The Bells Of St Marys (1945)

  • 5 months ago
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00:01:34 Oh, Father O'Malley.
00:01:35 Yes.
00:01:36 Welcome to St. Mary's, Father.
00:01:37 Thank you.
00:01:38 Now, suppose you're tired after your traveling.
00:01:43 Oh, yes.
00:01:44 Pretty tiresome all the way in the day coats.
00:01:46 Well, I'll take you up to your room.
00:01:47 It's all ready.
00:01:48 There's nothing to do now but go to bed.
00:01:50 Is Father Fogarty still here?
00:01:52 No.
00:01:53 They took him away this morning.
00:01:55 Poor man.
00:01:56 My heart went out to him.
00:01:58 Poor man.
00:01:59 Why?
00:02:00 You'll find out.
00:02:01 [CHUCKLES]
00:02:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:02:06 Well, I think you'll find everything you want here,
00:02:18 Father.
00:02:19 Uh, I'm sure I couldn't get you a cup of tea now.
00:02:22 No, thanks.
00:02:24 I don't understand what you mean about Father Fogarty.
00:02:27 I'll find out.
00:02:28 I'll find out what?
00:02:29 What Father Fogarty found out.
00:02:32 Oh, the poor man.
00:02:33 There you go again.
00:02:34 What-- what happened to him?
00:02:36 They took him away mumbling to himself in a wheelchair.
00:02:42 They took him away?
00:02:43 Where?
00:02:45 Shady rest.
00:02:48 He even said a prayer for you that your stay here
00:02:50 might be successful and enjoyable,
00:02:52 though he doubted it very much.
00:02:55 You see, he had very definite ideas about running the school,
00:02:58 about the raising and education of children,
00:02:59 and so have they.
00:03:00 They?
00:03:02 The sisters.
00:03:04 Father Fogarty said they wandered
00:03:06 away in everything.
00:03:07 And after he was confined to a wheelchair, they had it.
00:03:12 Well, maybe he was just getting along in years.
00:03:16 Oh, he looked all right when he got here.
00:03:19 That's strange.
00:03:26 I don't anticipate any trouble.
00:03:29 You don't, eh?
00:03:31 You've never been pastor of a parochial school, then?
00:03:38 No, it's my first experience.
00:03:41 Oh.
00:03:43 Well, I can see you don't know what it means
00:03:47 to be up to your neck in nuns.
00:03:51 No.
00:03:53 Good night, Father.
00:03:55 Good night.
00:03:56 Sleep well tonight.
00:04:02 [music playing]
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00:04:57 [bell ringing]
00:05:00 Oh.
00:05:12 Good morning, Sister.
00:05:14 I'm Father O'Malley.
00:05:15 Good morning, Father.
00:05:19 This is our school bell.
00:05:21 We usually ring it about an hour from now
00:05:23 when the children are here.
00:05:24 I see.
00:05:25 Is my sister Superior, is she up yet?
00:05:27 I'm sure she is now, Father.
00:05:29 Will you come with me?
00:05:30 Yes.
00:05:31 Good morning, Sam.
00:05:42 Good morning, Sam.
00:05:44 Sister Benedict and the others are
00:05:46 very eager to meet you, Father.
00:05:48 Please sit down, and I'll tell her you're here.
00:05:50 Thank you.
00:05:51 [meow]
00:05:52 Oh, I'm sorry, Father.
00:05:57 Our cat had kittens, and they're all over the place.
00:06:00 Your father's a member of the parish, I suppose.
00:06:02 Yes.
00:06:03 He's a very good cat.
00:06:05 I'm sure he'll be a good cat.
00:06:07 I'm sure he'll be a good cat.
00:06:08 I'm sure he'll be a good cat.
00:06:10 Excuse me, Father.
00:06:11 I'll tell Sister you're here.
00:06:13 Excuse me, Father.
00:06:14 I'll tell Sister you're here.
00:06:16 Excuse me, Father.
00:06:17 I'll tell Sister you're here.
00:06:18 Good morning, Father.
00:06:29 Won't you sit down?
00:06:30 Won't you sit down?
00:06:31 Good morning, Father.
00:06:32 Won't you sit down?
00:06:33 Good morning, Father.
00:06:40 Won't you sit down, please?
00:06:41 Good morning, Father.
00:06:52 Good morning, Father.
00:06:54 - Good morning, Father. - Good morning, Father.
00:07:08 - Good morning, Father. - Good morning, Father.
00:07:12 Good morning, Father.
00:07:16 Good morning, Father.
00:07:18 Good morning, Father.
00:07:20 - It has been my... - Father, this is Sister Superior.
00:07:34 Father O'Malley, Sister Mary Benedict.
00:07:37 - How do you do, Sister? - How do you do, Father?
00:07:40 - Sisters, this is Father O'Malley. - How do you do?
00:07:43 Father O'Malley is here as a substitute for Father Fogarty...
00:07:47 and has departed for a much-needed rest.
00:07:49 We do hope your stay here will be a pleasant one, Father.
00:07:52 - Thank you, Sister. - We're looking forward...
00:07:54 expectantly to your views as an educator.
00:07:56 I'm sure that Father wishes to say a few words to us.
00:08:00 Well, yes.
00:08:03 St. Mary's has been here a great many years...
00:08:11 and has seen the labors of a good number of the sisters of your order.
00:08:16 I know that the work hasn't been easy.
00:08:18 In the eyes of the world, very few even take notice of it.
00:08:22 But earthly honors and rewards are not for you.
00:08:25 You've sent forth generations of pupils...
00:08:28 who have been a credit to the teachings inculcated here.
00:08:32 St. Mary's has grown old doing good.
00:08:35 As for myself, may I tell you that I'm happy...
00:08:41 I've been selected as pastor of St. Mary's.
00:08:45 (laughter)
00:08:47 Working in a parish where there's a parish school...
00:08:54 is going to prove a new experience for me...
00:08:56 and I'm sure a very interesting one.
00:08:59 Yes, I see what you mean.
00:09:06 However, as in all things, we assume the tasks assigned to us without complaint...
00:09:12 from the hopeful view to the future.
00:09:15 Yes, um...
00:09:21 Try the epistle of St. Peter.
00:09:25 Where he says, um...
00:09:28 "Be sober and watch."
00:09:30 What's the matter? Was it St. Paul?
00:09:40 Now, just to get serious for a moment...
00:09:43 (laughter)
00:09:45 In conclusion, may I say that I'm happy...
00:10:00 (phone rings)
00:10:09 I'm sorry. That's the first bell...
00:10:12 and the sisters have to go to their classes.
00:10:14 Would you like to say a few words to the pupils before the second bell?
00:10:18 You may prefer speaking to the children.
00:10:21 I'll certainly be more at ease.
00:10:23 - Yes. - I want to speak to you, too.
00:10:25 I pledge allegiance to the flag...
00:10:30 of the United States of America...
00:10:33 and to the republic for which it stands...
00:10:37 one nation, indivisible...
00:10:40 with liberty and justice for all.
00:10:43 Children...
00:10:45 our new pastor, Father O'Malley, wishes to speak to you.
00:10:48 I'm sure you'll be very glad to greet him...
00:10:50 and I'm also sure that he has something very important to say to you.
00:10:53 Well, children, you're going to see a lot of me in the future.
00:11:02 I'm going to be around here a great deal.
00:11:05 You're going to hear the shortest speech you ever heard.
00:11:08 This is a holiday. Everybody take the day off.
00:11:11 (children cheering)
00:11:13 Pretty effective speech, huh?
00:11:27 I had to get my self-confidence back.
00:11:29 See, when we were kids, we used to just live for holidays.
00:11:32 We should never get too far away from our childhood.
00:11:35 Do you realize what you've done?
00:11:37 These children are liable to get into mischief.
00:11:39 The responsibility is yours.
00:11:41 Well, it seemed like a good idea.
00:11:43 But you can't call a holiday just like that.
00:11:45 You have to get the permission of the superintendent of schools.
00:11:49 What will we tell him?
00:11:51 Well, I'll call him.
00:11:53 There's a man that really needs a holiday.
00:11:55 I may give him the day off.
00:11:57 (door opens)
00:11:59 My school wasn't like this.
00:12:05 I could look out the window and see fields and trees
00:12:08 and the old swimming hole.
00:12:10 You know, hang your clothes on the hickory limb,
00:12:12 and the last one out finds them tied up in knots.
00:12:14 - Where, Father? - Missouri.
00:12:16 I came from Ireland.
00:12:18 - Thig and Tugali? - I used to.
00:12:21 Where are you from, sister?
00:12:23 I was born in Sweden, but when I was very small, I came to...
00:12:26 Don't tell me. Minnesota.
00:12:28 Well, that's right, Father.
00:12:30 I loved the winter.
00:12:32 I used to ski to school, and there was one big hill.
00:12:35 (both gasp)
00:12:37 You'd carry 'em home after.
00:12:39 (both laugh)
00:12:41 You wouldn't guess it, Father, but she was a tomboy from what I hear.
00:12:43 - So? - Yes.
00:12:45 She used to play baseball and football with the boys.
00:12:48 - How good were you at the... - Oh, I hit over 300.
00:12:50 Oh, that was in the wheat belt.
00:12:52 I guess we all had it better than these kids, didn't we?
00:12:54 They haven't even got a place to play.
00:12:56 That used to be our playground.
00:12:58 Oh, over there where that is?
00:13:00 - Yes. - Yes.
00:13:02 We had to sell the ground.
00:13:04 We needed money to fix our building.
00:13:06 They were going to condemn it.
00:13:08 Where'd you put the money?
00:13:10 You'd be surprised, Father.
00:13:13 We had to put in a new sprinkler system, new fire escapes.
00:13:15 And the foundation had to be reinforced. It was very expensive.
00:13:17 Hardly seems worth it.
00:13:19 We think so, Father.
00:13:23 Oh, yes, yes, of course.
00:13:25 What are the other classrooms like?
00:13:30 Say, what's going on up there?
00:13:37 Oh, we're repairing the roof. It leaks.
00:13:39 A trifle.
00:13:41 You're very overcrowded here, too, aren't you?
00:13:43 Oh, yes.
00:13:45 A trifle.
00:13:52 (SIGHS)
00:13:54 Looks like St. Mary's is in a bad way.
00:14:01 A trifle.
00:14:03 We're relying on you to help us, Father.
00:14:06 It's too bad you don't have a building like that now.
00:14:09 That'd be your answer to everything.
00:14:11 That's where we intended to build our new St. Mary's.
00:14:16 A building very much like that.
00:14:21 There it is.
00:14:23 Only we don't own it.
00:14:25 Confidentially, Father, that's what we've been praying for.
00:14:29 You've been praying for what?
00:14:33 That the owner will wake up one morning and give it to us.
00:14:35 That who? Wake up when? And give you what?
00:14:42 Mr. Bogardus, the owner.
00:14:45 That's what we're praying for.
00:14:47 Oh, woman, great is thy faith.
00:14:49 (CHUCKLES)
00:14:51 Well, if faith can move mountains...
00:14:53 You figured you could just move right in, huh?
00:14:55 Yes.
00:14:56 Oh, you gotta be practical, let's face it.
00:14:58 Does the owner know anything about this? Anybody ask him?
00:15:01 No, we just prayed. That's where you could help us.
00:15:03 What do I do when he says no?
00:15:06 (HORN HONKING)
00:15:19 Hey, there, all you kids!
00:15:21 Get down out of there! Why aren't you in school?
00:15:23 You hear me?
00:15:26 Yeah, that's bad. They shouldn't be doing that.
00:15:28 After all, it's a holiday.
00:15:30 Who's this coming here?
00:15:34 Oh, that's Mr. Bogardus.
00:15:39 I think we'd better go now.
00:15:41 And you can tell him why the children aren't in school.
00:15:44 You want me to say anything about the building?
00:15:48 Some other time.
00:15:50 Hey, hey, you! Here.
00:15:56 Well, what's going on here?
00:15:58 -You see that fence? -Yeah.
00:16:00 You see what those children are...
00:16:02 -Who are you? -I'm the new pastor.
00:16:04 Oh, you are, eh? Well, I want you to see to it
00:16:07 that those little brats are punished.
00:16:09 I'll take care of it, Mr. Bogardus. I will censure them severely.
00:16:12 -Oh, so you know who I am, huh? -Yes, I do.
00:16:16 Are you the fellow I'm supposed to do business with?
00:16:18 Well, I've been sent here by my superiors to make some recommendations,
00:16:21 if that's what you mean. I've been looking over the school.
00:16:23 Oh, you have, eh?
00:16:25 Well, there you are. What do you think of it?
00:16:28 -Looks pretty tired. -Tired, eh?
00:16:33 Tired's an old name for it.
00:16:34 And if you don't sell it to me... You got my offer, didn't you?
00:16:37 -I got it right here in my pocket. -Well, what do you say?
00:16:39 It's a difficult decision to make. I can't jump at it, you know.
00:16:42 Well, I warn you, if you don't sell it to me, it's gonna be condemned.
00:16:46 -By whom? -City council.
00:16:48 -How do you know? -I'm chairman.
00:16:51 -Oh, you are, huh? -You're darned right I am.
00:16:54 And when they order you to tear it down, you've got to pay for it.
00:16:59 You look like a practical man, Father.
00:17:03 -I do? -Well, take my word for it.
00:17:06 There's not a mother or father in the parish
00:17:08 that wouldn't rather see their children over at St. Victor's.
00:17:11 Fine, modern building. Everything up to date.
00:17:14 Sunlight, good heat in the winter.
00:17:16 I wouldn't think of sending my children into that fire trap.
00:17:19 -You have any children? -No.
00:17:22 -Well, that's a long story. -Skip it.
00:17:25 Why?
00:17:26 Just being practical, Mr. Bogardus,
00:17:28 how far did the children have to go to get to St. Victor's?
00:17:31 Just about as far as I had to go when I was a child.
00:17:33 Well, let's walk over.
00:17:35 Well, why not take my car?
00:17:38 Can't walk too much. I got a bad ticker.
00:17:41 Let's ride out to St. Victor's and take a look.
00:17:43 Now you're talking.
00:17:45 All you gotta do is close this school
00:17:56 and send the children over to St. Victor's.
00:17:58 -Sell the property to you. -That's right. It's that simple.
00:18:01 Well, you can always find me. I'm here all day and every day.
00:18:04 I promise I won't make a move without talking to you.
00:18:06 Take a little while, though. I'm a pretty slow thinker.
00:18:09 Well, you don't look it to me.
00:18:11 -No, sir. -Goodbye.
00:18:13 Father.
00:18:27 How do you do?
00:18:30 Are, uh...
00:18:32 Are you in charge of the school here?
00:18:34 Well, that's a question. I have some authority.
00:18:36 Hmm. Um...
00:18:40 You look like a man who could understand my language.
00:18:43 Well, let's find out. Start talking.
00:18:46 I'd like very much to put my daughter in school here.
00:18:51 Mm-hmm.
00:18:53 You see, uh...
00:18:55 Well, I... I think it'd be better if she was away from me for a while.
00:19:00 Could she board?
00:19:03 Might be arranged. But why did you...
00:19:05 Does she need any references?
00:19:08 I mean, well, you have to know very much about her background.
00:19:12 Oh, yes. That... That is customary.
00:19:15 Well, um...
00:19:17 It's like this.
00:19:19 I... I ran away from home when I was very young to get married.
00:19:23 Stop me if you've heard this, Father.
00:19:27 He'd left me a long time ago in... In Syracuse.
00:19:31 Thirteen years, to be exact.
00:19:33 Did she get married?
00:19:34 Oh, yes.
00:19:36 After a little argument.
00:19:38 I... I think he was a little afraid of settling down.
00:19:41 - He was a piano player. - Oh.
00:19:45 He had a wonderful smile, Father.
00:19:49 - I'll bet he had. - Very like yours.
00:19:52 He had a little band.
00:19:56 Kind of a... A non-recording orchestra.
00:20:00 Did you ever hear of Gallagher's Gamboliers?
00:20:03 No. Did anyone else?
00:20:06 I doubt it.
00:20:08 Well, anyway, the...
00:20:10 The little band got an offer to play in Cincinnati, and...
00:20:13 And he promised as soon as he got a few dollars a head, he'd...
00:20:16 He'd send for me.
00:20:18 So you were left alone in Syracuse?
00:20:21 Till the baby came.
00:20:24 You've been supporting her all this time?
00:20:28 Mm-hmm.
00:20:30 I suppose you're wondering as to how.
00:20:35 So is she.
00:20:37 She's, um... She's getting to be a big girl now, Father, and...
00:20:43 She's beginning to think I'm no good.
00:20:45 I want to put her in your care...
00:20:50 before she finds out she's right.
00:20:53 Well, I feel anyone who's as much concerned about their daughter as you are
00:20:57 isn't doing too badly.
00:20:59 If there was anything really wrong with you, you wouldn't give a darn.
00:21:04 Joe was the only man I was ever really in love with, but...
00:21:08 Well, if you care as much for Joe as you say,
00:21:14 why didn't you ever look him up?
00:21:17 I wouldn't... I wouldn't know where to start.
00:21:20 Besides, he ran out on me, Father.
00:21:24 Oh, that's it.
00:21:26 Well, I'll do the best I can for you.
00:21:30 You send your daughter to see me, what's her name?
00:21:33 Patricia.
00:21:34 Patricia.
00:21:37 I tell you, I'll make a deal with you.
00:21:39 I'll take care of your daughter.
00:21:41 You'll take care of yourself.
00:21:44 Thank you, Father.
00:21:46 - Father... - O'Malley.
00:21:48 - O'Malley. - Well, goodbye, Mrs. Gallagher.
00:21:50 Goodbye.
00:21:53 - Father. - Mm-hmm?
00:21:57 There's a young lady calling to see you.
00:21:59 Oh, yes. Send her in.
00:22:01 Thank you.
00:22:03 - Miss Gallagher. - Yes, Father?
00:22:08 I've made arrangements for you to board across the street with Mrs. Breen.
00:22:11 Oh, that would be just lovely.
00:22:14 My boy will take care of bags.
00:22:16 Eddie, take those bags over and put them in the back bedroom.
00:22:19 Okay, Ma.
00:22:21 Well, Patricia.
00:22:30 I think the sisters were expecting someone much younger, and so was I.
00:22:34 Oh, well, I was trying to look older, Father.
00:22:37 I've been out looking for work.
00:22:39 I thought maybe I could quit school and take a job.
00:22:42 I was up real early answering ads.
00:22:44 I'm perfectly able to take care of myself.
00:22:46 Mm-hmm.
00:22:47 Well, Patsy, I think you're gonna be very happy here at St. Mary's.
00:22:50 You're gonna enjoy every minute of it.
00:22:52 You'll find that life can be very bright, very beautiful here.
00:22:56 Miss...
00:22:59 Look at the character that came off.
00:23:01 Let me take a look at you now.
00:23:03 Oh, that's fine.
00:23:06 Yes, sir. You just give us a chance, Patsy, and we'll fix you up.
00:23:09 What do we got here?
00:23:12 What are you smuggling?
00:23:14 What's... What is this?
00:23:19 - What is this? - It's a rat, Father.
00:23:22 Well, you'll find around here that you can't even wear even a small mouse.
00:23:27 Things are brightening up already, aren't they?
00:23:30 Oh, my goodness. Holy Toledo. Look at...
00:23:33 You... You sent for me, sister?
00:23:46 Yes, Patricia.
00:23:48 I wanted to talk to you.
00:23:50 You're falling behind in your studies.
00:23:53 If the work is too hard for you, Patsy, I'll be glad to help.
00:23:56 - If there's anything I can do... - That isn't it, sister.
00:23:59 I... I guess I'm just sort of a featherhead.
00:24:02 Don't you like school?
00:24:09 You're holding back on me, Patsy.
00:24:16 What's troubling you?
00:24:19 Nothing, sister.
00:24:22 If you'll only work a little harder.
00:24:25 You'll get good marks.
00:24:27 We want to send your mother a nice report card.
00:24:30 You want your mother to be proud of you, don't you?
00:24:33 That's all, Patsy.
00:24:47 You may go.
00:24:49 Thank you, sister.
00:24:51 Hi, Pat.
00:24:53 Hi.
00:24:55 - How's she doing? - Not very well.
00:25:08 Oh, no? Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
00:25:11 When we accepted this child, it was under your recommendation.
00:25:14 We know very little about her parents,
00:25:16 but we know that she's a very good girl.
00:25:18 We know very little about her parents.
00:25:20 What kind of a home life did she have?
00:25:22 Oh, you know, the usual...
00:25:24 - You said you met her mother? - Oh, yes, yes, I have.
00:25:27 Do you know Mrs. Gallagher well?
00:25:29 Yes, yes, I know her quite well.
00:25:31 - And her father, did you meet him? - No, but I've heard about him.
00:25:34 - What is his occupation? - He's a...
00:25:37 musician.
00:25:39 They tell me he has a charming personality, too.
00:25:42 I like people who like music, don't you?
00:25:47 Are they separated?
00:25:49 Yes.
00:25:52 Is there anything... anything that I should know that would help?
00:25:56 Well, no, that's... that's all that I, uh...
00:26:00 Care to tell?
00:26:02 Well, yes.
00:26:05 Did anyone ever tell you that you have a dishonest face?
00:26:08 For a priest, I mean.
00:26:12 (children shouting)
00:26:14 There, break it up. I'll knock your two heads together.
00:26:29 The winner!
00:26:32 Yeah, you're pretty shifty, aren't you?
00:26:34 Let's see how you operate here.
00:26:36 Oop! Can't lay a glove on you. Look at your shoe.
00:26:39 - You gotta watch all the time. - Eddie.
00:26:41 Eddie, come over here.
00:26:43 You better go inside and wash your face.
00:26:48 Why didn't you fight back, Eddie?
00:26:50 - You're a pretty handy lad. What's your name? - Tommy Smith, Father.
00:26:56 - Tommy Smith. Well, keep your head up now. - Yes, Father.
00:26:58 He's all right.
00:27:00 I think you better speak to Tommy, Father.
00:27:02 He's a new boy here, and I'm afraid he's a troublemaker.
00:27:04 Oh, he's a good fighter, though.
00:27:06 We don't tolerate fighting in this school.
00:27:08 I think you better speak to him,
00:27:10 because if he continues to pick fights, we may have to send him to another school.
00:27:13 Well, aren't we supposed to be educators, Sister?
00:27:15 I mean, instead of sending him away, let's try and correct him.
00:27:19 I observed very little correction in your attitude, Father.
00:27:25 As a matter of fact, I detected a slight note of pride.
00:27:28 Naturally, I like to see a lad who can take care of himself.
00:27:32 On the outside, it's a man's world.
00:27:36 How are they doing, Father?
00:27:38 They're not doing too good, but you know what I mean.
00:27:43 Sometimes a man has to fight his way through.
00:27:46 Wouldn't it be better to think your way through?
00:27:52 That's pure conjecture, of course, from someone on the inside.
00:27:57 That's very well put, though.
00:27:59 But don't you think sometimes in raising boys,
00:28:01 a woman's influence can be carried too far?
00:28:04 You mean they may become the sisters, Father?
00:28:06 Yes, yes, that's right.
00:28:08 Well, you look after Tommy,
00:28:12 and I'll look after Eddie, who lost the fight because he listened to me.
00:28:17 Eddie?
00:28:27 Yes, Sister?
00:28:31 Come over here, and I'll fix you.
00:28:33 Let me look at that.
00:28:35 Tell me, how did all this happen?
00:28:37 I was going along, minding my own business,
00:28:40 when Tommy trips me.
00:28:42 Although I was very mad,
00:28:45 I controlled myself, Sister, just like you said.
00:28:48 And I said to him, "Why'd you do that?"
00:28:51 Then what did he say?
00:28:53 Didn't say anything. Just hold off and hit me right here.
00:28:56 Oh, fine thing.
00:28:59 Now then, what did you do?
00:29:01 I remembered what you said, Sister,
00:29:03 and I turned the other cheek.
00:29:05 Then he really let me have it.
00:29:07 Well, you're a very good boy, Eddie.
00:29:10 I turned away to ignore him, and then he kicked me.
00:29:14 I'm very proud of you.
00:29:16 I don't feel so hot.
00:29:18 No, no, Eddie, but you really won a victory over Tommy.
00:29:23 Did I, Sister?
00:29:25 Yes. You were really the better man.
00:29:28 You and I know that.
00:29:30 Nobody else knows it.
00:29:32 To tell you the truth, I don't know it.
00:29:34 I don't think anybody was proud of me,
00:29:37 and even Father O'Malley.
00:29:39 Don't you think he thought Tommy was the best man?
00:29:43 Better man.
00:29:46 I was thinking, Sister,
00:29:49 since I've taken such a beating
00:29:52 and I've been through so much,
00:29:54 maybe I wouldn't have to go to school today.
00:29:59 Maybe.
00:30:01 Oh, but if you think I should go, Sister,
00:30:04 I'll go no matter how bad I feel.
00:30:07 Well, maybe I'll declare a holiday just for you, Eddie.
00:30:16 Thanks, Sister.
00:30:18 (Chuckling)
00:30:47 Are you interested in baseball?
00:30:49 Yes, yes. Tell me, have you any textbooks
00:30:52 on the manly art of self-defense?
00:30:54 I beg your pardon?
00:30:56 She means pugilistics. I mean boxing.
00:30:59 Boxing? Yes, yes, of course.
00:31:02 They're right over here.
00:31:04 Now, here's a book endorsed by James J. Corbett.
00:31:12 He won ten straight fights.
00:31:14 Nobody could lay a glove on him till Fitzsimmons knocked him out.
00:31:18 Did Mr. Fitzsimmons write a book?
00:31:21 Did Mr. Fitzsimmons write a book?
00:31:24 No.
00:31:26 Oh, there's a very scholarly book here by Mr. Tunney.
00:31:30 Oh, well, we'll take that.
00:31:32 That'll be $1.
00:31:34 Thank you.
00:31:43 (Sighs)
00:31:45 Good afternoon.
00:31:52 Good afternoon.
00:31:54 Good afternoon, Father.
00:32:08 Good afternoon, Sister.
00:32:10 (Man reading in French)
00:32:13 This table's getting a little more room.
00:32:23 That's fine.
00:32:25 It's nice of you to come on a Saturday, Harry.
00:32:27 It's worth it, Sister.
00:32:29 I'll have you know I read this whole book last night.
00:32:31 It's just what we need.
00:32:33 Your homework, Sister?
00:32:35 Now, the four most valuable punches, it says here,
00:32:39 are-- now let me show you--
00:32:42 a straight left,
00:32:45 a right cross,
00:32:47 a left hook,
00:32:49 and a right uppercut.
00:32:51 See?
00:32:53 Now, let me see how you stand.
00:32:55 Well, like that?
00:32:58 How do you fight?
00:33:00 Oh.
00:33:02 Oh, right, right.
00:33:04 Oh, no, no, no. It's nothing like it.
00:33:07 We have to start from the beginning.
00:33:09 Now, put this foot back a bit.
00:33:11 Back. See how I stand?
00:33:13 Like this. And bend your knees a little bit. Bend them.
00:33:16 Your toe should be in here.
00:33:19 That's right. That's right.
00:33:21 And your hands up like that.
00:33:24 Yes, that looks pretty good.
00:33:28 Your head should be down.
00:33:30 That's right. Now, that's fine.
00:33:32 Now, just like that.
00:33:34 Let me see now what we do next.
00:33:37 Yes, we start to move around.
00:33:39 We move around a little bit. Just like that.
00:33:41 And keep-- keep-- keep shooting your left.
00:33:45 That's right. That's right. Uh-huh.
00:33:47 That's good. Now, Eddie, keep your chin down.
00:33:50 Keep your chin down like this, and get your shoulder up.
00:33:53 Well, I-- I can't do it so well in this color.
00:33:56 Do you know what I mean? You keep--
00:33:58 You protect your chin that way, see?
00:34:00 And another thing, you have to be weaving.
00:34:02 Weaving, that's right. Embarbing.
00:34:04 A moving target is much harder to hit. Remember that.
00:34:07 For instance, if I try to hit you on this cheek,
00:34:09 then you move to the other side, or you weave.
00:34:11 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.
00:34:13 You should be weaving. You see what I mean?
00:34:15 You should be weaving. See, like that.
00:34:17 And now, the other side. That's right. Now, faster.
00:34:19 That's right.
00:34:21 Gosh, sister, that's better than turning the other cheek.
00:34:23 It's much more fun if they miss, don't you think?
00:34:26 Well, I-- I'll admit it's easier on your face.
00:34:30 You said it, sister.
00:34:32 Well, now, where were we? Let me see.
00:34:35 Um, although they say this is the most valuable punch of all,
00:34:39 the left jab, it seems this is the payoff.
00:34:44 So now-- now we'll try both hands.
00:34:46 I say one-- Eddie, keep your mouth closed.
00:34:49 Now, that's very important. Keep your mouth closed.
00:34:52 The man devoted two whole pages to that.
00:34:55 But all he meant was that if you don't, you'll be sorry.
00:34:57 Now, keep your mouth closed. Don't touch.
00:35:00 Now, I want you to do both hands.
00:35:02 Now, if I try to-- if I try to hit you here,
00:35:05 you block it with this hand, you see?
00:35:07 That's right, and you block it.
00:35:09 There, and then under again.
00:35:11 That's right, that's right.
00:35:13 But be careful. Look out for the payoff.
00:35:15 (laughing)
00:35:18 There are a lot of things to remember, Eddie.
00:35:20 Lefts and rights and bobbing and weaving.
00:35:22 Let's try them all now.
00:35:24 Move around. Move around. Come on, here we go.
00:35:27 Look me right in the eye. See if you can anticipate my blows.
00:35:30 Look out now. Look out!
00:35:32 Oh, ho, ho, that was very, very good.
00:35:35 (laughing)
00:35:37 Splendid, Eddie.
00:35:39 Yes, you learn fast. That's right.
00:35:42 Now, let's go again. Come on.
00:35:44 Move around. Move around.
00:35:46 You-- you-- you're so clumsy.
00:35:48 You have to be up on your toes.
00:35:50 Move around quickly, you know?
00:35:52 Oh, that's my fault. I forgot to tell you about footwork.
00:35:55 It says there, "Footwork is almost a last start."
00:35:58 It's very important. We have to learn it.
00:36:00 It's lots of fun, and you're going to like it.
00:36:03 See? Sometimes it gets very fancy.
00:36:05 Yes, it's-- well, maybe--
00:36:07 maybe that's too much for the first lesson.
00:36:10 Yes, I think so. I think we'll wait.
00:36:12 We have enough to think about.
00:36:14 Come on, let's just try now to-- to, um--
00:36:16 you try to hit me. That's right.
00:36:18 Come on, come on. There! Uh-huh.
00:36:20 That's right, and then-- no, see?
00:36:22 You just can't hit me, can you?
00:36:24 Go ahead, Eddie. Go ahead.
00:36:26 But I don't want to hit you.
00:36:28 Oh, don't worry. Come on. Come on.
00:36:30 I won't be there. Come on.
00:36:32 Ah, you see? You see what I mean?
00:36:34 You just have to-- uh-huh.
00:36:36 Uh-huh.
00:36:46 Come on.
00:36:48 I'm sorry, sister.
00:37:00 Oh, that's all right.
00:37:02 It's enough for the first lesson, though.
00:37:04 You forgot your footwork.
00:37:06 You forgot something, didn't you?
00:37:08 Hmm? Something?
00:37:10 I forgot everything.
00:37:12 I forgot the bob. I forgot the weave.
00:37:15 I had my mouth open.
00:37:17 I ran right into the payoff.
00:37:21 - Good evening, Father. - Good evening.
00:37:34 - Patsy's right in here. - Good.
00:37:36 - Hello, Father. - Eddie.
00:37:38 Now, will you stop that now and get off to bed?
00:37:41 Stay up. You'll get a draw.
00:37:44 I don't know what's the matter with him lately.
00:37:46 He's been acting very peculiar. I think he's been out in the sun too much.
00:37:49 Not during school hours, I hope.
00:37:51 - Good evening, Patsy. - Good evening, Father.
00:37:53 Sit down.
00:37:55 You're up a little late tonight, aren't you?
00:37:57 What's the matter? You in trouble?
00:37:59 Father, don't you think I ought to quit school and maybe take a job?
00:38:02 What can you do?
00:38:04 You have to know something to do anything, you know.
00:38:08 You shouldn't get discouraged, Patsy.
00:38:10 I've been watching your marks, and they're all right.
00:38:12 They're getting better.
00:38:14 Oh, Father, you're just being nice.
00:38:16 I don't know. Every time I think I know one thing, then they ask me something else.
00:38:21 I'm just a perfect blank.
00:38:23 I guess I haven't got what it takes.
00:38:25 Oh, now, don't you ever think you're dumb.
00:38:27 All right, Father.
00:38:29 Let's just say I'm not very bright.
00:38:31 What's the problem tonight? Why are you up so late?
00:38:35 It's an essay, Father.
00:38:37 The five senses. That's an interesting subject.
00:38:40 What have you discovered about them?
00:38:42 Nothing. See what I mean?
00:38:44 Well, what are the five senses, Patsy?
00:38:46 Well, to see, to hear, to taste, to smell...
00:38:50 - to feel. - That's right.
00:38:54 - Who's the essay for? - Sister Benedict.
00:38:56 Sister Benedict. Oh, we'll have to take dead aim on this one.
00:38:59 See if we can get you an A.
00:39:01 No, but you don't want to be like the rest of the class.
00:39:04 They're all going to come up with those same stereotyped answers.
00:39:08 We want to be different, be unique.
00:39:10 We'll write Sister an essay on another sense, huh?
00:39:13 Let's see.
00:39:15 Man is endowed with certain powers, which we call the five senses.
00:39:20 Now, if he has common sense,
00:39:23 he'll get great happiness out of life by using these powers within right reason.
00:39:27 For instance, you're happy you came to St. Mary's, aren't you?
00:39:30 Yes, Father.
00:39:31 To be...
00:39:34 To be glad you're alive.
00:39:37 To be grateful because people are kind to you.
00:39:39 To be able to see some of nature's great wonders.
00:39:43 The budding of the flowers in spring and the changing of leaves in the autumn.
00:39:48 To be able to appreciate beautiful music.
00:39:51 And to be conscious of the beauty of tasting and feeling and hearing
00:39:56 only the things that are good for you.
00:39:58 To be aware of why you're here.
00:40:05 I could go on and on and on, but...
00:40:07 Well, why don't you, Father?
00:40:10 I think I will.
00:40:13 Every time you're near a rose
00:40:27 Aren't you glad you've got a nose?
00:40:31 And if the dawn is fresh with dew
00:40:35 Aren't you glad you're you?
00:40:38 When a meadowlark appears
00:40:44 Aren't you glad you've got two ears?
00:40:48 And if your heart is singing too
00:40:52 Aren't you glad you're you?
00:40:55 You can see a summer sky
00:41:00 Or touch a friendly hand
00:41:03 Or taste an apple pie
00:41:07 Pardon the grammar, but ain't life grand?
00:41:12 And when you wake up each morning
00:41:17 Aren't you glad that you were born?
00:41:20 Think what you've got the whole day through
00:41:26 Aren't you glad you're you?
00:41:31 Well, Patsy, I'll leave you with those few little thoughts.
00:41:37 What do you make of them?
00:41:39 Well, if you can't appreciate your five senses
00:41:44 Then your life isn't worth five cents.
00:41:47 That's good, good. I hope you do well tomorrow.
00:41:50 Thank you, Father. I feel much better.
00:41:52 I feel pretty good myself.
00:41:55 Good.
00:41:56 Now, children.
00:42:05 It seems I can't leave you for a minute.
00:42:10 Dear class, it's a holiday.
00:42:18 Now, who did this?
00:42:21 I must ask you again. Who did this?
00:42:25 Now, children, I'm putting you on your honor.
00:42:28 Who did this?
00:42:30 It is your duty to tell me.
00:42:34 We're honored with your visit, Father.
00:42:47 Be seated, children.
00:42:49 Won't you take my chair?
00:42:53 We'll take this matter up later.
00:42:55 Now we'll continue. I want you to read what you've written
00:42:58 So Father Marley may hear it.
00:43:00 Luther.
00:43:01 Luther? How'd he get in here?
00:43:04 We never knew.
00:43:06 The five senses.
00:43:08 I'd like to see a good movie with Roy Rogers.
00:43:12 I'd like to taste the ice cream cones, especially strawberry.
00:43:18 I'd like to listen to the Lone Ranger.
00:43:20 Hi-ho, silver.
00:43:22 I'd like to smell the hot dogs at the ballpark.
00:43:25 I'd like to feel good.
00:43:28 Don't laugh, children. Don't laugh.
00:43:32 Luther means he wants to be a good boy.
00:43:35 You want to feel good in here, don't you, Luther?
00:43:38 No, sister. What I meant to feel good is like when the bell rings at three o'clock
00:43:42 or when it's Easter vacation, but it's still...
00:43:45 That's how I meant to feel good.
00:43:49 Well, it has both honesty and imagination.
00:43:53 So you can sit down.
00:43:55 And now, uh, Patricia.
00:43:58 The six senses.
00:44:01 Well, the subject I gave you was the five senses.
00:44:04 Well, I chose for my subject six senses.
00:44:07 Well, go on, Patricia. Go on.
00:44:12 The six senses.
00:44:14 To see, to hear, to taste, to smell, to feel.
00:44:18 To be.
00:44:20 And the most important is the last.
00:44:22 The sixth sense is to be able to enjoy the five senses properly.
00:44:26 To be. That's what really matters.
00:44:30 It's like a world inside us, and it's up to us what we make of it.
00:44:34 We see others, we hear others, we know others with our five senses.
00:44:39 But how do we ever know ourselves?
00:44:41 Through common sense.
00:44:43 Common sense is an internal sense
00:44:45 whose function it is to differentiate between the various reports of the senses
00:44:50 or to reduce these reports to the unity of a common perception.
00:44:55 Two great words. To be.
00:45:00 Other words grow out of them.
00:45:02 I am, you are, he is, we are, they are.
00:45:06 That sort of takes in everybody.
00:45:08 As Shakespeare said, "To thine own self be true,
00:45:12 and it shall follow as the night the day.
00:45:15 Thou canst not then be false to any man."
00:45:17 And he was so right, sister.
00:45:20 Yes.
00:45:22 He was just talking about the sixth sense.
00:45:25 To put it in my own words, to be or not to be.
00:45:29 That is the question.
00:45:31 Very good, Patricia. Very good.
00:45:35 And one more thing, sister.
00:45:37 (BELL RINGING)
00:45:39 Save for the bell.
00:45:41 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, amen.
00:45:45 You may go now, children.
00:45:47 Well, I really learned something.
00:46:00 Oh.
00:46:01 She shows a lot of promise, don't you think, sister?
00:46:03 Oh, definitely.
00:46:04 What are you going to give her, a B, perhaps?
00:46:06 Oh, no, I think an A.
00:46:08 Good. That's fine.
00:46:09 As a matter of fact, I think it should be maybe an A-plus, don't you, Father?
00:46:13 Oh, that might be overdoing it a little.
00:46:15 Oh, it had a plus quality to it.
00:46:17 Yeah.
00:46:20 Well, a girl like Patsy needs a lot of encouragement.
00:46:22 She has such a fine mind.
00:46:24 Yes, remarkable.
00:46:26 In fact, she has the mentality of a man your age.
00:46:29 There's another sense, you know, sister.
00:46:33 Oh, don't tell me.
00:46:34 Yeah, a sense enough to know when to leave.
00:46:36 (CLEARS THROAT)
00:46:37 Morning, sister.
00:46:51 Little Bobby wants to play with you.
00:48:50 I'm sorry I had to do that to you, Tommy.
00:49:03 But if you're a good sport, we'll shake hands and we'll be friends.
00:49:07 I'll even buy you an ice cream cone.
00:49:09 -Two scoops? -Two scoops.
00:49:10 Okay. Say, Eddie, how did you learn to fight?
00:49:12 -That's a secret. -Yeah, how about that?
00:49:17 Sister?
00:49:18 You, uh, you missed some excitement here.
00:49:21 -I did? -Yes, you did.
00:49:23 Yes, you did.
00:49:27 It was quite a fight.
00:49:31 That, uh, that little Eddie there, that...
00:49:33 -That is Eddie, isn't it? -Oh, yes. Yes, that's Eddie.
00:49:36 That's the little boy that was in that fight a few weeks back?
00:49:38 Mm-hmm, yes.
00:49:39 Quite a change.
00:49:44 It's incredible.
00:49:47 He's an improved man.
00:49:48 I wonder.
00:49:51 Does it mean anything, Father?
00:49:53 Does it prove anything to beat up your fellow man?
00:49:58 Somehow, don't you think it's what we are in here that matters?
00:50:04 I mean... I mean to be.
00:50:08 You're so right.
00:50:15 But how do you account for such a sudden change in such a short time?
00:50:19 Oh, we... we try to do our best to raise masculine little men
00:50:23 with our limited knowledge of the outside world.
00:50:26 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:50:36 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:50:39 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:50:41 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:50:49 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:01 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:03 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:11 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:17 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:23 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:25 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:30 (CHOIR SINGING)
00:51:36 -Yes, Sister? -I'm sorry, Father, but you're disturbing us.
00:51:51 -Disturbing who? -We're rehearsing a play
00:51:53 and the children can't keep their minds on what they're doing.
00:51:55 It's the first grade, you know, and they are easily distracted.
00:51:58 You mean we're making too much noise?
00:52:00 To use your own words, yes, Father.
00:52:03 Oh, well, Sister, we heard about your play and we've prepared a little surprise for you.
00:52:07 You know, you can't have a Christmas play without Holy Night or a dusty Fidelis.
00:52:10 Oh, yes, yes.
00:52:12 Do you mean there's no room in your play for Holy...
00:52:15 -Not in our play, Father. -What?
00:52:17 I'd certainly like to see a play like that.
00:52:20 -Would you like to see a rehearsal? -Yes, I certainly would.
00:52:22 You can't stay here and practice a while.
00:52:24 I'm going to check into this.
00:52:26 What are you going to use for music?
00:52:28 Come with me and you'll find out.
00:52:29 Bobby?
00:52:32 Bobby?
00:52:34 Well, here he is. Here's the little man I was telling you about.
00:52:37 Oh, I know Bobby. He's an old pal of mine.
00:52:40 -You in the play, Bob? -Yes, in fact, I read it up.
00:52:43 Oh, I bet you got a good part, huh?
00:52:45 Yes, it's beautiful.
00:52:47 Can we see the play now, Bobby?
00:52:49 Well, it's a little bit not good.
00:52:52 You see, we're just practicing it.
00:52:55 -It'll be better at Christmas. -Yes, but we won't mind a few mistakes.
00:52:58 No. What's the play about?
00:53:00 Oh, that's what I tell you at the beginning.
00:53:02 Well, why don't we begin? You ready?
00:53:04 I must tell you, the children have done this all by themselves.
00:53:15 Every time they do it, the dialogue is different.
00:53:19 Every line is a surprise to me.
00:53:21 Heaven knows what it's going to be at Christmas.
00:53:24 When they do it in front of their parents, they'll probably forget everything.
00:53:27 This is Mary and I'm Joseph,
00:53:42 and we're going to Bethlehem to see if we can
00:53:46 find some place to stay.
00:53:49 And that's all you have to know, really.
00:53:52 Knock, knock.
00:53:58 Hello?
00:53:59 This is Mary and I'm Joseph,
00:54:01 and we came to Bethlehem to see if we could find a place to stay.
00:54:05 -Well, do you have any money? -No, sir.
00:54:08 Well, then you can't stay here tonight.
00:54:11 Well, that's too bad for us.
00:54:14 Mary can't stay there because we don't have any money.
00:54:17 I'll be all right, Joseph, as long as I'm with you.
00:54:22 Well, you see, I think we ought to find a house
00:54:27 because it might rain or snow.
00:54:29 It's winter, you know.
00:54:31 Why don't you try next door?
00:54:34 Good idea.
00:54:36 Knock, knock, knock, knock.
00:54:40 Knock, knock, knock, knock.
00:54:43 Can't stay here because you don't have any money.
00:54:46 I didn't even ask you yet. Go back and start again.
00:54:49 Knock, knock, knock, knock.
00:54:51 -Hello there. -Hello.
00:54:54 This is Mary and I'm Joseph,
00:54:58 and could we... could we...
00:55:01 stay here for the night, please?
00:55:05 -Do you have any money? -No, but Mary's awfully tired.
00:55:08 -Could you think it over? -Okay.
00:55:11 What'd he say, Joseph?
00:55:17 He said he'd think it over.
00:55:20 Well, when will he know?
00:55:22 I don't know.
00:55:23 Hey, Joseph.
00:55:25 I thought over you can stay in the stable.
00:55:29 Well, glory be! Did you hear that?
00:55:32 Yes, Joseph.
00:55:35 Knock, knock, knock, knock.
00:55:37 Uh...
00:55:41 The next scene will be the Lord Jesus' birthday.
00:55:46 Knock, knock, knock, knock.
00:55:58 Knock, knock, knock, knock.
00:56:03 (BABY CRYING)
00:56:05 No, no, Jimmy. Jimmy, go back. Go on back.
00:56:12 You're in the plane. Don't come here. Go, go.
00:56:15 He's a baby brother.
00:56:32 Well, here we all are in the stables,
00:56:35 and we're very happy here in Bethlehem.
00:56:39 And there's our star.
00:56:43 Here's our angel. There are the shepherds.
00:56:46 And here... here are the wise men.
00:56:50 There, there, and there.
00:56:52 And all here... and the neighbors are coming in
00:56:55 and bringing their presents,
00:56:58 because it's his birthday.
00:57:00 That's right.
00:57:02 Thank you. You make Mary and I very happy.
00:57:10 What do you do now, Bobby? Sing "Holy Night," perhaps?
00:57:16 No, Father. We have another song.
00:57:19 Oh? How's it go?
00:57:22 ♪ Happy birthday to you
00:57:27 ♪ Happy birthday to you
00:57:31 ♪ Happy birthday, dear Jesus
00:57:36 ♪ Happy birthday to you
00:57:41 Well, Father?
00:57:51 Oh, their simplicity is beautiful.
00:57:53 I wouldn't change a word of it.
00:57:55 Oh, but they will.
00:57:57 You won't be needing my talents at Christmas.
00:57:59 No, no, Father.
00:58:01 Maybe at Easter time I could stage an egg hunt, hmm?
00:58:04 Mm-hmm.
00:58:06 Look, sister. There's Father O'Malley.
00:58:23 I hope he finds him in a favorable mood.
00:58:26 He could be. It's spring, you know.
00:58:29 No, we're not getting anywhere, Father. We got to...
00:58:34 Well, it's a difficult decision to make, Mr. Bogardus,
00:58:37 to decide that there'll be no more St. Mary's.
00:58:40 Hmph. If you ask me, it's not much now.
00:58:43 It is to the sisters.
00:58:47 You see, to you, that school is just a piece of property,
00:58:50 but to them it's... well, it's everything.
00:58:52 It's not just the idea of selling you the property.
00:58:54 It's... it's the thought of selling them out.
00:58:56 Now you're getting a little sentimental around your father.
00:58:59 Well, it's just that I've been here long enough to find out how they feel.
00:59:02 What are they going to do when it's condemned?
00:59:04 They're expecting a miracle.
00:59:06 A miracle?
00:59:08 What kind of a miracle is going to get them out of trouble?
00:59:10 You'd be surprised.
00:59:12 Oh, Dorothy.
00:59:19 No, no, Delphine. You're not doing it right.
00:59:22 Show me, sister.
00:59:24 You... you don't hold it right first.
00:59:27 This is the way you should hold it. And straight.
00:59:30 And then you chop it.
00:59:32 Don't chop like that.
00:59:34 Keep your hands together and step into it.
00:59:37 You see? Here, one, sister. Come on, throw.
00:59:40 No, I don't think so. You better do it.
00:59:43 Yay!
00:59:48 (tires screeching)
00:59:50 Doggone those kids. There they go again.
00:59:55 Here's your chance, Bogart. As they're coming over to apologize,
01:00:04 why don't you ask them if they're willing to sell?
01:00:06 You mean if it's all right with them, it's all right with you?
01:00:08 Oh, definitely. I'll recommend it.
01:00:10 Of course, you'll have to see the bishop.
01:00:12 - The bishop? - Oh, yes. He has the final word.
01:00:15 What kind of a man is he to do business with?
01:00:17 You'll be glad they come back to me.
01:00:19 And you'll have to anyway, because I have to give you a letter
01:00:21 so you can see the bishop.
01:00:23 And I can't give you a letter to see the bishop
01:00:25 until you've straightened yourself out with the sisters.
01:00:27 Here they come now. Good luck.
01:00:29 Oh, I'll never get this deal closed.
01:00:33 - Is he very angry? - I think you'll find him quite forgiving.
01:00:37 You mean forgiving?
01:00:40 Do you mean it would be a good time to ask him, Father?
01:00:42 It would never be any better.
01:00:45 We are so sorry, Mr. Picard.
01:00:47 It's nothing, sister. It's perfectly all right.
01:00:50 - We'll pay for it. - Don't think of it, sister. It's nothing.
01:00:53 It's a little hard to get glass today, but I get it.
01:00:56 It is a magnificent building you have here.
01:00:59 Thank you, sister. I know exactly how you feel
01:01:02 when I look at that tumbledown school of yours.
01:01:04 I have one problem, however, before my dream is complete.
01:01:09 It's a parking problem.
01:01:12 You see, the Bogardes Corporation will have several hundred employees,
01:01:17 and they all have cars.
01:01:19 Parking's becoming more of a problem every day.
01:01:22 You see, here's where my desk's going to be,
01:01:28 and here are the blueprints.
01:01:30 It would take us years to raise the money to build a building like this.
01:01:37 Oh, you could never do it, sister.
01:01:40 Oh, you could never do it. You'd be surprised what it's cost me.
01:01:44 Would you like to see the rest of my building?
01:01:49 Oh, yes, by all means.
01:01:53 You just follow me.
01:01:55 Shall we ask him now?
01:01:59 - Ever seen anything like this? - Oh, it's tremendous, Mr. Bogardes.
01:02:09 Fifteen thousand square feet without a column.
01:02:12 Balcony seats, 400.
01:02:15 We can hold dances here, conventions, everything.
01:02:20 It certainly is ideal. It's perfect.
01:02:28 The Lord must have been the architect.
01:02:30 I wish he had been.
01:02:32 I had Butler and Dean, a couple of thieves,
01:02:35 robbed me right and left, cost me 30% over the estimate.
01:02:39 But you must be very happy with your accomplishment.
01:02:42 There's just one thing could make me happier, and you know that.
01:02:46 I believe we're thinking about the same thing.
01:02:49 - Yeah? - It isn't what we acquire in life, is it?
01:02:52 It's what we give.
01:02:54 And this, this is a monument to you.
01:02:58 I can see the cornerstone,
01:03:00 "Reading donated to St. Mary's
01:03:04 "through the generosity and benevolence of Horace P. Bogardes."
01:03:09 Oh, you're a very fortunate man, Mr. Bogardes.
01:03:12 I am?
01:03:14 You know, it's more blessed to give than to receive.
01:03:18 This will live long after your dust.
01:03:22 Now, that is real happiness.
01:03:27 ( sighs )
01:03:29 Can't you just picture that?
01:03:33 Would you mind saying that again?
01:03:39 Picture what? When I'm dust?
01:03:42 ( chuckles )
01:03:46 But you don't have to make up your mind right away.
01:03:48 Why don't you sleep on it?
01:03:50 I can't sleep now.
01:03:52 I know you're surprised, but you shouldn't be.
01:03:54 Sometimes we don't know why we do things.
01:03:58 You didn't know why you built this building.
01:04:01 I didn't? I thought I did.
01:04:03 No. You built it in answer to our prayers.
01:04:07 We've been praying and praying for this,
01:04:09 and we're going on praying.
01:04:11 You mean to say that you got the idea that--
01:04:13 Now, we leave you now. We leave you now.
01:04:16 With this thought,
01:04:19 "Donated to St. Mary's
01:04:22 "through the generosity and benevolence
01:04:24 "of Horace P. Bacardus."
01:04:26 Generosity.
01:04:36 Benevolence.
01:04:39 And dust.
01:04:42 ( music ends )
01:04:44 I'm sure that nice little man is going to give us his building.
01:04:59 We must pray and keep on praying until--
01:05:02 God's will be done.
01:05:04 And may God's will be our will.
01:05:06 But what if our prayers aren't answered?
01:05:08 O thou of little faith.
01:05:10 We have reason to know
01:05:12 that more things are wrought by prayer
01:05:14 than this world dreams of.
01:05:16 Therefore, let thy voice rise like a fountain, night and day.
01:05:20 Come on.
01:05:21 What's all the excitement? Notre Dame win another one?
01:05:24 ( laughter )
01:05:25 Oh, no. No.
01:05:27 I asked him.
01:05:29 And?
01:05:30 He didn't say no.
01:05:32 Oh, so you finally got here, eh?
01:05:36 Been waiting for you fellas since 6 o'clock.
01:05:40 Will you stop prying off the handle?
01:05:43 You're working too hard, Horace.
01:05:45 You ought to be home in bed.
01:05:47 With this building on my hands,
01:05:49 should have been ready for occupancy three months ago.
01:05:51 You don't know how much money I'm losing.
01:05:53 If you're talking about money now,
01:05:55 why don't you see your banker here? I'm your doctor.
01:05:57 You can't go on like this, Horace.
01:05:59 What I'm going through.
01:06:01 Took me three weeks to get that piece of glass.
01:06:03 There you are, brother.
01:06:05 Sign this, will you?
01:06:06 What's this? What's all this?
01:06:08 What's all what? Sign it.
01:06:09 I want to know what I'm signing. I can't sign...
01:06:11 That's overtime. We get time and a half after 6 o'clock.
01:06:14 Well, you should have been here before 6.
01:06:16 I was here. Didn't even leave to go to my doctor's office.
01:06:18 Listen, Bub. One more crack out of you,
01:06:20 we'll take that glass back,
01:06:22 and it'll take you six weeks to get it put in again.
01:06:24 Sign it.
01:06:26 See what I'm up against?
01:06:28 Now, calm down, Horace.
01:06:36 That's the way they do, see?
01:06:38 You mustn't let anything upset you.
01:06:39 Yeah, I know. I know about that.
01:06:41 You're too big a man for that.
01:06:42 Yeah, not so big.
01:06:44 Go home and get a good night's rest.
01:06:46 Home.
01:06:47 Nothing can take the place of a good night's sleep.
01:06:49 Rest. Tranquility.
01:06:52 Relax.
01:06:54 Why, a man in your position hasn't got a worry in the world.
01:06:56 Just keep saying to yourself...
01:06:58 Yeah, I'll say it, but I won't feel it, sir.
01:07:01 (CHANTING)
01:07:03 Now what's the matter?
01:07:13 You don't know what they're doing to me.
01:07:17 Now stop that.
01:07:28 What's the matter with you, Horace?
01:07:39 First you're out of patience,
01:07:41 and now you're out of glass.
01:07:43 And now you want me to sleep.
01:07:45 What's new, Horace?
01:07:51 I heard the crash. I wondered if anybody got hurt.
01:07:53 Oh, uh, Father O'Malley, Dr. McKay, my physician.
01:07:57 How do you do, Doctor?
01:07:58 -Glad to know you, Father. -Thank you.
01:08:00 Say, that's really too bad.
01:08:02 Isn't glass a little hard to get these days, Horace?
01:08:04 Oh, how to get?
01:08:06 Say, Tess, can't you get him to stop that, Father?
01:08:10 Stop it, Horace? Why, I think it's beautiful.
01:08:13 His nerves are all shot.
01:08:15 -It's hardly noticeable. -Nerves.
01:08:17 What is this, Father? Isn't that old Sanctissima?
01:08:20 That's right, Doctor.
01:08:22 Beautiful. I've heard it many times.
01:08:25 How do the words go?
01:08:27 Do you know it, too?
01:08:36 (CHANTING)
01:09:14 -I want to go home. -Now you're making sense.
01:09:17 He's had a big day, Father.
01:09:32 -Oh, come in, Father. -Hello, Mrs. Gallagher.
01:09:35 -How are you? -Just fine.
01:09:37 Oh, Father, I was...
01:09:40 I was wondering.
01:09:41 Oh, so important you couldn't tell me over the telephone.
01:09:44 Well, I don't know just how to go about breaking it.
01:09:46 Is it about Patsy?
01:09:48 -Mm-hmm, yes. -Oh, what's happened, Father?
01:09:50 -What's wrong? What's she done? -It's not bad news, necessarily.
01:09:53 In fact, this could be good news.
01:09:55 Oh, I'm so glad.
01:09:57 She's been getting along so well.
01:10:00 If anything should happen to upset her now...
01:10:02 Oh, now, take it easy. Nothing has happened.
01:10:04 What's it got to do with Patsy that you said it had something to do with Patsy?
01:10:07 Well, it has. I found her father.
01:10:10 (SIGHS)
01:10:11 -Joe? -Oh, I think so.
01:10:16 I told him the story as you told it to me,
01:10:20 and I described you to him, and...
01:10:21 How on earth did you run him down?
01:10:23 Well, he's a piano player. Once a piano player, always a piano player.
01:10:26 I got him through the musicians' union.
01:10:28 I went right to the top.
01:10:30 A trillo.
01:10:31 -I really don't know what to say. -Neither do I.
01:10:35 Well, um...
01:10:37 (CHUCKLES)
01:10:39 Is, uh... Is he in town?
01:10:41 In town? He's here. He's out in the hall.
01:10:43 -Oh, no. -Yeah.
01:10:44 -Shall I bring him in? -Oh, no.
01:10:47 Not... Well, that is...
01:10:48 Wait just a minute, will you?
01:10:52 I, uh...
01:10:53 You know.
01:10:55 She'll be a few minutes. She's fixing her hair and powdering her nose and...
01:11:06 One thing or another.
01:11:08 You know how it is.
01:11:09 Father, this is, um...
01:11:16 Kind of a big moment for me.
01:11:19 Mind you, it's... It's 13 years.
01:11:22 I was a little bit younger then.
01:11:25 Well, he hasn't exactly been on ice, you know.
01:11:27 (CHUCKLES)
01:11:28 Well...
01:11:32 Shall we?
01:11:34 (DOOR OPENS)
01:11:35 Hello.
01:11:56 Hello.
01:11:59 Goodbye.
01:12:03 Oh, don't go yet, Father.
01:12:04 No, Father. Please stay a little while.
01:12:06 All right.
01:12:07 Joe, sit down.
01:12:08 You too, Father. Sit down a little while.
01:12:13 Yeah, thank you.
01:12:14 You haven't changed a bit.
01:12:20 (CHUCKLES)
01:12:21 Neither have you, Joe.
01:12:32 Do me a favor, will you?
01:12:33 What's that?
01:12:34 Play the piano.
01:12:35 Oh.
01:12:36 Please, please. I want Father to hear you.
01:12:38 I've been telling him all about you.
01:12:39 Don't let me down.
01:12:40 Listen to this, Father. He's really good.
01:12:43 What was that song we used to love so much?
01:12:47 You mean, uh...
01:12:50 "By the Sea"?
01:12:52 No, Joe.
01:12:54 No, it...
01:12:56 It had a bit of the rosary in it.
01:12:59 (HUMMING)
01:13:01 But... But that... That wasn't the melody.
01:13:08 Joe, don't you remember?
01:13:14 We said that...
01:13:16 That no matter what happened,
01:13:19 that song would always see us through.
01:13:21 And then we pressed the rosebud in the book.
01:13:28 What happened?
01:13:29 Yeah.
01:13:31 Where's the book?
01:13:33 (CLEARS THROAT)
01:13:36 What's the matter, Father? Do you know it?
01:13:40 Why, sure. That's an old song called, uh,
01:13:42 "In the Land of Beginning Again."
01:13:44 Well...
01:13:45 Why didn't you say so?
01:13:46 You never ask me.
01:13:47 Well, come on over here and get into it.
01:13:50 You'll be sorry.
01:13:54 ♪ There's a land of beginning again ♪
01:14:01 ♪ Where skies are always blue ♪
01:14:08 ♪ Though we've made mistakes, that's true ♪
01:14:18 ♪ Let's forget the past and start life anew ♪
01:14:25 ♪ Though we've wandered by a river of tears ♪
01:14:35 ♪ Where sunshine won't come through ♪
01:14:46 ♪ Let's find that paradise where sorrow can't live ♪
01:14:53 ♪ And learn the teachings of forget and forgive ♪
01:15:02 ♪ In the land of beginning again ♪
01:15:13 ♪ Where broken dreams come true ♪
01:15:22 The girls are all excited, aren't they, sister?
01:15:34 Yes.
01:15:35 Reminds me of when I graduated.
01:15:37 Yes, it's a big moment in their lives.
01:15:40 Incidentally, it's the first time they're wearing high heels.
01:15:43 Look, sister.
01:16:02 Yes, that's really nice, Patsy.
01:16:04 I think it's very...
01:16:05 Now, push the sleeve up a little bit like that.
01:16:08 It's fun. I think it's a little long.
01:16:09 Oh, it's supposed to be, sister.
01:16:10 Yes, but not too... Hold it on one side.
01:16:12 Right here.
01:16:13 Yes, over here. You don't want to stump.
01:16:15 Oh, look, girls.
01:16:16 Sister Vinodick's giving Patsy all the attention.
01:16:18 Oh, no, Delphine. That isn't right.
01:16:20 Patsy's teacher's pet.
01:16:22 She is, too.
01:16:24 You gave her the prettiest dress.
01:16:26 It would look much better on me, I'm sure.
01:16:28 Oh, girls, I think that's about enough.
01:16:30 You better take your dresses off. That's enough.
01:16:32 Sister, I just got a funny idea.
01:16:34 Suppose after all this, I flunk.
01:16:36 Wouldn't that be fun?
01:16:38 Oh, sister, you wouldn't do that to us, would you?
01:16:41 You're going to ask easy questions?
01:16:42 No, no.
01:16:43 Sister, it would be a great idea to cut out the finals entirely.
01:16:45 Well...
01:16:46 No, no, you can't get around me that way.
01:16:48 Run along now. Take your dresses off.
01:16:50 Be careful.
01:16:51 Sister.
01:16:56 Yes, dear.
01:16:57 I was just thinking,
01:16:58 could I take this dress over and show it to my mother?
01:17:00 Perhaps.
01:17:01 Yes, certainly. I think that'll make her very happy.
01:17:03 Thank you, sister. I know it will.
01:17:06 (SIREN WAILING)
01:17:08 Okay, darling, I'll get the tickets for Syracuse.
01:17:11 Goodbye, Joe.
01:17:12 Goodbye, honey.
01:17:14 Hold it!
01:17:19 Would you like a stick of gum?
01:17:33 No, thanks.
01:18:02 This one two-way, sister. Yes and no.
01:18:04 All right, Lu. Run along.
01:18:06 Thanks.
01:18:43 (SOBS)
01:18:44 I'm sorry, Patsy.
01:18:54 Time is up.
01:19:09 May I come in?
01:19:10 Certainly, Father.
01:19:11 Oh, don't get up. I'm just the pastor here.
01:19:13 Grading the papers, I see.
01:19:18 Yes, Father.
01:19:19 They're a wonderful bunch of children.
01:19:21 Yes.
01:19:22 You should be very proud of them.
01:19:23 We are.
01:19:25 I ran into some of the girls out there,
01:19:27 and they're dying with curiosity about their marks.
01:19:30 I'm supposed to come in and, without your knowing, of course,
01:19:33 find out how they turned out.
01:19:36 I presume you opened your heart and passed them all, didn't you?
01:19:40 All but one, Father.
01:19:41 Patsy?
01:19:45 Oh, no.
01:19:47 Well, this is only one subject.
01:19:50 The others are even worse.
01:19:52 Her average is below 60.
01:19:54 Well, she got the date right, and she spelled her name right.
01:19:59 Couldn't you give her something on that and add it up again, maybe pass her?
01:20:02 Don't you think the honor of the school means anything?
01:20:08 But what about Patsy?
01:20:10 St. Mary's isn't being very much help to her.
01:20:12 Don't you think we should help a child like that?
01:20:15 Just beginning to believe in herself, and a blow like this,
01:20:19 a child may never get over it.
01:20:22 Do you believe in just passing everybody, Father?
01:20:26 Maybe.
01:20:29 Maybe I do.
01:20:31 I can't believe you mean it.
01:20:35 Well, it's easier for some children to make the grade than others.
01:20:38 They don't have to study.
01:20:40 But I've known some that got the best marks in school,
01:20:43 and never made much of a mark afterwards.
01:20:46 I knew a character once,
01:20:49 a fellow named Elmer Hathaway.
01:20:52 He and I went through school together.
01:20:54 Or rather, I went through school.
01:20:57 Elmer just stood still.
01:20:58 I think he was three years in the eighth grade.
01:21:01 He's quite a boy.
01:21:04 The teacher often wondered how he found his way to the schoolhouse.
01:21:07 Sometimes he didn't.
01:21:09 Kids used to make fun of him.
01:21:11 He was sort of a dreamer.
01:21:13 Sometimes he'd even forget what day it was,
01:21:17 and he'd come to school on Saturday.
01:21:19 I asked him who Plato was one day, and he said, "Plato who?"
01:21:23 But he was good with his hands.
01:21:26 He built a boat, a sailboat.
01:21:29 One time he disappeared for, oh, two or three days.
01:21:33 When he came back, they asked him where he'd been,
01:21:35 and he said, "Oh, I'm just sailing."
01:21:38 Well, he got to be about a foot taller than anybody else in the class,
01:21:43 and they felt sorry for him, so they decided to pass him.
01:21:47 Besides, I think they needed the desk at the time.
01:21:50 He never knew about it, and from that time on, he developed assurance.
01:21:57 You've heard of the Hathaway shipyards, haven't you?
01:22:01 Yes.
01:22:02 That's Elmer.
01:22:03 And to this day, he takes care of his less fortunate pals.
01:22:07 You know, the ones that used to get 99 and 100.
01:22:11 Any of them are broke or out of a job,
01:22:14 they can always work for Hathaway.
01:22:16 He's a good man.
01:22:19 By the way, just what is passing, anyhow?
01:22:22 75, you know.
01:22:25 Yes, I know that, but who started it?
01:22:27 Our school is based on it. Every school is.
01:22:30 If we don't have standards...
01:22:32 But certainly you're not serious.
01:22:36 I am.
01:22:37 Aren't we here to give the children a helping hand,
01:22:39 or are we here to measure their brains with a yardstick?
01:22:42 Why do they have to have 75 to pass?
01:22:45 You would put the standard at 65, Father?
01:22:47 Why not?
01:22:49 Then why not at 55?
01:22:50 Why any grades at all?
01:22:51 Why don't we close the school and let them run wild?
01:22:53 Maybe.
01:22:54 It'd be better than breaking their hearts.
01:22:56 That's unfair, Father.
01:22:58 My heart aches for Patsy.
01:22:59 And when you infer her, it doesn't hurt me,
01:23:01 you're being very unjust.
01:23:02 Please realize I've done everything possible to help her,
01:23:06 but I must uphold our standards.
01:23:08 If you order me to pass her,
01:23:16 I shall do so.
01:23:18 But her mark remains the same.
01:23:23 But her mark remains the same.
01:23:24 Come in, Patsy.
01:23:39 Yes, Sister.
01:23:41 Hello, Father.
01:23:42 Patsy.
01:23:43 I failed, didn't I, Sister?
01:23:45 Yes, you did, Patsy.
01:23:47 That's what I thought.
01:23:49 I'm sorry.
01:23:51 That's all right, Sister.
01:23:52 It wasn't your fault.
01:23:54 I was just thinking that...
01:23:56 Well, I...
01:23:58 I won't be needing this now, and...
01:24:00 Delphine liked it so much.
01:24:03 I was just thinking that...
01:24:05 I was just thinking that maybe I'll do better next year, Sister.
01:24:11 Sister, you and I have had our little differences of opinion,
01:24:19 but they haven't been important.
01:24:21 This is... This is serious.
01:24:22 I'm not going to order you to do anything.
01:24:24 It's up to you, but...
01:24:27 But she failed.
01:24:29 Hey, a Luther main one!
01:24:40 Give her a hand, Charlie.
01:24:41 Give her a hand.
01:24:42 Two dinks.
01:24:45 On your toes, then.
01:24:46 Good job.
01:24:48 Good girl.
01:24:49 On the floor.
01:24:54 Oh, I'll be right back.
01:24:58 I'll go with Sister.
01:25:03 What's happened?
01:25:07 Sister Benedict's quite ill.
01:25:08 She had a fainting spell in the chapel.
01:25:09 Did you call a doctor?
01:25:11 She doesn't want one.
01:25:12 Oh, she doesn't, huh?
01:25:13 Come in.
01:25:16 The doctor's on his way over.
01:25:17 How are you feeling, Sister?
01:25:18 Who sent for a doctor?
01:25:19 She did.
01:25:22 You can't trust the man.
01:25:23 He's an informer.
01:25:24 How are you feeling, Sister?
01:25:25 I feel all right.
01:25:26 Won't you sit down, Father?
01:25:28 I want to talk to you.
01:25:29 Excuse us.
01:25:30 What have I done now?
01:25:34 You've been writing.
01:25:36 You've been writing to Mother General.
01:25:38 Oh?
01:25:40 Going over my head.
01:25:41 Yes, I received that letter.
01:25:45 Yes, I received that letter from her.
01:25:46 Well, I just wrote expressing my own opinion, Sister.
01:25:50 But I hope that hasn't brought this on.
01:25:53 No.
01:25:55 No, I'm just tired.
01:25:56 But you actually considered tearing down St. Mary's
01:26:02 and sending our children to St. Victor's?
01:26:05 That's right.
01:26:07 I thought about it quite a bit.
01:26:09 We have to face facts, Sister.
01:26:12 Yes.
01:26:13 Yes, I know what you mean, Father.
01:26:17 We've tried so hard not to face facts.
01:26:23 But there...
01:26:29 There must always be a St. Mary's.
01:26:32 Of course.
01:26:34 Of course, Sister.
01:26:35 But I'm afraid that's not the case.
01:26:38 There must always be a St. Mary's.
01:26:39 Of course. Of course, Sister.
01:26:41 Now, just relax. Take it easy.
01:26:43 Pardon me, but the doctor...
01:26:49 Come in. Come in, Doctor.
01:26:50 Hello, Folly.
01:26:52 It's Dr. McKay, Sister.
01:26:53 How do you do, Doctor?
01:26:54 How do you do, Sister?
01:26:55 He's Mr. Bogardus' doctor, you know.
01:26:57 Oh, he is?
01:27:01 Are you his personal physician?
01:27:05 Yes.
01:27:06 I have other patients, possibly a hundred or so,
01:27:08 and Horace B. Bogardus.
01:27:10 Lately, he's been a full-time job.
01:27:12 Brings me up all hours of the night.
01:27:14 We pray for him all the time.
01:27:16 That's very nice.
01:27:18 He certainly could use it.
01:27:20 But may I ask why?
01:27:21 Well, they need a new school, Doctor,
01:27:23 and they're praying for Mr. Bogardus
01:27:24 to give them his building.
01:27:25 Give? Bogardus?
01:27:27 Pardon me.
01:27:31 It's all right. I have a sense of humor.
01:27:33 Yes, well, maybe your prayers are having some effect on him.
01:27:35 He can't sleep nights.
01:27:36 That's why I'm giving him sleeping tablets.
01:27:38 Prayer's a wonderful thing, Father,
01:27:40 but if Bogardus ever gives you that building, I'll...
01:27:44 Nothing spectacular, Doctor.
01:27:46 Okay.
01:27:51 Well, I can't do much here.
01:27:58 If you're well enough to come down to the office tomorrow,
01:28:00 I'd like to give you a checkup.
01:28:02 There's nothing wrong with me.
01:28:04 I'm just tired.
01:28:05 I know, I know,
01:28:06 but you let me be the judge of that.
01:28:07 I want to find out the cause of your being tired.
01:28:10 Well, I...
01:28:12 She'll be there, Doctor.
01:28:13 You keep right on praying, sister,
01:28:15 but not tonight.
01:28:17 You need a good night's rest.
01:28:18 So does Bogardus.
01:28:20 Yes, that's right.
01:28:21 You heard what the man said.
01:28:23 You take it easy.
01:28:25 Now, you won't forget, Father.
01:28:29 You'll see that she gets down to the office tomorrow.
01:28:31 She has a mind of her own, you know.
01:28:33 I'll get her down there.
01:28:34 Is this anything serious?
01:28:36 Well, she's running a little temperature.
01:28:38 You say she's had these attacks before?
01:28:40 That's what I heard today, yes.
01:28:42 I hope it's nothing serious.
01:28:44 She's such a remarkable woman.
01:28:45 She certainly is.
01:28:47 I could tell that the minute I walked into the room.
01:28:48 Does she really believe that Bogardus
01:28:51 is going to give that building?
01:28:53 Yes.
01:28:54 Well, I've heard of such things,
01:28:56 but I've never come across it before.
01:28:57 Not since I was a little boy
01:28:59 and I wished for what I wanted for Christmas
01:29:02 and got it.
01:29:03 Sort of the same thing.
01:29:05 But when we grow up, we get practical.
01:29:06 She's not very practical, is she?
01:29:09 She thinks she is.
01:29:11 What is she going to do when she doesn't get it?
01:29:13 Now, she's got you worried.
01:29:15 Yes, she has.
01:29:17 I hate to see her disillusioned.
01:29:19 Say, Doctor, not to change the subject much,
01:29:21 but Bogardus has a bad heart, hasn't he?
01:29:24 Yes.
01:29:26 What are you giving him for it, pills?
01:29:28 Why? Have you got a better prescription?
01:29:31 Well, I... I knew a fellow once.
01:29:32 He had a very bad heart.
01:29:35 In fact, they only gave him six months to live.
01:29:38 But he spent that six months doing so much good,
01:29:40 do you know, that he lived to be 90?
01:29:43 That's so.
01:29:45 You mean, doing good for others
01:29:47 is good for a bad heart?
01:29:49 You spend your life doing for others,
01:29:51 don't you, Doctor?
01:29:52 Yes. Yes.
01:29:54 How's your heart?
01:29:56 Fine.
01:29:57 There you are.
01:29:58 Are you tampering with the laws of medicine?
01:30:00 Well, we have a good deal in common, Doctor.
01:30:01 We're both interested in the good heart.
01:30:03 And your suggestion is, perchance,
01:30:05 that I change my prescription?
01:30:07 You're the doctor.
01:30:09 I'm not so sure, O'Malley.
01:30:11 Good day.
01:30:13 Good day.
01:30:15 Mr. Bogardus.
01:30:31 Father O'Malley.
01:30:37 Oh, yes, Father O'Malley. Excuse me, I didn't see you.
01:30:39 I thought it was you, but you seemed to be looking right past me.
01:30:42 Oh, my mind was a million miles away.
01:30:43 Yes, you...
01:30:45 You don't seem to be yourself today.
01:30:47 Oh, I'm not, Father.
01:30:49 I've just come from my doctor.
01:30:50 You know, Father,
01:30:54 if I had to live my life over again,
01:30:56 there'd be a lot of changes made.
01:30:59 Yeah?
01:31:01 Yeah, a lot of changes.
01:31:02 You know,
01:31:04 there's great beauty in this world
01:31:06 if you just have the eyes to see it.
01:31:09 Isn't there, Father?
01:31:11 Oh, naturally.
01:31:12 Thank you.
01:31:22 Oh, yes.
01:31:31 Life can be very beautiful.
01:31:33 That's right.
01:31:34 And you know, Father, you've spent your whole life
01:31:36 doing things for people.
01:31:38 No, I...
01:31:39 Oh, yes, you have.
01:31:41 Come to think of it, Father, how's your heart?
01:31:42 Great, great.
01:31:44 That's what I mean.
01:31:47 Would it be all right, Father, if I go into the church?
01:31:49 You're perfectly welcome, there it is.
01:31:51 And here's a thought that might help you.
01:31:53 It meant a lot to me.
01:31:55 I shall pass this way but once.
01:31:57 If there's any good I can do for anyone,
01:31:59 let me do it now and not put it off.
01:32:01 For I shall not pass this way again.
01:32:05 Oh, thank you, Father.
01:32:08 God bless you.
01:32:09 Thank you, Father.
01:32:11 Goodbye.
01:32:12 Thank you.
01:32:37 Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:32:38 Allow me, lady.
01:32:42 Thank you.
01:32:46 Well, it's a beautiful world, isn't it?
01:32:49 Yeah, you couldn't have left it there.
01:32:51 I nearly did.
01:32:53 Are you going to...
01:32:54 Well, I'll get off to church.
01:33:53 (BABY CRYING)
01:34:03 (BABY CRYING)
01:34:11 (BABY CRYING)
01:34:14 (BABY CRYING)
01:34:18 (BABY CRYING)
01:34:22 (BABY CRYING)
01:34:34 (BABY CRYING)
01:34:45 Oh, Mr. Picardis.
01:34:47 I'm sorry about this, sister.
01:34:49 I didn't realize it before I came to the church.
01:34:51 Sweet little fellow, isn't he?
01:34:53 (CHUCKLING)
01:34:55 That's quite all right.
01:34:56 Bring him any time.
01:34:57 Well, I mean, it doesn't matter.
01:34:59 I see that animals love you.
01:35:02 Oh, yes, but people don't.
01:35:04 Oh, you must be wrong.
01:35:06 I'm sure that when people get to know you, they love you.
01:35:08 No, no, no. That's when they don't.
01:35:11 You see, sister...
01:35:12 Yes, Mr. Picardis.
01:35:14 I've never had any children of my own.
01:35:16 And I've never even liked children.
01:35:19 And they don't like me.
01:35:22 Why don't people like you?
01:35:25 Well, I've been very selfish.
01:35:28 And lately I've been giving it a lot of thought.
01:35:31 Come to any conclusion?
01:35:35 Yes.
01:35:39 Yes.
01:35:40 This is going to surprise you.
01:35:43 And I do want people to like me.
01:35:46 So, I was wondering...
01:35:49 If you would accept my building.
01:35:53 (CHUCKLING)
01:35:57 What's the matter?
01:35:59 It's a bit of a shock to you?
01:36:04 Yes.
01:36:07 Well, you can have it.
01:36:08 You can have it.
01:36:09 I'll go straight to my lawyer and have them make out the deed right away.
01:36:12 Oh, thank you, Mr. Picardis.
01:36:14 St. Mary's will never forget it and the children will love you.
01:36:17 They will? I'll have the necessary papers made out right away.
01:36:20 Yes.
01:36:22 Come on, doggie. Come on, come on, come on.
01:36:34 (GASPS)
01:36:38 All right, back it away, back it away.
01:36:40 Back it away.
01:36:42 All right, I don't need any help now.
01:36:44 Mr. Picardis, how are you?
01:36:46 I'm all right.
01:36:48 And your legs?
01:36:49 Okay, no problem.
01:37:54 (LAUGHING)
01:38:00 Well, sister, that was lovely. What is it called?
01:38:02 Oh, it means, uh, "Wheat Spring."
01:38:05 Don't let me slow you up. Sing something else.
01:38:08 What do we know?
01:38:09 How about, uh, "You Know Birmingham, Bertha?"
01:38:12 Good tune. How about the school song, then?
01:38:15 Oh, yes. Sister has a new version of it with effects and everything.
01:38:18 She's a bit proud of it.
01:38:20 -We'll sing that. -Won't you sing "The Meadow, Thee Father?"
01:38:22 Sister, you're talking me into it.
01:38:29 (SINGING)
01:38:34 ♪ Oh, bells of St. Mary's ♪
01:38:50 ♪ We always will love you ♪
01:38:58 ♪ With your inspiration ♪
01:39:03 ♪ We never will fail ♪
01:39:10 ♪ Your chimes will forever ♪
01:39:17 ♪ Bring sweet memories of you ♪
01:39:26 ♪ So proudly ring out ♪
01:39:29 ♪ While we sing out ♪
01:39:33 ♪ Hail, hail, hail ♪
01:39:39 ♪ So proudly ring out ♪
01:39:44 ♪ While we sing out ♪
01:39:48 ♪ Hail, hail, hail ♪
01:39:55 ♪ Hail ♪
01:40:00 ♪ Won't you ring them bells ♪
01:40:10 I haven't had a chance like that in years. I had to try it.
01:40:24 -Father. -Yeah?
01:40:25 -The doctor's here. -Oh, good.
01:40:26 -How are you, Father? -Hello, Doctor.
01:40:32 Sister Benedict was in to see me.
01:40:34 She's in great spirits, Doctor. Probably the happiest person alive.
01:40:37 Isn't it wonderful what faith can do?
01:40:39 Father, everyone's so happy around here.
01:40:41 I hate to be the bearer of bad news.
01:40:43 I examined Sister Benedict.
01:40:46 Could she be sent away for a while?
01:40:48 Why? Where?
01:40:50 Oh, someplace like Arizona, for instance.
01:40:53 -You see this area here? -Yes, what is it?
01:40:55 That's the right lung.
01:40:57 -And here in this area... -Oh, I never could make anything out of those things.
01:41:00 What is it, Doctor? TB?
01:41:03 Yes. A very early stage.
01:41:06 Oh, it's not that bad. We're lucky to catch it right now.
01:41:15 That's what I meant when I asked if she could be sent to a drier climate.
01:41:20 To an infirmary or a home for old people.
01:41:22 Someplace where she could have light duties. Not another school.
01:41:26 If it has to be done, I guess it can be done.
01:41:29 Not to be with children.
01:41:34 Not for a while. Not until this condition is cleared up.
01:41:37 -Does she know about this? -Not yet.
01:41:39 It's very important that she does know it.
01:41:41 She has a wonderful vitality, a natural optimism,
01:41:45 and that's the best medicine anyone can have.
01:41:48 If that spirit is dampened, it would have a depressing effect and delay her recovery.
01:41:52 She'll have to know about it. We...
01:41:55 We can't just send her away without...
01:41:58 Don't you people more or less go where you're told without question?
01:42:02 Yes. We're supposed to have the stamina to take it.
01:42:06 She has plenty of that.
01:42:08 But you don't quite understand, Doctor. You see...
01:42:15 Sister and I haven't always agreed on how to run a school.
01:42:18 There's been one rather serious difference in opinion.
01:42:23 Now if she's sent away without any explanation, well...
01:42:27 She's bound to think that...
01:42:31 Up to here, Father, we were discussing her health.
01:42:33 What's best for her.
01:42:35 And now we're discussing your feelings.
01:42:37 That's a heck of a way to put it, Doc.
01:42:40 I only want to see her get well.
01:42:42 Well, I guess I can see to it that she's transferred, but...
01:42:45 Not to tell her why.
01:42:49 Send her away without any explanation.
01:42:56 You would put it that way.
01:43:00 Her opinion of me or her health.
01:43:02 Right down here, madam.
01:43:06 There.
01:43:08 Right.
01:43:09 No, it isn't straight there.
01:43:14 Not here, ma'am.
01:43:16 There.
01:43:18 Yes, that's right.
01:43:20 Here.
01:43:22 Let me see.
01:43:24 It's not there.
01:43:26 There.
01:43:29 Be sure to leave room for their knees.
01:43:33 You know how they go. You remember.
01:43:37 Good morning, Father.
01:43:38 Morning, Suzy.
01:43:40 Look out. Look out, Father. You're in the way.
01:43:43 Let me help you with that.
01:43:45 There.
01:43:50 Oh, just put it down there.
01:43:52 That'll do for now.
01:43:54 I'm so glad you came over, Father.
01:43:56 I have so much on my mind and I want you to help me.
01:43:58 I want to talk to you, too.
01:44:00 Now, I'm going to go and get my things.
01:44:02 I'll be back in a minute.
01:44:05 I want you to help me.
01:44:06 Now, when you bring the desk, we'll put it over here.
01:44:08 Yes, Suzy.
01:44:10 Let's go where there's less noise.
01:44:12 And now we can finally tear down our old school
01:44:18 and that can become our playground.
01:44:20 Oh, it's all so wonderful.
01:44:22 And I'm tired.
01:44:24 I think I'll sit down for a minute.
01:44:26 You've been working too hard.
01:44:28 You shouldn't be lifting things around here.
01:44:30 Oh, it must be all the excitement.
01:44:32 Now, what was it I was going to say?
01:44:34 - Yes, Mr. Bogardus. - Yes, and the doctor?
01:44:35 Fine. He's a nice man.
01:44:37 He telephoned and told me that I had nothing to worry about.
01:44:41 Yes, I'll have you know that he said
01:44:43 there was nothing wrong with me.
01:44:45 - I'm perfect. - That is good news.
01:44:47 Yes, isn't it?
01:44:49 Oh, about Bogardus, you want me to thank him publicly?
01:44:51 Oh, yes, by all means.
01:44:53 And convey our sincere gratitude
01:44:55 for his wholehearted generosity.
01:44:57 But don't make a long speech.
01:44:59 Sister, I'll be the sole of brevity.
01:45:01 The children would be restless
01:45:03 and the parents would be interested only in them.
01:45:04 But of course you'll impress upon the graduating class
01:45:07 that they must never give up their pursuit of learning
01:45:10 and at all times carry up the most,
01:45:12 in their minds, the ideals of St. Mary's.
01:45:16 Yes, I think that'll take care of everything, Father.
01:45:19 You think I'm going to be long-winded.
01:45:21 Why don't you write the speech?
01:45:23 I have, Father. I have it here.
01:45:26 And I have one more wish.
01:45:28 The next year will be a joyous and successful one
01:45:32 and that we will never have any more misunderstandings.
01:45:34 Serious ones, I mean.
01:45:36 I know how you feel about Patsy.
01:45:44 You still disagree with me, don't you?
01:45:48 Father, sometimes we have to do things that aren't easy.
01:45:56 No matter how much they hurt us,
01:45:58 we have to do what we believe is right.
01:46:02 I have something to tell you, sister,
01:46:04 that isn't going to be easy.
01:46:06 What is that, Father?
01:46:10 Will you be notified shortly
01:46:13 that Sister Michael is going to be in charge here next year?
01:46:18 She'll be so happy.
01:46:20 She'll be so happy.
01:46:21 She'll be so happy.
01:46:22 She'll be so happy.
01:46:23 She'll be so happy.
01:46:45 She'll be so happy.
01:46:46 And I...
01:47:01 Well...
01:47:04 Will I be her assistant?
01:47:07 It's only fair to tell you, sister, that you're being transferred.
01:47:14 You're being transferred.
01:47:41 It's going to be difficult to leave St. Mary's.
01:47:44 But we shouldn't become too attached to any one place.
01:47:52 Any other school may seem...
01:47:57 strange at first, but...
01:48:00 as long as I am around children,
01:48:03 I'll be happy.
01:48:07 How do you know all this?
01:48:08 Have you been writing, Mother General, again?
01:48:12 Will I be here for graduation?
01:48:21 Yes, sister, of course.
01:48:23 Is this the desk that goes in your office?
01:48:27 Yes, it is.
01:48:29 I'm sorry, but I can't go in there.
01:48:31 I'm sorry, but I can't go in there.
01:48:34 Is this the desk that goes in your office, sister?
01:48:36 Yes.
01:48:40 Yes.
01:48:43 Was there anything else you had to say, Father?
01:48:46 - That was all? - Yes, sister.
01:48:48 I'll go with you.
01:48:50 I'll go with you.
01:48:51 I'll go with you.
01:48:52 I'll go with you.
01:48:53 I'll go with you.
01:48:54 I'll go with you.
01:49:23 - I'm so happy to have you. - Thank you, Del.
01:49:25 - What happened to my dress? - My sister has it.
01:49:28 - Too many milkshakes. - Yes.
01:49:31 - Good luck next year. - I'll be waiting for you.
01:49:34 Thank you.
01:49:37 "The end of the world"
01:49:39 Mary?
01:49:51 - Which one is Patsy? - I don't see her.
01:49:56 I'll look for her. You go and find her.
01:50:00 Okay.
01:50:01 Who is that?
01:50:20 My mother, sister.
01:50:23 Is she here for the exercises?
01:50:30 I guess so.
01:50:31 You didn't tell her you're not graduating?
01:50:41 No, sister.
01:50:44 My dear child, why not?
01:50:48 She's been out of town.
01:50:52 It's embarrassing, Patsy.
01:50:58 I know.
01:50:59 But you shouldn't feel so bad about not graduating.
01:51:02 If we don't fail, our success won't mean anything.
01:51:06 You must have courage.
01:51:09 Don't give up.
01:51:11 I'll explain to your mother, so she won't think ill of you.
01:51:20 I know she loves you, and you love her.
01:51:22 And where there's love, there's complete understanding.
01:51:26 Understanding? Nobody understands anything.
01:51:29 You don't understand anything, Father O'Malley doesn't understand anything,
01:51:32 my mother doesn't...
01:51:34 Sister, I'm sorry.
01:51:36 What's troubling you, Patsy?
01:51:39 Help me, sister.
01:51:41 Please, help me.
01:51:43 Of course.
01:51:46 Of course I want to help you.
01:51:48 I don't want to be a nun, sister.
01:51:50 How can I become a nun like you?
01:51:54 There's one thing I do know, something is troubling you.
01:51:56 No. No, I just want to be a nun.
01:52:00 You don't say it that way, my dear.
01:52:08 I want to be a nun.
01:52:10 You don't become a nun to run away from life, Patsy.
01:52:17 It's not because you've lost something.
01:52:22 It's because you've found something.
01:52:24 You're still a little girl.
01:52:32 You don't know yet.
01:52:34 Oh, but I do.
01:52:36 I just want to be like you.
01:52:38 You don't know what the next four years will bring.
01:52:44 You haven't been to high school yet.
01:52:46 Those are years you'll always treasure.
01:52:49 New companions, new interests, lots of fun, as well as study.
01:52:53 Going to parties, to football games,
01:52:58 your first prom, your first party dress, your first walls.
01:53:05 You can't give up these things if you know nothing about them.
01:53:08 Not until you've known all this and more.
01:53:16 Can you say with complete understanding,
01:53:19 I want to be a nun?
01:53:21 Oh, but I can't. I can't.
01:53:24 I know them all now.
01:53:26 Well, then, Patsy, there's another thing.
01:53:29 Your marks aren't good enough.
01:53:31 You have to pass your examinations.
01:53:33 But I could have. I could have passed.
01:53:36 I didn't want to.
01:53:38 You mean you failed on purpose?
01:53:44 I thought maybe I could stay here another year.
01:53:46 Everything's so nice here, sister.
01:53:48 You don't know.
01:53:50 But everything's so clean and so good.
01:53:53 Well, even if I am in the same grade, I don't care.
01:53:56 I'd be with you.
01:53:58 Oh, Patsy.
01:54:04 I'm beginning to see what's wrong.
01:54:08 Did Father O'Malley know about this?
01:54:13 Nobody knew, sister.
01:54:14 Nobody but me.
01:54:16 I...
01:54:18 No, sister, you're wrong.
01:54:19 But can be used as a preposition as well as a conjunction.
01:54:22 And then it takes the objective case.
01:54:24 Oh, dear me.
01:54:26 Now, that wasn't the examination, wasn't it?
01:54:28 Uh-huh. And I missed it.
01:54:30 Oh, I'm brighter than you think I am, sister.
01:54:32 Go ahead, ask me some more questions.
01:54:34 Honestly, I wouldn't be a dumb nun.
01:54:36 Oh, Patsy.
01:54:38 (SOBBING)
01:54:39 Sister, this is Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gallagher,
01:54:44 Patsy's mother and father.
01:54:46 How do you do?
01:54:49 Patsy, your father.
01:55:07 Hello, Patsy.
01:55:08 Don't look at me like that, Patsy.
01:55:20 Give me time.
01:55:23 I may grow on you.
01:55:36 Darling, darling, don't cry.
01:55:37 Everything's going to be different from now on.
01:55:42 Mommy and Daddy are going to see that you have a home.
01:55:46 A real home.
01:55:48 You'll have a room, won't you?
01:55:50 You can have children over now as often as you like.
01:55:54 You...
01:55:57 Well, you...
01:55:59 You won't be lonely anymore.
01:56:01 Oh, Mama.
01:56:03 Oh, Mama.
01:56:06 Is this my real Daddy?
01:56:07 Yes, darling.
01:56:10 Yes.
01:56:14 We came to see you graduate, Patsy.
01:56:16 Isn't it time you were getting ready?
01:56:18 We were just about to get ready.
01:56:27 Weren't we, Patsy?
01:56:30 Yes, sister.
01:56:33 (SIGHS)
01:56:34 How were her marks, Father?
01:56:45 I didn't see her report card.
01:56:47 Her marks, oh, they were exceptional.
01:56:50 There wasn't a child in the class anywhere near her.
01:56:52 Oh.
01:57:47 My dear friends, this is indeed a great day for St. Mary's.
01:57:54 I might call it the first birthday of the new St. Mary's.
01:57:55 There's the old, and here's the new.
01:57:59 And we owe it all to the generosity
01:58:02 and the benevolence of one man.
01:58:04 A man whose name will be graven on our cornerstone
01:58:07 and in our hearts for many years to come.
01:58:10 And speaking of hearts, a truly great heart
01:58:13 beats in the bosom of Mr. Horace P. Bogardas.
01:58:16 (APPLAUSE)
01:58:20 Mr. Bogardas is a very modest man.
01:58:23 But when you have a heart that loves children,
01:58:24 that thinks only of others,
01:58:26 and that's capable of doing so much good,
01:58:28 then, my friends, you have a heart
01:58:30 that can laugh at the years.
01:58:32 (APPLAUSE)
01:58:34 Mr. Bogardas is a fine example of the joy of giving.
01:58:36 To him, every day is Christmas.
01:58:39 Indeed, he has Holly in his heart.
01:58:42 (APPLAUSE)
01:58:45 Thank you.
01:58:51 St. Mary's is founded on faith, hope, and charity.
01:58:52 And the greatest of these is charity.
01:58:56 And a gift to the church, you know, is deductible.
01:58:58 Thank Mr. Bogardas for his generous gift.
01:59:00 Now I'd like to say a few words to the boys and the girls
01:59:04 of our graduating class.
01:59:07 I'm going to make it very brief.
01:59:09 Today is a joyous one for you because you're graduating.
01:59:11 It's also a sad one because you're leaving St. Mary's.
01:59:14 I can't sum up in a few minutes
01:59:17 what you've learned here at St. Mary's.
01:59:20 And that's what you've learned here in eight years.
01:59:21 And what you're taking with you
01:59:23 is not just what was in the books.
01:59:25 That's important, but it isn't everything.
01:59:27 What you are taking with you
01:59:30 is what you have to give now to others.
01:59:32 What the good sisters have taught you.
01:59:34 I want to say right here that if any of you
01:59:38 are ever in trouble, no matter what,
01:59:40 you just dial O for O'Malley.
01:59:43 (APPLAUSE)
01:59:47 (MUSIC)
01:59:49 (MUSIC)
01:59:51 (MUSIC)
01:59:52 (MUSIC)
01:59:54 (MUSIC)
01:59:55 (MUSIC)
01:59:57 (MUSIC)
01:59:59 (MUSIC)
02:00:01 (MUSIC)
02:00:03 (MUSIC)
02:00:05 (MUSIC)
02:00:07 (MUSIC)
02:00:09 (MUSIC)
02:00:11 (MUSIC)
02:00:13 (MUSIC)
02:00:15 (MUSIC)
02:00:17 (MUSIC)
02:00:19 (MUSIC)
02:00:22 ♪ (choir sings)
02:00:44 ♪ (soft music)
02:00:53 - Did you order the cab?
02:00:54 - Yes, it'll be waiting outside.
02:00:57 Sister Benedictine Chapel?
02:00:59 ♪ (soft music)
02:01:18 - George!
02:01:20 (sobbing)
02:01:41 Dear Lord...
02:01:43 (sobbing)
02:01:46 Dear Lord...
02:01:48 remove all bitterness from my heart.
02:01:53 (sobbing)
02:01:58 Please...
02:02:01 help me to see Thy holy will in all things.
02:02:06 (sobbing)
02:02:08 Help me...
02:02:09 (sobbing)
02:02:13 Please...
02:02:16 please help me.
02:02:19 (sobbing)
02:02:35 (silence)
02:02:50 Are you going with me, Sister Angela?
02:02:53 - Yes, Sister.
02:02:54 Goodbye, Sister.
02:02:57 - Goodbye, Sister.
02:03:00 - Goodbye, Sister.
02:03:02 - Goodbye, Sister. - Goodbye, Sister.
02:03:05 - You know that...
02:03:07 wherever I am, my heart will always be with St. Mary's.
02:03:12 - Goodbye, Sister Benedict.
02:03:15 - Goodbye, Sister.
02:03:17 - Father...
02:03:24 - Sister, we know your heart will be here.
02:03:26 We'll always remember you in our prayers.
02:03:30 (footsteps)
02:03:34 - Thank you.
02:03:35 Goodbye, Father. - Goodbye.
02:03:41 (footsteps)
02:04:04 - Sister?
02:04:06 Sister Benedict?
02:04:09 (footsteps)
02:04:22 Sister...I can't let you go like this.
02:04:27 You know when Dr. McKay said you were perfect...
02:04:30 he was right.
02:04:32 For that's what you are.
02:04:37 But he didn't mean physically...
02:04:40 because Sister, you have a touch of tuberculosis.
02:04:47 Dr. McKay felt that...
02:04:53 you shouldn't know about this, but I've...
02:04:56 - Thank you, Father.
02:04:59 Thank you.
02:05:01 You've made me very happy.
02:05:04 (sobbing)
02:05:08 I'll get well quickly now.
02:05:11 - Of course you will, Sister. - Of course I will.
02:05:13 - And if you ever need anything, no matter what it is
02:05:16 or wherever you happen to be...
02:05:18 - Yes...I know.
02:05:21 I'll just dial O for O'Malley.
02:05:25 - Right.
02:05:27 ♪ (choir singing)
02:05:49 ♪ (music)
02:06:00 [BLANK_AUDIO]