Salute, Zambito: "Necessario dedicarci a screening per garantire sopravvivenza malati"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “La patologia del tumore al polmone è molto subdola, in quanto non dà segnali, salvo quando si è in stato molto avanzato, quindi dedicarci agli screening prendendo la malattia in tempo nelle fasi iniziali, significa garantire un'opportunità di sopravvivenza maggiore a tutti i malati”. Lo ha riferito ai microfoni dell’Adnkronos, Ylenia Zambito, segretaria della X Commissione Lavoro, Previdenza sociale e Sanità - Pd, a margine dell’iniziativa istituzionale ‘Il polmone al centro della prevenzione: una realtà italiana’, in occasione della ‘Giornata mondiale contro il tabacco’, presso il Ministero della Salute, un momento di awareness e confronto tra i principali stakeholder istituzionali, clinici e delle associazioni dei pazienti per affrontare i temi legati all’attività di prevenzione primaria e secondaria.


00:00 What role does the Ministry of Health and Welfare play in the prevention of COVID-19?
00:04 The Ministry must ensure that these projects, which are very important and which have had a relevant role in prevention,
00:14 and have been successful, I would say, because they have played a role in the prevention of COVID-19 in many people in Italy,
00:20 have a role, precisely, the Ministry and the Commission, because these projects are financed, maintained and implemented in the future.
00:30 We are talking about a very subdued lung tumor pathology, a pathology that does not give signals,
00:39 except when it is in a very advanced state of the pathology. So, dedicating ourselves to screening and therefore taking it in time in the initial phases
00:53 means guaranteeing a greater survival chance for all patients.
00:59 It means saving the State a lot of money in terms of commitment to the national health system,
01:12 because a patient in the fourth stage costs a lot more than a patient in the first stage.
01:20 And it is also important in terms of fighting against smoking, because clearly when you enter these paths,
01:31 the person is encouraged to stop smoking. So I think it is a successful project that must be supported.
