Isaiah Rodgers on what he missed during his suspension, and how he stayed ready
00:00 >> I say just being away from a locker room, that brotherhood feeling and
00:05 just understanding that I made a mistake and I did my time.
00:08 And just being back around a great team and a great culture of guys and
00:12 just finally getting that locker room environment back into my heart.
00:15 It feels real good.
00:16 >> Can you explain why the league initially this offseason allowed certain
00:20 guys to come back that had similar transgressions and
00:23 yours took a little bit longer?
00:25 >> I think mine was because of the actions that was towards mine.
00:29 I think a lot of people only did certain things, so
00:32 their punishment wasn't as strong as mine.
00:33 So I think that's why a lot of guys were able to come back.
00:36 >> Isaiah, it doesn't look like you've missed the beat, really.
00:38 You've come in and made an impact these first two OTAs that we've seen.
00:42 How have you been able to kind of, what did you do during this time away?
00:45 How were you able to kind of keep from getting rusty, I guess?
00:48 >> Well, I just kept my schedule as if I was still playing.
00:51 Sundays, I use it like a game day, so I do cardio and things like that.
00:55 I take Tuesdays off as if I was still playing.
00:57 So I kinda still stay with the NFL schedule and just continue to work and
01:01 just prepare for these moments.
01:02 >> Did your time away shift?