Paddington Tv Series Paddington Tv Series E047 A Visit to the Theatre

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00Un jour, Mr. Brown a décidé d'emmener tout le monde au théâtre pour un déjeuner, et il a réservé une boîte, pour qu'il puisse tous les ramener.
00:15Paddington n'avait jamais été au théâtre avant, et il a senti l'air excité, en s'appuyant sur les autres.
00:21Il sentait un bon vent, et tout le monde semblait très amiable et aidant.
00:26Would you like a program, sir?
00:28Yes, please, said Paddington. I'll have six, if I may.
00:32Thank you, sir. And will you be having coffee in the interval?
00:36Paddington licked his lips.
00:37Yes, please, he announced. I'll have six of those, too.
00:41Very good, sir. That'll be five pounds.
00:43Five pounds? Help!
00:47Oh, dear Paddington, I think you've lost your marmalade sandwich. Look.
00:53Must you bring sandwiches to the theatre? asked Mr. Brown. You've only just had supper.
00:59It's all right, Mr. Brown. I've got some more in my suitcase.
01:03That, said Mr. Brown, is not what I meant.
01:07But Mr. Brown's words went unheeded as the curtain rose, and they settled back to enjoy the show.
01:13The evening was a tribute to Cécile Blum, the famous actor, who was performing pieces from his repertoire.
01:21The first item on the program was a piece of Victorian melodrama in which he played the villain.
01:26As far as Paddington could make out, the luckless heroine seemed to spend most of her time either tied to a railway line,
01:32in the face of the 620 from Euston, or about to part company with herself in the local sawmill.
01:41He gave Cécile several hard stares through his opera classes.
01:45But either he was too far away, or something happened as they passed through the lens, for they had little or no effect.
01:51Cécile was adamant, and despite the snow, and the pleas from the heroine,
01:56it was clear from the expression on his face, as the curtain came down, that he felt he had won the day.
02:02Oh dear, said Mrs. Brown, I do hope the second half is a bit more cheerful.
02:07I hope he's a bit better at remembering his lines, said Mr. Brown.
02:11He was making half of that up.
02:13It's readings from Shakespeare next.
02:15He's a famous playwright.
02:18Oh gosh, where's Paddington got to?
02:21Perhaps he's gone to an ice cream, said Jonathan.
02:24Perhaps, said Mrs. Bird, and then again, perhaps not.
02:29Knowing that bear, it's anyone's guess where he might be.
02:32Cécile Bloom looked at Paddington in amazement.
02:35Would you mind repeating that bear, he boomed.
02:40I've come to tell you to take back your daughter, exclaimed Paddington.
02:44It's snowing hard, and she hasn't got a duffel coat.
02:47If you like, I expect Mr. and Mrs. Brown would take her in.
02:50I expect...
02:53Having delivered his ultimatum, Paddington waited for the storm to break.
02:56But to his surprise, Cécile, who had been looking very gloomy until then, suddenly brightened.
03:01My dear bear, this is the nicest thing that's happened to me in years.
03:07The fact that you actually believe what you've just seen.
03:10To tell you the truth, I've been having a little trouble with my lines.
03:14The prompter's been taken ill, and I suppose you wouldn't like to do me a favor, would you?
03:22Mr. Brown gazed at the slip of paper the usherette had given him.
03:26I have been given a very important job, signed Paddington.
03:31What can it mean?
03:34But the Browns didn't have long to wait for an answer.
03:36As the curtain went up, Cécile began his famous recital from Hamlet.
03:41To be...
03:45Or not to be, Cécile, told Paddington.
03:48Thank you, bear.
03:50To be or not to be, Cécile, that is the question.
03:57No, it isn't, whispered Mr. Brown.
04:00The question is, how does Paddington get away with it?
04:03That, said Mrs. Bird, is something even Shakespeare would find hard to answer.
