The Brightest Star in The Sky Episode 4 English Sub

  • 5 months ago
The Brightest Star in The Sky Episode 4 English Sub
00:14 只要你做我的女友 谁都没机会 I only need you to be my girlfriend. No one has a chance.
00:18 就要占据你的心 不会拒绝我 I'll take your heart. I won't refuse.
00:21 So where are you? Come to my party.
00:26 因为我知道你才就是人群里的焦点 Cause I know you're the spotlight in the crowd.
00:30 眼光太高 不能怪我 The sun is too high. It's not my fault.
00:33 要让大家看到你 See wow I want everyone to see you. See wow
00:36 当然这不全是我的目的 Of course this isn't all my intention.
00:38 我要爱你的人都羡慕 I envy all the people who love you.
00:40 没错 请你接受我的表白 That's right. Please accept my confession.
00:43 要知道我从不会被拒绝 I know I won't be rejected.
00:45 我相信你和我是天生的一对 I believe you and I are a perfect match.
00:51 I'll be your bigger lover.
01:01 当你听完这首歌 When you listen to this song,
01:06 是你的独白 It's your confession.
01:09 因为不用猜我都知道 Because I know it without guessing.
01:13 余子瑞啊 Yu Zirui.
01:34 有一点点印象 有印象啊 I have a little impression of him.
01:36 不过呢 他长得太普通了 But he looks too ordinary.
01:39 唱得也太普通了 He sings too ordinary.
01:43 太普通了 太普通了 Too ordinary.
01:45 那你干嘛剽窃人家的作品 Why did you steal his work?
01:53 爱情是余子瑞想的 Love is Yu Zirui's wish.
01:57 你这么诚实啊 You are so honest.
01:58 这么爽快就承认他剽窃了是你 You admitted he stole it so quickly.
02:00 谁剽窃了 Who stole it?
02:01 他的破歌给我都不喜欢唱 He doesn't even want to sing the song he gave me.
02:03 别激动 别激动啊 Don't get excited.
02:05 但是我们听到的不是这种声音 But we didn't hear this kind of voice.
02:08 你们的公司已经将你所有的这首破歌 Your company has counted all your songs
02:11 数上了你这么多序码 and counted them as your many sequences.
02:14 我告诉你 I'm telling you.
02:15 那是因为余子瑞想要借我的名声 That's because Yu Zirui wants to borrow my name
02:17 吵他的歌而已 to make a scene.
02:19 你们私底下勾当的事情跟我没有任何关系 I have nothing to do with your private affairs.
02:21 我什么都不知道 I know nothing about it.
02:22 我为什么要借助你的名气 Why should I borrow your name?
02:28 对啊 Yes.
02:30 为什么借你名声 Why should I borrow your name?
02:35 余子瑞 我终于对上号了 Yu Zirui, I finally got the right person.
02:40 郑博讯 只要你停止剽窃侵权 Zheng Boxu, as long as you stop plagiarizing the rights of others
02:44 不再使用那首破舞队的《什么都没有发生的》 and stop using the song "Nothing Happened to Me"
02:46 我不再追求你 I won't pursue you anymore.
02:48 剽窃侵权 你好意思说吗 How dare you say that?
02:50 明明是你拿我的名声在吵这种玩意儿 It's you who is using my name to make a scene.
02:52 你有什么脸好不来跟我说这句话 How dare you say that to me?
02:55 徐徐徐 等会儿 等一下 Wait a minute.
02:58 你有什么好名声吗 Do you have a good name?
03:00 别动 别打我 Don't move. Don't hit me.
03:02 你不是拼爹我名吗 是不是 You are fighting for your father's name, right?
03:04 这样大家都知道你拼的 Everyone knows you are fighting for your father's name.
03:06 记者都来了 看着他干嘛呢 The reporters are here. What are you looking at?
03:07 看他干嘛呢 对不对 What are you looking at? Right?
03:08 今天记者都在 咱把话说清楚啊 Today, the reporters are here. Let's make it clear.
03:10 听说了 I heard it.
03:11 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:14 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:16 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:18 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:20 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:22 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:24 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:26 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:28 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:30 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:32 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:34 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:36 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:38 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:40 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:42 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:44 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:46 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:48 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:50 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:52 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:54 这不是我爹的名字吗 This is my father's name.
03:56 跟狗狗说话 What are you doing?
03:58 别碰我别碰我 Don't touch me.
04:00 打啊 Come on.
04:01 看不见我这个 I can't see you.
04:03 别拿东西 Don't take my stuff.
04:08 别动 起来 Don't move. Get up.
04:10 别打 Don't hit me.
04:11 打打打打 Don't hit me.
04:13 别动 Don't move.
04:16 跟你们有什么关系啊 What's your business?
04:23 你看不见我 看不见我 Look at me. What's your business?
04:25 看不见我 Look at me. What's your business?
04:27 看不见我 Look at me. What's your business?
04:29 追啊 Chase them.
04:32 别 Don't.
05:01 这丫头挺猛啊 This girl is fierce.
05:03 男人打架她也不难受 Men fight, she's not easy to deal with.
05:05 可以啊她 She's good.
05:06 听你这话的意思 You sound proud.
05:10 你还挺得意 You're proud.
05:11 你们公司的男男女女都挺能打是吗 You're both good at fighting, right?
05:13 不是不是 机关同志 No, officer.
05:14 我不是那个意思 I didn't mean that.
05:15 我回去一定要严加管教 I'll be strict when I go back.
05:17 您放心 该承担的责任 该赔偿的损失 Don't worry. We'll take responsibility for the loss.
05:20 我们一定不会推卸的 We won't give up.
05:21 一定配合你们把这件事处理好 I'll cooperate with you to handle this.
05:23 对 Yes.
05:24 助理 Assistant.
05:26 你过来坐下 Come and sit here.
05:30 看不出来啊 I didn't expect that.
05:47 你还是一个女汉子 You're a man.
05:51 下次我再干这样的时候 Next time I do this,
05:53 离我远一点 stay away from me.
05:55 这样会很危险 It's dangerous.
05:57 这不是你一个女孩能够掺和进来的事情 It's not something a girl like you can get involved in.
06:00 明白吗 Do you understand?
06:01 记住了吗 Do you remember?
06:03 你躲着我干什么 Why are you hiding from me?
06:15 我打你了吗 Did I hit you?
06:17 没事 It's fine.
06:18 这个 This.
06:28 打架呢 Fighting?
06:29 不属于助理的工作范围之内 It's not within the scope of the assistant's work.
06:32 明白了吗 Do you understand?
06:35 看在你帮我挡了一瓶子的份上 For the sake of you blocking a bottle for me,
06:37 我就还是坐在这边吧 I'd better sit here.
06:41 坐在这儿 Sit here.
06:42 挺好啊不是 It's good, isn't it?
06:45 坐下来 Sit down.
06:48 坐下来 Sit down.
06:50 坐下来 Sit down.
06:52 坐下来 Sit down.
06:54 坐下来 Sit down.
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09:59 坐下来 Sit down.
10:01 坐下来 Sit down.
10:04 这伤口还叫大?
10:05 你别闹了 Don't make a scene.
10:08 你别的地方伤都没有啊你 You're not hurt anywhere else.
10:11 你胳膊腿 Your arms and legs.
10:13 你别搬弄我了我没事 Don't move me. I'm fine.
10:18 叫贾医生来 Call Dr. Jia.
10:21 赶紧去看看 Go and have a look.
10:23 你叫贾医生来干什么呀 Why did you call Dr. Jia?
10:24 来看我笑话来看我笑话 Come to laugh at me.
10:26 我就这么点伤口 I'm just a little wound.
10:27 我一大男人 I'm a big man.
10:28 你让人过来 You make people come over
10:29 以为我有多矫情 and think I'm so hypocritical.
10:32 你真没事 Are you really fine?
10:33 我有事我还能在这儿跟你说话吗 I can talk to you here if I have something to say.
10:36 那你知道你是个大男人 Do you know you're a big man?
10:38 怎么跑到酒吧里去跟人家打架 Why did you go to the bar and fight with others?
10:40 这是多严重的事情你知道吗 Do you know how serious this is?
10:43 你对自己负不负责任 Are you responsible for yourself?
10:44 那不属于你自己那是无价之宝 That's not yours. That's priceless.
10:47 负点责任好吧 Be responsible for yourself, okay?
10:49 真没事不用担心 I'm fine. Don't worry.
10:51 我告诉你你以后要是再这样 I'm telling you, if you do this again,
10:55 我就雇两个人24小时跟着你 I'll hire two people to follow you 24/7.
10:57 如果别人找你打架也得拦着 If someone wants to fight with you, you have to stop them.
10:59 不能让你受伤好不 I can't let you get hurt.
11:01 我又不是三岁小孩你快饶了我吧 I'm not a three-year-old. Please forgive me.
11:04 再说了现在什么社会了 Besides, what kind of society is this?
11:07 现在是打架就能解决问题的社会吗 Is this a society where fighting can solve problems?
11:09 你肯定比我更清楚 You must know better than me.
11:11 现在是用这儿 You're using this.
11:12 你知道了 You know it.
11:14 那你答应爸爸 Then you promise me.
11:17 我不再冒险 I won't take any risks.
11:18 不再干这种对自己不利的事情 I won't do anything bad to myself.
11:21 好不 I promise.
11:22 明白 I understand.
11:23 我保证不是最后一次 I promise it won't be the last time.
11:24 小徐啊 Xiao Xu.
11:25 你最好不要让董事长担心 You'd better not make the chairman worried.
11:27 你可是他那命根子呀 You're his lifeblood.
11:29 我懂 谦哥 I know, Qian.
11:31 小姐 找点血压药来 Xiao Jie, get some blood pressure medicine.
11:33 把他的伤口给他涂一涂 Let's put some ointment on his wound.
11:35 好 Okay.
11:36 不是 我姐怎么还不回来 Why is my sister not back yet?
11:42 你没事也去抽空关心关心一下我姐 You can go to see my sister when you're free.
11:45 别老是盯着我 Don't keep an eye on me.
11:47 你姐她不需要我关心 Your sister doesn't need my concern.
11:50 她最近设计了一款珠宝首饰 She recently designed a jewelry accessory.
11:52 获得了莱绅通灵集团总部的认可 She has been recognized by the Leysen Group Headquarters.
11:55 集团总部准备把这款首饰批量上来 The headquarters is going to sell this jewelry.
11:59 你说你要有她一半 You said you want half of her.
12:01 我也不至于那么操心 I'm not that annoying.
12:03 我姐可跟我说过一句话 My sister once told me
12:07 说让我自己做我自己想做的事情 that I should do what I want to do.
12:10 你说你要是能跟我姐学一个一星半点 If you can learn half of her from my sister,
12:13 那我也就放心了 I'll be relieved.
12:15 你什么意思 What do you mean?
12:16 没大没小 You're so arrogant.
12:17 以后别打架了 Don't fight in the future.
12:24 明星郑伯须上演暴力事件 The star Zheng Boxu is involved in a violent incident.
12:28 都看见了吧 You all see it, right?
12:30 头版头条 The headline.
12:35 这个事情必须得有个说法 There must be an explanation for this.
12:37 都给我指指招都 Give me more instructions.
12:39 还是老办法吧 It's the same old way.
12:41 买石筋 删帖 Buy a piece of paper and delete the post.
12:43 再动员粉丝出来灌水 Then mobilize fans to come out and pour water.
12:45 能不能动动脑子呀 Can you use your brain?
12:47 让粉丝出来干什么呀 Why do you want fans to come out?
12:49 我们说我们的偶像特别能打 We say our idols are very good at fighting.
12:52 一个能打仨一个是我们超级偶像 One can fight three and we are super idols.
12:55 都愣着干什么呀 Why are you all standing there?
13:00 出主意啊 Give me an idea.
13:02 平时不是一个比一个能说吗 You usually have a better say than the other.
13:04 这到了危机公关了 You are in crisis now.
13:06 怎么把嘴都给我关上了 Why did you shut up?
13:07 打架这事太负面 The fight is too negative.
13:10 到了媒体那儿变成了暴力事件 It has become a violent incident in the media.
13:11 得赶紧想办法把这个事给掰过来 We have to figure out a way to get this thing over with.
13:14 就不能给大家说个实话让个错了 I can't tell the truth to everyone.
13:18 你说什么 What did you say?
13:20 我觉得郑伯须应该诚恳地出来 I think Zheng Boxu should come out sincerely.
13:25 把这件事情解释一下 And explain this matter.
13:26 然后给公众道个歉 Then apologize to the public.
13:27 这样对他的公众形象也没什么损伤 This will not harm his public image.
13:30 大家也应该会原谅他的 Everyone will forgive him.
13:32 梁珍珍 You are using the light to set the stage.
13:35 大伙都听见了吧 Did you hear that?
13:37 正面的偶像出来道歉正面的偶像出来道歉正面的偶像 Come out and apologize to your idol.
13:42 这是特别好的偶像 This is a very good idol.
13:44 你是不是觉得偶像犯罪与粉丝同罪啊 Do you think that idol crime is the same as fan crime?
13:47 偶像自己本来就是人嘛 Idols are people.
13:50 人还没个犯错的时候嘛 It's not the time to make mistakes.
13:54 那粉丝也希望自己的偶像是一个正直诚实勇敢的人嘛 The fans also want their idols to be honest and brave.
13:58 总比满口谎话要强 They are better than lying.
14:01 你胡说 You are talking nonsense.
14:02 要不是你没看住郑国驹能出这么大喽啰吗 If you didn't keep an eye on Zheng Boxu, would you have been able to make such a big deal?
14:08 这会儿还给我来什么心灵鸡汤呢 You are giving me some chicken soup now.
14:12 你还真差点把我给感动了 You almost moved me.
14:14 怎么着 还得来个星空最佳感动人物奖吗 What? Do I have to give you the best touching person award in the starry sky?
14:18 你先别发火 You don't get angry first.
14:20 这不是一起想办法的 This is a small way to get together.
14:21 我 I
14:22 行 我不发火 I won't get angry.
14:26 我心平气和地问大家 I will ask you in a calm way.
14:28 有没有办法呢 Do you have any ideas?
14:30 说话好不好 Can you talk?
14:33 还不说话是吧 You are not talking, are you?
14:36 非得我一个一个点名吗 Do I have to name you one by one?
14:39 郑国驹这个事必须给我掰过来 I must get Zheng Boxu here.
14:43 大家别有什么顾虑 Don't worry about it.
14:46 有什么想法都说出来 Just say what you think.
14:47 办法总是会比困难多的 The solution will always be more difficult.
14:50 刘总 余总 Mr. Liu, Mr. Yu.
14:51 我觉得应该去找一下打架对方的人 I think we should find someone to fight with
14:54 好好协商一下 and negotiate with them.
14:55 让他们把责任承担下来 Let them take the responsibility.
14:57 这个铁铁谱再洗一次广义 This post-it note is a wide-spread.
15:00 别让那个年度人物什么最佳感动 Don't let that annual person get the best touching
15:03 给我带兜着去了 and take it with him.
15:04 干脆这样 Let's do this.
15:05 咱们去找找那两个人 Let's go find those two people.
15:06 让他们出来道歉 Let them come out and apologize.
15:08 只有咱再发一个声明原谅他们 Only if we make a statement to forgive them.
15:10 怎么样 How about it?
15:11 我觉得不合适 I don't think it's a good idea.
15:12 合适 It's a good idea.
15:13 怎么不合适啊 Why not?
15:14 合适 It's a good idea.
15:15 我不同意 I disagree.
15:16 你不同意 You disagree?
15:18 你要干什么呀 What are you going to do?
15:20 我还没问你呢 I haven't asked you yet.
15:21 在摩西人呢 Where is Mo Xu?
15:23 人在哪儿 Where is he?
15:24 应该在家吧 He should be at home.
15:26 那要不你现在去他家 Why don't you go to his house now?
15:28 关键时期各路媒体都在找他呢 The media is looking for him at this critical time.
15:31 杨蓁蓁 You can't handle the crisis PR.
15:34 私人助理你又干不了 You can't handle the private assistant.
15:37 我告诉你啊 I'm telling you.
15:38 我再给你最后一次机会 I'll give you one last chance.
15:40 你现在马上给我去他家 Go to his house now.
15:42 二十四小时把他给我盯住了 Keep an eye on him for 24 hours.
15:44 扎那儿不许动 明白吗 Don't move. Understand?
15:46 去就去 I'll go.
15:50 杨蓁蓁 Yang Zhenzhen
15:55 喜姐 Sister Yuqi
15:57 郑伯须这次麻烦大了 Zheng Boxu is in big trouble this time.
16:01 刘云南是不是又在拍桌子骂人了 Is Liu Yunnan scolding him again?
16:03 你家胥胥可不是省油的灯 Your Boxu is not a cheap guy.
16:09 你做他助理 You are his assistant.
16:11 以后可得小心点 Be careful in the future.
16:13 又在这儿欺负小妹妹 Are you bullying your little sister again?
16:17 不用担心 蓁蓁 不就是打个架嘛 Don't worry, Zhenzhen. It's just a fight.
16:21 刘总处理起这件事情来 相散以便 Mr. Liu will handle it.
16:24 怎么你又出现了 Why are you here again?
16:27 我听说我们家 Boxu大宝贝出了点事 I heard that Boxu's baby had a little trouble.
16:30 我过来看看有什么需要帮忙的呀 I came to see if I could help.
16:32 你确定你不是来看热闹的 Are you sure you're not here to see the fun?
16:35 那你这话说的呀 太无厘头了 You're talking nonsense.
16:38 公司的艺人出了事 The company's artist is in trouble.
16:40 我知道了 我知道了 I see.
16:42 原来你是来看热闹的呀 So you're here to see the fun.
16:44 姐姐们 刘总还找我有点事 姐姐们 刘总还找我有点事 Sisters, Mr. Liu is looking for me.
16:47 那个我就先回见 那个我就先回见 I'll see you later.
16:51 拜拜 Bye.
16:53 怎么会出这种事呢 How did this happen?
16:57 这事好看吗 How is it? Is it beautiful?
16:58 好看 特别好看 It's beautiful. It's very beautiful.
17:00 看都没看就说好看 You said it's beautiful without seeing it.
17:03 我的意思是说 你年轻漂亮穿什么都好看 I mean you're young and beautiful. You look good in everything.
17:09 你说陪我出来逛街 You said you'd go shopping with me.
17:12 然后这么心不在焉的 And you're so indifferent.
17:14 你要这么不愿意的话 If you don't want to,
17:16 我们就回去算了 let's go back.
17:18 这事我看了很清楚了 I've seen it all.
17:20 这事我看了很清楚了 I've seen it all.
17:22 这事我看了很清楚了 I've seen it all.
17:25 我们就回去算了 Let's go back.
17:26 公司出了点状况公司出了点状况 The company is in a bad situation.
17:28 我知道 I know.
17:30 郑伯胥呢 What about Zheng Boxu?
17:32 都这个时候了能出这种负面新闻 It's a bad time to make such a bad news.
17:34 我真是服了 I'm really convinced.
17:36 看在你这么压力山大的分上 For the sake of your great pressure,
17:40 我就给你点回馈 I'll give you some feedback.
17:42 什么回馈 What feedback?
17:44 一个好消息一个坏消息 One good news and one bad news.
17:46 想先听哪个 Which one do you want to hear first?
17:48 坏消息 Bad news.
17:51 刚才我听到的消息是说 The news is that
17:52 之前那几家投资公司本来就有女的现在不投了 the previous investment companies had a female investor, but now they don't.
17:56 全撤了 They all withdrew.
17:58 还有好消息呢 And the good news is...
18:01 现在除非谁能够投资 Now unless someone can invest,
18:04 不然没什么好消息了 there's no good news.
18:06 我之前不是在万盛工作吗 I used to work at Wansheng.
18:08 所以我第一个发给他们一直没什么回复 So the first thing I sent them was no feedback.
18:11 可就在昨天突然给我打电话了 But yesterday, they suddenly called me.
18:14 他们竟然有投资意向 They have investment intentions.
18:20 是有一个条件的 There is one condition.
18:21 你说 You say it.
18:23 那你要先说你喜欢我 Then you have to say you like me first.
18:28 说吧 Say it.
18:31 因为他们对我本人比较信任 Because they trust me more,
18:34 所以他们要求我进入公司的核心管理层 so they asked me to join the core management team of the company
18:38 成为星空娱乐的执行副总裁 and become the executive vice president of Star Entertainment.
18:41 你 You...
18:42 你不用着急回复我 You don't have to reply me right away.
18:44 你先考虑清楚 Think about it first.
18:46 这事怎么样 How is it going?
18:49 要不就这事吧 How about this?
18:50 你说 You say
18:52 成为副总裁的话 If I become the vice president,
18:54 穿这样 I should wear this.
18:56 应该挺合适的 It should be quite suitable.
18:58 你永远只会看表面 You will always look at the surface.
19:03 事情是什么事情都跟不上 You don't know what the matter is.
19:07 事情是什么事情都跟不上 You don't know what the matter is.
19:09 这位小姐怎么着 This young lady, what's the matter?
19:25 要搭顺风车啊 Are you going to take the big water bus?
19:27 来看一看吧 Come and take a look.
19:29 半年没见了成大明星了 It's been half a year since I last saw you. You've become a big star.
19:32 真把自己当回事 You really take yourself as a bad thing.
19:36 上来吧 Come on.
19:37 过来 Come here.
19:44 让我看看顺风车 Let me see the water bus.
19:46 在你姐面前还跟我装啊 You're pretending in front of your sister.
19:56 打你 I'll hit you.
19:58 我想死你了姐 I miss you so much.
20:00 你终于回来了 You're finally back.
20:02 我太想你了 I miss you so much.
20:03 我没看出来 I didn't see it.
20:05 去哪儿 Where are you going?
20:06 这是药身房 This is the pharmacy.
20:16 以后女人 男 保姆 女 保姆 In the future, women, men, and nannies will be here.
20:20 Help me.
20:21 Zheng Boxu.
20:45 Zheng Boxu, I'm Yang Zhenzhen.
20:49 I'm Yang Zhenzhen.
20:51 Zheng Boxu.
20:54 No one's here.
20:58 I don't think there are any paparazzi.
21:02 [A Little Thing Called First Love]
21:04 [Preview of Next Episode]
21:07 My latest design.
21:08 I won the award in Hong Kong.
21:09 Really?
21:11 Of course.
21:12 No.
21:12 Since you won the award,
21:14 stay with me today.
21:15 Stay at my place.
21:16 We can chat.
21:17 No.
21:18 I have to go back to see my dad.
21:19 I haven't seen him for a long time.
21:20 Shouldn't you go back with me?
21:22 I...
21:23 I'm not going back today.
21:25 Every time I go back,
21:26 my dad asks me to manage the company and the group.
21:28 Don't think about this and that.
21:31 Stay with me today.
21:32 You have to go to my place.
21:34 Let's go shopping, eat something,
21:35 and go to a bar with me tonight.
21:37 I'll stay with you wherever you go.
21:38 I'll stay with you.
21:40 You need someone to stay with you?
21:41 I just want you to stay with me, Mengjie.
21:44 What's wrong with you?
21:46 Do you have a boyfriend?
21:50 You're so old.
21:54 You don't even have a girlfriend.
21:55 You're such a failure.
21:56 So what if I don't have a girlfriend?
21:59 I have music.
21:59 I have you.
22:01 You only know music?
22:02 Then...
22:02 Then you should introduce me to your friends.
22:05 What kind of girl do you like?
22:06 I don't care what kind of girl I like.
22:08 It's up to you.
22:09 Maybe now is the time.
22:11 I haven't seen you bring a girl home for so many years.
22:14 I'm driving. Don't touch me.
22:15 I think you should change your agent.
22:20 Don't say it's useless.
22:21 You go in with me and rehearse.
22:23 You have to act well.
22:24 Don't let others gossip.
22:25 I know.
22:26 You want to prove that you can rely on yourself
22:28 instead of relying on your dad.
22:29 Don't you think I'm famous
22:31 because of my dad?
22:35 It doesn't matter what others say.
22:36 The point is what you want to do.
22:37 Yes.
22:39 You heartless man!
22:50 You're so cruel.
22:52 How could you do this to me?
22:54 My life is so miserable.
22:56 My life is so miserable.
23:00 Your expression is a bit exaggerated.
23:02 Be a little gentler.
23:04 My life is so miserable.
23:06 Have you forgotten?
23:07 Last time we met under the moonlight,
23:10 you said you would be responsible for me.
23:13 I didn't forget.
23:16 But do you remember you said
23:18 you would give up everything
23:19 for my future and reputation?
23:21 But you said you would love me forever
23:24 and make me happy forever.
23:27 To be honest,
23:28 my dad already knows our relationship.
23:31 If we continue to be together,
23:33 I will have nothing.
23:34 He will watch me wander the streets.
23:36 Although I'm a poor girl
23:40 with no social status,
23:42 I have my own self-esteem.
23:44 Do you think I'm doing this for myself?
23:47 I'm doing this for my baby.
23:50 A baby?
23:53 I'm pregnant with your baby.
23:56 What should I do?
23:57 Listen,
23:59 you can keep the baby.
24:00 But you can never enter our house.
24:03 You are so cruel.
24:04 I'm cruel.
24:06 You are so heartless.
24:07 You are so heartless.
24:08 You are so heartless.
24:10 You are so heartless.
24:11 That's enough.
24:12 You are so heartless.
24:13 Zheng Boxu,
24:14 how can you be like this?
24:16 It's not worth it
24:18 to cry for this scumbag.
24:20 Why are you in my house?
24:24 How did you get in?
24:25 You have a woman in your house.
24:30 I have nothing to do with her.
24:31 I have nothing to do with her.
24:33 Who is she?
24:34 Stop it, sister.
24:35 My name is Fang Yi Ran.
24:43 I'm Zheng Boxu's sister.
24:45 May I ask who you are?
24:47 She is my assistant, Yang Zhenzhen.
24:49 You changed your assistant again?
24:50 Isn't your assistant's last name Jian?
24:52 I've changed many times.
24:54 I'm sorry.
24:56 I thought you were...
24:58 It's okay.
24:59 I'm rehearsing with him.
25:01 Is the script
25:02 good?
25:03 I'm asking you why you are here.
25:08 Mr. Liu asked me to supervise you for 24 hours.
25:14 Are you kidding?
25:15 24 hours?
25:17 No way.
25:18 I'm telling you.
25:19 You don't agree?
25:21 I don't agree.
25:22 I agree.
25:24 You are my assistant.
25:26 He rehearses with you.
25:27 You don't have to say such a disgusting line.
25:29 No way.
25:30 Why not?
25:31 I've been flying for 12 hours.
25:32 You dragged me here.
25:33 You are my mom.
25:34 You can't do this.
25:36 I'll leave him to you.
25:37 You are in charge of watching him.
25:39 Don't call me for 48 hours.
25:41 Because I'm going to be late.
25:42 Fang Yi Ran.
25:44 You said you would eat with me.
25:47 I can eat with you.
25:48 I'm going back now.
25:49 You want to bite me?
25:50 You want to bite me?
25:52 Bye.
25:53 [Liu Fang Yi Ran]
25:55 Fang Yi Ran.
25:59 My Fang Yi Ran.
26:00 Why are you laughing?
26:06 Is it funny?
26:07 I was reading the script.
26:12 I listened to your rehearsal.
26:15 It was terrible.
26:16 You know the script?
26:21 You can't say anything wrong.
26:24 I'll practice with you.
26:27 Save it.
26:27 I don't need you.
26:28 I'm sorry about last time.
26:31 I shouldn't blame you
26:34 when I didn't understand.
26:36 You didn't know the truth.
26:38 So I apologize to you.
26:41 Remember.
26:42 You are never qualified to criticize me.
26:45 You can only blame me.
26:46 Understand?
26:49 You hit me first.
26:52 It's your fault.
26:53 And I think you should apologize to the public
26:56 and explain the situation.
26:57 Maybe the public will forgive you.
26:59 Then it won't hurt your public image.
27:03 Which eye are you looking at?
27:05 Here.
27:06 You touched my hand.
27:07 Both eyes saw it.
27:10 You are here to make trouble for me.
27:18 Get up.
27:20 Why is he angry again?
27:22 Here.
27:38 Thank you for coming.
27:40 Here.
27:41 To our memory.
27:42 Cheers.
27:43 How long will we not see each other?
27:53 How many years will we miss each other?
28:02 But why is love like this?
28:06 It's so sad to see the end of the love.
28:15 Regret.
28:17 But hate will be forgotten at some night.
28:25 What's deep is the loneliness of missing you.
28:34 The loneliness of missing you.
28:39 Missing you.
28:45 Star Entertainment.
28:58 I'm Liu Yinan from the Department of Promotion.
29:00 You are Zirui, right?
29:01 Let's go.
29:02 Let's go.
29:04 Here.
29:06 Drink some.
29:07 What do you want to say?
29:11 Your water.
29:13 Okay.
29:14 Let's get straight to the point.
29:16 Our company has a new song recently.
29:20 The song is called "Love".
29:22 We spent money to sign the contract to buy this song.
29:26 Who knows the person who sold this song
29:30 plagiarized someone else's song.
29:33 Is it you?
29:34 This behavior is despicable and shameless.
29:43 I'm not talking about you.
29:44 I'm talking about that person.
29:46 How can you do this?
29:47 A song is your heart.
29:49 It has copyright.
29:50 Right?
29:51 It's the crystal of your wisdom.
29:52 You can't just plagiarize.
29:54 This film world, this novel world,
29:57 this style of playing is to be supported.
29:59 Right?
30:00 Especially you can't rush to our music industry.
30:04 Right?
30:05 What do you want to say?
30:09 I heard that you asked Mr. Wu to tell him about our company's conditions.
30:16 It's a big deal.
30:19 It's all a misunderstanding.
30:20 Right?
30:21 Look.
30:23 The company sent me to make a promise to you.
30:28 We promise that your song will never be used.
30:32 We will try our best to make other companies not to use it.
30:35 We will protect it.
30:37 It will always be in your hands.
30:39 It will be clean.
30:40 There will be no rumors.
30:42 Nothing.
30:43 Okay?
30:45 Come on.
30:45 Let's drink.
30:46 I don't drink.
30:49 I heard that you want to seal this door.
30:57 So that it will never be released.
31:00 Seal?
31:01 How can it be seal?
31:03 The word seal is used to say
31:06 the name of the artist.
31:09 It has nothing to do with you.
31:10 You are a singer.
31:11 Your singer is also a singer.
31:13 What does it have to do with sealing?
31:16 Star Entertainment won't do such a thing.
31:18 Don't worry.
31:19 Seal.
31:20 You are really strong.
31:22 Then please rest assured.
31:24 I will sing my own song one day.
31:29 Young man.
31:31 Talent can't be used as food or drink.
31:37 If you want to be famous in this circle,
31:39 you have to know how to be a person.
31:41 The most basic thing to be a person is to have passion.
31:44 Do you understand?
31:45 Passion.
31:46 You bully me because you have passion.
31:51 How can it be bullying?
31:53 Protect you.
31:55 I don't need your protection.
31:57 My things don't need your protection.
32:02 It's like I said it for nothing.
32:05 Anyway, it's not my turn to be your life mentor.
32:09 I have said what I should say and what I shouldn't say.
32:12 It depends on you whether you can listen to me.
32:17 Oh, right.
32:19 About the fight.
32:22 It seems that you guys started it first.
32:24 Zheng Boxu has suffered a loss.
32:26 But he said that
32:28 with your economic situation, he can't afford it.
32:30 Forget it.
32:32 But, brother, you should think about it from my perspective.
32:34 I should be the pioneer.
32:35 If our artist has suffered a loss,
32:37 I can't let him suffer a loss, right?
32:40 I have to find a way to make it up in the media.
32:43 You have to understand me, okay?
32:47 I feel a little bit sad.
32:49 I feel a little bit sad.
32:52 I feel a little bit sad.
32:55 With you guys by my side, that's better.
33:07 The happiest thing is to listen to the good.
33:10 I can't do it for you, but I have to gather up the courage.
33:12 Can you solve all the problems?
33:15 Now we are together,
33:16 we can make it.
33:20 He's not sleeping, is he?
33:36 The past has been forgotten.
33:42 I promise you, brother.
33:44 I won't use you.
33:46 We have to gather up the courage.
33:47 I won't use other companies.
33:50 Okay, brother, listen.
33:53 Let's go.
33:54 The pain after the heart burns.
33:56 The disappointment that can't be erased.
33:59 Have you ever had this feeling in your world?
34:02 Tell me.
34:04 I can't tell you all the feelings I want to express.
34:09 Because waiting is like I'm here.
34:11 I can't tell you all the feelings I want to express.
34:16 Because waiting is like I'm here.
34:21 I can't tell you all the feelings I want to express.
34:26 Because waiting is like I'm here.
34:31 I can't tell you all the feelings I want to express.
34:36 Because waiting is like I'm here.
34:40 I don't want to go.
34:42 Can you not go?
34:45 I told you to touch my piano, didn't I?
34:49 What are you doing?
34:50 Did I ask you to do it?
34:52 What's wrong with your hand?
34:56 Why is it so badly hurt?
35:01 Someone likes to be a hero.
35:03 I'm sorry to get people involved.
35:05 I'm sorry.
35:07 Why didn't you tell me you were so badly hurt?
35:18 I have to go to the hospital.
35:19 You're a poor man.
35:20 You don't have to be so particular.
35:22 You're my assistant now.
35:23 You have to do what I tell you to do.
35:25 Be good.
35:26 Liu Yinan asked me to come here.
35:28 What Liu Liu Liu?
35:30 Let's go.
35:31 I'll take you to the hospital.
35:34 Liu Liu Liu
35:35 Turn around.
36:01 Does it hurt?
36:03 Can you still lift it?
36:05 Okay, put it down.
36:07 No bone injury.
36:09 It's just a soft tissue rupture.
36:11 If you had come earlier for a checkup,
36:13 you wouldn't have such severe bleeding.
36:15 Why didn't you come earlier?
36:16 Because he's stupid.
36:17 You're too concerned about him.
36:20 You're anxious and you're speechless.
36:22 No.
36:24 Doctor, don't get me wrong.
36:26 I'm a talker.
36:28 He's just a little stupid.
36:31 Even if I'm stupid,
36:33 the doctor is anxious to offend you.
36:36 He bites whoever he wants.
36:37 Okay, okay.
36:38 It's okay.
36:39 The disease is not serious.
36:40 It didn't hurt my bones.
36:42 Go home and have a good rest.
36:43 Keep a good mood.
36:44 You'll recover soon.
36:46 I'll prescribe you some medicine.
36:47 Doctor, doctor.
36:49 He doesn't need to get a rabies vaccine or something.
36:52 No need.
36:54 I'm busy.
36:56 I heard that you've been spending a lot of money on foreign affairs.
37:00 Is there any progress?
37:01 Amanda signed a contract.
37:02 There will be a deposit tomorrow.
37:05 Did you help me ask Director Gu?
37:07 Director Gu said he was on a business trip.
37:08 He specifically said that
37:10 we can't delay our loan until next month.
37:12 Otherwise, he won't be able to do it.
37:13 What about Zheng Boxu?
37:14 It's on the hot search again.
37:15 The situation is very good.
37:16 Do you want to take a look?
37:17 No need.
37:18 As long as it's not negative news, it's fine.
37:21 Liu Yinan is pretty good.
37:22 He can get through anything.
37:24 I've been asking the boss of Leysen Group to have dinner.
37:26 But...
37:28 I know.
37:31 Tell Director Yu
37:33 to arrange more schedules for Zheng Boxu.
37:35 Make more money for the company while he's still alive.
37:37 Okay.
37:38 Is Director Du here?
37:39 No.
37:40 Director Chen,
37:41 this is your medical report from last time.
37:44 Dr. Xiao called me to tell you to give it to you.
37:47 Okay.
37:48 Go ahead.
37:49 Okay, Director Chen.
37:50 Close the door for me.
37:51 Okay.
37:52 (Liu Yinan)
37:54 (Liu Yinan)
37:56 (Liu Yinan)
38:24 Dr. Xiao,
38:25 I just got this medical report.
38:28 Are you sure?
38:31 Don't worry, Mr. Chen.
38:34 The rate of treatment for RA is very high.
38:37 You should hurry up and go to the hospital for a self-report.
38:40 We can discuss the treatment plan.
38:42 Okay.
38:46 Thank you.
38:48 Dr. Xiao,
38:50 can you help me with...
38:54 keep this a secret?
38:57 Don't worry.
38:58 Okay.
38:59 I'll try to get there as soon as possible.
39:01 Thank you.
39:02 Thank you.
39:03 (Liu Yinan)
39:04 (Liu Yinan)
39:05 (Liu Yinan)
39:06 (Liu Yinan)
39:07 (Liu Yinan)
39:08 (Liu Yinan)
39:09 (Liu Yinan)
39:10 (Liu Yinan)
39:11 (Liu Yinan)
39:12 (Liu Yinan)
39:13 (Liu Yinan)
39:14 (Liu Yinan)
39:15 (Liu Yinan)
39:16 (Liu Yinan)
39:17 (Liu Yinan)
39:18 (Liu Yinan)
39:19 (Liu Yinan)
39:20 (Liu Yinan)
39:21 (Liu Yinan)
39:22 (Liu Yinan)
39:23 (Liu Yinan)
39:24 (Liu Yinan)
39:25 (Liu Yinan)
39:26 Li Na,
39:27 it's me.
39:28 Have you thought about it?
39:32 I'm still more inclined to accept the investment from Wansheng Group.
39:36 I'm not against you being the vice president of the company.
39:41 It's just that I still need some time to deal with the company.
39:46 Can you wait for my news?
39:48 No problem.
39:49 I'm not in a hurry.
39:50 I'll wait for your news.
39:52 Wait for my news.
39:56 (Liu Yinan)
39:57 (Liu Yinan)
39:58 (Liu Yinan)
39:59 (Liu Yinan)
40:00 (Liu Yinan)
40:01 (Liu Yinan)
40:02 (Liu Yinan)
40:03 (Liu Yinan)
40:04 (Liu Yinan)
40:05 (Liu Yinan)
40:06 (Liu Yinan)
40:07 (Liu Yinan)
40:08 (Liu Yinan)
40:09 (Liu Yinan)
40:10 (Liu Yinan)
40:11 (Liu Yinan)
40:12 (Liu Yinan)
40:13 (Liu Yinan)
40:14 (Liu Yinan)
40:15 (Liu Yinan)
40:16 (Liu Yinan)
40:17 (Liu Yinan)
40:18 (Liu Yinan)
40:19 You should sort out these data.
40:20 Then you can get the finance department to reimburse.
40:22 I've sent the notice to your email.
40:25 Yuqi, I want to apply for a little compensation.
40:28 You can pay it yourself.
40:31 The rest will be paid.
40:32 What compensation?
40:34 He has more and more notices now.
40:45 Can he get through?
40:48 The more notices, the more money the company makes.
40:50 The more money the manager makes.
40:52 Yes.
40:53 The manager gets the commission.
40:54 But Zhenzhen,
40:57 if you really can't make it,
40:58 I suggest you use Jingdong Baitiao.
41:01 There will be a certain amount of money in it.
41:03 When the reimbursement comes down,
41:05 you can pay it back.
41:06 You can count on them.
41:07 They don't care about these at all.
41:09 I came here like this.
41:10 The fruits and vegetables are fresh and cheap.
41:13 Milk and chocolate discount.
41:16 Okay, then you can teach me later.
41:19 You can teach me later.
41:20 Why is Zheng Boxu on the hot search again?
41:27 What's so surprising?
41:31 It's just a matter of time.
41:35 It's just that our PR department changed the statement.
41:38 Turned bad things into good things.
41:39 Look, even the newspaper is on the entertainment headlines.
41:41 Zheng Boxu is recommended to be a protector forever.
41:44 Fight forever.
41:45 You are a bad guy.
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