FTS 12:30 27-05: International Community condemns Israeli attack on refugee camp in Gaza

  • 5 months ago
FTS 12.30
*Mexico’s electoral campaigns enter their final phase
*BRICS begins economic and financial forum in Moscow


00:00Several countries, including Qatar, Egypt and Lebanon, have condemned in the strongest
00:14terms the attack perpetrated by Israeli troops on the Rafah refugee camp that left at least
00:1945 killed.
00:22Mexico's electoral campaigns entered their final phase in the run-up to the presidential
00:26election next Sunday, June 2.
00:31Briggs Economic and Financial Forum began on Monday in Moscow, the capital of Russia,
00:36with a working agenda aimed at promoting the new global economic order.
00:43Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luisa Bertomatos from the Lesotho studios in Havana,
00:48Let's begin with the news.
01:07In the Middle East, several countries, including Qatar, Egypt and Lebanon, have condemned in
01:11the strongest terms the attack perpetrated by Zionist troops on the Rafah refugee camp.
01:16Egypt's foreign ministry also denounced that the attack left hundreds dead and wounded.
01:20The various foreign offices claim that Israel has gone beyond all possible limits by attacking
01:24unarmed and defenseless Palestinians and flagrantly violating international law.
01:28The Qatari foreign ministry warns that the operation on Rafah makes any negotiation with
01:32Hamas much more difficult and increases the risk to the lives of Israeli hostages.
01:38Egypt has urgently requested a meeting of the UN Security Council.
01:46This comes after eight Israeli missiles targeted an allegedly safe camp housed in displaced
01:50Palestinians near Rafah on Sunday.
01:52The latest information states 45 people were murdered in the attack, while 249 were injured.
01:57Reports from the site state that many were burned alive inside their tents in an attack
02:03that came days after the International Court of Justice from the UN ordered Israel to halt
02:08all military actions in the region.
02:10Let us recall that since October 7, 1.4 million Palestinians had been forced to seek refuge
02:15in Rafah due to Israeli attacks.
02:25The government media office in Gaza highlighted in a statement that the Israeli army attacked
02:30at least 10 displacement centers affiliated with the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees.
02:35It added that the recent attack on refugee camps in Rafah was carried out using at least
02:39eight bombs of 2,000 pounds.
02:41The office stressed that the attacks are a clear message from Israel and the U.S. government
02:46to the International Court of Justice and the global community that massacres against
02:50displaced people will continue as will the violation of international law.
03:01The Israeli occupation army has bombarded more than 10 centers for displaced persons
03:06in the last 24 hours and recently committed a horrific massacre in the center for displaced
03:11persons in al-Waqala, northwest of the Rafah governorate, killing more than 30 martyrs
03:16and injuring dozens of people.
03:19The Israeli occupation army had designated these areas as safe zones and had called on
03:24citizens and displaced persons to go to these safe zones.
03:28When the displaced persons fled to these areas, the Israeli army of occupation committed massacres
03:33and executions there.
03:36Further apart, those who were victims of the attack at the camp highlighted that the attack
03:40came without any kind of warning.
03:42We were sitting down and we prayed the end of day prayer.
03:46Our children were asleep.
03:48There was nothing, nothing.
03:49We heard suddenly loud noise and the fire started burning all around us.
03:53The children were shouting.
03:55All the rooms were surrounded.
03:56The loud sound was terrifying.
03:58It sounded like shrapnel going through the rooms.
04:01Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would do everything possible
04:06to hold Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accountable for the deadly attacks in Rafah.
04:14The genocidal criminals, who have martyred more than 36,000 of our Palestinian brothers
04:18and sisters yesterday, rained missiles and bombs on civilians in a refugee camp in Rafah,
04:24which they declared a safe zone.
04:29As Turkish, we will do everything in our power to hold these murderers, these barbarians,
04:33who have no sense of humanity, to account.
04:37The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees and several human
04:41rights organizations continue to condemn Israel for committing war crimes in Rafah.
04:45The Israeli international organization condemned Sunday's brutal attack by the Israeli occupation
04:50army, which fired on tents full of civilians.
04:52Precisely, official reports indicated that the Zionist attacks targeted women, children
04:57and the elderly inside the refugee camps, with several displaced people burned alive.
05:02On the other hand, Chris Gunes, former president of the United Nations Work and Aid Agency
05:06for Palestinian Refugees, proposed that Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Golan
05:11should be made wanted war criminals.
05:20Meanwhile in Spain, after the announcement of the recognition of the Palestinian state,
05:23Israel takes measures that prohibits the Spanish government to provide consular services
05:27to Palestinian citizens.
05:29From Barcelona, our colleague Andres Flores with details.
05:34Exactly, the news goes through the international point here in Spain because Israel has finally
05:42decided to take the decision to prohibit Spain to provide consular services to the Palestinians
05:47of West Bank.
05:50A decision that had already been advanced on Friday in an unofficial way, not in an
05:56official way through a communique and in this case it is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
06:00of Israel that has affirmed this prohibition to Spain, a prohibition that comes of course
06:05after the decision of the Spanish state to recognize the Palestinian state.
06:11A decision that also for now is something that has been expressed through different
06:15channels but that has not been made official because it will be made tomorrow, a decision
06:19that will also be accompanied by different countries of Europe and that of course Israel
06:23had already stated that it was going to respond.
06:28The response has come from the diplomatic point of view with this prohibition, which
06:32we must clarify, is a prohibition that applies to those people with, those people from Palestine,
06:38not those people with Spanish passports for whom the consulate will be able to continue
06:42providing services.
06:46We recall that this also comes as a result of a large social mobilization in Spain that
06:50was pressing in the streets for a request for recognition of the Palestinian state and
06:55also accompanied by other slogans that we have seen repeated in the various demonstrations
06:59such as the end of the arms trade with Israel.
07:04We are going to follow very closely what is happening with all this issue because these
07:08are going to be key days today because of this consular ban.
07:14But it will also be key tomorrow when the recognition of the Palestinian state by Spain
07:19is formalized.
07:21Let's now take a short break but remember you can join us on TELESOL English where you
07:27will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
07:35Other stories coming up, stay with us.
07:38Welcome back.
07:58The Iranian executive unveiled on Sunday a documentary with the latest hours of the Palestinian
08:03Ebrahim Raisi and his entourage confirming that the crashed helicopter never left its
08:06route and that there were no impacts of projectiles.
08:09In this regard, the broadcast highlighted that when the helicopter took off, the water
08:13conditions were optimal.
08:14On the other hand, the investigations by the Commission of Experts assured there was permanent
08:18contact until a little more than a minute before the crash.
08:21The report detailed that when the two helicopters that accompanied the one in which the Iranian
08:25president was traveling lost communication with the presidential aircraft landed immediately
08:30and their initial data helped to better position the place of the tragedy.
08:37When we got to be above the clouds, after flying for almost 30 seconds, we realized
08:43that the third helicopter in which the president was traveling was not with us.
08:49The Minister of Roads and Urban Development explained some data related to the search
08:52and that it was Iranian drones that identified the site of the accident.
08:58There was only one base transceiver station there, and with this we could not track the
09:03location accurately, as we needed at least three stations, but we were able to find
09:07the most probable location of the incident.
09:11Antigua and Barbuda, 37 nations vulnerable to the consequences of climate change, met
09:15in MEET in the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Development States, a meeting
09:20in Saint-Martin assessing the capacity of small island developing states to achieve
09:24their development, an aspect encompassed by the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development
09:29These nations, which occupy less than 0.5% of the global land surface, are distributed
09:35in the following regions, the Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the South China
09:41Data from the Venice official website only scores that these countries contribute less
09:45than 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions, yet they suffer disproportionately from the
09:50impacts of climate change.
09:59Mexico's electoral campaigns are entering their final phase in the run-up to the presidential
10:13election next Sunday, June 2nd.
10:16Presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum, for the political party Let's Continue Making
10:19History, will lead a rally in the Revolution Square, located in the state of Tabasco, to
10:24continue with the closing of her campaign.
10:26On the other hand, the presidential candidate for the Citizens' Movement, Jorge Alvarez,
10:30resumed his campaign events with a visit to the state of Colima.
10:33For her part, the third presidential candidate, Xochitl Galvez, will visit the municipalities
10:37of Pachica, Guadalajara and Zapotlan, El Grande, as part of her electoral campaign.
10:56Mexico experiences its third heatwave with temperatures of up to 45 degrees Celsius.
11:08The National Water Commission forecasts high temperatures for 17 of the 32 states, including
11:13Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa and Nayarit.
11:16The entity explained that the cause of the high temperatures could be due to an anti-cyclonic
11:20wave that crosses the country.
11:22It warned that the temperature level will be maintained until next October 5th.
11:31In Colombia, rains unleashed a humanitarian emergency in Quibdo, in the department of
11:35Choco, one of the country's poorest populations.
11:38More than 1,300 families are suffering the fury of the climatic phenomenon known as La
11:43Niña, a municipality of Nuqui, the city of Quibdo.
11:47According to Disaster Risk Coordinator Sergio Prada, in addition to the torrential rains,
11:51the area is being hard-hit by flash floods and landslides.
11:54The most critical area is the community of Termales, due to coastal erosion.
11:58In the midst of this emergency, the National Institute of Meteorology and Environmental
12:02Studies of Colombia assured that there are at least 86 more municipalities under landslide
12:13U.S. authorities report over 18 people killed after heavy storms and tornadoes in the state
12:18of Texas.
12:19Authorities added that several people were injured.
12:21They also detailed that dozens of homes were destroyed and thousands of citizens are without
12:27power due to adverse weather conditions.
12:29The National Weather Service issued a storm warning for the state of Oklahoma, specifying
12:33that the situation was very volatile and could bring tornadoes, hail or dangerous winds.
12:44In Papua New Guinea, the government said Monday that more than 2,000 people are feared to
12:48have been buried by a landslide that destroyed a remote highland village.
12:52In this context, the government pleaded for international help in the rescue efforts.
12:56The hillside community in Enga province was almost wiped out when a chunk of Mount Mungalo
13:01collapsed in the early hours of Friday morning.
13:04The country's National Disaster Center said the landslide caused major destruction to
13:08buildings, food gardens and had a major impact on the economic lifeline of the nation.
13:13The disaster center added that the landslip was continuing to shift slowly, posing ongoing
13:18danger to both the rescue teams and survivors alike.
13:25We have a final short break coming up, but before we invite you to join our WhatsApp
13:28community for our English-speaking audience, you can scan the QR code on screen to join
13:32directly and share the link to reach more people, constant news coverage of Latin America
13:36and the Caribbean as well as the rest of the world.
13:39Stay connected and informed.
13:40We'll tell you soon.
13:41Final short break.
13:42Go away.
13:48Welcome back.
14:04BRICS Economic and Financial Forum began on Monday in Moscow, the capital of Russia, with
14:08a working agenda aimed at promoting a new global economic order.
14:11In this sense, organizers assure that more than 700 experts are attending the event while
14:15thousands are able to access virtually.
14:17Precisely, one of the objectives to be developed among ministers, government officials, diplomatic
14:21missions, businessmen and academics will be independent financial instruments to deal
14:26with the current financial system in the materialization of new payment and settlement activities to
14:31promote fluidity between the nations of the BRICS bloc.
14:39Also in Western Russia, a Ukrainian drone strike killed one person and injured three
14:42others in Odial province.
14:45Federal Governor Andrei Klitschkov reported that the attack occurred early Monday morning
14:49when an unmanned aerial vehicle struck a gas station in the town of Livni.
14:52A second drone struck the area as an emergency services were carrying out rescue operations,
14:58killing the driver of a firefighting vehicle and injuring three members of the rescue team.
15:07Uzbekistan's President Shafqat Mirzoyev hosted his Russian counterpart by reporting at the
15:13Presidential Palace in Tashkent.
15:15The Russian President is on a two-day state visit to the Central Asian nation.
15:19A welcoming ceremony for the Russian head of state performed by the Guard of Honor served
15:23as a preamble to the high-level meeting.
15:25According to the information distributed by the presidential offices, there will be a
15:29restricted meeting between the presidents that will then give way to an expanded meeting
15:34at the governmental delegation level.
15:37The agenda of both scenarios is expected to discuss issues related to the energy sector
15:40in addition to the most relevant bilateral and regional issues.
15:48The Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, backed up by their allies, launched
15:52a new offensive against the rebels of the March 23 Movement in the province of North
15:57Since early Sunday morning in the territories of Uchuru and Lubero, there has been artillery
16:02fire especially in countryside areas.
16:04A report of Radio Campi affirms that the forces loyal to Kinshasa are dropping bombs on Rwindi
16:10where the M23 located their positions after conquering an important mining zone.
16:15The armed forces are trying to recapture the Virunga National Park, currently in rebel
16:19The fighting has forced hundreds of civilians to flee from the area.
16:27Over the weekend, South African political parties held their final rallies ahead of
16:31Wednesday, May 29, key election day.
16:34Tens of thousands gathered in Africa's biggest stadium to take part in the African National
16:39Congress' final rally.
16:40The ANC has been in power for 30 years in South Africa but has been weakened in the
16:45run-up to the general elections.
16:47Ruling parties projected to win about 40% of the vote, down from 57% in 2019, and reforce
16:53into a coalition government.
17:02In this context, the radical left opposition party Economic Freedom Fighters held its final
17:06rally ahead of the May 29 election.
17:09EFF firebrand Julius Malema said May 29 was going to be the beginning of a new nation.
17:15For his part, former South African President Jacob Zuma gave the keynote speech at the
17:19rally for his newly formed Unkonto Wisiswi Party.
17:22Zuma, who has conviction for contempt of court, has been barred from standing as an MP and
17:28thus from the presidency.
17:29And as the electoral campaign drew to a close, President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation
17:39in preparation for Wednesday's general elections.
17:44This will be the seventh time that South Africans of all races, from all walks of life, from
17:51all corners of our country, will go to vote for our national government and our nine provincial
18:03We will once again assert the fundamental principle articulated in the Freedom Charter
18:09that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of our people.
18:18In the days to come, we will be doing much more than exercising our constitutional right
18:25to vote.
18:26We will be determining the direction that our country takes.
18:32We will be taking responsibility for our future, the future of our families, our communities
18:39and indeed our nation.
18:48In Brazil, local and international football stars played a charity match to raise funds
18:59for the victims of the floods that have devastated the south of the country.
19:04A group of both Brazilian and international football stars, including world champions
19:08Ronaldinho, Cafu and Bebeto, played a charity match to raise funds for the victims affected
19:14by heavy rains and floods in the south of Brazil.
19:17In this regard, journalists, managers, players and fans came together for a common cause.
19:25When we received the invitation to participate, several friends, athletes and personalities
19:30joined us.
19:31We're not going to stop helping.
19:33We're here and the public will also attend, helping as well.
19:36So let's help our fellow gachos.
19:41The game was played in the emblematic Maracanã Stadium of Rio de Janeiro, aiming to help
19:47the southern Brazil state that has suffered the death of more than 160 people and the
19:52flooding of 90% of its cities, including the state capital of Porto Alegre.
19:57In this sense, as all celebrities invited, showed the footballers' total willingness
20:01to contribute their work for the affected communities.
20:07Congratulations to the organizers of this event.
20:10And of course, we embraced it with open arms.
20:13And any help is significant and won't stop there because, unfortunately, the damage was
20:17very extensive and we'll have to help for years.
20:21Profit from tickets, sales and television broadcasts will be given to charity organizations
20:27to help the victims of the flood.
20:29Precisely, Latin American world football legend Gafu emphasized that now is the time for the
20:35Brazilian sport movement to promote strength and maintain solidarity.
20:41I feel proud of my people.
20:43In a moment of difficulty for this nation, we gathered here with almost 50,000 people
20:48inside the stadium so that we could help our brothers and sisters in the south.
20:52I think the chain of strength and solidarity that Brazilians are demonstrating to help
20:56the south is fantastic.
20:57And being here at this historic stage, to meet again with colleagues, great friends
21:02from national teams, from games against each other, is very important.
21:06Like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
21:09You can find this and many other stories on our website at Televisión Inglés.net, or
21:13join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
21:17For Televisión Inglés, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
21:20Thank you for watching.
