The Dumb Bunnies The Dumb Bunnies E005 – Stressed To Impress

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 (rire)
00:01 (coups de feu)
00:02 (musique joyeuse)
00:05 - Oh!
00:06 (rire)
00:07 (coup de feu)
00:08 (cris de joie)
00:11 - The dumb bunnies!
00:13 (musique joyeuse)
00:16 - The dumb bunnies!
00:18 (musique joyeuse)
00:21 (coup de feu)
00:22 (musique joyeuse)
00:27 - Come on in!
00:29 (coups de feu)
00:30 (cris de joie)
00:32 - Bunnies!
00:33 - Oh!
00:34 (coup de feu)
00:35 (cris de joie)
00:36 (musique joyeuse)
00:38 (coup de feu)
00:39 (coup de feu)
00:40 (coup de feu)
00:41 (coup de feu)
00:42 (coup de feu)
00:43 (coup de feu)
00:44 - The dumb bunnies!
00:46 (coup de feu)
00:47 - That's us!
00:49 (coup de feu)
00:50 (coup de feu)
00:51 (musique douce)
00:56 - Ah, yes!
00:57 It's the weekend here in Bunnyville.
00:59 Time to get out the lawn mower and...
01:02 (coups de feu)
01:03 Do a little snow blowing!
01:06 (cris de joie)
01:08 (cris de douleur)
01:10 (coups de feu)
01:11 - Sounds like trouble at the uppities!
01:14 (coup de feu)
01:15 - Ah!
01:16 My lawn!
01:18 - Looks like you missed a spot with the mower, Bill!
01:22 - Oh, well, mistakes happen.
01:24 - Mistakes happen?
01:25 I don't make mistakes!
01:27 I never make mistakes!
01:29 It isn't the uppity thing to do!
01:31 - Oops! Sorry! We forgot!
01:33 - Our mistake!
01:34 - Yes, it was.
01:36 Unfortunately, my lawn mower is in the shop
01:38 for its weekly shampoo and...
01:39 - Say no more, Bill!
01:41 - Papa loves mowing the lawn!
01:43 (coup de feu)
01:44 - You're not going to use that
01:46 on my almost perfect lawn, are you?
01:48 - Of course not!
01:49 The lawn mower is for snow blowing!
01:51 - What do you use for lawn mowing?
01:53 - Oh! What else?
01:55 - The snow blower!
01:57 (coup de feu)
01:58 (coup de feu)
01:59 (coup de feu)
02:00 (coup de feu)
02:01 (coup de feu)
02:02 - Yes!
02:03 Papa loves to help his neighbors!
02:06 (coup de feu)
02:07 (coup de feu)
02:08 (coup de feu)
02:09 (coup de feu)
02:10 (coup de feu)
02:11 (coup de feu)
02:12 (coup de feu)
02:13 - Well, as you can see,
02:15 Bill Uppity's lawn isn't perfect.
02:17 So, of course, Papa has offered to mow it
02:20 with his snow blower.
02:21 (coup de feu)
02:24 - No!
02:25 (coup de feu)
02:26 (coup de feu)
02:27 - Sorry, Bill! What was I thinking?
02:30 You'd rather borrow my snow blower
02:32 and mow it yourself!
02:33 - Eww!
02:34 - Oh! Sounds like more trouble at the Uppity's!
02:37 It's... it's...
02:39 - The dumb bunnies!
02:41 - Hi, Pissy!
02:42 - Bill has been wanting to ask you
02:44 to do us a little favor.
02:46 - A favor? We'd love to!
02:48 - Oh! Um... well, I've invited my boss, Mr. Grudge,
02:52 over for dinner.
02:53 - I'm preparing a perfectly lovely meal!
02:55 - And I have to stand perfectly still
02:58 so I don't wrinkle my perfect dress!
03:00 - We were planning on spending
03:02 a perfectly quiet afternoon with Mr. Grudge.
03:05 So I wonder if you'd mind...
03:07 - Say no more, Bill! We don't mind a bit!
03:09 - You don't?
03:10 - We just wished you told us sooner!
03:12 - Let's get hopping!
03:14 (coup de feu)
03:15 (coup de feu)
03:17 (coup de feu)
03:18 (coup de feu)
03:19 (coup de feu)
03:20 (coup de feu)
03:21 (coup de feu)
03:22 (coup de feu)
03:23 (coup de feu)
03:24 (coup de feu)
03:25 - I only wanted them to leave for the day,
03:27 but it looks like they're going for the whole week!
03:30 - Now we can spend a perfectly quiet afternoon
03:33 impressing Mr. Grudge!
03:35 (coup de feu)
03:36 (coup de feu)
03:37 (coup de feu)
03:38 (coup de feu)
03:39 (coup de feu)
03:40 (coup de feu)
03:41 (coup de feu)
03:42 (coup de feu)
03:43 - Here you go, dear!
03:44 - I know you like to nap on car rides!
03:46 (coup de feu)
03:47 (coup de feu)
03:48 (coup de feu)
03:49 (coup de feu)
03:50 (coup de feu)
03:51 (coup de feu)
03:52 - Yes, everything's going to be perfect!
03:55 (coup de feu)
03:56 (coup de feu)
03:57 (coup de feu)
03:58 (coup de feu)
03:59 (coup de feu)
04:00 (coup de feu)
04:01 - I'll just fire this monster up and...
04:03 (coup de feu)
04:04 (coup de feu)
04:05 Oh no! I broke it!
04:06 (coup de feu)
04:07 Oh well, I'm sure Papa will understand that mistakes happen.
04:09 (coup de feu)
04:10 What am I saying?
04:11 I don't make mistakes!
04:12 (coup de feu)
04:13 (coup de feu)
04:14 - Hmm...
04:15 Are we there yet?
04:16 - Just a few more feet, son!
04:18 (coup de feu)
04:19 (coup de feu)
04:20 (coup de feu)
04:21 (coup de feu)
04:22 (coup de feu)
04:23 - They're back!
04:25 - Don't worry, Bill!
04:26 We brought everything you need!
04:28 (coup de feu)
04:29 - Whoa! What's all this?
04:31 - Well, your boss is coming over,
04:33 and you were worried things were going to be too quiet.
04:35 - So we brought party noisemakers
04:37 to make sure it'll be good and loud!
04:40 (coup de feu)
04:41 - And party games are going to be lots of fun!
04:44 - No...
04:45 - Here, you play the pipes,
04:47 and I'll mow the lawn for you!
04:49 - No! It's okay.
04:51 I mean, thanks for the offer, but, um...
04:54 - Ah-ha! I know what's wrong!
04:56 - You do?
04:58 I... well, you see, it... I...
05:01 - We forgot the party balloons!
05:03 Sorry, Bill! Our mistake!
05:05 - You can't have a party without balloons!
05:08 - Let's get hopping!
05:10 (coup de feu)
05:11 (soupir)
05:16 - Now all I have to do is fix it
05:18 before any bunny knows it was broken.
05:21 (coup de feu)
05:22 (coup de feu)
05:23 (coup de feu)
05:24 (coup de feu)
05:25 - I wonder where we can find balloons for Bill's party!
05:28 - Good question, dear!
05:29 - And of course, who better to ask a good question
05:32 than the bunny who has all the good answers,
05:34 Professor Bunsen Bunny!
05:36 (coup de feu)
05:37 (coup de feu)
05:38 (coup de feu)
05:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
05:44 - Hel... halo...
05:46 don... bunnies...
05:47 - Hé, hé, hé!
05:49 - Professor?
05:51 - We came to ask you about balloon.
05:53 - Well then.
05:54 When you're in luck.
05:56 - Che.
05:57 We thought we were in your lab!
05:58 - Of course you are.
06:00 - Which is lucky since I am currently
06:02 studying the properties of helium gas!
06:05 What does that have to do with balloons?
06:07 - So glad you asked.
06:09 - Yay! It's time for a dumb bunny discovery!
06:12 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:13 - At the turn of the century,
06:15 Professor Bubble B. Bunny was investigating
06:17 the lighter-than-air properties of helium gas.
06:20 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:23 When he picked an unfortunate place
06:25 to put the huge wad of bubble gum,
06:27 he was chewing.
06:29 - Oops! That was a mistake.
06:31 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:34 - But sometimes the most amazing discoveries
06:36 have been the result of silly little mistakes.
06:39 In one day, he invented the world's first
06:42 helium-filled balloon
06:43 and the world's first floating laboratory.
06:46 Professor Bubble went on to have great success...
06:49 [explosion]
06:50 [whistles]
06:51 [explosion]
06:52 a house mover.
06:55 ♪ ♪ ♪
06:59 - Great story, Professor!
07:01 - But we were hoping you could tell us
07:03 where to find a balloon.
07:04 - Oh, dear!
07:06 Leave it to me to get carried away
07:07 with long-winded explanations.
07:09 My mistake.
07:10 - No problem, Professor.
07:11 Now we know balloons float
07:13 'cause they're filled with helium.
07:15 - And mistakes aren't always bad.
07:17 - Excellent! And you know,
07:19 I believe I can solve your balloon dilemma as well.
07:22 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:26 - Jumpin' jackrabbits!
07:28 - Meanwhile, Bill Eppity is working frantically
07:31 to cover up a silly little mistake of his own.
07:33 [grunts]
07:36 - Nobody is going to say Bill Eppity makes mistakes.
07:40 [grunts]
07:41 Oh, now what?
07:42 [dramatic music]
07:45 ♪ ♪ ♪
07:48 [electricity crackling]
07:49 [explosion]
07:52 I meant to do that.
07:55 - Did you mean to do that too?
07:58 - [gasps]
07:59 - Great idea, Bill!
08:01 - You can't have a good party without a flaming umbrella!
08:04 - And look what else we've got!
08:07 - Bonnyville's biggest party balloon!
08:09 - Looks like your party isn't going to be
08:10 as boring as you thought.
08:12 - Yes, even Bill would admit,
08:14 things are never boring when the dumb bunnies drop in.
08:16 [train whistle blows]
08:17 [soft music]
08:23 When we last saw the dumb bunnies,
08:24 they were helping Bill Eppity get ready for a visit
08:26 from his boss, Mr. Grudge,
08:27 which is why they are coming in
08:29 for a landing in a two-ton party balloon.
08:31 And Bill Eppity was trying to fix Papa's snowboard
08:33 before anyone finds out he broke it.
08:35 - Fire!
08:36 Fire!
08:37 [train whistle blows]
08:40 [crash]
08:41 - The dumb bunnies put out the fire!
08:43 - Whoops! These things are tricky to park.
08:46 - Sorry, Bill, we didn't mean to put out
08:47 your flaming umbrella.
08:49 - Our mistake!
08:50 - [sighs] Yes.
08:52 But somehow it worked out just perfectly.
08:56 - [screams]
08:58 - Uh-oh! Sounds like--
08:59 - I know, I know.
09:00 Trouble at the Eppity's.
09:02 - Chrissy!
09:03 Look at your dress!
09:06 - This is nothing! Look at the house!
09:08 [train whistle blows]
09:09 And look at Daddy!
09:11 - And look at the big party balloon.
09:14 [train whistle blows]
09:16 - Look at that!
09:17 [train whistle blows]
09:19 - No problem, Bill!
09:20 I'll take care of it before you can say!
09:22 - No, no, no, you've done enough already.
09:25 - Wanna play pin the pizza on the chandelier?
09:27 - Okay!
09:29 - My, my, how time flies when you're having fun!
09:32 And this has been fun!
09:34 But time being what it is,
09:36 come inside and change your dress, Chrissy.
09:38 [train whistle blows]
09:39 - Time! Look at the time!
09:41 Mr. Grudge will be here any minute!
09:43 I'm running out of time!
09:44 - Say no more, Bill!
09:46 We'll be back with more time in no time!
09:50 - More time?
09:51 Well, I'll keep him away for the afternoon.
09:54 [train whistle blows]
09:56 - So, Seth, time flies when you're having fun!
09:59 - We're having fun!
10:01 - And we're flying!
10:02 - So, time must be around here somewhere!
10:06 - There it is!
10:07 [train whistle blows]
10:09 - And it's lunchtime!
10:11 You know what that means!
10:12 - It's time for a bedtime story!
10:15 - That's my boy!
10:16 - That's right!
10:18 Let's all snuggle in for another dumb bunny tale.
10:21 [bell dings]
10:23 [narrateur lit le texte]
10:26 [narrateur lit le texte]
10:29 [narrateur lit le texte]
10:32 [narrateur lit le texte]
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10:41 [narrateur lit le texte]
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10:47 [narrateur lit le texte]
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10:59 [narrateur lit le texte]
11:03 [narrateur lit le texte]
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11:09 [narrateur lit le texte]
11:12 [narrateur lit le texte]
11:15 [narrateur lit le texte]
11:18 [narrateur lit le texte]
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11:24 [narrateur lit le texte]
11:27 [narrateur lit le texte]
11:30 [narrateur lit le texte]
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11:57 [narrateur lit le texte]
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13:59 [narrateur lit le texte]
14:02 [narrateur lit le texte]
14:05 [narrateur lit le texte]
14:08 [cris de douleur]
14:11 [coup de feu]
14:12 [musique douce]
14:15 [musique douce]
14:18 [cris d'exclamations]
14:20 - Daytime fireworks!
14:22 - Great idea, Bill!
14:24 - It's Mr. Grudge!
14:26 - What? Already? Where?
14:28 [soupir]
14:29 - Hey, that looks just like your boss!
14:31 Except for the crossed eyes and goofy expression.
14:34 [rire]
14:35 [en anglais]
14:38 [en anglais]
14:41 [en anglais]
14:44 [en anglais]
14:47 [en anglais]
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17:01 [bruit de la mer]
17:04 [bruit de la mer]
17:07 [bruit de la mer]
17:10 [bruit de la mer]
17:13 [bruit de la mer]
17:16 [explosion]
17:19 [en anglais]
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19:39 [musique]
19:42 [musique]
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19:48 [musique]
19:51 [musique]
19:54 [musique]
