Beat Girl -HD (1960)

  • 5 months ago
Beat Girl -HD (1960)
00:02:04Well, mrs. Linden and how do you find England like France our cows in the field and sheep in the meadows who is meadows
00:02:16Paul you are terrible people will expect confetti to fly out of my hair. Oh, of course
00:02:21Most undignified for no married couple, isn't it? Well five days is long enough to
00:02:27To cool down don't be vulgar don't dare cool down tickets, please
00:02:39How long should we London in 20 minutes
00:02:50Worried about something and just one day
00:02:54about Jennifer I
00:02:56Want to love everything that is your your work those is you build the cities you plan
00:03:03But most of all I want to love you daughter
00:03:06Do you think Jennifer would like me?
00:03:09How can she help it?
00:03:11Well a stepmother an intruder is not so easy for her nor perhaps for you either
00:03:19Nicole I'll be perfectly frank with you. I
00:03:22Find Jennifer a puzzle a puzzle. How do you mean? Well, I don't understand her anymore when she was a baby
00:03:29We were such good friends, but now she's not a baby anymore. Well, she's only 16
00:03:35She needs the understanding and affection of another woman, well, I'm sure you'll be wonderful for she'll absolutely adore you Oh
00:03:44Paul I'm lucky woman. So lucky all at once. I have a husband a family
00:04:06Here we are sweetheart your new home Oh darling, how nice
00:04:20I'm glad you like it. It's been waiting for you since the day I put it
00:04:27Six and six, I
00:04:28Thank you very much. You know your house is like you
00:04:32How do you mean I'll steer with a twinkle behind the facade come and meet your new family
00:04:43Thank you, sir, thank you
00:04:53Well, hello Martha, mr. Lyndon, welcome back and this is mrs. Lyndon Oh
00:05:01Mrs. Lyndon mom welcome home. I should kiss you father. You see I'm very French
00:05:07Oh, mrs. Lyndon mom, you're most welcome
00:05:11But where's Jennifer? Oh, she she was just getting dressed. Yes, I can hear that
00:05:18Well, she must have heard us come in
00:05:21She's probably shy of meeting thing. I'm some sort of drag
00:05:27She's got a big shot coming. I'll go and fetch her
00:05:46Hello Jenny darling
00:05:49You look wonderful
00:05:52three months
00:05:53The longest I've ever been away seemed like years
00:05:59Well, how's the art school it's cool studies going well fine
00:06:07Congratulations on your marriage
00:06:09Thank You Jenny come meet her
00:06:16My my taste
00:06:19Perhaps now the house won't seem so what was the word dreary dreary?
00:06:24Yes, perhaps not we'll see more fun for you. Mm-hmm. Don't you think so Jennifer?
00:06:35Nicole this is Jennifer. I'm so happy to see you at last
00:06:40I'm sure you two will have a lot in common. I hope we have everything in common Jennifer everything
00:06:47That's a lot, isn't it? Oh, what I mean is you won't be so lonely anymore. How does that sound fine?
00:06:52When would you like dinner sir? Oh from now on you'll have to ask mrs. Linden questions like that Martha
00:06:58What do you think in half an hour? It's okay that you'll hide for you. Oh, yes, ma'am
00:07:08What about a drink that's ice in the sitting room and I put out the champagne
00:07:13Wonderful idea. See I told you she thinks of everything after all it's a special occasion
00:07:18Occasion Oh Martha, you're making me feel really at home. How about you're having a glass mother? Oh, not if you want any dinner
00:07:28Come on darling
00:07:48Well, what do you think of it it's wonderful very impressive
00:07:56This is the living room
00:07:59Living ah, but it hasn't been lifted yet needs the feminine touch
00:08:06We call it organized disorder
00:08:12Don't you think Jennifer maybe
00:08:19Well, you've made a good start
00:08:22Looks human. I like it. I
00:08:25Only use this place for the high-five and some more
00:08:29We'll soon deal with that between
00:08:32Champagne, I don't drink. I'm too young 16. Of course. You're not
00:08:38It's cheap. Oh, well
00:08:40as Martha says
00:08:43It is a special occasion
00:08:45very special
00:08:49To us all three of us to us
00:09:00What are you reading? It's all about jazz not your stuff, but it is. Let me see
00:09:12Let's look at it
00:09:18This is all double-dutch to me
00:09:22Blue blues and Dixie by Bullard Montgomery. Oh, I know him. He was a father of it all
00:09:34But who is this she's beautiful. Hmm
00:09:41Where did you get this from?
00:09:44What are you trying to say?
00:09:46What are you trying to do
00:09:49It's a picture of it's my mother
00:09:52She's beautiful, isn't she? I suppose so. I don't remember her. That is where you get your looks from
00:09:59Not from this monster
00:10:05Jennifer why can't you sit up properly? I like floors
00:10:09You know, I think Martha's really quite taken to you
00:10:11I'm thought about it. What is the name of your school? It's in Martin's
00:10:17One of the best sent it rumor has it
00:10:20Jen has always had a talent for illustration. She really draws very well indeed
00:10:24Must be fun doing something you like and are good at those in the time
00:10:34What is in that huge box over there a body? That's just about it
00:10:38Only that's more like a skeleton in the cupboard. It's my toy and Jennifer's jealous of it
00:10:44Yes, the stupid city
00:10:47a city
00:10:48Superman stuff and then some
00:10:51What are you both talking about? Well now you wouldn't say that I was exactly old-fashioned, would you?
00:10:57But Jennifer thinks I'm too modern strictly as an architect
00:11:00In every other sense a square a square
00:11:04A little while ago. I was a creep show me the city, please. You'll be sorry
00:11:11She may be right, you know
00:11:13If I get my city, I'll be up till dawn
00:11:16It's my life's work. It's meant more to me than anything in the world
00:11:20Hasn't it Jenny?
00:11:24That's true
00:11:27Come I'll show it to you
00:11:31But what is it?
00:11:38It's a model I've called it city 2000
00:11:44It's a model
00:11:45I've called it city 2000
00:11:50It's a model
00:11:52It's a model
00:11:53I've called it city 2000
00:11:55Grime filth poverty noise hustle and bustle these things would be unknown
00:12:00an almost silent place
00:12:02soundproofed for the use of
00:12:04Flying beveled walls of concrete which also serve to cut wind and rain
00:12:09Jennifer says it'll be like living in a tin can but
00:12:15I don't think that's really true
00:12:17You know psychologists think that most human neurosis come from too much contact with other humans
00:12:23Now in my city darling a man can be as alone as if he were 10 000 miles from anywhere in the country
00:12:30I'd like to see jennifer today. Oh, she can put herself to bed
00:12:34I'll be right back. I want to know every street by heart
00:12:37All right, darling. Don't be long
00:12:48What is it
00:12:53I came to say good night. Good night
00:12:57You've been crying crying I should think not jennifer, what is it
00:13:04Why have you taken such a dislike to me?
00:13:06I'm not to blame for your father's divorce
00:13:09It was long before he ever met me. I didn't say I didn't like you
00:13:13Don't be childish
00:13:15Why not?
00:13:18I am a child, you know perfectly well what I mean your father calls your behavior deplorably rude
00:13:25I prefer to think you're just upset
00:13:27Naturally i'm upset
00:13:29All young girls are upset when their father brings home a new wife
00:13:34Now if you don't mind, uh, jennifer
00:13:40Juvenile delinquents first vice either adult vices sex and the like and it's approved of
00:13:48Or perhaps we even disapprove of this. I started smoking when I was 14
00:13:54Jennifer I could not help falling in love with your father
00:14:00That's the gimmick that makes sex respectable, isn't it?
00:14:04I've brought you some things from paris dresses and we don't wear dresses very often
00:14:09We're different not so different
00:14:12Most young people in paris prefer slacks and sweaters
00:14:15I wear them myself in the house
00:14:17You can see if you like any of mine. I've got everything
00:14:22And this is anything else I want
00:14:26I just have to ask for it anything you'd like to borrow
00:14:34Go ahead help yourself. We're about the same size
00:14:41A new cardigan
00:14:44I have 19. I never wear see but if I feel like 20 cardigan number 20 coming up
00:14:54Now if you don't mind i've got a life class in the morning
00:15:02What's the matter embarrassed why i've got a nice figure
00:15:34Well good night
00:15:39Do you want the full treatment
00:15:44Sleep well
00:15:53Good night, jennifer
00:15:58And don't kid yourself he's in love with you he's in love with city 2000
00:16:31You know paul I love your city
00:16:34Well, it's just the way a city ought to be
00:16:37Not a hodgepodge of littered up archaicism of century pile upon century
00:16:42But something for modern man starting from scratch, you know, they're going to build this one in south america
00:16:49I love you. Yes. I know darling. What?
00:16:53I love you
00:16:57And I'll never let city 2000 keep us up till dawn tonight or any other night
00:17:34Hey you take a place daddy you and your phony beatnik friends I said take a place
00:17:42Okay, there are other dolls
00:17:44So you made it granny managed to give him the slip. Well, well first night the old man's home
00:17:49Who's bright and all we are the most you're a real cat. Jim. Yeah the light-footed kind
00:17:54Easy stuff. Hey, what's she like this big bad frenchie?
00:17:57She's french. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
00:18:00Strictly easy, isn't that? Yeah, dig me. I'm a captain the can-can kennel club a real live parisian poodle pompadour
00:18:08Is she old ancient?
00:18:12You're at it again, well it helps
00:18:16Look, I got it from the chemist. Yeah, you're sure there's nothing in it. No kicks out of him. Of course not
00:18:20It's strictly for coughs
00:18:22Hey, jen 24 is not too bad
00:18:25How can she be so square if she's french and only 24?
00:18:28How can you be so square when you're only 18 because it rubs off you onto me?
00:18:32Tell us jen. What does she say?
00:18:34Nothing to tell pure lowly heart's routine
00:19:00Oh, well not this time
00:19:10Come on
00:19:16Come on dave make the banshee i'm music minded
00:19:24Well, I did just what you told me you told me to forget
00:19:28To date some other baby just as though we'd never met
00:19:31Oh, well, I did what you told me
00:19:35I did
00:19:36What you told me?
00:19:38I can't forget i'm crying yet for you
00:19:45Well, I threw away your photo just like you told me to
00:19:49I put your letters in the fire and got one back from you. Oh, well, I did
00:19:54What you told me?
00:19:56Yes, I did
00:19:58What you told me?
00:19:59I can't forget i'm crying yet. Oh you
00:20:06Hang on fellas one time
00:20:27Well, I still go to the dance hall listen to the noise I try to kid myself i'm having fun
00:20:34Before yes, I did
00:20:37What you told me?
00:20:38Yes, I did
00:20:40What you told me?
00:20:42I can't forget i'm crying yet for you
00:20:53Hey the fans in if you kids want to jive
00:21:01Say baby you feel terpsichorical let's go downstairs and fly, huh?
00:21:04Come on
00:21:06Come on, dave. No i'm staying here. Oh, come on
00:21:12That boy's got it coming too
00:23:00Jennifer for goodness sake hurry up
00:23:05Who knows how important my conference is she's just coming darling the school is right on the way to the conference
00:23:12Don't fuss you won't be late. What should I ever do without you darling?
00:23:16What about including jennifer in the dinner party tonight? You want help with the south american tycoon?
00:23:21She's pretty young, you know, but very pretty. There is a foreign office man, too
00:23:25He'll be busy flirting with his wife
00:23:28You know the contract for city 2000 should be signed this morning. It'll be like a sort of celebration tonight
00:23:34I'd rather like jenny to share it with us
00:23:36Oh, where is that charge? You'll have to go by bus. Oh paul, please
00:23:53Jennifer hurry up
00:23:55Thank you
00:24:01Jennifer i'll pick you up at lunchtime lunch. Don't tell me you're letting me down. I forgot
00:24:15Bye darling, bye darling. I'll collect you at school
00:24:35Oh, excuse me, do you know jennifer lyndon lyndon?
00:24:39Yes about your age blonde round face with long hair. Oh, yes. Jennifer the crazy one part of that beatnik crowd
00:24:48Beatnik, it's a gimmick from america hopeless and so
00:24:52Where could I find her? There's a cafe in soho called the off beach. She's always there the offbeat. Thank you
00:25:08Fuck fuck it drives me nuts
00:25:11It's been running around. I'll wrap up. Will you this will take care of it?
00:25:14But that crazy juice don't help them. Why don't you say a quack?
00:25:17I'll drop dead you sound like you're going to I wish my old man would
00:25:21Got him nervous like I did mine here for what him an army type general. They don't fall man
00:25:27They only write memoirs. Yeah, my war on three brothers five editions and still going strong
00:25:33Creep still he's good for the green. Show us what you got today
00:25:39That'll do man keep money speak for another few years
00:25:58Hey gasser, you're looking for me fall down juvenile
00:26:05Oh, you're such a nonchalant, i'm relaxed
00:26:47Man she's on the button. I'll say what you're doing here. Are you kidding?
00:26:52I bet she's meeting that guy that runs the strip joint across the road
00:26:56He's always looking for new talent. What's new about that? Yeah, they're all the same shape
00:27:02More or less that's a pound travel in the two o'clock two thirty and three o'clock. All right
00:27:08Yeah, now point me frank. I want daisy wood
00:27:12in the three o'clock
00:27:15Some walk
00:27:26Now that's what I call material
00:27:33We were going to have lunch together so we were
00:27:36I called that one as I said, I would lunch wasn't my idea
00:27:41I realize that hey, listen to that fractured english. That's the paris poodle more like a bloodhound
00:27:49May I sit down? Oh, i'm so sorry. Um, please do
00:27:53A swinging cat like you is always welcome. How do I get a stepmother like you?
00:27:58Simple have a father like jennifer's. Oh, i've got a father but uh, he's weighed down by medals
00:28:03Rose and rose. He's so old. He's a general old and dull too
00:28:08Jennifer's father is neither. He's still a young man
00:28:11Hey jen, you told her she was robbing the grave marrying you old man, I said she was queen auntie house auntie house
00:28:17That's what she said
00:28:19What about jazz you dig rock is all right, but I prefer modern east or west coast west which one
00:28:27dev brubeck for me she's crazy, too
00:28:31You are a musician
00:28:34I'd like to hear you. That's easy. If you can hear at all, you can play it cool and he sings too
00:28:39He sends me over and out
00:28:42Please sing
00:28:43Dull for you anything any time or anywhere, but i'm gonna rock it. All right. I'm listening. Stop it dave
00:28:53Why did you come here and embarrass me like this
00:28:55Embarrass you don't have a right to my own life. I stay out of your business
00:29:00We are family now coming here making as if you know the score east coast west coast. Stay brubeck
00:29:07You got that out of my book, well, don't you rather I tried to share your life I won't be spied on
00:29:13That's the last thing I meant to do
00:29:16I know why you married my father
00:29:18It's because he's famous
00:29:20And he's rich
00:29:22He can give you the things you want
00:29:25Play it down though. Relax
00:29:27Thank you. You're good
00:29:29I mean the most
00:29:31Good stepmother. You've only just arrived in a moment the dance begins
00:29:34You've got the stepmother mixed up with cinderella
00:29:37Paul told you about dinner. Not sure I can make it
00:29:41Do try
00:29:43So we can discuss my report card with daddy
00:29:45There won't be any report
00:30:00Hey, you take that one
00:30:08Kenny's waiting for you. Who's the pal?
00:30:11There is no pal. What's the bitch with a short memory?
00:30:15What's that you're drinking fruit juice
00:30:18Are you mad?
00:30:20That's gretel they call her the duttice because when she pills she makes like she's doing you a favor
00:30:26Come on, I have pigeon
00:30:28She strips across the street in lego club 17 shillings. That's what the suckers pay for seeing her in a birthday suit
00:30:35Just imagine wicked old frenchie knowing abroad like that. Yes, just imagine
00:30:40Daddy would be most interested
00:30:46I owe you a great deal your excellency. I never thought you'd get it through
00:30:50The opposition have to oppose or they would be out of business. That is politics part of the game
00:30:55But I can tell you
00:30:56Now that the contract is signed and sealed they will be very pleased
00:31:00As hm's counselor on the spot. I can tell you the leader of the opposition confirmed that himself
00:31:05Not a man I care to deal with who my brother, you know, he went in for politics
00:31:09slippery customer
00:31:12The ambassador and your husband are just having a nightcap can I get something for you? No, thank you
00:31:17It's a shame to leave so early, but we're flying back at the crack of dawn. Oh, i'll hurry them up
00:31:25You're fond of music if it's beat
00:31:27Jazz, you know, of course
00:31:30I hear they're dancing the charleston again
00:31:33Shades of my youth only dance not the real cats
00:31:38That's what I call jenny's expresso language, I'm afraid I must be very silly but coffee bars
00:31:43I must confess i've never been in a coffee bar. No, neither have I
00:31:47Nicole has we had lunch in one today
00:31:51Yes, it was fun. I believe some of those places can be awful. This was charming full of young people art students and dancers
00:32:01One was an old friend of nicole's
00:32:05Yes, somebody I knew years ago I don't even remember her name her name is greater
00:32:11Oh, of course
00:32:14They call her a duchess
00:32:17She's very mysterious is she really a duchess hardly
00:32:21She's a dancer of sorts
00:32:23Your excellency, may I suggest yes, we must go
00:32:28It has been a delightful evening and now I hope we shall see you and your husband more often in my country
00:32:37Go on
00:32:46Leave it to your discretion
00:32:53You look very pretty tonight jennifer
00:32:55I stayed and talked to your friend greater
00:32:59She remembered you all right?
00:33:01She said you were a bitch
00:33:05Jennifer did I hear her right?
00:33:07Who is this woman? What did you talk about? We talked about striptease you talked about what striptease
00:33:21Can I help it if that's what she does she's nicole's friend
00:33:25I haven't seen her for years. She works with little girls. It's quite a dump
00:33:30She must be pretty low. That's enough
00:33:34They call her the duchess imagine a stripping duchess
00:33:39Poor greta. I had no idea. She had sang so low. Just imagine it daddy
00:33:43Every time because friend strips over 100 dirty old men crowd into a little room to watch her and they pay 17 shillings each
00:33:51That's a lot of money, isn't it? Where did you learn all this?
00:33:54This is terrible
00:33:55Terrible cred. I used to be so talented so ambitious
00:34:00All she could ever talk about was her career
00:34:03We began in the ballet together ballet
00:34:05Do you mind if either of you were ever on your points? Then i'm a tightrope walker jennifer
00:34:12Did you tell her I had been a dancer no we uh
00:34:16We haven't had much time to discuss things yet
00:34:19You must teach me some steps for one day nicole. I doubt there is much I could teach you
00:34:26You could always try
00:34:30Take it up take it off said the boys in the rear and she unzipped the zipper
00:34:36Well nicole
00:34:38What is this all about?
00:34:42Nothing darling
00:34:45You don't like her do you I don't like her
00:34:50I can't understand her
00:34:52She hates me
00:34:53She's hated me ever since I set foot in this house. Oh, I don't think so darling
00:34:58Why won't you face it that's what i'm trying to do
00:35:02So let's get back to this old friend of yours
00:35:04The one that told jennifer about striptease
00:35:07I told you about her
00:35:09Yes, but there's more isn't there?
00:35:12Isn't there nicole
00:35:14I told you we were in ballet together
00:35:17Now she has altered her way of life. I'm not responsible for what she has become
00:35:22Look, I didn't say that
00:35:25There are lots of things that happened to us before we met
00:35:28Can't we talk about them sensibly?
00:35:30It's the same all over the world paul
00:35:33Girls start off together have the same chances
00:35:37Some go straight
00:35:38Others go bad
00:35:40Greta was unlucky
00:35:43With me it was different
00:35:45I met you and I fell in love
00:35:47As simple as that
00:35:49Just as simple as that
00:36:27Go on i'll be there in a minute. Okay, very exclusive. Yeah when she's in the mood
00:36:58Looks nice, doesn't your kid like to go in with me and see her creep shovel now girly. Is that a nice way to talk?
00:37:06For grown-ups kid
00:37:08I've got money here. You could be the bank of england. You still wouldn't be old enough. I want to go home to mommy
00:37:14I've got to see greta leave a date
00:37:17I have to see her
00:37:18What's your name?
00:37:21Just a minute
00:37:24I'll call greta
00:37:27Greta there's a young lady here says you got a date with you name of nicole
00:37:35This way
00:39:53Now, gentlemen, a thrill both sides of the footlights.
00:40:09The first of our amateur talent competitors, a lovely little child of nature.
00:40:13Now, just take your time, babe. It begins slowly, you know what I mean?
00:40:16Build it up, make them wait. Keep them on the end of that G-string.
00:40:20Tease them.
00:40:21It's easy. Just don't look at them, honey. Get it over with fast.
00:40:24Just shut up.
00:40:26Now, all right, you're on. Now, remember, a fiver for today and a job if you really send them.
00:40:31Just you watch. They'll fall right off their seats.
00:40:37She's too young, Simon. It's a shame.
00:40:39When did you join the Salvation Army? Cut it out, Mavis. Get back to your bar.
00:40:45Now, you really know how.
00:40:50Well, all right.
00:41:21Not bad. Not bad at all.
00:41:25I'm glad you approve.
00:41:27You certainly know how to pick them for real, madame.
00:41:30I had a siffle up in the house.
00:41:32I'm not ready for that kind of work yet.
00:41:39Rita, please.
00:41:41I'm afraid I can't keep you.
00:41:43I've got to get back to the bar.
00:41:45Not until the other girls are finished.
00:41:48I'll see you in a bit.
00:41:50I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't.
00:41:52I'm afraid I'll have to leave you to it.
00:41:55I don't want to leave you to it.
00:41:57I'm sorry.
00:41:58I'm sorry.
00:41:59I'm sorry.
00:42:00I want to go home.
00:42:01I'm sorry.
00:42:02I'm sorry.
00:42:03I'm sorry.
00:42:04I want to go home.
00:42:05I want to go home.
00:42:06Waiter, please.
00:42:09These days, anyone would think you'd loathe the sight of me.
00:42:13Kenny, what's the matter?
00:42:18There's a girl outside to see you.
00:42:20All right, sir, her in.
00:42:22That's for me.
00:42:28The tickets. Last plane Saturday night.
00:42:31Why you want to go to Paris, I don't know.
00:42:33It's corny.
00:42:34Brighton's corny, too, but it's nearer.
00:42:37Yes, but Paris does things for a girl.
00:42:39Why blame Paris?
00:42:42That day with Vita, quite the dish.
00:42:45Careful, it's jailbait.
00:42:47You've got a truth in mind, haven't you?
00:42:49I know. Nauseating, isn't it?
00:42:52You'll have to divorce me, darling.
00:43:05The name Nicole made me think you were somebody I knew.
00:43:08Nicole married my father.
00:43:13Well, there's more than one Nicole in the world.
00:43:15I was with her in the offbeat this afternoon.
00:43:18What does that prove? Where do I come into this?
00:43:20She told me you once worked together.
00:43:22I don't know what you're talking about.
00:43:24I was with her in the offbeat this afternoon.
00:43:27What does that prove? Where do I come into this?
00:43:29She told me you once worked together.
00:43:31I don't know what you're talking about.
00:43:33Was it a joint like this?
00:43:36Look, kid, don't bother me. I'm busy.
00:43:39How did you like it when she cut you dead?
00:43:41Oh, barge off. Go on, clear off.
00:43:43Why aren't you so frightened now?
00:43:45Is it a view or is it...
00:43:47Now, look here, kid, forget all this Nicole business.
00:43:49I made a mistake. We all make mistakes.
00:43:52I don't know any Nicole.
00:43:54Now, clear out of here while you've got the chance.
00:43:57What's the hurry, Grace?
00:44:00Bring the little lady into my office.
00:44:02We'll all have a nice little chat.
00:44:17Look, if I can see out, they can't see in.
00:44:20That's the only way I can tell if the girls are earning their money or not.
00:44:23Now, you just sit down there and tell me all about it.
00:44:27It sounds as if maybe Greta's been holding out on you.
00:44:30I wanted to know about a friend of hers called Nicole.
00:44:34I was supposing you'd put me in the picture.
00:44:36He calls my stepmother.
00:44:41Did you know her, Greta?
00:44:43Did you?
00:44:45We used to work together in Paris.
00:44:47Was it so hard to tell the child that?
00:44:50Or maybe you worked in a strip club.
00:44:52Did you strip?
00:44:54Old hauntsers do something like that sometime or other.
00:44:57What else did you do in gay Paris?
00:45:00What about the gentlemen?
00:45:04We had friends.
00:45:07I have a friend in you.
00:45:09Lover boy.
00:45:13You mean customers, don't you?
00:45:16The nearest I came to a brothel was when I came here with you.
00:45:20Get out. Get out!
00:45:23You'd better come back tomorrow. Greta'll tell you some more.
00:45:27Do you think there's more?
00:45:29Oh, yes. When Greta sets her mind to it,
00:45:31she'll tell you anything you want to hear, anything at all.
00:45:34Well, goodbye for now.
00:45:37Oh, wait a minute.
00:45:40It looks easy, doesn't it?
00:45:42But it doesn't. It takes a long time to learn.
00:45:48Twenty-five quid a week for yourself.
00:45:50I don't need money.
00:45:52You're so right. It isn't everything.
00:45:54But it's worth it.
00:45:56It's worth it.
00:45:58It's worth it.
00:46:00It's worth it.
00:46:02It's worth it.
00:46:04It's worth it.
00:46:06It's worth it.
00:46:09But there's a thrill in this work.
00:46:11All the girls say so. A real thrill.
00:46:14Besides, it's a shame to waste a nice figure.
00:46:19See you tomorrow, maybe?
00:46:39Any explanations, Jennifer?
00:46:41What about?
00:46:43It happens to be 3 o'clock.
00:46:45No, it's not. It's 5-2, and I'm tired.
00:46:49Come in here.
00:46:51Oh, I'm sorry.
00:46:53It's all right.
00:46:55It's all right.
00:46:57It's all right.
00:46:59It's all right.
00:47:01It's all right.
00:47:03It's all right.
00:47:05It's all right.
00:47:07It's all right.
00:47:13Well, where have you been?
00:47:18Jennifer, I'm trying to keep my temper,
00:47:21but I'm finding it very difficult.
00:47:24I've been with friends, dancing.
00:47:26When I found you weren't in your room, I was worried to death.
00:47:29These clothes and all this muck on your face.
00:47:33They may make you feel grown up, but you're still a little girl, you know.
00:47:36And if the rest of your friends liked this dancer,
00:47:39Greta that you were telling me about...
00:47:41She's no friend of mine. Ask Nicole about her.
00:47:43Leave Nicole out of this.
00:47:45That couldn't suit me better.
00:47:47But you've been to this cafe again, haven't you?
00:47:50Oh, are we going through that corny hearts and flowers routine?
00:47:53Don't stay out late, dear.
00:47:55Little girls get into serious trouble if they mix with strangers.
00:47:58Men are not to be trusted.
00:48:02I'm trying so hard to understand you,
00:48:05but we seem to be out of touch with each other.
00:48:07That's no news to me.
00:48:09But you're my daughter, my own flesh and blood.
00:48:12I do really love you, you know.
00:48:15You don't love me.
00:48:17You think you do.
00:48:19You say that so often you make yourself believe it.
00:48:22You don't really ever look at me.
00:48:24Not really.
00:48:26None of you squares ever do.
00:48:28You see what you want to see.
00:48:30A bunch of teenagers lumped together under one label.
00:48:33But who are us? Nothing to do with our parents.
00:48:36I am me, Jennifer Linden.
00:48:38A complete, whole, independent, living person.
00:48:43At one time or another,
00:48:45all of us need to be dependent on someone.
00:48:47Our trouble is we haven't been a complete unit.
00:48:50But now things are different.
00:48:52Why don't you give it a chance?
00:48:54I prefer it this way.
00:48:57I've been pretty lonely, Jennifer.
00:48:59Well, look what it's done to you.
00:49:01Dried you up.
00:49:03So you only get a kick out of that crazy city of yours.
00:49:06What's this got to do with me and my life?
00:49:09And where do you get your kicks from?
00:49:12Sitting around in cafes listening to gramophone records?
00:49:15Driving in underground cellars and caves?
00:49:19You are a real square, aren't you?
00:49:21This language, these words, what does it mean?
00:49:24It means us. Something is ours.
00:49:27We didn't get it from our parents.
00:49:29We can express ourselves.
00:49:31And they don't know what we're talking about.
00:49:33It makes us different.
00:49:35Why do you need to feel so different?
00:49:38It's all we've got.
00:49:40Next week, voom.
00:49:42Up goes the world of smoke.
00:49:44And what's the score? Zero.
00:49:46So now, while it's now, we'll live it up.
00:49:48Do everything, feel everything, strictly for kicks.
00:49:51You'll find there's more to life than kicks, as you call it.
00:49:55Oh, please, cut out the message.
00:49:57You build cities, but you don't begin to understand
00:50:00the first thing about us, who will have to live in them.
00:50:03You'd better go to bed now, Jennifer.
00:50:05I'm not going to try to argue with you anymore tonight.
00:50:08But remember this.
00:50:10If you're not going to try,
00:50:13I'm afraid I can't.
00:50:15It's up to you.
00:50:17Heads you win, tails I lose.
00:50:19It's always the same thing.
00:50:21I hate the lot of you.
00:50:24I hate you!
00:50:28I hate you!
00:50:40Well, this is a bit too much.
00:50:43The old creep downstairs and now you up here.
00:50:45I wanted to talk to you.
00:50:47I'm the same. Dialogue, too.
00:50:49Go on. Why don't you ask me where I've been to?
00:50:53That's easy. The offbeat club.
00:50:56Guess again.
00:50:58Somewhere much more interesting.
00:51:03Jennifer, what is all this for?
00:51:05Oh, listen.
00:51:07Before you break my heart, I'd like to go to bed.
00:51:10Do you think I want to sit up half the night?
00:51:12I should have thought you'd be used to it.
00:51:15What do you mean?
00:51:17Most trip joints are open until early hours, aren't they?
00:51:20Especially in Paris.
00:51:22What is this triptis nonsense?
00:51:24Oh, you're not still sticking to that old ballet story, are you?
00:51:28Your chum Greta has quite a different angle.
00:51:31You haven't been to that club, have you?
00:51:33Ah. You're with me at last, stepmother.
00:51:36Les Girls, the sultry, saucy Soho striptease
00:51:40starring Greta de Paris, la reine du striptease.
00:51:43Strip, strip, hurrah!
00:51:45How do you like my French?
00:51:48I had a French governess.
00:51:51Greta and I had a long chat.
00:51:53She told me how you worked together in Paris.
00:51:56And what else?
00:51:58That's funny.
00:52:00Those are the same words her boyfriend Kenny used.
00:52:03What else he said? What else did you both do in Paris?
00:52:07Is there more?
00:52:09Jennifer, what are you trying to find out?
00:52:12What have I done to you?
00:52:13Dig this and dig this real.
00:52:15I won't have you spying on me.
00:52:17Keep out of my life and I'll keep out of yours.
00:52:19Spying? I wanted to be friends.
00:52:22And dig this, too.
00:52:24I'm no part of my father's life and he's no part of mine.
00:52:27And that goes for you, too.
00:52:29We can't live like strangers under the same roof.
00:52:32It's all wrong.
00:52:34Why can't we be friends?
00:52:36I'm warning you.
00:52:39Take it off, take it off, said the boys in the rear.
00:52:42La-la-la, la-la-la.
00:52:46I'm sorry. I didn't mean it.
00:52:49Forgive me.
00:52:52I wasn't going back to Greta to find out the rest.
00:52:56I was just warning you to keep out of my life.
00:53:00Now I've changed my mind.
00:53:14Take it off, take it off, said the boys in the rear.
00:53:18I'm sorry.
00:53:42For the audition?
00:53:48Good luck.
00:54:02Yeah, that was very, very nice, what you did last night, darling.
00:54:05But it isn't quite what we want in a club like this.
00:54:08Now, tease, will you?
00:54:10Try it again.
00:54:19Tease, darling, tease.
00:54:23How about bright and Sunday?
00:54:25I don't like winkles.
00:54:29What do I do with this?
00:54:32Try it again.
00:54:34Tease, will you?
00:54:36Tell Greta there's an old friend here.
00:54:39If she's in, I'll see.
00:54:41Greta, I'm sorry about the coffee bar.
00:54:44I was so surprised to see you.
00:54:46That's all right, I understand.
00:54:48I was angry at first, but...
00:54:51Oh, well, that's life.
00:54:53Say you're married.
00:54:55Is he nice?
00:54:57I love him.
00:54:59Well, I hope he's worth it.
00:55:01He's a good man.
00:55:03He's a good man.
00:55:05He's a good man.
00:55:07He's a good man.
00:55:09I hope he's worth it.
00:55:11Greta, a girl came here.
00:55:14Jennifer, my husband's daughter.
00:55:17Yes, I told her I knew you.
00:55:19Kenny made me.
00:55:22Yeah, he runs this place. And me.
00:55:25He's a bastard, but I love him.
00:55:27You see, I haven't changed.
00:55:30What else did you tell her?
00:55:34Look, I'll keep her away from here.
00:55:37It's Kenny.
00:55:46You wanted to see me?
00:55:48There was a young girl in here last night.
00:55:50Seeing Greta.
00:55:53Leave her alone.
00:55:57May I ask who you are?
00:55:59Her stepmother.
00:56:01So that's what Nicole looks like.
00:56:04You've come up in the world, haven't you?
00:56:07I can come down to your level if I have to, Mr. Kenny.
00:56:10So just listen to me.
00:56:12If that child comes in here again,
00:56:15you're going to send her home.
00:56:17And if I don't?
00:56:19I'll tell my husband.
00:56:21He'll go straight to the police.
00:56:23To begin with, the girls and their age.
00:56:26And with an expert like you,
00:56:29I'm just not taking the risk.
00:56:31Do we understand each other, Mr. Kenny?
00:56:36And will your husband also understand
00:56:38when he finds out what his wife and her good friend Greta
00:56:41got up to while they were in Paris?
00:56:43Kenny, please.
00:56:44And how they managed between jobs.
00:56:46What did you tell him, Greta?
00:56:48For goodness sake, what did you tell him?
00:56:52Your stepdaughter will be very welcome here any time.
00:57:59Hey, looks like it's quite a ball.
00:58:05Daddy, oh, I'm over a dot.
00:58:07Play it down, doll.
00:58:09Well, you've got to live for the kicks.
00:58:11That's all you've got.
00:58:13Ah, Liv.
00:58:35Babe, sing that number and see it cool.
00:58:38I don't play wife.
00:58:40Wife? I said cool.
00:58:42I'll wait.
00:58:56Sing, dad, sing.
01:00:20Great, Dad, great. Straight from the fridge.
01:00:24I'm way out.
01:00:25Ah, this group's not so hot. Let's go and listen to the other one.
01:00:47Put it away, creep.
01:00:48Look, leave me alone.
01:00:49You heard me.
01:00:55Caleb, cut it out.
01:00:58If you wanna fight, go and join the army. That's the place for squares.
01:01:20Hey, your medicine's neat gin. Got any more?
01:01:25So that's what the cuff was in aid of.
01:01:31You'll have to do better than that. Where'd you get it?
01:01:35I pinched it from the sideboard.
01:01:37Have a dry martini, General.
01:01:39Or is yours a pinkers, me old lemon?
01:01:43What's the matter with you, boy? Why do you need that?
01:01:45Drinks for squares, man.
01:01:48Cute stuff.
01:01:51Ah, some dump this is.
01:01:54It's like the war, way down in the underground.
01:01:58There she was, my old lady, snug as a bed bug.
01:02:02In the dark on the floor.
01:02:05That's where she had me. She was bombed out, so that's where we lived.
01:02:09Like a bunch of scared rats underground.
01:02:11That's the first home I ever had.
01:02:15My mother came up to London to be with the old man on his leave.
01:02:21One day, a doodlebug.
01:02:25The house just went vroom.
01:02:28She went with it.
01:02:31The old man, of course, was a hero. A live one.
01:02:34The desert, Italy, with D-Day to come.
01:02:37Stiff upper lip and all that.
01:02:40Don't cry for your mother, boy. It's not manly.
01:02:44When it was over, I played on the bombsites.
01:02:47Down in the cellars amongst the rats.
01:02:50Yes, I tell you, man, this is a home from home for me.
01:02:54From then on, it was strangers.
01:02:56Morning, noon and night.
01:02:59I know about strangers, too.
01:03:02Ah, well, like rats in a hole, that's all.
01:03:04The rat race rocks.
01:03:07I belong here. I feel good.
01:03:09This is my life.
01:03:11That's because you're a number one female rat.
01:03:14They'll never understand.
01:03:16Look, whatever you want to do, it's always...
01:03:18You're too young, son.
01:03:19You want a neck in the park.
01:03:21Oh, go home, son.
01:03:23With the general and his whiskey and soda and his those were the days.
01:03:28Who wants the neck at home?
01:03:30I do.
01:03:32Who wants the neck at home?
01:03:34Gives me the screaming hand taps.
01:03:36We could neck here.
01:03:38He doesn't mean necking.
01:03:39Yes, I do. I do.
01:03:41That's just what I mean.
01:03:42Lips to lips, hips to hips.
01:03:43You keep me horizontal.
01:03:44Your big, big love for you.
01:03:47Ah, nuts.
01:03:48What did you stop for?
01:03:50It was great. I was swinging.
01:03:52Oh, fade out.
01:03:54You know, Dave, maybe you're right.
01:03:56Maybe this place does give me the flying heebie-jeebies.
01:04:01Let's have a party.
01:04:03Party at my place.
01:04:05The old man's out and there's lots of records.
01:04:07Hey, Cinderella.
01:04:08What about the wicked stepmother?
01:04:11She can fly away in her room.
01:04:14Hey, nutcase.
01:04:16Feel like a run?
01:04:17To where?
01:04:18James Park.
01:04:19Where's that?
01:04:2022 Exeter Street.
01:04:21Did you hear that, slum dwellers?
01:04:22That's Kensington.
01:04:25I feel a race coming on.
01:04:28Oh, boy.
01:04:32I feel a big wind coming, man.
01:04:34I'm in the mood.
01:04:35Can I drive?
01:04:36Oh, sure. It's all yours.
01:04:56Come on, what's the matter with you?
01:04:57Put your foot down.
01:04:58Stop it, Dave.
01:05:00What's the matter?
01:05:01You got the handbrake on or something?
01:05:07Keep your car going, boy.
01:05:08Go on, go, go.
01:05:10Come on, Santa Claus.
01:05:11You'll be late for Christmas.
01:05:13Go, go.
01:05:15What's holding you back?
01:05:16Your dragon.
01:05:17Come on, pass him.
01:05:18Shut your face.
01:05:19I could pass him if I wanted to.
01:05:20But you don't.
01:05:21Because you're chicken.
01:05:22Watch it, doll.
01:05:23Chicken, chicken, chicken.
01:05:25Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken.
01:05:27Why don't you play for screaming, Jennifer?
01:05:28I won't scream.
01:05:29You want to play?
01:05:30I won't.
01:05:32If you scream, you'll play for real, okay?
01:05:35You're on, man.
01:05:38Come on, Santa Claus.
01:05:42Get out of the way.
01:05:44Keep going.
01:05:45Keep going.
01:06:11Hey, stop him.
01:06:12Watch it, man.
01:06:13It's a bridge.
01:06:16Watch it, you bum.
01:06:20You want to pay me now?
01:06:21More action and less talk.
01:06:33Back, I said.
01:06:41He'd better chicken, because I won't.
01:06:46Come on.
01:06:50Come on.
01:06:51Come on.
01:06:54You'll never make it.
01:06:56Slow down.
01:07:16You didn't make a sound, man.
01:07:18But the tiniest sound.
01:07:19But the tiniest.
01:07:20You'll flip your lid next time.
01:07:22Try me, daddy-o.
01:07:32You didn't win your bet.
01:07:34It isn't over yet.
01:07:41Hey, there's a train coming.
01:07:42Let's play chicken.
01:07:43Hey, there's a train coming.
01:07:44Let's play chicken on the road.
01:08:13Let's play chicken on the road.
01:08:44You still didn't win your bet.
01:08:46Ah, who wants their arms around an iceberg anyway?
01:09:44Stop it, you idiot.
01:09:46This is a Paris model.
01:09:48A present from the French fool.
01:11:14Come on, daughter.
01:11:26Darling, hold me close to you
01:11:30There ain't a thing that they can do
01:11:34It's legal
01:11:37It's legal
01:11:40It's legal
01:11:44When you look at me that way
01:11:48It's dangerous but strange to say
01:11:52It's legal
01:11:55It's legal
01:11:59I won't be wicked again
01:12:03I'll never be bad no more
01:12:07Just think of the things that we can do
01:12:11Without even breaking the law
01:12:16Darling, let me never fear
01:12:20We're definitely in the clear
01:12:24It's legal
01:12:27It's legal
01:12:31I won't be wicked again
01:12:35I'll never be bad no more
01:12:39Just think of the things that we can do
01:12:44Without even breaking the law
01:12:48Darling, let me never fear
01:12:52We're definitely in the clear
01:12:56It's legal
01:13:00It's legal
01:13:16You're phony, just like an iceberg.
01:13:22Am I?
01:13:37Perhaps the ice is melting.
01:13:47Go, girl, go.
01:13:48You're warming me.
01:13:56Go on, Jane, go, go, go.
01:13:58Strip like a Frenchie.
01:13:59Strip, strip.
01:14:03Go, go, go.
01:14:05Go, go, go.
01:14:31Melt, melt, melt.
01:14:34Melt, melt, melt.
01:15:04music only
01:15:35Hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:16:01Get dressed.
01:16:02And you, get out of here.
01:16:04Now, Frenchie, darling, you're getting stroppy.
01:16:06Don't claim you haven't seen a double pill before.
01:16:08Be a nice Paris poodle.
01:16:10I said get dressed.
01:16:11Hey, hey, cadaver.
01:16:12Cut out the watch-comedy routine and show us a trick or two in French.
01:16:17That was liberty, lady.
01:16:19Quite a liberty.
01:16:20Now, when I slap, it's no brush with a chicken's claw.
01:16:23Come off it, Dave.
01:16:24Get him out of here before I call the police.
01:16:26Out you go.
01:16:30Nobody's leaving.
01:16:31I said the party's over.
01:16:33Drop dead.
01:16:34It's my house, and I'll do as I please.
01:16:36It's your father's house.
01:16:37I'm his wife, and you do what I say.
01:16:39Now put on your blouse and get away from that door.
01:16:42I said get away from that door.
01:16:44I'll kill you.
01:16:48The devil's going on here.
01:16:49There'll be a party.
01:16:51So it seems.
01:16:53Jennifer, get your things on.
01:16:54Who are these people?
01:16:55Jennifer's friends, boss.
01:16:57Now, get out of here.
01:16:58All of you, go on.
01:16:59Get out of my house.
01:17:01Go on.
01:17:07Go on.
01:17:08Get out of it, you jiving, dribbling scum.
01:17:11Get out of it.
01:17:21Put on your clothes.
01:17:22And take that muck off your face.
01:17:24Bringing that riffraff in here.
01:17:25What sort of a place do you think you're turning this into?
01:17:27That's the big laugh.
01:17:28Why didn't you ask yourself that question
01:17:29when you brought that woman in here?
01:17:30Shut up.
01:17:31The bally.
01:17:32Ask her what she and Greta were up to in Paris.
01:17:34Get her to show you how she's straight with the customers.
01:17:36Shut up.
01:17:38You and Greta and your boyfriends.
01:17:40Tell him how much you were paid.
01:17:43And if she doesn't know that much English, go and ask Greta.
01:17:46Don't, Paul.
01:17:52Jenny, I...
01:18:05It isn't true, is it?
01:18:07None of it.
01:18:09It's a lot of nonsense.
01:18:13Tell him it isn't true.
01:18:20I don't mean that.
01:18:21You know I don't mean that.
01:18:29If you prefer.
01:18:32That is true.
01:18:38My wife.
01:18:40But why?
01:18:43You lied to me.
01:18:45How have I lied to you?
01:18:46Did I tell you I was a virgin before I married you?
01:18:49Did I tell you I'd never been to bed with another man?
01:18:51But you never told me that...
01:18:52That I accepted the rent money instead of a bunch of roses?
01:18:57All right.
01:18:58I never told you.
01:19:00Is that lying?
01:19:05Maybe it isn't.
01:19:08But you've got to tell me the truth now.
01:19:11Oh, yes, I'll tell you.
01:19:14Rao was my father.
01:19:16I walked out.
01:19:18I walked out.
01:19:21I was hungry, but I was too proud to go back.
01:19:25Greta showed me the way.
01:19:28It is not easy to stay respectable on an empty stomach.
01:19:32Poor Greta.
01:19:34I was the lucky one.
01:19:36You came along.
01:19:39You came along.
01:19:40All I ever wanted.
01:19:48I love you.
01:19:51That's all I know.
01:19:54I love you.
01:20:38Oh, man.
01:20:43Ah, sin for the body snatchers.
01:20:45The joint's dead, all right.
01:20:47I'm weary.
01:20:48I'm bored.
01:20:49Come on, live dangerously.
01:20:58Come on, Jim, dance with me.
01:20:59Let's live it up.
01:21:00All right.
01:21:17Come on, Jim.
01:21:47Come on.
01:22:08What's your hurry, baby?
01:22:10Where'd you pick up that rubbish inside?
01:22:13She saw me in the light and took off.
01:22:18On your way, kid.
01:22:19You're underage.
01:22:21Take another look.
01:22:22Remember me?
01:22:25Okay, you win and you go.
01:22:48Come on.
01:23:04Well, that's tricks.
01:23:06Nearly run off my feet now.
01:23:08You've got to keep the girls at home these days, eh?
01:23:10Why do they change the law just when I'm doing so good?
01:23:13I'll tell you there's no justice.
01:23:15Who says?
01:23:20Nicole, she's not in her room.
01:23:22She's gone.
01:23:47Well, somebody down there likes me.
01:23:49I've quite given you up.
01:23:51I didn't say for certain.
01:23:53Oh, I'm not making any complaints.
01:23:55It's a woman's privilege to change her mind,
01:23:57especially if she's beautiful.
01:23:59You don't look so surprised.
01:24:01Is it new to you that you are?
01:24:03No, I'm not.
01:24:05It's a woman's privilege to change her mind,
01:24:07especially if she's beautiful.
01:24:09You don't look so surprised.
01:24:11Is it new to you that you are?
01:24:13No, I'm not.
01:24:15It's a woman's privilege to change her mind,
01:24:17especially if she's beautiful.
01:24:23Sit down.
01:24:25Oh, yes, I forgot.
01:24:27You're underage, aren't you?
01:24:29Excuse me, you're quite a bit of trouble for me.
01:24:33You're coming here in business hours.
01:24:35Who says?
01:24:37Your stepmother.
01:24:39I guess she made quite a scene threatening me with your father.
01:24:42Oh, I forget them.
01:24:44They drive into me like a big headache.
01:24:46In any case, I'm on my own.
01:24:48I just walked out.
01:24:50And came here?
01:24:52No, thank you.
01:24:54A guy gave me the heebies.
01:24:56I felt flat.
01:24:58Well, naturally.
01:25:00What could those children possibly do for you?
01:25:02You need a little help, don't you?
01:25:06One way or another,
01:25:08I think I can offer you quite a future.
01:25:30What the hell?
01:25:41Having fun, you lousy Ted?
01:25:43Any complaints?
01:25:46You think you own those bloody streets, don't you?
01:25:48I'm not fighting.
01:25:50Fighting's for squares.
01:25:52It's not worth the fun, Luke.
01:25:54Come on.
01:26:16Simon, what are those tickets doing on Kenny's desk?
01:26:18You've been going through Kenny's private papers.
01:26:20Now, is that nice?
01:26:22Who's going to Paris and when?
01:26:24Kenny feels he needs a change.
01:26:27A change?
01:26:29Let's face it, Greta.
01:26:31This is it.
01:26:33You've got your cars and your coppers.
01:26:35The replacement's arrived.
01:26:37He didn't even have the guts to tell me himself.
01:26:39Of course he didn't.
01:26:41I'm sure he did.
01:26:42He didn't even have the guts to tell me himself.
01:26:44Well, Kenny's got a lot on his mind.
01:26:47He's got his hands full, as you might say.
01:26:50I see.
01:26:52And now I've done his dirty work,
01:26:54I've no more use, is that it?
01:26:58I might have known he never cared a damn for me.
01:27:01That's right, girl.
01:27:03Be sensible about it.
01:27:05Come to think of it, what else can you do?
01:27:07What else?
01:27:09I should get out there and get one of those suckers
01:27:10to buy you a drink.
01:27:12A good idea.
01:27:14They were in the cafe.
01:27:16When we first went in?
01:27:29Look, that's Aunt Jenny's crowd, isn't it?
01:27:36Where's Jennifer?
01:27:38I don't know. She walked out on us.
01:27:40Poor old Alice in Wonderland.
01:28:10You see, I'm not such a dangerous man, am I?
01:28:38Two tickets.
01:28:40Paris, last play on Saturday night.
01:28:43You can forget all about those cheap thrills.
01:28:46You might even have your name up in lights
01:28:48in the Champs-Élysées, and it really means something.
01:28:53Does the idea appeal to you?
01:29:41It's been knifed. Get them, please, quick.
01:29:44Murder! Call the police!
01:29:50Officer, there's been a murder in our place.
01:29:55My God, Jennifer!
01:30:11I didn't do it!
01:30:13I didn't do it!
01:30:15I didn't do it!
01:30:17I didn't do it!
01:30:20Who said you did?
01:30:25I reckon I did us all a favour.
01:30:30Here, get on with her, quickly.
01:30:32Stop her. Goodness sake, stop her.
01:30:34Don't let her get out. That's right.
01:30:36I know she's in there. I know it.
01:30:38Just a minute. There must be a back entrance somewhere.
01:30:41Help me!
01:30:43Help me!
01:30:45Come back! Help me!
01:30:47Come back!
01:30:49It's all right, officer. It's my daughter.
01:30:51You're her father, are you?
01:30:55Well, if it weren't for my pension, I'd wallop her.
01:30:57You'd better take over.
01:30:59Meanwhile, I'll have some particulars.
01:31:02You'll find us here, if you want us.
01:31:05Thank you, Mr. Goodman.
01:31:10Thank you, Jeremy.
01:31:38Only square's nowhere to go.
01:31:40Come on, let's go.
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