock. Sorry I'm late.
22:54 James was refusing to eat his broccoli.
22:56 Oh, Sam.
22:57 Hi.
22:58 Maxie, hi.
22:58 It was so great seeing you guys at Brooklyn's wedding.
23:00 Dante was really getting his groove on.
23:02 After everything he's been through,
23:04 it's nice to see him doing so well.
23:05 I know, right?
23:06 He's like basically back to his old self again.
23:10 The doctors are like amazed how quickly his recovery has been.
23:13 I really love that.
23:15 Me too.
23:16 You know what?
23:16 I am-- I've got to get going.
23:18 But why don't the four of us grab dinner sometime on me?
23:21 That sounds great, right?
23:23 Really? - Yeah.
23:23 Offer most delightful, yes.
23:24 OK, so I'll call you and we'll schedule something?
23:27 Yeah.
23:28 OK.
23:29 Think about what I said.
23:32 I'll be in touch.
23:33 Bye, Max.
23:34 Bye.
23:35 [DOOR OPENS]
23:39 That was cryptic.
23:42 I'm guessing I interrupted something.
23:44 What is it Sam wants you to think about?
23:47 She contacted the panel and offered to sign an affidavit
23:50 that you had perjured yourself.
23:54 Marcus, did you ever think about checking into Ava's past
23:59 before you decided to take her on
24:01 as an unimpeachable witness?
24:04 The woman is quite literally a murderer.
24:08 Doesn't make her allegations any less true.
24:11 How about the fact that she had a personal vendetta against me?
24:16 Well, Ava did mention the fact that you essentially
24:19 destroyed her brother's life, strikingly
24:22 similar to the way you destroyed both my brother's lives.
24:26 You know what I find interesting?
24:29 Neil never once mentioned you to me.
24:32 I mean, that's weird.
24:35 We were very close.
24:36 I mean, that's not normal that he didn't
24:38 tell me that he had a brother.
24:42 So Fergus, why do you think that is?
24:43 My brothers and I had issues.
24:52 Emotions were running high after my father's death,
24:55 and we argued over his estate.
24:58 Angry words were exchanged.
25:00 Feelings were hurt.
25:03 I didn't speak to either of them for a decade.
25:07 So much for brotherly love.
25:09 I deeply regret that we weren't able to resolve our differences
25:16 before they passed.
25:18 But how was I to know that within the span of two years,
25:22 they'd both be gone, and all because of you?
25:27 At least I was able to console myself with the knowledge
25:32 that you'll never be allowed to practice law again.
25:35 And I intend to do everything in my power
25:38 to make sure you never are.
25:46 Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken.
25:48 A cozy chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken.
25:51 Fiery with a cooling finish.
25:53 The Nashville-style hot chicken, part
25:54 of the new globally inspired Subway series.
25:57 Tough enough to get the job done,
26:00 smart enough to get it done right.
26:02 Tough this smart can only be called F-150.
26:10 Or the decades of time that you wasted that you're
26:12 not going to get back.
26:14 You know, I was actually hoping that you'd
26:18 be able to take some responsibility for your actions.
26:21 But clearly, that's not the case.
26:25 And yet another reason you're probably
26:27 not fit to practice law.
26:30 I'm just upholding the ethics and standards of my profession.
26:34 Despite what you think, it's not personal.
26:37 You know, if you were under oath right now,
26:39 you would have just committed perjury.
26:41 Actually, you're the perjurer.
26:45 And I'm the one with the law license.
26:48 Enjoy your salad.
26:53 When I first heard about my dad's ALS diagnosis,
26:56 I did a lot of research.
26:58 I know that it's always fatal.
27:02 Intellectually, I knew that it would
27:03 eventually take my dad's life.
27:05 But my dad's so strong.
27:08 I mean, he was Superman to me.
27:12 But now that he's gone, I realize
27:15 that there was a tiny part of me that
27:16 actually thought he'd beat it.
27:19 Beat a fatal disease.
27:20 How insane is that?
27:21 No, it's not.
27:22 It makes sense.
27:25 I just wasn't prepared for how much this would hurt.
27:29 I've called him, or I've tried to call him,
27:30 like, four times today.
27:33 I just can't believe I'm never going to talk to him again.
27:36 I just wish there was something I could do to make this even
27:38 a tiny bit easier for you.
27:40 Just you being here, that makes all the difference.
27:47 And I think my dad knew that.
27:49 What do you mean?
27:51 Your grandmother made me realize how much it meant to my dad
27:55 to see us getting ready to spend our lives together.
27:59 And I think that he felt like it was
28:02 OK to go after the wedding.
28:06 He knew I wouldn't be alone.
28:07 He knew I'd have you.
28:12 Always.
28:13 Sam thinks it's the only way that Jason can
28:20 retake control of his life.
28:23 By you hacking into the FBI.
28:28 I know how it sounds.
28:30 And in light of our, you know, our renewed closeness
28:33 and our daughter, I just--
28:37 I thought you should know what was going on.
28:38 But you haven't told Sam yet whether you're
28:41 going to do it or not.
28:42 Well, at the wedding, I said that I'd do it.
28:44 But just now, I was telling her I was having second thoughts.
28:46 And she had some very persuasive and heart-tugging arguments.
28:49 So your entrance was incredibly well-timed,
28:51 because it now gives me some breathing room
28:52 to think it over.
28:55 OK.
28:56 First, I think it is insane what the FBI is doing to Jason.
29:00 And of course, I want you to help him get out
29:02 from underneath their thumb.
29:04 And I really do understand where Sam is coming from,
29:06 as far as Dani is concerned.
29:07 She's just trying to protect her son.
29:10 But Spinelli isn't hacking the FBI a felony?
29:15 A federal crime of the most punishable nature.
29:19 They could lock me up and throw away the key if I get caught.
29:21 Yeah, that's what I thought.
29:23 So you doing this could put you at risk
29:26 and in turn, your family.
29:28 That's-- that's why, if you don't want me to do it,
29:30 I'm--
29:33 happy to turn Sam down.
29:36 So I had a hold of Sonny.
29:38 And I told Dex to go.
29:41 And Sonny was just yelling threats.
29:43 And then we heard some plates drop.
29:46 And we turned and we saw Christina.
29:48 And Christina was in shock.
29:51 She was staring at Sonny.
29:52 And then-- and then she took off.
29:54 And I told Dex to go again, because I still had Sonny.
29:57 And it wasn't-- you know, he was still not rational.
30:00 But he was no longer completely out of control.
30:02 And I let him go.
30:04 And then he went after Christina.
30:05 And I called Carly.
30:07 To talk Sonny down?
30:10 She'd be the only one who could get through to him.
30:13 Carly to the rescue again.
30:16 What do you mean?
30:17 What does that mean?
30:18 Who else to Carly rescue?
30:20 I don't care.
30:21 I don't care what information I gave you in Pentonville.
30:24 I don't care about the crimes that Anna suspects you of.
30:27 I don't care that you stabbed yourself, because I
30:29 know you're going to be fine.
30:30 The only thing I care about is that my friend, my best friend,
30:34 Jason, that he stays safe.
30:39 Never met the man, but he must be a great guy.
30:43 And if he can inspire you to be this loyal to him.
30:47 He deserves peace now that he's home.
30:49 Ah, yes, peace.
30:51 I remember what that's like.
30:53 It's been a while, though.
30:55 I'm just asking, whatever is going on, keep Jason out of it.
31:01 Given the respect I have for your intelligence,
31:08 I won't go through the motions of assuring you
31:10 that I'll never harm your friend, when I'd probably
31:13 kill him if I had to.
31:17 But cheer up.
31:18 And what are the odds I'll even run into your Mr. Morgan?
31:21 After this little vacation, I'll be whisked back to Pentonville
31:25 and locked away in a cell again.
31:28 Glad to hear it.
31:30 I should go.
31:32 Get some rest.
31:33 Maybe I'll come back and see you before you head back to prison.
31:36 You shouldn't.
31:38 You should stay far away from me.
31:42 Want pizza?
31:42 Equation, would you do this?
31:47 Despite a plethora of misgivings, I would.
31:52 OK, I think you should help them.
31:55 Really?
31:56 Yeah.
31:56 Yeah, you're the only person with the skill set
31:58 who could actually pull this off.
32:00 I just have one requirement.
32:04 Anything, Maximista.
32:06 Don't get caught.
32:08 I wasn't planning on it.
32:09 I mean it, Spinelli.
32:10 You can't get caught.
32:11 You have to promise me you're going to be careful.
32:14 And if it seems like the FBI is even a little bit onto you,
32:16 you abandon ship.
32:17 Because no one, especially Jason,
32:19 wants you to sacrifice yourself for him.
32:21 I'll be cautious and untraceable.
32:24 You better be.
32:25 The kids and I really need you.
32:27 We do?
32:27 Yeah.
32:28 They asked about you like four times today.
32:30 James even said you would not have
32:32 made him eat his broccoli.
32:34 What a little scamp.
32:36 He's right.
32:36 Everybody really misses you living with us.
32:43 Think maybe you could come over for dinner tomorrow night?
32:47 Just try and stop me.
32:50 Brennan was stabbed.
32:52 Pentonville.
32:53 He is currently undergoing treatment at GH.
32:56 And his stab wound was serious enough.
32:59 He lost a lot of blood.
33:00 It's going to be fine.
33:02 Timing seems a little suspicious, don't you think?
33:04 Yeah, and the placement of the wound.
33:06 Makes me believe that the injury was self-inflicted.
33:10 Get out of jail free card.
33:12 Because he knows that at GH, he's
33:14 going to have a much easier time communicating
33:16 with whoever it is that's running Pikeman for him.
33:19 Yeah, so what does any of this have to do with Carly?
33:21 Initially, Brennan insisted that he
33:24 had been stabbed in the shower by another prisoner
33:28 when his guard was down.
33:29 But I know this man.
33:31 His guard is never down.
33:33 And he could tell that I wasn't buying his explanation.
33:36 And he changed his story and said that actually he
33:41 had stabbed himself in order to see Carly again.
33:47 Wait, wait, wait.
33:47 Is that possible?
33:49 It's not impossible.
33:51 I mean, he does seem to be genuinely taken with her.
33:55 But we both know that Brennan is up to something.
33:59 And he might be using Carly as a cover.
34:03 People will tell you I'm a bad, bad man.
34:07 You should avoid at all costs.
34:09 I don't listen to people.
34:12 I make up my own mind.
34:14 Beautiful and smart.
34:16 I have never meant anything more than the vows I said to you.
34:26 Me either.
34:28 I'm so glad my dad was there to hear them.
34:30 Me too.
34:34 Did you change your ringtone?
34:36 No.
34:37 I think that's my dad's phone.
34:39 I took it from Finn's place.
34:40 It's Alexis.
34:47 She must not know yet.
34:49 My dad mentioned she was going out of town.
34:51 Well, you should answer it before it goes to voicemail.
34:55 Alexis, this is Chase.
34:57 Hi. Hi, Chase.
34:58 Can I talk to Gregory, please?
35:01 Yeah, I'm-- I'm sorry to do this over the phone.
35:03 But there's something I got to tell you.
35:07 I'm sorry.
35:26 I'm so sorry.
35:27 Chase, I'm so sorry.
35:28 Will you tell me if there's anything I can do?
35:38 Details about the service?
35:41 Yeah, take care.
35:43 Take care of yourself.
35:48 [SIGHS]
36:03 (music)
